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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • herbiehdykemanherbiehdykeman Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I have a thought although I don't know if it would be be classified as short, medium, or long-term request but it would be an optional red-shirt difficulty setting for missions and it would depend on how attentive the player is on making sure his BOFF is properly equipped to handle the danger on the mission or how quickly the player can revive the Boff if the BOFF is incapacitated. If the player fails to act expeditiously, the BOFF could die.

    At the conclusion of the mission, whether the mission itself is a success or a failure, the game could go to a cutscene on the ship's torpedo deck with the player's toon saying a few words in the presence of his surviving BOFFs and other ships crew. This would be followed by a shot of the player's ship shooting a single photon torpedo into space.

    Of course this would leave an open slot for the player to recruit a new BOFF and all the old BOFF's gear would be automatically placed in inventory.
  • corgibot#7914 corgibot Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    1. Additional Hairstyles(primarily female)

    2. Expanded Unique Interiors, like the new Andorian bridge, maybe add more to it? ect...

    3. ST:Enterprise NX-01 Bridge and interior(similar to the TOS pack)

    I really would like to see more Hairstyles, out of the three it's probably the easiest to make happen as it doesn't require licensing. More Long styles and maybe a few mid-length styles.
  • paintbreakpaintbreak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    One thing only: Give us the damned Jem Attack Ship Hangar for the Dread. There's no way to dispel the whole, "Greedy, Under-handed, Trolling Dev" image, but you can at least make up for a tiny amount of the intense idiocy most recently displayed.
  • destikhardestikhar Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Short term, Fix whatever you patched that is making me crash out of every instance I'm in, Starbase 24 crashed out twice, Gorn minefield once, azure nebula once. Thats EVERY mission I have been on.
  • sabremeister1sabremeister1 Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Short term:
    • Allow selecting of categories of Accolades, so you can see more easily which ones you have and have yet to get (ie. to find out how far along for Arucanis Wanderer you are, you don't need to scroll down past 100 other entries of the commendation, damage, exploration, general etc)
    • Show how many other people are in the queue for PvE scenarios, or how long the expected wait to start will be
    • Fix it so the login screen shows the name of the ship you're actually in, not the shuttle you have readied but haven't used in months

    Medium term:
    • Bring back ship weapons that have a (Borg) bonus effect! All the different damage types please, not just antiproton
    • Allow setting of crew uniforms, so when you visit your bridge the random NPCs wear that uniform, not just the BOffs
    • Scale the fleet starbase special projects to be within reach of smaller fleets. 200k Dilithium might not take fleets with 50+ members to reach, but for fleets with 10 or 20 members it would be easier to build towards 50k Dil

    Long term:
    • Release 1 new lockbox per year at a regular time, and have re-releases of the old ones in the month beforehand
    • More STFs against enemies other than the Borg (currently 8 vs Borg, 1 vs Undine - more Undine STFs!)
    • Players not in fleets and who don't want to play in a fleet still want to get hold of fleet ships - let us pay latinum or dilithium instead of fleet credits for them, and not have to join a fleet just to raid the shipyard and leave again
  • sasheriasasheria Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Short Term
    IF Red ALert is done (i.e. failed or complete) It WILL NOT show up for other players to warp in and comes into an empty fight and have to warp out. I notice that when flying around and suddenly I see "Red Alert" (after zoning in and flying toward something in the middle of the map like DS9) Red alert pop up and I zone in to an empty event.

    I would like DoFF mission to display which one I'm currently not "max level" I hate to keep flipping screens ;)

    Mid Term
    It would be nice to have an option to "pre-load" the next job with commodities. while it is awesome to "queue" your rep, but it doesn't auto complete and the next one doesn't really load up. So why have a "queue up" function?

