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The Bridge of Death: Goonfleet Imprisons 2 GMs!



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As soon as I got a fire extinguisher I knew that it would catch on.

    This vid gave me more pleasure watching than anything ingame did. SO GOOD is the only thing to describe this. RA5x3 canceled account loves this:)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I thought it was hilarious, personally.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I love you goons. Great laughs to be had in everything you do.

    Additionally, why call for permabans? They did STO a great service in exposing some exploitable design flaws in the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well, I just got back in from work... lets see what I missed here.... OMG THE COPS!

    Really? Calling the police? If so, can you ask that they play "message in a bottle" for me? I own that song on expert in Guitar Hero and I want to hear it played by the pros
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I would prefer to hear "Roxanne", but I can go with "message in a bottle"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    "Everything she Does is Magic" is the best choice, really.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    'King Of Pain' would suit this thread well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Xarthos wrote: »
    If those Klingers understood Starfleet protocols and followed rules like the rest of us they wouldn't have beamed aboard a federation starship bridge or accepted the invitation which is the only way they could possibly have been on that bridge in the first place.

    YEAH... thank you for proving my point by the way
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wanna read something funny?

    post #114 forward...
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    You can quite easily turn off the shield ring graphics. Unfortunately it requires editing client-side files, which I'm pretty sure is against the EULA.
    Isnt starfleet dental a Goon front? Cause that would make this post make sense.
    ....and assuming im looking for a legal way to do it as I was directly asking the DEV.
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    I'm not sure what you're getting at here. All I said was that it was possible, and it's not a problematic or big change (at all).

    I also resent being called a goon.
    - yeah I edited out the racial slur
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    Never played EVE, don't know about this Goonfleet you're talking about.
    Would these be the goons from SA that are being discussed here?
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    SA? What's SA?
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    Well the link's already been posted, but just because we have members from some other website doesn't mean we're a 'front' or even that all (or even most) of us are also members of that website.
    You know who else wouldn't admit it? Someone who wasn't a Goonfleet member?
    doctorzero wrote: »
    No. I've never played EVE. Starfleet Dental has nothing to do with anything from EVE.
    Also, the only person being a jerk in here is you. Perhaps "goonfleet" isn't the problem, after all.
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    From what I've read about EVE, STO wouldn't really attract the same kind of players.

    Who am I kidding, he has me on ignore.
    Munin_Hoag wrote:
    Well, that rather illustrates my very point.

    Again, the goons in STO are not goonfleet, not the people that played EVE, whatever happened in EVE (never heard of an actual dns attack) is not relevant. But by all means, paint your bias with a broad brush. I'm sure it saves all that all too time consuming activity of thinking.
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure SA isn't Goonfleet, either.
    Ryllynyth wrote: »
    Seriously, I don't know what any goons that played EVE may have done to **** you off so much, but everyone I know in Dental is cool (well, except Arus, he's a butt). You should try hanging out with us, we're actually pretty chill.
    Munin_Hoag wrote:
    You are entirely correct here, and I suppose this is the point I was trying to get across, with the addendum that it doesn't make a lot of sense to assume its true. SA is pretty big, and goonfleet was just a small part of SA. I wouldn't be hesitant to say that the only goons that have any idea what goonfleet is are the ones that play mmos and go to those forums, and not even all of them.
    Really Goonfleet is full of stupid nerds who care about spaceships too much but there's literally no reason for us to care about "goodwill" from 99% of the players of this game anyway so it looks like everybody's wrong!!!

    om nom nom Goon popcorn munching
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    were you going somewhere with that or did you just feel like posting a wall of quotes
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    look at all these words about nothing
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Racetrack wrote:
    were you going somewhere with that or did you just feel like posting a wall of quotes

    the fun of Starfleet goonsquad pretending they are not what they are lol
    Reading ftw
    Oh wait Im talking to a Goonsquad member
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    also the tribble exploit as posted on their dental forums (told you i had access hahaha)

    edit: oops double post

    There's no way of telling who discovered that exploit in the first place.

