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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I really enjoyed the diplomatic missions on the fed side, and grinding my way to ambassador

    and think it would be nice to see the KDF have something along the lines as well.

    o Enslave a ship Missions - Attack a enemy faction transport, disable it and offer it the option to surrender or die. = 10 enslavement points

    o Enslave a planet Mission - Enter uncharted nebula system, beam down and kill off a group of locals and capture they're leader. = 10 enslavement points 20 enslavement points if you capture all enemy food stores and weapons caches

    Rank 1 Slave Trafficker 160 Enslavement Experience Unlocks "Trafficker" title.
    Unlocks Enslave a ship missions.

    Rank 2 Slave Trader 400 Enslavement Experience Unlocks "Trader" title

    Rank 3 Slave Master 720 Enslavement Experience Unlocks "Master" title
    Unlocks Transwarp to Drozana Station skill
    Unlocks the Enslavement Renown skill ( enemy DSE's avoid you)
    Gives Enslave Planet missions.

    Rank 4 Empire Slave Commander 1360 Enslavement Experience
    Unlocks "Subjugator" title.
    Unlocks Subjugator Uniform
    Given a Bridge Officer from the Federation faction.
    Allowed to vote at Drozana Station.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I run two roleplaying fleets in the game, so many of our stories and time in the game uses much of the game elements to create our stories. While playing these stories I have come up with a few items I would like to see put into the game.

    Short term:

    - I would like the ability to click on a engineering console in the ship interior and fix a person ship on the advance or elite mode of difficulty.

    Why I want this?

    When we play in the game we simulate damage and injuries using the advance difficulty mode of play. Currently you have to click on a person and trade over the item. We use components as (repair parts) and rejuvenators as (medical supplies). We have people in our fleet called civilian captains who fly supplies out to people in the exploration zones so they do not have to fly all the way back to port. We also call these captains merchant marines with repair or supply tenders.

    The way it would work is, when a persons ship is damage, I as an engineer on their ship can then click on the console at main engineering (interior space) and heal the persons ship.

    This will work in conjunction being able to travel on a ship own by another player.

    - Traveling in a persons ship

    I would like to be able to load up on a persons ship and have them go out to sector space and fly the ship to a destination, and the people on the ship go with them.


    Currently the way we simulate this in our roleplay session is, we have the group of people go to the destination place in space. Then we do the scene on the ship. Then when we are ready to go to the destination, we step in the transporter room and everyone transports to the destination together.

    Mid Term:

    - Ability for bridge officers to be used in PVP challenge mode.


    With my group of role players, we do our action scenes or scenes that will have combat in them, we use the PVP challenge system to stage the scene. We have the principle characters in the scene on one team, and then we use players called stand-ins to be the live targets for the principle characters to shoot at. When we do episodes with 1 or 2 characters, it would be nice to have bridge officers to uses to complete the opposing squad for the players to shoot at.

    Long Term:

    - I would like to see Food and Fuel take on a greater role in the game on advance or elite mode.

    I would like to see food become a need in the game. Right now food is more of a luxury option. It should be a vital aspect of the game. You can take the existing foods in the game and have them provide the energy players need in specific ways.

    Here is how it would work. A level 56 food will provide 6 hours of energy for the character. A 64 level food will provide 8 hours of energy for the character. A 72 level food will provide 10 hours of energy for the character.

    If you do not eat in the game it should effect your ability to heal and perform other task. Also food will become a need in the game. This will help the game economy by creating a need.

    I would recommend this be a feature on advance and elite mode so people can option out of it if they do not wish to have this level of realism in the world of Star Trek.

    Fuel should work the same way. Starships in Star Trek run on Dilithium crystals. These should have to be replaced in 30 day (720 hours), 90 day (2160 hours), and 180 day (4,320 hour) intervals.

    How it would work is. In the ship interior the dilithium chamber should be there. You purchase the crystals at a starbase. Then you load them up and your ship has power to operate. When the normal time runs out on the crystal, you need to purchase a new one. If you over use the warp engines or stress your ships power grid through always being in combat, the crystal will ware out faster.

    - Replicator should work this way too. the replicator should have a holding box or storage place. When you walk to the replicator on your ship, and want to replicate a product, you should have to have the anomalies in the replicator ( in my system I call this place the main computer core) to make the item.

    For example, I would walk up to the main replicator unit in engineering that has the storage space. I load it up with anomalies I collect in space. The ship will have patterns to make certain items. The items cost Energy Credits. The replicator would work the same way it does now with the current prices. But for me to replicate an item on my ship in the interior, I need the anomalies to produce the item.

    If I want to add more patterns to the replicator, I purchase them at Memory Alpha or I learn to make it through crafting. This system would tie into the ships laboratories. On ship you would only be able to make common items: food, devices, commodities. If you have unlocked the patterns through crafting as a character, you may make the item using any replicator around. But if your character does not have that ability you cannot make the blue item.

    I would suggest making this work within the current system so it does not make the exchange useless. This should be a add on feature for people playing in advanced or elite mode.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I like your role playing idea of involving the replicator in role play but I believe I have a better way of using it. In my post that can be googled" Trekienomics 101" I proposed for example instead of vulcan plomeek soup being 20 credits it should be say 500 to buy the pattern to have it up loaded to your ships replicator for all future replications to be free and unlimited. In essence you buy a pattern of an item for a one time fee for free unlimited use. After all Picard never swiped a visa card for his cup of earl grey tea. So our items from our ships replicator should be free.

    However I like your idea of dilithium crystal wear and tear..but maybe on a 10 day or 15 day cycle? As you said we are doing alot of combat. Maybe even replicator wear and tear or drain occurs slightly faster by using replicators. Example, after a battle you goto engineering and see a life renaming status report on your crystals. This will indicate how many more light years before replacement, and damage reduces number of light years left. Say a crystal has 10k light years so a respawn can cost 50 or 100. Repairs can cos say. 001 light year per percent of hull repaired. Replicators could be like digital cameras where you see how many picture you have left on your card, the engineer station says how many item you have before your crystals break. Additionally transporters "consume fuel" as you beam up and down.

    So you can lower crystal life by beaming, repairs, replicators, and colisions.
    However for the non business types free crystals are 2,000 light years and paid ones can be say 5,000 lightyears for say 5,000 credits. So at one credit per paid crystal light year you can buy 2k, 5k, 10, 20k.

