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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • fliporicanfliporican Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Short Term:

    1. Star Trek Enterprise Away Mission Uniforms (i.e. Away Team Jacket, Away Team Desert Outfit, Away Team Winter Coat, Environmental Suit, M.A.C.O. Combat Uniform).

    2. Star Trek Enterprise Admiral Uniform, Dress Uniform.

    3. Star Trek Vulcan Outfits (i.e. ST Enterprise Vulcan Starship Uniforms, Monk Robes, Ambassador Robes).

    Medium Term:

    1. Star Trek Enterprise NX Class Bridge and interior (Considering that every new starship being released has it's own bridge designs include (i.e. Ferengi, Jem'Hadar, Andorian) it begs to wonder if a Constitution Class interior set was made why not one for NX Class?

    2. Duty Officer Missions with Reputation rewards (i.e. Romulan Marks and Omega Marks).

    3. New Duty Officers: Linguist/Communications officer; Stellar cartographer; and Intelligence officer to consider.

    Long Term:

    1. Additional starship customization both external and internal (i.e. Engine Room, Mess Hall, Sickbay, Captain's Quarters, Ready Room).

    2. Separate bank for Tribbles and Epohh to encourage breeding and collecting.

    3. Andorian Ushaan ritual
  • edwarlordedwarlord Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    Lower the CD of Multi-Vector Assault Module to 5min (down from 10min) for the command selected while the other two commands go on a 2-3min CD (down from 5min). PLEASE!
  • capnmanxcapnmanx Member Posts: 1,452 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    fliporican wrote: »


    it begs to wonder if a Constitution Class interior set was made why not one for NX Class?


    Because the assets they made for the Devidian FE series meant they didn't have to build it from scratch; which they would with an NX interior. So you're only likely to see this if we get a time travel mission back to that period.
  • orionsrockorionsrock Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2013
    1. The ability to have orion bridges on orion ships. It makes no sense that they would choose to redo their own bridge to look like that of people they barely tolerate. (same for every racially specific ships)
    2. An ability to search the exchange BY FACTION, so i don't have to sift through 100 fed officers to find one kdf one.
    3. A federation Orion char choice (possibly with Zen). It'd just be fun, its probably not happening but a girl can dream right?

    Oh and I have one more:
    The uniforms from the alt 2250s. Idk how the legality would go (idk how copyrights work if they are different for the abrams one or not) But I think my fed characters would look really cute in those short sleeved ones. With that also the short sleeved tng ones
    1. some kind of stand in for the pixel shader for those of us with older computers. I have no idea how that would work but I can't see trill spots and it makes me sad and very confused haha.

    2. more long female hairstyles! Come on cryptic! I want curly orion hair like 98% of the orions in the show!!! Pleeeeassse!!

    3. make a ship? some kind of thing to design a vessel like you design an alien. sure It may be a frankenship but It may be cool. parts of rare ships could appear if you own one perhaps.

    Long term:
    1. Perhaps some kind of reputation thing for KDF players and choices for marauding and Klingon missions and the fed could have section 31 etc. where if you do more dishonorable missions the klingons act meaner to you etc. I hate to hear how honorable i am after I just sold my crew and framed two houses. Doff missions could count too. It'd be interesting to have different paths like freelancer.

    2. More visitable planets. Even if there isnt much there (i hope there would be) but I wanna go to bolarus and ferenginar, betazed, Orion colonies, trill etc.

    3. n general and more love for kdf. We are people too you know! and I wanna fight federation ships much more often. Maybe alterations to dialogue in cloned missions so it doesnt look like everyone thinks your starfleet.
  • odiouscidal87odiouscidal87 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    so i only have on request and it seems more like a mid - long term but either way.

    more shuttle integration. a few ideas would be a shuttle bay you can access from your bridge where you can chose and physically walk up to and board your shuttle. another would be a console that you could launch your shuttle like the saucer seperation or the multi-vector escort. one more would be an option of piloting a shuttle down to a planet versus beaming down.
  • stargazer918stargazer918 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kimmym wrote: »
    Short - Mid - I'd like them to make "exploration zones" around the edges of the sector maps so instead of being told I can't take my Ody into deep space where she belongs if I hit the edge I just go and hit up exploration missions. Just once instead of hitting a wall I'd like to have my officer say "Permission granted to warp into deep space!" Ideally we would have the "one big sector space map" as well, but I'm flexible on that. Might be a lot of work for very little return to try and replace the current starmap.

