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Patch cancelled, account cancelled



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The game really needs something other than daily Cluster missions at RA5, I hit RA5 about 1 week ago and I have nothing at all to do. This patch was needed badly.

    I'm just in total shock to be honest, I've never played a game where it's just become so pointless in being max level. I can see why they didn't increase a Character slots because why would any fool level a 2nd toon just to have it sitting there .

    To be fair they did open up Borg space. The only downside is they included a small 3 missions and a stupid daily mission for uber loot.

    Even when this so called " Big patch " gets released it's going to take a Casual player not long at all to complete all the Raids judging by how silly easy this game is, I even got that bored shitless with the game difficultly I let my dog jump up on my Gamepad and let myself do the clicking.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    That comment does not endear them to their community what so ever.

    Oh who cares.

    He's a dev, not a goddamn marketing agent. He's not here to make you happy. He's here to produce content and write code.

    He's not getting paid to appeal to your sense of entitlement. He's not even getting paid to post on these forums. He's just another guy, who happens to write code, who happens to post on his product forums once in a while.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No, that quote does not explain why the patch was delayed. That post was a direct THREAT against the community. Could you point me to that post? I cannot quite find it. I need to go in there and give a piece of my mind. You do NOT threaten customers. EVER.

    The creedo, "The Customer is Always Right", is the most assine statement ever made. You think 'giving them a piece of your mind', is going to make any difference what so ever? Or is it just a way for you to get your nerdrage out?

    Customers are the most ignorant, self serving, butthurt people in the universe. They think that with their singular, self delusional, voice they can rock the very foundations of major companies. I got bad news for you. You don't, and you won't. Oh sure, there are a 'few' others that are standing at your side crying about the same thing. But still, you all are just a 'drop in the bucket', of the total subscriber base.

    And please, spare us the made up statistical tripe of subscribers canceling left and right. You don't think that Cryptic didn't see a percentage of people screaming about an unfinished game? I imagine the figures that they had are right about on target.

    Gozer at least made a statement, unfortunately things didn't go as planned and they couldn't get it out. You know things like that happen in real life. But I'm sure that your perfect and you never make mistakes and things like that.

    For Cryptic, its a Catch 22....damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mithie wrote:

    You feel threatened by that post?



    I think you need to get off the internet and step outside for a while.

    Umm the dev made a statement that if customers took a particular action, he would take a retaliatory and negative action..kinda sounds like a threat to me?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mithie wrote:
    Oh who cares.

    He's a dev, not a goddamn marketing agent. He's not here to make you happy. He's here to produce content and write code.

    He's not getting paid to appeal to your sense of entitlement. He's not even getting paid to post on these forums. He's just another guy, who happens to write code, who happens to post on his product forums once in a while.

    Then why the heck is he out posting on the forum if he's not in charge of PR? PR is there for a reason. An off-hand comment like his can be very damaging to the community. And his comment (threat) was very damaging in my book. If you have no idea how to address the community, then do not. Let the PR people handle it.

    It's no excuse. It was a threat to the community, that is inexcusable.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mithie wrote:
    Oh who cares.

    He's a dev, not a goddamn marketing agent. He's not here to make you happy. He's here to produce content and write code.

    He's not getting paid to appeal to your sense of entitlement. He's not even getting paid to post on these forums. He's just another guy, who happens to write code, who happens to post on his product forums once in a while.

    Yeah, don't blame him if he speaks out when some kid flames him.

    He didn't have to post anything.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mithie wrote:
    Oh who cares.

    He's a dev, not a goddamn marketing agent. He's not here to make you happy. He's here to produce content and write code.

    He's not getting paid to appeal to your sense of entitlement.

    Then why di he need to post?

    Self Entitlement? Thats the new fanboi response to customers who take a company for their word. Wanting a product working correctly, in a more finished state is not self entitlement, at all. Wanting a company whom you have already paid for a product from to be honest and forthcoming with out ****** remarks is not self entitlement.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nichalus wrote:

    And please, spare us the made up statistical tripe of subscribers canceling left and right. You don't think that Cryptic didn't see a percentage of people screaming about an unfinished game? I imagine the figures that they had are right about on target.

    For Cryptic, its a Catch 22....damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

    So that person should give up making up statistic, but you can tell us about made up internal Cryptic meetings?:confused:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    hunaxor wrote: »
    Yep, just that easy. I can live with some problems, no endgame or anything. But right now we should be playing some new endgame for one week. And surprise, we wont be playing it this week too!!
    My hope/trust is over. Only reason for me to subscribe next month is that 45 day patch (clear money grab). But how I can sub now? They are not able to do what they promise. One week, ok. But next week and still nothing?........
    I will not pay for words.

