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Returning when the skill cap is removed



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I posted this, i felt it was constructive. my thread was closed

    I would just like to state plan and clear that i feel the skill point cap needs to be removed. As it is there is no reason to play past RA5 as far as being able to improve our characters, as we must spend points in order to get promoted up the ranks and can not save them for later use, it makes it so that in the end, we can barely get more than one T5 skill maxed out.

    It makes no sense that they require you to burn up your skill points to advance in rank yet don't allow you enough points in the admiral area to actually max out more than just a couple of skills.Space won't be that much easier if all space skills are maxed. Same for ground combat. In fact, maxing all their skills would give players something to do until there's much more end game content. With unlimited skill points you still can not do everything at the same time.The ship system prevents this. the bridge stations available of each of the classes of ship limit what you can do at any one time, and the kit selections available to each class on do the same thing on the ground. If you are in an escort you will never be an effective healer, be able to do great damage though, if you are in a cruiser you can never compete with the damage of an escort or the healing of a science ship etc. this is the way the very game system has been designed. You can never do everything all at once whether or not skill points are limited or unlimited.

    We are either in our ships or on the ground, never both at the same time, but we can spend all of our points in one or the other area.This alone gives me a reason to question the "game balance" justification.No science vessal, no matter how many points they put into weapons, will ever out DPS an escort. Why? Because science vessals already pump points into their weapon skills of choice, like Phaser or Photon. So since they already put points toward it what's to stop then from doing the same DPS as an escort? Well a few things, mostly that escorts have a static weapon buff, escorts can equip cannons, escorts are generally flown by tac officers who have more DPS abilities. Also other things like more Tac slots in an escort and more weapon slots. We can also look at the problem this way I'm quite sure that Jean Luc Picard kept improving as an officer from the moment he became the captain of the Enterprise to the moment he turned over command of it. We don't all of sudden stop getting smarter and stop learning when we hit 45 (or 50), but that is what the game is essentially doing to us at this point.

    The anti-cap community ( come on over the fire is warm and we have pie )has long since worked this out,We've proven, time and time again that there is no legitimate basis of contention from Cryptic for anything that the skill cap has done. More over, it's absolutely without question that the skill cap has led directly to there not only being broken balance within the game because all anyone can ever do is try to cobble together some skill configuration that's less broken than it could otherwise be, meanwhile there are many players completely ruined by the skill cap, and at the moment they have absolutely no recourse other than to wait "a month or two" until Cryptic decides they are ready to take the next step and fix the game, also it is so easily proven mathematically and in-game that there is absolutely no difference in actual power or capability when a player has no skill cap or they are saddled with one. The ship skills, weapon skills, and so forth are all balanced against one another, even tier 5 is no more advantageous than tier 3 precisely for that reason. With the cap, Cryptic is literally telling you that your tier 5 skills cost 2/3's more to advance than tier 3 skills (500 sp vs. 300 sp), but provide absolutely no difference in capability. Furthermore the skill cap hampers what you can even do with what you do have. The content in the game can only be experienced with the inane limitations placed on you arbitrarily by the cap. By having only one avenue of advancement, you aren't allowed to "play another way" unless you re-specify. So you're stuck with whatever decisions you've made, for better or worse, and eventually if/when you can undo those decisions and respecify,you're just going to be railroaded into some other shallow construct of skills that will have you just as crippled as you ever were before, just in a different way.

    So what are the benefits of a capless ayatem? Well firstly the currently useless upper tier weapon abilities would become useful because we wouldn't be wasing points by putting them into there. Secondly they'd let you have flexibility. This is another reason why nobody can do everything. If you want to be a healer then you slot healing abilites, if you want to be a dps then you slot emergancy power to weapons and such, if you want to do everything with your massive skills...then you slot a little bit of everything and you're not as good at anything.

    That's the basic argument behind no skill cap. Removing the cap doesn't remove the roles, it just let's people switch between roles easier and lets people use higher ranked weapons, like anti-proton, which currently is too skill intensive.

