And there's the guide to my custom Sierra-01 Uniform Variant.
I hope you're willing to convert said guide to your style, Black.
Currently I am working on two F2P variants based on uniforms seen in the F2P trailer. When I finish those I'll check this out in-game and see about adding it as a Fan Choice variant.
The new Odysee is out right now.
Do you have a Canon Shiphull and Window Pattern for this new Ship?
Thanks (-:
I am working on updating the Ships guide. The problem is that I don't own all of the new ships. However, as these are entirely new ships specific to the game, I would think that their default appearance settings should be considered canon. Still I will take a look at them and add them to the guide as soon as possible.
These have been added to the following sections to make them easier to reference. The F2P Variants have been added to the 25th Century Variants section under their own heading. The Vice Admiral Ceremonial Variant has been added to the 25th Century Uniforms section and the Jupiter Veteran Variant has been added to the Jupiter Uniforms section.
In addition the Voyager Mirror Universe Uniforms have also been updated.
These have been added to the following sections to make them easier to reference. The F2P Variants have been added to the 25th Century Variants section under their own heading. The Vice Admiral Ceremonial Variant has been added to the 25th Century Uniforms section and the Jupiter Veteran Variant has been added to the Jupiter Uniforms section.
In addition the Voyager Mirror Universe Uniforms have also been updated.
Hey there, Black. First off its good to hear from you and know your still out there. Secondly thanks for this latest update. Glad to see those uniforms from the F2P trailer are added to your guides.
Have a couple of questions for you regarding the first 5 F2P uniforms you've listed above. My first question is this - within the ST universe, on what sort of officer or section or what occasions or reasons do you envisage those uniforms being worn?
My second question is what inspired you to go with the Star Trek Generations combadge instead of the 25th century version? Was the Generations version actually used in the F2P trailer?
Blackavaar, I'm wondering if you know if there is any topic / imaged of MACO or high-end gear? I heard that if you got all items of (don't know which) Mk then you unlock new tailor option.
Maybe you know anything about it? Really appreciate!
Hey there, Black. First off its good to hear from you and know your still out there. Secondly thanks for this latest update. Glad to see those uniforms from the F2P trailer are added to your guides.
Have a couple of questions for you regarding the first 5 F2P uniforms you've listed above. My first question is this - within the ST universe, on what sort of officer or section or what occasions or reasons do you envisage those uniforms being worn?
My second question is what inspired you to go with the Star Trek Generations combadge instead of the 25th century version? Was the Generations version actually used in the F2P trailer?
Thanks for looking at those questions!
It seems to me that white is usually added to a uniform during more diplomatic missions, so I would envision the first set being worn for more peaceful exploration type missions. The Sierra 2 variants I would envision as being worn as a simple variant available to any crew that wears the Sierra 2 uniforms.
As the F2P 1 variants sort of look like an intermediate between the DS9 uniforms and the Destiny uniforms, I decided to use the last used badge on the DS9 uniforms. The AGT badge would work just as well and I would assume that depending on the captain some crews would wear that instead.
I'm glad you like them and I hope this answers your questions satisfactorily.
It seems to me that white is usually added to a uniform during more diplomatic missions, so I would envision the first set being worn for more peaceful exploration type missions. The Sierra 2 variants I would envision as being worn as a simple variant available to any crew that wears the Sierra 2 uniforms.
As the F2P 1 variants sort of look like an intermediate between the DS9 uniforms and the Destiny uniforms, I decided to use the last used badge on the DS9 uniforms. The AGT badge would work just as well and I would assume that depending on the captain some crews would wear that instead.
I'm glad you like them and I hope this answers your questions satisfactorily.
More to come.
Brilliant reasoning mate, just brilliant! That definitely holds water with me! Cheers for that! :cool:
I was wondering another thing, what bridge do you think represents the Enterprise-A out of the bridges in the game? I don't reaally think the TOS Connie fits...
I was wondering another thing, what bridge do you think represents the Enterprise-A out of the bridges in the game? I don't reaally think the TOS Connie fits...
Hey, Cutter! I'm glad you like them.
That's a tough one, because nothing in the game is really even close to matching the look of that set (hint hint, devs). I would probably use the Battle bridge, which is a standard bridge available to all Cruiser captains ranked Commander or above. The main reason being that the lighting is at least close to that seen in the films. It is actually one of the bridges I keep on one of my alts specifically for lighting tests with costumes. If the Battle bridge is not available for you yet I would suggest Classic instead.
