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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • eraserfisheraserfish Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    Weapons balance rework. Encourage more choice in terms of tactical console selection, reduce predominance of cannon loaded escorts and tweak the firing ports for cannons, turrets, and dual beam banks so that they look better on Cruisers and Science Vessels.


    Interface and map object layout streamlining. Cut down on the number of buttons needed to access different windows and screens.


    More detailed ship interior customization and appearance. Allow players to determine what their main engineering section looks like, as well as purchase furniture and objects for their ready room/mess hall/bedroom.
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short term:

    1.: More costume options for KDF Gorn captains/BOffs. It seems Gorn NPCs have access to more costume parts then players do. Gorn players have almost no unique costume options (Orions and Nausicaans have a lot more than a leather strap) and are limited in what they can even borrow from the Klingons.

    2.: Costume options of any sort for KDF Marauder BOffs. I just unlocked T4 Marauder and picked out my Human tac officer and discovered to my profound dissapointment that I could not alter a thing about his appearance. Not even his stance. (He's a renegade human space pirate - he should swagger!) And then when I got to his uniform to see what options I could not apply, I see Mercenary gear (which I've unlocked) is listed. Showing me that and not allowing me to apply it is just downright frustrating.

    3.: Transwarp to New Romulus. There's a portal in orbit of the planet. I want to use it. Maybe make it an ability you can unlock at Tier 3 in the Romulan rep system.


    1.: Overhaul crafting. Don't make it cost so much dilithium to buy crafting materials. In many cases, it costs more dilithium to craft a component then costs to buy it outright from the dilithium store! Account for the time invested to gather the necessary data samples and particle traces, or up the number of those required. Let us craft Mk XII gear, and purple consoles. And more unique items - the Aegis set is excellent; I'd like to be able to make more of my own top-teir set equipment.

    2.: Klingon Faction available to start from Level 1. The T1 and T2 ships are already there. I can not think of any reason why the Klingons should have to start from T3/level 20, except for a lack of storyline mission content. Speaking of which...

    3.: More KDF-specific storyline episodes. The Fek'lhri are all well and good, but apart from that and four missions at the start, they get nothing. Did the High Council support B'Vat and his mad plan to unleash the Doomsday Machine, or augment the Gorn, or did J'mpok try to stop him? Don't they deserve more of a "war" with the Federation than a hit-and-run on Utopia Planetia and a rescue mission? What about internal conflicts, such as the Gorn seperatist movement? Or more fighting with the Romulans?

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    codybug18 wrote: »
    Long term request for this game that im thinking would be be great would be the horta species being an economic booster for this game like in the original series, like say to mine dilithium for you or gather energy credits, i know this sounds crazy but it will work im sure of it

    That is a very good idea.

    A Horta DOff that you could craft from a horta hatchling and assign to a DOff mission available on Vlugta or any dilithium-rich planet and requires trait: Silicon-Based Lifeform. Assignment takes 1d, rewards 1000 dilithium ore / 2500 on critical success, small chance of failure.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • innuwarriorinnuwarrior Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    First request : Stop giving us something and removing it when it becomes popular, prime exemple FM from officer report, another exemple, dilitium from stf at begining of S7. If thare hadn't been a major outcry about it, you wouldn't have thought it was a bad idea.

    Second request: give more FM for fleet mark missions. They are not worth the time and if you compare to Omega its ridiculously low. And please don't gimp STF to put less reward on them.

    Third request : Give us back a way other than commendation report to get decent amount of FM now that officer report is out of the picture.
    Jamal : Tactical space specialist. USS Bug Warrior and many others
    E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
    Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
    Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
  • milanvoriusmilanvorius Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Wow this is a blank check. I have read many posts, but likely missed these things on others' lists.

    My main desire is to increase the relevance of the cruiser and science. I have one of each branch in both factions and I cannot get over how much faster the "money maker" pve missions are with an escort. I understand there are different roles, but the sci and eng roles are too marginalized in most content for dilithium and marks.