    I agree with the exploration zones, what about having a feature implemented based upon how far you can go into this "unknown" space before resupplying your ship with fuel and/or food. Prehaps as you get further you could see quasars and black drawth stars and so on. This would be a very Star Trek feature as are we supposed to go where no one has gone before?

    This may however may be a whole patch that may take days or weeks to do??

    James A. Highland
    U.S.S. Voyagar (LRSV Intrepid class)
    Commander James
    26th Fleet
    Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid

  • nextwarbrnextwarbr Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2013
    Almost everyday a lot of users (including myself) are facing huge lags, and it's clearly server problems. I'm a huge fan of STO, but these problems are preventing me from enjoying the game (even play the game).

    Please, make these lag problems a priority, otherwise you will compromise every marketing effort to make this game profitable.
  • neverwuzneverwuz Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    short requests...
    a count on particles on hand vs particles needed for various memory alpha or on board ship quests.
    being able to look at another ship and see what armaments are on her (ie being able to study here to build a ship correctly and seeing what works for them)
    fixing glitches regarding the starbase fleet defense 20 man with the remix of the guys voice.

    mid term
    bump up on dilthium refined to 10k.
    more specials on zen based materials.
    more packs for newer players and specials on "gee whiz" ships

    long term..
    other than playable factions (ie cardassians and romulans) sub factions would be a great addition such as mercenaries. Also traits that improve with each evaluation (of course this would cost exp points). (so where are the Yridians?)
    Expansion into deep space for science ships for long term missions yielding rare and very rare materials to build gear or maybe new story lines.
    general overhaul of Memory Alpha.

    and really, charging for extra slots on your account? That is ridiculous. It seems to me that it would be in your best interest to allow at least 10 playable slots per account to buy more gear and dilthium with zen.
    10 slots
    3 federation
    2 klingon
    2 romulan (coming soon! and yes I am looking forward to it and the scimitar better be available)
    2 sub faction (maybe a human or vulcan science expedition or mercenary/raider crew working for the ferengi)
    1 open

    This is a fun game and i look forward to playing it more than I did WOW.
  • biersteinbierstein Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Short term
    -Foundry available for non premium player (silly to charge users to generate content for you).
    -Fix the viewscreen in ship so it isn't 2d.

    Mid term
    -First person shooter mode.
    -Better search options in the marketplace such as specific modifiers.

    Long Term
    -Missions involving your ship actually being boarded and you defending it, use of shuttles etc.
    -Holodeck missions.
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Totally in need off:

    - Boffs wearing Off-Duty clothes.

    - Access to the Fleet Store from anywhere (like the Dil Store). I dont want to travel to the Fleet Base all the time to buy a weapon.
  • malleus74malleus74 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm sure these are repeated somewhere in the hundreds of pages above, but my 2 EC:

    Short Term:

    Add many more ELITE missions. End game needs variety.

    Add more options to earn Fleet/Omega/Romulan Marks so we aren't grinding the same missions day after mind numbing day. (I'd love to be able to choose to fly the Rom storyline on Elite and earn Rom Marks, or fight Borg signal contacts to earn Omega Marks)

    Klingons should have to fight a duel in order to gain their next class of warship. Heck, lots more duelling and conflict for Klingons in general.

    Medium Term:

    Completely overhaul 'Explore Strange New Worlds' Missions. Ideally, something open and freeform like the Radiant Engine from Skyrim would go here; a mission from Admiral X to go to Sector Y and explore several new star clusters - including just flying around and inspecting unusual things or actually dealing with first contact. A real 'science challenge' mission would be wonderful. It would be great if missions could start in a similar fashion, then vary based on events and player choices.

    Exploration missions should be fail-able, and hopefully have Elite versions that are considerably more challenging.

    The most awesome thing would be extra rewards for 'staying out' longer and longer, without going back to starbase - signifying a really long deep exploration mission (Voyager would've earned big Dilitihium!)

    In that same vein, expand on the options available in the existing universe. Give me reasons to visit Vulcan or Sol, and things to accomplish there.

    Long Term:

    Include a lot more activities that can be done aboard ship. Perhaps repairs and crew injuries aren't just visiting a shipyard and hitting 'repair' or spending parts, but could be mini-missions undertaken aboard your own vessel to try and repair things yourself, without going back to port.

    It'd be awesome if your DOff's spawned models aboard your ship.

