Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea:............... " Create a Large Klingon Vessel RISKA'DH Class Heavy Battle Cruiser D-10R".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................ The Klingon Empire have mostly large ships for Engineer Officer and Science Officer, they don't have a Battle Ship in the Fleet. View PIC #1 of a NEW concept of a large Heavy Battle Cruiser bigger than a Negh'var for a Klingon TAC officer. If possible turn it to a universal Battle Cruiser for all Klingon characters to use.
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:............... Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a NEW large Klingon Vessel RISKA'DH Class Heavy Battle Cruiser D-10R for the Klingon TAC Officer. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 18 APRIL 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea:............... " Create a Large Klingon Vessel tlthaw'baS-class Heavy Battle Cruiser ".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:.............. The Klingon Empire have mostly large ships for Engineer Officer and Science Officer, they don't have a Battle Ship in the Fleet. View PIC #1 of a NEW concept of a large Battle Cruiser bigger than a Negh'var for a Klingon TAC officer. If possible turn it to a universal Battle Cruiser for all Klingon characters to use.
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:............... Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a NEW large Klingon Vessel tlthaw'baS-class Heavy Battle Cruiser for the Klingon TAC Officer. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:............... The Klingon Empire have mostly large ships for Engineer Officer and Science Officer, they don't have a Battle Ship in the Fleet. View PIC #1 of a NEW concept of a Battle Ship bigger than a Negh'var for a Klingon TAC officer. If possible turn it to a universal Battle Ships for all Klingon characters to use.
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:............... Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a NEW Klingon Vessel Brak' Lul Class Battle Ship for the Klingon TAC Officer. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
hey i would llike STO to have a BORG playable faction and mission and stuff and like for the factions in STO to have like territory wars like conquests for like sectors planets and have like a story line between it and stuff and like there be like ship capture features to where u can have the choice to destroy or disable a ship send an away team in a shuttle or something have to fight to get aboard and also fight for control for the ship and be to use it if everything was successful even if ur not part of that faction i think it would be really cool and then not just being restricted to ships of ur faction theres alot more i could come up with but this is alot that would be cool for STO in the future i think it would make this game different than most out there and alot better too
Mid to Long Term goal: Disable rather than destroy ships (The Advanced Trait of Mercy-see TOS ep "Arena")
It may be war out there but the Federation must still hold a value over life in this era. Otherwise, its no better than any other savage race out there. Instead of dueling to the death in space, duel to the disable.
Define a damage factor past which an NPC ship is too badly damaged or demoralized to fight and will no longer return fire. Probably race based (the Klingons will always fight to the death). The fight can be over at that point, or the PC ship can go for the kill (at penalty if Federation). Maybe provide extra award as an incentive to end the fight at the disable. Fed ship drops a beacon before warping out so the adversary's faction can 'come and get them' off screen.
Short Term . . . a [Select Your Ship] console at Memory Alpha. I craft in spurts. I also like to upgrade my older ships if I have the extra mats (even though I kow I'll never fly those ships). It's kind of a drag scooting back and forth between Mem Alpha and ESD to switch ships
Mid Term . . . a Mark/Emblem/Whatever-it-is-after-currency-review purchase option for the alternate ship skins (Imperial, Nimbus, Nomad, etc) in the same manner the C-store ships are set up (X Atari Points from C-Store or Y Marks/Emblems in-game). The same for the spiffy bridges would be cool, too.
Long Term . . . craftable alternate ship skins, by piece. For instance . . . seperate schematics for Imperial Hull / Imperial Nacelles / etc. Bridges, too. Bridges could be an epic project for Crafters. Needing to craft various components before combining them all into a finished bridge
WAY Long Term . . . a complete Bridge Component/ Upgrade system for your ship. Craftable bridge items that not only give small ship bonuses but are visible on your bridge. Borgy circuits, photonic bridge officers, epic looking displays at your Tactical / Operations/ Helms stations. More emphasis on the vanity value than the actuall bonuses (token bonuses would be plenty; +2% damage boosts ,etc)
In Season 4, we get a new BO system. So i think someone new functions beside the passive and active skill would be the game more like Star Trek. My focus is the Ingeneer and the Medicine officer. When we have a real medicine Officer, i would find it great, when we have the Chance to heal our injury on my Ship and not fly first to Starbase One. The Ingeneer should repair easy Damages, and for really hard Damages we should fly to the Starbase.
Then a another point is the cutter. Every quarter has a wardrobe. So i find its a good step, when we have the chance to move our dresses on the quarter of my ship. Not everytime fly to starbase 1, new dress. So for a new haircut, my ship can have barber.
With the new ground combat system and the weapons for close combat, it would be nice, when we have skill for close combat for the batleth or another close combat weapons.
My last thing is the Map on my hud, the little tiny white circle for objects. I find its to small, can this litte circle a litte bit bigger or get a new colour, yellow or red. At the moment it is for me exhausting to see them.
Short term
Playble Romulan Faction
More functions on the bridge and inside your ship
Ability to add more charactor slots FOR FREE (Buy them with gold pressed latinum you earn in the game?)
mid Term
More mini games eg Tongo and Poker
More random NPC'c walking around space around space stations eg DS9
More Klingon Content
Long Term
Playable Ferengi Faction
Playable Breen Faction
Playable Borg Faction (Like in Star trek VOY unimatrix zero)
Also a feture where your charactor or ship can get assimilated by the borg (very long Term)
Short term
Playble Romulan Faction
More functions on the bridge and inside your ship
Ability to add more charactor slots FOR FREE (Buy them with gold pressed latinum you earn in the game?)
hey i would llike STO to have a BORG playable faction and mission and stuff and like for the factions in STO to have like territory wars like conquests for like sectors planets and have like a story line between it and stuff and like there be like ship capture features to where u can have the choice to destroy or disable a ship send an away team in a shuttle or something have to fight to get aboard and also fight for control for the ship and be to use it if everything was successful even if ur not part of that faction i think it would be really cool and then not just being restricted to ships of ur faction theres alot more i could come up with but this is alot that would be cool for STO in the future i think it would make this game different than most out there and alot better too
Like, like and stuff...
But, seriously, yes, I'd love to see Borg as a playable faction. Perhaps with the ability to assimilate and "borg out" ships from other factions, much like in Armada II. Always liked that game... At some point it would be great to see the races playable in that game be playable in this game too. Borg are certainly one of the "big bad" along with Klingons, Rommies, Cardies/Dominion. Species 8472 as well, to some degree, though they'd probably be harder to make a playable faction out of as one would have to kind of create a lot of their storyline from scratch.
But, yeah, I'd think that the Borg could certainly have their own Eng / Sci / Tac abilities, consistent with the show. Adaptive shielding, of sorts, could be a nifty "career" ability. More-or-less immunity to or reduced damage from a specific weapon class or type, etc. All sorts of possibilities.
No doubt it would be possible to create missions with a Borg-centric theme. Data acquisition might be more by force than by diplomacy. There might be "adaptive" puzzles of some sort, where the Borg have to overcome obstacles the enemies throw up. I mean, sure it would probably just be a bunch of sub-objectives of disabling or assimilating ship systems, etc. Or assimilating crew over to your side. But, still... Yummy Borg-flavored missions and stuff?
