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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Chang67 wrote: »
    Title:Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date :19 December 2010

    Can I have some cheese with that spam?

    MACO uniforms, definitely, make them part of the ENT pack.

    Ability to log out to the character screen

    No more Auto deep space encounters. I hate being interrupted while I'm traveling through space handing points out to my BO's.

    Also, I don't want my ship to stop every time someone talks to me.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    1.Continue to improve the games space atmosphere by adding more C Store ship items. I want the Ambassador, Oberth, Constellation, a real Steamrunner, a real Norway, Shelley from DS9, New Orleans, Challenger, Springfield, Niagara, and Freedom from BOBW. Federation fighters and the typhoon class battleship which are both already in game as non-playable would be cool as well.

    2.Add other Star Trek items to the C Store for example: I want ground phasers like the great TOS ones that were just added, tricorders, and other star trek devices. How cool would it be to have the ST:V/VI phaser pistol or the TNG dust buster? How about the movie era tricorder?

    3.Add open space PVP and add other incentives to increase the number of people in PVP. I would like the ability to have DSE encounters with other players. This could be as simple as allowing Klingons players and Federation players to actually fire at each other in existing Klingon DSE. Also PVP needs better incentives to play. I know this isn’t a great fix because the real reason PVP is not played a lot is that players seem to be really bad at configuring their vessels and they tend to get run over. This isn’t going to change but adding more incentives might bring back some players.

    4.Fix ground combat by extending weapon range, adding free targeting and removing auto targeting, and reducing the amount of damage characters can take. Extending weapon range and adding free targeting will make ground combat more tactically driven. Damage can be reduced because accuracy of fire would now matter.

    5.Add the ability to upgrade any ship to Admiral level stats. At the very least give us the ability to upgrade the number of bridge officer slots.

    6.Add a better variety of repeatable or open missions. I want a Breen & Undine signal contact type DSE, escort or attack a convoy mission for the Federation, a Starbase or planetary assault mission, and/or a large scale fleet vs. fleet combat mission would be good starters.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    For me, my top 2 issues are

    1. More Music; I like the two songs they have already, but seriously we need more. I vote Yuki Kajiura;. Why? Look up her Xenosaga III sound track, it's amazing. She could really add an incredible new dimension to the Star Trek Online experience.:)

    2. More Costume Choices; What we have no on the Federation side is pretty cool, but for Vic Admirals, I wish we had more than just the fancy jacket to choose from lol Also, for the Formal Wear C-Store pack, it would be AWESOME if you could change the undershirt, vest, and tie/ bow tie colors...seriously, who would where white on whit one white?:confused:

    Then there's the Klingons.

    3. Where's the epic mission that makes my character captain?
    Like with the federation, through a confrontation with the Borg, I assume control of a vessel and proceed to make a name for myself. For the Klingons it just like "Here's your skill points. Spend them. Here's your Bridge Officers. They love you. Here's your ship. Go do things."
    wtf is that?:(

    kthx, love you guys, bye!! <3
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    things i would like to see.

    Death for my crew.
    once you get to VA to still collect points to train your crew well i have loads to go around so how about a chance that some of my crew on a ground mission get killed.

    I would like to be able to give my crew titles Chief of engineering or chief medical officer

    Repairs to my ship
    i like to play advanced or even elite so at time i need to return to space dock beam down and see a man about repairs if i cant do it myself , but instead of this why not us let us go to a repair tender outside earth space dock for repairs or even be able to goto engineering to get systems repaired, maybe both depending how much damage you have.

    when njured i would like to go to my own sick bay

    I am colour blind so i have problems when i want to chose colours for them would be nice to have a set to correct colour tab please.

    Aslo would be nice to have set all crew to the set of uniform you chose for your officers .
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Things I want to see
    Lots more Borg Mods for ship
    Full ship interior
    Fleet Spacestation
    Entire Sol System
    Earth Ground
    Fleet missions a little easier
    Ships that you own and have added to personal fleet
    Able to chose main planet where you can set up a base
    Enterprise NX 01 interior
    More species to play as
    More first contact missions
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Idea from Iron Mike fleet leader of House of Iron: "Create a Gin’tak Spear for the Klingon Empire".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: The gin’tak spear is a hand-held weapon designed with a long shaft with a pointed end worked from metal or stone that can be used to fight an enemy or capture food. While used as a melee weapon, the spear can also be launched or thrown, making it cross over into classification as a projectile weapon. The Klingon society is one of many known to use throwing spears (TLE novel: The Art of impossible). A pair of crossed gin’tak spears, with short handles, adorned one wall of Kurn’s (Worf younger brother) ready room aboard the IKS Hegh’ta in episode (TNG “Redemption) and in the Romulan prison camp on Carraya IV, the Klingon named “Toq” used a gin’tak spear as a garden tool (TNG Birthright, part II). Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate a Gin’tak Spear for the Klingons that can jab, thrust, defend and thrown to speared there enemies; also create a long special mission to acquire this special very rare weapon for a reward. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla !

    Idea #2: "Create a Juke Box in the Klingon Bar located in the planet Qo’nos".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There is no active entertainment in the Klingon Bar located in Qo’nos. Recommend to create a Juke Box with music of Klingon Opera songs, theme Klingon music from Star trek T.V. hits series and the Klingon themes from all of Star trek movies. Create a Juke Box that will look like a square unit with lights and buttons. Create a menu to where the character gets close to the Juke Box; it will display the type of music you wish to select to play by paying one (1) credit. The music should last about One (1) to Ten (10) minutes depends on the song and the theme; also the players should have the right to change the music while the old one is still playing.