    The free content update. Is a money grab. The one they've said, in all caps no less, is free. Money grab.

    Are you sure you know what the word "money" means?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why would the patch not be ready, the trailer had a release date. It didn't say 'Coming Soon', it said February 25th.

    The fact people are accepting of this behavior in the gaming industry is really sad.

    From what I heard over 7 million people bought Star Trek Online. Let's assume every one of those 7 million customers paid only $50. That's $350,000,000 gross.

    So a company that released a new game that made $300,000,000+ in its first few weeks can't follow through on promises of release dates? Mind you, Cryptic still has to earn the $15 from everyone all over again.

    It's not looking good.

    If 7 million sold, Cryptic may see about 20% of each sale of the box because everyone involved in it reaching the shelves gets a cut. It's the same as how much writers see from book sales or artists from record sales when brick&mortar are concerned. Now the orders from Atari may be different due to it cuts out the "middle men". No way did Cryptic make 300 million.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Internet Spaceships are ... SRS_BSNS

    To the OP ... cool story bro, but you failed on the delivery. Practice your act in the mirror next time, might help you stick the landing.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The game really needs something other than daily Cluster missions at RA5, I hit RA5 about 1 week ago and I have nothing at all to do. This patch was needed badly.

    I'm just in total shock to be honest, I've never played a game where it's just become so pointless in being max level. I can see why they didn't increase a Character slots because why would any fool level a 2nd toon just to have it sitting there .

    To be fair they did open up Borg space. The only downside is they included a small 3 missions and a stupid daily mission for uber loot.

    Even when this so called " Big patch " gets released it's going to take a Casual player not long at all to complete all the Raids judging by how silly easy this game is, I even got that bored shitless with the game difficultly I let my dog jump up on my Gamepad and let myself do the clicking.

    That's why raid and item grinding end game content doesn't utimatly work, as the developers can never keep up. Community focused content needs to be added for a MMO to either last or not to suffer from a high turn over of players.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Shaddock wrote:
    So that person should give up making up statistic, but you can tell us about made up internal Cryptic meetings?:confused:

    In any new venture in any business, they have bean counters that try to predict a percentage of dissatified customers, with any new content. That is just how business works.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Why would the patch not be ready, the trailer had a release date. It didn't say 'Coming Soon', it said February 25th.

    The fact people are accepting of this behavior in the gaming industry is really sad.

    From what I heard over 7 million people bought Star Trek Online. Let's assume every one of those 7 million customers paid only $50. That's $350,000,000 gross.

    So a company that released a new game that made $300,000,000+ in its first few weeks can't follow through on promises of release dates? Mind you, Cryptic still has to earn the $15 from everyone all over again.

    It's not looking good.

    Yeah, that is where they dropped the ball big time. "Soon" is the best answer anyone can give or get in anything IT related. I likely ignored the date because of years working in the field and playing MMO's you get used to it just being "soon". And I can understand, for some folks that are on the fence, that is just enough to push them over.

    However, as to the over 7 million copies in sales, I am very interested to see a link with that information. Digging around, I saw nothing other that "Top PC" but Mass Effect 2 beat it on all platforms.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    syberghost wrote: »
    The free content update. Is a money grab. The one they've said, in all caps no less, is free. Money grab.

    Are you sure you know what the word "money" means?

    The money grab issue people think they see is that they are intentionally waiting until after the monthly sub kicks in, assuming correctly that many will give the game a chance based on that content. It allows them the extra charge for people that would leave if they dont like the new content, for example if they think it is too short. That then gives them another month to try to carrot us along. I would draw you a picture but I left my 'conspiracy' colored crayon in my 96 box.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    QQ more ! , Glad to see you go
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Umm the dev made a statement that if customers took a particular action, he would take a retaliatory and negative action..kinda sounds like a threat to me?

    So... one dev who is not in any way required to post anything anywhere who decides one day to not post is a retaliatory and negative action?


    He's not your daddy. Do you really consider one dev who decides he's sick of the insults to spend his coffee break coding instead of posting on the forums a "negatory and retaliatory" move? Really? REALLY?
    The what the heck is he out posting on the forum if he's not in charge of PR? PR is there for a reason. Am off-hand comment like his can be very damaging to the community. And his comment (threat) was very damaging in my book. If you have no idea how to address the community, then do not. Let the PR people handle it.

    He's not in charge of PR. He's no where NEAR PR. He's a developer who posts on the forums during his coffee break.