    I have 1 wish at each level short, mid and long

    Short term
    Make science ships scanning go much faster than cruisers and cruisers scanning faster than escorts. Similarly make satellite heals and such faster on the cruiser, second fastest on the science and slowest with the escort. This creates flexibility in mission design where a science ship can get things done before reinforcements arrive, while the tac will have to face down the incoming waves because they are not as efficient scanning or repairing. I am thinking specifically of Azure Nebula and Gorn minefield. The science ship would lower the tractors in Azure much faster than the escort, and might be able to get them down between enemy volleys which makes up for the massive disparity in effectiveness of the dps dealers. Cruisers would be slightly faster or have a higher resistance to take fire and not "break their concentration" on lowering the tractors with incoming fire. This optimizes each ship's role.

    Mid Term
    Fix balance for PvP and PvE in one shot. Create a separate skill tree for pvp and pve, also have a "A" and "B" load out for the ship. for PvP and Pve. This would allow us to not have to swap out things based on the drastically different game play and yet allow the programers to have powers work as intended in pvp, yet that is different in the other by nerfing or buffing each.

    Long Term

    While I would have liked the space battles to feel more like the shows/movie where you watch your hull bleed down slower and caveat that with the fact that if your ship actually gets destroyed you lose everything on it. (this would mean there would be more tactical withdraws and disables that were more common in startrek shows) I think that it would be best if there were more injuries taken to the ship before it was actually destroyed that took time to heal, not just the repair kit and a mouse click. THis would give the sci and eng more options in combat other than just causing massive DPS like the tac escourt in pvp.
    PvE Jem'Hadar motto: Participation Ribbons are life.
  • kylelockekylelocke Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short -Term

    Cycle through the old Limited of time offers for Fleet Special Projects so that new fleets and small fleets that couldn't afford them have the chance to build them. Alternatively turn them into Tier V Specisl Projects.


    Well I'd like to see the Fleet Starbases completed. Tier V still looks like it's missing some things, like they're supposed to look like Starbase 39 on the outside and the interior is supposed to have a window and something in the middle of the main floor. I don't know how it is for the KDF but there appears that there's supposed to be more content.

    New Story Missions, it feels like some of the arcs have been left open ended on purpose and I'd like some closure. Not too mention that it seems like there are plans to bring in Nicole De'Boer and a few other characters from the series, if not maybe a few characters modelled after them.
    "I will make the Orion Syndicate face the light of justice or burn them with it." - Captainl Kyle Nathaniel Locke, U.S.S. Excalibur NCC-98105-C
  • andihraveyandihravey Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short Term.

    Better Bridges (excelsior, motion picture, constellation bridges etc)

    bridge needs to be more interactive. for example able to plot and engage a course from the helm and able to travel to different sectors and systems whilst sat on the bridge

    option to customize a ship at a price, for example to increase the rank of the console slot from Lt to Lt cmdr to better fit that persons spec.

    Better graphics such as battle damage. also maybe an option to pay to have the battle damage on (scorching etc) repaired or an option to keep it and repair it at a later date.

    Medium term.
    Devs need to listen to players more seen as we are the ones spending the money on the game by buying stuff.

    making the game more consistent with the star trek universe.
  • marcoramiusmarcoramius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    How about a new FX for the poloron beam weps like the antiproton beam weps. A straight beam FX instead of the current squiggly one.:)
  • teshultzteshultz Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I noticed today that follow ways taken away.
    Now used follow all the time
    and I use target forwarding.

    I have been playing with 4 Life time accounts since the beginning.

    SHort Time:

    Put Follow and target of my target back in.

    Long term:

    I like to see the captain skills back the way they were in the beginning.
  • squatsaucesquatsauce Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ok. For what it's worth:

    Top 3 short term requests:

    1) Adjust the fleet base system resource drops so that these huge, dedicated group projects can be advanced by the players doing the things they enjoy doing, not the things that Cryptic feels that they should do. Engaging in PvP combat, running Cryptic's missions, PvE events, STFs, running random patrols in space, and foundry missions should all be viable ways of obtaining the things that fleet base construction requires. Arbitrarily funneling player time into tedious, boring, repetitive tasks will quickly make a game feel stale. Opening up the avenues by which a fleet can advance itself will help things feel fresher longer as players can switch between play styles.

    2) Improve the utility of beam-based weapons. They do not necessarily need to do more DPS, but making them more accurate or more likely to generate procs can increase their effectiveness without stealing the cannon's thunder.

    3) Rebalance the high end Galaxy variants. Added survivability is nice, but the game's mechanics do not seem to provide Galaxy captains a way of capitalizing on it. Anemic DPS and iffy engineering consoles makes it harder for the ship to draw aggro.