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate a Juke Box in the bar located in Qo’nos and use the Explanation idea’s above for creating the Juke Box. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea #3: "Create crafting stations in other location".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: There are no crafting stations in Drozana station, Ganalda station and the Captain table. Recommend to create the crafting station in those areas.

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create the crafting station in Drozana station, Ganalda station and the Captain table. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea #4: "Retrofit the Qin Heavy Raptor".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: The Klingon Tactical Officer doesn’t have a good fighting battle ship; most of the Klingon ships are made for an Engineer officer or a Science Officer. The Tactical Officer supposes to be the most superior Officer in battle with its weapons.

    Recommend to have the Retrofit Qin Heavy Raptor to have the following specification for its Retrofit: Minimum Rank:
    LT. GeneralFive (5) fore weapons slot Four
    (4) aft weapon slots Three
    (3) Devices slot Bridge Officers station: Two (2) Commander Tactical; one (1) Commander Engineering; one (1) Lieutenant Commander Engineering; one (1) Lieutenant Commander Science.
    Four (4) Tactical console slots
    Four (4) engineering slots
    Two (2) science slots
    Crew of 300 Hullstrength: 38,000 + 20 power to weapons
    Base Turn Rate: 20 degrees per second

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate Retrofit Qin Heavy Raptor. Use the specification listed above in Explanation. This Retrofit vessel can be purchase thru C-store. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla !

    Idea #5: "Stacking the Common Commodities".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: The Data sample can stack up to 250, but the common commodities cannot, it can only stack-up to ninety-nine (99) maximum. Recommend to stack common commodities up to 250 or more.

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to stack common commodities up to 250 or more. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea #6: "UP-Grade Weachug store located in Qo’nos Shipyard".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: Weachug store is located in Qo’nos shipyard. There are only Phaser Beams and Plasma Beams in the store for requisitioning; there are “no” Disruptor Beams, Polaron Beams and Tetryon Beams for requisitioning. Recommend adding a Tab for the requisitioning of ship weapons Disruptor Beams, Tetryon Beams and Polaron Beams in Weachug store; also add a back TAB to move around in the menu back and fourth with-out exiting out of Weachug store.

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate a Tab’s for the Disruptor Beams, Tetryon Beams and Polaron Beams in Weachug store located in Qo’nos, also add a back TAB to move around in the menu back and forward with-out exiting out of Weachug store. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla !

    Idea #7: "Upgrading Bepi 113 System mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Bepi 113 system mission and turn it to a Daily mission.

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Bepi 113 system mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea #8: "Upgrading Deferi Outpost 3 Repair security array mission to a Daily and rewards". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Deferi Outpost 3 Repair security array mission and turn it to a Daily mission.

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Deferi Outpost 3 Repair security array mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea #9: "Create a Chief (Telok) singing in Qo’nos Bar".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There is no active entertainment in the Klingon Bar located in Qo’nos. Recommend to create a chief named Telok to sing in Qo’nos Bar, just like the one in DS9 Station in the Klingon bar, singing love opera songs and playing an instrument to its costumers.

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate a chief named Telok to sing in Qo’nos Bar just like the one in DS9 Station in the Klingon bar; singing love opera songs and playing an instrument. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea #10: "Upgrade Rank and Grade Rewards menu".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: The Rank and Grade menu has several none listed in the Rank and Grade rewards. Recommend to add the Bridge Officers to be listed to the ranks of promotion grade rewards in the following: Rank Seven (7) = receive Bridge Officer
    Rank Ten (10) = receive Bridge Officer
    Rank Forty four = receive Bridge Officer
    Rank Forty seven (47) = receive Bridge Officer
    Rank Forty nine (49) = receive Bridge Officer
    Rank Fifty (50) = receive Bridge Officer

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers toupgrade Rank and Grade Reward menu to add the Bridge Officers to be listed to the ranks of promotion grade rewards; use the list post above in Explanation. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    maximus92 wrote: »
    Also, I don't want my ship to stop every time someone talks to me.
    You can turn that off in your options. I think it's "Keep moving during contact dialog" or something like that. Yes, I hate stopping in the middle of battle just to talk to some moron NPC, myself. Why the heck that's the DEFAULT setting, I'll never know.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Chang67 wrote: »
    I'm not normally one for saying things like this, but...

    Stop it!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Ooo...the ability to get c-store costumes via in game means. Purchase with emblems or some such, same as with the refits.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Short Term:

    1. Ability to keep the Bridge Officer Powerbar and Weapon Powerbar when using the 3 row Powerbar setting.
    (atm im using the console commands "/genjailadd Hud_bridgecrew_trays_root" and "/genjailadd Hud_weapons_root" to bring them back, but everytime you die or change map they disappear and i have to intput the console commands again.)

    2. Ability to resize the minimap window. (as you can with the chat window)

    3. Colour Coded Power Icons (as seen on= http://www.sto-advanced.com/?p=3921 )
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Short Term:
      Adjust the recharge rate of NPC boff skill abilities of certain enemies ( Federation, Terran Empire, Borg especially) to be more in line with player skill recharge rates, thus preventing spamming of their skills. Specific abilities include Science Team, Engineering Team, Shield Neutralizer, and Borg Boarding Party.
      Adjust Tactical Team to serve as a counter to the Borg Boarding Party. This skill is the only one geared towards clearing boarding parties; however it doesn't work against the Borg, the only enemy in the game that uses a boarding party.
      Add a graphic / visual effect that shows if a Borg ship has received radiation damage from an anti-Borg weapon. Same for Borg NPC's on the ground.
    Mid Term:
      Add randomized elements to Daly missions to keep them fresh each time (or nearly each time) the mission is run. Emancipation is a good start with the Breen Beam in at different locations each time it is played.
    Long Term:
      Create fleet actions that are unique to the dailies, evenly divided between ground and space..
      Provide daily fleet action lists offering a choice of playable FA dailies instead of offering only one daily every day. Randomize content for each, again to keep it fresh.
      Add the Romulan Playable faction.
      Additional episodic content to the KDF.