    Deal with it.
    It's no excuse. It was a threat to the community, that is inexcusable.

    No. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. You're blowing things way out of proportion. I understand you're irked about the patch being cancelled. Fine. But you're clearing stepping past the bounds of reality here if you consititute this as a "threat".

    A terrorist threatening to stab you through the face is a threat. Some dev who decides not to post anymore in his off time because of too much negativity is in no shape and form a "threat".
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nichalus wrote:
    The creedo, "The Customer is Always Right", is the most assine statement ever made. You think 'giving them a piece of your mind', is going to make any difference what so ever? Or is it just a way for you to get your nerdrage out?

    Customers are the most ignorant, self serving, butthurt people in the universe. They think that with their singular, self delusional, voice they can rock the very foundations of major companies. I got bad news for you. You don't, and you won't. Oh sure, there are a 'few' others that are standing at your side crying about the same thing. But still, you all are just a 'drop in the bucket', of the total subscriber base.

    And please, spare us the made up statistical tripe of subscribers canceling left and right. You don't think that Cryptic didn't see a percentage of people screaming about an unfinished game? I imagine the figures that they had are right about on target.

    Gozer at least made a statement, unfortunately things didn't go as planned and they couldn't get it out. You know things like that happen in real life. But I'm sure that your perfect and you never make mistakes and things like that.

    For Cryptic, its a Catch 22....damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

    Amen to this. He didn't have to post and update us, so stop acting so damned entitled. I quite like the honest attitude the Cryptic devs are taking with the community. It's refreshing.

    You'd rather get the same old standard customer service PR message? "Sorry folks, we've had some problems with the patch and will get it out asap. We apologize for the inconvenience." That is just PR spin that you hear all the time everywhere. I'd prefer to know exactly why the patch isn't coming out and I don't mind the devs telling you moaning pukes to STFU.

    He didn't make a threat, he stated a fact. If the community is just going to spew bile and hate toward him whenever he takes a moment out of his day to update them about what's going on, he's going to stop doing it and exposing himself to the hate. I'd do the same thing. He doesn't have to post at all and if you don't like his tone and you think it's "inexcusable", then kindly take your piddling, insignificant, self serving drop out of our bucket and wake up to the real world. Thank you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Intrepidox wrote: »
    they could try getting it right the first time / faster. you'd think with the state the game is in and absolutely NO end game content right now they would be working on this 24/7 to get some content out.

    Think about how much work YOU get done in an average day. They're about the same. They need to eat, sleep and TRIBBLE too.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nichalus wrote:
    In any new venture in any business, they have bean counters that try to predict a percentage of dissatified customers, with any new content. That is just how business works.

    Oh ok, so you can make a conclusion based off of fairly common sense knowledge available to you, but other people cant make conclusions based off of information available to them? Ok, just wanted to make sure I knew how it all worked. Thanks for clearing that up.:rolleyes:
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    AtomicFB wrote:
    You folks are gonna be very disappointed in many aspects of life if you think he was off base with that post.

    The post he made was pretty unprofessional and shouldn't be said to paying customers. Does he expect people to be happy about the delay?

    Maybe he's the one who needs thicker skin and take whatever remarks he gets. The players aren't the ones who screwed up the patch.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Then why di he need to post?

    Self Entitlement? Thats the new fanboi response to customers who take a company for their word. Wanting a product working correctly, in a more finished state is not self entitlement, at all. Wanting a company whom you have already paid for a product from to be honest and forthcoming with out ****** remarks is not self entitlement.

    Oh jesus, here we go with the "fanboi" ******** again.

    Wanting a product working correctly has nothing to do with the topic at hand, which is Gozer's comment and your overreaction to it. You're committing a non sequitur here.

    He posted because... because Cryptic is out of coffee. Maybe his cubical is secluded and he's lonely. Who the **** knows? Do you really care that much?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Do they not have testing in their patching plan? How can this be something that just came up? LOL. Its all spin to keep the players strung along. It happened before witht his company see: CO. Nothing new to see here. Any hope I had that they would handle this game any different than CO is now over.

    As an ex tester my self I can tell you that one showstopper can cause them to have to recode a whole helluva lot of stuff. and then that fix might cause something else to crash. [edit]

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Cryptic Studios Forum Usage Guidelines ~Seadgir
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mithie wrote:
    So... one dev who is not in any way required to post anything anywhere who decides one day to not post is a retaliatory and negative action?


    He's not your daddy. Do you really consider one dev who decides he's sick of the insults to spend his coffee break coding instead of posting on the forums a "negatory and retaliatory" move? Really? REALLY?

