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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • morinonmorinon Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    Instead of dailies all being based on a smattering of 20-24 hours from when you accepted them, make the timers reset at a given time every day. The exact time doesn't matter too much, but just at, for example, 5pm PST (when dil refining resets), any dailies you had done since the previous 5pm reset are now available once more. If you had finished a daily but hadn't turned it in yet, sorry.

    This will honestly make dailies easier to do each day if your schedule is not regular day to day.
  • corjetcorjet Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1.) Continue playing as much as I can... Fix/improve the Away Team setup! I'd like to be able to pick a formation!
    2.) Continue playing as long as I can everyday! Let us got to the Gamma Quad and other Quads to explore, etc but at HIGH RISK & HIGH PROFIT!
    3.) Have a 24 hour marathon day! Do more with Latinum! Ferengi are the most 'known'/'scheming'/'etc' traders throughout the galaxy... There should be a way to trade that lat for EC's and maybe open up even more 'markets.'

    1.) Have at least one 24 hour marathon day by the end of the year... Increase the DOff stuff! YEAH! WE LIKE MORE STUFF!! :?)
    2.) Find a few friends whom actually play STO... YEAH! Increase the area within our ships! That could help out with adding more DOff stuff and the people who like to RP. Can you say vTrek? <G>
    3.) Get those friends whom actually play STO to join in on my 24 hour marathon!!! We need more "questionable" content as far as "The Federation" is concerned... IE: I'm gonna run a ton load of 'Contraband' from the Cardi sector to the Romulan sector... Kinda like a mission but not really... I mean the player would actually have to go make the deal, run the goods to the destination while running a risk of getting caught by The Fed <EG> Having your ship impounded could mean that it's gotta pay decent lol

    1.) Make the DOff system available online via web page! IE: I'm at work so I can't actually play but now I can do DOff missions!!!
    2.) Expand the gaming area... IE: Just like above - I can actually play DABO via webpage for one of my characters! Or I can actually play against another player or the computer - IN GAME/via WebPage - play: Strategema!!!! Or some other game.
    3.) COMPLETE BUG/KNOWN ISSUE clean up... Yeah, I know...

    Insure that this is the basis for all "Star Trek" stuff :)

    Well 'they' asked and now I've responded!

    Tiraz, Rand aka Corjet, Rand :?)
    Veteran of: vTrek & A Call To Duty
  • wfs5519wfs5519 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I see a lot of complaints about science being weak or off balance with everything else. here. Is a suggestion that may help.

    use science class ships as tools to discover environmental benefits that can be exploited. Science ship:
    Science officer can use environment to apply effects outside the ship. for example, the science ship detects protomatter and subspace disturbance in the area.
    The officerr can collect the protomatter and drop it in thoe disturbance to create a tactical reaction. Any other ship only sees unknown anomalies (not equipped too analyze advanced phenomena)
    Upon collection, the engineering officer gains a one time use of the collection. This would be an engineering application. example could be to apply protomatter to ships fuel tanks toboost power output for ten seconds. another could be to shunt matter through the engines to scramble sensors.
    tactical officer aboard can apply a one time tactical advantage. such as apply protomatter to next torpedo to increase yield.
    Each effect is available once per corresponding officer.
    keep in mind its a one time use per selection. so if the engineering option is applied, then the other science n tactical. options disappear til the next collection is made.

    now science officers can apply medical advantages on ground or trransport discoveries to ship to be used in space. or visa versa

    when in groups or fleets, the limitations of ship stats are broke down. so a science ship teamed with an engineering ship means science can detect but both ships can collect. the engineering ship gains 2 options of engineering application and 1 tac n 1 science per officer of the correspinding type on board.
  • maiden316maiden316 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    Short term:
    1) full colour choice for characters (either RGB and/or HEX) palette
    2) the comm badge from Barash's Illusion
    3) option to skip cut scenes