    I'll end this by saying that I am harping about randomized content (within reason of course) is because doing the same thing every day gets boring and becomes a grind. That diminishes my interest in the playing the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Short Term:
    - Larger inventory and banks
    - A sort button for inventories with a few options for sorting
    - Less useless stuff in C-Store or at least option to gain current C-Store stuff with in game currencies

    Mid Term:
    - Higher death penalties and items that can be gained only trough playing on Elite
    - More item sets
    - Any form of tracking PvP success and leader boards

    Long Term:
    - More PvP maps and more forms of PvP on those maps
    - More larger open PvP zones
    - More Fleet Actions and of course a few more STFs
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Short Term
    1. A toggle walk option..I know there's a hold key..rather a toggle
    2. A ship turning toggle
    3. Auto Travel..yes warp to Regulus sector..less you know a faster way to get to the Pi cantis sector..set destination across multiple sectors..Engage
    Mid Term
    1. GroupChat my fleet are not the only people I run with
    2. PVP purose and rewards..such as defending/conquering star system for faction wide hourly buffs
    3. A Refit option for the lower tier ships
    Long Term
    1. HomeWolrds..Planets worth defending
    2. Privateering and User crafting..the Mudds and Quarks of the galaxies
    3. Resources..planets and ships for Crafting and Privateering
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Short term:

    • Set course across multiple sectors.
    • log out to character screen
    • basic cosmetic changes to exploration sectors(systems like in sector

    Mid term:

    • more cosmetic changes to exploration space(make them more alien and
    scifi. Like you're inside a nebula or stellar nursery.)
    • an overhaul of the current quest inside exploration sectors( rewrite,
    expanded on. Make them make sense. Add some intelligence to them.
    Allow my boffs to recall that ten minutes ago we scanned the same thing.
    For example "sir, we are picking up a similar reading as we did in system XXXX".
    • open up all exploration sectors to the KDF. While your at rewriting the existing missions for Feds also give them a KDF rewrite as well.

    Long term:

    • add a 2 key alien races to each of the exploration sectors in which as a Fed you will have first contact with one of them as a KDF you will have first contact with another. In doing so will open a series of daily missions both PVE and PVP as Fed and KDF increase their rep with thier new allies. Once we increase our reputation with them. We open up trade which allows us to purchase new weapons/crafting recipes/ship skins?!?.
    • a complex discovery accolade system for the exploration sectors where we need to discover things like all the various classes of planets,stars, nebulas, comets, other stellar phenomena. Something that might take a long time to accomplish. Have some super rare ones that are hard to find.
    • a new exploration themed STF. I love Darren Kitlor's voyage home proposal. This should happen. Wonder how that might translate into an STF with a 7 day cooldown.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 02 JANUARY 2011
    Positive Idea's: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
    Idea#1: "Upgrading A Good Day to Die - Die to another player Captain (25/25) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the A Good Day to Die - Die to another player Captain (25/25) missionand turn it to a Daily mission.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the A Good Day to Die - Die to another player Captain (25/25) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Positive Idea's #2: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence) Idea: "Up-grading the Main Character, Bridge Officers and the Security Escorts height (size).” Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: The only species that can be very small in size is the Alien species (approx. 1.37m - 4’ 6”). Recommend to all the Klingons Empire species to be able to modify to a lower height scale; the same lower height as the Alien species. This includes all Bridge Officers species and Security Escorts species

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tobe able to modify the height to a lower scale (approx. 1.37m - 4’ 6”) to all main character Klingon species, to all Bridge Officers species and to all Security Escorts species. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea# 3: "Upgrading Defeating the Champions of the Enemy - Fight in Areas (10/10) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for theDefeating the Champions of the Enemy - Fight in Areas (10/10) mission and turn it to a Daily mission.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Defeating the Champions of the Enemy - Fight in Areas (10/10) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea4: "Upgrading Defeating the Heroes of the Enemy - Fight in Arenas (15/15) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Defeating the Heroes of the Enemy - Fight in Arenas (15/15) mission and turn it to a Daily mission.
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Defeating the Heroes of the Enemy - Fight in Arenas (15/15) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#5: "Upgrading Defeating the Leaders of the Enemy (LT. General) -Fight in Areas (15/15) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Defeating the Leaders of the Enemy (LT. General) -Fight in Areas (15/15) missionand turn it to a Daily mission.
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Defeating the Leaders of the Enemy (LT. General) -Fight in Areas (15/15) missionand turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 02 JANUARY 2011
    Idea #1: "Upgrading Empire Defense against Federation Encroachment - Defeat Federation Battle Groups in the Kahless Expanse (3/3) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Empire Defense against Federation Encroachment - Defeat Federation Battle Groups in the Kahless Expanse (3/3) missionand turn it to a Daily mission. Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Empire Defense against Federation Encroachment - Defeat Federation Battle Groups in the Kahless Expanse (3/3) and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#2: "Up-grading the Qo’nos Space Sector with Freighters". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are no Freighters traveling around in space for doing Daily mission for farming Emblems and selling items in the Qo’nos Sector.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate Freighters doing Daily mission example like the one “Sh’Mar mission” in Donatu sector for farming Emblems, also the selling and buying items in the Qo’nos Sector I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#3: "Upgrading Good Luck Charm - Win House Battle, hostile Engagements, hostile take overs, border skirmishes or war zone (3/3) mission to a Daily and rewards".