Delta Flyer pet (and others) have their own lvling system and limited equippable items (see DragonAge)
More VO's and usage of Star Trek canon characters
An expanded economy and merchant class with playable Ferengi
Missions that affect your character's fate and also their reputation throughout their lifetime based on decisions made in previous missions
Race specific missions
Missions where you get to relive epic points in ST canon as a part of it. (relive Wolf 359 as a ship fighting among a massive AI fleet or as a Fleet Action)
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 02 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea: " Create the Traditional Klingon Sword- YAN".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................ The Yan is the most ancient of Klingon swords. Before Kahless received the vision of the bat'leth, the Yan was the preferred sword of the Klingon warrior. This weapon is made of 3/16 inch titanium and is 39 total inches long. 32 inches of blade and 7 inches of handle (hidden tang). The large *belly* on the mid blade gives the sword an overall width of almost 6 inches. The handle is a combination of a micarta *form* wrapped in soft leather with a pommel of animal horn. The guard is 3/16th inch titanium contoured with a perimeter of *spikes*.
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:............... Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create Klingon weapon YAN to be use in the STO game. View PIC #1: A single YAN Traditional Klingon Sword, PIC #2 and PIC #3: Pair of Yan Swords hanging in Kurn's office wall in ST:TNG Episode -*Redemption*, PIC #4 and PIC #5: The Yan Swords being use in the HOLODECK by Worf and K'Ehleyr in the ST:TNG Episode - *The Emissary* and PIC #6: Pair of Yan Sword hanging on the wall (ship bulkhead) in Worf Quarters. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 02 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea: " Create the Klingon Hand Axe Weapon 'alngegh".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................ The 'alngegh is one of two types of battle-axes used by the Klingon warrior (the other being the jey'naS or double headed axe - Okrand's "Klingon for the Galactic Traveler".). These weapons are ancient in origin and reflect the design elements that are common to Klingon edged weapons today. This axe is 16 inches in length and 11 inches from the leading edge of the blade to the tip of the secondary spike. It is made of quarter inch titanium and rests in a hardened wooden handle that is 20 inches in length. The spiral pattern in the handle is characteristic of House of Toragh construction and improves the grip when holding the shaft. The bottom picture shows the weapon after lanyard and the Symbol of the Imperial Weapons Guild have been added to the DeS. .
Reference:............... Original Design inspired by Okrand's *Klingon for the Galactic Traveler*
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:................ Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create Klingon weapon 'alngegh to be use in the STO game. View PIC #1 A picture of a 'alngegh Klingon Hand Axe weapon. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 02 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea: " Create a Large Klingon Vessel D-70 / Khin'Vagh Class Battleship".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:............... The Klingon Empire have mostly large ships for Engineer Officer and Science Officer, STO don't have a Battle Ship for Tactical Officer in the Fleet. See the Specifications and view PIC #1, PIC#2 and PIC#3 below of a NEW concept of a large Heavy Battleship called D-70 / Khin'Vagh Class Battleship, bigger than a Negh'var for a Klingon TAC Officer. If possible turn it to a universal Battleship for all Klingon characters to use. As its designation implies, the D-70 / Khin'Vagh is intended to possess ten times the potential of its direct ancestor, the D-7 / K't'inga-class battlecruiser. It also represents the state of the art in Klingon shipbuilding technology of the mid-24th century, and is thus intended to become the premier flagship across the empire. Specifically, it will fulfill primary roles of sector control, initial assault, and exploratory vanguard. Though more capable than any of its predecessors in operating effectively alone, it is expected to be found operating with at least one other Klingon ship, and most probably in the typical patrol trio. Modern Klingon production capacity enables this class to be as numerous as the D-7.
Background:................ The D-70 is a conjectural design that could exist in an alternate timeline wherein 24th-century Klingon technology is considerably more advanced than has been otherwise portrayed. In this timeline, factors such as a greater impetus for research, successful breakthroughs, and/or acquisition of alternate technologies would change the course of history enough to enable ships like the D-70. It is meant to be the representative starship of the Klingons, as the Galaxy-class cruiser is for Starfleet and the Warbird is for the Romulans. With the D-70 / Khin'Vagh in service, it is likely that ships such as the Vor'Cha and Negh'Var would not exist, since Klingon shipbuilding would be using different resources and techniques. As a point of comparison, a D-70 is intended to be superior to a Vor'Cha, and faster than but not as powerful as a Negh'Var. It would also be a general match for Starfleet's Akira-class tactical cruiser. Technical Analysis As its designation implies, the D-70 / Khin'Vagh is intended to possess ten times the potential of its direct ancestor, the D-7 / K't'inga-class battlecruiser.
It also represents the state of the art in Klingon shipbuilding technology of the mid-24th century, and is thus intended to become the premier flagship across the empire. Specifically, it will fulfill primary roles of sector control, initial assault, and exploratory vanguard. Though more capable than any of its predecessors in operating effectively alone, it is expected to be found operating with at least one other Klingon ship, and most probably in the typical patrol trio. Modern Klingon production capacity enables this class to be as numerous as the D-7. Physically, the D-70 strikes a dramatic silhouette, one that is both obvious in identity and purposefully crafted to appear dangerous. This unusual amount of esthetic engineering indicates the attainment of a high level of sophistication, one that allows such forms while also satisfying underlying functional requirements.
The ship follows the established overall hull configuration for Klingon warships, with a forward command module connected to a wide main hull by a long "boom"; however, the decks within the main hull conform to its arc, an unusual but easily feasible characteristic. Distinctly pointed, curved, and beveled edges across the ship combine to form a strong resemblance to traditional Klingon bladed weapons. Even the warp nacelles, usually a strictly mechanical component, have also been purposefully styled to match the hull. Appropriately, the class name Khin'Vagh refers to a spearhead of multiple points; furthermore, from above, the whole ship also provides a remarkable resemblance to the three-pointed Klingon emblem itself, leaving no doubt as to this ship's origin and mission.
It has even been speculated that the D-70's pointed "wing" tips have been specially reinforced in order to cut through the hulls of enemy craft. Although this unorthodox tactic has not been reported, it appears at least technically possible. Like many large Klingon warships, the D-70's forward command module is separable and capable of sublight maneuvers, although useful occasions for its separation are rare. The large main hull remains capable of independent operation without the command module. A specialized sensor module is usually attached along the aft dorsal centerline. Surprisingly, the D-70 is not equipped with a cloaking device; this may represent a turn in Klingon strategy, wherein a powerful warship crewed by confident warriors need no longer hide themselves. If true, this fits more in character with traditional Klingon concepts of the honorable warrior, with the benefit of intimidating those who detect the battleship's approach. At any rate, it may simply stem from a preference to retain conventional shielding and firepower at all times. Instead of the cloaking device, the D-70 is equipped with versatile and powerful built-in arrays of Class-10 active ECM interference generators typically activated just beyond visual range. By jamming the sensor and comm arrays of its target vessels as it closes for attack, the battleship greatly reduces the accuracy of enemy weapons and may possibly defeat vessels that would be otherwise superior to it.
The D-70's weapon arrays are biased for devastating frontal assaults, enabling it to quickly cripple opponents in the first volley. Twelve pulse disruptors in five banks and no less than five photon torpedo tubes provide an unprecedented level of forward firepower from a single Klingon warship; a typical patrol group of three D-70s now enjoys tactical superiority over any single Alpha Quadrant vessel. Judging from this arrangement of offensive power, the elimination of the cloak, and other tactical features, the Klingon Empire has apparently aimed to find the ideal balance between size, sophistication, and rapid production with the D-70, instead of simply trying to exceed one-for-one the flagships of the Romulans and the Federation. With task forces of numerous D-70s traversing the Empire, the Klingons could aggressively defend their current domain while progressing into unexplored areas away from the Neutral Zones. Even if a larger and more powerful Klingon battleship enters service, the D-70 may remain the most dangerous Klingon warship in light of its superior numbers.