    Medium term:
    1) update the UI for the exchange
    2) option to limit the craftable items at memory alpha
    3) more varied missions in the explore sectors

    Long term:
    1) make it feel more Star Trek!
    2) more non-combat missions
    3) more customisation on the foundry - full map creation options rather than just a default (it may be I've just not found it yet, mind...!)
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Restore science abilities to both Canon and to their former usefulness (GW actually halting ships by force and causing sheer force damage to the hull of any ship that tries to fly away not restricted by shields, tyken's rift shutting down engines, feedback pulse that causes 50% to shields/100% reflected hull damage)

    -separate the coded behaviors between pve and pvp
    -remove the bonuses to damage that tactical skills give to science skills so that the balance to the science skills can be restored.
    -restore power drain abilities on the targeting subsystem to their former levels or increase their levels on the higher level ships Tier 5 bought and Tier 5 fleet ships should have Tier II or Tier III target subsystem abilities.
    -make the engineering fleet and science fleet abilities also provide the same damage modifier to their respective captain types (when tactical abilities are fixed to be a self only buff)
    -Reduce the ground healing of engineer devices and make the science skills all have a minor HoT that improves when skills are slotted in the medical field.
    -Make the level of the medical commendations in the Doff overview affect both the ships crew recovery rate as well as the ground healing abilities of the doctor at both Surgeon and Chief Medical Officer levels.
    -Add new science abilities from the series of Voyager like Refractive Shielding, and Graveton Scan, and Subspace Submergence, there are quite a number of other science abilities involving the deflector array missing from the shows.
    -Add the skin for Neutronium (which is supposed to be gold btw according to the Voyager Episode Think Tank) I had originally expected that the lifetime members of STO to have access to this hull color with the 1k veteran status.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Please fix the random ability please
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • biessmanbiessman Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Short Term:

    Bringing back old content: I've already made a topic about this but I'd like to see the old STF's bring back, NOT TO REPLACE THE CURRENT STF's but to add in addition because they were great for story, they added into STO, they explained everything of whats going on in the STF's and in addition they tied things together from tutorial to end.

    Long Term:

    Adding additional interiors and area's in player starships: Currently there are three area's in a starship, bridge, crew deck, engineering, the bridges are pretty cool but for most of us who do stuff like role playing there is not enough room on our ships if we're doing a crew rp (Crew role play where players play as senior and/or junior officers of a starship.) We need more room, more area's of a starship, and more generic and cannons interiors. Cannon interiors like Sovereign interiors, Galaxy, Intrepid, etc, as well as interiors that would fit for the type of starship like a star cruiser interior, deep space science vessel interior, patrol escort. Also interiors for special ships like the Odyssey class Star cruiser, the Chimera class Destroyer, and the Multi-mission starship, and the Ambassador class starship (Also an Ambassaodor class bridge along with Excelsior class and Movie/TMP Constitution bridge). With this would need additional rooms, area's like the Cargo Bay, the Shuttle Bay, an Astrometrix lab (like the Atrometrics on Voyager and what the Enterprise had in Nemesis and Star Trek Enterprise.) Additional quarters for both VIP's, senior officers (Bridge officers), and Junior officers. A computer core area, an Armory area, useable holodecks (training like what was seen in Of Bajor or recreational area's such as Risa, bajoran/trill hot springs, other places.) a jefferies tube, and for realistic-ness bathrooms. More area's like these would be good to have in STO.
  • vulcanclippervulcanclipper Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    short-term: please fix server drops/freezes asap

    midterm: please rename the ranks so that the highest player rank is Captain - it is so incredibly irritating that everyone is an admiral or a general

    long-term: please expand and increase foundry assets and functions

    started playing at launch, took a long break
  • darkstriverdarkstriver Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    1)Fix the broken and unmatched skin tones player characters. Some times they do not appear in-game as the way the skin tone is selected. darker skin should appear as darker skin. lighter skin should appear as lighter skin.