    3 mid term requests:

    1) Open up the Fleet Starbase system some. Let fleets be able to exchange resources for temporary access to each other's vendor loadouts and ship yards. This makes smaller fleets less onerous to run as one doesn't necessarily need to spend months and years of additional grinding in order to obtain high end gear. This also lets larger fleets have a way of generating more income. It also gives fleets an impetus to grow as obtaining the next tier of weapons or ships means they can rent out those things for additional resources.

    2) Add fleet story missions. Create a chain of missions similar to what you would get playing the single-player episodic content that can only be run by 3 or 5 members of the same fleet. The missions would award some interesting reward for completing the chain as well as typical fleet resources. It gives fleets an additional avenue to advance themselves as well as providing a change of pace for folks already burned out by existing content.

    3) Give us non-humanoid character builder stuff. The character generator is great, but it would be nice to be able to play as or make a character that isn't, essentially, a human with odd proportions and a funny head. It's mostly flavor stuff, admittedly, but it would be fun.

    3 long term requests:

    1) Asset scaling. I know it will require a lot of work, but maybe making building that don't look like they were built for giants from some bygone era or bridges smaller than football fields would be nice.

    2) More factions to play as. The Romulan/Remans are well-developed enough to warrant their own mini-faction at least. The First Federation could also be introduced, giving players a new set of races to try out and some interesting ships of their own.

    3) Revised ship classes. The current setup was fine when the game started, but as more ships have been added, it seems that revising ship roles some and adding, perhaps, a new ship class or two could add some more variety to the game. We could standardize carriers and add pet-boosting abilities to Tac BOffs (or make new "Wing Commander" BOffs and stations). We could also split cruisers into Command Cruisers with several built in always-on team buffs to choose from and Heavy Cruisers with bonuses to hulls and shields and ways to spike aggro without needing to generate DPS. Stuff like that.

    So, there ya go!
  • dan6526dan6526 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short Term:
    • Finished Klingon PVE Content
    • Re-buffed offensive Science BOFF powers
    • Separate walk animations from stances
    • Matte selection for tailor and general seam improvements

    Mid Term:
    • Complete, INDEPENDENT, Romulan Faction (Romulans, Remans, and Hirogen... oh my)
    • Customizable ship interiors, TOS Movie Bridges, Wrath of Khan uniform update (pip-striping for admirals and rank insignia for all other officers)
    • More Off-Duty attire, especially for social zones (something(s) appropriate for Risa and Andoria)
    • Larger control of Enemy NPC spawning in Foundary Missions to add depth and appropriate level of challenge intended

    Long Term:
    • Complete, independent, True Way Faction (Dominion, Cardassian, et al)
    • Rank restructure (being an admiral must make sense or not exist)
    • More purpose for ship interiors
    • Ship balance achieved
    • Complex trigger system and mechanics available for Foundary to make puzzles and failure possible
  • gethralkin1gethralkin1 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Sorry for the following wordiness, but here are some various issues that we have run into as a Fleet that we would like to see addressed, and brevity would lose something:

    Short Term
    Fleet News:
    As it currently operates, the Fleet News feature is close to useless. It queues useless highlights, such as what boff has been promoted. Mind you, not even which fleet member promoted it or what it was promoted to, but only that a boff somewhere was promoted and so many times that useful info is pushed off the queue. Useful Fleet News to list would include what Fleet member queued what Fleet Project, or created what Fleet Event, etc. - basically, something pertinent to Fleet activities.

    Additionally, having more than one page of News items would be useful if the queue gets too long. Or allowing high rank fleet members - or even just fleet leaders - the ability to select what is newsworthy for the fleet.

    Mid Term
    Fleet Events:
    A little bit better event creation panel that has event type selection option for choosing what Fleet activity (stf/mission/scenario) to schedule. Events then could begin as scheduled with all the appropriate features planned out ahead.

    The type of event could even be listed on the Fleet window front page for members to instantly see.

    Also, the RSVP button would not be amiss on the event listed on the front page.

    Fleet Projects:
    There needs to be some way to guarantee that any given member could contribute a certain percentage to a fleet project. The fleet I am in is having problems with certain members starting special projects and filling most of the "easy stuff" right away.