    One more thing. I like traveling with others,so why not plot a course when on the bridge or elsewhere with friends and others do the same. A countdown timer pops up and shows time left til arrival. When we arrive, we all beam out "in ship form" by choosing to "return to my ship" or" beam to the surface" for the mission. Here is how it works...let's say you and I beam to a friends bridge when he is orbiting Vulcan. I'm at cardassia, you are at k7. Ok? We beam over and he shares mission with us. So we agree to goto the great bloom system in romulan space. We each press our m key and have our ships meet at vulcan with an indicator showing where it is enroute to vulcan with a timer counting down. Then we get a message from our crew informing us of their arrival to vulcan. From there we tell our lead ship we beamed to that our ships are ready to "form up and follow " him to the great bloom system. We then repress the m key to order our ships there while we are in the lounge chatting. After that timer counts down, we can beam back to our ships now at the great bloom.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    I like your role playing idea of involving the replicator in role play but I believe I have a better way of using it. In my post that can be googled" Trekienomics 101" I proposed for example instead of vulcan plomeek soup being 20 credits it should be say 500 to buy the pattern to have it up loaded to your ships replicator for all future replications to be free and unlimited. In essence you buy a pattern of an item for a one time fee for free unlimited use. After all Picard never swiped a visa card for his cup of earl grey tea. So our items from our ships replicator should be free.

    However I like your idea of dilithium crystal wear and tear..but maybe on a 10 day or 15 day cycle? As you said we are doing alot of combat. Maybe even replicator wear and tear or drain occurs slightly faster by using replicators. Example, after a battle you goto engineering and see a life renaming status report on your crystals. This will indicate how many more light years before replacement, and damage reduces number of light years left. Say a crystal has 10k light years so a respawn can cost 50 or 100. Repairs can cos say. 001 light year per percent of hull repaired. Replicators could be like digital cameras where you see how many picture you have left on your card, the engineer station says how many item you have before your crystals break. Additionally transporters "consume fuel" as you beam up and down.

    So you can lower crystal life by beaming, repairs, replicators, and colisions.
    However for the non business types free crystals are 2,000 light years and paid ones can be say 5,000 lightyears for say 5,000 credits. So at one credit per paid crystal light year you can buy 2k, 5k, 10, 20k.

    One more thing. I like traveling with others,so why not plot a course when on the bridge or elsewhere with friends and others do the same. A countdown timer pops up and shows time left til arrival. When we arrive, we all beam out "in ship form" by choosing to "return to my ship" or" beam to the surface" for the mission. Here is how it works...let's say you and I beam to a friends bridge when he is orbiting Vulcan. I'm at cardassia, you are at k7. Ok? We beam over and he shares mission with us. So we agree to goto the great bloom system in romulan space. We each press our m key and have our ships meet at vulcan with an indicator showing where it is enroute to vulcan with a timer counting down. Then we get a message from our crew informing us of their arrival to vulcan. From there we tell our lead ship we beamed to that our ships are ready to "form up and follow " him to the great bloom system. We then repress the m key to order our ships there while we are in the lounge chatting. After that timer counts down, we can beam back to our ships now at the great bloom.

    The reason why you want it to cost money to make a item is it creates a need for the item. You did not see Picard swipe a VISA, but the computer did bill him. If you make it free for ever, then you defeat the need for the item. Nothing is free. Sure for those that have pie-in-the-sky dreams.

    It cost energy credits to make an item in the replicator because it requires labor. Energy credits like all currency is a product that is used to represent labor in reference to time. Since anomalies are free to acquire, and the pattern is free to acquire, then the only place you can have a factor of labor cost is when person uses the replicator. Also, the replicator can only make simple items.

    In my overall ideal this would also include medical anomalies. I think there should be a medical lab where the doctor can make different medications to heal certain people from certain illnesses. I am hoping one day we can beam down to planets and actually bring back some bacteria and virus the doctors on the ship can research and treat.

    Also, I hope the developers do not put a free chief medical officer or Chief Engineer on the interior of the ship, because this defeats the purpose of the component and rejuvenators. A player carries the medical or repair supply on them and can heal or fix a ship. The problem with the current game is, to fix or heal a ship, it can only be done by the captain of that ship. If we could click on a person and see they are injured as a doctor in the game, we should be able to use a rejuvenator to heal them. The same for an engineer in the game. They should be able to as engineers click on a console in engineering and fix the ship that has damage. They should be able to do this to any ship in the game.

    I dont think the developers need to make the entire battle from the exterior or interior. I think if they just made it so when the ship you are on is damaged in battle, if you are on board the ship, you can fix the system for the captain who is outside in exterior mode fighting the battle. This is how it was in Star Wars Galaxies. Only one person had to actually do the combat. Everyone else was on the ship traveling with it and repairing the ship for the captain. You could load up 20 people on a ship and take them to where ever. I am not sure what the limit is for people in the interior is. I have had 10 people on my ship.

    I am not really sure how much a dilithium crystal should cost, but in the TV Show they were not cheap. Also, they had to be refined.

    My traveling ideal was to be a stepping stone to operating the ship from the bridge. I know it is a complicated development time to be able to let people control the ship from the bridge. As a step in the right direction, I thought just allowing people you step on a ship and have the captain of that ship go to exterior mode to guide the ship to a destination would be cool.

    Already in the game you can be on another players ship while they are not there or even logged out. We have experimented with this in my fleet. What we do now is like in battles, we have two players go to pvp challenge mode while everyone else is on the interior of the ship on the bridge or engineering.

    This is why my first idea was to be able to click on a console in engineering and fix a persons damage with a component. Some times we use exploration mode to simulate the battle. Lately, we have just been rolling dice in the game. There is a emote for rolling dice which we use frequently.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    IRONMIKE Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)Email : ironmantmc2000@yahoo.comDate : 19 NOVEMBER 2010 Question, Issue, Idea's or Grievance: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)Idea: Create a "Instant Death Match” for Ground or Space Battle in PVP.Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):Explanation: InPVP match, you have created a PVP Team maps Red against Blue Team. You should create a PVP maps scenarios FREE FOR ALL, everybody against everybody, kill or be killed, the one with the most kills win the main award like and item green, blue or purple drop. The rest of the players get basic awards like in the Team PVP. You can set it for ten (10) players, Fifth teen (15), Twenty (20, Thirty (30) players invite etc… “Forthe Klingons, this is definitely a fight to really die for!” Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a “Free for All” PVP “INSTANT DEATH MATCH” for Ground Battles and for Space Battles, everyone against everyone, kill or be killed, no-matter what level you are or what Faction you are. This will open a MassiveBattle against everyone who plays in it or you can make it in a Fight Night battle on every Friday, Saturday or Sunday, you can set it what ever hour you think is best, also create a map senerio, so people can play on there own with others with there own fleet or friends and you can call it a Fleet Fight Night map. This is another big boost in content, another ball of wax added in the STO game. This can be turned into a Daily to earn Emblem points. I hope this idea will improve the STO game and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla !
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Name: IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Title : T-Wolf (Blood Dragoons)
    Email : ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com
    Date : 20 NOVEMBER 2010
    Question, Issue, Idea: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed
    (1 sentence)Idea: Create a "Prone Position” for the character Ground Movement, and create a rifle with a sniper scope attached.Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):Explanation: You have created a character that can fight in a fix position like Fighting while standing and fighting while in the crouch position. Can you create a prone position for the characters, also can you create a rifle that has a sniper scope to look thru and take out its target.Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a prone position for the characters, also can you create a rifle that has a sniper scope to look thru and take out its target, me (Ironmike) and T-Wolf came up with this idea. I hope this idea will improve the STO game in ground battle and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla !
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    It cost energy credits to make an item in the replicator because it requires labor. Energy credits like all currency is a product that is used to represent labor in reference to time.

