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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • elnatorelnator Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    More Episodes
    More Episodes
    More Episodes

    Revisit OLD ships to bring them on par with more recently released ships. It's a shame that many iconic and awesome ship hulls are totally pointless to use in the game even as a PVE pilot when the newer ship hulls released this past year outclass them so badly.
    - Damn the torpedos! Full speed ahead!
  • davidthegeekdavidthegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short Term:
    1. Proper sorting of last column in fleet roster (Last online date, total contributions, etc)

    Mid Term:
    1. Fleet logo on starbase and in embassy as an option (vs federation logo)
    2. Officer mail option (Send mail to all fleet officers)
    3. Fleet uniforms on NPCs in fleet starbase (assignable as a random option from the uniform tab?)

    Long Term:
    1. Elite Romulan missions for extra romulan marks/added challenge
    2. Ability to easily create fleet teams (Think fleet "lobby" that shows current fleet teams, what players are in them and what they're doing).
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can we get some newer hairstyles for the females.The ones we are got are old and out of date.One i would like to see is long hair added Straight to Curly hair and Stunning Short Hairstyles this would be a great add on for the females.:D
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • mrtrikordermrtrikorder Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    How about:

    - Fixing the tons of ancient Bugs instead of adding more bugs with new content and not fixing them either?

    - A complete and up-to-date database. (stowiki is useless and out of date)

    - No more hidden game mechanics (like box-probabilities, the non-liniear console bonusses etc.)
  • nachobizniznachobizniz Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    We should have an option to choose what ship we want to fly at respawn. This would not be an imbalance because you either have a ship... or you don't. I believe this would give value to the ships many of us veteran players have invested so heavily in but rarely fly because its just a total pain to switch ships presently.

    I also believe it would give veteran players a lot to do, to set up their ships, and force them to diversify a bit with unique equipment sets that can only be placed in one ship at a time.

    As a side note, please create a system where a fleet can award provisions, and once awarded, we can spend as we see fit, when we see fit.
  • microflopmicroflop Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'd love to see more customization of ships.

    E.g; Different warp cores, having armour slots (independent of engineering slots), computer core upgrades, etc.

    Just love to be able to really make my ship unique.
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    - Academic Titles (Doctor, Professor..) for BOffs

    - Big wish: a regulary "Unbound Week". One or two weeks per month, items (gear, weapons, Lobi...) who are generelly bound to an account, are unlocked and free to trade.

    Players would do more STFs to get marks and other stuff and sell it over Exchange.
  • admiralm0ttadmiralm0tt Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short: Andorian (Kumari) Ship with unique bridge
    Mid: Romulan/Cardassian playable factions (with starships)
    Long: More missions like Temporal Ambassador
  • nigral34nigral34 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Add a count down timer to the daily dilithium refining button.
  • jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    A starbase in orbit of New Romulus for ship-switching, tailor, etc.
  • paragon92518paragon92518 Member Posts: 268
    edited February 2013
    1. Zhukov / Yamaguchi Ambassador Class skins
    2. Niagara Class & New Orleans Class
    3. Rommie playable faction (shared between KDF /Fed)
  • captainbradycaptainbrady Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short Term:
    1. Proper sorting of last column in fleet roster (Last online date, total contributions, etc)

    Mid Term:
    1. Fleet logo on starbase and in embassy as an option (vs federation logo)
    2. Officer mail option (Send mail to all fleet officers)
    3. Fleet uniforms on NPCs in fleet starbase (assignable as a random option from the uniform tab?)

    All if have to say is YES YES AND YES!!!. Why can't we have our fleet logos on our base? Since these bases and embassies are so expensive, we should have the right to customize them. Our crewmen both on base and on our ships shouldn't look like ate up tools, they should have our uniforms on. Officer mail is a great idea too. As a fleet founder, sometimes I just want to talk to my officers and get their feedback.
  • janusforbearejanusforbeare Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I seriously doubt the devs are reading every post in a 350+ page thread, but for the hell of it...