    2) Allow for there to be a K'tarran playable race for the Federation, and with very distinct features as seen on the TV shows. This includes redesigning all K'tarran characters already in the game so that they will appear with K'Tarran horns on thier foreheads. they will have unique traits and abilities that makes sense with canon. (For KDF, add more TV show based outfits, uniforms, and body armors for a broader freedom of choice or preference.)

    3) Provide a purchasable box or pack for lobi crystals only.

    1) Ship Design System: to create a custom starship that is not only realistic according to the laws of Star Trek universe, but could also be playable within STO. These ships can have slots for upgrades and such just like ships already in the game, but must operate within reasonable constraints... meaning... they could match ships already in game, but with room for uniqueness and variety. Players can design their dream ship, maybe even post (the prototype) up for requisition so that other players can acquire it, test it, and even use it in missions and space battles.

    2) Intricate Starship Engineering: to be able to tweak particular functions of a ship to do things a little beyond normal. (Scotty miraculously getting that extra engine boost during the more dire situations). This system could require the purchase of components or parts needed, to let the player actually tinker with the mechanics of his or her ship, but there is always a chance that things can malfunction or cease to work. this would probably be for 'very advanced players'. This could also tie in with the Ship Design System idea, allowing players to build ships from scratch.

    3) Starfleet Service Selection System: Since it is (in my opinion) unrealistic to the realm of Star Trek to start one's career as an ensign in command of his or her own starship, simply establish a system where the player's character can pick or be randomly selected to serve one of a handful of active starfleet captains. This will be something like a bridge officer but in reverse, because the player is temporarily a bridge officer on whatever ship belongs to whatever captain the player selected or whatever captain and ship the player was assigned to. because of this, there will be weaknesses and strengths, bonuses and penalties, even perks and downsides for serving that particular captain. The captain will not be player-operated, probably behaving something like bridge officers do now in-game. when the player's character finally becomes the rank of captain, he or she will then be able to leave the captain they once served. Then he or she can select the first ship of his or her command. I guess the captains these players request to serve will be displayed on a list that randonly generates various and distinct types, all assigned to various ships.

    1) XINDI FACTION: Since there are only five remaining races of these people, there will be only five to choose from. Insectoids, Arboreals, Primates, Aquatics, Reptillians. Each race will be sort of a sub-faction, meaning that they come with thier own style of ships with abilities unique to their kind. no race can crossover by using ships of the other race. There can also be a storyline that may fill in the gaps or explain the possibility of Xindi finally becoming an ally of the Federation (as hinted in the show ENT). I think it is possible that there can be dispute or even wars between Xindi and Federation before they actually become true allies, but this would all be futuristic or at a later date accoding to the timeline.

    2) Era-Based Gameplay: There can be a total of three STO eras. the first being the current STO game we all know now. the second could be somewhere near or even during Captain Kirk's time, which would allow us to see the variaty of ships possibly used during that era in the past. the third can be in the future, a time after the current STO storyline.

    3) Sandbox gameplay: If possible, also players a more 'freedom-to-act', being able to go anywhere and do anything as if it were real life in Star Trek. when i think of sandbox style game play, i think of ElderScrolls4:Skyrim and how we had plenty of freedom in a life-like way. i currently don't have details for this idea, and i don't expect STO to be anything like Skyrim. What i would expect is for STO to look, feel, and move like real Star Trek without robbing players of the thrill of playing the game for fun and love of Star Trek.
  • jniebaumjniebaum Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Short Term - Some way to track your combat pets. Dosn't even need to be amazing just something that says "Hey you got X of XX still alive out there."

    Mid Term - Nothing really just fix'em them bugs.

    Long Term - See Mid Term.
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Give us a mystery. Something we have to go explore systems for Clues.

    Travel to all the cities and worlds and talk to people to get clues or hints of where to look next.

    And have Items to add together or give to Doffs to make other items that once all collected will unlock a mission or world with another secret item or clue that will lead you on another mission.