    There is, however a way to tell who posted this exploit in the official STO-Forum. And that was you :eek: Someone call a GM
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    the fun of Starfleet goonsquad pretending they are not what they are lol
    Reading ftw
    Oh wait Im talking to a Goonsquad member

    -Invite lots of goons to the bridge
    -Invite lots of Klingons to the bridge
    -Prohibit said Klingons from leaving the bridge via the doors (yes, the doors)
    -When GMs enter ("What's all this then"), continue RPing ("Captain, one of the Gorn is immune to our weapons!")

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Funny story:

    So I was busy doing my GM thing when Meskurra sends me a PM asking if klingons are supposed to be able to go onto a fed ship. As long as I have been playing STO going on bridges has been cross faction, so I said yes. Meskurra then asked me to teleport to them to check something out.

    I GM-magiked myself over and saw the "bridge of death." Turns out that players had been sending in stuck tickets because they could not get out, which was how we became aware of the problem. Meskurra was there teleporting everyone out who asked.

    At first I was in awe because that was the type of pvp I have been wanting in STO, then I was not happy because of all the extra work it was giving us.

    To get on the bridge you have to be specifically invited. If you accept an invite then you are consenting to what happens. So joining a cross faction bridge for pvp is not considered being griefed.

    Then I hear talk about not being able to leave the bridge. If people were trapped on a cross faction bridge than I was going to have a HUGE problem. To the tune of removing everyone involved from the game. I did some investigation and found that if you stood by the door you could leave, even if you were in combat.

    At that point I was ok with everything. Maybe I got there too late, or I left too early but once I asked for them to stop blocking the exit they did. I sat there invisible for quite a while and waited for them to block the exit again so I could action them (If I am expected to sit and baby sit for that long I better be able to ban someone) but they did not. Everyone in the zone who asked was teleported outside.

    Now the best part about this story is that during the shenanigans a dev came over to ask me some questions. I showed him what was going on and told him how badly I wanted it to be real. His response was, and I quote:

    Then he continued to explain to me how cross faction bridges were a bug that was fixed forever ago. Apparently the bug some how snuck back on but was never looked at again because it had been fixed.

    Long story short cross faction bridges are a bug and will be fixed in the future. The only act of griefing in this bridge situation was blocking the exit, which stopped when asked.

    PS: I'm hurt that you would show a quote of mine with a typo. I thought we were pals :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ROFL @ IndigoFyre,
    (If I am expected to sit and baby sit for that long I better be able to ban someone)

    I noticed the shield too in the video, but as you clearly said, once asked to remove it was done.

    Shame the Dev's will remove it soon lol
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Badem wrote: »
    ROFL @ IndigoFyre,

    I noticed the shield too in the video, but as you clearly said, once asked to remove it was done.

    Shame the Dev's will remove it soon lol

    well you would have to expect that if abusing such "feature"... and in a scale as big as this.
    Also expect the force field things to get nerfed/taken out because some funny people block doors with it.

    The forcefields are cool.. but when people abuse them they have to live without them.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Funny story:

    So I was busy doing my GM thing when Meskurra sends me a PM asking if klingons are supposed to be able to go onto a fed ship. As long as I have been playing STO going on bridges has been cross faction, so I said yes. Meskurra then asked me to teleport to them to check something out.

    I GM-magiked myself over and saw the "bridge of death." Turns out that players had been sending in stuck tickets because they could not get out, which was how we became aware of the problem. Meskurra was there teleporting everyone out who asked.

    At first I was in awe because that was the type of pvp I have been wanting in STO, then I was not happy because of all the extra work it was giving us.

    To get on the bridge you have to be specifically invited. If you accept an invite then you are consenting to what happens. So joining a cross faction bridge for pvp is not considered being griefed.

    Then I hear talk about not being able to leave the bridge. If people were trapped on a cross faction bridge than I was going to have a HUGE problem. To the tune of removing everyone involved from the game. I did some investigation and found that if you stood by the door you could leave, even if you were in combat.