    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Good Luck Charm - Win House Battle, hostile Engagements, hostile take overs, border skirmishes or war zone (3/3) missionand turn it to a Daily mission.
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for theGood Luck Charm - Win House Battle, hostile Engagements, hostile take overs, border skirmishes or war zone (3/3) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#4: "Upgrading Seizing Enemy Provisions – Fight in War Zones (10/10) mission to a Daily and rewards". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Seizing Enemy Provisions – Fight in War Zones (10/10) missionand turn it to a Daily mission.
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Seizing Enemy Provisions – Fight in War Zones (10/10) missionand turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#5: "Upgrading Seizing Enemy Reserves - Fight in War Zones (15/15) mission to a Daily and rewards".I information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Seizing Enemy Reserves - Fight in War Zones (15/15) mission and turn it to a Daily mission.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Seizing Enemy Reserves - Fight in War Zones (15/15) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    * Separate ship inventory from player inventory.
    * Require a player to be docked in order to install new weapons/devices/etc.
    * Faction ships can only mount respective faction equipment, unless otherwise experiment-fitted for other weapon types. ie. Federation ships can only mount phasers and photon/quantum/etc. torpedoes, unless you research and experifit your ship to use disruptors/etc. Let there be meaning to a Federation ship firing disruptor beams.

    * Ships have more individuality. Each specific ship class has it's own specs/stats/mount points. (ex. Constitution class has different crew count, speed, turn rate, weapon slots, than my Excalibur class ship)
    * Remove ability to change ship class within same tier and type. Instead, have players choose the specific class ship with they get assigned a new ship (in most cases, you'll be picking the ship you like the most anyway).
    * Replace general weapon slots for specific weapon mounts. Phaser strips take phaser arrays, Phaser cannon banks take phaser cannons, torpedo launchers take torpedoes, and so on. Each ship has different mounts (ex. Excalibur class ships have phaser arrays where Constitution class ships have phaser banks, and Defiant has cannon bays)

    Overall, I want there to be more of a connection between me and my ship. I want my ship to be unique from other ships in terms of abilities/capabilities. Customization is all fine and dandy, but it fails in that there is absolutely no difference between my Excalibur class ship and the Constitution class ship. In my honest opinion, it breaks my STO reality when I can change my ship into a completely different ship with the click of a button.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 02 JANUARY 2011
    Idea#1: "Upgrading Seizing Enemy Reserves - Fight in War Zones (15/15) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Seizing Enemy Reserves - Fight in War Zones (15/15) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Seizing Enemy Reserves - Fight in War Zones (15/15) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#2: "Upgrading Seizing Enemy Stockpiles - Fight in War Zone (7/7) mission to a Daily and rewards”.
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Seizing Enemy Stockpiles - Fight in War Zone (7/7) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Seizing Enemy Stockpiles - Fight in War Zone (7/7) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#3: "Upgrading Seizing Enemy Supplies - Fight in war Zone (5/5) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Seizing Enemy Supplies - Fight in war Zone (5/5)mission and turn it to a Daily mission. Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Seizing Enemy Supplies - Fight in war Zone (5/5)mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#4: "Upgrading Storming Enemy Fortification - Fight in any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (7/7) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Storming Enemy Fortification - Fight in any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (7/7) missionand turn it to a Daily mission.
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Storming Enemy Fortification - Fight in any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (7/7) missionand turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#5: "Upgrading Storming Enemy Headquarters - Fight in any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (15/15) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Storming Enemy Headquarters - Fight in any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (15/15) mission and turn it to a Daily mission.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Storming Enemy Headquarters - Fight in any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (15/15) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 02 January 2011

    Idea#1: "Up-grade the Emblem Exchange in Qo’nos ".Iinformation: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words): Explanation: There is no MK 11 Requisition Personal Kits in the Emblem exchange located in Qo’nos. Recommend to create a requisition personal kit tab, so as to all players can purchase personal MK11 Kits. Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved? Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate MK 11 Requisition Personal Kits and a tab to be added to the Emblem exchange located in Qo’nos. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#2: "Upgrading Storming Enemy Outposts - Fight in any Capture and Hold or Assault Scenarios (5/5) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for theStorming Enemy Outposts - Fight in any Capture and Hold or Assault Scenarios (5/5) mission and turn it to a Daily mission.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved? Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Storming Enemy Outposts - Fight in any Capture and Hold or Assault Scenarios (5/5) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#3: "Upgrading Storming Enemy Secret Headquarters (LT. General) – Fight in Any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (15/15) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words):

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Enemy Secret Headquarters (LT. General) – Fight in Any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (15/15) missionand turn it to a Daily mission.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved? Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Enemy Secret Headquarters (LT. General) – Fight in Any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (15/15) missionand turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#4: "Upgrading Storming Enemy Strongholds - Fight in any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (10/10) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Storming Enemy Strongholds - Fight in any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (10/10) missionand turn it to a Daily mission.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved? Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Storming Enemy Strongholds - Fight in any Capture and hold or Assault Scenarios (10/10) missionand turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea#5: "Upgrading Turret Killer - Defeat Turrets (10/10) mission to a Daily and rewards".
    Information:A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Turret Killer - Defeat Turrets (10/10) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Turret Killer - Defeat Turrets (10/10) and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    i would like the devs to consider a crafting and crew system with elements similar to this, but with their own take:

