For what it's worth, I changed my Nausicaan's title from "Disintegrated" to "Disenchanted"
As a joke, mind you, but I'm sure some posters who read this post will think it's because I hate X, Y or Z and will tell to me to just quit already and what not.
I understand that you're unhappy right now. However, all I can do, is continue to reassure you that we are working to improve the KDF faction side of the game. This is going to take time for you to see the fruits of what has been started on just recently.
All these ships, and costume packs, have been in development for some time here in the office. I've been staring at screens of the new and improved Gorn models (Not the ships) for a couple months now, and they look great!
I've seen the same screen of the Gorn ship that you have, and I've also seen a screen of the new Orion ship. However, art is only a part of the process. More work needs to be done on those vessels before you can fly them. It's going to take time for us to release good, quality improvements to the KDF, and I think once we start releasing them, you'll enjoy what the team is making.
I also understand why you feel that the moderation has been "heavy handed". I moderate based on what I see, and what I read. Our rules are clearly posted at the top of every thread listing. I asked, repeatedly, several times, for players to calm down before they crossed the lines. The players who are on vacations right now, chose to not listen to those pleas, and to cross those lines.
My PM box is always open to you guys. If you have questions about how, or why something gets moderated, you can PM me, but we can't discuss it in public, as that is against the Forum Rules, which even I need to follow.
One final note, these forums are not ignored. Just because we aren't posting doesn't mean we aren't reading. It may simply mean that we don't have anything to say at the time.
You know, Stormshade, you could just give us cheesecake. The war has kind of cut off our supply on the KDF side. If you really want to know why we are irritable, that is why.
So.... cheesecake, please. Bring enough to share with the whole KDF.
I understand that you're unhappy right now. However, all I can do, is continue to reassure you that we are working to improve the KDF faction side of the game. This is going to take time for you to see the fruits of what has been started on just recently.
All these ships, and costume packs, have been in development for some time here in the office. I've been staring at screens of the new and improved Gorn models (Not the ships) for a couple months now, and they look great!
I've seen the same screen of the Gorn ship that you have, and I've also seen a screen of the new Orion ship. However, art is only a part of the process. More work needs to be done on those vessels before you can fly them. It's going to take time for us to release good, quality improvements to the KDF, and I think once we start releasing them, you'll enjoy what the team is making.
I also understand why you feel that the moderation has been "heavy handed". I moderate based on what I see, and what I read. Our rules are clearly posted at the top of every thread listing. I asked, repeatedly, several times, for players to calm down before they crossed the lines. The players who are on vacations right now, chose to not listen to those pleas, and to cross those lines.
My PM box is always open to you guys. If you have questions about how, or why something gets moderated, you can PM me, but we can't discuss it in public, as that is against the Forum Rules, which even I need to follow.
One final note, these forums are not ignored. Just because we aren't posting doesn't mean we aren't reading. It may simply mean that we don't have anything to say at the time.
Hats off to Stormy for reiterating, yet again, this message of good news and patience. I wonder though, do their cries make your blood sing? Do you hear the call of battle? When the Feds whine and cry and call me names, question my parentage, and allude to the possibility of a predilection for abnormal gender preferences I just uncloak and blow up their ships. So here's a little invitation for you to come fly with me sometime and blow off some steam. Wait a sec...these are Klinks who are QQing...oh how the mighty have fallen.
Prepare to be disappointed. SWTOR might have voice overs and zones but it too will be lacking in unique non repetitive content and will consist of some form of typical end game grind to make up for lack of imaginative minds working on content.
Come back to STO in 2 years... Thats about how long they will need to fix alot of the existing problems unless the dev team multiplies.
Yes yes, TOR is definitely not an option as it is being developed by a fly-by-night company, based off some kind of film from the 70s. They are only making the game to be played on a 2d monitor and that network thing called the internet.
I understand that you're unhappy right now. However, all I can do, is continue to reassure you that we are working to improve the KDF faction side of the game. This is going to take time for you to see the fruits of what has been started on just recently.
All these ships, and costume packs, have been in development for some time here in the office. I've been staring at screens of the new and improved Gorn models (Not the ships) for a couple months now, and they look great!
I've seen the same screen of the Gorn ship that you have, and I've also seen a screen of the new Orion ship. However, art is only a part of the process. More work needs to be done on those vessels before you can fly them. It's going to take time for us to release good, quality improvements to the KDF, and I think once we start releasing them, you'll enjoy what the team is making.