    Ok, well let me ask you this (off-topic but relevant to your comment)

    If Starfleet pay me in Energy Credits for the work I carry out on their behalf, all the orders undertaken, enemies killed etc. Why the flaming tribble do I have to use my own salary, for want of a better term, to replicate aid supplies for diplomatic missions? Surely that sort of stuff should be charged to the Starfleet main credit account? I already have to spend all my EC on equipping 5 avatars (me+my away team).

    Edit: I suppose nothing's off-topic in this thread really, and one of my long term wants would be the Federation to pay for their own bloody aid supply replication :o
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Chang67 wrote: »
    Name: IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Title : T-Wolf (Blood Dragoons)
    Email : ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com
    Date : 20 NOVEMBER 2010
    Question, Issue, Idea: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed
    (1 sentence)Idea: Create a "Prone Position” for the character Ground Movement, and create a rifle with a sniper scope attached.Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):Explanation: You have created a character that can fight in a fix position like Fighting while standing and fighting while in the crouch position. Can you create a prone position for the characters, also can you create a rifle that has a sniper scope to look thru and take out its target.Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a prone position for the characters, also can you create a rifle that has a sniper scope to look thru and take out its target, me (Ironmike) and T-Wolf came up with this idea. I hope this idea will improve the STO game in ground battle and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla !

    I'd enjoy this kind of combat but it really belongs in the likes of a first-person shooter like Planetside. I'm not saying I wouldn't like to or have expected to see combat like this in STO, given there have been several Star Trek first-person shooters, but I feel it's never gonna happen, and don't even know if it's overwhelmingly wanted by the player base.

    Unfortunate, because Stargate Worlds used the same kind of "MMO standard" controls in their projectile weapon-based combat, and look how far that game got. I believe it never made it past open beta. =|

    A poll on the subject would be interesting to see.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Name: IRONMIKETitle : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email : ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com
    Date : 21 NOVEMBER 2010Question, Issue, Idea's or Grievance: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)Idea: Create a "BACK PACK” on the Menu for the main character and increase the used consume devices and tribbles quantity.Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words)

    :Explanation #1: Inthe characters menu, can you create a back pack for the characters to store any devices, equipment, weapons, shields etc… Example: Create small, medium and large back pack. The small back can carry up to twelve (12) items, the medium back pack can carry up to twenty four (24) items and the large back pack can carry up to thirty six (36) items. There are three (3) JPEG called “Small Back Pack#1, Medium Back Pack#2 and Large Back Pack#3”.

    When you acquire the small back pack and you want to up-grade to the medium back pack, you will lose the small back pack (unrecoverable) because the medium back pack took it place adding more space to your inventory box, the same applies by adding in the large back pack over the medium back pack. Once installed cannot be removed. You cannot purchase the medium back pack until you have purchase the small back pack first, the same applies to the large back pack. You must purchase the medium first, and then purchase the large back pack. This item can be bought in the Emblem store. Example: Small back pack worth 110 Emblem, medium back pack worth 120 Emblem and 130 Emblem for the large back pack.

    Explanation #2: Twenty stacks on the use consumed devices are not enough in the game, especially when playing the Infected, the cure etc…. Twenty max stack is to small, it needs to be much higher because if you have eight sets of hypo’s, eight set of shield charge and eight sets of power cell, you pretty much took-up almost your inventory space, also it will over populate the inventory quickly because of the amount of item drops they acquire during the quest, this also applies to tribbles. Only tribbles on the float chart should acquire the 100 stacks not the special tribble like the Borg tribble or the Fluid space tribble.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a “ small, medium and large “BACK PACK” in the characters menu for the main character and increase the use consumed devices quantity to 200 stack and increase the quantity of the normal tribbles stack to 100. There are three (3) JPEG called “Small Back Pack#1, Medium Back Pack#2 and Large Back Pack#3”. I am using Windows 7, using paint brush program to cut and paste method to move objects around and developing frame work. If you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method. For the back packs: “If you want it - Grind for it.! This is an encouragement for grinding in PVP daily or any other mission and daily mission that has Emblem points. This will get everyone involved to play the game even more. I hope this idea will improve the STO game, and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla!

    P.S.Cryptic; I know you have been having problems with the transferring of pictures thru STO Email. I know you have my Request for Audience for text information on up-grading Galaxy map part#4, but you did not receive the Galaxy Map Part#4 due to problems download Pic’s thru the STO Email. I know you like the Up-Grading Galaxy map part# 3, but you have to see Galaxy map part#4. It is awesome and I think this will expand the game in a whole new light, by adding in Gamma Quadrant, Delta Quadrant, Dominion Empire and the Tholian race. It will be helpful If you have an alternate Email address for my fearless Klingon leader Donald Moore (AKA = Sa Chang), he is my liaison between Cryptic Studio and me, so that we can send the picture Up-Grading Galaxy map part#4 to Cryptic Studio’s. Think of it as a back-up Email. “One picture worth a thousand words”. There is a little saying in New York“TIME IS MONEY”! ,

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Name: IRONMIKE
    Title : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email : [email]ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com
    Date : 21 NOVEMBER 2010Question, Issue, Idea's or Grievance: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)Idea: Create a "BACK PACK” on the Menu for the main character and increase the used consume devices and tribbles quantity.Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):Explanation #1: Inthe characters menu, can you create a back pack for the characters to store any devices, equipment, weapons, shields etc… Example: Create small, medium and large back pack. The small back can carry up to twelve (12) items, the medium back pack can carry up to twenty four (24) items and the large back pack can carry up to thirty six (36) items. There are three (3) JPEG called “Small Back Pack#1, Medium Back Pack#2 and Large Back Pack#3”. When you acquire the small back pack and you want to up-grade to the medium back pack, you will lose the small back pack (unrecoverable) because the medium back pack took it place adding more space to your inventory box, the same applies by adding in the large back pack over the medium back pack. Once installed cannot be removed. You cannot purchase the medium back pack until you have purchase the small back pack first, the same applies to the large back pack. You must purchase the medium first, and then purchase the large back pack. This item can be bought in the Emblem store. Example: Small back pack worth 110 Emblem, medium back pack worth 120 Emblem and 130 Emblem for the large back pack. Explanation #2: Twenty stacks on the use consumed devices are not enough in the game, especially when playing the Infected, the cure etc…. Twenty max stack is to small, it needs to be much higher because if you have eight sets of hypo’s, eight set of shield charge and eight sets of power cell, you pretty much took-up almost your inventory space, also it will over populate the inventory quickly because of the amount of item drops they acquire during the quest, this also applies to tribbles. Only tribbles on the float chart should acquire the 100 stacks not the special tribble like the Borg tribble or the Fluid space tribble.Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a “ small, medium and large “BACK PACK” in the characters menu for the main character and increase the use consumed devices quantity to 200 stack and increase the quantity of the normal tribbles stack to 100. There are three (3) JPEG called “Small Back Pack#1, Medium Back Pack#2 and Large Back Pack#3”. I am using Windows 7, using paint brush program to cut and paste method to move objects around and developing frame work. If you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method. For the back packs: “If you want it - Grind for it.! This is an encouragement for grinding in PVP daily or any other mission and daily mission that has Emblem points. This will get everyone involved to play the game even more. I hope this idea will improve the STO game, and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla! P.S.Cryptic; I know you have been having problems with the transferring of pictures thru STO Email. I know you have my Request for Audience for text information on up-grading Galaxy map part#4, but you did not receive the Galaxy Map Part#4 due to problems download Pic’s thru the STO Email. I know you like the Up-Grading Galaxy map part# 3, but you have to see Galaxy map part#4. It is awesome and I think this will expand the game in a whole new light, by adding in Gamma Quadrant, Delta Quadrant, Dominion Empire and the Tholian race. It will be helpful If you have an alternate Email address for my fearless Klingon leader Donald Moore (AKA = Sa Chang), he is my liaison between Cryptic Studio and me, so that we can send the picture Up-Grading Galaxy map part#4 to Cryptic Studio’s. Think of it as a back-up Email. “One picture worth a thousand words”. There is a little saying in New York“TIME IS MONEY”! , Qa’pla![/email]
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Hello there :)