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Short term:
    1. Bug fixes
    2. More episodes/missions
    3. Klingon content/love

    Mid term:
    1. more functionality for ship interiors
    2. different ship 'costumes' or effects based on consoles/equipment installed - not just sets
    3. Joint missions (klingon and Fed) vs undine, borg or some other significant threat

    Long Term:
    1. graphical improvements/ui customisation
    2. bug squashing
    3. content for both fed and Klingon (this includes more ship customisation options for Klingons)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    A Conquest Campaign sorted by Race that could be done over a period of time. (weeks or Months) Laid out in an entire sector.

    Basic Layout

    Maybe up to 100 folks could participate at any given time. (That supposes 4 races with a maximum of 25 players for each race)

    In a sector size map with possibly 57 systems. ( That's 16 in each corner with 9 across the center.)

    Each race has a home world/system in each corner.

    Entering the campaign.

    When entering the campaign you would be transported to Sector Space near your races home world system.

    Loosing the campaign
    Once a Race's home world is taken by another Race. That Race is out of the campaign.

    Winning the Campaign
    Could have either of the following conditions.

    1. Capture and hold all 4 Home worlds


    2. A certain time limit has been reach. Then the race with the most systems or home worlds would win.

    Advancement Rules
    As each race ventures out they must have conquered and hold connecting systems along the way ( L.O.S. Line of Supply) If the line of supply is broken by another race they must retake the system in order go to past that spot.

    Taking a System

    In order to take a system a race must complete a number of space and ground missions. It would be possible for the other races to try to stop an opposing race from completing those missions. (Providing they had L.O.S.).

    Sector Space
    No Battle could take place while traveling in Sector Space.

    Goodies or special requirements
    There could be a central system that either everyone would be required to go through.(like with a specific mission) Or it could contain "Great Riches" ( I.E. Big Guns, Special ships, whatever) and it could be optional. I think this system could not be owned by any individual Race.

    System Identification
    As seen in sector space
    Neutral systems could be seen in the sector as Grey in color. Any of the "Non 4 Campaign Races" could occupy these neutral systems. each System owned by a race would show that races color. For example Fed's could be blue, Klingons red, Rommies Green, Cardi.s Brown.

    Can more than one race enter a system at the same time
    During the campaign any race that has a line of supply to a system could enter that system in essence trying to prevent another race from taking that system or to take that system.

    NPC's Role once a system is captured
    Once a system is taken or owned by a certain race all of the NPC's in that system would become the owners race. These NPC's would assist in attacking and defending.

    If you loose your ship in the campaign
    You have to buy a new one. or receive a starter ship until you can buy one.

    If your ship is simply damaged and not lost in battle then
    Once you leave the system and go to your home star base it can be repaired for a minimal fee. The idea here is that you have to leave the battle for a period of time before you can return if your ship is damaged and you want to repair.

    If you die or are damaged in a ground mission.
    Respawn might be sufficient here. Or perhaps you could require a team mate to revive the unconscious player or beam to the ship and back.

    Experience Points

    Experience points can be gain while playing in the campaign.

    Player level

    This is a tough one.
    I have thought of a number of scenarios and keep coming up with an imbalance. Except for one.
    Which is simply that regardless of your actual level when entering A system and or mission everyone would automatically become mentored to the highest player on your team.

    While in sector on on your home star base you would not be mentored.

    In short if mentored you would have high level damage and defense capabilities however you would not have the massive arsenal as a higher player. Which seems more realistic to me Anyhow because a small ship should be able to fire the same torpedo as a higher ship just not as many.

    This would really help balance things out. This would allow a mixture of all levels to play together and it would spread out the high level ships.

    Race specific chat should be available.

    Leaving the sector
    If you leave the Sector someone may take your place if your Race is full.
    In other words you may not get back in.

    Roving signal contacts


    Roving Merchant ships

    For supply and repairs used in the Campaign ! Good Idea!

    In Sector Star Bases

    There should be a fully functioning Star base for each race near its home system.


    For each system a good mixture of ground and space missions would be appropriate.
    The last mission should be somewhat difficult.

    Well that's it guys

    I strongly believe that this type of a set up in combination with the existing game would bring back a lot of folks that left. Also probably bring a lot of new people in.
    Quite honestly the campaign type Star Trek adventures have been very popular in the last 10 to 15 years.

    Cappy Signing out !
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Short Term:
    1. Fix "Cold Case" it's holding me up.
    2. log out to character screen
    3. Animated loading screens

    Mid Term:
    1. Space debris like Haley's comet and asteroid belts in sector space that can smash into your ship and maybe damage it a little (but not much). Also, we shouldn't be able to fly into stars or moons, planets and such without being damaged or crashing to the surface (maybe give our ships the ability to fly around a planet/moon and land?).
    2. Crafting ship items is good but I like crafting personal traits for my character too like baking, fishing, (for food that I can eat to heal or combine to make better food), also learning alien languages so I can speak to other species without a UT (Maybe this could be a future mission)
    3. Delta flier mini game and wining your own delta flier that you can customize in your own shuttle bay, just like Tom Paris did. Memory Alpha would be perfect to craft delta flier parts!