I also understand why you feel that the moderation has been "heavy handed". I moderate based on what I see, and what I read. Our rules are clearly posted at the top of every thread listing. I asked, repeatedly, several times, for players to calm down before they crossed the lines. The players who are on vacations right now, chose to not listen to those pleas, and to cross those lines.
My PM box is always open to you guys. If you have questions about how, or why something gets moderated, you can PM me, but we can't discuss it in public, as that is against the Forum Rules, which even I need to follow.
One final note, these forums are not ignored. Just because we aren't posting doesn't mean we aren't reading. It may simply mean that we don't have anything to say at the time.
Lots of good stuff in this post.
Let's not get this thread shut down now, by turning it into a huge discussion about The Old Republic. (Referring to the posts that came after the quoted post above, it's late, and that might not be all that clear in what I wrote).
Let's not get this thread shut down now, by turning it into a huge discussion about The Old Republic. (Referring to the posts that came after the quoted post above, it's late, and that might not be all that clear in what I wrote).
Personally, I thought Stormy's post was full of a great nothing, as always, more blah blah blah about patience at the same time BAM! a new fed item comes out.... Good job walking the walk there....
"Can't get a veteran jacket? Well who cares, now you can get a merc.... oh wait you play KDF? LOL my bad..."
Sadly I have to agree here . It once again aks us for patience, while the Federation is discussing about their Nebula configurations and get screenies.
All these ships, and costume packs, have been in development for some time here in the office. I've been staring at screens of the new and improved Gorn models (Not the ships) for a couple months now, and they look great!
Very excited to hear this. Can't wait for the new stuff to start flowing in. Keep going! ( can we get some teasers )
As for SW:ToR, like WoW, it has nothing to do with this game. Though I have been a fan of both SW and Trek (and will more than likely pick up ToR as well) I will not put STO aside. I prefer the Klingon side and love what has been brought out so far. I admit though that I would love to see more Klingon content sooner than later.
And I have to say that I am pleased that there is more posting by the devs recently, A few words now and then goes a long way.
The Nebula and Excelsior are the results of an old poll (6+ months old?) and we have knew that the Merc outfit has been in the works 2-3 months.
The work on those items started long before dStahl took over the bridge after Craig quit.
From what I read in the post that StormShade made, they have moved nearly everyone over to work on the KDF so it looks like dStahl has ordered the helm to set course for KDF territory.
From what I read in the post that StormShade made, they have moved nearly everyone over to work on the KDF so it looks like dStahl has ordered the helm to set course for KDF territory.
Already read that, at no point does it say anything you claim in your above post. So where did you get this notion they moved everyone over to KDF content?
The Nebula and Excelsior are the results of an old poll (6+ months old?) and we have knew that the Merc outfit has been in the works 2-3 months.
The work on those items started long before dStahl took over the bridge after Craig quit.
From what I read in the post that StormShade made, they have moved nearly everyone over to work on the KDF so it looks like dStahl has ordered the helm to set course for KDF territory.
This is what you wrote.... The red is bogus...
Funny fact, when someone argues something was in production due to a poll months back, remember, that the KDF stuff was promised SINCE BETA... so I could care less if there poll is 2-4 months old, bottom line, they were messing with Fed TRIBBLE when they were suppose to be fixing Klingon stuff.
From that post if you read it, you will see that they are re-modeling the Gorn character, Gorn and Orion ships, uniforms and from other posts around the forum we also know that they are re-modeling all the existing KDF ships...if that doesn't need nearly the entire team to work on that, then what does?
I got it that way that he is asking for much more patience before we see any Klingon stuff, like all the oher Devs who stopped by during the last 9 months. They asked us for more time and promised new cool stuff, but nothing happened while the Feds got retrofits and the Excelsiors. Heck, the feds sas the ships before release in screenshots, videos or even already in game on tribble as dummy ships near Starbase 1.
I got the stance that I don't believe the devs anylonger for Klingon content before I see hard evidence that there will be something coming. By now I saw one screeny of a Gorn ship somewhere, that's it. The Feds are already crying out for a retrofit Akira, Nova , a new T5 science ship and more cruisers.