    Short-term requests

    -A spam of bug fixes. Like fixing the Kerrat probes being stuck inside the nodes we have to scan, or being able to fly through some rocks or get stuck halfway inside satellites (like how you can get stuck inside the space dock in the middle of the Salvage Operation map).

    Mid-term requests

    Very Rare console/equipment/kit item crafting options for the ships or ground that have random, extra stats added when they are crafted (like how Diablo 2 had items you made with their crafting item -the horadric cube- and it would create items with the same name but different stats due to a random algorithm they had implemented).

    An example:

    Very Rare Shield ''X'' mark XX
    XXXX total shield
    x.x% shield regeneration
    x.x% bleedthrough resistance
    Random stats here:
    x% against Phasers
    x% defense (like the elusive trait you can pick for your character)

    Items required to make it: Rare mark XX shield, xx combination of anomalies, some of the rare anomalies and maybe even some of the things like those Warp coils or etc included to add to the requirements to make these (and before someone asks why you would need Warp coils to make a shield: the warp coils contained a special metal that is required as a component to finish the construction of this new shield generator :P)

    It would make crafting more varied and would increase trade and urge you to want to play more to gain more items and continue crafting items to fully optimize your ship. The items you craft but dont fit to your ship could be sold on the exchange so other players can enjoy the fruits of your labor... for a price . Its a great way to have add more uniqueness and diversity to your ship.

    Later on more consumables and stuff can be added (like some hybrid batteries I read here and etc).

    Long-term requests

    ''More choices in how to complete content - ie, maybe missions with a diplomatic rather than a pure combat solution depending on choices you make during the mission.
    More stuff for fleets - fleet-owned starbases, "raid" interfaces that allow fleets to do fleet actions together, etc.
    More playable factions (romulans, cardassians, etc)''
    <----quoting the original post because these are the top 3 things we all want long term :P.

    commerce faction, but with an interesting implementation

    An interesting addition would be the creation of a third ''type'' of faction: Trading Faction. Its been talked about before but it could have a different implementation than the other factions. We already have a mostly PVE faction with the Feds, and a mostly PVP faction. After (or before) Romulans get released (which should have a good mix of PVE and PVP) this third ''type'' Trader Faction could be added to add some interesting uniqueness: It would level up differently and could even not have as many levels as the other factions. It could be a small, neutral faction of just 20-30 levels whose purpose is to obtain rare items, artifacts and etc and could level up by adding rare, unique equipment they find or craft to a special tab in the Exchange. It would still, however, have a LOT of content like the other factions, but implemented and played out in a different way.

    -They might might not be able to participate in traditional PVP (because then they would require lots of ships and lvl the same way and etc), but they could have PVP missions in which the lower level (or scaled to lower lvl) Federation, Klingons and Romulans could also participate in but where this Trader faction would gain rewards and loot different from the other factions. This would be their equivalent to Arena, Kerrat, or Assault or capture and hold, etc.

    -They would also have PVE missions where they have to do diplomacy, combat, or infiltration, mining or scanning to obtain items and artifacts and loot that are required to finish their missions, level up and craft new items for commerce missions.

    -Their leveling up system could be based on commerce (trader, merchant, secretary of commerce, etc) and could have a diplomacy sub level the same as the Federation characters.

    It would definitely be an interesting addition since it would be so different from the other factions. It would be a fun secondary (or primary for some) character that could head its own trading stations that the players can construct and could level up and such by trade and diplomacy. It would add that RP aspect that many crave.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Most of my requests are purely aesthetic and have no real bearing on the game itself.

    Better interactive environment. My main example would be 'Right click to sit in chairs'. :p

    Remove the transporter effect when in your ship and going back to sector space, are captains really so lazy in the 25th century that they have to be beamed back to the bridge?

    Poker mini game, The table is already there, let us use it.

    Modular Interior Design: Give us 'Rooms' that we can buy(preferably with in-game EC, but I wouldnt mind it in C-Store if it were cheap), and add to our ship wherever there is an unused set of doors. For that matter, give us different Captains quarters, Transporter rooms, and Engineering areas to change around with aswell.

    Smaller Bridge Packs, as an option. Not all of us invite 20 people to our ship, we dont need all that room on the bridge.

    Speaking of the Bridge, A really cool feature (but unrealistic due to most likely having to redesign the engine) would be to have the option to control your ship from the bridge like in ST: Bridge Commander. Wishful thinking, I know. :p

    NPC Voiceover's would be nice, I know it is unreasonable for the entire game, but maybe for the Episodes.

    And Finally, whenever I run into a borg ship, I wouldnt mind getting the hail to 'Lower your shields and surrender your ship'. When I first heard it in the tutorial mission, it sent chills down my spine. :D
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Short term: ability to resize and move fleet emblem background images please. Seems odd you can resize/move the foreground image but not the back. Allows for more diverse designs.

    Another thing, did anyone notice how in the Deferi missions, all the interactive control consoles and things weren't as gaudy-looking as the standard bank terminals/mail terminals etc? It was just the console's screen that had the shimmering bloom effect added. I'd really like to see the rest of the consoles in game made the same as these, so that it's just the screen shimmering. That I can live with. The whole console box shimmering just looks like a holodeck program that's suffering technical difficulties. I'd put that down as a short-term/medium term desire, though i don't care if it takes ten years. Fix it.

    Another one is an in-game web browser, accessible from the console in ready room or captain's quarters. You could work the in-game browser gimmick into any room with a computer, as well as the mission replay feature.