    Without having a report on who starts what, it is difficult to regulate that. In lieu of that, how about a cool-down timer (of sorts), in which the contributing member will only be allowed to supply a certain percentage of the projects based on the size of the fleet?

    Another suggestion was that the project could be initiated by the member, but doesn't immediately become active for accepting contributions. This would allow for everyone in the fleet to have a fair chance to see what's coming up and when. Alternatively (and would possibly be more feasible), the project queue could be visible to members above a certain rank (like established members, and not those recently added to the fleet). Ranked fleet members would see the next upcoming project, even if they could not select it.

    The aim is not to prevent fleet progression, but to balance it with who gets credit for contributing.

    One suggestion from a fleet member was to limit the amount of 'x item' that each fleet member could contribute to each project per day/week/etc.

    Long Term
    Fleet Foundry Missions gateways:
    Make the Fleet Starbases capable of launch points and/or way points for Foundry missions. This would make Starbases more of a hub and busy with Fleet member activity.

    Fleet starbase/Embassy missions:
    Make Fleet specific missions (apart from Watch Officer or the implied upcoming interfleet Starbase space engagements) with special/unique Fleet rewards on completion. These could be similar to STFs, for instance, with repelling boarding parties, hazard containment missions, prisoner transfer escape attempts, etc. Such missions would be ideal for RP action on the Fleet starbase.

  • wolfexile1wolfexile1 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Mid Term:

    New nagus. Rom is too nice, And the greed and sexism of the ferengi empire is going way down, This needs to change.

    Greedy grand nagus 2409!
  • rellimierellimie Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Some mentioned before but here is mine:

    Short -

    Battle scars. Give me ship costumes that let me put permanent battle scars and scorch marks on my hull. I put my ship through hell in every STF and I want to show it.

    Medium and Long -

    More ship interior customization. I'd like to travel through sector space while in my ship.

    It would also be cool if I could hail star fleet on my view screen and I could move my bridge officers around. I'd like to play my 1st officer in the 2nd command chair and I'd like my engineer to be in engineering.

    I'd also like to see a few more rooms like a shuttle bay, conference lounge, and working holo deck. Maybe even an astrometrics lab and cargo bay.

    Oh and please make it so that all the chairs in the game both on the ship and in star bases are "click to sit".
  • novadeniednovadenied Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    short term.

    please give us a UI indication of fighters and attack ships currently in battle, because we have no idea if we need to put more on the field. i don' know about everyone else but i just keep sending em out as soon as the timer cools down and it would be great if i just knew what was going on with my attack craft. Also please let our alien toons have tails because cats are not the only entity in the galaxy that have tails.

    Thank you.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    wolfexile1 wrote: »
    Mid Term:

    New nagus. Rom is too nice, And the greed and sexism of the ferengi empire is going way down, This needs to change.

    Greedy grand nagus 2409!

    I want to change my answer to this. Down with Rom!

    Keep his wife though, she's awesome.
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • raeatraeat Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hunt down, tag, sterilize, and exterminate confirmation messages. In Star Trek, the first officer *never* asks "are you sure, are you really, really sure" (Windows style) unless there is a good reason to do so. I currently want to hurt my first officer, and keep ... hurting him...

    The fake Red Alert Borg/Tholian thing is really getting rilly, rilly tiresome (even more tiresome than the "are you sure" confirmation messages), and (frankly) unprofessional. Have the alerts messages end when the alert is no longer answerable. Warping in only to warp back out is terrible.

    While we're on the topic, can't someone change the text on the Tholian alerts so they don't read like Borg ones?

    And still on topic, can we have the game remember where you were when you warped into the alert, and return you to that spot (this ability is obviously available in the game, since the game database remembers logout location).

    The way PCs/NPCs snag on pebbles, low steps, plants, etc., is really awful. Reminds me of games from 10-20 years ago...

    Really Long Term:
    Isn't it about time to realize that there is more than more than enough content in the game that scaling is no longer necessary.
  • dalmaciusdalmacius Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I wonder when PW will see the idea of Characters being able to marry....just like in JD.
    I suppose they would have the advantage to warping to their respective partners and maybe having their own quarters. Whether hetero or homo in starfleet and maybe polygamous relationships in Klinkland....lol
  • viciouswolf1viciouswolf1 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Be able to change into different uniforms without having to visit a star base. As long as a player isn't changing the look they should be able to change into any of their already designed outfits.