    Long Range:
    1. A shared bank system for my account. I want to be able to share gear and EC's between characters on my account without using the fleet bank.
    2. Full access to solar systems namely SOL. I want to walk around on Earth, the moon, Mars, Fly through Jupiter, maybe find some loot on these planets or go on a mission there.
    3. Re work the galaxy map. The sector space map is ok but the map of the galaxy doesn't seem right. And open it up more, I would love to eventually have access to the whole galaxy somehow.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    House of Iron

    Idea 1: "Upgrading STF Terradome rewards".

    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: When completing the Khitomer Accord for the first time, it will grant you one Accolade as well as a Liberated Science Borg Bridge Officer. I was thinking if Terradome will grant any Liberated Borg Bridge Officer in the future such as a Liberated Tactical Borg Bridge Officer with improved Tactical Officer space General Traits, calling that Trait (Weapons Captain), example of Weapons Captain trait specification below: Weapons Captain+10 Starship Energy Weapons+10 Starship Projectiles Weapons+10 Starship Battle Strategy+10 Starship Defense+10 Starship Accuracy

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved? Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate and add in a Liberated Tactical Borg Officer with the Weapons Captain specification listed above under Explanation. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea 2: "Upgrading clearing out the Cardassian Union (3/3) mission to a Daily and rewards". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: There are other small mission that receives one (1) Emblem as a reward example the Sh’mar distress signal mission and the Traelus system satellite mission. Recommend to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for the Clearing out the Cardassian Union (3/3) mission and turn it to a Daily mission.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved? Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to add one (1) Emblem as a reward for theClearing out the Cardassian Union (3/3) mission and turn it to a Daily mission. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea 3: "Upgrading Battle Group Omega Area with a Star base".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: When I’m in Battle Group Omega area, all I see is ships no star base of any type, how about creating a neutral Star base with all of the mission Leaders, offices, entertainment room, Bars, stores and venders within the Star base and have torpedoes or beam weapons platform to protect the Star base 360 degree.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved? Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate a neutral Star base with all of the mission Leaders, offices, entertainment room, Bars, stores and venders within the Star base and have torpedoes or beam weapons platform to protect the Star base 360 degree. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea 4: "Purchasing a Klingon Species Liberated Tactical Borg Bridge Officer thru C-store".Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: In C-store you have an EngineeringLiberated Borg Bridge Officer with Engineering General Traits to be purchase from C-store, how about creating a Liberated Tactical Borg Bridge Officer with improved Tactical Officer space General Traits, calling that Trait (Weapons Captain), example of Weapons Captain trait specification below: Weapons Captain+10 Starship Energy Weapons+10 Starship Projectiles Weapons+10 Starship Battle Strategy+10 Starship Defense+10 Starship Accuracy Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate a Liberated Tactical Borg Bridge Officer with the Weapons Captain traits specification listed above under Explanation, so it can be purchase thru C-store. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    Idea 5: "Creating and adding in more Female Character Toons in the Klingon Empire creating New Character List".

    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: Some Klingon species has female Toons others don’t, how about creating those Klingon species that do not have female in them, examples are: Lethean females, Gorn Female and Nausicaan Female.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved? Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate and add Klingon Empire female character species to the Creating New character list example Lethean females, Gorn Female and Nausicaan Female. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Make ground combat optional. Choosing to go to ground gets you drops, and better xp/rewards, skipping it allows you to retain sanity for those not interested in that particular game aspect.

    When it is necessary to do ground combat, please have fewer mobs. (Space battle, Beam down, fight 1-2 mobs, move to another area, 1-2 mobs, beam up for space battle finale)

    Ability to pull in ground combat instead of drawing fire from all nearby mobs when you make a single shot.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Short Term:
    • Add "Reduces received hull healing by X % for Y seconds" to Plasma Weapons & slightly increase of hull burn damage
    • Add "Reduces received shield healing by X % for Y seconds" to Tetryon Weapons & slightly increase of shield drain effect
    • Polaron proc: Reduces all energy max-levels by 25 for 5 seconds

    Mid Term:
    • Adjusting and equal proc chances for all weapons (Dual Heavy Cannons etc.), so that you are granted equal chances for a proc for a specific amount of time, not depending on number of hits etc.
    • Higher difficulties not harder due to more damage and hitpoints / resistance of npc. Increase their AI to make them heal each other etc. This would make tactics much more needed, due to npcs, which can heal etc.
    • Add possibilities to raids, to gain additional anomalies (e.g. searching a randomly chosen console in Infected grants every team member 10 random anomalies).

    Long Term:
    • Allow crafting of items with player chosen attributes
    • Add blueprints for crafting items to special locations such as raids (e.g. Regenerative Shield Blueprints for Borg STF etc)
    • Allow players to choose which nebula etc they want to explore for their daily mission
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Short Term-
    -Dailies that involve Drozana Station.
    -Some variety with Traelus/Sh'mar/Alhena Daily and Donatu missions.