    At that point I was ok with everything. Maybe I got there too late, or I left too early but once I asked for them to stop blocking the exit they did. I sat there invisible for quite a while and waited for them to block the exit again so I could action them (If I am expected to sit and baby sit for that long I better be able to ban someone) but they did not. Everyone in the zone who asked was teleported outside.

    Now the best part about this story is that during the shenanigans I dev came over to ask me some questions. I showed him what was going on and told him how badly I wanted it to be real. His response was, and I quote:

    Then he continued to explain to me how cross faction bridges were a bug that was fixed forever ago. Apparently the bug some how snuck back on but was never looked at again because it had been fixed.

    Long story short cross faction bridges are a bug and will be fixed in the future. The only act of griefing in this bridge situation was blocking the exit, which stopped when asked.

    PS: I'm hurt that you would show a quote of mine with a typo. I thought we were pals :(
    Firstly, thank you for a long and detailed response on this issue, and although I am not entirely satisfied by your answer I do appreciate it being given.

    If I may ask, what does the self-destructing in Earth orbit qualify as, out of curiosity? Does it constitute some sort of griefing or interfering in other's play, or does it simply qualify as annoying yet still within the rules?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Funny story:
    At that point I was ok with everything. Maybe I got there too late, or I left too early but once I asked for them to stop blocking the exit they did. I sat there invisible for quite a while and waited for them to block the exit again so I could action them (If I am expected to sit and baby sit for that long I better be able to ban someone) but they did not. Everyone in the zone who asked was teleported outside.

    We did attempt to blockade you into a wall with Enginerring shields, almost had you till you used that blasted magic to escape. I think you actually make a cameo in that video where your gorn refuses to dance.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i'd still call it bug abusing, but i am not the one to decide, lucky yous. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Funny story:

    So I was busy doing my GM thing when Meskurra sends me a PM asking if klingons are supposed to be able to go onto a fed ship. As long as I have been playing STO going on bridges has been cross faction, so I said yes. Meskurra then asked me to teleport to them to check something out.

    I GM-magiked myself over and saw the "bridge of death." Turns out that players had been sending in stuck tickets because they could not get out, which was how we became aware of the problem. Meskurra was there teleporting everyone out who asked.

    At first I was in awe because that was the type of pvp I have been wanting in STO, then I was not happy because of all the extra work it was giving us.

    To get on the bridge you have to be specifically invited. If you accept an invite then you are consenting to what happens. So joining a cross faction bridge for pvp is not considered being griefed.

    Then I hear talk about not being able to leave the bridge. If people were trapped on a cross faction bridge than I was going to have a HUGE problem. To the tune of removing everyone involved from the game. I did some investigation and found that if you stood by the door you could leave, even if you were in combat.

    At that point I was ok with everything. Maybe I got there too late, or I left too early but once I asked for them to stop blocking the exit they did. I sat there invisible for quite a while and waited for them to block the exit again so I could action them (If I am expected to sit and baby sit for that long I better be able to ban someone) but they did not. Everyone in the zone who asked was teleported outside.

    Now the best part about this story is that during the shenanigans I dev came over to ask me some questions. I showed him what was going on and told him how badly I wanted it to be real. His response was, and I quote:

    Then he continued to explain to me how cross faction bridges were a bug that was fixed forever ago. Apparently the bug some how snuck back on but was never looked at again because it had been fixed.

    Long story short cross faction bridges are a bug and will be fixed in the future. The only act of griefing in this bridge situation was blocking the exit, which stopped when asked.

    PS: I'm hurt that you would show a quote of mine with a typo. I thought we were pals :(

    Thanks for the clarification IndigoFyre. I was pretty sure it was a staged event, but wasn't 100% certain that it was. But the video was also tying in the self-destruction fest to the event as well. I suspect you were not present for that, but with how the video was edited and presented, it was made to appear that you and Meskurra were "cool about it" with that part as well.