From that post if you read it, you will see that they are re-modeling the Gorn character, Gorn and Orion ships, uniforms and from other posts around the forum we also know that they are re-modeling all the existing KDF ships...if that doesn't need nearly the entire team to work on that, then what does?
Go back and re-read all your "evidence", your making assumptions and trying to put a spin on another plea from Stormy which is really just the same PR we have been hearing for months. Come back with evidence next time you try to pass off assumptions as facts. Hell, read DStahls posts from a few days ago, he counters your whole claim here FYI...
first off all will all the none kdf players and fed loveboys batty batty please bugger off to there own forums. second the just recent irritates more pople then you realise, we dont want to hear just reacent, we want to hear what you have been doing since beta for the kdf.
all we hear is this gets pushed back, that gets pushed back, please be patient we have this coming for you, ow wait hold on its gonna be here next month, ow wait again its coming the month after, this patch is gonna be real big on kdf things, the c-store is nothing todo with us we cant change that, the ship team cant make ships over night, hey guy what you know the ship team pumped out 3 ships in one night amazing aye (feds). and my fav off all time, well its a technical issue that for some reason even though we designed the whole game (aparently) cannot seem to get around, what is that you say you chars models are run on the same software you say and aliens on fed side can wear all purchasable uniforms and stuff, of well thats the magic of blue.
what we want is actions, not words, not promises, not a thing apart from solid things ingame, c-store sorting out or the people running c-store seriously punching in the face.
ow an just so you know we are in need of more stuff then polisihing, we need things and then polish it hows that sound.
we dont need re asuring, we dont even want our hands holding while some feds are asking for even more refits right now when they already have 3 out and 2 new varients. just put in the note post that dstahl is making with whats coming in, when its coming in and keep your word on that.
I understand that you're unhappy right now. However, all I can do, is continue to reassure you that we are working to improve the KDF faction side of the game. This is going to take time for you to see the fruits of what has been started on just recently.
All these ships, and costume packs, have been in development for some time here in the office. I've been staring at screens of the new and improved Gorn models (Not the ships) for a couple months now, and they look great!
I've seen the same screen of the Gorn ship that you have, and I've also seen a screen of the new Orion ship. However, art is only a part of the process. More work needs to be done on those vessels before you can fly them. It's going to take time for us to release good, quality improvements to the KDF, and I think once we start releasing them, you'll enjoy what the team is making.
I also understand why you feel that the moderation has been "heavy handed". I moderate based on what I see, and what I read. Our rules are clearly posted at the top of every thread listing. I asked, repeatedly, several times, for players to calm down before they crossed the lines. The players who are on vacations right now, chose to not listen to those pleas, and to cross those lines.
My PM box is always open to you guys. If you have questions about how, or why something gets moderated, you can PM me, but we can't discuss it in public, as that is against the Forum Rules, which even I need to follow.
One final note, these forums are not ignored. Just because we aren't posting doesn't mean we aren't reading. It may simply mean that we don't have anything to say at the time.
By saying that the ships need more work are we meaning that you finally got the CBS liscensing that you were speaking know, the one you stated (when the excelsior came out) forced the delay in KDF ships? I sure HOPE for everybody's sake you keep to your new promise to getting the ships out to us by 10 October...After all finally finished all of the other fed ships as of then....
I wonder....why are we JUST NOW starting work on many Klingon things? I have seen people talking about the lack of veteran rewards for the klingon side. I have seen multiple people talk about the need for more than one instance of Azlesa it is when most Klingons try to get anomalies, we have to spawn camp them, or go running across the sector space to get a viable anomaly...It's NOTHING like B'trans.
I am seeing that the devs are beginning to take these forums and look at them with more frequency, so I would like to see if someone would be willing to say if the ships are still on for 10 October......As we have had another deadline that has been moved back, I won't hold my breath....but if they are delivered on time and are actually a pleasure to fly (NOT like the Kar'Fi...), I will be pleasantly surprised.
I've been staring at screens of the new and improved Gorn models (Not the ships) for a couple months now, and they look great!
I've seen the same screen of the Gorn ship that you have, and I've also seen a screen of the new Orion ship.
Hi Stormshade,
Is there any chance that we can see some teaser screenies of these after they are CBS-approved?
A redesign for the remote contact system to improve the way you get missions.