    Long Term
    Update crafting - It should be more "robust" instead of specific item. It would be cool if I can open an UI and choose my basic [damage type] + [Weapon type] + [Weapon Grade] + [Modifier] This will give me what is needed (materials already exist in game) now I can extra damage type (like [Phased] [Polaron]) but it will cost EXTRA Dil or whatever) I can also add upto x3 modifier. so I can choose [DMG] [DMG] [CTH] (extra will cost Dil)

    Once I hit assemble, it has a chance to create "very rare" version (lets say 1%) so 80% green 19% blue and 1% purple.
    To grow old is inevitable, to grow up is optional.
    Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
  • bladepriestbladepriest Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Short Term

    1) Allow more Dil to be converted daily.
    2) Fix the rate at which worth while drops come from the lock boxes.
    3) Grant lifetime subscribers the ability to purchase items that haven't been available since before they started playing. For example if someone just started playing and paid for a lifetime subscription ($300 which isn't cheap) give them someplace that they can purchase such items. Maybe via the lobi store.

    Mid Term

    1) Fix the Dreadnaught Cruiser, please. Give it a Fleet variation or something to make worth the $2500 zen that it cost. Taking a second look at some of the other pay to play ships would be nice also.
    2) Do we really need 5, yes 5 (unless I am missing some) separate currencies? I realize that it grants an extra method to keep the prices higher on some items as they can be regulated easier but hey dont make things too difficult or they become a waste of time.
    3) Fix the creation portion of the game. If we are going to have to pay insane amount of Dil to make mediocre items then that takes away from an aspect of the game that some people (more than you might think) will stop using simply because the rewards no longer warrant the cost of using such a system.


    1) I would love to see the upgrade to the fleet level ships in the aspect that the player could create ships with whatever they wish. Should it be expensive? Damn straight it should but then it would justify spending upwards of $25 on a single ship just in fleet modules. This system would be a major expansion in itself having to implement a complete breakdown in a logical method how star ships are made. Could it create very powerful ships? Yes it could but lets face it, if a group, the federation for instance, just went completely over the top in ever aspect of ship building what could they accomplish? Well as we can see they can accomplish quite a lot. This would be the same with a complete build your own ship type creation system. Not only would you be able to choose every aspect of the functionality of your ship but also what it looked like. Since the game is essentually a bunch of freelance type ship owners this would be the next logical choice in the evolutionary step in personalizing your ships. Keep in mind from a story perspective this system is already in place.
    2) Along with being able to customize your ships, why not the consoles, weapons deflectors, shields and engines? Limit everything to the existing levels that are currently in game and I would probably not allow set creation, at least initially. This would further the personalizing of the ship to the individual. Your would have to go every single prtion of a ship to create it and would take some time to go through all of the various aspects to decide upon while creating it, like the extra features like: Can equip cannons or +5 to all subsystems and things like that. You could even allow something special like give it the ability to count as another type of ship that can use special consoles. Keep in mind this will require large amounts of the various currencies to be spent on such ships and taken out of the game to do so. As a side effect this would allow a more stable economy to take over and less ability to fluctuate wildly.
    3) Create a third faction. With what I have said above a freelance faction that plays all the sides would and could be a very realistic faction. With the freelance customization that can be done above allow the access to ships and races from both sides. As with all conflicts there will always be beings that will try to stay neutral from the war and not get into it, at least not by picking a side. Also there has always been beings that have tried to play all sides against one another. This could create a whole slew of new story lines that could be incredibly interesting to play.
  • xdotsxxdotsx Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Long term: Teams of more than 5 players. And more missions and STFs. Plus more exploring. Maybe variables in the missions (different maps, tactics or whatever for each run).

    Mid term: Make sector space unsafe. It feels odd when you're parking your fed ship in front of Qo'nos and can feel perfectly safe. Same for Borg space. More tactics, not like "Kill this first, then kill that first", but I mean tactics required to kill an enemy. A team should be required to either work together or at least give everything to kill a single Borg cube. Remember, in canon, a Cube is enough to destroy most of a Fed fleet (First Contact, Best of Both Worlds). In STO, one ship can destroy a Borg fleet by itself (Red Alert encounter).

    Short term: Moar device slots. Moar respec-options. I'm still playing with my first and only toon and have no idea what I picked at character creation or if my choices actually made any sense. And, of course, bugfixing.
  • vedran0picardvedran0picard Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hello STO staff and members on forum I have one suggestion and few ideas for improving STO.