    In most cases, your Bridge officers and their skills affect how well you can utilize ships, equipment, and abilities. So, if there was no skillcap, you could then cap your skills, train bridge officers for your skills, do complete changeouts of crew/weapons/equipment/etc... This sounds like it ADDS to the choices available to every player, not detracts from it. In addition, it allows for a long and somewhat satisfying thing to do while awaiting content releases. When NEW SKILLS are released with new content, the number of options would grow while allowing for everyone, even those capped on current skills, to be able to contend and complete said content

    Without the cap and with plenty of skills to play with (more than you could possibly max in the lifetime of the game as cryptic would add new skills every few weeks) what you get is a Char totally unique to you and your own tastes with no FotM builds. You can then truly be free to seek your own path in the game without having to keep changing your builds just to keep viable.

    This is what the Capless skill system represents. Unlimited possibilities with no restriction on how you choose to build your char

    The capless system wouldent make the need for a respec useless ether. If Cryptic added new skills every month we will still get people who would respec right away to test the new skills, Alot of people love to be the first ones with new toys

    And in closing i would just like to add a capless system was promised to us http://www.startrekonline.com/node/397 if we have to wait till the last 5 lvl's are released thats fine, But dont make content now that is designed for a cap'ed system and think we will forget what has been promised
    RA John Havoc signing off
    first 3 pages of that thread was flaming trolling by some people
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Then they'd complain from the unannounced downtimes since playing on live server would be pointless for them.

    I think Tribble needs unlimited respecs... draw players in for an advantage over the live service. It can be a testbed for the developers as well as us.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Muhler wrote:
    draw players in for an advantage over the live service. It can be a testbed for the developers as well as us.

    Tribble is this already .

    Respecs will be going on Tribble soon and on live in about a week.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I agree 100%. Both sides do it and scream at each other. While the people who should be stepping up to the plate"Cryptic" and giving real answers do so only when their hand is forced and they feel forced into doing it. I find this a despiciable company and while i enjoy certain aspects of the game i am starting to really despise cryptic managment.

    Your sig just points out what is wrong with this company.

    Yah......and in the mean time the real debate gets lost in a pithy jumble of taunts and jibes and progress is completely stifled. BELIEVE me I know this. It has been going on and on and on and on.

    As for Cryptic they have made some pretty poor business decisions (before anyone starts Zinc has admitted this and confirmed what many of us have been saying all along) but I don't think their job is made ANY easier because of all this lame squabbling. IF people could refrain from this sort of shamefull behaviour then this forum could truly acchieve great things as Cryptic had originally intended.

    As for my sig.......working as intended :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yeah, I live in the boonies... 10 GB of download will cost me over $400. If I didn't buy the game in-store, I wouldn't be playing at all.

    Didn't know if that was the case or not.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Tribble is this already .

    Respecs will be going on Tribble soon and on live in about a week.

    Respecs ARE on Tribble. Great_Milenko tried it out last night.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Brucebleo wrote:
    Yah......and in the mean time the real debate gets lost in a pithy jumble of taunts and jibes and progress is completely stifled. BELIEVE me I know this. It has been going on and on and on and on.

    As for Cryptic they have made some pretty poor business decisions (before anyone starts Zinc has admitted this and confirmed what many of us have been saying all along) but I don't think their job is made ANY easier because of all this lame squabbling. IF people could refrain from this sort of shamefull behaviour then this forum could truly acchieve great things as Cryptic had originally intended.

    As for my sig.......working as intended :)

    Wow, you are easily the funniest guy on the forums.
    Because you NEVER engage in any of the "pithy jumble of taunts and jibes" roflmao
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wow, you are easily the funniest guy on the forums.
    Because you NEVER engage in any of the "pithy jumble of taunts and jibes" roflmao

    ^^ Yeah that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Muhler wrote:
    Yeah, I live in the boonies... 10 GB of download will cost me over $400. If I didn't buy the game in-store, I wouldn't be playing at all.

    Didn't know if that was the case or not.