That's a tough one, because nothing in the game is really even close to matching the look of that set (hint hint, devs). I would probably use the Battle bridge, which is a standard bridge available to all Cruiser captains ranked Commander or above. The main reason being that the lighting is at least close to that seen in the films. It is actually one of the bridges I keep on one of my alts specifically for lighting tests with costumes. If the Battle bridge is not available for you yet I would suggest Classic instead.
Ok thanks Blackavaar!
I will have to find that bridge, I should have it being a Vice Admiral...
This may have been mentioned already in the over 140 pages of this thread, but I find that grey H6 for TNG Film - Upper (shoulders) is more accurate than H8. H8 seems too light compared to the movies.
That could due to lighting ingame though. I just know that I personally find H6 more accurate.
This may have been mentioned already in the over 140 pages of this thread, but I find that grey H6 for TNG Film - Upper (shoulders) is more accurate than H8. H8 seems too light compared to the movies.
That could due to lighting ingame though. I just know that I personally find H6 more accurate.
It may look better in the Tailor screen, but remember, I tested all of these colors against the actual in-game lighting and I am confident that my choices are the best possible. Of course, you can always choose whatever color you wish. This is just a guide.
There is already a Bajoran Robes section in Canon Alien Uniforms guide. It has various color combos of the Vedek Robes as they were when they accidentally slipped through a while back. I just have to transpose those colors to the new finished versions. I'll get right on that.
The DS9/TNG Film Admiral uniforms will also be added to the guide soon.
Speaking of Bajoran robes, you can recreate the Prylar robes in DS9 with the existing (and free!) robes options. It's also relatively easy to test against actual in game models by running from the tailor to the Bajoran Temple. Just sayin'.
Of course, there's no hood options, so that's a bummer .
Speaking of Bajoran robes, you can recreate the Prylar robes in DS9 with the existing (and free!) robes options. It's also relatively easy to test against actual in game models by running from the tailor to the Bajoran Temple. Just sayin'.
Of course, there's no hood options, so that's a bummer .
There were Romulan NPCs wearing hoods in one of the featured episodes, so hopefully Cryptic will make them available someday.
It may look better in the Tailor screen, but remember, I tested all of these colors against the actual in-game lighting and I am confident that my choices are the best possible. Of course, you can always choose whatever color you wish. This is just a guide.
I used H8 and then watched the movie again, and in the movie the grey is darker.
You can see how much darker Picard's shoulders are. That's what made me go back and experiment ingame with the shade of grey. In the movie it's all darker, but the movie of course is not working with the ingame lighting we have to work with.
(this isn't criticism btw. I'm very appreciative of this thread and do use it! I use the TNG Series uniform though, because I'm a TNG series fan and the film uniform is way more inaccurate ingame.)
You can see how much darker Picard's shoulders are. That's what made me go back and experiment ingame with the shade of grey. In the movie it's all darker, but the movie of course is not working with the ingame lighting we have to work with.
(this isn't criticism btw. I'm very appreciative of this thread and do use it!)
Your screen shot, however, isn't the actual in-game lighting. If you go to different locations in the game, ships bridges, social locations, mission ground maps, etc. you'll find the lighting is very different than in the Tailor screen. I tested against pretty much any location lighting you could come across in-game and then compared them against similar scenes in the films. Trust me, it was quite extensive testing. I'm pretty sure my choice is the best possible for nearly any location in the game, excluding the Tailor screen.
And don't worry, I don't take these kind of observations personally, and I don't mind explaining my methods and reasoning for anything in this guide.
I did the same thing, and personally thought it was too light a shade. That's why when I saw the movie again a few days ago (First Contact) I noticed how much darker their uniforms were.
It's a lighting thing. Lighting in the movies is definitely not the same as ingame. What I should do is take some screenshots of my character wearing that uniform with H6 for comparison, maybe even H7.
Those are H8 above. The grey seems too light a shade to me. Maybe I'm the only one. What's interesting is how different the shades are outside vs inside. H6 looks a bit too dark outside, and H8 looks a bit too light inside. I don't spend much time outside personally. It's most noticeable at the console in ESD.
I did the same thing, and personally thought it was too light a shade...
I've used Lord Blackavaar's Guides for a long time. I find them to be quite useful and accurate. In the few places where my opinion finds them otherwise, I follow the below advice:
Hey Patty, don't you also think the gold seam is far too thick on the new admiral's tunic? It never looked like that (and also not in that color really) when I watched DS9 later seasons, VOY Endgame or Insurrection.
Hi Blackavaar, great guide! I have been using it extensively for my AGT/Endgame era crew as I really struggled to nail that one with the STO model and textures. Still think it's too shiny (compared to Kim and Janeway in Endgame especially!), but hey!