    Something to keep people intrested, Like real Trek we have to explore and investigate.
    Much like old school RPG's like Final Fansasy 7 where it took months to find the holy weps and longer to unlock them.
    Make a "Holy Grail" type item, something that takes time and luck and paitence to get. For example I fly to a random system and see some Ferengi ship next to a cargo ship and then they warp out as soon as I approach. My 1st officer comments that there are traces of particle "X" in the system. If they Ferengi are looking for it then it must be valuable. Then I can go to Dronza or Quarks and ask them about it and it leads me on a hunt to find contacts and information and items to guide me on my quest to find the answers or progress in the story. Remeber how on old RPG's you would play 20 levels and get an item that you had to go all the way back to the start to use. Only to find it unlocked a Key that you then had to find the door or chest it went to. And when you found that it gave you an item that needed 3 more parts to complete?
    Thats the kind of gaming that STO needs.
    That is true to Trek. Almost every Trek episode is "the crew is confronted by a problem/mystery they must explore, investigate work together to overcome. The End. If this game had something like this I would play for hours everyday trying to find the next item or clue to further me on my quest. Also have it to where if you missed something orblew up a ship that you needed to save instead you have to start all over. That would keep this "uber prize" from over use or to many people getting it. Make it rare enough and extremely valuable and there are players that would go nuts trying to find/unlock it
  • czechrock3czechrock3 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Fleet Admiral - Mid Term
    The ability to manage and build your own personal fleet from current ships and Bridge Officers you have

    Fleet/ Star Base Alliance and Trade - Short Term
    Able to create alliances between Bases
    Able to set up automated trade routes to trade resources between star bases

    More Playable Factions - Long Term
    I would like to see more playable factions such as cardassian, dominion, and even borg
    Sub Factions, so if you choose to be a vulcan you can start the game play/story on vulcan appose to earth.
  • augustofvhaugustofvh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Long-term request:
    I really would like to be able to play with the Borg. Add a Borg faction please!
  • augostoaugosto Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Love this game and can't wait to see what else to come


    More variations of internal NPC characters.

    Random Starting Character ( I.e. Vulcan, Male ) Something other that always starting with the Andorian Female Bridge office.

    Ability to Name race other than Just Alien.

    Intruder alert missions. Something more than just wondering around your ships. to do little missions.

    NPC Crew reflective of your Duty crew.

    NPC Crew uniforms control. Divided into Science, Medical, Tactical, Engineering Operations, Security and civilian

    Mix-Races like: Human/Vulcan, Andorian/Bolian, Human/Klingon, Klingon/Vulcan

    After Rear Admiral Lower, the ability to Promote Bridge crew To Captain and assign them to a ship you already have to be a Combatant-pet. this would let you be able to Customize your ships and Tactics
    Max of 2 or 3 ships and Captains.

    More Hull Variations for each class ships and shuttles.
    More customizable ship interior. different Engineering, Ready rooms, Quarters, Lounges, etc.)

    More things to do inside your ship like a Holodeck that you can do scenarios in, Convers with crew, Intruders, battle damage, shuttle bay you can got to instead of transporter room and see shuttles you have acquired.

    Customizable Shuttles and shuttle interior.

    Mini games to improve your ships speed, hull, maneuverability, weapons. (Make it only for that ship.)

    Play as Borg....

    More areas to go at the academy and star base on earth.

    Time travel mission to go back to when the Breen were attacking Earth..
  • uhyuhnbuybyiuhiuhyuhnbuybyiuhi Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Mid term

    More time travel missions. Maybe have a few missions in ENT era.

    More ways of getting GPL and more ways to spend it. Shuttle racing against other players, Targ fight gambling.

    More home-worlds to go to like Betazed, Tellar, Ferengiar.

    Long term

    Being able to kitbash ships and make our own designs and variants.

    Playable Cardassians, Dominion.

