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Power Hue Disabled!!!!!!!



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    buddah7118 wrote:
    I dunno though, I dont remember seeing disruptors on federation ships in the shows but then again, I never saw every single episode of every single show

    Nope, and that should be changed. I was saying that before this idiotic effect coloring issue came up. The best solution at this point would be to have two types of phasers and two types of disruptors, one to cover each stat. Then Federation can only use phasers and Klingons only disruptors. And we'd all have access to the stats we prefer.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    Cryptic, let me put my complaint into perspective. When everyone whined on the forums about all the issues during the head start i defended you saying it's growing pains, and i know it is, but i'll defend this game because I liked it and still do, but now I have my first real complaint.

    OK, come one WTF seriously. You give us a game where the character creation is almost perversely detailed, to the point where you can even increase or decrease the womans breast and hip size size even down to how thick you want the persons feet to be.

    Then you give us horribly limited ship modifications, and when there is something fun to add a little character to an individuals ship, whether on purpose or not, you fing disable it. I don't know if you disabled it because everything in cannon was orange, red and blue for the federation and green for the rest of the universe but to be frankly honest i don't give a rats a$$.

    I want to add more modifications to my ship, i want to change the color of my weapons, and i don't think a few whiny little babies on the forums who are either so geeky they live by cannon or so insecure about their own se xuality that someone with pink or purple phasers causes them concern. If I want a rainbow of colors coming out of my ship I should be allowed to have it!!!

    Please put the powerhue back in, hell i'd like to see more colors, black quantum torpedoes would rock!

    you defended the game?
    cool good for you so did i,
    i still do, but dont be a hypocrite,

    the people you were defending the game from b*!@#ed
    about stupid things that are of little consequence
    or just all around bashing the game

    complaining that u cant change the colour of you phasers or whatever weapon you use
    is as pointless as what the other bashing the game complained about, it just a colour?
    2 reasons it was likely removed

    first, you werent supposed to be able to begin with FULLSTOP
    it was effectively a bug taking advantage of that bug is exploiting it

    second different weapons can have different effect on shields and such
    changing the colour takes away the ability to distinguish what the weapon is
    which gives an unfair advantage.

    so just forget the colour beams and go back to your toon and enjoy the game :D

    after re reading what i wrote it came across a little as$holish,
    that was not my intention >_<
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    RedSunBird wrote: »
    Well, the fact of the matter is that it's something Cryptic never intended to be in the game. As mentioned above, it can impact PVP by making it harder to determine what kind of weapon is hitting you, and it was taken out. I would not be against them adding in an option to have your weapons appear the color of your choice to you and no one else, at some point, but I seriously doubt it's even on the bottom of the list of Cryptic's priorities right now.

    I hear your point loud and clear and understand that you would like to make sure you know the weapon that is hitting you is meant for a certain type of damage, thats fair i can understand that.

    What you need to understand is the simple idea that I'm here to have fun, team with friends, explore the universe. I have no desire to PVP, even in the slightest. The very poor PVP system in AO, destroyed any want to even try it here.

    But I'd like to be able to change my weapon colors for no other reason to than to have fun and to make my ship a little more my tastes. I don't think there is enough customizable content in relation to the ships as is, but something like this where it's just a little different than someone else adds a little something to the game. People are right it isn't much, but it's those little things.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ultimota wrote: »

    second different weapons can have different effect on shields and such
    changing the colour takes away the ability to distinguish what the weapon is
    which gives an unfair advantage.

    so just forget the colour beams and go back to your toon and enjoy the game :D

    Let me point out one thing. IF this was based on some sort of reality, or real world situation where two fighters of two different countries were going to do battle overhead, 90% of the time you have no clue whats in the other persons arsenal. So making it so red phasers destroy shields and blue ones take out your warp drive in effect is a bit of a cheat as well because everyone knows it.

    I am going to enjoy the game but i'd like to do more with my ship. And again I have no intentions of PVP so the color of my weapons is irrelevant to the actual fighting because I know the stats of my weapons in my ship.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    Let me point out one thing. IF this was based on some sort of reality, or real world situation where two fighters of two different countries were going to do battle overhead, 90% of the time you have no clue whats in the other persons arsenal. So making it so red phasers destroy shields and blue ones take out your warp drive in effect is a bit of a cheat as well because everyone knows it.