    I wouldn't underestimate the possibilities if you make every screen in the game some kind of interactive object that gets its texture from a variable file name of sorts. I don't know how it works but I know it can be done. How nifty would it be if you could set your ready room and personal quarters computer screens to display pictures from a given folder on your hard drive? Maybe the screenshots folder as default.

    You could go one better and make the cupboard in the ready room a persistent storage box and later work the same technology into in-ship cargo bays. There were a fair few episodes of next gen that were set in one of a few cargo bays.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Varlo wrote:
    Ok, well let me ask you this (off-topic but relevant to your comment)

    If Starfleet pay me in Energy Credits for the work I carry out on their behalf, all the orders undertaken, enemies killed etc. Why the flaming tribble do I have to use my own salary, for want of a better term, to replicate aid supplies for diplomatic missions? Surely that sort of stuff should be charged to the Starfleet main credit account? I already have to spend all my EC on equipping 5 avatars (me+my away team).

    Edit: I suppose nothing's off-topic in this thread really, and one of my long term wants would be the Federation to pay for their own bloody aid supply replication :o

    This factor is already in the game.

    When you explore or do some PVP event, you are rewarded Medals or Badges. Then you as a player has to covert them to energy credits to be reimbursed the time you have been spent doing the labor. Whether you are a PVP only type, a PVE only type or a Roleplayer type (combines PVP and PVE) the game rewards you a specific token for your labor along with some kind of loot.

    You convert badges or medals by going to requisitions of ESD, K-7, Ganalda Station, or Qo'nos by an item then sell them for energy credits. I just sell the items I purchase for 70 badges and sell them to the replicator.

    My ideal about the replicator is not to replace the replicator now, but enhance what it already does. A:so, I am not sure what I am describing is actually being visualized how I am explaining how it works.

    I may have to make a sample video to describe it.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Chang67 wrote: »
    Name: IRONMIKETitle : Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email : ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com
    Date : 21 NOVEMBER 2010Question, Issue, Idea's or Grievance: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)Idea: Create a "BACK PACK” on the Menu for the main character and increase the used consume devices and tribbles quantity.Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):Explanation #1: Inthe characters menu, can you create a back pack for the characters to store any devices, equipment, weapons, shields etc… Example: Create small, medium and large back pack. The small back can carry up to twelve (12) items, the medium back pack can carry up to twenty four (24) items and the large back pack can carry up to thirty six (36) items. There are three (3) JPEG called “Small Back Pack#1, Medium Back Pack#2 and Large Back Pack#3”. When you acquire the small back pack and you want to up-grade to the medium back pack, you will lose the small back pack (unrecoverable) because the medium back pack took it place adding more space to your inventory box, the same applies by adding in the large back pack over the medium back pack. Once installed cannot be removed. You cannot purchase the medium back pack until you have purchase the small back pack first, the same applies to the large back pack. You must purchase the medium first, and then purchase the large back pack. This item can be bought in the Emblem store. Example: Small back pack worth 110 Emblem, medium back pack worth 120 Emblem and 130 Emblem for the large back pack. Explanation #2: Twenty stacks on the use consumed devices are not enough in the game, especially when playing the Infected, the cure etc…. Twenty max stack is to small, it needs to be much higher because if you have eight sets of hypo’s, eight set of shield charge and eight sets of power cell, you pretty much took-up almost your inventory space, also it will over populate the inventory quickly because of the amount of item drops they acquire during the quest, this also applies to tribbles. Only tribbles on the float chart should acquire the 100 stacks not the special tribble like the Borg tribble or the Fluid space tribble.Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a “ small, medium and large “BACK PACK” in the characters menu for the main character and increase the use consumed devices quantity to 200 stack and increase the quantity of the normal tribbles stack to 100. There are three (3) JPEG called “Small Back Pack#1, Medium Back Pack#2 and Large Back Pack#3”. I am using Windows 7, using paint brush program to cut and paste method to move objects around and developing frame work. If you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method. For the back packs: “If you want it - Grind for it.! This is an encouragement for grinding in PVP daily or any other mission and daily mission that has Emblem points. This will get everyone involved to play the game even more. I hope this idea will improve the STO game, and make money for Cryptic Studio. Qa’pla! P.S.Cryptic; I know you have been having problems with the transferring of pictures thru STO Email. I know you have my Request for Audience for text information on up-grading Galaxy map part#4, but you did not receive the Galaxy Map Part#4 due to problems download Pic’s thru the STO Email. I know you like the Up-Grading Galaxy map part# 3, but you have to see Galaxy map part#4. It is awesome and I think this will expand the game in a whole new light, by adding in Gamma Quadrant, Delta Quadrant, Dominion Empire and the Tholian race. It will be helpful If you have an alternate Email address for my fearless Klingon leader Donald Moore (AKA = Sa Chang), he is my liaison between Cryptic Studio and me, so that we can send the picture Up-Grading Galaxy map part#4 to Cryptic Studio’s. Think of it as a back-up Email. “One picture worth a thousand words”. There is a little saying in New York“TIME IS MONEY”! , Qa’pla!

    Paragraph breaks go a long ways...


    Name: IRONMIKE
    Title: Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email: ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com
    Date: 21 NOVEMBER 2010

    Topic: Question, Issue, Idea's or Grievance

    A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)

    Idea: Create a "BACK PACK” on the Menu for the main character and increase the used consume devices and tribbles quantity.

    Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved.

    (Please try to keep under 100 words)

    Explanation #1: In the characters menu, can you create a back pack for the characters to store any devices, equipment, weapons, shields etc…

    Example: Create small, medium and large back pack.

    The small back can carry up to twelve (12) items, the medium back pack can carry up to twenty four (24) items and the large back pack can carry up to thirty six (36) items.

    There are three (3) JPEG called
    • Small Back Pack #1
    • Medium Back Pack #2
    • Large Back Pack #3

    When you acquire the small back pack and you want to up-grade to the medium back pack, you will lose the small back pack (unrecoverable) because the medium back pack took it place adding more space to your inventory box, the same applies by adding in the large back pack over the medium back pack. Once installed cannot be removed. You cannot purchase the medium back pack until you have purchase the small back pack first, the same applies to the large back pack. You must purchase the medium first, and then purchase the large back pack.

    This item can be bought in the Emblem store.

    • Small back pack worth 110 Emblems
    • Medium back pack worth 120 Emblems
    • Large back pack worth 130 Emblems
    Explanation #2

    Twenty stacks on the use consumed devices are not enough in the game especially when playing the Special Task Force 'Infected' and 'The Cure', etc… Twenty max stack is to small, it needs to be much higher because if you have eight sets of hypo’s, eight set of shield charge and eight sets of power cell, you pretty much took-up your inventory space, also it will over populate the inventory quickly because of the amount of item drops they acquire during the quest, this also applies to tribbles.