    Redo crafting so we can make our own gear with stats we want on it.
  • daroskadaroska Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    • Expand epohh vanity pet breeding to other animals on respective worlds.
    • Give the Federation Off-Duty Mercenary costume to the Klingon Defense Force.
    • Make non-customizable BOFF outfits, not to mention our Alien species, renameable.


    • Disclose non-player character clothing, as well as NPC options for Aliens.
    • Give this an actual Tholian EV suit's appearence for it's decommissioning.
    • Make Klingon Defense Force episode dialog less specific to just Klingons.


    • Offer players in-ship based episodes, as well as further crew customization.
    • Give us Undine Duty Officers and their bioships, in aid against the trickster Iconians.
    • Make Duty Officers actually appear on your ship, fully named, as your actual crew.
  • alaerickalaerick Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    augosto wrote: »
    Love this game and can't wait to see what else to come


    More variations of internal NPC characters.

    Random Starting Character ( I.e. Vulcan, Male ) Something other that always starting with the Andorian Female Bridge office.

    Ability to Name race other than Just Alien.

    Intruder alert missions. Something more than just wondering around your ships. to do little missions.

    NPC Crew reflective of your Duty crew.

    NPC Crew uniforms control. Divided into Science, Medical, Tactical, Engineering Operations, Security and civilian

    Mix-Races like: Human/Vulcan, Andorian/Bolian, Human/Klingon, Klingon/Vulcan

    After Rear Admiral Lower, the ability to Promote Bridge crew To Captain and assign them to a ship you already have to be a Combatant-pet. this would let you be able to Customize your ships and Tactics
    Max of 2 or 3 ships and Captains.

    More Hull Variations for each class ships and shuttles.
    More customizable ship interior. different Engineering, Ready rooms, Quarters, Lounges, etc.)

    More things to do inside your ship like a Holodeck that you can do scenarios in, Convers with crew, Intruders, battle damage, shuttle bay you can got to instead of transporter room and see shuttles you have acquired.

    Customizable Shuttles and shuttle interior.

    Mini games to improve your ships speed, hull, maneuverability, weapons. (Make it only for that ship.)

    Play as Borg....

    More areas to go at the academy and star base on earth.

    Time travel mission to go back to when the Breen were attacking Earth..

    You and I think a lot alike. Going to second this post and add for my own..

    Short Term-
    C-Store ships & costumes added to Foundry
    Craftable consumables which grant the player new off-duty outfits for the tailor

    Mid Term -
    Add an Advanced Foundry Editor set of options which allow for brancing storylines which include alternate maps. So that an option can be given to the player such as "Captain should we take an away team to board the vessel or just destroy it?" If the player choses board vessel you go to a ground map, if they chose destroy it you do a fight in space. Then after completing this have a different next map load based on the outcomes.

    Branching storylines really is the one missing element to the editor.

    Long Term -
    3D editor interface for the Foundry editor.. Meaning place objects from a 3D view and move them around similar to any 3D art package.
    A beautiful death awaits you...
    Campaign: The Battle of Neverwinter - NWS-DOQXFA4ZD
    Prologue: A not so simple plan - NW-DCJG75B9D
  • commanderxoncommanderxon Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As you'll probably notice, I'm a TOS purist. But I think my suggestions are reasonable for everyone :P


    Romulan bird-of-prey-style warbirds up to endgame! I like the D'Deridex but I don't want to fly it. I want an oldstyle warbird.


    Customisable starship interiors.

    - Ability to decide which stations my officers are manning when I visit the bridge.

    - When I visit the Tailor, I want to be able to create crew uniforms that will be worn by the NPC crew who wander around my ship. Perhaps one uniform for each of the three divisions? The same goes for my fleet starbase.

    Also, customisable communicator/transporter effects - i.e. I can buy a 'TOS Communicator Pack', equip it, and when I beam up I'll flip open a TOS communicator and beam out in a gold transporter effect (with apropriate noise). Possibly a TOS tricorder effect, as well. I'd pay!