    You don't download 10 GB.. it is 10 GB copied from your game folder to the test folder.. then you Dl the patch which is ~ 2 GB ... the launcher only shows 11GB as the total amount being copied to the test folder (game + Patch).
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Sadly, the way things are going people are quiting left right and center. We're on the USS Titanic and the warp core is slowly breaching, Cryptic needs to think of solid ways to keep people playing, but lately everything thats being done has been the opposite. I myself have put my account on hold, I'm going to sit back and watch this warp core explosion from a safe distance and maybe if the USS Titanic doesn't go down, maybe in a few months I'll come back myself.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Brucebleo wrote:
    Yah......and in the mean time the real debate gets lost in a pithy jumble of taunts and jibes and progress is completely stifled. BELIEVE me I know this. It has been going on and on and on and on.

    As for Cryptic they have made some pretty poor business decisions (before anyone starts Zinc has admitted this and confirmed what many of us have been saying all along) but I don't think their job is made ANY easier because of all this lame squabbling. IF people could refrain from this sort of shamefull behaviour then this forum could truly acchieve great things as Cryptic had originally intended.

    As for my sig.......working as intended :)

    Progress in the forums =/= progress in development.

    We can beat this horse short of an inch of it's life. Won't change what is, or why. Won't get us closer to the real reason why it is either, only the possibilities. I don't see the shame in arguing, and I don't agree with your stance, but I have no problem with you taking that stance either.
    Moonphase wrote: »
    Sadly, the way things are going people are quiting left right and center. We're on the USS Titanic and the warp core is slowly breaching, Cryptic needs to think of solid ways to keep people playing, but lately everything thats being done has been the opposite. I myself have put my account on hold, I'm going to sit back and watch this warp core explosion from a safe distance and maybe if the USS Titanic doesn't go down, maybe in a few months I'll come back myself.

    Dramatic much? It's not going to sink. Hope to see you back in a few months...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Wow, you are easily the funniest guy on the forums.
    Because you NEVER engage in any of the "pithy jumble of taunts and jibes" roflmao

    Please.......do enlighten me.

    I have ALWAYS stated that I remain as respectful as I can.

    Sure I relax from time to time and invoke a little humour. But if you can't differentiate between a joke and a jibe then I am afraid you only serve to prove my point.

    I freely admit to expressing my extreme displeasure where it is required and I will continue to do so, but I have NEVER resorted to needless name calling and if you think I am wrong in this then I encourage you to back this statement up with evidence to the contrary.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Rumbleskin wrote: »
    sadly alot of people who support a capless system have moved on, stating they will be back if the cap is ever removed. so not as many of us to fight for it anymore but i fully understand your leaving friend, i would have aswell if it wasent for this damm lifetime sub

    Managed to get mine refunded. Unlikely I will return. I enjoyed my time with STO though - but there is little to do now and much much better games out there.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Managed to get mine refunded. Unlikely I will return. I enjoyed my time with STO though - but there is little to do now and much much better games out there.

    Fair enough... safe travels. :D

    See, that wasn't so bad.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Muhler wrote:
    Progress in the forums =/= progress in development.

    We can beat this horse short of an inch of it's life. Won't change what is, or why. Won't get us closer to the real reason why it is either, only the possibilities. I don't see the shame in arguing, and I don't agree with your stance, but I have no problem with you taking that stance either.

    Dramatic much? It's not going to tank. Hope to see you back in a few.

    Firstly I am fairly new to the symbols used in forums....could you please explain what =/= means?

    As for arguing I too do not see the shame in a good argument. But don't mix up argument with squabbling subtle difference.


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    anywho, sure caped system great bla bla bla. in a few months i will make my i told you so speech (this will not make me happy )

    When the servers have become ghost towns from pure bordom

    sure you defend it here and sound grand, but the people playing who dont read here will get bored

    when you see and come to understand it will be to late.

    You now the main reasion i want the cap removed? the number one reasion.
    I feel this game will die without it, I want this game to win. I love star trek but i cant play on dead servers

    so very very many people have left stating the cap as the number one reasion for there departure
    i dont even wanna know just how many it really was/is/going to be.
    It would just make me sad
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Brucebleo wrote:
    Firstly I am fairly new to the symbols used in forums....could you please explain what =/= means?