    Only tribbles on the float chart should acquire the 100 stacks not the special tribble like the Borg tribble or the Fluid Space Tribble.
    • Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?
    • Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a small, medium and large back pack in the characters menu for the main character and increase the use consumed devices quantity to 200 stack and increase the quantity of the normal tribbles stack to 100.

    There are three (3) JPEG called
    • Small Back Pack #1
    • Medium Back Pack #2
    • Large Back Pack #3

    I am using Windows 7, using paint brush program to cut and paste method to move objects around and developing frame work. If you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method.

    For the back packs 'If you want it - Grind for it.'

    This is an encouragement for grinding in PVP daily or any other mission and daily mission that has Emblem points. This will get everyone involved to play the game even more. I hope this idea will improve the STO game, and make money for Cryptic Studio.




    I know you have been having problems with the transferring of pictures thru STO Email. I know you have my Request for Audience for text information on up-grading Galaxy map part#4, but you did not receive the Galaxy Map Part#4 due to problems download Pic’s thru the STO Email.

    I know you like the Up-Grading Galaxy map part# 3, but you have to see Galaxy map part#4. It is awesome and I think this will expand the game in a whole new light, by adding in Gamma Quadrant, Delta Quadrant, Dominion Empire and the Tholian race.

    It will be helpful If you have an alternate Email address for my fearless Klingon leader Donald Moore (AKA = Sa Chang), he is my liaison between Cryptic Studio and me, so that we can send the picture Up-Grading Galaxy map part#4 to Cryptic Studio’s.

    Think of it as a back-up Email. “One picture worth a thousand words”. There is a little saying in New York 'Time is money.'


    You know after I edited this thread, it still does not make sense. Are you asking them to make three backpacks with small medium and large. Then you have to have a limited amount of slots, which you then have to have to purchase.

    This all seems a waste. The current container the game gives us, gives a player 72 slots. They are free to acquire.

    I think a better way to do this is a Starship should have some storage space that we can store different types of armor, weapons, and anomalies on. Then when you go on mission you can go back out of the instance go out to your ship and refit your bridge officers with the proper gear for the engagement.

    That would be more beneficial.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    The reason why you want it to cost money to make a item is it creates a need for the item. You did not see Picard swipe a VISA, but the computer did bill him. If you make it free for ever, then you defeat the need for the item. Nothing is free. Sure for those that have pie-in-the-sky dreams.

    It cost energy credits to make an item in the replicator because it requires labor. Energy credits like all currency is a product that is used to represent labor in reference to time. Since anomalies are free to acquire, and the pattern is free to acquire, then the only place you can have a factor of labor cost is when person uses the replicator. Also, the replicator can only make simple items.

    In my overall ideal this would also include medical anomalies. I think there should be a medical lab where the doctor can make different medications to heal certain people from certain illnesses. I am hoping one day we can beam down to planets and actually bring back some bacteria and virus the doctors on the ship can research and treat.

    Also, I hope the developers do not put a free chief medical officer or Chief Engineer on the interior of the ship, because this defeats the purpose of the component and rejuvenators. A player carries the medical or repair supply on them and can heal or fix a ship. The problem with the current game is, to fix or heal a ship, it can only be done by the captain of that ship. If we could click on a person and see they are injured as a doctor in the game, we should be able to use a rejuvenator to heal them. The same for an engineer in the game. They should be able to as engineers click on a console in engineering and fix the ship that has damage. They should be able to do this to any ship in the game.

    I dont think the developers need to make the entire battle from the exterior or interior. I think if they just made it so when the ship you are on is damaged in battle, if you are on board the ship, you can fix the system for the captain who is outside in exterior mode fighting the battle. This is how it was in Star Wars Galaxies. Only one person had to actually do the combat. Everyone else was on the ship traveling with it and repairing the ship for the captain. You could load up 20 people on a ship and take them to where ever. I am not sure what the limit is for people in the interior is. I have had 10 people on my ship.

    I am not really sure how much a dilithium crystal should cost, but in the TV Show they were not cheap. Also, they had to be refined.

    My traveling ideal was to be a stepping stone to operating the ship from the bridge. I know it is a complicated development time to be able to let people control the ship from the bridge. As a step in the right direction, I thought just allowing people you step on a ship and have the captain of that ship go to exterior mode to guide the ship to a destination would be cool.

    Already in the game you can be on another players ship while they are not there or even logged out. We have experimented with this in my fleet. What we do now is like in battles, we have two players go to pvp challenge mode while everyone else is on the interior of the ship on the bridge or engineering.

    This is why my first idea was to be able to click on a console in engineering and fix a persons damage with a component. Some times we use exploration mode to simulate the battle. Lately, we have just been rolling dice in the game. There is a emote for rolling dice which we use frequently.

    Ok, I see like others there are too many currency types in the game like badges,marks,credits, and emblems etc. For payment of replicator items it would be easier as wear and tear on replicator. Get it replaced by getting parts. So the "cost" is ships crystal life and hull wear and tear as well as replicator. This way the value is placed on keeping the ship functional at its peak than how much tea cost the captain.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Ok, I see like others there are too many currency types in the game like badges,marks,credits, and emblems etc. For payment of replicator items it would be easier as wear and tear on replicator. Get it replaced by getting parts. So the "cost" is ships crystal life and hull wear and tear as well as replicator. This way the value is placed on keeping the ship functional at its peak than how much tea cost the captain.

    Although you call emblems, badges, and marks currency, they are not currency. Currency is something you use to exchange goods and services a person created with labor with another person. Emblems, badges, and marks are not currency because you do not exchange them with people. They are tokens. You earn the tokens by doing task in the game. You convert the tokens to energy credits. Then you can exchange energy credits with other people on the game.

    However, the token system is a must. You have three major player types in the game: PVE type, PVP type, and Role Play type. Each of these people use the economy. At this stage of the game, we cannot manufacture products in the game. However, I think that will eventually make its way into the game. We can craft preexisting items and improve them, but we cannot actual make a product. The token system makes it possible for these three player types to form a symbiotic relationship. All three of these player types require time or labor to produce products for sell.

    The problem the developers face in this game is do they allow the player base more control or less control of the economic system here. The economic system here is a cross between socialistic economic system and what psychologist refer to as a 'token' economy. The products are bland and not really all the great. The economic system here does not reward innovation and entrepreneurship. The game is strictly controlled by controlling the amount and type of product in the game.

    The problem here is that this creates a system where you have a large pool of money from everyone who started playing the first day. The galaxy does not force people to buy new products. There are no needs.

    For a economic system to work, it must have four basic needs; food, water, shelter, and clothes. A economic system cannot exist without these four fundamental needs. Until the developers create this system. The current system will always have run away inflation. People do not need anything, and everything is a want.