    - A Tier-5 23rd Century ship. Not necessarily a Connie. The Klingons have a T5 K't'inga, justified purely by it 'still being a favourite with KDF officers' - can't the Constitution have stuck around for the same reason? Surely the embargo can be lifted, if enough people are willing to pay to fly the Enterprise! I'm not suggesting that a real spacefleet would really still be using an old ship design after 150 years, but this is only a video game. We can think of a way to justify it. I love the game, but I don't love having to fly around in 25th C ships that look like generic grey sperms :P

    If not, there are plenty of other retro designs that I'd love to see. Just read a FASA Starship recognition manual.

    - Alternatively, ship outfits that give your ship a vaguely 23rd-Century aesthetic - old nacelles, white hull, etc.

    Long Term:

    - The ability to upgrade ships and stay with the same one throughout the game rather than HAVING to trade it in for a newer model, when you level up. Crafting over time to add new consoles and weapons slots, upgrade bridge consoles, reinforce the hull, etc.

    - RTS gaming! Maybe a multiplayer functionality. In a tactical map you could command a space station - or your fleet starbase - and build NPC ships to deploy against an enemy. Just point-and-click stuff. You could also play RTS games between fleets - having a whole sector block (or more) in a private instance, capturing star systems from each other, fighting to dominate the planet's surface, and trying to maintain a cohesive front.

    - TOS-era gameplay. I'd love to have a see a completley seperate shard for the 23rd Century, or 23rd Century sector group accessible via time-warp. If not, there are plenty of excuses! Maybe a long-lost Federation fleet from the 23rd Century that'll give you improved, retro kit if you help them fight their enemies. Maybe duotronic computer tech is resistant to the borg? Maybe old-style warp drives are better in unstable areas of subspace? It doesn't matter - I want TOS!

    To any Cryptic employee who read through all that, thank you, and May the Great Bird of the Galaxy Roost on your Planet!
  • sithishesithishe Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Think this topic, looks like suggestion box.
    Would be greate, to be able to customize uniform and appearence of Romulan Bridge officer, that I am buying from Fleet Embassy. I so want make mine, looks like mirror Spock, with goatee
  • mendeleevmendeleev Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Short Term
    AFK report system - After 30 seconds of inactivity, other players in an STF can report the inactive person as AFK (The option now appears if they right click the idle player). This sets off a 30 second timer, after which they will be kicked from the STF and a slot opened for a new player to fill. If they move the timer is canceled, but logged for the duration of the STF. Once one person reports the AFKer the option disappears for the others (i.e. only can report one AFK incident at a time). If the person is reported 3 total times in one STF as AFK then on that third time they are autokicked & replaced. I am not looking for any kind of temp or permanent ban system, just something to remove true AFKers from an STF so they do not benefit from idling and burdening others who want helpful teammates.

    The ability to target friendlies for heals WHILE still targeting hostiles for attacks is needed. Its a huge coordination pain to try to heal and battle at the same time. A second (friendly) focus would help make healing a more viable play style.

    Mid Term
    More customizable ship parts. I would love to have ships you already have access to result in usable parts for later ship designs you have.

    Long Term
    A lot more variety in STFs!!! Most STFs are pretty monotonous. Mirror & No Win Scenario are actually approaching something challenging in that they have stages of progression. Make more STFs where you have to face progressive waves, of increasing difficulty with rewards at each stage based on that difficulty. And yes, make some with the end stages very hard... where players MUST actually be good to win. Too many are winable if u just stick with it (die 50K times) and wear the AI down. Make a real challenge and progressive rewards system (whether it be more marks, better loot drops, etc). Theres a TON of EASY material out there for casual players, but CHALLENGE us too so that serious players will have something to confront!