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a NEW large Klingon Vessel D-70 / Khin'Vagh Class Battleship for the Klingon TAC Officer. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
There are a few missions I'd kind of like to be able to play with my own band of merry misfits rather than other players, who sometimes suck at the missions.
For instance, Breaking the Planet. It seems like everyone does their own thing half the time and I get slaughtered. I'd kind of like to be able to play that mission with my own BOFFs, who I can control and set up as I see fit, and use their ground abilities.
Big Dig also comes to mind as one that I wouldn't mind playing single-player as long as I had my BOFFs available with all their abilities. Sure, it would be a long hard slog, but I think it could still be fun.
A few missions might have to be slightly retooled for a single-player version, but probably wouldn't be all THAT different? Maybe some of the actions with a short timelimit could have a lengthened limit for single-player?
Just a thought... Maybe something to have available on Holodeck for training purposes? Dunno.
Any chance on Fleet missions where each player would be individual and have access to their own BOFFs, but in some way still be "on a team" and have team chat option for coordination? Likely those missions would be a bit more challenging, else it wouldn't be much of a challenge if you've got 5 players and 20 BOFFs. Just a thought for the possibility of some higher-end end-game scenarios where it might be useful to have some way of having multiple players using all their BOFFs to full effect in a large mob. Granted, in a giant fight it would probably be chaos incarnate trying to direct everyone and target any enemies in particular, etc. Might have to work on aggro a bit to balance things in those cases so one person or BOFF isn't getting completely mobbed.
Okay, there's a game called Sacrifice that I used to play a long time ago. It was a lot of fun. Partly because of the options you could have for assigning your peons into "formations."
I think it would be kind of nifty to have an option for squad "formations," granted, you can't have as many BOFFs in your away team as you could have peons fighting for you in that game. Still, it would be nice.
I'm thinking that rather than the usual "square," you could have a V-shaped wedge, or a semi-circle in front of you, or a semi-circle behind you. or a straight horizontal line in front of you (skirmish / scrimmage line) or behind you (support, without getting in your line of fire). So, depending on how you like things, you could tell your BOFFs to always stay in formation, and to whatever degree possible they would. So, as you run, they run and do their best to stay approximately in the formation you've outlined. When you stop, they stop and get into that formation.
I think this could be handy. Especially since it annoys me sometimes to have my BOFFs get in my line of fire or to have to "plant" them and "release them." In some instances I'd rather they just stayed in formation around me and kept up. Other times I'd still like them to "stay put" when I tell them to. So, there'd have to be flexibility in "form up on me" versus "stay" commands.
If you've ever played Sacrifice, hopefully you know what I'm on bout if not. If not, maybe check it out. It's fun.
So, yeah, I'm thinking formations like Line or Semi-circle fore or aft. ^ or V formation fore or aft. Like one guy in front with 3 behind (if a 4-man team). Or just a square around my captain (security escort). Hopefully any such team would be configured to be close enough to stay inside a force field dome, etc.
And maybe the position in the formation should be dictated by the position in the away team list? That way I could put my engineers with mines/mortars in the front of the formation and the guys with turrets in the back, etc? And they'll actually go to the same part of the formation each time?
I guess this would be between a short-term and mid-term goal?
Mid term: some some gorn style ships, battleships and stuff.
Long term: Sci ship from LC up. no matter how much of a warrior race the Klingon are SOMEBODY on that side had to discover stuff and invent stuff based on encounters and diverse situations.
And/or simple bare-chested option for off-duty male outfits.
The girls get skimpy mirror universe tops and short skirts.. Men need to be able to sunbathe too!
Turn off the beam-out effect when leaving my bridge It's silly, really. When I go to my bridge from ESD, I don't beam there or back, yet when I'm on the ship and just return to tactical view, I beam. Switching those would be better
Ok, here are a few things I would like to see in the game at the earliest opportunity.
Firstly ships; in my opinion the devs have done a fabulous job in creating some of the best loved cannon playable ship's from all eras of the genre. From the Miranda and centaur classes at the start to the Galaxy, Intrepid and Prometheus classes and many more. Add to that the releases of the constitution, Excelsior and NX classes plus shuttles, fighters and a full range of KDF ships as well, and I am starting to enjoy the game all the more. I am also aware that the Ambassador class is due to be released soon. I have also liked one or two of the new dev created ship designs and the customisable options that come with them, and I hear there are more of those coming too. For me though, I prefer the cannon classes simply because they have a direct link to the star trek world we see in the tv episodes and films with stories of their own. With that in mind I hope we will see more cannon ship classes in the near future please.
I think there is also more scope available for customisation of lower end federation ships when adding in new cannon classes of ship. What I mean by this is that many of the lesser cannon starship classes use some similar if not identical parts to others. For instance, the Freedom and Niagara classes seen in the next generation use the same style of saucer section as the Cheyenne class which is already in the game. Similarly, there are a verity of cannon constitution and excelsior "kitbashes" that have become popular. We have also seen variations of the NX class on screen, and also the Intrepid class as well. I guess it depends on how possible it is to create customisation between one cannon ship and another.
Ships I would especially like to see are the Daedalus class in much the same way as the NX class was released, the Freedom class for it's formerly unique single nacelle design, and the Kelvin plus the other variations of it with multiple nacelles and hulls as seen in the 2009 film... To my mind the kelvin according to the film is a class designed in the original star trek universe prior to the creation of the alternate universe in the films opening sequence. I would also love to see the excelsior kitbash used in DS9 known as the Shelley or Curry class with the engineering hull am nacelles directly under the saucer section.
Anyway enough about ship's...
Secondly, I would like to see more detail and customisation put into ship interiors, with more options available such as being able to choose different engineering and sick bay designs and such. Perhaps this could be done by choosing each deck individually as you do with the bridge, as each deck by necessity must load individually. I love the ideas though for creating useable sections such as the shuttle bay and transporter room.
Thirdly, I am looking forward to the day when the devs announce the release of the next playable faction, with all that goes with it, I understand that there is a lot of very detailed work that must go into this, and it's a long way off, but I think creating more playable factions will be the best way to create more content, bring in more players and expand the universe. Added to this, I also hope that there will be more sectors opened up in federation and Klingon space to explore, with new systems and places that can be used for more and more missions, particularly foundry missions.
Mid Term:
Unless I missed this as an option, make it where when you want to look up the price of an item you want to sell in exchange, instead of typing out the name of the item, there is a box or something that allows you to place the item there and it instantly pulls up a search for it. That would save a lot of time when wanting to see what the going price is for an item you want to list in the exchange.
Or even better, the ability to right click an item for the option to instantly show the first page of what a search in the exchange would show.
Long Term:
Add a mobile app that let's you access your inventory and the exchange on a mobile device. Allow exchange purchases to be made from the app and adding items from your inventory to the exchange for selling. Also allow your mail to be accessed thru the app.
ToastyEwok when you want to check the price of an item you wish to sell on the exchange. Click and drag the item of your choice from your inventory to the exchange bar that you normally type in. Then check that you're searching for the correct rarity. So if you've just dragged over an uncommon item make sure to filter for uncommon items then click search.