    Short Term:
    1. My option is that Advanced Escort with Multi Vector Attack Mode (MVAM) is VERY UNDERPOWERED/WEAK in survivability for its price of 25$ and its representation in ST Voyager as one of Federation most advanced ship with (regenerative shields, and ablative armor).

    I would like to suggest you few changes which will improve its survivability in battle but with MAINTAIN MOST of its specifications on same level.

    A.) Now Advanced Escort with MVAM have place for 3 Tactical Officer (Commander, Lieutenant and Ensign), 1 Engineering and Science officer (Lieutenant & Lt. Commander rank), I would like to suggest next changes
    Remove Ensign tactical officer and add one Lt. Commander Engineering Officer and degrade Science officer to Lieutenant.

    B.) Add one more Engineering console OR integrate MVAM Console with ship so this will free one Science console slot.(Fleet version of ship will get Console automatically if Advanced Escort with MVAM is bought)

    With this two changes Advanced Escort with MVAM will become more versatile and worth to be bought!

    Mid Term:
    2. First my idea is to add Combat helmet as new piece of ground equipment this will be logical because we already have combat armors in STO . It can give bonus to weapons damage+ rare and very rare helmets give small armor/energy resistance bonus (variations).

    Long Term:
    3. Second my idea is to add more locations for visit on Earth and Sol System.

    A.) like Paris (where Federation President have Office), and other Earth iconic cities.
    B.) Expand San Francisco with other places like Federation Council and Starfleet Command
    C.) Add Mars and Utopia Plantia Fleet Yards Mars Starbase
    D.) Add Jupiter Station R&D Facility

    Very LongTerm:
    4. Add NEW feature to lead space combat from ship bridge good concept is already seen in Star Trek Bridge Commander, it be very cool if you can add something similar into ST Online.

    I also on end would suggest you to collect good ideas from players and when you successfully add it into game, give the player who give you idea for that thing an reward (leveled very rare equipment, Dilitrium or ZEN) on this why players will be happy to provide you with good ideas.

    Cheers & Qapla
  • murdockx86murdockx86 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Short Term:

    Personally, I'd love some patching done to the new connectivity issues that seem to have risen since the Andorian escort set release. Don't get me wrong, I love the ship, and the fixed wing cannon platforms, but something is off, and I really hate being dropped every five minutes or less. It makes the game unplayable.

    Mid term:
    Presuming the hype being generated is all about the Tal Shiar becoming a playable faction in May with a season update, I'll watch and shoot, I honestly have nothing for this category.

    Long Term:
    I would love to see Federation Valkyrie fighters make their way into the game, as a hangar pet primarily. These things look amazing and would probably also make a good vanity shuttlecraft for players to pilot Visual from Memory Beta here.
  • fliporicanfliporican Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1) External updated design for Earth Space Dock. I mean to be honest ESD now is a better design from when STO was originally releases, however, honestly the current ESD dates back to the 22nd Century when Kirk was originally made Admiral.

    2) Kit slots and use by Bridge Officers

    3) More ground combat pets besides Hortas

    1) Scaling down of internal starship interiors and bridge designs.

    2) Option for Bridge Officers to wear MACO and Omega Uniforms.

    3) More TV and movie cast member voiceovers.

    1) More customizable ability for internal designs for starships. An alternative design for Engineering, Mess hall, and Sickbay.

    2) 3rd weapon slot for melee weapons only.

    3) New Banks for Tribbles and pets, so I don't have to worry about Tribbles eating all my food consumables that I save in the bank.
  • pilotab1pilotab1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I've read the last 5 pages of this and if anything I've mentioned has been previously stated. I'm sorry. First of all, I do want to give a sincere thanks for the devs on this game. I love it and it is fun to play and I truly enjoy it.

    Short term:
    Increase dil daily refining from 8 to 10k for free and 12k for gold members.
    Increase ec cap from 10mil to 15.
    Allow a way for non fleet players to quickly get to New Romulous without a coil penalty. Also put a ship selector on new Romulous.

    Mid term:
    Allow diplomats to visit apposing faction's area. Esd for Klingons, Qo'nos for starfleet.
    More mission variation. Maybe missions with more dialogue and less combat. Or maybe unlock special missions when you get to a max doff level that correspond to that trait (diplomatic, engineering, etc).
    More balance with tac, eng, sci. Not make everything equal, but give each their own pros and cons that gives a unique experience for each and balance missions as such.