    I am going to enjoy the game but i'd like to do more with my ship. And again I have no intentions of PVP so the color of my weapons is irrelevant to the actual fighting because I know the stats of my weapons in my ship.

    i was under the impression that different weapons have more of an effect on other things eg. dont disrupter's have a larger impact on shield then what phasers do

    i didnt necessarily mean you specificly,
    hence why i added at the bottom of the post that it seemed
    a$sholey and like it was having a go at you or somethin(which it wasnt)

    but there would be those out there who would have tried to exploit it in pvp

    if it were properly implemented and not just a command and you could still
    distinguish the difference or it would auto reset for pvp then i'd be all for it,
    but yeah
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ultimota wrote: »

    i didnt necessarily mean you specificly,
    hence why i added at the bottom of the post that it seemed
    a$sholey and like it was having a go at you or somethin(which it wasnt)

    Thank you for clarifyin g the a$$hol@ part i didn't think you actually were.

    And your right if seperated from pvp or specifically designed for non pvp battle that would be fine. Like i said it's a matter of fun to me not having to live by cannon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah they ignore the "whines" about stuff that MATTERS in game playability.....
    but sweet Jesus and the Easter Bunny they jump on the COLOR change ability of weapons.

    Way to take out somethig that was at least a little different and entertaining.

    Ah well, back to scanning those 5 things on every other away mission.

    Nerf more faster please so I can decide if I want to enter any of these retail box's codes or return some or all.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah they ignore the "whines" about stuff that MATTERS in game playability.....
    but sweet Jesus and the Easter Bunny they jump on the COLOR change ability of weapons.

    Way to take out somethig that was at least a little different and entertaining.

    Ah well, back to scanning those 5 things on every other away mission.

    Nerf more faster please so I can decide if I want to enter any of these retail box's codes or return some or all.

    Not 100% sure what your meaning the things that really matter as i have NO issues with this game in the slightest! Everything woks, the graphics are flawless to me, the items i got for pre-order were there and i have 0 lag. To me this game has 0 issues.

    People may have issues but i don't, till this.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah they ignore the "whines" about stuff that MATTERS in game playability.....
    but sweet Jesus and the Easter Bunny they jump on the COLOR change ability of weapons.

    Way to take out somethig that was at least a little different and entertaining.

    Ah well, back to scanning those 5 things on every other away mission.

    Nerf more faster please so I can decide if I want to enter any of these retail box's codes or return some or all.

    If your enjoyment level hinges on being able to change the color of the pew pew rayguns on a pretend spaceship, why are you even playing games in the first place?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    I hear your point loud and clear and understand that you would like to make sure you know the weapon that is hitting you is meant for a certain type of damage, thats fair i can understand that.

    What you need to understand is the simple idea that I'm here to have fun, team with friends, explore the universe. I have no desire to PVP, even in the slightest. The very poor PVP system in AO, destroyed any want to even try it here.

    But I'd like to be able to change my weapon colors for no other reason to than to have fun and to make my ship a little more my tastes. I don't think there is enough customizable content in relation to the ships as is, but something like this where it's just a little different than someone else adds a little something to the game. People are right it isn't much, but it's those little things.

    As I said in my post before, I wouldn't mind if they gave the option to have your phasers appear to be the color of your choosing to you only, as long as they looked like they're supposed to for everyone else. You are free to have fun as you choose, as long as it does not impact how the game works for anyone else. If everyone could change the colors of their weapons and have them be visible to everyone else, it would not be long until some people were deliberately attempting to disguise what weapons they were using in order to gain an edge in PvP. Even if you don't want to PvP, there is PvP in this game, and decisions like this need to be made with it in mind, or risk a lot of angry people.

    I also said that I doubt Cryptic is going to be adding this anytime soon, if at all.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah they ignore the "whines" about stuff that MATTERS in game playability.....
    but sweet Jesus and the Easter Bunny they jump on the COLOR change ability of weapons.

    Way to take out somethig that was at least a little different and entertaining.

    Ah well, back to scanning those 5 things on every other away mission.

    Nerf more faster please so I can decide if I want to enter any of these retail box's codes or return some or all.

    Bugs don't get nerfed. They get fixed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If your enjoyment level hinges on being able to change the color of the pew pew rayguns on a pretend spaceship, why are you even playing games in the first place?

