TOS - Nurse Chapel. Utterly pointless and annoying character who's sole purpose seemed to be to play the stupid girl so that the men would look good. Equality indeed.
TNG - Wesley. Gene Roddenberry's Mary Sue self-insertion fantasy gone horribly wrong.
DS9 - Rom. I hate Rom. An insipid, hideous little idiot with an annoying voice, annoying personality and annoying everything. And Leeta fell for this repulsive troll? She's clairvoyant and knew he'd one day be the Grand Nagus. It's the only explanation.
VOY - Neelix. It would be Janeway due to her psychosis, but Neelix makes me want to lob beer cans at the
screen whenever he's present. Clearly only brought aboard by Janeway because she really hates her crew.
ENT - Johnathan Archer. For being crazier than a Japanese game show. Who thought it was a good idea to give this crazy, paranoid, racist hobo a starship?
Enterprise- Charles "Trip" Tucker (he makes all humans look like racists), Hoshi Sato (annoying)
TOS- Nurse Christine Chapel (we know how she got her part, not on the meritts of her acting thats for sure),
Harry Mudd (if their ever was a bases for the entire Ferengi race.)
TNG- Lwaxana Troi (really annoying), Dr. Catherine Pulaski (stuck up like a 20th century doctor)
DS9-Kai Winn (evil), Garrick the Cardassian tailor/ Quark (spineless characters that are were self serving spys), Jake Sisko (always in the way)
Yeah it's Kai Winn for me too. There was a thread similar to this a long time ago where I expressed my opinion on that matter.
I actually liked the majority of the cast of Voyager. While the actual plot was often ridiculous and Janeway almost schizophrenic, the characters around her were....well, actual characters. Paris started off as a typical smarmy TRIBBLE, actually ended up being a surprisingly moral and decent guy, and got to actually show it instead of being an 'informed character trait'. Harry Kim I actually did like, against everyone elses opinion, but I guess it doesn't count because the only guys I fancy are soft, squishy sensitive types....Harry Kims really. Tuvok was brilliant. I've spoken before about how Vulcans clearly aren't emotionless, they have a personality under that repression which still defines who they are, and it's fun seeing the tiny flashes of it. Tuvok was almost English in his sarcasm and dry wit. The Doctor is, of course, legendary, end of. Neelix didn't anger me as much as everyone else, he was basically the eccentric alien cook, can't really get mad about him. B'Elanna I hated though. At the point where she reprogrammed the Doctor to perform dubious genetic surgery on her unborn child (which no-one made a real fuss about! It's GOD DAMN MIND CONTROL!), I wanted this quite clearly hugely mentally disturbed loon to get what should have been coming to her. Kes was cute...maybe too cute for most people I guess, she's almost Mary Sue-ish in her kind, gentle perfection being shoved in your face.
In general I think people hating the characters of Voyager so vigorously is just backlash against the show as a whole being pretty sucky. Quite alot of the cast were a damn sight better than many on the other Star Treks.
I'd agree with picardalpha2clearance - Trip for ENT.
Personally, I hated Tom Paris in VOY. "Warp drive is offline" Or "Warp drive has gone offline" was almost as common as the credits.
I don't think Wesley was too bad. Shame the clothing was hideous (or however you spell it).
Jake Sisko's outfits were worse. If not the worst ever. There were a lot aliens with ridicolous clothes or hair, but whenever Jake Sisko appeared with these horrible combinations of colors and patterns from several different LSD trips, my eyes began to bleed.
Jake Sisko's outfits were worse. If not the worst ever. There were a lot aliens with ridicolous clothes or hair, but whenever Jake Sisko appeared with these horrible combinations of colors and patterns from several different LSD trips, my eyes began to bleed.
Ahh, but I've watched so little DS9. And even then, Jake-o is only on for a few minutes.
Jake Sisko's outfits were worse. If not the worst ever. There were a lot aliens with ridicolous clothes or hair, but whenever Jake Sisko appeared with these horrible combinations of colors and patterns from several different LSD trips, my eyes began to bleed.
I think most of the non-humans had terrible off-duty type clothes on the DS9 series. Fashion on the station was heavily influenced by the Bajorans. Which is why I saw EricaJ with a flamethrower in her hand look over her shoulder and shout at me, "Its BBQ time!!" and took off for the clothing shops.