    Medium turn-
    -More Ferengi costumes (Quark's business suits, Daimon uniforms, et.al.)
    -More unique weapons such as Ferengi Whip or Vulcan Lirpa. Photon Cluster Torpedoes like the Galaxy Class is supposed to have.
    -Being able to promote your Bridge Officers to Captain (At the same time, not have them repeat the tutorial)

    Long Term-
    Give First Contact missions and other Diplomacy missions more weight in Exploration Clusters.
    Some way of adding Environment Suits.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Name : IRONMIKETitle : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 16 JANUARY
    Positive Idea's: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence) Idea# 1: "Create the Klingon ship DREADNOUGHT (KDN) - ACCUSER Class (pumwl')".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: The Federation has more ships than the Klingon Empire; it’s time to create more Klingon ship. The enormous ‘Accuser' class dreadnought (pumwI’) is currently the second most powerful and dangerous vessel in the Klingon fleet. Measuring approximately 600 meters in length, this massive vessel strikes fear into the hearts of all who encounter her. With five warp nacelles, she has tremendous power reserves and her shields are amongst the strongest in the galaxy. Presently, only a handful of these vessels are in service, serving as the command flagships of the various Klingon naval fleets. Only the most experienced commanders earn the right to command one of these monstrosities, making them all the more dangerous. These ships will always be found at the heart of a fleet of D7s and BOPs, and never alone. As of 1 January 2293, six of these vessels are in service, and two more are in trials. An additional four hulls have been authorized by the Council, but those keels have not been laid yet as of this writing, primarily due to funding difficulties within the Empire. Some feel that this vessel is actually the most beautiful and elegant of all Klingon vessels currently in service.

    SPECS:Length: 610 metersMass: 1,250,000 metric tonesCrew: 600Marines: 60Maximum Impulse: 1,140 kellicams per secondHullRating: 4.6Shield Rating: 83.0Maneuverability Rating: 31/.14 WEAPONS:Forward: 5 disruptors, 2 heavy photons, 1 AMFPAft: 4 disruptors, 1 heavy photonPort/Starboard: 2 disruptors each Tactical Summary: These ships are powerful but quite slow. Although one has never been lost in battle, tactical specialists believe one could be taken down by warships who stay away from her formidable front array of weapons. Even then, they should be prepared to take a lot of damage from her secondary weapons. Also, the attacking warships will need to deal with her cloaking device, as this is the largest Klingon ship that can cloak. The Accuser, in conjunction with the Emperor class Battle Cruiser, replaces the unsuccessful Ber’taa class of "Advanced Heavy Cruiser," a variant that suffered from a distinct lack of available main power and a vulnerable starboard warp nacelle. In particular, warp containment would fail and the entire ship would typically explode if the starboard nacelle was damaged. These problems hopefully have been rectified by Klingon engineers with these newer warship classes, the information for this vessel came from Klingon Academy game.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution:Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to Create theKlingon ship Accuser' class dreadnought (pumwI’). Specification for the ship and weapons are listed above under Explanation. You might want to beef-up the speed and add more crew for this vessel in the STO game. See the ship Forward and Aft view Pictures PIC #1”and PIC #2, If you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    To access the photos click on this link: http://coesto.guildlaunch.com/gallery/gallery_detail.php?gallery=109688&gid=185134

    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 16 JANUARY 2011

    Positive Idea's: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
    Idea# 2 "Create the Klingon ship VoDIeH Class Emperor Heavy Battle Cruiser".

    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 1000 words): Explanation: The Federation has more ships than the Klingon Empire; it’s time to create more Klingon ship. Information on the Klingon Heavy Battlecruiser is extremely limited, although it is thought that her weapons loadout will be slightly less than the discontinued Ber’taa’s armament loadout for this vessel. Her class designation is the Emperor class (VoDleh). This vessel, to some degree, was designed by Klingon naval engineers to replace, in conjunction with the Accuser DN, the abandoned Ber’taa hull. It does carry one of the new heavy photon tubes recently made available by Klingon scientists. It also is a four engined vessel, sporting two nacelles above and below the rear section of the ship. (Historian's note: This vessel may have been a direct predecessor to the Vor'cha-class attack cruisers of seventy-plus years in the future).

    SPECS:Length: 412 metersMass: 670,000 metric tonnesCrew: 450Marines: 55Maximum Impulse: 1,230 kellicams per secondHullRating: 3.7Shield Rating: 57.5Maneuverability Rating: .33/.19 WEAPONS:Forward: 4 disruptors, 1 heavy photon, 2 particle cannonsAft: 3 disruptors, 2 particle cannonsPort/Starboard: 3 disruptors each

    Tactical Discussion: These ships are powerful, with decent shields and weapons, but average hull strength. They pack greater firepower than the equivalent Federation battlecruiser, the Excelsior, but give up shield and maximum speed advantages for this greater firepower. They are extremely competent ships, and rare enough that command of one is only granted to the best commanders in the Klingon fleet. They tend to be sector flagships when a dreadnought is not available, which is often. Currently, there are about two dozen hulls in service, with another six under construction at any given time. Build time is considerably less than the larger hulls in the fleet, as this ship is built on a lengthened and strengthened D7 platform. However, the ships share few components, so build time is well over two years from the laying of the keel until trials. The information for this vessel came from Klingon Academy game and http://stexpanded.wikia.com/wiki/VoDleH_class.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?

    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create the Klingon ship VoDIeH Class Emperor Heavy Battle Cruiser. Specification for the ship and weapons are listed above under Explanation. You might want to beef-up the speed and add more crew for this vessel in the STO game. See the Pictures PIC #1, if you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    To access the photos click on this link: http://coesto.guildlaunch.com/gallery/gallery_detail.php?gallery=109688&gid=185134
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Name : IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 16 JANUARY 2011
    Positive Idea's: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
    Idea #3: "Create the Klingon ship L-24 (Ever-Victorious) Class XIII-XIV Battleship". Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. Explanation: The Federation has more ships than the Klingon Empire; it’s time to create more Klingon ship. The L-24 is the largest warship in the Klingon navy. These mammoth ships were commissioned into service prior to the testing of the Federation battleship Excelsior. For a short period of time, the balance of power along the borders turned in favor of the Klingons. The battleship uses the most powerful warp and impulse engines in the Klingon inventory. The combination of these power plants gives these vessels a highly efficient maneuver ratio and allows them to sustain speeds of Warp 6 for long periods of time. The warp engines are mounted on pylons to keep them from the main hull of the ship, and, as with most newer designs, they can be jettisoned in case of emergency.