Alecto, thanks so much for the info! That will help a lot! I created a new topic in graphic issues with a bridge officer outfit change I am having trouble with. If you get a chance and can check it out, maybe you have a fix I am missing.
Short: Fix the chat lag, it's getting ridiculous.
Medium: Keep revamping old areas into new ones, the ones that are around now are looking great.
Long: More exploration of Gamma and maybe Delta Quadrants.
Short Term:
Merge currency into 3 items. EC for all Starfleet purchases, starfleet vendors, GPL for all non Starfleet purchases, i.e. alien vendors and the auctions and Merits for all ships
More ship interior customization options in the Foundry
Larger soundtrack, sorry gang the soundtrack is cool for a few hours, there is a massive selection of tunes from all the series' and movies.
Mid Term:
FPS ship combat for fighters an shuttles
FPS ground combat
Good Joystick support for fighters
Long Term:
Higher ranks giving ships like battleships and federation carriers and refits like Sovereign Saucer Separation
More races such as Romulans, Romulans, Gorn and Breen along with NPC's for some of the lesser known races
Many more sectors including the Delta Quadrant setup as an Open PVP Sector
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................. The Federations has all different sorts of uniforms for the Female characters, the Klingon Females have none. Recommend creating a Female Klingon uniform bundle pack. The Klingon Female PIC's from all of the Star Trek series and movies are display below will show all kind of Female Klingon uniforms, hair style and dress attire for the robust lady's.
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................. The Federations has all different sorts of uniforms for the Female characters, the Klingon Females have none. Recommend creating a Female Klingon uniform bundle pack. The Klingon Female PIC's from all of the Star Trek series and movies are display below will show all kind of Female Klingon uniforms, hair style and dress attire for the robust lady's.
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 16 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea:................. " Create Access Bank onboard ship".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................ This is must, going back and forth to stations and planets to access the Access Bank can get boring, tired-some and wasting time. Create a Access Bank Onboard the character ship, have it some where in the characters office or on the desk next to the Front missions log console that is located, there is another small computer console on the characters desk that can be used for that purpose, another location to put an Access Bank console is the MESS HALL.
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:................. Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a Access Bank Onboard the character ship some where in the Ships office or on the desk using or adding a computer console or some where in the Mess Hall. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 16 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:.................. This is the second of the Klingon battle axes - the Double Headed Axe. The material is quarter inch titanium and the dimensions are 15.5 inches in width and 12 inches in height . The 28 inch handle of the jey'naS is slightly longer than that of the 'alngegh to allow for added balance needed with the heavier blade. In addition, there is a pommel of 3/8th inch titanium joined to the handle with a quarter inch thick threaded steel rod and blended with several layers of Terran Water Buffalo Horn.
Reference:................ Original Design inspired by Okrand's *Klingon for the Galactic Traveler*
House of Iron
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea:............... " Create a Large Klingon Vessel RISKA'DH Class Heavy Battle Cruiser D-10R".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................ The Klingon Empire have mostly large ships for Engineer Officer and Science Officer, they don't have a Battle Ship in the Fleet. View PIC #1 of a NEW concept of a large Heavy Battle Cruiser bigger than a Negh'var for a Klingon TAC officer. If possible turn it to a universal Battle Cruiser for all Klingon characters to use.
PIC # 1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/dh_class_heavy_battle_cruiser_d-10r4145.jpg
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:............... Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a NEW large Klingon Vessel RISKA'DH Class Heavy Battle Cruiser D-10R for the Klingon TAC Officer. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 18 APRIL 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea:............... " Create a Large Klingon Vessel tlthaw'baS-class Heavy Battle Cruiser ".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:.............. The Klingon Empire have mostly large ships for Engineer Officer and Science Officer, they don't have a Battle Ship in the Fleet. View PIC #1 of a NEW concept of a large Battle Cruiser bigger than a Negh'var for a Klingon TAC officer. If possible turn it to a universal Battle Cruiser for all Klingon characters to use.
PIC # 1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/d-85_iron_fist_class_battlecruiser-11460.jpg
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:............... Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a NEW large Klingon Vessel tlthaw'baS-class Heavy Battle Cruiser for the Klingon TAC Officer. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 18 APRIL 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea:............... " Create Klingon Vessel Brak' Lul Heavy Battle Cruiser ".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:............... The Klingon Empire have mostly large ships for Engineer Officer and Science Officer, they don't have a Battle Ship in the Fleet. View PIC #1 of a NEW concept of a Battle Ship bigger than a Negh'var for a Klingon TAC officer. If possible turn it to a universal Battle Ships for all Klingon characters to use.
PIC # 1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/klingon_ship_by_kinghypz1833.jpg
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:............... Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a NEW Klingon Vessel Brak' Lul Class Battle Ship for the Klingon TAC Officer. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
It may be war out there but the Federation must still hold a value over life in this era. Otherwise, its no better than any other savage race out there. Instead of dueling to the death in space, duel to the disable.
Define a damage factor past which an NPC ship is too badly damaged or demoralized to fight and will no longer return fire. Probably race based (the Klingons will always fight to the death). The fight can be over at that point, or the PC ship can go for the kill (at penalty if Federation). Maybe provide extra award as an incentive to end the fight at the disable. Fed ship drops a beacon before warping out so the adversary's faction can 'come and get them' off screen.
Mid Term . . . a Mark/Emblem/Whatever-it-is-after-currency-review purchase option for the alternate ship skins (Imperial, Nimbus, Nomad, etc) in the same manner the C-store ships are set up (X Atari Points from C-Store or Y Marks/Emblems in-game). The same for the spiffy bridges would be cool, too.
Long Term . . . craftable alternate ship skins, by piece. For instance . . . seperate schematics for Imperial Hull / Imperial Nacelles / etc. Bridges, too. Bridges could be an epic project for Crafters. Needing to craft various components before combining them all into a finished bridge
WAY Long Term . . . a complete Bridge Component/ Upgrade system for your ship. Craftable bridge items that not only give small ship bonuses but are visible on your bridge. Borgy circuits, photonic bridge officers, epic looking displays at your Tactical / Operations/ Helms stations. More emphasis on the vanity value than the actuall bonuses (token bonuses would be plenty; +2% damage boosts ,etc)
Mid Term
In Season 4, we get a new BO system. So i think someone new functions beside the passive and active skill would be the game more like Star Trek. My focus is the Ingeneer and the Medicine officer. When we have a real medicine Officer, i would find it great, when we have the Chance to heal our injury on my Ship and not fly first to Starbase One. The Ingeneer should repair easy Damages, and for really hard Damages we should fly to the Starbase.
Then a another point is the cutter. Every quarter has a wardrobe. So i find its a good step, when we have the chance to move our dresses on the quarter of my ship. Not everytime fly to starbase 1, new dress. So for a new haircut, my ship can have barber.
With the new ground combat system and the weapons for close combat, it would be nice, when we have skill for close combat for the batleth or another close combat weapons.
My last thing is the Map on my hud, the little tiny white circle for objects. I find its to small, can this litte circle a litte bit bigger or get a new colour, yellow or red. At the moment it is for me exhausting to see them.
Playble Romulan Faction
More functions on the bridge and inside your ship
Ability to add more charactor slots FOR FREE (Buy them with gold pressed latinum you earn in the game?)
mid Term
More mini games eg Tongo and Poker
More random NPC'c walking around space around space stations eg DS9
More Klingon Content
Long Term
Playable Ferengi Faction
Playable Breen Faction
Playable Borg Faction (Like in Star trek VOY unimatrix zero)
Also a feture where your charactor or ship can get assimilated by the borg (very long Term)
Hope you can do all this.