TOS - Hate to say it, but I have to say Yeoman Janice Rand. Chapel is a close second, but at least she had a real function onboard. Rand was just really supposed to be eye-candy. Her scenes could have easily been done with extras and no real loss to the stories involved.
TNG - While a toss up between three characters, only one made the cut. Wesley Crusher...way too annoying; Pulaski...tried too hard to be McCoy; and lastly Reginald Barclay...his stories seemed like they were geared for an older Wesley. Ultimately I chose Wesley. Barclay's parts did become more interesting, Pulaski left when it was realized that it wasn't working; Wesley just kept gettting more and more annoying.
DS9 - Probably going to get flak for this one. While Jake Sisko is a close second, I have to reveal that I never warmed up to the character of Kira.
VGR - Easily Harry Kim. Yes he was fresh from the Academy, but he didn't really evolve.
ENT - Never watched the show regularly to have an opinion. I think I watched maybe a dozen episodes total.
TOS - Hate to say it, but I have to say Yeoman Janice Rand. Chapel is a close second, but at least she had a real function onboard. Rand was just really supposed to be eye-candy. Her scenes could have easily been done with extras and no real loss to the stories involved.
TNG - While a toss up between three characters, only one made the cut. Wesley Crusher...way too annoying; Pulaski...tried too hard to be McCoy; and lastly Reginald Barclay...his stories seemed like they were geared for an older Wesley. Ultimately I chose Wesley. Barclay's parts did become more interesting, Pulaski left when it was realized that it wasn't working; Wesley just kept gettting more and more annoying.
DS9 - Probably going to get flak for this one. While Jake Sisko is a close second, I have to reveal that I never warmed up to the character of Kira.
VGR - Easily Harry Kim. Yes he was fresh from the Academy, but he didn't really evolve.
ENT - Never watched the show regularly to have an opinion. I think I watched maybe a dozen episodes total.
Hey, whaddya mean the yeoman had no function aboard? That's a load of TRIBBLE and you know it. :rolleyes:
But I find it interesting that Nurse Chapel was on your list for TOS, but Lwaxana Troi wasn't on your list for TNG or DS9. :rolleyes:
Not many of the characters got under my skin that much. I don't count ones that you were "supposed" to hate (like Kai Winn).
I never liked Dr. Pulaski's character. I was initially excited that Diana Muldaur (a TOS veteran) was added to the cast. She seemed to fight with everyone or at least rub everyone the wrong way.
An earlier poster said they were trying to create a "McCoy-Spock" dynamic with her and Data. Instead she came off as an insensitive bullying presence. Being mean to Data always came off as vaguely racist at worst and kicking a puppy at best.
She just never fit in. I'm going to assume it was the writing (since I do think Diana Muldaur is a good actress) and a major miscalculation.
I think most of the non-humans had terrible off-duty type clothes on the DS9 series. Fashion on the station was heavily influenced by the Bajorans. Which is why I saw EricaJ with a flamethrower in her hand look over her shoulder and shout at me, "Its BBQ time!!" and took off for the clothing shops.
Hell, yes. Why is there no own topic for bashing bajoran clothes? Whenever Kira took her jacket off and that white THING as a top, I thought it looked like my grandma's underwear.
Hell, yes. Why is there no own topic for bashing bajoran clothes? Whenever Kira took her jacket off and that white THING as a top, I thought it looked like my grandma's underwear.
Gotta give the Ferengi credit, though, for being some pretty snappy dressers.
With the obvious exception of Brunt.
Those little doohickies hangin' off all his clothes ticked me off.
And I happen to agree with your assessment of Bajoran clothes - AND uniforms. I honestly found myself wishing (before I knew the outcome of DS9) that Bajor would join the Federation just so they could get rid of those horrible uniforms.
Most of the characters I liked. I'm pretty patient person so hardly anything tends to tick me off. Although when it does i'm like a nuclear explosion going off O_O. Alot of the time that will be when you see stupid people talking on TV or if im watching sport. :rolleyes:
My fave Characters are General Martok, Garak and Roms wife even if she is a Bajoran :eek: I just love her voice -_-
I love the episode where they try to rescue Quarks mother from Terok Nor and on Voyager the way Turok has to put up with Neelix calling him Mr Vulcan. Also the relationship between Quark and Odo keeps me peeled to the TV, they both hate yet respect each other.
