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Blackavaar's Guide to Canon Colors



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Blackavaar wrote: »
    I'm back everyone! Happy New Year!

    Working on the TMP guides now. I expect to have them posted within the next couple days.

    The problem with the TMP badge seems to be the difference between male and female. For some reason males have the secondary color which allows them to change the backfield color while females do not. I have reported this as a bug and received a positive reply from the GMs. I am hopeful that this will be fixed soon and I will update the images for the guides when they are.

    Thanks for all the warm wishes.


    Welcome back my friend and Happy New Year to you too!

    Look forward to those guides and glad to hear that the wee bug with the TMP badges has been reported. I'm sure STO's PTB will get that all sorted soon.

    Here's to another year of STO! :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Early TOS (The Original Series) or The Cage uniforms.

    Command Gold
    Science and Medical Blue
    Operations and Security Beige

    TOS (The Original Series) uniforms.

    Command Gold
    Command Gold Skirt
    Captain's Variant Green
    Captain's Tunic Wrap
    Captain's Tunic Wrap Skirt
    Science and Medical Blue
    Science and Medical Blue Skirt
    Medical Variant
    Medical Nurse's Skirt
    Operations and Security Red
    Operations and Security Red Skirt

    TOS Mirror Universe uniforms can be found in the Mirror Universe Uniform Guide.

    TMP (Motion Picture) uniforms.
    Note: The primary Divisional colors are displayed on the badges and epaulets, which can differ from uniform to uniform.
    See the TMP badges in the Badges section to see the specific colors used.

    Command Variant
    Operations Officers
    Helm/Tactical Officers
    Engineering Officers
    Engineering Enlisted and Junior Officers
    Science/Medical Officers
    Science Enlisted and Junior Officers

    TMP Skirt Variants

    TOS films version or WoK (Wrath of Khan) uniforms.

    Operations - Engineering and Helm
    Operations - Sciences and Communications
    Operations - Tactical
    Operations - Medical
    Operations - Security
    Junior Officer
    Enlisted Crewman Uniform
    Enlisted Crewman Skirt

    TNG (The Next Generation) uniforms.

    Command Red
    Captain's Variant Gray
    Captain's Variant Jacket
    Security/Engineering Gold
    Science Team Blue
    Medical Blue-Green Variant

    Acting Ensign

    Counselor Troi Uniform Guide

    TNG film versions. Also known as the later season DS9 uniforms.

    Command Red
    Command Red Open
    Security/Engineering Gold
    Science Team Blue
    Medical Blue-Green Variant

    DS9 (Deep Space Nine) early season uniforms.

    Command Red
    Command Red Open
    Security/Engineering Gold
    Science Team Blue
    Medical Blue-Green Variant

    VOY (Voyager) uniforms.

    Command Red
    Command Red Open
    Security/Engineering Gold
    Science Team Blue
    Medical Blue-Green Variant

    Seven of Nine Uniform Guide

    ENT (Enterprise) uniforms.

    Command Gold
    Operations Red
    Sciences Teal
    Admiral's Uniform

    T'Pol Jumpsuit Guide

    ENT Mirror Universe uniforms can be found in the Mirror Universe Uniform Guide.

    AGT (All Good Things) uniforms.

    Command Red
    Security/Engineering Gold
    Sciences Teal


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The TMP uniforms are here!

    As you can probably tell I had to do some reorganizing in order to make room for them in the Canon Uniforms section, but this will be a good thing as it leaves me with much more space to use for future additions. I hope it isn't too much of an inconvenience to anyone and I hope you like the TMP uniforms.

    It took me a while to discern a pattern to the coloration of the uniforms but after watching the film a dozen times or so I think I got it down. Skirt variants are coming soon. So, keep an eye out for those. Let me know if you think I made a mistake or missed anything else.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    These TMP unforms are so cool! Have they been deceptively clever in the way they've built the uniforms? The bio-belt is built into the uniform instead of being a belt item so that no other unforms can use it? Does the lower half of the shirt come with the legs or the torso part of the unform? I was wondering if you could roughly approximate the one-piece uniforms of the technicians by using TNG trousers with a TMP top. Not 100% accurate but good enough?