    I'm sure that was meant for me. And i never said it was my total enjoyment I just enjoy changing things to fit me for fun. As i've said.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Fail thread
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wildwa wrote: »
    Fail thread

    pointless post o.O

    whats the point in saying that?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    RedSunBird wrote: »

    You are free to have fun as you choose, as long as it does not impact how the game works for anyone else. If everyone could change the colors of their weapons and have them be visible to everyone else, it would not be long until some people were deliberately attempting to disguise what weapons they were using in order to gain an edge in PvP

    In reality there should be an edge in PVP because you shouldn't know what other people are using, you should be prepaird for all contingencies and have plans in place for it. That is true PVP so in that theory all the same color for your weapons makes things exactly what they should be difficult to detect.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Wildwa wrote: »
    Fail thread
    ultimota wrote: »
    pointless post o.O

    whats the point in saying that?

    yup agreed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    its star trek not champions online get out if you dont like it. phasers are orange and blue for Tos. not purple not green not lime. orange.

    now stop posting this useless crybaby thread if this is your only reason for playing this game. then your playing the wrong game. this is star trek.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    In reality there should be an edge in PVP because you shouldn't know what other people are using, you should be prepaird for all contingencies and have plans in place for it. That is true PVP so in that theory all the same color for your weapons makes things exactly what they should be difficult to detect.

    I'm... not really sure where you're getting that from. In what other PvP game is that the case? In Generic Fantasy MMO X, if you see an Orc running towards you swinging the Ultimate Sword of Pointy Doom over his head, you know that he is about to hit you with the Ultimate Sword of Pointy Doom. Likewise, in STO, if someone shoots you with red phasers, you know you are being shot with phasers. The fact that this was NOT an intended feature, and something only available through a console command, also makes it very unfair. Exactly how many people, especially casual players like me, even know what a console command is? I didn't until fairly recently. So only those who knew about the bug would use it, and could completely blindside a more noobish player who would be flummoxed about what, exactly, just hit him.

    Not to mention the fact that, in the shows, the crew could identify the enemy's weapons by what they looked like.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    its star trek not champions online get out if you dont like it. phasers are orange and blue for Tos. not purple not green not lime. orange.

    now stop posting this useless crybaby thread if this is your only reason for playing this game. then your playing the wrong game. this is star trek.