    Short term: Additional KDF costumes and especially hairstyles (show me ONE episode of Trek where a Klingon has dreadlocks).

    Mid term: Vastly improved bridge mechanics (automated travel while shipside, shipboard missions, customizable interiors).

    Long term: Tribble faction. Duh.
  • dranaldranal Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Please - TAKE THESE BALLOONS OUT OF THE GAME!!!! They add lag to graphics and are annoying. It would be different if we could shoot them. They were cute for a minute - now they're just aggravating.
  • narsussnarsuss Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short term:

    Add gorn costume parts. or make some thing nice up to go with the spec ops eye shields they have.

    what a baout a special melee mechanic for gorns claw attack?

    Race specific bridges. i am quite sure a gorn bridge and an orion bridge wont look like a kdf bridge.

    a complete set of interior maps for the lock box ships and lobi store ships ( the jem'hadar dreadnaught carrier should have a huge cavern for a bridge like the kdf carrier ones.

    Mid term:

    the ability to chose what kind of races are on your ship ( im have a races gorn vs Klingon so would like my crew to reflect that)

    lets take all of those useless consoles you guys added to some of these ships that cant be used on any other type of ship and make them innate again please. For example: the defiant cloaking device and the one for the dreadnaught should be innate ability. it usless space when it can only be used on that one ships.

    what about making weaker versions of some of the kdf race ships and putting them in the game as selectable ships. the kdf could use more options of ships to chose from.

    I would like to see a couple of ore gorn ships in game. like their battleship or a single hanger carrier. ( yea i love the gorn my favorite race)

    Long term:

    what about a Merc faction, a neutral one that players who dont like teh kdf or the feds can flee to and unite. they can hire themselves out to factions and help them on missions and stuff. Or maybe a defection program for toons who don't like there they are but don't want to make up an opposite faction toon.
  • neleej1neleej1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Romulan/Cardassian playable factions (with starships)

    Definitely a must. The Star Trek universe is vast and should not be limited to only 2 playable factions.

    Long term: integrate all factions as playable into the main storyline.
  • gantoris007gantoris007 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    -more account wide ships?
    -more emotes / zen store emotes pack
    (more social emotes for those who like to socialize. think second life?)
    -allow 100% user modding of UI interface, blizzard style.

    -ground pet duels, similar to pokemon, or 'pet battles' in WoW.
    -romance abilities with ship characters
    -more verticality in space combat
    -a "Ghostbusters style" minigame or boss battle when fighting and capturing incorporeal entities.
    -ground mounts or personal mobility devices of some kind
    -more missions IN the mirror universe

    -non-humanoid (less human looking) playable alien races. (bird like, dinosaur like, quadruped, etherial, tholian... would)
    -cover shooter mechanic (gear of war style)
    -ground boff positioning ability (republic commando or rainbow six style. playing boffs tactically in cover for sniper, covering positions)
    -destructible environments
    -larger ground environments (with mounts)
    -increase in type/variety of minigame mechanics

    class-specific methods for collecting and crafting, similar to WoW. resources (mining/archeology/herbology could turn into tactical salvage analysis/xenoarchaology/bio-survey, with corresponding resources or crafting componenets. Thus character development and skill choice would be connected to crafting tree options.

    Thanks for all your hard work guys.

  • gantoris007gantoris007 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    many aspects of the game would be more engaging with one alteration:

    interaction with computer consoles and terminals, tricorders etcetera, with a believable lcars menu system. the ability to conduct actual scans and solve problems, get data, while using the computer systems would make these minigames much more immersive and enjoyable.
  • calexistacalexista Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would like to see a fleet leaderboard that lets you track weekly and monthly contributions not just the lifetime.
  • fmjoshuafmjoshua Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short Term request:
    More colors on ships! I like how the AU has a paint job, why not make it a standard.