    It'd be even more awesome and Trek-ish if you could play small quests aboard your own ship, interacting with your own crew. Espescially if those interactions gave bonuses (even temp ones) to your BOffs and DOffs.
  • xunclexruckusxxunclexruckusx Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    short term? you guys need a search bar in the forums so us players can see if we have a question thats already been asked
  • thonan3thonan3 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    And here are my top three for each category, to hopefully get the thread started.

    EDIT: Leaving these up as an example, but since some of them were addressed, I've added another post (I think it's on page 6) with an updated list for myself :)


    - Make weapons auto-holster when beaming down to starbases or for non-combat missions.
    - Add banks and standard vendor NPCs to Memory Alpha.
    - Add some kind of way for us to see our progress at Memory Alpha.


    - More fleet actions in existing sectors. Ideally, there should be a new one every 4-5 grades in the progression, with several at Admiral.

    - A "task force" interface that allows players to form task forces out of 2-4 teams and do fleet actions and sector battles together.

    - Implement something closer to a traditional crafting system than what Memory Alpha is.


    - Focus on branching storylines; give players choices during the missions that affect the outcomes (and maybe the rewards) of the missions.

    - Introduce missions with a risk of failure that would require you to start the mission (or part of it) over; timers that you have to beat (escape the base before it explodes), the ability for the NPC you're protecting to actually be destroyed/killed, etc.

    - Introduce romulan and cardassian as playable factions, with unique PvE and PvP content for each.

    i agree but would love to be able to play as a borg.

    you could have the freshly assimilated, a partial drone and a full drone, tactical drone, medical drone, etc and then eventually make you a queen if you wanted to play that. levels don't really gain you rank but you get new ships every ten levels and get more life and equiptment. Then you can have assimilation missions and conquer worlds in the end. more of a conquering race. You could aslo have a borg homeworld and more on the origin of the borg.
  • dem613dem613 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Only 1 Short Term: fix bug in the Colliseum episode

    No mid-term goal

    3 Long Term Goals: Delta Quadrant missions + non-playable characters (besides the Hirogen that appear - ie Kazon, Malon, Vidiians, Talaxians, Ocampa); "choose your own adventure" missions...you choose the outcome - no right or wrong choices unlike some of the previous missions (ie DS9 meeting re Borg just before Dominion attack, in Cardassian storyline); more time travel (but to Archer's time) - since the only time-travel storyline is the 23rd century and the Tasha Yar story
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1.: I want to be able to arrange my Boff List myself. I have about 40 Boffs and I don't know why it is not able to arrange them by profession. I have six departments (sci/med/tac/sec/eng/ops) and when I want to compare or do changes to Boffs it is always complicated to browse through the whole list.

    2.: I want my Boffs at Commander level to be able to do their own small missions. Not PvE, or PvP or story missions, but doing some exploring, walking around. Some sort of a light version of my captain. Maybe with the away team.

    and that leads over to

    3.: The Boffs need more customization freedom.
    Off-Duty Uniforms are a must!
    Ground Boffs should be able to put on Kits too! Or at least my chosen leading Commander level Boff.
  • spacerasta1spacerasta1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    Probably mention already but nonetheless here we go:-


    1 In a high technological universe, isn't it silly not to be able to access bank/exchange etc on your ship? Ship access to bank, exchange and markets seems to me to be a necessity. Scrap the bank/exchange access story on the the 2 ships for Federation and Klingon and instead have them sell unique regular and random items both not anywhere else.

    2 Duty Officer Assignment Mission Chains. An alert as to when missions in a chain group become available and of course where they are located. In a multi-sector multi mission set up, keeping up with assignment chains and where and when they are up is a royal pain to be honest.

    3 Ship manoeuvrability. In all honesty when I first played the lack of this was a turn off. Space ships have nothing to stop them from moving in any direction or angle and the artificial gravity doesn't allow your drink to spill:) So no restrictions on ship manoeuvrability.


    1 Sector and sector base market speciality please. Each sector has a/some market commodities they specialize in that none of the others have. Of course whatever they are have to be actually useful and worthwhile. E.g. One sector's speciality is combat impulse engines and another sector maybe high end level beam arrays etc

    2 Crafting freedom. Would like to be able to craft what I want not a choice of what you provide. So with product x, I choose what attributes I want to add from a list. E.g lets say a ship shield. I choose from a list what type of shield and then I also choose what attributes I want from a shield attribute list.

    3 Sigh, the ground crew. Besides the numerous mentioned graphic glitches with ground crew. There needs to be better control of your ground team. Things like choice of formation modes, position control, distance from you and when and when not to fire. Of course a ground crew with some sort of self preservation would be nice.