    I think maybe your grey uniform should be more blue-grey and the tan uniforms could each be a shade more yellowy to be more like the movie versions but it could be my eyesight and I'm not sure what the limitations of the palette are. They certainly look cool as they are.

    If anybody is willing to post some action shots of these uniforms I'd really appreciate it! Especially shooting phasers... :D

    I need to order my LED lights for my Polar Lights 1:350 TMP Enterprise before I can afford to upgrade my PC to a level where I can play STO. The suspense is starting to kill me!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Pauln6 wrote:
    These TMP unforms are so cool! Have they been deceptively clever in the way they've built the uniforms? The bio-belt is built into the uniform instead of being a belt item so that no other unforms can use it? Does the lower half of the shirt come with the legs or the torso part of the unform? I was wondering if you could roughly approximate the one-piece uniforms of the technicians by using TNG trousers with a TMP top. Not 100% accurate but good enough?

    I think maybe your grey uniform should be more blue-grey and the tan uniforms could each be a shade more yellowy to be more like the movie versions but it could be my eyesight and I'm not sure what the limitations of the palette are. They certainly look cool as they are.

    If anybody is willing to post some action shots of these uniforms I'd really appreciate it! Especially shooting phasers... :D

    I need to order my LED lights for my Polar Lights 1:350 TMP Enterprise before I can afford to upgrade my PC to a level where I can play STO. The suspense is starting to kill me!

    Yes, the devs were very clever in how they created this uniform. They basically just built the Admiral's uniform, but with the parts set so that you can pretty much color them for any variation.

    The bio-monitor buckle is a part of the top and though you can wear other belts with it most of them clip badly. The lower half of the top is part of the top.

    I have been trying to create the technician uniforms but with that top it just doesn't look quite right. It would probably be best to just use the ENT uniform and color it appropriately.

    As for the colors, the ones I chose are as close as you can get with the pallet choices we have.

    I'll see about taking some action shots later tonight, though I usually have a tough time getting shots I like. They usually have too many animations going on so that the screen looks so busy you can barely tell what is going on and who is shooting at who, but I'll do my best.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    By the way, I noticed last night that the male's badge can be colored according to department, but the female badge cannot. The female badge is missing the second color template.

    Though, it may depend on species, since I see in your image that the template is present on yours.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Cuatela wrote:
    By the way, I noticed last night that the male's badge can be colored according to department, but the female badge cannot. The female badge is missing the second color template.

    Though, it may depend on species, since I see in your image that the template is present on yours.

    Yep. I noted that a few posts up. I reported it and the GMs responded that they would relay the info to the devs. You can report it as well. The more reports they get the faster it will get fixed.

    The template is only present in mine because I added it using Photoshop. You will notice in the screen shots that the females don't actually have the proper colors on their badges. You can get close on a few (command, operations, sciences) by switching to a different badge, adjusting the secondary badge color (which uses the normal badge pallet) and then switching back, but the choice males have is simply not there for females.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Blackavaar wrote: »
    Yes, the devs were very clever in how they created this uniform. They basically just built the Admiral's uniform, but with the parts set so that you can pretty much color them for any variation.

    The bio-monitor buckle is a part of the top and though you can wear other belts with it most of them clip badly. The lower half of the top is part of the top.

    I have been trying to create the technician uniforms but with that top it just doesn't look quite right. It would probably be best to just use the ENT uniform and color it appropriately.

    As for the colors, the ones I chose are as close as you can get with the pallet choices we have.

    I'll see about taking some action shots later tonight, though I usually have a tough time getting shots I like. They usually have too many animations going on so that the screen looks so busy you can barely tell what is going on and who is shooting at who, but I'll do my best.


