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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Short term : Add a usable cargo bay to ships that can hold say... 200 items, and it automatically transfers that inventory to whatever ship you transfer to so you don't have to transfer inventory from ship to ship.

    Medium: Is it impossible to allow what happens in space show out the windows or viewscreen?

    Give us hobbys and skills to match. Examples: Picard was into Archaeology and spelunking. Make like an explorer hobby with skill trees and the like so we have something to do off duty.
    Riker was a musician, Kirk was into rock climbing and camping, Dr. Crusher was a thespian/director, Data was into art.... etc. etc...

    Long term : Give us a true adventure planet or two with the ability to take missions from the indigeonous peoples and open up at least Starfleets Earth Headquarters so we can beam down to home for awhile. Maybe even give us an apartment or house on Earth so we can display our trophies or what nots.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    K'Genak House of Korax

    1. When we take a ship, which is rare, why can\'t we take it to Qo\'nos as a prize? Awards for this would be nice, again, we could
    gain technology or destroy it and get more honor points, something. How about stripping down the ships we capture and
    reequipping with our superior klingon weapons? Yeah, that one is a stretch but could be used for a covert mission from a
    klingon leader?

    2. Capturing crew as prize/honor points or to hold for ransom or for the mines. Always need labor...

    Discussed among everyone that the ships and other items could be sold to a vendor and also increase the economy within STO. Also the idea of capturing other players ships

    3. Be able to make adjustments to ones own ship to personalize it. Remove a science console and in it\'s place have another
    eng/tac console? Every captain is different, lets do some internal personalization...

    4. Also, get some weapon slots on the side of a ship, even if it\'s a phaser/cannon or whatever. Or be allowed to move slots from front to rear or one on each side w/o changing the number of weapon slots one has. Thats why we have bridge officers, to enhance our away missions and our ships.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    • Separate Rank from Skill Level
    • Add Katanas as an additional Melee Weapon Option
    • Swap the BO Stations of the Assault Cruiser and Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
    • Add more Klingon Content
    • Add more ships
    • Add a Romulan Player Faction

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    -Future Imperfect Badge
    -Customizable Photonic/Holographic Bridge Officer - Male/Female; Hair/Face/Uniform, Class: Tac/Eng/Sci
    -T5 Akira
    -Delta Flyer Pilot Uniform

    Introduce the Type 9 shuttlecraft as seen in Voyager, Type 11 shuttlecraft from Insurection, Argo shuttle from Nemesis, and Voyager aero shuttle.

    Ambassador Class Starship
    Oberth Class Starship
    Constellation Class Starship

    Access to the Obeservation Lounge from the bridge. Many diplomatic missions should take place there. Negotiations, deals, etc.

    Customizable pieces in the Ready room. I can't stand the awful looking plants in my Ready room; they need to go. A few more interior design choices for ready rooms would be nice too.

    Rather than go to a starbase to switch to a shuttle, you should be able to go to the shuttle bay to select your shuttle, Delta Flyer, Captain's Yacht, or Runabout and disembarg from your shuttle bay. The exceptions would be smaller ships like the Defiant and smaller ships which are too small to house any Runabouts, Delta Flyers or Captain's Yachts.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    •Refit of Tier 5 ships for VA
    •Create new regions of space to explore
    •New modules for ships to make them more customizable. (Perhaps an Ablative Armour Module, removing the need to obtain the Refit Science Vessel)

    •A USS Dauntless NX-01-A style vessel as a new ship. (It appeared alongside the Enterprise-J during the Battle of Procyon V)
    •Bring in more canon races (Xindi, First Federation, etc)
    •Include Hugh and his band of Ex-Drones.

    •Tier 6 ships for levels above VA
    •FEDERATION - Create content dealing with the Voth. (Have a faction of them, perhaps called the 'Followers of Distant Origin', led by Gagen, make contact with the Federation, wishing to broker an alliance. A mission could deal with protecting them from those that follow Doctrine)
    •KLINGONS - Bring back the Hur'q.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Short term:

    1) MORE, and more frequent, weekly episode series please. THey are really the one thing this game has going for it right now. THe long wait between series is disappointing. I look forward to the weekly episodes once a series starts, but dislike waiting so long between series.

    2) Some interface improvement on the ground interface would be nice. It feels Spongey and unresponsive alot of times.


    Mid term:

    1) How about being able to go to my bridge, hop on my turbo lift and go to a shuttle bay, in order to swap to a shuttle craft. Having to fly to a starbase to swap starships is fine, but having to do it for Auxillary craft that are supposed to be in my shuttle bay on my starship that I'm currently flying around in is just stupid and half-a**ed lazy / short-cut programing.

    2) Having a Cargo Bay would be nice as well.

    3) Parts of adventures that happen ON MY ship interior (i.e. dynamic ... the one I have selected ... not a generic interior).

    4) A New teir of ships, with more ranks to acheive, and ample content with which to acheive these ranks.

    5) MUCH more veriety with the "Explore/emblem" missions. THe same plot lines, graphics, missions over and over and over and over and over and over and over make my eyes bleed after a while.

    6) Continued expansion of Memory alpha with more gear sets for our ships.

    7) MOre conent for the other factions. Right now, it's pretty hard to lvl up a klingon without ALOT of repitition.


    Long term:

    1) A in game / on ship Holodeck .. , with different programs and adventures I can purchase (I have about 3.5 - 4 million energy credits accross all my characters and literally NOTHING to spend them on.) You could also have some special holodeck programs(Captain Proton from voyager and Dixon Hill from next gen) that you could sell in the C-Store. Could use the "holo deck" as a portal for us to try other Cryptic / Atari games. Could have adventures that happen IN the holodeck. What you could do in game with a "holodeck" would be nearly limitless. Plenty of oppurtunity here to make money from C-Store IMO.

    2) A first officer, with some new system of abilites/skills that really make a first officer matter (like they should).

    3) Planets more detailed and realized. More than one city on a planet. Some things in sol system ... Starfleet academy? Lake Armstrong? Utopia Planitia ship yards?

    Anyway, keep striving to do more, and to do it better.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    Short-term requests

    These are small things that seem like they could maybe be done within a patch or two.

    Galaxy Captain version/rank give saucer seperation couse well duhh its a galaxy class :p
    Klingon Cloak fix stop makeing decloak when transmissions please its killing me bird of preys decloaking in horde of fed ships due to transmissions = gg

    Mid-term requests

    These are things which realistically would take a couple of months for the devs to do, given dev time, testing, balancing, and so on.

    adding Back the breen bridge officers and reman officers ( why time limit them ? new players should have a chance to u know. )

    Long-term requests

    These are "direction of the game" kind of things. Stuff that you want them to do over the next year or two of the game's development.

    More diplomatic solution missions like Bajoran standoff and Vulcan investigation at a lower level atachee and such.
    perhaps 5 daily random dimplomatic solution missions would be a smart move

    Other than that thanks for a good game
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Here's a thought, how about the ability to pilot your ship through sector space from the bridge. It is some what annoying that the ship "Does nothing Goes Nowhere" while I'm on the bridge and I have places that I need to go to. It actually makes me want to visit the bridge less.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    short: More canon melee weapons: Romulan honor blades, the Klingon knife and swords, the Andorian miners pick.

    Mid: Consistent featured episodes. Right now STO is at a peak, the last series was great. However, it will start to drop off soon if these aren't somewhat steady. No more than about 3 weeks between series. If the calender for April isn't hot with releases, you will see subs drop.

    Long: Craftable ship "upgrades" to improve tier level of ships. If I could get say 3 fore and aft weapons slots and a bit more hull, I could use a (current)tier 2 Constitution retrofit for VA stuff. It wouldn't match a tier 4.5 or 5, but would be survivable enough for solo play.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Short Term:
    • Add rewards for diplomatic points beyond ambassador rank (possibly higher quality exchange officers)
    • Make all Fleet Actions a possible part of the Daily-missions
    • Add First Contacts to possible missions in Exploration Clusters with a small chance to occur (max. 1%)

    Mid Term:
    • Grant Klingons a similar system as Feds have with their diplomatic xp
    • Add special events to raids (possible database to download, which grants every player anomalies, special, randomly occuring minibosses)
    • Remove range restrictions from squad leader system

    Long Term:
    [*]Split inventory into ground and space sections
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Short Term: Shuttle bays, new crew system/section chief system, more gear sets/type, and a reason to use a variety of weapon damage types.

    Mid Term: Usable ship interiors along with fully laid out ship decks unique to each bridge type.

    Long Term: Fleet star bases, PvP PvE faction controlled areas, and larger more interesting exploration clusters.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email: ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com or ironmantmc9011@yahoo.com
    Date : 21 MARCH 2011

    Positive Idea's:
    A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)

    Idea:............... " Create the Klingon Weapon 'aqleH ".

    A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):

    Explanation:............... The 'aqleH is the traditional weapon of the Klingon Clerics on Boreth. It is a very ancient design dating back to the days of the early Empire. This weapon has a shaft of hardened wood 50 inches long with an additional 12 inches of hardened animal skin as an end grip. It is capped with a solid threaded pommel. The blade is quarter inch thick and is 24 inches long. All of the edges are beveled for cutting with the exception of the oval cut-outs. The overall length of the weapon is 71.5 inches long. It is suprisingly easy to handle and an excellent weapon against mounted enemies in open field situations.

    REFERENCE: *Secret Arts of The Warrior Race* by HetaQ, View PIC # R1 (Front cover) and R2 (Back Cover).

    PIC # R1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/front_cover_pic__r12446.jpg

    PIC # R2 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/back_cover_pic_r24565.jpg

    How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution:............... Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create Klingon weapon 'aqleh to be use in the STO game. View PIC #1 A picture of a 'aqleH Klingon weapon. I hope this will improve the STO game and make money. Qa’pla !

    PIC #1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/aqleh-13890.jpg


    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email: ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com or ironmantmc9011@yahoo.com
    Date : 21 MARCH 2011

    Positive Idea's:
    A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)

    Idea:................ "Up-Grading the Galaxy Map to Part # 5, Revamp the Map to create more Klingon Starbase".

    A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):

    Explanation:............... This is Part #5, in addition to Map part#4, I created three more Klingon Starbase, one is in the Klingon/Romulan Border above Azlesa Expanse, the other is next to T'Ong Nebula and third is next to Gorn home world in-which it is still Klingon conquer space. The Ambassador Klingon can have access to Tran warp Starbase Icon like the Federation Ambassador, so the Klingon Ambassador can Tran warp to Starbase to Starbase, plus this will add in more mission content and episodes in the future. I also added more solar systems in the new Klingon sector block and some in the Tholian sector block.

    How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution:............... Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to view PIC #1 Galaxy Map Part 5 to view the Klingon Starbase location and see the potential growth for the STO Game, especially for the Klingon Empire. I am using Windows 7, using paint brush program to cut and paste method to move exit points around and drawing content to the MAP. This is a big boost in content for STO. Thanks for looking at my previous maps and I hope part #5 positive idea will improve the STO game and make money. Qa’pla !

    PIC #1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/up-grading_galaxy_map_part__55039.png


    Approximate Time:
    How much time do you require for this subject (All are given 10 minutes, but if yours takes less time, more can be accomplished by the council).

    Answer:................. Less than 2 minutes

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    w3Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email : ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com or ironmantmc9011@yahoo.com
    Date : 21 MARCH 2011

    Positive Idea's:
    A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)

    Idea:................ "Create More Trophy Shelves”.

    A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):

    Explanation:.................Onboard my ship In the Mess Hall their so many Trophy now that their is not enough shelves to mount them all. Recommend to add in approx. 20 more top shelves and more floor shelves in the Mess Hall to mount all of the Trophy awards from Fleet Action Trophy, Accolades etc..

    How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution:................ Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add in approx. 20 more top and floor shelves in the Mess Hall to mount all of the Trophy awards. I hope this idea will improve the STO game and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla !



    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email : ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com or ironmantmc9011@yahoo.com
    Date : 21 MARCH 2011

    Positive Idea's:
    A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)

    Idea:.............. "Up-Grade the Liberated Borg to add Weapon attachments to characters body”.

    A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):

    Explanation:............... Only Life Time Subscribers of Star trek Online may create a Liberated Borg character. You think that paying a lot of money for Life time member should at least get something good out of it, don't get me wrong the Liberated Borg is outstanding character, it just need to be beef-up for life time members only, example add-in weapons attachments to the Liberated Borg character arms, just like the NPC Attack drones. This is a special weapon for Life Time members only that have access to create liberated Borg.

    The character have two weapon slot to choose what weapons the player wishes to use, you can insert a special Borg weapon implant in one (1) or two (2) of those weapon slots for change out. Once the Borg implant is inserted in a slot to use, you can see the weapons implant attachment attach to the characters right arm ready for use. This can apply to all Liberated Borg Trait characters example Tactical Liberated Borg, Science Liberated Borg and Engineering Liberated Borg to have weapons implant attachments. Another Hot Idea is to have your Liberated Borg Bridge Officer with same weapons implant attachment abilities, that's only if your a Life Time Subscriber member of STO. This could attracted others in subscribing for Life Time membership. The Special weapons Borg implants attachments are listed below:

    Special Weapons Borg implants attachment:

    (a) Flame Thrower = Receive burn Damage to the enemy in the area targeting more than one target, same damage percentage as a Plasma Grenade.

    (b) EMP mini bazooka = neutralize all weapons with in that area except for melee weapons for 10 seconds.

    (c) Rocket bazooka = Receive massive damage twice as powerful as a photon grenade.

    (d) Plasma Thrower = Similar to a flame thrower, but shoots out plasma to the surrounding target or targets, same damage percentage as a Plasma Grenade, but almost twice as powerful.

    (e) Projectile Gatlin gun = It fires armored piercing rounds to the targets, causing the target to turn to Swiss cheese.

    (f) All Type's of Assault Weapons = Example: Full Auto Assault, can use either Antiproton, Disrupter, Phaser, Plasma, Polaron and Tetryon.

    (g) All Type's Rifle Weapons = Example: Sniper Rifle, can use either Antiproton, Disrupter, Phaser, Plasma, Polaron and Tetryon.

    How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution:.............. Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create all types of Weapons Implant attachments (See Special Weapons Implant Attachment List above) to be use for the Liberated Borg and Liberated Borg Bridge Officers. View PIC #1 Character with a Weaons implant on its arm. I hope this idea will improve the STO game and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla !

    PIC #1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/weapons_implant6289.jpg


    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email : ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com or ironmantmc9011@yahoo.com
    Date : 21 MARCH 2011

    Positive Idea's:
    A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)

    Idea:............... "Add a Star Base Fight to PVP Capture and Hold”.

    A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):

    Explanation:..................... In PVP Capture and Hold each side has a Star Base at re-spawn point with weapons platform surrounding it for protection. Let's add the Star base to the battle of Capture and Hold. The first team to destroy the enemy Star base that team win's the scenario, if a team can capture and hold the flag area, there-by draining the enemy team point without destroying the Star base will win that scenario as well. The Star base should be very tuff to battle because you will have to fight weapons plat-forms, Star base onboard weapons, Team enemy (FED's) and some sneaky Federation trying to CAP the area to drain your Team point to end the scenario. The first time your destroy the enemy Star base, you should get a special trophy to hang on the self and an accolades called "Defeating the Starbase".

    How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution:................ Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add the Starbase fight to the PVP Capture and hold, for the first timer's for destroying the enemy Star base, you should get a special trophy to hang on the self and an accolades called "Defeating the Starbase". I hope this idea will improve the STO game and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla !


    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 21 MARCH 2011
    Email: ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com or ironmantmc9011@yahoo.com

    Positive Idea's:
    A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)

    Idea: ..............."Create Land Mine's".

    A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):

    Explanation #1:............... It's time to add the Land Mines in the STO game. Create different types of land mines, example: Photon land mines, Plasma Land Mines, Smoke screen Land Mines, Stun character or characters Land Mines, EMP Land mines and flare Land Mines. It can be use in PVE, PVP, fighting Giant worms, spiders, targ's, characters etc.. The character can scan on the location of the Land mine get real close to it, up to 1 meter and click on the high lighted button to disarmed the Land Mine device. The Land mines should be "consumable Devices" Maximum amount the character can carry is four (4) different types and can stack up to twenty (10) max, you can buy the Land Mine thru a vender, exchange or drop items in ground PVE missions. See Spec below on different types of Land Mines.

    Land Mines Spec's

    (a) Photon Land Mines can do 75% - 85% server damage to ground vehicles with wheel, taking out the tank tracks and creating flat tires; a hover Vehicle has no effect because it is floating above ground, to characters that step on the mine with-in a 20 feet radius friend or foes, this includes your self just in-case you step on it by accident "YOUR DEAD" !

    (b) Plasma Land Mines can do server Burns damage to vehicles up to 80% to ground wheel vehicles and hover vehicles, to the characters, NPC animals and monsters that step on the mine friend or foes does server burns up to 85% damage. The plasma hang time is 30 seconds.

    (c) Smoke Screen Land mines has the same effect as a smoke grenade.

    (d) Stun Land mines has the same effect as a stun grenade with-in a 10 feet radius, except it effect friend and foes; monsters, aliens animals etc..; has no effect on ground vehicles.

    (e) EMP (Electro magnetic Pulse) Land Mines with-in a 10 feet radius neutralize all types of ground vehicles and neutralize all characters ground weapons except melee weapons.

    (f) Flare Land Mines are use to locate the enemy or NPC monsters and animals that accidentally step on it, with-in a 6 feet radius this flare Land Mine can blind the target for five (5) seconds, the hang time is five (5) seconds real time, this will give you a chance to locate and lock on the target..

    How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution:.............. Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to Create the Land Mine. See Land Mine Spec above. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email : ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com or ironmantmc9011@yahoo.com
    Date : 21 MARCH 2011

    Positive Idea's:
    A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)

    Idea:.............. "Up-Grade the Liberated Borg to add Weapon attachments to characters body”.

    A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):

    Explanation:............... Only Life Time Subscribers of Star trek Online may create a Liberated Borg character. You think that paying a lot of money for Life time member should at least get something good out of it, don't get me wrong the Liberated Borg is outstanding character, it just need to be beef-up for life time members only, example add-in weapons attachments to the Liberated Borg character arms, just like the NPC Attack drones. This is a special weapon for Life Time members only that have access to create liberated Borg.

    The character have two weapon slot to choose what weapons the player wishes to use, you can insert a special Borg weapon implant in one (1) or two (2) of those weapon slots for change out. Once the Borg implant is inserted in a slot to use, you can see the weapons implant attachment attach to the characters right arm ready for use. This can apply to all Liberated Borg Trait characters example Tactical Liberated Borg, Science Liberated Borg and Engineering Liberated Borg to have weapons implant attachments. Another Hot Idea is to have your Liberated Borg Bridge Officer with same weapons implant attachment abilities, that's only if your a Life Time Subscriber member of STO. This could attracted others in subscribing for Life Time membership. The Special weapons Borg implants attachments are listed below:

    Special Weapons Borg implants attachment:

    (a) Flame Thrower = Receive burn Damage to the enemy in the area targeting more than one target, same damage percentage as a Plasma Grenade.

    (b) EMP mini bazooka = neutralize all weapons with in that area except for melee weapons for 10 seconds.

    (c) Rocket bazooka = Receive massive damage twice as powerful as a photon grenade.

    (d) Plasma Thrower = Similar to a flame thrower, but shoots out plasma to the surrounding target or targets, same damage percentage as a Plasma Grenade, but almost twice as powerful.

    (e) Projectile Gatlin gun = It fires armored piercing rounds to the targets, causing the target to turn to Swiss cheese.

    (f) All Type's of Assault Weapons = Example: Full Auto Assault, can use either Antiproton, Disrupter, Phaser, Plasma, Polaron and Tetryon.

    (g) All Type's Rifle Weapons = Example: Sniper Rifle, can use either Antiproton, Disrupter, Phaser, Plasma, Polaron and Tetryon.

    How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution:.............. Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create all types of Weapons Implant attachments (See Special Weapons Implant Attachment List above) to be use for the Liberated Borg and Liberated Borg Bridge Officers. View PIC #1 Character with a Weaons implant on its arm. I hope this idea will improve the STO game and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla !

    PIC #1 = http://files1.guildlaunch.net/guild/library/gallery/185134/weapons_implant6289.jpg


    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email : ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com or ironmantmc9011@yahoo.com
    Date : 21 MARCH 2011

    Positive Idea's:
    A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)

    Idea:............... "Add a Star Base Fight to PVP Capture and Hold”.

    A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):

    Explanation:..................... In PVP Capture and Hold each side has a Star Base at re-spawn point with weapons platform surrounding it for protection. Let's add the Star base to the battle of Capture and Hold. The first team to destroy the enemy Star base that team win's the scenario, if a team can capture and hold the flag area, there-by draining the enemy team point without destroying the Star base will win that scenario as well. The Star base should be very tuff to battle because you will have to fight weapons plat-forms, Star base onboard weapons, Team enemy (FED's) and some sneaky Federation trying to CAP the area to drain your Team point to end the scenario. The first time your destroy the enemy Star base, you should get a special trophy to hang on the self and an accolades called "Defeating the Starbase".

    How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution:................ Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add the Starbase fight to the PVP Capture and hold, for the first timer's for destroying the enemy Star base, you should get a special trophy to hang on the self and an accolades called "Defeating the Starbase". I hope this idea will improve the STO game and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla !


    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 21 MARCH 2011
    Email: ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com or ironmantmc9011@yahoo.com


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Short-term requests

    -Having the crew actually touching panels and look like they're doing something productive
    -Prevent colliding into objects and remaining undamaged
    -Don't allow other players to use the same name or registration as you

    Mid-term requests

    -Intergrate LCARS UI
    -Death penalties
    -Add dorsal and ventral shielding terms and rename the other shields to the nautical terms

    Long-term requests

    -Break the walls down, one giant galaxy where we don't necessarily have to see another player for a while
    -Eliminate instances to allow everyone to play together at the same time
    -Make it a territory game, don't allow ships to enter enemy zone without confrontation
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    1) I would like to assign one of my BOs as First Officer with no restriction from their class.

    2) No more Deep Space Encounters, or atleast get rid of some. Maybe ask if we want to enter.

    3) No more waiting to warp to starbases, or atleast decrease how long we have to wait.

    4) Valkris' outfit (Search for Spock)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    1. More Klingon content: ships, clothes, missions, Klingon season events, shuttles

    2. Missions that involve diplomacy or cunning, not just the same old cookie-cutter "kill everything then proceed to the next objective" stuff we have seen so far. Seriously.

    3. More ground and space based PVP battle grounds & rewards worth working for.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    My suggestion is pretty straight forward as a long-term suggestion. Offer a recustomization feature thru the website as a customer option that would allow the account user to re-customize race/gender and class of a designated character ie Trill Science Officer---> Betazoid Engineer.

    Blizzard after 4yrs is operation with their MMORPG did just that. They went to discuss some of the issues that could not be corrected but it is very successful even with is it's limitations, gear, feats, etc but in itself is the trade-off and adds long-term playability the one's character.

    The only thing that I would add is that this would wipe acquired skill points trees and default back to the number of points proper for the character level with acquired points thru missions to respec from new class. Now I recently joined STO and this one feature i didn't see this option and I love the freeedom of the existing re-customization and there is a lot of it. This would not interfere with adding character slots in that gives an existing player the ability to retain time played on character in question without having to start from the very beginning.

    Personally for 3 months of played time on one character it is important to decide whether you want to start over with a new one but when you have acquired premium rare bound items (Reman officer etc) those bound items are just as important to consider.

    I'm not asking for faction changes yet and I am very willing to pay 30.00usd amount to do have a character reboot as a online service offered. Upon relogging my designated captain would have an icon showing feature is active (any enblem is fine) and be taken directly to character creation and change my character as I'd like name, race, gender etc and recieve a pop up completed! Be taken back to chacrter menu and log in or wait however much time is alloted.

    This would say me 3 additional months of frustration and level grinding...LOL

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Short term; When changing ships, you have to redo all of your BO's for that ship. Like if I want to take the Delta Flier out for a spin I have to redo everything then redo it again when I return to the main ship. The BO's have already been assigned once, they shouldn't have to be assigned again even if it's the same BO's as used on the other ship. It's a real pain to have to redo everything all the time. Just lock in bridge officers for different ships and allow them to be played on different ships.

    Mid Term; This might be in there somewhere, I haven't found it. You can change clothing styles, How about a barber shop and/or beauty parlor. My hair and beard are graying, I should be able to give my toon the same hair color and style.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Swangau wrote:
    1) I would like to assign one of my BOs as First Officer with no restriction from their class

    Agree, Add an unrestricted first officer to the bridge officer list. Shoot, I'd even buy the slot off the C-Store if I had too.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Short term

    1.) fix the c-store for previously purchased content to be available again

    Long Term

    1.) Make it possible for the fleet starbases to be constructed as either space stations, or a colony on a planet, moon, asteroid or other celestial body.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Short term:
    1. Ability to re-species your character
    --I started out without knowing the ins and outs of the options and now wish I could re-species my character. i'd pay for the change.

    2. Allow me to have my Gorn go shirtless and have more scares

    3. Ability to browse / purchase items from the Exchange via the web site
    --Sometimes when at work, I would like to browse and spend some credits. Maybe even have the option to arrange items in the inventory or manage the fleet settings as well.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    I came across this while I tried finding out if the Captain's Yacht has a bridge you can chill out in (add that to my list of however-long-it-takes wants as a testbed for bridge navigation in sector space). Here seemed like the most appropriate place to post it.


    This is one of the comments on the article.

    __"Multiple servers = Much reduced zoning. Yes.
    __"Our ships with more areas inside to explore, entertain, reside = Happy players. Yes.
    __"Wormholes and more free-range space flight to encounter the unknown species, world, stellar storm, weird phenomena, distant quadrant = Much Elated Happiness among players. Yes.
    __"Make the content and missions much less like ... boredom = Players that actually stick around and pay for subscriptions = Happy STO pocketbooks. Yes.
    __"The changes you all need are basically rudimentary and in plain sight. Examine some of the better MMOs of the past and what worked well for them and what failed them.
    __" ... Show me another MMO with that good of a social environment, freedom of roaming, and all-around virtual coolness, and I will show you an MMO that will grow and grow and be here many years from now. ...
    __"Open the game up and add more to it (not just trinkets and a few ships... I mean species, vacation worlds, residences (even if it's on your own ship or in a space station)(People like to have a virtual place to come back to; home, apartment, flat, quarters on DS9, whatever), give people the ability to travel farther Quicker (more transwarp corridors - these are a must for more advanced ranks in the game), allow us to re-engineer our ships, not just upgrade them with the rank and file parts that we are handed now.
    __"This game had... Has... great potential. If you take off the leash. "

    (MacMoradin, Feb 26th 2011 11:39AM, http://massively.joystiq.com/2011/02/24/captains-log-setting-a-course-for-the-future/ )

    I think he's got a few good points. I had a play today for the first time in 3 or more months and I did enjoy it more. The game feels like it has a bit more depth. I like the new Spacedock 1/ESD (except for the TOS font everywhere, that looks vile). The shipyard, the club, the bank, the exterior, it's all looking really good. I hope that kind of creativity continues well into the future.

    I've noticed some of the flashing consoles have been toned down a bit, but not all of them (the ones in the tutorial and the ones in K-7's corridors are still flashing in the old, garish style, so maybe that's a hint that the tutorial is being re-worked and they're not wasting any more time on the current one. I can dream, right? I wonder if part of the problem isn't contractual obligations to Zachary Quinto. Surely not though since he was drafted in for the part. If the part's not needed anymore then neither's his voice, clearly. No offence. I wouldn't mind losing Nimoy's voice either, if it would plough more money into the game's development. Sorry Leonard. I liked you better in Mission: Impossible anyway.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Jake81499 wrote: »
    I'd even buy the slot off the C-Store if I had too.

    Don't say stuff like that... God. :eek:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    JKOgden wrote: »
    Short term:
    1. Ability to re-species your character
    --I started out without knowing the ins and outs of the options and now wish I could re-species my character. i'd pay for the change.

    3. Ability to browse / purchase items from the Exchange via the web site
    --Sometimes when at work, I would like to browse and spend some credits. Maybe even have the option to arrange items in the inventory or manage the fleet settings as well.

    My advice? Even though you didn't ask for it...

    1. Start a campaign to make a new tutorial and replay from scratch when it's done. New species, new class, http://www.dramabutton.com/ New game experience, oh my :eek:

    3. Wait until you get home from work or encourage them to make an iPhone app that does the same thing. Would you be willing to pay for that ?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    *adding small space station/outpost for fleets to buy in the neutral zone.

    *add special pvp ressources in neutral zone to increase the pvp interest. People would fight for the systems having valuable ressources or special missions only available when owning the system

    * adding special NPC characters in your own ship who give you missions
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Given the complexity of the skills it would be very helpful to be able to separate the skills and status windows to more easily see the effects on skills side by side. This is what RPGs are 50% about - reading skills and making decisions. The current system is self-defeating. - Short term. This week?

    I dont know if this is in the works or not, but I feel it to be a logical next step: these shuttles and fighters too if I heard right? The ability to pull up somewhere in your main ship that you've chosen at the docks, and then launch one of the smaller craft from there, leaving your mothership wherever you leave it, cluttering up space and making the place look busy.
    Works exactly the same, you right click the shuttle and select use, but instead of it following you around, your ship becomes a static interactable object (for changing back to it, obviously) and you take control of the shuttlecraft. Yay! :)
    At any rate.. bridges on shuttlecraft please - Medium term? 3-6 months?

    An iPhone+iPad app that lets you create and manage your personal logs, auto-syncing whenever the app is opened or closed. - Long term. A year?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i got and idea. I would like to see an episode dealing with the Ioceans (ST: TOS "Piece of the Action") It would be intresting to see what they had done with the communcator that McCoy had left on that planet when they left.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    i got and idea. I would like to see an episode dealing with the Ioceans (ST: TOS "Piece of the Action") It would be intresting to see what they had done with the communcator that McCoy had left on that planet when they left.

    They'd have to design more bits of wardrobe for that. The gucci suits are already there in off duty gear, but they need those silly hats. I'd prefer space helmets first, myself.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Long Term:

    Uniforms like on Elite Force if possible.
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