I agree. I have found NO use for the latinum.
i think you can buy stuff at Quark's Bar
Like, like and stuff...
But, seriously, yes, I'd love to see Borg as a playable faction. Perhaps with the ability to assimilate and "borg out" ships from other factions, much like in Armada II. Always liked that game... At some point it would be great to see the races playable in that game be playable in this game too. Borg are certainly one of the "big bad" along with Klingons, Rommies, Cardies/Dominion. Species 8472 as well, to some degree, though they'd probably be harder to make a playable faction out of as one would have to kind of create a lot of their storyline from scratch.
But, yeah, I'd think that the Borg could certainly have their own Eng / Sci / Tac abilities, consistent with the show. Adaptive shielding, of sorts, could be a nifty "career" ability. More-or-less immunity to or reduced damage from a specific weapon class or type, etc. All sorts of possibilities.
No doubt it would be possible to create missions with a Borg-centric theme. Data acquisition might be more by force than by diplomacy. There might be "adaptive" puzzles of some sort, where the Borg have to overcome obstacles the enemies throw up. I mean, sure it would probably just be a bunch of sub-objectives of disabling or assimilating ship systems, etc. Or assimilating crew over to your side. But, still... Yummy Borg-flavored missions and stuff?
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 02 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea: " Create the Traditional Klingon Sword- YAN".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................ The Yan is the most ancient of Klingon swords. Before Kahless received the vision of the bat'leth, the Yan was the preferred sword of the Klingon warrior. This weapon is made of 3/16 inch titanium and is 39 total inches long. 32 inches of blade and 7 inches of handle (hidden tang). The large *belly* on the mid blade gives the sword an overall width of almost 6 inches. The handle is a combination of a micarta *form* wrapped in soft leather with a pommel of animal horn. The guard is 3/16th inch titanium contoured with a perimeter of *spikes*.
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:............... Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create Klingon weapon YAN to be use in the STO game. View PIC #1: A single YAN Traditional Klingon Sword, PIC #2 and PIC #3: Pair of Yan Swords hanging in Kurn's office wall in ST:TNG Episode -*Redemption*, PIC #4 and PIC #5: The Yan Swords being use in the HOLODECK by Worf and K'Ehleyr in the ST:TNG Episode - *The Emissary* and PIC #6: Pair of Yan Sword hanging on the wall (ship bulkhead) in Worf Quarters. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
PIC #1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_1___yan2172.jpg
PIC #2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_2____yan9808.jpg
PIC #3 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_3___yan807.jpg
PIC #4 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_4___yan2802.png
PIC #5 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_5____yan7880.png
PIC #6 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_6___yan4741.png
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 02 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea: " Create the Klingon Hand Axe Weapon 'alngegh".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................ The 'alngegh is one of two types of battle-axes used by the Klingon warrior (the other being the jey'naS or double headed axe - Okrand's "Klingon for the Galactic Traveler".). These weapons are ancient in origin and reflect the design elements that are common to Klingon edged weapons today. This axe is 16 inches in length and 11 inches from the leading edge of the blade to the tip of the secondary spike. It is made of quarter inch titanium and rests in a hardened wooden handle that is 20 inches in length. The spiral pattern in the handle is characteristic of House of Toragh construction and improves the grip when holding the shaft. The bottom picture shows the weapon after lanyard and the Symbol of the Imperial Weapons Guild have been added to the DeS. .
Reference:............... Original Design inspired by Okrand's *Klingon for the Galactic Traveler*
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:................ Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create Klingon weapon 'alngegh to be use in the STO game. View PIC #1 A picture of a 'alngegh Klingon Hand Axe weapon. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
PIC #1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/alngegh6458.jpg
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 02 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea: " Create a Large Klingon Vessel D-70 / Khin'Vagh Class Battleship".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:............... The Klingon Empire have mostly large ships for Engineer Officer and Science Officer, STO don't have a Battle Ship for Tactical Officer in the Fleet. See the Specifications and view PIC #1, PIC#2 and PIC#3 below of a NEW concept of a large Heavy Battleship called D-70 / Khin'Vagh Class Battleship, bigger than a Negh'var for a Klingon TAC Officer. If possible turn it to a universal Battleship for all Klingon characters to use. As its designation implies, the D-70 / Khin'Vagh is intended to possess ten times the potential of its direct ancestor, the D-7 / K't'inga-class battlecruiser. It also represents the state of the art in Klingon shipbuilding technology of the mid-24th century, and is thus intended to become the premier flagship across the empire. Specifically, it will fulfill primary roles of sector control, initial assault, and exploratory vanguard. Though more capable than any of its predecessors in operating effectively alone, it is expected to be found operating with at least one other Klingon ship, and most probably in the typical patrol trio. Modern Klingon production capacity enables this class to be as numerous as the D-7.
Affiliation: Klingon
Type: Battleship
First commissioned: 2369 Length: 570m
Width: 434m
Height: 94m
Complement: 127 officers + 1248 crew
Speed: Warp 8 (cruise), Warp 9.6 (max.), Warp 9.9 (max. emergency)
Armament: 6 KD-27v1 and 10 KD-33v1 pulse disruptors, 3 KP-21v2 and 4 KP-22v4 photon torpedo launchers Defense: KSV-3v1 redundant tactical shields Embarked craft: 16 shuttlecraft
Background:................ The D-70 is a conjectural design that could exist in an alternate timeline wherein 24th-century Klingon technology is considerably more advanced than has been otherwise portrayed. In this timeline, factors such as a greater impetus for research, successful breakthroughs, and/or acquisition of alternate technologies would change the course of history enough to enable ships like the D-70. It is meant to be the representative starship of the Klingons, as the Galaxy-class cruiser is for Starfleet and the Warbird is for the Romulans. With the D-70 / Khin'Vagh in service, it is likely that ships such as the Vor'Cha and Negh'Var would not exist, since Klingon shipbuilding would be using different resources and techniques. As a point of comparison, a D-70 is intended to be superior to a Vor'Cha, and faster than but not as powerful as a Negh'Var. It would also be a general match for Starfleet's Akira-class tactical cruiser. Technical Analysis As its designation implies, the D-70 / Khin'Vagh is intended to possess ten times the potential of its direct ancestor, the D-7 / K't'inga-class battlecruiser.
It also represents the state of the art in Klingon shipbuilding technology of the mid-24th century, and is thus intended to become the premier flagship across the empire. Specifically, it will fulfill primary roles of sector control, initial assault, and exploratory vanguard. Though more capable than any of its predecessors in operating effectively alone, it is expected to be found operating with at least one other Klingon ship, and most probably in the typical patrol trio. Modern Klingon production capacity enables this class to be as numerous as the D-7. Physically, the D-70 strikes a dramatic silhouette, one that is both obvious in identity and purposefully crafted to appear dangerous. This unusual amount of esthetic engineering indicates the attainment of a high level of sophistication, one that allows such forms while also satisfying underlying functional requirements.