    It shouldn't come as any surprise, especially if the spectre of micro-transactions is looming depending upon how well Champions does. Keeping uniform variants in reserve now might allow them to keep the ball bouncing for longer, although it's hard to see that subtle variants of the TMP uniforms will be all that popular. It's disappointing that the available palette isn't particularly accurate though - the dark brown uniform is definitely spot on.

    This could also be why they've been reluctant to release facial features to create characters with the features of classic but obscure races such as Zaranites, Arcturians, and Betelgeusians. Maybe simple, cheap cosmectic 'head' packages might be brought in as time goes on. Mind you, if the Saurian build is anything to go by, they wouldn't look anything like the 'real' thing. The narrow mouth instead of a beak and eye positioning look all wrong to me.

    Any old action shots will do! I'll be using Gimp to cut the bodies out to see how I can use them. I'll try and work in whatever I've got so it's all good. I can clone out or add rank braids and change division colours faily easily so I'm not worried about that sort of thing. I just want the male and female characters to start shooting some aliens in Part 4 of my cheesy story and TMP photos really have nothing to work with. Thanks for the help!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    As I have run out of room in the Canon Uniform section, these variants of the TMP Uniforms have been added here. A link to this section has been added for your convenience.

    Command Skirt
    Operations Officers Skirt
    Helm/Tactical Officers Skirt
    Engineering Officers Skirt
    Engineering Enlisted and Junior Officers Skirt
    Science/Medical Officers Skirt
    Science Enlisted and Junior Officers Skirt


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Now that the AGT unifrms are dated, I can't wait to see this thread updated!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    I've been waiting for those Uniforms since they were announced. I can't wait to own them next week.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Coming soon! Off Duty uniforms based on the outfits worn by the DS9 crew in the Mirror Universe.

    TOS - MU (The Original Series - Mirror Universe) uniforms.
    Note: Since the actual Captain's MU uniform has not yet been introduced I added my own Gold and Red variants of the First Officer uniform as worn by Spock. These of course never existed in canon. I just threw them in.

    First Officer's Blue
    First Officer's Variant Gold
    First Officer's Variant Green
    First Officer's Variant Red
    Command Gold
    Command Gold Skirt
    Science and Medical Blue
    Science and Medical Blue Skirt
    Operations and Security Red
    Operations and Security Red Skirt

    WoK - MU (Wrath of Khan - Mirror Universe)
    Note: The female Top for these should be a shorter version of the jacket with short sleeves and a belly shirt, but you work with what you've got. :cool:

    Operations - Engineering and Helm
    Operations - Communications and Sciences
    Operations - Tactical
    Operations - Medical
    Operations - Security
    Junior Officer
    Enlisted Crewman Uniform
    Enlisted Crewman Skirt

    TNG - MU (The Next Generation - Mirror Universe) uniforms.

    Command Red
    Security/Engineering Gold
    Science Team Blue
    Medical Blue-Green Variant

    DS9 - MU (Deep Space Nine - Mirror Universe) Off Duty wear.

    Kira Formal

    VOY - MU (Voyager - Mirror Universe) uniforms.

    Command Red
    Security/Engineering Gold
    Science Team Blue
    Medical Blue-Green

    ENT - MU (Enterprise - Mirror Universe) uniforms.

    Command Gold
    Operations Red
    Sciences Teal
    Admiral's Uniform


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Mailman653 wrote: »
    Now that the AGT uniforms are dated, I can't wait to see this thread updated!
    I've been waiting for those Uniforms since they were announced. I can't wait to own them next week.

    I too am anxiously awaiting the release of these uniforms. I already have the colors mapped out for the most part. I just need to do some in-game lighting testing to make sure the colors are accurate and then take the screen shots. I assure you the guides will be up soon once they are released.

    Until then check out the new additions to the TOS section of the Canon Uniforms guide. I just added the Early TOS or The Cage uniforms. I hope you like them.


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What you mean the new AGT Costumes aren't done yet!?!


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    What you mean the new AGT Costumes aren't done yet!?!



    He he he! I know, Vetinari. I can't wait to get home and get online so I can start decking out my crew and start taking screen shots. But alas, I am stuck at work right now.