But as for hate, it's a very strong word but I'd have to choose Jake Sisko. He's turned very whiny as he's gotten older.
Gotta give the Ferengi credit, though, for being some pretty snappy dressers.
With the obvious exception of Brunt.
Those little doohickies hangin' off all his clothes ticked me off.
And I happen to agree with your assessment of Bajoran clothes - AND uniforms. I honestly found myself wishing (before I knew the outcome of DS9) that Bajor would join the Federation just so they could get rid of those horrible uniforms.
I agree. I prefer Brunt without clothes, too.
Ok, that doesn't belong here. But some of my fave costumes would be the ultra-long tailcoat (Chairman Nilva) and the oriental robes (Arridor and Kol).
I'm all but a fan of Starfleet uniforms, simply because all those aliens and mirror universe and people in the past are right: It looks like pajamas compared to other uniforms. Cardassian uniforms are simple, too, but I like them. However, the species with the worst taste in fashion has to be the Breen. If they had only made their suits anything but... the color of cornea.
Ok, that doesn't belong here. But some of my fave costumes would be the ultra-long tailcoat (Chairman Nilva) and the oriental robes (Arridor and Kol).
I'm all but a fan of Starfleet uniforms, simply because all those aliens and mirror universe and people in the past are right: It looks like pajamas compared to other uniforms. Cardassian uniforms are simple, too, but I like them. However, the species with the worst taste in fashion has to be the Breen. If they had only made their suits anything but... the color of cornea.
I agree when it comes to TNG and early DS9 uniforms, but I think the later DS9 and TNG movie uniforms were much less pajama-like, and I really like them.
However, I am and always will be a sucker for the WoK and on maroons.
I really don't like the Cardassian uniforms. They're more military than Starfleet uniforms, but they seem designed specifically to show off Cardassian necks.
But if you really want to hold a competition for worst military uniform, the winner would have to be the Romulans. I'm wondering if they were specifically trying to emulate an 80's women's business suit.
Now that's a good point. Romulan pointy shoulderpads are really bad. Maybe they used it as scare tactics to look like Madonna. There were versions that didn't bother me much, but when I think about it, it were always female Romulans. On guys, it always looked... wrong.
Cardassian uniforms, I see a point in making them show the neck. I assume it would be a bit uncomfortable to wear a tight human-neck-fitting collar.
Someone really really dressed like from a space flea market was Neelix. Color-wise, he was close to Ferengi. Problem: The Ferengi spread the colors and fancy patterns over 90+ episodes. Neelix wore all at once. The moment when I feared I'd get blind was when he wore that skintight suit... I forgot what episode, mission or occasion, I think Tom Paris was around in a equally awful diving suit, and I'm glad I don't remember.
Now that's a good point. Romulan pointy shoulderpads are really bad. Maybe they used it as scare tactics to look like Madonna. There were versions that didn't bother me much, but when I think about it, it were always female Romulans. On guys, it always looked... wrong.
We're going to be seeing a lot of those running around once the new faction comes into play.
Ensign Ro
Capt Sisko, hell most of Deep Sucks 9.
Worf's love child and later Worf.
Entire cast of Voyager.
So many poorly written, poorly acted characters. I can't list them all.
/sacrifices a Tasha Yar to the embodiment of bitterness, in hopes of appeasing it
DS9 and Voyager were good shows!
Oh yeah, that reminds me, I hated Tasha Yar, and felt nothing when she died.
Then they brought her back as a Romulan, and I expected her to be equally annoying, but she was actually pretty cool. Tried to blow everyone up and such.
TNG - Wesley. Gene Roddenberry's Mary Sue self-insertion fantasy gone horribly wrong.
DS9 - Rom. I hate Rom. An insipid, hideous little idiot with an annoying voice, annoying personality and annoying everything. And Leeta fell for this repulsive troll? She's clairvoyant and knew he'd one day be the Grand Nagus. It's the only explanation.
VOY - Neelix. It would be Janeway due to her psychosis, but Neelix makes me want to lob beer cans at the
screen whenever he's present. Clearly only brought aboard by Janeway because she really hates her crew.