I was playing the Cardassian episode arc and noticed that during the DS9 mission, many of Cryptic's 25th century mirror universe NPCs have Jupiter 3 uniforms now, mostly black with a coloured rank patch and blue sash. Can you use your magic to show me which colours I should use to match these?
Many thanks for all the effort you've put into this over the last couple of years!
Hey Patty, don't you also think the gold seam is far too thick on the new admiral's tunic? It never looked like that (and also not in that color really) when I watched DS9 later seasons, VOY Endgame or Insurrection.
Hey Marry... I bought the bundle, but never got a chance to spend much time in the tailor. Except for the little picture on the blog/C-store, I haven't seen the tunic, so I can't really say.
However, knowning of the game's existing admiral long coat and diplomat jackets, with their thick borders and off-gold/silver, what you say wouldn't surprise me... :rolleyes:
I've used Lord Blackavaar's Guides for a long time. I find them to be quite useful and accurate. In the few places where my opinion finds them otherwise, I follow the below advice:
Oh I use and love this guide too. I just wanted to throw my opinion and experience with the TNG Film uniform out there, in the interest of accuracy, and see if maybe other people noticed the same thing or if's more a question of GPU or video settings, or the way the game handles lighting on clothing.
I was hoping I could make some more guide requests of you, please? I recently got the DS9 bundle and in various areas of my Defiant-class interior I've come across crew members wearing uniform variants that I'd really like to be able to apply to my BOFF's. Any chance of you casting your eyes over them and having a go at making up some guides?
So... What are you making guides for at the moment?
I ask because I have a decent variant of the Sierra-01 Uniforms that I'd like to share with everyone, and I'd also like to see it made into a guide.
I'd also like to mention that my STO Main and his Bridge Crew use this variant. And so, I have named the variant after his ship.
Jacket: Sierra-01 (Colors: H1, Division Color, H1)
Undershirt Color (When Applicable): H1
Badge: Alternate Future Variant (Colors: A6, A2)
Rank Insignia Color: A1
Pant Type: Loose Long - Standard (Color: H1)
Skirt Type (Female Only): Sierra Skirt 1 (Colors: H1, Division Color) (Apply Stockings to Legs)
Footwear: Soft Boots (Colors: H1, H1, H1)
Command/Tactical: A7
Science: F8
Engineering: C10
And there's the guide to my custom Sierra-01 Uniform Variant.
I hope you're willing to convert said guide to your style, Black.
The new Odysee is out right now.
Do you have a Canon Shiphull and Window Pattern for this new Ship?
Thanks (-:
Currently I am working on two F2P variants based on uniforms seen in the F2P trailer. When I finish those I'll check this out in-game and see about adding it as a Fan Choice variant.
I am working on updating the Ships guide. The problem is that I don't own all of the new ships. However, as these are entirely new ships specific to the game, I would think that their default appearance settings should be considered canon. Still I will take a look at them and add them to the guide as soon as possible.
F2P 1 Command
F2P 1 Operations
F2P 1 Sciences
F2P 1 Medical
Sierra 2 F2P Command
Sierra 2 F2P Operations
Sierra 2 F2P Sciences
Vice Admiral - Ceremonial Variant
Jupiter Veteran Decorated - Command Variant 2
These have been added to the following sections to make them easier to reference. The F2P Variants have been added to the 25th Century Variants section under their own heading. The Vice Admiral Ceremonial Variant has been added to the 25th Century Uniforms section and the Jupiter Veteran Variant has been added to the Jupiter Uniforms section.
In addition the Voyager Mirror Universe Uniforms have also been updated.
Hey there, Black. First off its good to hear from you and know your still out there. Secondly thanks for this latest update. Glad to see those uniforms from the F2P trailer are added to your guides.
Have a couple of questions for you regarding the first 5 F2P uniforms you've listed above. My first question is this - within the ST universe, on what sort of officer or section or what occasions or reasons do you envisage those uniforms being worn?
My second question is what inspired you to go with the Star Trek Generations combadge instead of the 25th century version? Was the Generations version actually used in the F2P trailer?
Thanks for looking at those questions!
Maybe you know anything about it?
It seems to me that white is usually added to a uniform during more diplomatic missions, so I would envision the first set being worn for more peaceful exploration type missions. The Sierra 2 variants I would envision as being worn as a simple variant available to any crew that wears the Sierra 2 uniforms.
As the F2P 1 variants sort of look like an intermediate between the DS9 uniforms and the Destiny uniforms, I decided to use the last used badge on the DS9 uniforms. The AGT badge would work just as well and I would assume that depending on the captain some crews would wear that instead.