    The L-24 differs from other Klingon ships regarding the shielding provided to the engineering technicians. Most other Klingon vessels have minimal engine shielding, and servitor races are trained to operate this equipment; in the L-24, Klingon citizens operate the engines. The L-24 mounts eight KD-8 disruptors in banks of two, and four KD-13 disruptors. The KD-8’s are mounted two banks on the command pod and two banks on the main hull. The KD-13’s are mounted on the rear of the main hull. The battleship can fire as many as ten disruptors and two photon torpedoes in some areas of the forward arc, giving this ship a definite advantage in most situations. The KP-6 torpedo, which is mounted in both the fore and aft positions, can inflict as much damage as the most powerful torpedo in the Federation arsenal. The interior of the battleship is compartmented to reduce the dangers of decompression during battle. This makes the structural integrity of the ship much greater, as seen by the high superstructure strength rating. The deflector shielding for the L-24 is the best the Klingons can produce at this time. The bridge is located in the forward pod. This typical Klingon bridge design is capable of being separated from the main hull in case of emergency. The bridge of the L-24 has an auxiliary impulse engine that can be used only after separation; it gives the command pod the ability to travel short distances and allows a minimum of maneuvering. The pod mounts two of the KD-8 disruptor banks, which are capable of firing in all directions when separated from the main hull. Also mounted in the pod is a torpedo bay capable of firing torpedoes, though the torpedo storage is minimal. Like most Klingon warships, this vessel carries assault troops. The 480 troops and their eight light support vehicles are capable of being transported to the ground in less than seven minutes. As of Stardate 2/2306, only two L-24’s have been commissioned into service. Both vessels have been scanned along the Federation border and are known to be working that area. Intelligence gathered from Operation Dixie suggests that new L-24’s will be stationed along the Romulan and Triangle borders in the near future. Further data gained by Operation Dixie shows that these battleships will be produced at two facilities. The first models have been manufactured at the Taamar shipyard, and it is believed that the second facility is being constructed at Gnuu. The class is named from the Klingon "komo val", which translates to "always in victory". The information for this vessel came from FASA Star Trek KLINGON SHIP RECOGNITION MANUAL, circa 1985and http://home.comcast.net/~ststcsolda/klingons/L-24/L-24.html.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to Createthe Klingon ship L-24 (Ever-Victorious) Class XIII-XIV Battleship. Specification for the ship and weapons are listed in Explanation. You might want to beef-up the speed and add more crew for this vessel in the STO game. See the ship view Pictures PIC #1, if you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    To access the photos click on this link: http://coesto.guildlaunch.com/gallery/gallery_detail.php?gallery=109688&gid=185134
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited January 2011
    Name: IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 16 JANUARY 2011
    Positive Idea's: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
    Idea# 4: "Creating Age of Ascension Ceremony room".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    Explanation: The ritual, also known as the Klingon Rite of Passage, marks the attainment of a new level of spirituality for a Klingon warrior. First the ascendee proclaims. “DaHjaj SuvwIe’jiH. tlgwIj Sa’angNIS. Iw blQtlq jIjaH” – Today I am a Warrior. I must show you my heart. I travel the river of blood. Then the ascendee walks between two warrior rows of four of warriors who subject him or her to painsticks. The ascendee is expected to express his or her most profound feeling while under this extreme duress. The ceremony can be repeated as the warrior grows in maturity. Worf repeated the ceremony as a celebration of the ten year anniversary of his Age of Ascension. This is in Star trek the Next Generation Season two (2) Episodes two (2) “The Icarus Factor http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/The_Icarus_Factor_(episode) . There is a picture of Worf getting painsticked by eight (8) Klingons, four to each side on two raised platforms for the Rite of Passage.
    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers tocreate a Age of Ascension Ceremony room adjacent to the training room to do the Rite of Passage for all Klingon warrior to go thru in the planet Qo’nos using eight (8) NPC Klingon warriors with painsticks, four to each side on two raised platforms and add three (3) to four (4) NPC Klingon Council members giving the Ceremony. Upon completion they receive the Rite of Passage Accolade to add a +1% to All Damage Resistance to the Available Abilities Tray for ground battle use. Should create a door between the training room and the Rite of Passage Chamber. Example of the Chamber is in Qo’nos map; see Picture “Rite of Passage PIC #1” and Age of Ascension painsticks PIC #2. I am using Windows 7, using paint brush program to cut and paste method to move object’s around, If you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method. You can also create a mission to add this idea called the “Rite of Passage”. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!

    To access the photos click on this link: http://coesto.guildlaunch.com/gallery/gallery_detail.php?gallery=109688&gid=185134

    Name: IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Date : 16 JANUARY 2011
    Positive Idea's: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)
    Idea #5: "Upgrading Toron shuttle Craft".
    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.
    Explanation: The Toron shuttle Craft has no offense capabilities, it just fly around, but it could be used as a repair shuttle in space repairing the ship energy, shields or out-ter hull for damage while in combat. Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to upgrade the Toron shuttle to become a repair ship shuttle. I hope this will improve the STO game for the players and help make money for Cryptic Studio’s. Qa’pla!
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