    I should tell you to quite posting the same message in multiple threads. I don't care what you think or believe or that you have to live by cannon, I DON'T. I like the game otherwise and if you keep pushing for canon i'll keep pushing for weapon colors.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Here I'll end this futile arguement because it SHOULD STAY/Re-Applied
    Okay then, how about we get rid of the ability to customise our uniforms? I dont remember seeing a star trek show where every different member of starfleet was wearing something completely different, both style and colour wise.
    Then we can get rid of starship customisation too, it's Star trek after all, you get the ship Starfleet assigns to you and you dont get to swap out the nacelles for something prettier and then paint your hull pink.
    Also, you shouldn't be able to name your ship, Kirk wouldn't be able to just change the name of his ship to the "USS Sex Machine" on a whim, then to the "USS Get Some" the next day.
    It's star trek, why give us any customisation abilities at all, none of it is Canon.
    sintar07 wrote: »
    I personally find the crazy technicolor clothing that some people pass off as "uniforms" to be very annoying. I absolutely hate walking through Earth Spacedock and passing a guy who's wearing a red, blue, bright green, and yellow outfit. And I'm supposed to believe he's in Starfleet? Please.
    ...of course, this is the first time I've ever said anything about it, because until now, I respected other people's right to customize their uniforms and share them with the world as they saw fit. However, now that I know I'm not going to get the same respect from anybody else, I no longer feel the need to be so polite. REMOVE THE STUPID-TRIBBLE CLOWN SUITS, CRYPTIC!!!!
    ...and while you're at it, ban anybody who breaks the fourth wall in chat. That's not very immersive either.
    Case in point. The only lightsaber colors available in the movies were red, blue, and green. Mace Windu got a purple one after his actor demanded it (and I'd like to say for the record that Samuel L. Jackson is the coolest man on earth for demanding something of George Lucas). But thanks to the games, we were opened up to a much wider variety of lightsaber colors, and the universe is richer for it. Bastilla Shan wouldn't be nearly so awesome if her lightsaber wasn't yellow... but I guess we never would have gotten to see that if Cryptic had been in charge. They would've caved to people whining about concept art or something.
    The_Cape wrote:
    I personally think the colors are fun, I am playing with them right now so Cryptic hasn't removed it yet, but how many Klingon ships do you see in the movies running around with fed weapons? according to this game quite a bit, or fed ships running around with disruptors? If you don't like the colors, well, that sucks, just because the phasers are pink doesn't change anything, but it adds enjoyment for others.
    And for all of you claiming it's not "canon", 85% of this game is not "canon" Ship parts are inter-changeable to give the player options, Cryptic even made up their own ships, do we hear you whine about that?...um...no. If you all are so worried about canon, then don't fly the ships cryptic created, change out ship parts, or use anything other then phasers on feds and disruptors on kdf, cause thats all canon.
    Pasquatic wrote:
    Yes, and all character and ship customization that are not within the Trek canon MUST go. Non-canon color options for ships MUST go. Non-canon ship designs MUST go. Non-canon uniform designs MUST go. Non-canon uniform colors MUST go. Humorous (or worse) ship names MUST go. All ship names MUST be approved before launch.
    No? Oh, I see. You're just a hypocrite.
    Norry wrote: »
    As I said elsewhere, make it OPTIONAL. A tick box in the video options for example. Check this box to view customized weapon colors of other players as well as yourself.
    Leave unchecked to see default weapon colors of all players including yourself.
    By default unchecked. Could even make it a feature. Once box is checked, new options to set colors to each weapon, etc... I'd, personally, love that. You said you'd listen to your player base... well here's the best "compromise" for this topic.
    Propama wrote: »
    Yeah. The entire IP will be destroyed by people who like variety. /falls off chair laughing
    And where the hell does Counterstrike fit in?
    I hope we see that too. Ive already suggested it be disabled when entering a pvp area, though I have NO idea how a color will let you know what youre being shot with, other than orange phasers, green disruptors and plasma. I just dont see color being that helpful. Of course, Ive no interest in pvp, so Im not a good judge of that. There IS this thing about caring too much. Your definition of "real fan" is overlooking the fact that the primary goal in this game(its a RPG, by the way, NOT a simulation) is for people to have fun, NOT as a simulation/recreation of the Star Trek universe. If you want Sims: Star Trek, look elsewhere.
    LOL? WTH is that supposed to mean? Man. Ill bet you drive/walk to work the exact same way every day, and have a fit if theres some reason you have to take a detour, even if it takes the same amount oftime as it normally does. For me, a what makes a disruptor a disruptor, is determined by the damage type. Thats it! Doesnt matter who makes/uses it, doesnt matter what color beam it has, if it does the same type of damage as a disruptor, then thats what it is, appearances nonwoithstanding.
    Does not compute. You cant change ship parts while in combat. Also, Im guessing that when you say, "someone", you mean another player, in a pvp match? Well, guess what? Ill say(yet again) disable the color customization upon entering a pvp area. Pvp problem solved. Also, you COULD put in a Combat Tab in chat, and that will show what youre being shot with, by who, and what damage it did. If it bothers you in PvE, then grab a fleet of like-minded people, and stay away from other groups.
    Guian wrote: »
    Why squash it?
    People running around with pink uniforms is okay, but the ability to change your beam color is not?
    Besides, I'm using them in my fleet to differentiate us from others out there. Easier to find where my teammates are instead of looking at the map.
    -Jes- wrote:
    I personally LIKED firing blue and/or red phasers. (currently running hue 220)
    Too bad Cryptic's taking hints from the "OMG It has to be MY level of canon!" folks.
    I mean, if Pink phasers are THAT bad, then simply disable that part of the hue spectrum! (260-340)
    But removing this entirely because 'it's not canon/intended' is BULL!
    What breaks the immersion here the most? My BLUE-armored, BLUE-uniformed, BLUE-skinned character with BLUE hair flying a BLUE spaceship firing Blue weapons?
    Malagron wrote: »
    Except it doesn't matter when you think about it. Say you stack disruptor resistance. But uh-oh, that Bird of Prey has phasers!
    After the weapon has been fired, it doesn't matter because you can't change anything until one of you is dead. In repeated fights, any smart PvP player is going to have different types of weapons for repeat encounters, the same way you'll have different consoles/shields to counteract various weapons. So say he kills you, and to get back at him, you put on your phaser resist set. Uh-oh, now he's got disruptors.
    In essence, any REAL strategic PvP player will assume you'll have a set to resist their weapons, and change. So even if you knew what weapons the player was using last time you fought, the only clue it gives you is that he MIGHT be using the same weapons. Which is the same thing as saying the weapons exist, and since you can't use weapons that don't exist, you've actually gained ZERO, NADDA, ZILTCH, in terms of tactical advantage against a skilled player. Against an unskilled player, resists probably won't make enough difference either way.
    Also, as has been noted several times, there is a unique sound to each weapon. Not Cryptic's or anyone else's fault for you not listening.
    If you argue against it for canon reasons, aside from ship names/races currently in the Federation/character names that AREN'T canon, there's one thing that would fix it. Cryptic could very easily make it canon. Would you still argue against it? I would think so, despite it being changed by one of the only organizations that has the ability to change canon in reference to the game. So then you're not really arguing for reasons of canon at all.
    It certainly was a leftover from CO, but there's also no reason to remove it.
    Syvar wrote: »
    Dont change it. For those of you whining about immersion and gameplay... You do realize that different weapon types are both visually different and sound different right? (IE plasma beams look more like lightning and have a deeper sound) so you can distinguish between different weapon types that way.
    But then some of you will be all "well i turn sound off and listen to my music..."
    Show me an episode where picard went into battle listening to an Ipod...
    If its for immersion that cryptic is removing the feature. I would much rather them focus on the absolutely TRIBBLE ship and captain names i see flying around all the time...
    RaccoonTOF wrote:
    Personally I think the liklihood of various colored beam weapons is a far more "canon-esque" possibility than the people I've seen in pink, magenta, lime green (non-TOS), etc federation UNIFORMS; people mounting disruptors on a miranda class starship; etc. And that's not even beginning to mention the horrific captain/ship names that often sound more like something from South Park than Star Trek.
    Leave the ability to change colors alone. The VAST majority of the people I have seen comment on these forums, and in the game chat, have said that they want the ability to stay. Just because it was a leftover from CO console code does not make it a "bug" - it's just an undocumented feature. And there are a LOT more of those if you look at the rest of the slash command list...
    This game had it's customizability hyped from the beginning. Yet what we end up with is a few different ship models for each tier that we can partially mix and match, and some generic color schemes to apply to them, when it comes to ship visual customization. Leave in the multicolored weapons! It is currently one of very few ways to visually distinguish your ship from every other ship of it's general "class" out there...
    In all likely hood, I completely agree with you on this. The names of people and/or ships that I've seen are just insane, and do not even go with the Star Trek style as most ppl want it to be. One ship name I saw once was called the U.S.S. - OMGLAZORBEAMZ!!. But The color changing ability of ships and ground weapon beams SHOULD be left alone. Unless you want to change all your names so they follow the Star Trek style for it to seem more immersed, then LEAVE the color changing ability!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Here I'll end this futile arguement because it SHOULD STAY....