In the future we hope to make:
More new ships for the KDF
New PvP Maps
A new "Territory Control" PvP game
More Klingon Specific Episodes
I wouldn't say that this list is small, and most of this can be found just by going back through the Engineering Reports.
However, again, I must stress that this all takes time. It takes time to make it, to test it, to improve upon it, and then test it some more. I know you all want, and need more content, but rushing any of this out will not make things better.
Too be honest we where promised to be equal with the Feds on the 45 day patch.
If you would have listened to the feedback by EVERYONE that said over and over again to not have the Klingons at war with the Feds so that the Klingons could use the same pve content as te Feds 90% of this could have been solved. Pvp wouldn't need to be "too the death" but "practice". Looks and feels the sane but less calories.
No need to backtrack.
In the future "if" the Klingons could get enough support you could start the war.
I mean really? No gorn system? A war with romulans but can't get to there territory.
Stf's? No kdf interest in them.
"it is coming" is a long song.
My flying car has been in "it is coming" mode for generations
good to know they're working hard on the klingon issue *sad face*
oh well, at least it's cstore centric, good enough for everyone to be po'd about
As a joke, mind you, but I'm sure some posters who read this post will think it's because I hate X, Y or Z and will tell to me to just quit already and what not.
I understand that you're unhappy right now. However, all I can do, is continue to reassure you that we are working to improve the KDF faction side of the game. This is going to take time for you to see the fruits of what has been started on just recently.
All these ships, and costume packs, have been in development for some time here in the office. I've been staring at screens of the new and improved Gorn models (Not the ships) for a couple months now, and they look great!
I've seen the same screen of the Gorn ship that you have, and I've also seen a screen of the new Orion ship. However, art is only a part of the process. More work needs to be done on those vessels before you can fly them. It's going to take time for us to release good, quality improvements to the KDF, and I think once we start releasing them, you'll enjoy what the team is making.
I also understand why you feel that the moderation has been "heavy handed". I moderate based on what I see, and what I read. Our rules are clearly posted at the top of every thread listing. I asked, repeatedly, several times, for players to calm down before they crossed the lines. The players who are on vacations right now, chose to not listen to those pleas, and to cross those lines.
My PM box is always open to you guys. If you have questions about how, or why something gets moderated, you can PM me, but we can't discuss it in public, as that is against the Forum Rules, which even I need to follow.
One final note, these forums are not ignored. Just because we aren't posting doesn't mean we aren't reading. It may simply mean that we don't have anything to say at the time.
So.... cheesecake, please. Bring enough to share with the whole KDF.
Hats off to Stormy for reiterating, yet again, this message of good news and patience. I wonder though, do their cries make your blood sing? Do you hear the call of battle? When the Feds whine and cry and call me names, question my parentage, and allude to the possibility of a predilection for abnormal gender preferences I just uncloak and blow up their ships. So here's a little invitation for you to come fly with me sometime and blow off some steam. Wait a sec...these are Klinks who are QQing...oh how the mighty have fallen.
Prepare to be disappointed. SWTOR might have voice overs and zones but it too will be lacking in unique non repetitive content and will consist of some form of typical end game grind to make up for lack of imaginative minds working on content.
Come back to STO in 2 years... Thats about how long they will need to fix alot of the existing problems unless the dev team multiplies.
It'll never take off.
Lots of good stuff in this post.
Let's not get this thread shut down now, by turning it into a huge discussion about The Old Republic. (Referring to the posts that came after the quoted post above, it's late, and that might not be all that clear in what I wrote).
Personally, I thought Stormy's post was full of a great nothing, as always, more blah blah blah about patience at the same time BAM! a new fed item comes out.... Good job walking the walk there....
"Can't get a veteran jacket? Well who cares, now you can get a merc.... oh wait you play KDF? LOL my bad..."
Very excited to hear this. Can't wait for the new stuff to start flowing in. Keep going! ( can we get some teasers )
As for SW:ToR, like WoW, it has nothing to do with this game. Though I have been a fan of both SW and Trek (and will more than likely pick up ToR as well) I will not put STO aside. I prefer the Klingon side and love what has been brought out so far. I admit though that I would love to see more Klingon content sooner than later.
And I have to say that I am pleased that there is more posting by the devs recently, A few words now and then goes a long way.
The work on those items started long before dStahl took over the bridge after Craig quit.
From what I read in the post that StormShade made, they have moved nearly everyone over to work on the KDF so it looks like dStahl has ordered the helm to set course for KDF territory.
link please ?