    He's not in charge of PR. He's no where NEAR PR. He's a developer who posts on the forums during his coffee break.

    Deal with it.

    He obviously made the original statement about the reason for the delay as a positive, thing that he felt was not needed but welcome on his part, which it was. he then outlined behavior he disagreed with and stated if that took place he would undue that contributions back to what they were before. He didnt have to post ever again, but to make the comment that our behavior would be rewarded or not by his actions following yes that is a threat.

    And no he is not my daddy, nor are you. So why dont you do me a small favor and comment on my post and not make statements about my family.

    Edit 1: Changed a not to a nor
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Self Entitlement? Thats the new fanboi response to customers who take a company for their word. Wanting a product working correctly, in a more finished state is not self entitlement, at all. Wanting a company whom you have already paid for a product from to be honest and forthcoming with out ****** remarks is not self entitlement.

    Yes, it is self entitlement. That's what self entitlement is. You want them to bend over backward and give you exactly what you want in the tone you want simply because you paid for the game. You're entitled to the best game in the world with hundreds of hours of content and not one bug, honesty and transparency without abrasiveness, predicted dates that are never wrong, and a development team to work 24/7 which is humanly impossible, because you paid for it, right? Because you're special, right?

    That's entitlement and it's a horrible state of mind. You're not special, you're jsut another drop in the bucket who is insignificant and your opinions/gripes are even less significant. You paid for a game and you got a game. That's all you're entitled to. Sorry that it isn't up to your standards, but that's life and you deserve no more than that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mikey5time wrote: »
    Think about how much work YOU get done in an average day. They're about the same. They need to eat, sleep and TRIBBLE too.

    Ya, but when I tell people I will have something done by a particular time I take into account me sleeping eating and pooping. Now if I eat something bad and TRIBBLE more than intended well I really cant help that! So Cryptic if this delay is the result of excessive pooping I would like to apologize on behalf of all poopers everywhere for our angst over the delay:p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    CO patch was cancelled also, this could have been due to there network provider doing updates also.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Shaddock wrote:
    He didnt have to post ever again, but to make the comment that our behavior would be rewarded or not by his actions following yes that is a threat.

    So... you care about his presence on the forums to be a "reward" and his absence a "punishment"?

    Why such an attachment? Do you know Gozer on a personal level? Would you really be emotionally wounded if he's gone?

    Because, uh, I'm pretty sure he doesn't give two nuts about you.
    And no he is not my daddy, nor are you. So why dont you do me a small favor and comment on my post and not make statements about my family.

    What the.. statements about your family?

    When have I made any comment resembling your family?

    Why are you bringing your family into this?

    Are you insinuating that I'm out to get your family?

    Are you insinuating that I'm a stalker? Or some sort of deranged lunatic?

    Sir, that is a capital insult, and I, frankly, am offended. I challenge you to a duel atop Molehill Mountain, tomorrow at noon. Pistols only at 60 paces.

    If you refuse, I might stop posting. There. I just threatened you.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    hunaxor wrote: »
    Yep, just that easy. I can live with some problems, no endgame or anything. But right now we should be playing some new endgame for one week. And surprise, we wont be playing it this week too!!
    My hope/trust is over. Only reason for me to subscribe next month is that 45 day patch (clear money grab). But how I can sub now? They are not able to do what they promise. One week, ok. But next week and still nothing?........
    I will not pay for words.

    It has been 45 days since release? I don't think so. Also if you've played MMOs before you should know that there is usually (+-) 1-2 weeks to the devs ETA. If you can't wait it just shows that you already lost interest to the game. Played too much I guess. I feel sad for people with OCD who needs to get to cap level as soon as they physically can. And then they sit and bite their own fingers. Worst of all are those complete loosers who get to level cap and then come to forums to complain.

    Its been clear from start that STO is a CASUAL game. So its nobody's fault that you can't play games casually.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Pandajuice wrote: »
    Yes, it is self entitlement. That's what self entitlement is. You want them to bend over backward and give you exactly what you want in the tone you want simply because you paid for the game. You're entitled to the best game in the world with hundreds of hours of content and not one bug, honesty and transparency without abrasiveness, predicted dates that are never wrong, and a development team to work 24/7 which is humanly impossible, because you paid for it, right? Because you're special, right?

    That's entitlement and it's a horrible state of mind. You're not special, you're jsut another drop in the bucket who is insignificant and your opinions/gripes are even less significant. You paid for a game and you got a game. That's all you're entitled to. Sorry that it isn't up to your standards, but that's life and you deserve no more than that.

    Game companys just love rubes like you.:p:p:p:p
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