    The way the game should really work is the federation should have it's own economic system and currency. The Klingons Empire should have its own economic system. Orion Syndicate should have it's own currency. Then the common market is used to exchange goods and services. Just like in real world economies, you cannot have a one size fits all economic system. Until the developers recognize this, the game economy will always be a luxury.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Although you call emblems, badges, and marks currency, they are not currency. Currency is something you use to exchange goods and services a person created with labor with another person. Emblems, badges, and marks are not currency because you do not exchange them with people. They are tokens. You earn the tokens by doing task in the game. You convert the tokens to energy credits. Then you can exchange energy credits with other people on the game.

    However, the token system is a must. You have three major player types in the game: PVE type, PVP type, and Role Play type. Each of these people use the economy. At this stage of the game, we cannot manufacture products in the game. However, I think that will eventually make its way into the game. We can craft preexisting items and improve them, but we cannot actual make a product. The token system makes it possible for these three player types to form a symbiotic relationship. All three of these player types require time or labor to produce products for sell.

    The problem the developers face in this game is do they allow the player base more control or less control of the economic system here. The economic system here is a cross between socialistic economic system and what psychologist refer to as a 'token' economy. The products are bland and not really all the great. The economic system here does not reward innovation and entrepreneurship. The game is strictly controlled by controlling the amount and type of product in the game.

    The problem here is that this creates a system where you have a large pool of money from everyone who started playing the first day. The galaxy does not force people to buy new products. There are no needs.

    For a economic system to work, it must have four basic needs; food, water, shelter, and clothes. A economic system cannot exist without these four fundamental needs. Until the developers create this system. The current system will always have run away inflation. People do not need anything, and everything is a want.

    The way the game should really work is the federation should have it's own economic system and currency. The Klingons Empire should have its own economic system. Orion Syndicate should have it's own currency. Then the common market is used to exchange goods and services. Just like in real world economies, you cannot have a one size fits all economic system. Until the developers recognize this, the game economy will always be a luxury.

    Well said.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    - Fix accidental clicking on start bar when accessing options on bottom of screen.

    - Poorly-animated borg in ground combat

    - also please Improve the gameplay of beginner missions... the reason why i'm enjoying it now is that i endured the first few hours.. this might have caused some of the poorer game reviews.

    - Including a 29th-Century story arc would be cool, on st-o .net it was said that Lieutenant Ducane was going to be an NPC.

    - I would really like to see the Barge of The Dead!

    - Find a way to visualize the Nexus in gameplay..

    - Bosses with special powers in ground combat

    - More damage varieties for weapons other than CrtD CrtH Acc etc.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    You convert badges or medals by going to requisitions of ESD, K-7, Ganalda Station, or Qo'nos by an item then sell them for energy credits.

    Thanks, I didn't know that =]
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    This was sent to me by Defensor@KFgrauss of the House of Korax
    Subject: Cryptic feedback from defensor

    1) There seems to be a bug that hits me pretty often. If you are on a mission (i don't think it happens in pvp) and you die in space; there seems to a pretty high probability that the up arrow button will stop working and you can't direct power to the forward shields. You have to do it by redistributing power equally. It happens to me maybe 1 in 4 times.

    2) Keybinds: It would be nice to be able to save keybinds and assignments with each ship so that when you switch ships your key binds follow. More importantly I would like to have a preferred keybind for bridge officers skills saved with the officer. If you switch out officers you would be given the option of having the officer's key binds affect the current set. Both features would really help with switching things around.


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Fleet Ship Designs
    As a fleet you have the option for Fleet uniforms. I would like to see the option in game for the fleets to be able to have specific fleet ship designs and/or paint jobs within the fleet for those people within the fleet who so choose to use. I feel that this gives an even larger uniform base for fleets not just in uniforms but in ships as well. Within this option window you would choose the ship then choose the skin or design along with the colors. All interiors such as bridge and such would be at the discretion of the player in the fleet. I feel that for those fleets that are largely PVP fleets this would be another asset to them and to be able to show their fleet colors as well.
    Team Warnings In-game
    As I have started to do more and more team oriented missions within the game an area I noticed that could be a great asset to the team and team leader is the ability to have a team warning message in game. How this ability would work is that there would be a team warning chat area that the leader would type the message into and the message would flash up on the screen to the player within the team not in regular chat. There are many players that close their chat window out to have a better screen view when it comes to PVP and also STF’s so therefore in regular team chat they would not see the message. This would work great in the teams where they are not using a voice chat or the leader is trying to get everyone to listen to something that has to be done. This could be flashed up across the screen in bold bright color letters or could be within a screen giving the message to the team where they would need to click okay or continue and in this instance could be put off to the side of the screen for the players to go back to and view again and then after so long the message would disappear.
    Duel Spec
    With the many ship choices in game for the fed side and now with more implemented into the Klingon side the ability to have 2 skill trees would be a great option to have. It becomes very bothersome that if I so choose to switch to another ship of a different class I have to change my skill tree to benefit that ship. How this ability would work is there would be 2 skill trees that are tabbed and then to activate a tree they would need to visit the skill trainer to activate the tree they would need. Example: I have a Vor’cha and a B’rel BoP. I usually run my B’rel BoP in PVP however I choose to use my Vor’cha for PVE missions. It would be great to have the ability to have 2 trees in place so when I am doing PVP I switch my tree to benefit my B’Rel build and load out and another tree to benefit my build and load out for my Vor’cha. This is not to say that the 2 trees can not be set up that one is for Space and the other is for ground as I can see this being a great ability as well and help round out players even more within STO. As for the abilities under training of what an officer can train to other officers. They would only have the ability to train what is active under their skill tree not what is available under their tree that they currently have inactive.

    Along the lines of the Duel Spec it would generate that the bars for our hot keys and assigned officers would be saved after we set it once so when we activate the tree connected to those abilities it will automatically load these for us. This is an ability I believe that would be great in any instance where people switch ships out the officers and bars that had last been used for that ship should already be set when the ship is activated again.

    Blood Dragoons
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Chang67 wrote: »
    This was sent to me by Defensor@KFgrauss of the House of Korax
    Subject: Cryptic feedback from defensor

    1) There seems to be a bug that hits me pretty often. If you are on a mission (i don't think it happens in pvp) and you die in space; there seems to a pretty high probability that the up arrow button will stop working and you can't direct power to the forward shields. You have to do it by redistributing power equally. It happens to me maybe 1 in 4 times.

    2) Keybinds: It would be nice to be able to save keybinds and assignments with each ship so that when you switch ships your key binds follow. More importantly I would like to have a preferred keybind for bridge officers skills saved with the officer. If you switch out officers you would be given the option of having the officer's key binds affect the current set. Both features would really help with switching things around.



    1) Does he have his inventory open by any chance? The arrow keys don't seem to work when the inventory's open in space. Or at least it used to be the case that you couldn't adjust shield facings with the the inventory open. Don't know if they fixed it.