    This is pretty much sort out the issues that many keep bringing up before you move on to major development projects.

    All in all you all have a good thing going here. Lots of content with variety and you actually listen to what people have to say. I see no reason why you shouldn't be around for several more years.

  • rooster707rooster707 Member Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Here are my ideas... not sure if they're long-term, short-term, or whatevery, but... :P

    1. An option to beam your BOffs down with you when you go to non-mission areas (Earth Spacedock, ship interior, etc.)

    2. Off-duty outfits on BOffs

    3. Not sure. :P

    Captain, U.S.S. Oberon
  • artanisenartanisen Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. Wish To have the option to upgrade lower level star ships of lower rank
    2. Wish To have the option to change Boff stations

    this one a long shot but.
    3. wish i had the ability to take control of one of my boffs and use him on
    away missions and stf and what not, instead of my main character.
    4. wish i had the ability to put Kits on my boffs.
    5. be able to have the choice to remove Primary trait and customize all 4 traits on any species
    when making a character.
  • fliporicanfliporican Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Short Term:

    1) Andorian Imperial Guard Uniforms and weapons. [CLICK HERE]

    2) Vulcan attire [CLICK HERE] and Vulcan starship uniforms [CLICK HERE]

    3) Enterprise Away Team Jackets, Desert Attire, Gym Attire [CLICK HERE]

    Medium Term:

    1) More ground combat pets

    2) New Duty Officer Species

    3) Revamp crafting

    Long Term:

    1) More internal starship customizable options (i.e. Engineering, Mess Hall, Captain's Quarters, Sickbay)

    2) More shuttle craft/small craft missions

    3) More Federation member homeworlds (Tellar Prime, Delta IV Trillus Prime, Benzar, Betazed, Bolarus IX, Rigel IV, Denobula, Cait, etc.)
  • uraziel0815uraziel0815 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Insert a Feature to kick idle Players from Team. (Maybe 2min AFK than Option for Members to kick the Player)

    STFs for 2-4 Players or Teams 5+

    Rescale Ships that they all have the same Scale. A Runabout should be much smaller than a Cruiser.
  • mazel76mazel76 Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2013
    Short Term

    1. Fix the Klingon side: The banks/exchange/mail on Qo' nos you have to go to a specific spot at any terminal to use. Thats been around for a while now guys!!!!

    2. Cargo ships: There needs to be more sectors with these ships!!! The Klingons have no access in there sector. Also DS9 is a trading hub why is there no cargo ships going through.

    3. Defera Borg Invasion: Why is there no bank or merchant? Wow you gave us a mailbox!

    Mid Term

    1. The KDF needs more ships, when was the last time they got ships? The bortas!!! come the KDF needs more support all around. Add new ships Tact, Engy, and Sci.

    2. Loading into the same zone as your teamates. This is a huge problem. most time you join a group you can not get into that zone cause its full. This needs to be that way for space and ground. If you join a team you all go to the same instance.

    3. Fix the All bugs before you make new content.

    Long Term

    1. Fix all the bugs before you make new content. Yes its a repeat!!!!!

    1A. Before you make new content make sure your not going to end up killing the Fleets and Starbase. With the Roms coming out you have ultimately signed the death warrant for the KDF!!!

    2. Fleet base: The amount of Dil it takes to complete any project is crazy! You have a 8k dil cap a day. Hello tier 3 takes 1 mil in dil to complete a small fleet can not hope to finish or achieve. Increase the Dil cap and make dil easier to get along with EC and EXP.

    3. Fix the bugs before you make new content!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jharrimanjharriman Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Have a Shuttle bay and can go out in shuttle (doors open and close) and fly around ship. Also have it so you can command from Bridge like in Star Trek Bridge Commander. :)
  • badname834854badname834854 Member Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. Short Term: Crush The Enemy
    2. Mid Term: See them driven before me
    3. Long Term: Hear the lamentation of their women.

  • delemiterdelemiter Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Short Term

    add some deeper story fix the graphical bugs and combat bugs.
    remove the real money cost from fleet earn ships. AKA Fleet modules.

    Mid term

    Add some features for fleet actions at lower levels and get some better ground play you could increase late game pay off to allow a player to get started for fleet base (guild based) raids or fleet only actions that have the largest pay offs.