    I assure you and everyone, the AGT uniforms will be added to the guide ASAP.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Just a note but while lighting makes the AGT uniforms look darker and more pinkish, you can see in Endgame that the division colors are the same as the Voyager division colors.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Just a note but while lighting makes the AGT uniforms look darker and more pinkish, you can see in Endgame that the division colors are the same as the Voyager division colors.

    Noted. However in-game lighting affects some uniforms differently. This is why I always test the colors in differently lighted areas before I finalize the colors for the guides.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The fabric is darker. I'd suggest going with fifth back from the most vibrant, eighth from the left for all branches. This causes a rough match to Voyager fabric in all cases.

    I compared with other people near the tailor after I did this and we're all going for the same colors.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    The fabric is darker. I'd suggest going with fifth back from the most vibrant, eighth from the left for all branches. This causes a rough match to Voyager fabric in all cases.

    I compared with other people near the tailor after I did this and we're all going for the same colors.

    I think you're right on the divisional colors for Command (Red B5) and Sciences (Teal B5) on this chart. But I think Operations needs to be a bit lighter, (Gold B3) seems to look best.

    The guides will be up tomorrow.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Their is a "bug" with the AGT unifroms. There is a clipping issue when using the thoughtful stance that occurs with the rank pips. It seems to block it when your arms are behind your back. Works ok in other stances. Also the Alternate Future Variant badge clips at the bottom when used with "well endowed" female Bridge Officers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Loving the new AGT uniforms. Very nice indeed. Even able to sort of make the unused Star Trek Generations uniforms out of them except that they miss the sleeve rank braid and its not possible to use the DS9 / VOY combadge on them. Its a shame that its not possible to mix and match the ranks and insignia between all the uniforms.

    Just some questions...outside of Alt futures, do the AGT uniforms have any place in the primary Star Trek timeline? Is there any evidence to say that the AGT uniforms came in to use between the Star Trek First Contact and Star Trek Online uniforms or does all evidence point to an immediate jump from the FC uniforms to the STO uniforms?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Alan_81 wrote: »
    Loving the new AGT uniforms. Very nice indeed. Even able to sort of make the unused Star Trek Generations uniforms out of them except that they miss the sleeve rank braid and its not possible to use the DS9 / VOY combadge on them. Its a shame that its not possible to mix and match the ranks and insignia between all the uniforms.

    Just some questions...outside of Alt futures, do the AGT uniforms have any place in the primary Star Trek timeline? Is there any evidence to say that the AGT uniforms came in to use between the Star Trek First Contact and Star Trek Online uniforms or does all evidence point to an immediate jump from the FC uniforms to the STO uniforms?

    The AGT badge and uniform were used in the (alternate) future of DS9: "The Visitor" (See: Jadzia Dax).

    The badge was used with the TNG film uniform (instead of the AGT uniform) in the "alternate" future of Voy: "Timeless" (See: Geordi La Forge. This is possibly explained that it's set at an earlier date than the other two, which would explain the use of the updated badge before the uniforms were phased in (similar to how both the TNG series and DS9 series uniforms were seen on Generations, due to the phasing in progress).

    and lastly... The badge and uniform were used in the (alternate) future of Voy: "Endgame" (See: Vice Admiral Janeway

    Technically, these "alternate" timelines are how the future would have ended up without temporal interference. However, due to said interference, it remains to be seen if these uniforms will appear in the prime universe.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Actually, based on information from the Memory Alpha site, TNG: "All Good Things", DS9: "The Visitor", and VOY: "Endgame" all seem to point to the conclusion that the alt-future uniform is still adopted; its presence in each of those episodes, despite all of the changes and corrections that have occurred in the timeline, including the undoing of the events that had led to each of those futures, would seem to indicate that this is the case, and is thus the logical choice for a generally-accepted common player uniform.

    EDIT: Cuatela, thanks for bringing up the point of the "transitional" uniform from VOY: "Timeless" - the late-DS9/TNG film uniform with the future commbadge.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    And they're here!