The ship follows the established overall hull configuration for Klingon warships, with a forward command module connected to a wide main hull by a long "boom"; however, the decks within the main hull conform to its arc, an unusual but easily feasible characteristic. Distinctly pointed, curved, and beveled edges across the ship combine to form a strong resemblance to traditional Klingon bladed weapons. Even the warp nacelles, usually a strictly mechanical component, have also been purposefully styled to match the hull. Appropriately, the class name Khin'Vagh refers to a spearhead of multiple points; furthermore, from above, the whole ship also provides a remarkable resemblance to the three-pointed Klingon emblem itself, leaving no doubt as to this ship's origin and mission.
It has even been speculated that the D-70's pointed "wing" tips have been specially reinforced in order to cut through the hulls of enemy craft. Although this unorthodox tactic has not been reported, it appears at least technically possible. Like many large Klingon warships, the D-70's forward command module is separable and capable of sublight maneuvers, although useful occasions for its separation are rare. The large main hull remains capable of independent operation without the command module. A specialized sensor module is usually attached along the aft dorsal centerline. Surprisingly, the D-70 is not equipped with a cloaking device; this may represent a turn in Klingon strategy, wherein a powerful warship crewed by confident warriors need no longer hide themselves. If true, this fits more in character with traditional Klingon concepts of the honorable warrior, with the benefit of intimidating those who detect the battleship's approach. At any rate, it may simply stem from a preference to retain conventional shielding and firepower at all times. Instead of the cloaking device, the D-70 is equipped with versatile and powerful built-in arrays of Class-10 active ECM interference generators typically activated just beyond visual range. By jamming the sensor and comm arrays of its target vessels as it closes for attack, the battleship greatly reduces the accuracy of enemy weapons and may possibly defeat vessels that would be otherwise superior to it.
The D-70's weapon arrays are biased for devastating frontal assaults, enabling it to quickly cripple opponents in the first volley. Twelve pulse disruptors in five banks and no less than five photon torpedo tubes provide an unprecedented level of forward firepower from a single Klingon warship; a typical patrol group of three D-70s now enjoys tactical superiority over any single Alpha Quadrant vessel. Judging from this arrangement of offensive power, the elimination of the cloak, and other tactical features, the Klingon Empire has apparently aimed to find the ideal balance between size, sophistication, and rapid production with the D-70, instead of simply trying to exceed one-for-one the flagships of the Romulans and the Federation. With task forces of numerous D-70s traversing the Empire, the Klingons could aggressively defend their current domain while progressing into unexplored areas away from the Neutral Zones. Even if a larger and more powerful Klingon battleship enters service, the D-70 may remain the most dangerous Klingon warship in light of its superior numbers.
PIC # 1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/vagh__battleship9111.jpg
PIC # 2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/vagh__battleship9526.jpg
PIC # 3 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/vagh__battleship2948.jpg
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a NEW large Klingon Vessel D-70 / Khin'Vagh Class Battleship for the Klingon TAC Officer. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
For instance, Breaking the Planet. It seems like everyone does their own thing half the time and I get slaughtered. I'd kind of like to be able to play that mission with my own BOFFs, who I can control and set up as I see fit, and use their ground abilities.
Big Dig also comes to mind as one that I wouldn't mind playing single-player as long as I had my BOFFs available with all their abilities. Sure, it would be a long hard slog, but I think it could still be fun.
A few missions might have to be slightly retooled for a single-player version, but probably wouldn't be all THAT different? Maybe some of the actions with a short timelimit could have a lengthened limit for single-player?
Just a thought... Maybe something to have available on Holodeck for training purposes? Dunno.
Any chance on Fleet missions where each player would be individual and have access to their own BOFFs, but in some way still be "on a team" and have team chat option for coordination? Likely those missions would be a bit more challenging, else it wouldn't be much of a challenge if you've got 5 players and 20 BOFFs. Just a thought for the possibility of some higher-end end-game scenarios where it might be useful to have some way of having multiple players using all their BOFFs to full effect in a large mob. Granted, in a giant fight it would probably be chaos incarnate trying to direct everyone and target any enemies in particular, etc. Might have to work on aggro a bit to balance things in those cases so one person or BOFF isn't getting completely mobbed.
I think it would be kind of nifty to have an option for squad "formations," granted, you can't have as many BOFFs in your away team as you could have peons fighting for you in that game. Still, it would be nice.
I'm thinking that rather than the usual "square," you could have a V-shaped wedge, or a semi-circle in front of you, or a semi-circle behind you. or a straight horizontal line in front of you (skirmish / scrimmage line) or behind you (support, without getting in your line of fire). So, depending on how you like things, you could tell your BOFFs to always stay in formation, and to whatever degree possible they would. So, as you run, they run and do their best to stay approximately in the formation you've outlined. When you stop, they stop and get into that formation.
I think this could be handy. Especially since it annoys me sometimes to have my BOFFs get in my line of fire or to have to "plant" them and "release them." In some instances I'd rather they just stayed in formation around me and kept up. Other times I'd still like them to "stay put" when I tell them to. So, there'd have to be flexibility in "form up on me" versus "stay" commands.
If you've ever played Sacrifice, hopefully you know what I'm on bout if not. If not, maybe check it out. It's fun.
So, yeah, I'm thinking formations like Line or Semi-circle fore or aft. ^ or V formation fore or aft. Like one guy in front with 3 behind (if a 4-man team). Or just a square around my captain (security escort). Hopefully any such team would be configured to be close enough to stay inside a force field dome, etc.
And maybe the position in the formation should be dictated by the position in the away team list? That way I could put my engineers with mines/mortars in the front of the formation and the guys with turrets in the back, etc? And they'll actually go to the same part of the formation each time?
I guess this would be between a short-term and mid-term goal?
Mid term: some some gorn style ships, battleships and stuff.
Long term: Sci ship from LC up. no matter how much of a warrior race the Klingon are SOMEBODY on that side had to discover stuff and invent stuff based on encounters and diverse situations.
This as a Federation Off-Duty top: http://shareimage.org/images/g2of6lbwlfw0n9omu34.jpg
(Especially since Risa NPCs already have them, so it shouldn't be that hard to add)
The sleeveless Kirk top from Mirror Mirror
And/or simple bare-chested option for off-duty male outfits.
The girls get skimpy mirror universe tops and short skirts.. Men need to be able to sunbathe too!
Turn off the beam-out effect when leaving my bridge It's silly, really. When I go to my bridge from ESD, I don't beam there or back, yet when I'm on the ship and just return to tactical view, I beam. Switching those would be better
Firstly ships; in my opinion the devs have done a fabulous job in creating some of the best loved cannon playable ship's from all eras of the genre. From the Miranda and centaur classes at the start to the Galaxy, Intrepid and Prometheus classes and many more. Add to that the releases of the constitution, Excelsior and NX classes plus shuttles, fighters and a full range of KDF ships as well, and I am starting to enjoy the game all the more. I am also aware that the Ambassador class is due to be released soon. I have also liked one or two of the new dev created ship designs and the customisable options that come with them, and I hear there are more of those coming too. For me though, I prefer the cannon classes simply because they have a direct link to the star trek world we see in the tv episodes and films with stories of their own. With that in mind I hope we will see more cannon ship classes in the near future please.
I think there is also more scope available for customisation of lower end federation ships when adding in new cannon classes of ship. What I mean by this is that many of the lesser cannon starship classes use some similar if not identical parts to others. For instance, the Freedom and Niagara classes seen in the next generation use the same style of saucer section as the Cheyenne class which is already in the game. Similarly, there are a verity of cannon constitution and excelsior "kitbashes" that have become popular. We have also seen variations of the NX class on screen, and also the Intrepid class as well. I guess it depends on how possible it is to create customisation between one cannon ship and another.