You must be blind...Someone quoted that post in the 1st post of this page and the original post was made on the previous page, but I will give you a direct link to it:
Already read that, at no point does it say anything you claim in your above post. So where did you get this notion they moved everyone over to KDF content?
This is what you wrote.... The red is bogus...
Funny fact, when someone argues something was in production due to a poll months back, remember, that the KDF stuff was promised SINCE BETA... so I could care less if there poll is 2-4 months old, bottom line, they were messing with Fed TRIBBLE when they were suppose to be fixing Klingon stuff.
I got the stance that I don't believe the devs anylonger for Klingon content before I see hard evidence that there will be something coming. By now I saw one screeny of a Gorn ship somewhere, that's it. The Feds are already crying out for a retrofit Akira, Nova , a new T5 science ship and more cruisers.
Go back and re-read all your "evidence", your making assumptions and trying to put a spin on another plea from Stormy which is really just the same PR we have been hearing for months. Come back with evidence next time you try to pass off assumptions as facts. Hell, read DStahls posts from a few days ago, he counters your whole claim here FYI...
all we hear is this gets pushed back, that gets pushed back, please be patient we have this coming for you, ow wait hold on its gonna be here next month, ow wait again its coming the month after, this patch is gonna be real big on kdf things, the c-store is nothing todo with us we cant change that, the ship team cant make ships over night, hey guy what you know the ship team pumped out 3 ships in one night amazing aye (feds). and my fav off all time, well its a technical issue that for some reason even though we designed the whole game (aparently) cannot seem to get around, what is that you say you chars models are run on the same software you say and aliens on fed side can wear all purchasable uniforms and stuff, of well thats the magic of blue.
what we want is actions, not words, not promises, not a thing apart from solid things ingame, c-store sorting out or the people running c-store seriously punching in the face.
ow an just so you know we are in need of more stuff then polisihing, we need things and then polish it hows that sound.
we dont need re asuring, we dont even want our hands holding while some feds are asking for even more refits right now when they already have 3 out and 2 new varients. just put in the note post that dstahl is making with whats coming in, when its coming in and keep your word on that.
By saying that the ships need more work are we meaning that you finally got the CBS liscensing that you were speaking know, the one you stated (when the excelsior came out) forced the delay in KDF ships? I sure HOPE for everybody's sake you keep to your new promise to getting the ships out to us by 10 October...After all finally finished all of the other fed ships as of then....
I wonder....why are we JUST NOW starting work on many Klingon things? I have seen people talking about the lack of veteran rewards for the klingon side. I have seen multiple people talk about the need for more than one instance of Azlesa it is when most Klingons try to get anomalies, we have to spawn camp them, or go running across the sector space to get a viable anomaly...It's NOTHING like B'trans.
I am seeing that the devs are beginning to take these forums and look at them with more frequency, so I would like to see if someone would be willing to say if the ships are still on for 10 October......As we have had another deadline that has been moved back, I won't hold my breath....but if they are delivered on time and are actually a pleasure to fly (NOT like the Kar'Fi...), I will be pleasantly surprised.
Great.....(rolls eyes).....there he goes again with his "Gorn TRIBBLE!"
Hi Stormshade,
Is there any chance that we can see some teaser screenies of these after they are CBS-approved?
It would certainly go a long way to soothing the threadbare patience of myself and others.
Since beta, we've added:
We're working right now, on:
In the future we hope to make:
I wouldn't say that this list is small, and most of this can be found just by going back through the Engineering Reports.
However, again, I must stress that this all takes time. It takes time to make it, to test it, to improve upon it, and then test it some more. I know you all want, and need more content, but rushing any of this out will not make things better.
But any word when the Episode Replay might go live? And what of the K'Vort?
If you would have listened to the feedback by EVERYONE that said over and over again to not have the Klingons at war with the Feds so that the Klingons could use the same pve content as te Feds 90% of this could have been solved. Pvp wouldn't need to be "too the death" but "practice". Looks and feels the sane but less calories.
No need to backtrack.
In the future "if" the Klingons could get enough support you could start the war.
I mean really? No gorn system? A war with romulans but can't get to there territory.
Stf's? No kdf interest in them.
"it is coming" is a long song.
My flying car has been in "it is coming" mode for generations