    Long term:
    Be able to travel or command from the starship interior. And have more functionality and usefulness from the ship interior.
    Open up gamma quadrant for exploration.
    More playable factions. (I personally would find it interesting to be a changing.

    Again thank you for a truely great game.
  • michaelcoldsmithmichaelcoldsmith Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *I'd like to see sorting and filtering on many of the lists, like buying DOffs, reputation projects.
    *I'd like to see a cancel personal project button, since I put it in, I should be able to get it back.
    *A button or check box for your ship so you can see what the numbers are in combat/sector space without having to beam up and look.
    *I would like to see my bank when I am outfitting a ship. It is a real pain pulling stored stuff out every time I want to build a new ship and running back and forth.

  • xdotsxxdotsx Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think I forgot one essential thing I really hoped for when S7 was about to get released...

    A day / night cycle on New Romulus and Defera (and similar planets).
  • stratiarstratiar Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Please make a public dev roadmap available. This game is so awesome and so vast that no one player giving commentary here can POSSIBLY know everything about it. So everytime I have an idea I want to share I am unsure if I'm just wasting Cryptic's time so I hold back. If you can share "some" of your roadmap changes without giving away any of the good info. It would help us to avoid wasting your time on mechanics and interface suggestions. -- Secondly.. this thread needs a house-keeping effort. I bet some of the ideas in here are already implemented.

    Short Term:
    Randomize the entry and exit points of planets and star systems. Like Sol and the various cross-over points. Ideally if you know where they "entered" the new location from you could use that as an three dimensional offset from "entry point zero" and make it a little more realistic.

    Mid Term:
    Sector Space Travel is kind of silly. The thing that is ruining my ability to overcome my disbelief is the MASSIVE amounts of ships flying about that are as large as star systems on the map. Here's my suggestion for this: a) make the camera position range go WAY out from ships in the sector space so that they can be tiny if you want to set it that way. b) start the camera at least twice as far away from the ship as usual, c) if at all possible make the scaling of OTHER objects in sector space relative to how far away they are. For example: If you're approaching Vulcan. Have Vulcan look tiny until you get within a few parsecs of it and then have it grow and grow until it dwarfs the player's ship and any other ships nearby. That would give the illusion that we're traveling VAST stretches of empty space an the scale of things feel more realistic.
    Even if you only did A and B... you'd dramatically improve the feel of sector travel.

    Long Term:
    I'd like to be able to travel Sector Space from my bridge. That would really cool... then when an encounter was entered you could "go to tactical" and the starship combat mode is under way. At the very least with the scaling suggestion I made above you'd get rid of a lot of the "crowding" around the entry/exit points of the sectors and star systems.
  • thumpyechothumpyecho Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    This was 'prolly said somewhere way back(I don't have the time to go through 300+ pages)............

    But the starbases generating some kind of revenue would be really nice......since I have to pay for items from there several times over.........i.e. spend the resources to get the XP to get the project, to then spend more resources to complete the project, spend more resources to stock the store, then spend more resources to get whatever items I wanted about 3 steps ago............Return on Investment kinda thing...............I guess I'm weird......
  • gojio372gojio372 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    the only thing i really care about is being able to choose stack sizes on the exchange. I want it to only return results with stack sizes in a certain range that i can specify. When I search the exchange for data samples its flooded with singles and none of the 200+ stack sizes show up since it looks like the results are limited to only the first 400.
  • darpinkdarpink Member Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Dilithium Refining.

    8000 per day unless you are a 700 day (I think) vet. Seriously?

    Ok, I realize that PW and Cryptic want players to stick around and continue playing the game instead of being able to quickly build their ships and end up bored with the game and move on to playing other games.
    But, when you consider that in order to acquire the MACO space set you need a fair amount of Dilithium per piece. And that you have to get the full set BEFORE you can unlock the "Adapted" MACO set, it seems to me that we are wasting our time and Dilitium because once we have the Adapted set unlocked we are surely going to use that set instead of the Un-Adapted set.
    Which now makes the un-adapted MACO set worthless because it is an Omega Reputation set and is bound.
    So all we can do is sell it to the vendor for very little compared to it's cost and the effort put into acquiring it. Not to mention the wasted Dilithium.