    As for arguing I too do not see the shame in a good argument. But don't mix up argument with squabbling subtle difference.



    Was trying for does not equal. !=, =/=, etc.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well, that may not happen, but something has to happen. We need one of this two options:

    No skill cap, skill tree designed with no skill cap.
    Skill cap, skill tree designed for skill cap.

    However, that is not what we have. We have:

    skill cap, skill tree designed for no skill cap.

    Cryptic, change the damn skill tree to something useful with a skill cap, or leave as it is and remove the skill cap. I'm sure if you put it a really meaningful skill tree, worth putting skills into, that have you thinking and deciding what you want to do, then many people may be back. Maybe.

    Anyway, do something. The current state of the skill tree with the skill cap is just wrong.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Moonphase wrote: »
    Sadly, the way things are going people are quiting left right and center. We're on the USS Titanic and the warp core is slowly breaching, Cryptic needs to think of solid ways to keep people playing, but lately everything thats being done has been the opposite. I myself have put my account on hold, I'm going to sit back and watch this warp core explosion from a safe distance and maybe if the USS Titanic doesn't go down, maybe in a few months I'll come back myself.

    Is horrid 76 still here? Or is he quitting too?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Rumbleskin wrote: »
    anywho, sure caped system great bla bla bla. in a few months i will make my i told you so speech (this will not make me happy )

    When the servers have become ghost towns from pure bordom

    sure you defend it here and sound grand, but the people playing who dont read here will get bored

    when you see and come to understand it will be to late.

    You now the main reasion i want the cap removed? the number one reasion.
    I feel this game will die without it, I want this game to win. I love star trek but i cant play on dead servers

    so very very many people have left stating the cap as the number one reasion for there departure
    i dont even wanna know just how many it really was/is/going to be.
    It would just make me sad

    I don't know but I had heard that the current STF started out in a blaze of people doing it but it has since died down and I am sure this would perhaps indicate people losing interest already. I don't know as it was just what I heard from my fleetmates. But I have seen a substantial difference in the amount of people doing DSE's as compared to what it was just post launch.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well, that may not happen, but something has to happen. We need one of this two options:

    No skill cap, skill tree designed with no skill cap.
    Skill cap, skill tree designed for skill cap.

    However, that is not what we have. We have:

    skill cap, skill tree designed for no skill cap.

    Cryptic, change the damn skill tree to something useful with a skill cap, or leave as it is and remove the skill cap. I'm sure if you put it a really meaningful skill tree, worth putting skills into, that have you thinking and deciding what you want to do, then many people may be back. Maybe.

    Anyway, do something. The current state of the skill tree with the skill cap is just wrong.

    Now that I can get behind... raise the skill cap a little to make becoming a Rear Admiral something less of "Let's Make a Deal" and more diversified. At least until the latter RA levels/full Admiral appears and the tree gets a little balancing/pruning to a more final form.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1) dead horse

    2) an aluminum bat

    ...keep picking up that bat...... and do with it what you will.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well, that may not happen, but something has to happen. We need one of this two options:

    No skill cap, skill tree designed with no skill cap.
    Skill cap, skill tree designed for skill cap.

    However, that is not what we have. We have:

    skill cap, skill tree designed for no skill cap.

    Cryptic, change the damn skill tree to something useful with a skill cap, or leave as it is and remove the skill cap. I'm sure if you put it a really meaningful skill tree, worth putting skills into, that have you thinking and deciding what you want to do, then many people may be back. Maybe.

    Anyway, do something. The current state of the skill tree with the skill cap is just wrong.

    How do we know that the possibility of a cap didn't exist from the moment they conceived of the system? It seems very plausible to me. But see, you guys are framing the argument so that there's no wiggle room. Why is that? ;)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Muhler wrote:
    Was trying for does not equal. !=, =/=, etc.