    Mid term request:
    NX Class Refit for Vice Admirals. That would kick some serious butt.

    Long term request:
    Kill the lag in ESD.
    I once thought that the borg were unstoppable. Now I think they're just idiots.
  • shifter777shifter777 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Server Stability, Bandwith Upgraded to handle the amount of people that play, and of couarse Content;)
  • joe3871joe3871 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't know how to categrorize my requests:

    I would like to see more Missions...not just in the Foundry (which are very good) but 'official' continuations to say the Icaran threat, the Undine, Cardassian, Klingon war, etc.

    I would like to see bridge packs for the earlier period of Star Trek. We have the uniforms, no how about the bridges? ST TMP, II, III, V. Enterprise-B and Excelsior bridges.

    Oh, and Marquis playable factions, with ships.

    And more planets from TOS. Sigma Iota, Cappella, Neural. Would love to visit these places, not in missions, but just as flavor, backgrounds.
  • bladepriestbladepriest Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    First off if any of the following suggestions have already been made I apologize for not reading through nearly 360 pages.

    - Raise the limit of Dil that can be refined per day

    - Make the cost of the Master Keys a $1 instead of $1.25. I know this is a profit based decision but when so much depends on them in the form of lock boxes which for the most part give TRIBBLE. People are still gonna buy them and it will still be bringing in a profit. Either that or run more specials on them so that they are more affordable for what they little good stuff they get out of the lockboxes. Either that or make the odds better of getting the better drops from the boxes.

    - Give the Escort Class of ships a better resistance to damage similar to Neutronium Alloy Armor. The Cruisers have more 10%-15% hull and the science vessels have much better shields as much as double and the Defiant had ablative armor in the series. This would even out the defensive side of the three classes.

    - Allow more customization of fleet ships that we are paying for or at least up grade those ships in more personal way. For example add a console where we choose instead of a ?generic? placement. Allow us to add additional bridge officer slots up to "X" amount. As an alternative to this allow us to upgrade an existing slot. This should only be available on the Fleet ships that we are already paying for. This could be added as a Tier VI ability at our starbase shipyards.

    - Allow the Universal Consoles to be placed in the Device Slot area but not consumed. Alternately add an additional area that is specifically only usable by Universal Consoles. This could possibly be based on the class of the ship for example Escorts and Science ships get one and Cruisers get two. I would recommend that it would be based upon the size of the ship some ships like the Odyssey Class ships would all have two since they are very large ships and they cover all three types of ships.

    -Fix the shortcomings of the Dreadnaught Cruiser. As a DPS based cruiser it is not worth buying for such a large price tag. Since it is so slow in the turns it does a poor job at best when equipped with cannons which are the one thing that sets it apart from most other cruisers, maybe all since I can?t recall any other cruisers that can equip duel cannons. One option would be to allow more than one turret to be mounted on it possibly in place of the ability to use cannons.
    The same can be said of the weak hull and shields of the Aquarius Destroyer. For as expensive as this ship is it is fairly weak for being in the highest ranking of escorts.