I'm glad you like them and I hope this answers your questions satisfactorily.
More to come.
Brilliant reasoning mate, just brilliant! That definitely holds water with me! Cheers for that! :cool:
Look forward to your next post and update! :cool:
I was wondering another thing, what bridge do you think represents the Enterprise-A out of the bridges in the game? I don't reaally think the TOS Connie fits...
Hey, Cutter! I'm glad you like them.
That's a tough one, because nothing in the game is really even close to matching the look of that set (hint hint, devs). I would probably use the Battle bridge, which is a standard bridge available to all Cruiser captains ranked Commander or above. The main reason being that the lighting is at least close to that seen in the films. It is actually one of the bridges I keep on one of my alts specifically for lighting tests with costumes. If the Battle bridge is not available for you yet I would suggest Classic instead.
Ok thanks Blackavaar!
I will have to find that bridge, I should have it being a Vice Admiral...
Thanks again!
No problem whatsoever.
That could due to lighting ingame though. I just know that I personally find H6 more accurate.
Have you got guides for the new Bajoran Vedek and Dominion War Admiral uniforms/costumes being released in the DS9 Bundle?
Well, c'mon man, get to it!
Wait, why are you looking at me like that?
It may look better in the Tailor screen, but remember, I tested all of these colors against the actual in-game lighting and I am confident that my choices are the best possible. Of course, you can always choose whatever color you wish. This is just a guide.
There is already a Bajoran Robes section in Canon Alien Uniforms guide. It has various color combos of the Vedek Robes as they were when they accidentally slipped through a while back. I just have to transpose those colors to the new finished versions. I'll get right on that.
The DS9/TNG Film Admiral uniforms will also be added to the guide soon.
Of course, there's no hood options, so that's a bummer
There were Romulan NPCs wearing hoods in one of the featured episodes, so hopefully Cryptic will make them available someday.
I used H8 and then watched the movie again, and in the movie the grey is darker.
Cheap rushed copy/paste for comarison:
You can see how much darker Picard's shoulders are. That's what made me go back and experiment ingame with the shade of grey. In the movie it's all darker, but the movie of course is not working with the ingame lighting we have to work with.
(this isn't criticism btw. I'm very appreciative of this thread and do use it! I use the TNG Series uniform though, because I'm a TNG series fan and the film uniform is way more inaccurate ingame.)
Your screen shot, however, isn't the actual in-game lighting. If you go to different locations in the game, ships bridges, social locations, mission ground maps, etc. you'll find the lighting is very different than in the Tailor screen. I tested against pretty much any location lighting you could come across in-game and then compared them against similar scenes in the films. Trust me, it was quite extensive testing. I'm pretty sure my choice is the best possible for nearly any location in the game, excluding the Tailor screen.
And don't worry, I don't take these kind of observations personally, and I don't mind explaining my methods and reasoning for anything in this guide.
It's a lighting thing. Lighting in the movies is definitely not the same as ingame. What I should do is take some screenshots of my character wearing that uniform with H6 for comparison, maybe even H7.
Those are all H6 above. Now I'll try H8 in the same areas.
Those are H8 above. The grey seems too light a shade to me. Maybe I'm the only one. What's interesting is how different the shades are outside vs inside. H6 looks a bit too dark outside, and H8 looks a bit too light inside. I don't spend much time outside personally. It's most noticeable at the console in ESD.
Here's more at the tailor
Darker just seems closer to :
(this is in the interest of most accurately recreating the uniforms we so love, not nitpicking)
I was playing the Cardassian episode arc and noticed that during the DS9 mission, many of Cryptic's 25th century mirror universe NPCs have Jupiter 3 uniforms now, mostly black with a coloured rank patch and blue sash. Can you use your magic to show me which colours I should use to match these?
Many thanks for all the effort you've put into this over the last couple of years!
However, knowning of the game's existing admiral long coat and diplomat jackets, with their thick borders and off-gold/silver, what you say wouldn't surprise me... :rolleyes:
Oh I use and love this guide too. I just wanted to throw my opinion and experience with the TNG Film uniform out there, in the interest of accuracy, and see if maybe other people noticed the same thing or if's more a question of GPU or video settings, or the way the game handles lighting on clothing.
(and I use TNG Series uniforms anyway)
I was hoping I could make some more guide requests of you, please? I recently got the DS9 bundle and in various areas of my Defiant-class interior I've come across crew members wearing uniform variants that I'd really like to be able to apply to my BOFF's. Any chance of you casting your eyes over them and having a go at making up some guides?
Thanks in advance! :cool: