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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    It seems to me that the same process of innovation, adaptation, and creativity, (not to mention a little pillaging and plundering) that lead to the creation of Aegis for ships might also lead to the creation of the following:

    Aegis Personal Armor
    Aegis Personal Shield

    I can imagine several different flavors of Aegis Personal Armor that contain various mixes of features found in the current Personal Armor sets:

    Aegis Personal Armor 1 = Polyalloy Weave + Integrated Targeting + ?
    Aegis Personal Armor 2 = Energy Dampening + Physical Augmentation + ?
    Aegis Personal Armor 3 = Polyalloy Weave + Energy Dampening + ?

    The potential Personal Armor combinations are fascinating. In similar fashion, there are lots of interesting variations for Personal Shields such as:

    Aegis Personal Shield 1 = Regenerative + Covariant + [Dis] [Tet] [Pol] [etc] [etc]
    Aagis Person Shield 2 = Cap + Whatever + This + [pbkb] + [ap] + [something else]

    It seems to me that an Aegis-like set for ground combat can be done in balanced very interesting way such that each player does not become an unbeatable Mega Boss.

    As with the ship-based Aegis, the deployment of the shield and armor enables a number of added sets. For instance,

    Set 2: Shroud (Jem'Hadar-style - I am thinking Personal Battle Cloak)
    Set 3: Adaptive Shields ( Borg-style resistance, temporary immunity to various weapon types ...e.g Tetryon, Plasma, Phaser, Disrupter, even Antiproton)

    And of course a Borg Assimilated Personal Shield and Borg Assimilated Personal Armor would work too. This would give top players added reason to keep going. Perhaps some new missions with these items as rewards. What am I saying?! I haven't even finished Infected yet! I have but one request: if the day comes where such Borg Assimilated items are available please tone down the graphics. Less is more. Otherwise, Earth Space Dock starts to look like the Unicomplex with everyone walking around with tubes and wires and stuff. Suddenly everyone looks like an Elite Heavy Tactical Proto Drone or something. More Fed smoothness please. The current armor graphics are sweet.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Short Term:
    Improvements to Risa. Anything. Give it a use.

    Mid Term:
    Children of Tamar. My absolute favorite race int he ST universe and it's barely been whispered in game. The Children of Tamar are some of the most enigmatic and incredible races in ST and I want more of them.

    Long Term:
    Soundtrack Revamp. I'd like to see (or hear, for that matter) specific battle compositions for each faction. Using the same few battle tracks over and over again becomes wearing and doesn't provide the right feel. I want to feel like I'm fighting the Borg or the Cardassians, and the best way to do that is unique battle tracks.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Short term I would like to see some more ship models introduced to choose from
    mid term I would like to see wormhols in starbase systems that can be used to travel between starbases
    long term I would like to see custom building of ships where you can customize your ship to be totally unique
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Short term: More ship interior and bridge functionality (bank access, crafting access, replicator access, ability to cure wounds)

    Mid: STF queuing (if wanted)
    Better ground combat AI
    Better exploration missions

    Long: Fleet star bases
    Missions taking place on ship interiors
    Diplomatic solutions to combat missions
    UGC missions incorporated into exploration clusters
    Ship Holodeck/ Shuttle bay
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    House of Iron
    Idea#1: "Up-Grading NPC C’Zann in Qo’nos Bar". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: C’Zann has no other function than to participate in the newly character for advisement in the beginning of the characters first quest.Recommend to make C’Zann perform the job of a bar tender in selling all kind of Klingon food, drinks and playing instruments. We need a Bar Tender in Qo’nos, there is none. Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to giveC’Zann a job to become a Bar tender in selling all kind of Klingon food, drinks and playing instruments. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#2: "Create a sugar rush Candy Bar". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: Create a candy bar use for common ground device and consumed on use, once consumed the character will be able to double the speed in fighting movement and run speed for 15 seconds, This device can be purchase in the planet Qo’nos Bar Tender C’Zann, also the candy bar can be stack in the characters device inventory box, example Hypo’s etc…
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a candy bar use for common ground device and consumed on use, once consumed the character will receive the abilities to double the speed in fighting movement and run speed for 15 seconds. This device can be purchase in the planet Qo’nos Bar Tender C’Zann, also the candy bar can be stack in the characters device inventory box, example up-too (20) Hypo’s etc… I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea #3: "Create uniform - The Sword Master vest with sash". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: The Federations has a lot of different kind of Fed uniform than the Klingon Empire, it’s time to catch up with the Klingon uniforms. The Klingon NPC Sword Masters has a nice vest. Recommend to add this Sword Master vest in the Tailor store.
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create the Klingon Sword Master uniform and add it to the tailor store, see the Klingon Sword Master vest with sash PIC #1, If you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method.I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla! Picture of uniform located at http://coesto.guildlaunch.com/gallery/gallery_detail.php?gallery=109688&gid=185134

    Idea#4: "Create uniform - The Sword Master vest with sash".I information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: The Federations has a lot of different kind of Fed uniform than the Klingon Empire, it’s time to catch up with the Klingon uniforms. The Klingon NPC Sword Masters has a nice vest. Recommend to add this Sword Master vest in the Tailor store.
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create the Klingon Sword Master uniform and add it to the tailor store, see the Klingon Sword Master vest with sash PIC #1, If you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method.I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#5: "Create uniform- The Battle Cloak and the Command Cloak". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: The Battle Cloak is worn by ship commanders and above. It may also be worn temporarily by other officers leading a boarding party, landing party or etc., to designate the person in charge of the force. Battle cloaks have pockets and usually a hood. The Command Cloak is similar to the Battle Cloak, except that it usually has no pockets and no hood. The Command Cloak may have medals and awards fastened on the front panels. A Command Cloak may be worn by the head of a House when appearing before the Council on official House business.
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved? Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to the Battle Cloak and the Command Cloak to be added to the tailor store for all Klingons to wear, see the Battle Cloak PIC #1, the Command Cloak PIC #2 and PIC#3, if you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method.I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla! for picture click on this link then gallery to view pictures referred to this idea http://coesto.guildlaunch.com/gallery/gallery_detail.php?gallery=109688&gid=185134

    Idea#6: "Create uniform- The Battle Cloak and the Command Cloak". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. keep under
    Explanation: The Battle Cloak is worn by ship commanders and above. It may also be worn temporarily by other officers leading a boarding party, landing party or etc., to designate the person in charge of the force. Battle cloaks have pockets and usually a hood. The Command Cloak is similar to the Battle Cloak, except that it usually has no pockets and no hood. The Command Cloak may have medals and awards fastened on the front panels. A Command Cloak may be worn by the head of a House when appearing before the Council on official House business.
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to the Battle Cloak and the Command Cloak to be added to the tailor store for all Klingons to wear, see the Battle Cloak PIC #1, the Command Cloak PIC #2 and PIC#3, if you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method.I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea #7: "Create The Klingon Mace". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: The Klingon Mace. Recommend to add this weapon in a special mission, something similar to receiving the Sword of Kahless mission, but at LG level. Upon completion of the mission, the character receives the Klingon Mace for the reward with special ground weapons specifications added to it. Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create the Klingon Mace and add it to a special LG level mission, see the Klingon Mace PIC #1 and PIC #2, If you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method.I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla! Click on this link to view the pictures this idea refers to http://coesto.guildlaunch.com/gallery/gallery_detail.php?gallery=109688&gid=185134
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    short term:
    1. fix rolor nebula mission stack from middle screen toggle to bottom right screen mission list. its annoying and cluttering the screen especially during long term exploration.
    2. slightly alter the weapon arc of the cannon ports to be a little wider on all 3 axis.
    3. alter random exploration missions not to include 3 npc medics on one group, alter klink bat'leth strength especially with swordmaster to be a little less powerful, i hate having to tippy toe around them.

    mid term:
    1. add more weapon verity to the game, give feds hand held weapons instead of just energy based. exploration unknown weapons always use mekleth or d'k'taghs, would be interesting to see a jem'hadar knife or a human kitchen knife.
    2. give klinks more mission based instead of purely depending on pvp/pve type. its like a commission based job you either get it right the first time or you never get it.
    3. alter plasma based weapons to deal better damage, they are very weak compared to other phaser array types and cannon weapons even with plasma damage..

    long term:
    1. add more playable races to feds and klinks, like cardassians, defera, romulan or orion to feds for example.
    2. make rom/rem/hiro and car/dom playable factions instead of just NPC based.
    3. overhaul the entire damage and defense modules with proper testing, and adjust their abilities and such so there is a counter to each one with a positive and negative impact... that will make things more interesting.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Short Term:
    • Nerf Rotate Shield Frequency
      This skill is too powerful and makes engineers almost indestructible. Rather than reducing its shield damage resistence buff with the upcoming update, it may still be 50% resistence, but at cost of it's shield healing. The combination of an incredible amount of shield resistence and shield healing is imbalanced.
    • Nerf Excelsior
      The Excelsior class ship is much more powerful than the Assault Cruiser ships. A Lt. Cmdr. slot is > than a Ensign and a Lt. slot. Combine an almost indestructible engineer with a high damage Excelsior and noone stands a chance against this combination. It also shouldn't be the intended to add new ships and make the ones already implemented obsolete.
    • Add shield resistence reduce to attack pattern skills
      This should be added as a benefit gained from the career-specific space skills mentioned below. This would increase their effectiveness and weaken the almost inepentrable shields of scis and engis. I guess reducing the shield resistence by half the value the hull resistence gets reduced should be enough.

    Mid Term:
    • Add career-specific space skills to skill tree
      This would be a way to add more ways to balance things out between the careers. Right now it seems that such a skill tree regarding Science and Engineers should be used to get their performance to the level they right now have, while Tacticals should be boosted a little bit, e.g. adding an ability, which makes resistence reduces also hitting the shield resistence by half of its value or increasing the duration of tactical skills by up to 50%.
    • Add progressive targeting for escort captain
      This option should change target depending on your settings and allow an escort captain to fly by and fire on each target peu-
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    scalable ships (like recently was made with the new shuttles) so we can use lower tier ships at higher levels.

    Daily missions in form of story arcs (do several connected and get a higher reward at the end)

    insted of flying to the edge of a sector space, how about letting us fly into one of the new nebula fx's we got in sector space and enter thrue that, or put an fx like that along the exploration area entrence.

    a reputation system.
    - where we can gain reputation thrue dailys or exploration to certain organistation to define our charcter.
    to organistations such as section 31 and the possibility to create a counterpart.
    depending on your direction you gain acess to diffrent items and abilitys.
    -same system could possibly be used towards other races, such as the deferi, where once you reach a certain reputation rank your trusted enogh for thire merchants to start sharing certain products with you.

    a continuation on the current introduced organistations.
    such as section 31 and diplomatical parts.

    continued costumization thrue kits, maybe kits for the ground avatar as well?


    improved damaged ship fx, with certain parts only beeing repairable at starbases.
    such as hull falling of etc.

    sector specific missions giving a special sector buff, (could be pvp or pve activated objectives)

    ship interior costumization and opened usage.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Short Term:
    Fix the "Patrol TRIBBLE Sector" missions (primarily in Pi Canus) that don't resolve when you've completed them. This has been a glitch since Beta. Sometimes I do these missions 3-4 times before I finally get credit for them.

    Make ground combat weapons more useful and make differences between different weapons more unique. It sounds like Season 4 will do a lot of this, so this makes me very happy!

    Long Term:
    Right now, we seem to have 4 "macro story arcs" (approximately 10 levels each) on the Fed side of the game. We do the Klingon front from Lt. to Lt. Commander, Romulans in the Lt. Cmd. to Commander, Cardassians from Commander to Captain, and Borg for the rest. These are great, but I wish we could have more flavor for these 4 war fronts. Instead of just 1 macro arc per Front, I'd like to see 4 maco arcs for each so that a player could level up a character from start to finish just fighting the Klingon war, or just the Cardassian war, for example.

    Players could still go from Front to Front, but fighting on one Front for several macro arcs would net special bonuses. Thse wouldn't be game-changing bonuses, but more like this: If you've played macro arc 1 for Klingons and now you're on macro arc 2 for Klingons, you wouldn't have to do the part of a mission that says "go to TRIBBLE sector to talk to yyy to get information". Instead, one of your "contacts" would just give you the intel, due to your "experience" in fighting the Klingons. You'd still get the XP for the mission, you'd just get to bypass the travelling around part.

    This would add a lot of replayability, as some players may want to create characters dedicated to each of the war Fronts. Plus, this would allow the Developers to produce some really great, deep missions that delve into a lot of what makes Star Trek so much fun.

    Incidently, I see the war Fronts as very different wars anyway, which is what gave me the idea. Klingons is a full scale war. Romulan is a sneaky, Cold-War type, Cardassians is a War on Terror, and Borg is a jockeying-for-position prelude to full-out war.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    - Get the file managment in order with this game "HOGG" files error's make me sick to a point i allmost uninstalled the game!! really take a look at that! i'm really sick of reading "decompression error can't read data bla bla bla hogg file"
    - give us free costumes for a change
    - make the darn beams more to scale !! on some ships the beam is visual from the bottom wen the beam fires on top of the ship not to point out a fact if you see the beam its like way to big for the ship its firing from :p. if you want a tip, the Blue colored TOS beam phaser are way more to scale in fact perfect.
    - The ship movement !! no 90° up or down really em bit sick to spiral my way up to a sample in space djeeez its space i have seen the defiant in a DS9 eps fly up-side down and do spirals for god sake so don't say its not cannon.

    - more ships (prefer not c-store or at least buy able ingame with tokens or badges).
    - more play able races (prefer not c-store this time)
    - more things we can do on the ship, working consoles or npc shop on ur ships, maybe a tailor and ship customizer on the ship (etch with there own room and place on the ship)
    - More samples as reward for successful scan mini game (i count way to many time i get 1 sample for a success scan mini game ... very frustrated)

    - Open pvp maps "space map" and "Ground map" (fleet controlled points).
    - foundry idea, map editor 3D view for better placement of items.
    - fleet stations
    - more ship customizing options in the form of more ship parts to pick from.
    - custom fleet flags (give us the power to import self made logo's) ofc after one of your crew approves them :p we don't want ship flying around with .... well TRIBBLE on the hull.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    • Remove cooldown of non-daily missions
    • Drastically reduce cooldown of Deep Space Encounters
    • Remove or change restrictions to available missions, cause right now you can just get a lower rank mission just, when you're in the proper sector block... possible idea: Make hailing a specific contact possible...

    Accolade farming is the hell on earth with the current settings...
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Short Term:
    • Proper scale size of ships.
      One of the first things I noticed when I got in STO was how off scale the ships are. The Galaxy Glass is HUGE compared to the Constitution, Excelsior, and others. Respectively, the Romulan Warbird is HUGE, compared to the Glaxy Class. However not in STO. Everything is roughly the same size give or take a few inches. of on-screen space. The Runabout right now is roughly the size of the Galaxy Class's star drive section, which is not to scale at all. I understand due to engine limitations that you may not be able to scale everything to an exact measurement, but some easy scale-up/scale-down work could be done.

    Mid Term:
    • More customization options - not C-Store.
      Add some more ship customization and uniform options, just a few simple things here and there that are added to the game, not part of the C-Store. Tricorder or Phaser holsters for example, utility belts, etc. So we don't have to buy an entire pack of uniforms. The same goes for ships, add a few more parts for each ship model.
    • Working Machinima system
      There have been numerous proposals on how to make a decent machinima client. It would be great to be able to open up the foundry and create a virtual film set for us to position and move cameras, characters, ships, add atmosphere effects. And even have the characters animate speaking so we can add dialog. Additionally, a camera-mode in game would be great so we can film live events without seeing our ship or characters. Make sure there are plenty of options, depth of field control, zoom, etc.
    • Fully XYZ Space Flight Dynamics, barrell rolls and stuff.
      You know what I mean.

    Long Term:
    • Hire Ron Jones to compose a new soundtrack for the game.
      I reccomended him years ago when STO was first announced under Perpetual. Contacted him myself, and he said he was interested. He composed the best music for TNG, Starfleet Academy, and Starfleet Command. The current soundtrack is pretty average game music.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I just completed all the missions I could do and a ton of farming on my main now a VA. I know the game is new I'm new but a month and I'm done? We need more missions for our characters. And we need the graphical and game play bugs fixed. I hope to see more content added. My subscription may seem like peanuts to you but it is money I earned and you need to earn it. Sorry for being blunt but you have a good game and I love what we have but there needs to be more for us to do. Without having to do the same stuff countless times.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Short Term:
    • More facial expressions. Doesn't anyone smile in the Star Trek Universe?

    * Assigned weapon groups. I don' tnessesarily want to fire ALL phasers at a target. I may want to not fire 1.

    Mid Term:
    * Useable Furniture. ( Pretty much a wish list item for all of your games. CoX/CO/STO ) All of this great rendered furniture none of which we can actually use.

    * More low rank ships. More ships at the LT/LTC & Commander lvl. Even C Store items. Not everyone gets all of thier characters or even thier first one to RA.

    * Assigned senior positions for Bridge Officers. I'd like to be able to assign one of my officers as Chief engineer, or Science Officer or First officer. For even a slight passive boost. Essentially I want to be able to have senior officers who are not nessesarily bridge officers. Will give me somethign to do with all of those extra officers I have commisions when they're not actively in BO slots on the ship.

    * More things to do on my bridge/ship. I have a sick bay/ lab, can't do anythign with it. I'd love to craft from my own ship.

    * To combine two ideas, if I assign one of my officers as a chief medical officer, I expect to see that officer in the sick bay. My chief engineer should be in engineering. Do't want all of my senior officers on the bridge.

    Long Term:
    • Fighting the ship, or at the very least Sector travel from the bridge. I'd love to be able to sit in my captains chair and access the sector map on the main viewscreen of the bridge. It's essentially first person view when on your bridge in sector space.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Ok, I admit it, I love this game and what it has done for the Star Trek Universe and also to cure my 6-year withdrawal from Star Trek (except of course for the Star Trek X movie). Seeing Gorn ships had me looking at some of my old Star Trek video games and I was suddenly struck with an idea that I thought I'd put forth here. What would people think of the future inclusions of Empires such as the following:

    Interstellar Concordium (ISC)

    Kzinti Hedgemony / Mirak Star League

    Lyran Star Empire

    Hydran Kingdom

    The appearance, histories, locations, allegiances, ship design philosophies, indigenous weapon systems and foreign policies of these entities have already been established and can easily be intertwined with what is already in place. Other races like the Orions and Gorns are already in place so the fabric on which the story can be told has already been woven. This would also bring the Tholian Assembly into the game. Now I know this isn't something that can just be done overnight but it can be done and without as much difficulty as coming up with something new that nobody has ever heard of (Deferi anyone?). Here is a trailer of Starfleet Command vol. II which will show all of the ships in combat (George Takei doing Sulu's voice was a nice touch):


    And the intros for Starfleet Command vols I and II:

    The games take place in the original motion picture era but that shouldn't matter much. The Klingons still use the K'T'inga and B'rel classes and Starfleet still uses the Miranda, Oberth and Excelsior classes so updating ship design doesn't have to be that complicated. Many can remain exactly as they were. I know that many people here are familiar with these games but since Starfleet Command vol. II came out 11 years ago, I'm sure that there are some that do not know these games. Online games need constant updates and new material to stay viable so this could definitely be a source. Imagine STO being so huge as to have all of these things in it. Star Trek has a unique advantage over other Sci-Fi and Space Fantasy franchises in regard to the sheer scope of the universe itself. It is by far the largest and most developed Sci-Fi franchise in history and all of that makes it possible for STO to really rule the MMORPG world.

    Another thing that would be a nice addition would be the ship designs from Starfleet Command vol. III because the combat is very similar. I'm thinking of things like the Borg Pyramind, the Romulan Falcon Shrike, Hawk and Raptor classes and the Klingon Fek'lhr-class. All of my strategies from that game (and Legacy) work exactly the same way in STO. Here's what the ships look like:

    Borg Pyramid:

    Romulan ships:
    The Talon/Falcon-classes would be less out of place than the Enterprise-era BOP don't you think? lol

    Klingon Fek'lhr-class:

    Sorry to break format but this is all I could think of. LOL
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Short term:
    - Transwarp ability in all major sectors.
    - Ambassador class Federation starship in C-Store.
    - Tholians, please!
    - Texture map variations for ground play, ESP in science console areas. Those shiny crystal glass like consoles drive me crazy!! Too much recycling of texture maps!!

    Mid term:
    - Mission where your 2nd in command can move into their own Captaincy. Have a mission where an away team to another Federation starship requires the main character to beam back, leaving the 2nd in command character to take control. (A new player slot/account is created.) Once the mission ends, the new Captain returns the ship to Spacedock to either keep, or get a new ship.

    Bottom line: Ability to spin off one character into a Captain rank and start playing with that character. As to their new crew, they're assigned a fixed number of officers with a pool of points to divide amongst them.

    - Excelsior class variant, such as we saw on DS9 TV show.

    - Ability to visit planets (major and minor) within Sol system. Especially Jupiter Station and Utopia Planitia shipyards over Mars.

    Longer term:
    - Better in-ship experience. Right now, it's boring! Sorry!
    - Improve Crystalline Entity play. Rare to get other ships (players) engaged in that scenario!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    And I agree 1000% with another poster:

    Get Ron Jones.
    New soundtrack.
    Damn the development budget. Make it so! :). Maybe sell the option for new music in the C-Store. Think of the monetization opportunities!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    The excelsior variant is in the game already.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    1) Level cap just slightly higher. Maybe one more Admiral level.

    2) The ability to earn or purchase one extra "floating" console slot that you can assign as TAC, SCI, or ENG.

    3) Instead of ever-increasing mark levels for weapons, a variety of more unique custom weapons. Like a dual turret, or a heavy cannon with an overload setting, or the ability to combine torpedo features (such as transphasic + quantum).

    4) "Repel boarding party" missions on your own ship. Maybe even the option of boarding an enemy ship with a tactical team during space combat.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I'd like to see cryptic wise up and realise a game of this size needs more than 1 server to run smoothly!
    I mean, look at most other MMO's multiple servers 'HEY IT STOPS THE GAME OVER LOADING AND GLITCHING'

    This is such a basic principle but cryptic are just clueless!

    And my other gripe is ' if you are doing maintanance give yourself extra time' dont say 2hours and take 5
    this is truly disapointing especially after 1 year.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    1. A bank, mail and maybe an exchange on the Starship.

    2. It may already have it nut how about a music player that'll play the songs on the computer. If it's there I haven't found it.

    3. A full function joystick. I tried it once and could only move around. I didn't find any fire buttons or anything like that.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    short term:

    add a few more minutes to the idling log out limit, so at least people that are stuck in the loading screen can get into the game instead of waiting 15 for it to load most of the way and end up being kicked out anyhow.


    fix the most blatant bugs in this game, especially the STF missions in gamma orionis.


    more decent character customizations including more clothes to pick at, less clones more unique look.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I would like to request more Borg stuff to be added in for Borg playable classes...

    Armor / weapons / ship skins ... nothing over-powered (armor + weapons = Mark X stats)

    A green colored Plasma firing arm projectile would be cool...some black / gray colored STNG Borg armor for appearance even better...stick your arm out and fire away at things...epic and very cannon...

    Ship skins are easy enough to make...escort size and stick with spheres and the smaller diamond looking ones like we currently have in game, just no cubes (too large)...

    Resistence is Futile ...... Make it so !!!!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    I only have a long term. plz add at least another server or two.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Short term - More missions. maybe an active consol on my ship where i can get different missions/campains.

    Mid Term - Fleet bases, useful ones though, crafting, storage, even a quarters area that i can decorate to my taste.

    Long term - An expansion that lets the player retire from either KDF or SF, mercenaries, spies, merchants, explorers, all kinds of new professions, new enemies, new places to explore.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    • Purchasable personal bank tabs. An account-wide bank tab would be awesome, too.
    • An appearance slot for kits (and maybe armor, too). Some of the kits, especially the higher-level kits, look too gaudy, flashy or downright silly (the tac kits, in red and white, look anything but tactical and some of the engineer kits make them look like Ghostbusters). It would be nice to have the appearance of a lower level kit without sacrificing combat ability. Appearance kits would be a good area for crafters...
      1. Or how about a color-scheme option for the kits similar to some of the uniform tops?
    • A gangsta Ferengi costume pack. Both personal and ship. Because some of us have the lobes to represent, dog. Do not be hating, player, or I will beam a cap into your aft compartment, yo.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011

    Cardassian as a playabe Race for either the Klingon or Federation or both.


    More choice in missions. So that there can be some feeling of doing the right or wrong thing, one of the big aspects of Star Trek was the tough moral choices in STO there are no moral choices.


    Add Cardassians as a fully playable faction.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Short term - Scaling of phasers as has been said before if possible, acount wide bank.

    Long term - NPC'c in ship interiors wearing uniform realating to characters choice eg- TNG, ENT, DS9 etc

    Long term (additional) carry on with what you are dong to improve the game - thank you :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    short term: complete blocking of a player. just had a thoroughly unpleasant conversation with someone who i would love do something unpleasant to... but unlike that person, i don't go around reporting people because of one incident that was created by themselves and besides they have as much right to play the game as i do. sufficed to say the current ignore feature is useless, since i tried with one player the other day and it didn't work, i could still pick up their messages even so.

    mid term: remove players buying the game every month and trying to save a few month instead of taking the monthly sub costs as it should, besides getting the galaxy x after so many buys for yourself.

    long term: add ability to have bridge view during any sequence and controls from that point instead of just visiting the bridge, or add other areas like a science lab to process your own data samples instead of heading to memory alpha which can take a long time to get back to your position, or add random exploration missions on board your ship to discover a cause of an accident, or finding anomalies through jefferies tubes, eliminating enemy squads boarding your ship or traitors want to control your ship etc..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Cool thread.

    Short term - More areas of the game that are populated, with NPCs going about their business, perhaps a cityscape or two would be wonderful. Planetside locations here... not just rehashing starbases mind you... there are plenty of starbases.

    Mid term - More meaningful equipment runs - equipment that is rarer and noticeably better such that every VA isn't 95% to max possible stats within a few days of capping.

    Long term - A third playable race, Vulcans/Cardassians/Romulans anything would do. It isn't so much that I want a certain race, just that a third race in the mix would make balancing and open PVP and other tasks easier and everything would not be so two sided "KLINGONS VS FED".
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