    Uniforms don't affect how you and those around you play the game. Different colored weapons have the potential to.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    RedSunBird wrote: »
    I'm... not really sure where you're getting that from. In what other PvP game is that the case? In Generic Fantasy MMO X, if you see an Orc running towards you swinging the Ultimate Sword of Pointy Doom over his head, you know that he is about to hit you with the Ultimate Sword of Pointy Doom. Likewise, in STO, if someone shoots you with red phasers, you know you are being shot with phasers. The fact that this was NOT an intended feature, and something only available through a console command, also makes it very unfair. Exactly how many people, especially casual players like me, even know what a console command is? I didn't until fairly recently. So only those who knew about the bug would use it, and could completely blindside a more noobish player who would be flummoxed about what, exactly, just hit him.

    I've played MMO's for years, and i'm a computer geek by trade, so there is nothing casual about my interest. But when I played AO by the time i left I could tell you who had what weapon, that would do what damage just by looking at them, not even fighting them. To me you wanting certain colors for certain weapons is the same thing. If everyone could "cloak" the weapon type they were using that would make PVP a true challenge, not "oh he's using a weapon to disable my phasers, i'll switch to photons. Thats not PVP, thats not really even strategy, and deffinetly not a challenge. PVP is suppose to represent a challenge because a computer has pre-programmed tactics, a human does not.