    - Via our starbase, allow us to completely build ships from the ground up. The starbases themselves already have the capability as verified by building Fleet Ships. For instance you pay X amount for each major frame type ie: Escort, Cruiser or Science. Then from there charge based upon the additional amount of hull, shields, consoles, bridge officer slots, ect.
    For instance:
    Base Ship: 50000 Dil (this would give you the following: 1 Fore and Aft Weapon slot, Deflector, Engine and Shield slot for free) Alternately the cost could be the standard 4 Fleet Ship Modules as with other fleet ships instead of 50,000 Dil.
    Each point of Hull: 1 Dil
    Shield Modifier per between .1 and 1: 500 Dil (ie a .5 modifier would be 2500 Dil)
    Shield Modifier Over 1: 5000 Dil (ie a 1.4 modifier would cost 25000 Dil)
    Turn Rate: 1000 per point
    Inertia: 100 per point of Inertia
    Each Fore Weapon Slot: 10000 Dil
    Each Aft Weapon Slot: 10000 Dil
    Each Device Slots: 1000 Dil
    Each Bridge Officer Station: 10000 Dil
    Bridge Officer Rank: 10000 Dil per station
    Each Innate Bonus that the ship gets: 10000 Dil
    Carrier Ability: 10000 Dil per hanger (maybe more depending on how many ships and of what type it can launch)
    Although these are just numbers that I have thrown out there it should be very expensive so that every Tom, **** and Harry isn?t running around with super ships. Like with everything else it would eventually be more accessible to more people especially those who have played for a long time.
    The skin of the ship would be able to be customized based on the base ship type. All of the various choices would be able to be made from any and all of the corresponding ships that fall into that class i.e. Cruiser, Escort or Science. This would allow the people to truly customize the look of their ships instead of being limited to 3 basic selections if that in several cases of ?unique? ships.

    - Add a third freelance faction that can deal with both the Federation and the Klingon. Maybe have it be something you pay for with Zen or something only open to people that have lifetime subscriptions. It would be awesome if they could choose from ships from both sides freely. I know I have seen elsewhere that it has been stated that the Cardassians and Romulans together would be the logical choose since both factions have pretty much been blasted into a shell of their former glory. Yet they still have enough influence to be something of a threat. I would like to see a completely open faction open to everyone and sort of a cluster of species and technology.

    - Allow us to personalize our kits to have what we want in them. Alternately have a new level of kit that can be modified as such. With the ability to have what ever level we want in the 4 slots that are available in the class based kits. This would obviously be a top tier item and would on be available to admirals and possibly only vice admirals.
  • trekkerreecetrekkerreece Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013



    sorry for caps.
  • taylorsith79taylorsith79 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I just have a few thoughts though they aren't really short,mid,or long.. They need to create some different enemies, the Kazon maybe or the Videans.. also if we have transwarp how about going back to the Delta Quad. and extending the level of characters from 50 to well something more..
  • jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This occurred to me today when I started a new character:

    Allow your Tier 1/4 ships to scale along with the player; that way, they're still viable in end-game. Allow the purchase of additional weapon/console space via dilithium/what have you. I love the Connie, but it's a bit annoying that I can only use it for ten levels before it becomes worthless.
  • edwarlordedwarlord Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short - Mid Term:

    Address and FIX crew damage mitigation aswell as recovery/regeneration effects, please.
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. for foundry missions, pls allow us to search then by mission place (only current locations, max 1up to selectable - range in sectors away) - if you are at earrth mayby you dont want to look for missions which take place 10 sectors away, similiar if you are memory alpha ... etc.
    2. ship comparions - if i want to buy new escort ship for me it is REALY pain to compare thier stats for now idealy you will have screen with 3 ships posible selection, you can put here your ship you own and ones you desire - ideal case i own this escort ship, but i want to compare it to new escort ship and maby new science/cruises ship qwhich may beter suit you.
  • codybug18codybug18 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Long term request for this game that im thinking would be be great would be the horta species being an economic booster for this game like in the original series, like say to mine dilithium for you or gather energy credits, i know this sounds crazy but it will work im sure of it :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
  • theillusivenmantheillusivenman Member Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short Term: More clothes/visual sets, More account-wide ships, More Zen ships
    Medium Term: KDF playable from level 1 with a dedicated tutorial mission, KDF Content that rivals FED content, more Featured Episodes
    Long Term: Playable Romulan faction (with Remans), More open-world planets (like New Romulus, Defera, Nukara), open world-PvP zone (space and ground), Ability to custom-made ship bridges (coming as a possibility with NWO), new wave of STFs against the new enemy (Iconians)
    "Reality is a thing of the past."
    Proud supporter of equality for all human beings.
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