ENT - Johnathan Archer. For being crazier than a Japanese game show. Who thought it was a good idea to give this crazy, paranoid, racist hobo a starship?
Or Grand Nagus Zex.
TOS- Nurse Christine Chapel (we know how she got her part, not on the meritts of her acting thats for sure),
Harry Mudd (if their ever was a bases for the entire Ferengi race.)
TNG- Lwaxana Troi (really annoying), Dr. Catherine Pulaski (stuck up like a 20th century doctor)
DS9-Kai Winn (evil), Garrick the Cardassian tailor/ Quark (spineless characters that are were self serving spys), Jake Sisko (always in the way)
Voyager- Neelix, Kes, (annoying extras) Katheryn Janeway ( I hate her Kathryn Hepburn portrayal and voice), B'Elanna Torres ( moody)
Personally, I hated Tom Paris in VOY. "Warp drive is offline" Or "Warp drive has gone offline" was almost as common as the credits.
I don't think Wesley was too bad. Shame the clothing was hideous (or however you spell it).
I actually liked the majority of the cast of Voyager. While the actual plot was often ridiculous and Janeway almost schizophrenic, the characters around her were....well, actual characters. Paris started off as a typical smarmy TRIBBLE, actually ended up being a surprisingly moral and decent guy, and got to actually show it instead of being an 'informed character trait'. Harry Kim I actually did like, against everyone elses opinion, but I guess it doesn't count because the only guys I fancy are soft, squishy sensitive types....Harry Kims really. Tuvok was brilliant. I've spoken before about how Vulcans clearly aren't emotionless, they have a personality under that repression which still defines who they are, and it's fun seeing the tiny flashes of it. Tuvok was almost English in his sarcasm and dry wit. The Doctor is, of course, legendary, end of. Neelix didn't anger me as much as everyone else, he was basically the eccentric alien cook, can't really get mad about him. B'Elanna I hated though. At the point where she reprogrammed the Doctor to perform dubious genetic surgery on her unborn child (which no-one made a real fuss about! It's GOD DAMN MIND CONTROL!), I wanted this quite clearly hugely mentally disturbed loon to get what should have been coming to her. Kes was cute...maybe too cute for most people I guess, she's almost Mary Sue-ish in her kind, gentle perfection being shoved in your face.
In general I think people hating the characters of Voyager so vigorously is just backlash against the show as a whole being pretty sucky. Quite alot of the cast were a damn sight better than many on the other Star Treks.
Jake Sisko's outfits were worse. If not the worst ever. There were a lot aliens with ridicolous clothes or hair, but whenever Jake Sisko appeared with these horrible combinations of colors and patterns from several different LSD trips, my eyes began to bleed.
Ahh, but I've watched so little DS9. And even then, Jake-o is only on for a few minutes.
I think most of the non-humans had terrible off-duty type clothes on the DS9 series. Fashion on the station was heavily influenced by the Bajorans. Which is why I saw EricaJ with a flamethrower in her hand look over her shoulder and shout at me, "Its BBQ time!!" and took off for the clothing shops.
Hideous is correct.
In both a spelling and fashion sense. :rolleyes:
(You can tell I have an awesome fashion sense just by looking at my avatar.)
TOS - Hate to say it, but I have to say Yeoman Janice Rand. Chapel is a close second, but at least she had a real function onboard. Rand was just really supposed to be eye-candy. Her scenes could have easily been done with extras and no real loss to the stories involved.
TNG - While a toss up between three characters, only one made the cut. Wesley Crusher...way too annoying; Pulaski...tried too hard to be McCoy; and lastly Reginald Barclay...his stories seemed like they were geared for an older Wesley. Ultimately I chose Wesley. Barclay's parts did become more interesting, Pulaski left when it was realized that it wasn't working; Wesley just kept gettting more and more annoying.
DS9 - Probably going to get flak for this one. While Jake Sisko is a close second, I have to reveal that I never warmed up to the character of Kira.
VGR - Easily Harry Kim. Yes he was fresh from the Academy, but he didn't really evolve.
ENT - Never watched the show regularly to have an opinion. I think I watched maybe a dozen episodes total.