    Change the turn rate on the Odyssey. It's unplayable. Worst $25 I ever spent. By the time you turn the other players are already attacking and finishing the next group of targets.
  • ericphailericphail Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short/medium term: Pet status on UI: I need to know how my fighters are darnit.

    Longer than that: The ability split fighter duties (frigates on offense, fighters cover me)

    Re: Viciouswolf. You can change to a pre-created outfit anywhere. Right click your character portrait, choose 'set outfit' or whatever it's called, pick whichever one you like
  • hapievohapievo Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Here's my two cents!

    Short term: Make it so that going from inventory to the replicator does not change the section of the duty officer window (when viewing the duty officer projects from your bridge officers if you open up your inventory and go to the replicator it goes back to show personal/zone duty officer projects). This makes it very annoying when trying to go through multiple duty officer projects.

    Mid-Term: Make it so I can adjust the color of the ranks for the Bajoran Militia Uniform. As it stands now If I go to the equivalent rank of Vice Admiral the shoulders of the uniform are in gold instead of matching the color of the uniform (which is more in line with canon).

    See: http://wiki.maquis.com/w/Image:Krim_%28General%29.jpg

    Long Term:
    Increase effectiveness of consoles across the board but make them 1 per ship (e.g., how the field generator used to be). This would allow more diversity/flexibility in builds as well as the use of some of the unique universal consoles without losing effectiveness in damage, defense, etc.
  • endlesspaceendlesspace Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't know which range this falls into, but how about a bridge view? Space missions can seem overwhelming with all of space around you, and nothing to frame your view except the user interface.

    edit. Mid-term: An online game manual (including a list of common MMO terms) please. Everything would be easier if there were a one-stop resource for gameplay information.
    "My home is not a place. It is people, sir."
    - Aral Vorkosigan
  • edwarlordedwarlord Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    Omega/Synchronic Proton Distortion Prototype Assault Rifle enabled visuals PLEASE!

    Omega weapon color coordinated with the omega armor like the maco weapon is with its armor PLEASE!
  • totenmettotenmet Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short term: undo tricbalt changes implemented on February 14, 2013
    Mid term: undo tricbalt changes implemented on February 14, 2013
    Long term: undo tricbalt changes implemented on February 14, 2013

    And fix everything that is not working as specified!
  • brindalblade1brindalblade1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    #1 More hair cuts, as Klingons did not have dreds. The Orion Slave Girl in "The Cage" (ST: TOS) had a "Betty Page" cut. That is the short one.

    #2 Stills, Your ships, your Captains, your brige officers. Singley and in grupes. You can print them out. Us old paper and dice RPGers like to have mementoes. That takes care of mid-term.

    #3 A wider pick of parts to custom bild ships with.

    That's all I'v got. I happy with this game.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • endlesspaceendlesspace Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Mid/long-term: It would be nice if Spock's narration came with subtitles. For whatever reason I cannot seem to turn my computer's volume up to a more audible level.
    "My home is not a place. It is people, sir."
    - Aral Vorkosigan
  • daisyrentondaisyrenton Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Mid/long-term: Crack down on organized griefers such as Starfleet Dental. I'm not talking about blowing a few balloons around Drozana or being a bit mean to roleplayers--I'm talking about spewing homo- and transphobic abuse in chat, allegedly hacking into and clearing a player's account, and banding together to harass and antagonise an autistic player. This is driving people from the game.
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short term

    1. Bring space Science powers back to useful levels of performance.

    2. Re-examine beam drain mechanics (or weapon drain generally).

    3. Introduce ability to merge similar individual beams into a single more powerful beam (if only as a console ability on a specific ship).

    Mid term

    1. Exploration revamp (my suggestions here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=564581).

    2. PvP revamp. New maps, faction based PvPvE territory control, open PvP areas, more rewards for doing PvP.

    3. 'Classic' parts for more ship classes (Excelsior, Ambassador, and Galaxy generation).

    Long term

    Errr... keep up the hard work? ;)
  • chronoss2012chronoss2012 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    now im a canadian and i do not have a ZIP
    i fille dout my postal and the number for card etc and et all. THEN i see

    what am i to enter there? i do not have a zip code
    and if i cant buy zen what am i wasting my time here for building up....
This discussion has been closed.