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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    -avery wrote:
    Cryptic is still responsible for the license (on lease by CBS), and how it's used by all subsidiaries.

    That's like making the argument that just because the bullets used in the gun are made by a different company that the shooter is not to be blamed for his mass homicide spree. :rolleyes:

    And just whom do you think provided "said footage" to the advertising agency to begin with? Hmmm... must have been espionage ninjas.


    Well, Cryptic has already said that the company that made the commercial took footage they weren't supposed to.

    Also, what is Cryptic to be responsible for? Nobody has come forward saying something to the effect of "I've never seen, smelled, tasted, touched or heard of anything called STO until I saw THAT commercial, AND I can't tell the difference between a CGI cutscene and in-game footage, AND I bought the game on the SOLE BASIS that the footage - that turned out to not be in-game footage, btw - maybe implied a little bit that I could command my ship from the bridge." Also, if they did, Cryptic would be protected, as that other footage has been on the internet for quite some time, and you can't say "I didn't know" in court and get away with it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nautuin wrote:
    I just saw this on sci fi channel a few minutes ago and thought the same thing. I'm having a lot of fun with the game but that was a freaking misleading commercial, starting with the Mrs. Roddenberry computer voice.

    Um, but the computer voice work in the game was done by Majel Barrett-Roddenberry. I don't see how that is misleading.

    I agree, the commercial is a bit misleading with the whole captain on the bridge scenes, but I think of it this way. Maybe it's a sign of things to come. Maybe there's something they are working on right now that will give players this option. You never know. Weirder things could happen.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    USSZenica wrote:
    I agree Dr. McCoy...so let me know when you find that game.

    you'll be the second to find out:p
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well, I did see the captain smashing the "spacebar" when he said fire phasers... To me, that was dead on...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ok, let me try this again:

    Show me the part of the vid that says "Actual in game footage" cause otherwise you are ASSUMING

    Show me were it says "NOT actual in game footage".
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    This add does seem rather misleading.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's a Trap!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    USSZenica wrote:

    I need a new spleen.

    I'll sell you mine. I'm sure it can't do anything all that important...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well, Cryptic's advertising has been fairly misleading, at least since Open Beta.

    This isn't any different. It's the STO I wanted to play, and the one I hope I'll eventually get to play.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    mickeyx wrote:
    No it doesn't depict it as a game play nor it is implied anywhere. The parts which are intended to be shown as game play are there with UI on screen. Rest are just cut scenes. Please do a little bit more research next time before you throw accusations. ;)

    ... people have these grand ideas in their head, so nothing can ever live up to their expectations. It's a sad way to go through life in general.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm still really struggling with this.

    Out of the three clips of a bridge being shown:

    1) Shows the NPCs and a player standing around in the second room of the tutorial.

    2) Shows a guy getting out of the captain's chair.

    3) Shows Admiral Quinn in the captain's chair doing that part of /emote sitcaptain where the character smacks their fist on the armrest.

    Where does anything show any sort of control over the starship from the bridge?

    And since when was it false advertising to not state that the product doesn't contain something, when you never actually said it did?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kupanda wrote:

    Where does anything show any sort of control over the starship from the bridge?

    And since when was it false advertising to not state that the product doesn't contain something, when you never actually said it did?

    I agree. I see cutscenes and the player UI for both space and ground. What's the problem? Where does it actually say you control combat from the bridge. Where does it even show it? When the words "Captain your own starship" appear, where's the part where they say "from the bridge?"

    And by the way, don't you have a bridge? Didn't Cryptic say they are working on making the bridge more interactive, and expanding the interior of your ship?

    You guys are reaching. You're looking for fault that isn't there.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    andrelle wrote: »
    I agree. I see cutscenes and the player UI for both space and ground. What's the problem? Where does it actually say you control combat from the bridge. Where does it even show it? When the words "Captain your own starship" appear, where's the part where they say "from the bridge?"

    And by the way, don't you have a bridge? Didn't Cryptic say they are working on making the bridge more interactive, and expanding the interior of your ship?

    You guys are reaching. You're looking for fault that isn't there.

    You are familiar with the word "suggestion" and concept of "misleading"?

    While they do not come right out and say "You pilot your ship from the Captains chair" it is not
    implausible for one to infer the possibility to do so based upon that advertisement.

    I have a question, are you a fanboy?
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