Ships I would especially like to see are the Daedalus class in much the same way as the NX class was released, the Freedom class for it's formerly unique single nacelle design, and the Kelvin plus the other variations of it with multiple nacelles and hulls as seen in the 2009 film... To my mind the kelvin according to the film is a class designed in the original star trek universe prior to the creation of the alternate universe in the films opening sequence. I would also love to see the excelsior kitbash used in DS9 known as the Shelley or Curry class with the engineering hull am nacelles directly under the saucer section.
Anyway enough about ship's...
Secondly, I would like to see more detail and customisation put into ship interiors, with more options available such as being able to choose different engineering and sick bay designs and such. Perhaps this could be done by choosing each deck individually as you do with the bridge, as each deck by necessity must load individually. I love the ideas though for creating useable sections such as the shuttle bay and transporter room.
Thirdly, I am looking forward to the day when the devs announce the release of the next playable faction, with all that goes with it, I understand that there is a lot of very detailed work that must go into this, and it's a long way off, but I think creating more playable factions will be the best way to create more content, bring in more players and expand the universe. Added to this, I also hope that there will be more sectors opened up in federation and Klingon space to explore, with new systems and places that can be used for more and more missions, particularly foundry missions.
I would like to submit Custome ships canon to the game.
Would like to see missions u have completed have the option tobe never brought up to you again.
mid-term: lag/dc issues
long-term: lag/dc issues
Mid Term:
Unless I missed this as an option, make it where when you want to look up the price of an item you want to sell in exchange, instead of typing out the name of the item, there is a box or something that allows you to place the item there and it instantly pulls up a search for it. That would save a lot of time when wanting to see what the going price is for an item you want to list in the exchange.
Or even better, the ability to right click an item for the option to instantly show the first page of what a search in the exchange would show.
Long Term:
Add a mobile app that let's you access your inventory and the exchange on a mobile device. Allow exchange purchases to be made from the app and adding items from your inventory to the exchange for selling. Also allow your mail to be accessed thru the app.
Thanks again!
design art pic
Medium: Keep revamping old areas into new ones, the ones that are around now are looking great.
Long: More exploration of Gamma and maybe Delta Quadrants.
Merge currency into 3 items. EC for all Starfleet purchases, starfleet vendors, GPL for all non Starfleet purchases, i.e. alien vendors and the auctions and Merits for all ships
More ship interior customization options in the Foundry
Larger soundtrack, sorry gang the soundtrack is cool for a few hours, there is a massive selection of tunes from all the series' and movies.
Mid Term:
FPS ship combat for fighters an shuttles
FPS ground combat
Good Joystick support for fighters
Long Term:
Higher ranks giving ships like battleships and federation carriers and refits like Sovereign Saucer Separation
More races such as Romulans, Romulans, Gorn and Breen along with NPC's for some of the lesser known races
Many more sectors including the Delta Quadrant setup as an Open PVP Sector
consolidate currencies.
Mid Term
First Person views for ground combat, in fact any time in non ship character, also allow closer camera views of ships for screen shots.
Long Term
Allow the use of great ships one rank less than rear admiral. I would like to get better use out of my dreadnought.
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 16 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea:.............. " Create Klingon Female Clothing Bundle pack".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................. The Federations has all different sorts of uniforms for the Female characters, the Klingon Females have none. Recommend creating a Female Klingon uniform bundle pack. The Klingon Female PIC's from all of the Star Trek series and movies are display below will show all kind of Female Klingon uniforms, hair style and dress attire for the robust lady's.
PIC #01: Picture of Vakris dress and hair due from the movie "Search for Spock"= http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-1___valkris7982.jpg
PIC #02: Picture of Vixis uniform and hair due from the movie "Search for Spock" = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-2____vixis6223.jpg
PIC #03: Picture of Azetbur -1 uniform and hair due from the movie "Undiscovered Country" = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-3___azetbur_-11284.jpg
PIC #04: Closer View of the Picture Azetbur -2 uniform and hair due from the movie "Undiscovered Country" = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-4___azetbur_-24073.jpg
PIC #05: Picture of Jadzia Dax Ceremony Battle Dress -1 from T.V. Series "Deep Space 9" = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-5_ceremony_battle_dress_-1433.jpg
PIC #06: Closer View of the Picture Ceremony Battle Dress -2 from T.V. Series "Deep Space 9" = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-6___ceremony_battle_dress_-27780.jpg
PIC #07: Picture of a Wax figure Grilka wearing Ceremony Battle Dress with a hand weapon attached -3 from T.V. Series "Deep Space 9" = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-7_grilka_ceremony_battle_dress_-38571.jpg
PIC #08: Picture of Female Warrior wearing Ceremony Battle Dress with shoes -4 from T.V. Series "Deep Space 9" = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-8_ceremony_battle_dress_-4_wearing_shoes9440.jpg
PIC #09: Picture of Kane wife Mara wearing TOS Dress Uniform -1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-9_kane_wife_mara_wearing__tos_dress_uniform_-16504.jpg
PIC #10: Picture on Spec's of Mara wearing TOS Dress Uniform -2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/s_of_mara__tos_dress_uniform_-23140.jpg
PIC #11: Closer View of the Picture of Mara TOS Dress Uniform -3 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-11___closer_view_mara__tos_dress_uniform_-37228.jpg
PIC #12: Picture of Jadzia Dax in a Klingon Wedding Dress up close -1 from T.V. Series "Deep Space 9" = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-12___jadzia_in_a_klingon_wedding_dress_up_close_-15098.jpg
PIC #13: Picture of Jadzia walking in Klingon wedding Dress -2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-13___jadzia_walking_in_klingon_wedding_dress_-21185.png
PIC #14: Picture of Jadzia standing ready in Klingon wedding Dress -3 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-14___jadzia_standing_ready_in_klingon_wedding_dress_-32997.png
PIC #15: Picture of a Female Klingon wearing a light evening dress uniform = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-15__female_klingon_wearing_a_light_evening_dress_uniform5020.jpg
PIC #16: Picture of a Klingon Warrioress kneeling down in-front of Worf in her mating dress -1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-16_klingon_warrioress_kneeling_down_in_front_of_worf_in_her_mating_dress_-11971.png
PIC #17: Picture of a Klingon Warrioress Standing in her mating dress -2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-17_klingon_warrioress_standing_in_her_mating_dress_-24601.jpg
PIC #18: Picture of a Klingon Warrioress on all fours in her mating dress -3 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-18_klingon_warrioress_on_all_fours_in_her_mating_dress__-33505.png
PIC #19: Picture of a Klingon Warrioress back view of her mating dress -4 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-19_klingon_warrioress_back_view_of_her_mating_dress_-46848.png
PIC #20: Picture of a Klingon Warrioress in her bathing suit = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-20_klingon_warrioress_in_her_bathing_suit4501.jpg
PIC #21: Picture of K'Ehleyr in her work-out uniform = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/ehleyr_in_her_work-out_uniform7782.jpg
PIC #22: Picture of Miss Klingon of the year uniform with her crown = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-22_miss_klingon_of_the_year_uniform_with_her_crown271.jpg
PIC #23: Picture of K'Ehleyr in a red hot dress suit for Worf = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/ehleyr_in_a_red_hot_dress_suit_for_worf8434.png
PIC #24: Picture of K'Ehleyr in a casual dress suit = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/ehleyr_in_a_casual_dress_suit5382.png
PIC #25: Picture of K'Ehleyr in a space travel jump suit = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/ehleyr_in_a_space_travel_jump_suit8887.png
PIC #26: Picture of Betor uniform from head to toe = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-26_view_betor_uniform_from_head_to_toe8827.jpg
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Email: ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com or ironmantmc9011@yahoo.com
Date : 16 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea:.............. " Create Klingon Female Clothing Bundle pack".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................. The Federations has all different sorts of uniforms for the Female characters, the Klingon Females have none. Recommend creating a Female Klingon uniform bundle pack. The Klingon Female PIC's from all of the Star Trek series and movies are display below will show all kind of Female Klingon uniforms, hair style and dress attire for the robust lady's.