    I must admit the Star Fleet Dental did a decent job of playing the bridge event up, and getting the forum stirred up in the fashion they wanted. A few mistakes, otherwise it would have been pretty close to perfect. However the one thing that would concern me was the fact that Cryptic GM's was named in the event, and was being purposely misrepresented in this thread as being "cool about it" with an act that was being presented as outright griefing. Your explanation did clear it up, however it does remain that people involved were purposely misrepresenting the event, which (intentional or not) was making the named Cryptic GM's (as well as Cryptic) appear in a bad light to the player base. Which I would say is probably my only issue with the whole thing.

    If they had left the GM names off, it would have been better. But since they did drag the GM's in by name, and misrepresented the event to make it appear Cryptic employee's were supportive of a griefing event, I was wondering what your thoughts were on that? The reason I ask is because until your post (which is pretty deep in the thread) cleared it up with actual facts, it was being presented as an issue people will quit games over. And, until your post, it was putting a bad light on Cryptic.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kyronea wrote: »
    Firstly, thank you for a long and detailed response on this issue, and although I am not entirely satisfied by your answer I do appreciate it being given.

    If I may ask, what does the self-destructing in Earth orbit qualify as, out of curiosity? Does it constitute some sort of griefing or interfering in other's play, or does it simply qualify as annoying yet still within the rules?

    Now I know my name is yellow, which is going to have my words shine like truth, but this is going to be my opinion on how I look at things while on duty.

    I consider griefing to be harassment that a player can not escape from in game. Logging off doesn't count because that is you escaping out of game.

    With our one server system we have build into the game one of the greatest tools ever to grace an MMO: the "change instance" button.

    "Change instance" will get you around 90% of the bugs in STO. Including all the griefing.

    Someone is blocking a room on earth spacedock with cover shield? Change instance and you are free to move. People are blowing themselves up on sol space? Change instance and it is clear skys.

    This does not mean that we want cover shield to be able to block social areas, or that we like having the ability to blow yourself up and hurt your fellow faction. It is our job to make sure stuff like that can not happen in our game, they are issues we need to fix.

    What this means is that players can avoid these behaviors. If it is not a situation where you are trapped you should submit a ticket, change instance, and go on your way. Or change instance, submit a ticket, and go on your way, depending on how you feel.

    You should always submit a ticket for these types of behaviors so we can research the situations accordingly. Tickets are the fastest way you can help inform us of bugs that hinder the enjoyment of players.

    Considering that the exploding ships can so easily be avoided I would consider it more along the lines of exploitation of game mechanics then griefing, and action according to that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    GM_IndigoFyre so if I invite you over to my house to watch the Superbowl with several supermodels of your choice and you show up and not only are there no supermodels but I just repeatedly kick you in the nuts, you’re good with that? Good to know.

    Open faction pvp? Sure, but only if you know it's going to be pvp. This is still griefing and a bug exploit which I believe is a bannable offence. What are you going to do when they start griefing fleet actions?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Please don't "fix" the cross faction bridges, our Fleet has been having some really great Role Playing sessions with Klingon Faction RPers on the bridge of a ship. If this is taken away, you'll be taking away something that is keeping us from being bored with nothing else to do while we await more content patches in the future. :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Now I know my name is yellow, which is going to have my words shine like truth, but this is going to be my opinion on how I look at things while on duty.

    I consider griefing to be harassment that a player can not escape from in game. Logging off doesn't count because that is you escaping out of game.

    With our one server system we have build into the game one of the greatest tools ever to grace an MMO: the "change instance" button.

    "Change instance" will get you around 90% of the bugs in STO. Including all the griefing.

    Someone is blocking a room on earth spacedock with cover shield? Change instance and you are free to move. People are blowing themselves up on sol space? Change instance and it is clear skys.

    This does not mean that we want cover shield to be able to block social areas, or that we like having the ability to blow yourself up and hurt your fellow faction. It is our job to make sure stuff like that can not happen in our game, they are issues we need to fix.

