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Returning when the skill cap is removed



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    your just disagreeing with them because you want them to all get carpel tunnel syndrome form posting wall-o-texts.


    Im disagreeing becasue I know thats a bunk statement.

    ...their need for walls is thier own personal issue.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This is a point of severe contention. What gets me all riled up, was the fact that they built a skill tree from the ground up, to utilize a cap-less system, and seemingly without much thought they put a a cap on it, on the eve of the games release, no less.

    Here is my Idea, while cap on the skill-tree might be a good thing, it is only good when put on a skill-tree that has been built for that. So, in the mean time they could take the cap off, (while they create a skill-tree that actually can work with this) and when they are done, force everyone to respec and also in the mean time, make all skills after Rear Admiral 5, cost ten times more, and the accumulation should be slowed accordingly until they release the new Tree.

    This is my idea. Just a thought mind you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Brucebleo wrote:
    Considering the current state of the game I think that this would be an awesome compromise as no one would be able to max out their skills as long as every major patch they chuck some more new skills in.

    Can we not at least compromise with this?

    I covered this compromise:
    If they introduce new skills (which they say they are in next week's expansion), then an increase in the skill cap will be needed to allow for that. I have no problem with that. If they introduce a new Admiral level skill, they should add 4500 skill points to our cap. That would be enough points to bring that skill to 9, if you chose to do that. Or, you could choose to use those points elsewhere.

    New skills when introduced, will bring new skill cap...up to what would be needed to bring that skill to 9. Once you have met that new skill cap, your skill xp stops again. Until the next expansion, brings new levels and or skills.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Blodveard wrote: »
    I covered this compromise:

    New skills when introduced, will bring new skill cap...up to what would be needed to bring that skill to 9. Once you have met that new skill cap, your skill xp stops again. Until the next expansion, brings new levels and or skills.

    Not a compromise as you still end up at the cap with nothing to do cept daily episodes......my suggestion covers that too.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Blodveard wrote: »
    I don't know of a single person who has left due to the skill cap. Actually, in my 67 member (and growing) fleet, I only know of two people who have left the game. One left because he moved stations (active military) and the other due to RL job issues.

    You apparently hate the system so much, and yet you are still here. Your whole argument over a skill cap is just wrong headed. NO ONE WANTS YOUR IDEA OF MAXED OUT SKILLS FOR EVERY SKILL, except for you.

    You can keep on ignoring the facts, Cryptic will not ever get rid of their skill cap, and for one good reason....its good for the game!

    you dont read the forums much do you?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So glad I went to sleep. Well, back to it.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    SoulVoid wrote: »
    Ok, seems most of the people that are FOR the skillcap are touting "Diversity" and "Hard Choices" etc...

    Ok, how about this to explain the diversity.

    As it stands now, there are a total of 9 different types of players at skillcap;

    Skillcapped engineer flying an Escort
    Skillcapped engineer flying a cruiser
    Skillcapped engineer flying a science ship

    Skillcapped Tactical flying an escort
    Skillcapped Tactical flying a cruiser
    Skillcapped Tactical flying a science ship

    Skillcapped Science flying an Escort
    Skillcapped Science flying a Cruiser
    Skillcapped Science flying a Science Ship

    Add in respecs and now you will have exactly 9 different types of players, all using the same weapons, skills, etc... Sure, there might be a few rebels, but most will follow the flavor of the month.

    Remove the cap and you will have;

    Engineer flying whatever he wants with an insane number of options in how he wants to outfit ship, officers, and equipment.

    Tactical flying whatever he wants with an insane number of options in how he wants to outfit ship, officers, and equipment.

    Science flying whatever he wants with an insane number of options in how he wants to outfit ship, officers, and equipment.

    Now, even though the second list looks smaller, the diversity inherent will portray much more than the 9 in a capped system. The second list with its many more options of players and playstyles will also take a LOT longer to build, involve a lot of choices, lend itself to experimentation for new and exotic sets of skills/abilities/loadouts, and give us a moderate endgame as the game sits now! Add in content additions, skill additions, rank increases etc... and the diversity gets more, not less.

    Those that think the skillcap will lead to different builds and different playstyles just have to look at their RPG of choice... I can't understand how they think that a cap that "forces hard choices" leaves ANY choice at all. This kind of attitude really confuses me. Skillcap and respecs = everyone will end up being almost exactly the same, there are no choices, just the illusion of choices. To compete, everyone will have to invest their limited skill points in the same skill trees.

    The skillcap is what will end up making everyone play the same, not different.

    P.S. Actually, I have been suspecting for a time now that those that want the skillcap are really afraid that they won't be able to know what they are up against when they see a class/ship combination...

    well said. now someone will come and say " but no cap will make us all the same"
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Granted this thread has become a skill cap debate thread, but it was started as an "I quit" thread.

    Which means I have to close it.
This discussion has been closed.