PIC #27: Picture of Lursa and Betor, Lursa Not having shoulder bands, wears no breast plating, cut leather long skirt and different belt buckle. Betor is wearing shoulder bands and breast V-cut shape plating, cut leather long skirt and different belt buckle = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-27___lursa-betor_wearing_different_style_uniforms7547.jpg
PIC #28: Picture of Female Klingon wearing old tradition uniform in TV series Enterprise -1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-28_female_klingon_wearing_old_tradition_uniform_in_tv_series_enterprise7396.png
PIC #29: Closer view of a picture of Female Klingon wearing old tradition uniform in TV series Enterprise -2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-29_closer_view_female_klingon_wearing_old_tradition_uniform_from_tv_series_enterprise8509.jpg
PIC #30: Picture of K'Ehleyr wearing casual Klingon dress suit = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/ehleyr_wearing_casual_klingon_dress_suit7744.png
PIC #31: Picture of K'Ehleyr wearing Klingon uniform with no Breast plating and no Breast V-cut = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/ehleyr_wearing_klingon_uniform_with_no_breast_plating_and_no_breast_v-cut4009.png
PIC #32: Picture of b'lanna wearing Klingon uniform with Breast Plating and no Breast V-cut = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/lanna_wearing_klingon_uniform_with_breast_plating_and_no_breast_v-cut4104.jpg
PIC #33: Picture of Sirella wearing ceremony dress uniform TV series DS9 -1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-33_sirella_wearing_ceremony_dress_uniform_tv_series_ds95147.jpg
PIC #34: Picture of rear view Sirella wearing ceremony dress uniform TV series DS9 -2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-34_rear_view_sirella_wearing_ceremony_dress_uniform_tv_series_ds91618.png
PIC #35: Closer picture of Sirella ceremony dress uniform TV series DS9 -3 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-35__closer_view_sirella_ceremony_dress_uniform_tv_series_ds95745.jpg
PIC #36: Picture of Female Klingon wearing a casual dress from TV series STNG in Birth-Right -1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-36_female_klingon_wearing_a_casual_dress_from_tv_series_stng_in__birth-right4620.png
PIC #37: Picture of Female Klingon wearing a casual night with hemming dress from TV series STNG in Birth-Right -2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-37__fem-kling_wearing_casual_dress_with_hemming_tv_series_stng_in_birth-right7790.png
PIC #38: Picture of Female Klingon wearing a casual night with hemming dress from a distance from TV series STNG in Birth-Right -3 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-38__fem-kling_wearing_casual_dress_with_hemming_from_a_distance_tv_series_stng1741.png
PIC #39: Picture of child Female Klingon wearing a casual child dress from TV series STNG in Birth-Right -4 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-39__child_fem-klingon_wearing_casual_child_dress_from_tv_series_stng_in_birth-right6104.png
PIC #40: Picture of B'lanna Torres wearing a ceremony Klingon dress fitted to support her unborn child from TV series ST-Voyager -1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/lanna_wearing_ceremony_klingon_dress_from_tv_series_st-voyager762.png
PIC #41: Closer picture view B'lanna Torres wearing a ceremony Klingon dress fitted to support her unborn child from TV series ST-Voyager -2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/lanna_wearing_ceremony_klingon_dress_tv_series_st-voyager9604.png
PIC #42: Picture of the beginning of Klingon Human Fusion uniforms from TV series Enterprise = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-42_the_beginning_of_klingon_human_fusion_uniforms641.png
PIC #43: Picture of Grilka wearing Klingon Casual dress attrite walking around DS9 station -1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-43_grilka_wearing_klingon_casual_dress_attried_walking_around_ds9_station2540.png
PIC #44: Closer Picture view of Grilka Klingon casual dress from TV series DS9 -2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-44___closer_view_of_grilka_klingon_casual_dress_from_tv_series_ds99443.gif
PIC #45: Distance picture view of Grilka wearing Klingon casual dress from TV series DS9 -3 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-45_distance_view_of_grilka_wearing_klingon_casual_dress_from_tv_series_ds93491.png
PIC #46: Picture of Female Klingon wearing all leather uniform with front skirt cut open view from ST-Voyager -1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-46_fem-kling_wearing_leather_uniform_with_front_skirt_cut_open_view__st-voyager1378.png
PIC #47: Distance picture view Female Klingon uniform with front skirt cut open view from ST-Voyager -2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-47_distance_view_fem-kling_uniform_with_front_skirt_cut_open_view__st-voyager5485.png
PIC #48: Rear picture view Female Klingon uniform with rear end skirt NOT-CUT open from TV series ST-Voyager -3 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-48_rear_view_fem-kling_uniform_with_rear_end_skirt_not-cut_open__st-voyager6334.png
PIC #49: Picture of Female Klingon hair-due from TV series ST-Voyager -4 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-49_female_klingon_hair_due8237.jpg
PIC #50: Picture of Female Klingon wearing a long dress = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-50_female_klingon_wearing_a_long_dress3663.jpg
PIC #51: Picture of Female Klingon wearing no sleeves V-cut shirt and a short skirt uniform ready for combat = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-51_fem-kling_wearing_no_seleeves_v-cut_shirt_and_short_skirt_uniform6272.jpg
PIC #52: Picture of Jadzia wearing a light leather Klingon uniform from TV series DS9 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/pic_-52_jadzia_wearing_a_light_leather_klingon_uniform_from_tv_series_ds9356.png
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 16 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea:................. " Create Access Bank onboard ship".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:................ This is must, going back and forth to stations and planets to access the Access Bank can get boring, tired-some and wasting time. Create a Access Bank Onboard the character ship, have it some where in the characters office or on the desk next to the Front missions log console that is located, there is another small computer console on the characters desk that can be used for that purpose, another location to put an Access Bank console is the MESS HALL.
How you perceive this should be resolved?
Solution:................. Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a Access Bank Onboard the character ship some where in the Ships office or on the desk using or adding a computer console or some where in the Mess Hall. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qapla !
Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
Date : 16 MAY 2011
Positive Idea's:
A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
Idea:................. " Create the Klingon Double Bladed Battle Axe Weapon Jey'nas".
A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):
Explanation:.................. This is the second of the Klingon battle axes - the Double Headed Axe. The material is quarter inch titanium and the dimensions are 15.5 inches in width and 12 inches in height . The 28 inch handle of the jey'naS is slightly longer than that of the 'alngegh to allow for added balance needed with the heavier blade. In addition, there is a pommel of 3/8th inch titanium joined to the handle with a quarter inch thick threaded steel rod and blended with several layers of Terran Water Buffalo Horn.
Reference:................ Original Design inspired by Okrand's *Klingon for the Galactic Traveler*