    2) Agreed/signed.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    1) Since many people play as alien, how about making the mercenary costume available for the KDF side

    2) make armors visible on KDF toons just like it is on Starfleet side

    3) this wont be popular but lvl'ing up seems to fast to me especially with the episodes and daily's, think the skills tree needs some work to spread choices out more. maybe make it like this no tier lvl ships, but when your toon raises a level allow a certain number of BO ranks be slot-able and the player decides which class gets the slot to a degree this would allow all ships to be started but obviosly new larger ships would suffer under lower ranking toons with not enough rank to fully utilize such a large ship same goes with consoles on all ships with cap limit on how many so they end with same as current tier 5 ships.

    just some thoughts

    ok here is an edit to what I am thinking.

    center all tech upgrades for ships around R&D development all drops become common with rare uncommons, and supply as drops
    Cap and Hold becomes Supply capture which ever team controls all supply points gets 10 - 20 random supplies each

    same with arena which ever side wins the arena event gets 15 random supplies each
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Wow would be like work to read all this... well i just write what i would like to have changed...

    1. Usefull ensingh skills for tactical officers (what to do with 3 ensing skills in a escort?) maybe something like Polarize Hull?
    2. I would like to have up to 10 free positionable bars for skills
    3. Seperation from ground and space skill points
    4. retro escort with 3 eng consoles
    5. evasive maneuvers should hold just 3 seconds but with short recharge timer (think would be fun)
    7. Klingon bop retros not able to take points in capture and hold maps cloaked...
    8. more device slots for every ship
    9. Seperate Timer for Transwarp abilitys. And the Timer should run while not loged into that char.

    ... and cake every day :P
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    the primary goal of the sto team should be to implement this:

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010

    Short Term:
    -add the color purple to the costume editor of the uniforms, they have it for the off duty, but engineering/security for the Enterprise uni's is purple.

    Mid Term:
    - Make the BO stations player defined...I LOVE this feature in the birds of prey
    - Knives as a ground weapon :D
    -allow the special weapons (ie 23rd cent phasers, tr-116, etc) to scale their damage up with the player as he/she levels. Either as a scaling damage weapon, or a upgrade crafted at memory alpha :)

    Long Range:
    -Allow players to upgrade ship stations/weapon mounts (within reason of course lol) in order to extend the usefulness of the ship. Myself I would really like to be able to stay with a single ship for some of my characters (mostly for RP reasons), but the loss of BO abilities hurts a lil too much in the later stages of the game lol.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Hi !

    Short term :

    More exploration and diplomacy missions variety. (lifeform, unknown specie studies,... )
    More face patterns, expressions.
    Allow customisation/Starfleet uniforms on specials BO : KDF, Photonic, Breen.
    ( I'm curious to see what they look like without their armor)

    Mid term :

    Soloable STF.
    More places like Earth, Mars... Starfleet Academy, other planets.
    Hostile envirronments missions + spacesuit.

    Long Term :

    Allow BO to wear Kits for cosmetic purpose.
    More starship's rooms with more customisation options (Crew uniform, lighting, colors, ornaments, ...)
    More minigames.

    Proposal :

    Simplify more the Marks and Medals system or apply an exchange rate from old to new.
    Resize some ground weapons.
    Allow to "sell" unused Starships for some E credits.
    A real Memory Alpha Database where we can find details on history, planets, species...
    New R&D, craft system, stuff upgrade, that allow player to create/upgrade their own stuff's properties.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    1) Since many people play as alien, how about making the mercenary costume available for the KDF side

    2) make armors visible on KDF toons just like it is on Starfleet side

    3) this wont be popular but lvl'ing up seems to fast to me especially with the episodes and daily's, think the skills tree needs some work to spread choices out more.

    just some thoughts

    1) agreed, but only if you've bought it in the C-Store already.

    2) the only time in Star Trek anyone has worn anything even remotely resembling the armor in game now is in JJ's new movie. That's clearly Federation kit. Besides, Klingons in glittering blue/red/yellow armoour? Doesn't quite fit, imo.

    3) I'm curious what level you are. Are you admiral and now saying "slow everyone else down!"? I have a Commander (just dinged day before yesterday) and it took a fair amount of time. Possibly even a little too long, but I'd say fair. Anything longer would tip things over the edge from bearable to monotonous bore imo.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited November 2010
    Mike Name:IRONMIKE Title: Fleet Leader (House of Iron)
    Email : [email]ironmantmc2000@yahoo.com D[/email]ate :
    29 NOVEMBER 2010Question, Issue, Idea's or Grievance: A brief question or statement of what you wish to have discussed (1 sentence)Idea: Create a "Ship Storage Compartment” on the Menu for the main character Ship and increase the stack quantity for use consumed ship devices.Information: A more detailed explanation of why you are asking the question or what problem that needs to be resolved. (Please try to keep under 100 words):Explanation: Inthe characters ship menu, can you create a ship compartment for the characters to store any ship devices, ship equipment, weapons, shields, engines etc… Example: Create small, medium and large storage compartment.

    The small storage compartment can carry up to twelve (12) items, the medium storage compartment can carry up to twenty four (24) items and the large storage compartment can carry up to thirty six (36) items. There are three (3) JPEG called “Small storage compartment #1, Medium storage compartment #2 and Largestorage compartment#3”. When you acquire the small storage compartment and you want to up-grade to the medium storage compartment, you will lose the small storage compartment (unrecoverable) because the medium storage compartment took it place adding more space to your inventory box, the same applies by adding in the large storage compartment over the medium storage compartment. Once installed cannot be removed. You cannot purchase the medium storage compartment until you have purchase the small storage compartment first; the same applies to the large storage compartment.

    You must purchase the medium first, and then purchase the large storage compartment. This item can be bought in the Emblem store. Example: Small storage compartment worth 110 Emblem, medium storage compartment worth 120 Emblem and 130 Emblem for the large storage compartment. Explanation #2: Twenty stacks on the use consumed devices are not enough in the game, especially when playing the Infected, the cure etc….

    Twenty max stack is to small, it needs to be much higher because if you have eight sets of Weapons Battery, eight set of shield Battery and eight sets of Engine Battery, you pretty much took-up almost your inventory space, also it will over populate the inventory quickly because of the amount of item drops they acquire during the quest.

    Solution: How you perceive this should be resolved?Solution: Respectfully Request Cryptic and the Developers to create a “small, medium and large “Storage Compartment” in the characters ship menu for the main character and increase the use consumed devices quantity to 200 stack. There are three (3) JPEG called “Small storage compartment #1, Mediumstorage compartment#2 and Large storage compartment #3”.

    I am using Windows 7, using paint brush program to cut and paste method to move objects around and developing frame work. If you need to see the picture closer use the zoom method. For the storage compartment: “If you want it - Grind for it.! This is an encouragement for grinding in PVP daily or any other mission and daily mission that has Emblem points. This will get everyone involved to play the game even more. I hope this idea will improve the STO game, and make money for Cryptic Studio.

    P.S.Following use consumed devices are: Deuterium Surplus, Computer Core Fragment, Auxiliary Battery, Hargh’peng Launcher, Shield Battery, Weapons Battery, Engine Battery, Minor Components, Critical Components and Major Components.
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