    So, you want us to have to work for the good stuff and you don't want us to be able to acquire the good stuff too quickly and end up bored with the game. Do you realize how boring it gets when you grind away at STF's and other good sources of Dilithium?
    I've found that by the time I get the Adapted MACO set unlocked, I'm tired of doing STF's and everything else that's involved.

    We need to be able to refine a minimum of 10,000 Dil per day.
    Adapted MACO Space set= 34,000 per piece
  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Get rid of classes. They are smart for MMO's but not for Star Trek...unless someone is prepared to tell me the classes for Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway or Archer.

    More current era ships.
    Your pain runs deep.
    Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
  • stargazer918stargazer918 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    DEV Team,

    ALL LONG TERM (Star Trek Online 2.0)

    1. If any of you are familiar with the game ArmA II, it would be really awesome to have user created missions and user created PvP! Of course they would have be un-ranked in order to prevent "Stat Padding" as seen in the game Battlefield 2.

    2. Next, I'd like to talk about user created star ships that we could download from the "Exchange". We can make it a 'Gold Membership' perk. So every month you can upload...say 10 new star ships or shuttles from a que of submissions that you deem fit for duty. And they can only be used in user created missions/PvP as not to infringe on the game itself.

    3. Weapons upgrades should also include additional weapon slots...say one extra for both fore and aft. And console upgrades as well. For example being able to further 're-fit' your ship with extra consoles to bring the total to five.

    I agree with a in-game mission editor, it should be built similar in style to the ARMA 2 sandbox as that is really easy to use!!
    Commander James
    26th Fleet
    Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid

  • stargazer918stargazer918 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    Sorry for the caps!

    James A. Highland
    Commander James
    26th Fleet
    Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid

  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Saveable Tray and Boff slots for every ship.

    Would at least make me feel like giving this game another go.
  • starmuttstarmutt Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Short to Mid term-
    Probably said already but I'd like to see a small revamp of some of the "Fleet" versions of old ships.
    An example (as I use it) would be the Fleet version of the MVA .
    The new Hull values etc are fine but the BO slots could do with a slight rework. Currently it has-
    Tac- Ensign/Lieutenant/Commander
    Eng- Lieutenant
    Sci- Lt.Commander

    Why the 'original' RA level ship had an Ensign level BO slot ALWAYS bugged me especially since at the time this ship was constructed it was supposed to have most advanced Tactical Systems than any ship in the Alpha Quadrant (including the Defiant & Akira classes).

    It would be nice to see this ship "merge" the Ensign and Lieutenant BO Tac slots together to make a Lt.Commander slot.
    The same could be done with some Eng and Sci slots on the Cruisers and Sci Ships.

    I think small changes like that would make these Ships way more desirable.
    McCoy: In this galaxy, there's a mathematical probability of three million Earth-type planets. And in all of the universe, three million million galaxies like this. And in all of that... and perhaps more, only one of each of us.
  • captainlohcaptainloh Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My requests

    Short Term Requests
    - User Interface lag removed, ie inventory and bank. This is the most unpleasant thing about playing Star Trek Online
    - Give Projectile Launchers charges and a reload cooldown, like the Borg Plasma Torpedo.
    - Give decent Skill and Expertise awards from Low Level STF's.

    Medium Term Requests
    - Give perks and disadvantages to each kind of ships, like Boosted range for cruisers etc.
    - Overhaul ship fitting system, and make Primary (energy) and secondary (projectile) weapons independant slots for ships so we don't have a beam boat for every cruiser
    - Remove the Boff Training for reducing Cooldown and instead just improve the actual abilitie's performance.