    Ah right ok.....I get you now.

    I don't agree though. Zinc has already stated that the game will progress by the devs using the forums for feedback. In light of his comments I just can't agree with you on that matter.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Heliotrope wrote: »
    How do we know that the possibility of a cap didn't exist from the moment they conceived of the system? It seems very plausible to me. But see, you guys are framing the argument so that there's no wiggle room. Why is that? ;)

    Because Dstahl has admitted that it didn't exist from the moment they conceived of the system.

    I am useless at finding old threads but I assure you it is there and he has admitted it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Heliotrope wrote: »
    How do we know that the possibility of a cap didn't exist from the moment they conceived of the system? It seems very plausible to me. But see, you guys are framing the argument so that there's no wiggle room. Why is that? ;)

    Because they actually stated in interviews that the tree would not have a skill cap (can't find the links, but they said it loud and clear).

    Also, the tier 2, 3, 4, ship skills not affecting any other ship than that tier screams a no skill cap system (that apparently changes in the update). Also, no requirements from one skill to another screams open skill tree with no cap.

    It is plain as day obvious that the skill tree was designed with a no skill cap mentality.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Because they actually stated in interviews that the tree would not have a skill cap (can't find the links, but they said it loud and clear).

    Also, the tier 2, 3, 4, ship skills not affecting any other ship than that tier screams a no skill cap system (that apparently changes in the update). Also, no requirements from one skill to another screams open skill tree with no cap.

    It is plain as day obvious that the skill tree was designed with a no skill cap mentality.

    Right, because they said there would be no cap means there was NEVER that possibility.

    The fact that we DO have a cap completely defeats that logic. It was obviously a possibility.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1) dead horse

    2) an aluminum bat

    ...keep picking up that bat...... and do with it what you will.


    Hey CGTA.....I get that you don't agree. I can accept that but clearly there is a still cause for debate as all this time on since they capped the system people are still debating it.

    Whether you think it's beating a dead horse or not......others clearly don't.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Rumbleskin wrote: »
    I posted this, i felt it was constructive. my thread was closed[/COLOR]

    So what are the benefits of a capless ayatem? Well firstly the currently useless upper tier weapon abilities would become useful because we wouldn't be wasing points by putting them into there. Secondly they'd let you have flexibility. This is another reason why nobody can do everything. If you want to be a healer then you slot healing abilites, if you want to be a dps then you slot emergancy power to weapons and such, if you want to do everything with your massive skills...then you slot a little bit of everything and you're not as good at anything.

    That's the basic argument behind no skill cap. Removing the cap doesn't remove the roles, it just let's people switch between roles easier and lets people use higher ranked weapons, like anti-proton, which currently is too skill intensive.

    If I take everything you say here and reverse it, it is the best reasons why there should be a skill cap. You have failed to respond to every attempt to explain this to you.

    Without a skill cap, EVERYONE in the same officer type will have exactly the SAME SKILLS and LEVELS in those skills. NO specialization....no originality.....no focused training. If you want to be flexible, put only 6 or 7 skill points into every skill.
    This is another reason why nobody can do everything

    If everyone could do everything, then there would be no point in having officer types. There would be no point in asking for respecs. There would be no point in having more than one character slot.

    Again, what you are asking for is: EVERYONE in the same officer type will have exactly the SAME SKILLS and LEVELS If that does not kill the game off fast, I don't know what will.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Because they actually stated in interviews that the tree would not have a skill cap (can't find the links, but they said it loud and clear).

    Also, the tier 2, 3, 4, ship skills not affecting any other ship than that tier screams a no skill cap system (that apparently changes in the update). Also, no requirements from one skill to another screams open skill tree with no cap.

    It is plain as day obvious that the skill tree was designed with a no skill cap mentality.

    yep so now instead of fixing the game they are gonna try and throw a caped system right on top of the old uncaped one. This is gonna break the game for years

    Its like trying to put a pinto engine in a volvo . with alot of work it mite run but it isnt no volvo. Why do you all want a pinto?
This discussion has been closed.