    As to the casual player, your going to get blindsided by the hard cores any way you look at it, sorry not trying to be rude but it's true. There are already people in this games that are captains, so as a casual player your not learning what they are.

    RedSunBird wrote: »
    Not to mention the fact that, in the shows, the crew could identify the enemy's weapons by what they looked like.

    Like i said before, canon isn't my first concern, i'm here to have fun, not live the canon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You know what other bug was fun that they removed?

    item duping

    If they add in color changes to weapons back in, I'll start dozens of threads nagging for item duping back as well . What, it ruins the game? It's FUN, and FUN is all that seems to matter to the pro pink phasers crowd. I demand item duping be brought back, why would you remove such a cool feature of the game?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    St.Sinner wrote:
    You know what other bug was fun that they removed?

    item duping

    If they add in color changes to weapons back in, I'll start dozens of threads nagging for item duping back as well . What, it ruins the game? It's FUN, and FUN is all that seems to matter to the pro pink phasers crowd. I demand item duping be brought back, why would you remove such a cool feature of the game?

    I disagree. Duping is a problem as it has far reaching consequences include possibly destroying any economy they build into the game. color is just something fun. It really in the end harms no one and nothing in game.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    I've played MMO's for years, and i'm a computer geek by trade, so there is nothing casual about my interest. But when I played AO by the time i left I could tell you who had what weapon, that would do what damage just by looking at them, not even fighting them. To me you wanting certain colors for certain weapons is the same thing. If everyone could "cloak" the weapon type they were using that would make PVP a true challenge, not "oh he's using a weapon to disable my phasers, i'll switch to photons. Thats not PVP, thats not really even strategy, and deffinetly not a challenge. PVP is suppose to represent a challenge because a computer has pre-programmed tactics, a human does not.

    Simple fix - like most games that have separate PvE and PvP areas disable the color change in PvP. Most places disable custom uniforms (custom ships) and paint nice big easy to read graphics (say ship color or something) to identify targets.

    The only excuse that seems valid to me is the PvP reason - and I do agree there. But in PvE there are so many other minor lore breaking things in the name of customization (a nice list above me) that beam colors is pretty low on the list. I would have to say that the uniform mix/match, being able to just pop in any technology into my "beam weapon slot", and seeing something like the USS BiteMe is more lore breaking than a pink beam.

    While I do agree with taking it out now I hope it gets added back in at some point, even if it is a toggle option or local change only. Personally I would rather it be PvE only and have tons of customization here.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    strcpy wrote: »
    Personally I would rather it be PvE only and have tons of customization here.

    I agree with this completely. Even to the point a PVP only server would be better in my opinion.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    First, calm down. There is no point about freaking out, when in fact speaking assertively, yet reasonably would most likely boost your credibility.

    Second, this isn't Champions Online. While pink phasers might be cool for Star Trek Babes Online, it does not fit with the intellectual property of Star Trek.

    I don't believe the "it doesn't fit the IP" argument holds much water when you've got mix-and-match uniforms and ships. the game is Trek themed, not a monument to canon.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It'll be back! They'll just throw it in the C-store to make u happy ^^ $5 for a pink lazer.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    THANK YOU, CRYPTIC! No more pink phasers, weapons can actually stay the correct color.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talamakara wrote: »
    I've played MMO's for years, and i'm a computer geek by trade, so there is nothing casual about my interest. But when I played AO by the time i left I could tell you who had what weapon, that would do what damage just by looking at them, not even fighting them. To me you wanting certain colors for certain weapons is the same thing. If everyone could "cloak" the weapon type they were using that would make PVP a true challenge, not "oh he's using a weapon to disable my phasers, i'll switch to photons. Thats not PVP, thats not really even strategy, and deffinetly not a challenge. PVP is suppose to represent a challenge because a computer has pre-programmed tactics, a human does not.

    As to the casual player, your going to get blindsided by the hard cores any way you look at it, sorry not trying to be rude but it's true. There are already people in this games that are captains, so as a casual player your not learning what they are.

    Like i said before, canon isn't my first concern, i'm here to have fun, not live the canon.

    Fighting someone higher level than me or more experienced than me is different than fighting someone who is using what is, in essence, a cheat.

    Quite honestly, if you don't care about canon, you probably need to play a game with an original IP, and most defanently not based on a franchise as beloved and obsessed over as Star Trek.
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