    Long Term Requests
    -Greatly improved exploration, using probes and pin pointing devices. Best example: Eve Online's anomally signatures, most fun I have had trying to learn stuff about each system.
    -Actual viable Endgame PvE Content. The STF's are the equivilant to a WoW 5-man Dungeon.
    -Merge all sector blocks, and instate The Terran, Sauria, Delta Sectors. Sectorblocks that include New Xindus and Azati Prime, Correct the positions of 'western' Sectorblocks of Sol. Place Sol and Memory alpha into their correct Sectors and give PI Canis as a PvE Zone, Where the Sol and Betazed Sector Blocks can be for 1-10, and Sirius and Regulus can be 11-20.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    Short Term
    - A mirror Galaxy -R with the BOFF & Console Layout of the Ambassador -R.
    (easy to accomplish, all ship model parts are already in the game. No balance issue Ambassador is already in the game, too.)

    - Beam weapons drawing 25% less energy
    (possible in just one patch)

    - RCS consoles that give a Flat bonus, so ships that need it most can actually profit from such a console.

    Medium Term
    - Bigger variety in exploration missions.
    (Tthere hasn't been any change in STOs exploration system since 2 years, if i remember correctly.)

    - dontdrunkimshoots enhanced exploration cruiser retrofit 3 pack

    - giving different ship types different amounts of power availlabe.
    Cruisers 800
    science 600
    escorts 400
    Additionally raising the possible max power cap from 125 to 200

    Long Term
    - Better sector space travel. Space should look big, not interiors.

    - More factions.

    - Character to First oficer and vice versa.

    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • amorcaecusestamorcaecusest Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Please remove any virus/trojan/spyware from your game installer. My McAfee Site Advisor blocks the download saying that the software can steal my private information or damage my computer or hard drive
  • stargazer918stargazer918 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Long Term: I`d like to see the sector blocks merged together and the constant edition of new maps i.e. New Xindus.

    I`d also like to see more content for lower ablility players. And an increased level cap as well. The idea of having thousands of Rear Admirals flying around is not very Trek-like, this is a slight ranking system malfunction. But then it`s not a militiary simulator is it?

    James A. Highland
    U.S.S Voyagar
    Commander James
    26th Fleet
    Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid

  • qqtopewpewqqtopewpew Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1) Update your game download files with the latest patches, it just plain laziness and irritating to your NEW User base to have them download an out of date game and then have to wait while it patches.

    2) Nope, that's pretty much it, stop being so damn lazy you so called Engineers.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Short - Fix the bloody "I want to repair my ship fast in ESTF, but every time I pop open my window to heal or swap in gear my frikkin shuttle is in the window instead of my starship" bug

    Mid - I'd like them to make "exploration zones" around the edges of the sector maps so instead of being told I can't take my Ody into deep space where she belongs if I hit the edge I just go and hit up exploration missions. Just once instead of hitting a wall I'd like to have my officer say "Permission granted to warp into deep space!" Ideally we would have the "one big sector space map" as well, but I'm flexible on that. Might be a lot of work for very little return to try and replace the current starmap.

    Long - True map building, cutscene generating, and possibly a method to add voiceover to foundry missions. I would go on about things like branching dialogs and alternate quest paths but I assume those are the kinds of things we are likely to see anyway, as they are a bit easier to produce. I'd like the ability to generate terrain instead of working with stock settings. Cutscene generation is a must, the immersiveness when they are done well makes up for all the poor attempts people make at them before they get them right =P.

    I've thought about the voice over issue and in the past the problems were insurmountable. That was before the Foundry Spotlight. Now issues of content and size can be regulated better by the developers. One of the rewards for having your mission added to the Foundry Spotlight could be granting the author the ability to record and save their own voiceovers to the server. They could then be reviewed for content before being pushed live. It would be beyond what is possible to ask the developers to screen the voice content of every foundry mission out there, but if instead they only needed to vet the limited subset of missions that both won Spotlight and had voiceovers added that day, it would be possible. By limiting it only to winning missions you also set a firm limit on the size you require. It is not as if you need to set aside storage space for every mission to have 1G of voice files attached, only the select few who both won and had the time and desire to add voiceover.
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • fishworshipper1fishworshipper1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Short: In certain Borg Encounter missions (fight 4 groups of Borg, fight giant Borg ship), there are giant white 'smears' in space. These smears cause extreme lag, going so far as to even totally freeze my computer. Remove them. Please. I like to play the game, not watch a one frame per second slideshow of it.
This discussion has been closed.