    AGT (All Good Things) uniforms.

    Command Red
    Security/Engineering Gold
    Sciences Teal

    In addition I also made a mock-up of the Flight Suit from the Voyager episode Drive using these parts.

    VOY Drive Flight Suit

    The AGT uniforms have been added to the Canon Uniform Guide for easy reference.
    The VOY Drive Flight Suit can also be found on the Cadets, Technicians and Thugs Guide.

    I hope you all like them.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Is it just me, or are your colors a little too dark? I'm referencing screenshots from Memory Alpha, along with watching Endgame (which used the same uniform), and all three uniforms are several shades brighter than the images you posted. :confused:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Nice flightsuit
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Cuatela wrote:
    Is it just me, or are your colors a little too dark? I'm referencing screenshots from Memory Alpha, along with watching Endgame (which used the same uniform), and all three uniforms are several shades brighter than the images you posted. :confused:

    They appear lighter in the in-game lighting than they do in the Tailor. I tested them using several Ground missions (Stranded in Space, Diplomatic Orders, etc.) and bridges to be sure they looked right in those environments.
    jennjahn wrote: »
    Nice flightsuit

    Thank you.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Blackavaar wrote: »
    They appear lighter in the in-game lighting than they do in the Tailor. I tested them using several Ground missions (Stranded in Space, Diplomatic Orders, etc.) and bridges to be sure they looked right in those environments.

    Good point. I'd forgotten about the lighting change.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Cuatela wrote:
    The AGT badge and uniform were used in the (alternate) future of DS9: "The Visitor" (See: Jadzia Dax).

    The badge was used with the TNG film uniform (instead of the AGT uniform) in the "alternate" future of Voy: "Timeless" (See: Geordi La Forge. This is possibly explained that it's set at an earlier date than the other two, which would explain the use of the updated badge before the uniforms were phased in (similar to how both the TNG series and DS9 series uniforms were seen on Generations, due to the phasing in progress).

    and lastly... The badge and uniform were used in the (alternate) future of Voy: "Endgame" (See: Vice Admiral Janeway

    Technically, these "alternate" timelines are how the future would have ended up without temporal interference. However, due to said interference, it remains to be seen if these uniforms will appear in the prime universe.
    ZackZero wrote: »
    Actually, based on information from the Memory Alpha site, TNG: "All Good Things", DS9: "The Visitor", and VOY: "Endgame" all seem to point to the conclusion that the alt-future uniform is still adopted; its presence in each of those episodes, despite all of the changes and corrections that have occurred in the timeline, including the undoing of the events that had led to each of those futures, would seem to indicate that this is the case, and is thus the logical choice for a generally-accepted common player uniform.

    EDIT: Cuatela, thanks for bringing up the point of the "transitional" uniform from VOY: "Timeless" - the late-DS9/TNG film uniform with the future commbadge.

    Thanks for responding guys! Much appreciated! :)
    Blackavaar wrote: »
    And they're here!

    AGT (All Good Things) uniforms.

    Command Red
    Security/Engineering Gold
    Sciences Teal

    In addition I also made a mock-up of the Flight Suit from the Voyager episode Drive using these parts.

    VOY Drive Flight Suit

    The AGT uniforms have been added to the Canon Uniform Guide for easy reference.
    The VOY Drive Flight Suit can also be found on the Cadets, Technicians and Thugs Guide.

    I hope you all like them.


    Awesome as always my friend! Great work! Thank you!

    I could be mistaken but wasn't there a grey cadet version of this uniform used in VOY: Endgame?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Alan_81 wrote: »
    Awesome as always my friend! Great work! Thank you!

    I could be mistaken but wasn't there a gray cadet version of this uniform used in VOY: Endgame?

    Anytime, pal. And I believe you are right. In fact, as I recall, there was a whole class room full of them. I'm going to have watch that episode again and work up some for the guide. Thanks for the reminder.

This discussion has been closed.