    What this means is that players can avoid these behaviors. If it is not a situation where you are trapped you should submit a ticket, change instance, and go on your way. Or change instance, submit a ticket, and go on your way, depending on how you feel.

    You should always submit a ticket for these types of behaviors so we can research the situations accordingly. Tickets are the fastest way you can help inform us of bugs that hinder the enjoyment of players.

    Considering that the exploding ships can so easily be avoided I would consider it more along the lines of exploitation of game mechanics then griefing, and action according to that.

    So you’re perfectly ok with this type of behavior because we can change instances? Are you sure you want to say that? Because you've just given every person that thinks like SFD carte blanche to pursue these kinds of actions.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thanos007 wrote: »
    GM_IndigoFyre so if I invite you over to my house to watch the Superbowl with several supermodels of your choice and you show up and not only are there no supermodels but I just repeatedly kick you in the nuts, you’re good with that? Good to know.

    Open faction pvp? Sure, but only if you know it's going to be pvp. This is still griefing and a bug exploit which I believe is a bannable offence. What are you going to do when they start griefing fleet actions?

    I fail to see the connection between a funny video about an exploit and placing some one's reproductive capacity in danger.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Thanos007 wrote: »
    So you’re perfectly ok with this type of behavior because we can change instances? Are you sure you want to say that? Because you've just given every person that thinks like SFD carte blanche to pursue these kinds of actions.
    This does not mean that we want cover shield to be able to block social areas, or that we like having the ability to blow yourself up and hurt your fellow faction. It is our job to make sure stuff like that can not happen in our game, they are issues we need to fix.

    Good work team
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Upright wrote: »
    I fail to see the connection between a funny video about an exploit and placing some one's reproductive capacity in danger.

    Sorry to hear that. While that level of threat or danger is not the same the idea of an ambush is.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Oh and by the way. I wish I still had the link to an AoC video of a high level player on his horse in Newb Land. It was a pvp server and he waited on the bridge... Everytime a newblet ran by he kicked with horse, knocking that player off the side of a mountain to their death. It was set to Benny Hill music, and it was awesome. Star Fleet Dental is a close second to that.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Now I know my name is yellow, which is going to have my words shine like truth, but this is going to be my opinion on how I look at things while on duty.

    I consider griefing to be harassment that a player can not escape from in game. Logging off doesn't count because that is you escaping out of game.

    With our one server system we have build into the game one of the greatest tools ever to grace an MMO: the "change instance" button.

    "Change instance" will get you around 90% of the bugs in STO. Including all the griefing.

    Someone is blocking a room on earth spacedock with cover shield? Change instance and you are free to move. People are blowing themselves up on sol space? Change instance and it is clear skys.

    This does not mean that we want cover shield to be able to block social areas, or that we like having the ability to blow yourself up and hurt your fellow faction. It is our job to make sure stuff like that can not happen in our game, they are issues we need to fix.

    What this means is that players can avoid these behaviors. If it is not a situation where you are trapped you should submit a ticket, change instance, and go on your way. Or change instance, submit a ticket, and go on your way, depending on how you feel.

    You should always submit a ticket for these types of behaviors so we can research the situations accordingly. Tickets are the fastest way you can help inform us of bugs that hinder the enjoyment of players.

    Considering that the exploding ships can so easily be avoided I would consider it more along the lines of exploitation of game mechanics then griefing, and action according to that.

    OK let me get this right you condone this type of game play !!!!!

    Let say i am a new player never played this game before and enter SOL for my first time and there is a goonie using an exploit which CRYPTIC tried to remove from the game and exploding thier ships NOT knowing that you can change maps ! this is a game breaking point in my opinion and for you as rep from cryptic have now stated this is allowed and you have not even thought the whole situation through. You will allow these idiots to destroy this game in the early stages and then condone the actions im sorry but these idiots have already driven many players out of games in the past and YOU are condoning them here.

    OMG you have really made me angry with you stupid statement and you represent cryptic well enough said.
This discussion has been closed.