Hey, whaddya mean the yeoman had no function aboard? That's a load of TRIBBLE and you know it. :rolleyes:
But I find it interesting that Nurse Chapel was on your list for TOS, but Lwaxana Troi wasn't on your list for TNG or DS9. :rolleyes:
To be completely honest, I forgot about Lwaxana....Wesley still wins though
I never liked Dr. Pulaski's character. I was initially excited that Diana Muldaur (a TOS veteran) was added to the cast. She seemed to fight with everyone or at least rub everyone the wrong way.
An earlier poster said they were trying to create a "McCoy-Spock" dynamic with her and Data. Instead she came off as an insensitive bullying presence. Being mean to Data always came off as vaguely racist at worst and kicking a puppy at best.
She just never fit in. I'm going to assume it was the writing (since I do think Diana Muldaur is a good actress) and a major miscalculation.
Hell, yes. Why is there no own topic for bashing bajoran clothes? Whenever Kira took her jacket off and that white THING as a top, I thought it looked like my grandma's underwear.
Gotta give the Ferengi credit, though, for being some pretty snappy dressers.
With the obvious exception of Brunt.
Those little doohickies hangin' off all his clothes ticked me off.
And I happen to agree with your assessment of Bajoran clothes - AND uniforms. I honestly found myself wishing (before I knew the outcome of DS9) that Bajor would join the Federation just so they could get rid of those horrible uniforms.
My fave Characters are General Martok, Garak and Roms wife even if she is a Bajoran :eek: I just love her voice -_-
I love the episode where they try to rescue Quarks mother from Terok Nor and on Voyager the way Turok has to put up with Neelix calling him Mr Vulcan. Also the relationship between Quark and Odo keeps me peeled to the TV, they both hate yet respect each other.
But as for hate, it's a very strong word but I'd have to choose Jake Sisko. He's turned very whiny as he's gotten older.
I agree. I prefer Brunt without clothes, too.
Ok, that doesn't belong here. But some of my fave costumes would be the ultra-long tailcoat (Chairman Nilva) and the oriental robes (Arridor and Kol).
I'm all but a fan of Starfleet uniforms, simply because all those aliens and mirror universe and people in the past are right: It looks like pajamas compared to other uniforms. Cardassian uniforms are simple, too, but I like them. However, the species with the worst taste in fashion has to be the Breen. If they had only made their suits anything but... the color of cornea.
I agree when it comes to TNG and early DS9 uniforms, but I think the later DS9 and TNG movie uniforms were much less pajama-like, and I really like them.
However, I am and always will be a sucker for the WoK and on maroons.
I really don't like the Cardassian uniforms. They're more military than Starfleet uniforms, but they seem designed specifically to show off Cardassian necks.
But if you really want to hold a competition for worst military uniform, the winner would have to be the Romulans. I'm wondering if they were specifically trying to emulate an 80's women's business suit.
Cardassian uniforms, I see a point in making them show the neck. I assume it would be a bit uncomfortable to wear a tight human-neck-fitting collar.
Someone really really dressed like from a space flea market was Neelix. Color-wise, he was close to Ferengi. Problem: The Ferengi spread the colors and fancy patterns over 90+ episodes. Neelix wore all at once. The moment when I feared I'd get blind was when he wore that skintight suit... I forgot what episode, mission or occasion, I think Tom Paris was around in a equally awful diving suit, and I'm glad I don't remember.
Captain Jellico from TNG episode "Chain of Command"
Commander Shelby from TNG episode "The Best of Both Worlds"
Most Hated Semi-Recurring Character:
Ensign Ro Laren from TNG
Most Hated Character(s):
Doctor Bashir
We're going to be seeing a lot of those running around once the new faction comes into play.
SHHH, you'll anger him!
Capt Sisko, hell most of Deep Sucks 9.
Worf's love child and later Worf.
Entire cast of Voyager.
So many poorly written, poorly acted characters. I can't list them all.
/sacrifices a Tasha Yar to the embodiment of bitterness, in hopes of appeasing it
DS9 and Voyager were good shows!
Oh yeah, that reminds me, I hated Tasha Yar, and felt nothing when she died.
Then they brought her back as a Romulan, and I expected her to be equally annoying, but she was actually pretty cool. Tried to blow everyone up and such.