    Long term

    More factions. this is star trek not pvp starfleet star trek has tons of good factions rangeing from the dominion, borg, cardassians and more. this is just a start. there are thousands of racial quests that can go into this certain races get requests from home to act for there species and such. the game could be amazing if allowed to. but little changes like more random generated quests and far more factions. and don't forget to try restricting technolagy for races... starfleet is known for certain weapons and rules and the prime directive prevents them from takeing certain tech. they can modify it on some ships but that is only during war. think about that before allowing federation and klingon with borg style weapons or dominion style weapons.
  • admiralbensusanadmiralbensusan Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Short Term

    1) You can chose how many people you can take on an away mission so it fits the mission story, for example, only taking one officer for a mission briefing, it would give foundy mission creators more leeway in their stories.

    2) The amount of duty officers you are allowed on your roster should correspond to the crew complement rating on you ship stats. You can never have enough DOFFs!

    3) On harder difficulties, there should be a chance for your bridge officers to get killed if they are incapacitated too many times, it would make the story more realistic.

    Mid Term

    1) You should have the option to either beam down, or actually fly a shuttle/runabout down to a planet in a mission, It would allow foundry mission creators to create mission problems sometimes found in the show.

    2) You should be able to take Duty Officers from you Roster on away missions in place of Senior Officers to fit the Storyline of any particular mission, you can equip them with gear from your inventory.

    3) More decks to the interior of your ship, the amount of space should correspond to the class of ship you are currently using.

    Long Term

    1) Your ships that are not being used should become part of your own "mini fleet" You can assign bridge officers and a crew to manage and send on missions., you can also call them during combat to come and assist you, much like the current space ability.

    2) you should be able to set a home world and build your own house there, maybe make more ground maps on existing planets you can visit like Risa or Andoria.

    3) More Mission variety on secondary mission such as the exploration of space missions, the missions currently available can be extremely repetitive.
  • akurie666akurie666 Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Short- pvp maps fixed, new pvp maps/game modes, otha remastered

    medium- end game raid content!! real raids with exrteeem difficulty and unique loot drops. pvp rep system

    long- expanding on pvp and end game more
  • neurodopamineneurodopamine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    A second deflector dish on science ships would be a great way to slightly boost them. They already have two deflector dishes in the lore and model design.
  • didz119didz119 Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    One of the idea's I have is that to be able to promont your biage officers to Captians and sent them on missions like a Dilthium mission or a Tacital mission and so forth. What are your thoughts. And another one is to see Starfleet Command and do missions within SF Command as an Admiral.
  • bluejaye1bluejaye1 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Glanced through this and there are some pretty good ideas.

    Short Term
    1) Group "Vote to kick" for players who deliberately warp into STF's and Rep missions. Then sit at the spawn point doing nothing.
    2) Fix the remaining "White blobs" in some of the Borg encounters.
    3) Fix the uniform bugs.

    Mid Term
    1) Improved mission text especially on the STF's. Taking STF's as an example, long time players know what you need to do for the bonus but new players don't have a clue and having it in the mission text would be incredibly useful.
    2) The ability to form a taskforce/raid group for the current large group missions would be nice, form up and either queue or fly straight to the system with the mission. Cut out the frequently over long waiting times.
    3) Make the reputation store items bind to account instead of character. You spend all that time researching weapons to end up with way more choices than you could ever use on the one character. Of course limit the use of each tier's weapons to only characters with the appropriate reputation, lets not make it too easy to give all of your characters kick TRIBBLE gear and keep the ship/personal sets to character bind.

    Long Term
    1) Make some use of your old ships, don't just have them sitting waiting, hoping to be used at some point. Assign a Bridge Officer to captain them, removing that officer from your current crew. Making the ship available to run a weekly/monthly mission for fleet marks, reputation marks or Dilithium. Only 1 ship can be sent on a mission.
    2) Improve the ship interiors, if you're in a Defiant, you have a Defiant type interior. Make them match the ship class better and make the captains ready room look different too.
    3) I quiet like the idea of using your old ships as emergency reinforcements in PvE encounters. Maybe limiting things a little so that you can initially only summon in 1 ship to aid you with the number rising to about 5 by the time you hit VA.
    Star Trek Offline is currently online. We apologise for the convenience and are working to remedy the situation.
  • maximumnamemaximumname Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    adjust the particle system to prevent incoming projectiles from turning invisible when there are just too many for the system (invisible one-shot bug?)

    re-assessment of PVE science abilities and buffs to them

    More kitbashing options in ship builder, especially with focus on more 25th century looking designs
    More STF's, especially in 10-20 player types

    Otherwise I'm pretty satisfied by the game and what's in the pipeline
This discussion has been closed.