    And make some STFs where you cannot respawn endlessly, so that you have to stay alive to win. I would not be averse to having normal play as it is now, respawn endlessly no damage. Hard comparable to Elite (respawn with repair), and Elite as NO RESPAWN. THAT would be a lot more fun! You would truly have to be good to win and have something to brag about!
  • mastericeravenmastericeraven Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    all a bunch of i wants.
    i read the forum so some of the ones listed might be restated but that means i liked them read to page 7
    not sure how you want this done or what order you want to do it in i do know what i want done

    runabouts get to close to there target to be effective i lose all of mine every time there target explodes

    i want to beable to scoop up my pets/turrets/runabouts should shave off time when thy return.

    i want to equip my pets like a shuttle should be.

    pets do not follow orders i have assigneed them tasks dozens of times.

    i want different pets . why 4 of the same? if i where to have a squadren of pets why would i make them all the same?

    i want to take my runabout from my shuttle bay to some one elts shipv

    i want to dock with anothers ship.

    i want my saucer section to have pet commands.
    most ships like the galexy have a shuttle bay maby not large enugh for a runabout gut thay still have them.

    i want to invite people to my ships interier when i am in space

    siting at the (helm?/captians chair) should offer a return to the tactical view. (maby who ever sits in the seat can drive?)

    if i go to engineering i want to see my ship layout if i visit some ones eltses engineering i want to see there layout (skills gear)

    if i talk to my officers while on the bridge i want to see there skills repeate for others captains ships

    i want the sign one the bridge with the ships name to function (read her {ship} name and manufacture date what elts fits on that sign)

    i want a auto crew rotation system if i do pvp/pve ext. i want my pvp crew(bridge officers and duty officers) to get in place on there own.

    if i am a trill i should beable to upgrede in to a joined trill with out losing progress.

    if i am a joinged trill i want to change apperince and sex at any time (maby a long cool down) (leave the last name ofcourse)

    i want to assigne duty officer teams to repeat quests on there own i eat batterys so i want my battery team to do there job and make me batterys in till i reach a count or tell them to stop. its not worth visiting engineering every 5 minutes

    i want my helmsman to plot a course to a destination in local space (with in my ships speed limits ofcourse or longer {if i ask}) while i am on the bridge. and advise me when he reaches markers. so while traviling through secter space i can work inside.

    i want to carry players on my ship to locations (if there ship takes time to get there that is fair)

    i want my starbase to have a temp crew option (starbase can loan crew/duty officers for assignments to members)

    i want the device slots in my task bar not the action (when i eat all my batterys i need to replace there skill in the task bar after refill{it gets old})

    i want to pull my devices from my invintory 1st. (20 weapon batterys in device slot and then eat the extras from invintory 1st)

    i want to assign a trader the task of collecting and restalking my cargo bay with (object) (trader when we get to starbase go get my 20 more weapon batterys and make sure i always have 20 weapon batterys\commeditys)

    if i am in a fleet i want my fleet support to ping my fleet mates let one of them fill the role or let my alts or my alt ships

    if i invite people to the starbase i want a place thy can deposit (if the fleet is requesting <example fleet marks> i can just show up to the starbase and deposit.

    i want message board/ task board at the starbase.

    i want freighters to apper in the visit bridge options.

    if i holster my weapon i am ready for hand to hand combat or let me disable the auto pick up for weapons if i want to use hand to hand (i keep equiping things so my hand to hand is never ready when i want it to be)

    i want hand to hand training it would be cool to learn new fighting styles

    some times i dont want a away team of 5 i know odd but some times taking the extra men is not a good idea (stealth operations work well when no one is around (people that are not equiped will just die)

    some times i always want a away team. take my 1st officer with me when i visit places like starbase

    i want to put any kit on any officer

    i want my non combat pet to auto deploy when not in combat

    i want my ship to became my pet when i us my shuttle in local space (my shuttle is faster then my escort but to bounce around is not posable when red alerts are random

    i want crouch to be a toggle (move return to crouch) i did it once but i think that was a error
    i want to dive off objects. (you stand on a counter and dodge you stay on the counter)

    is voice command asking to mutch?

    where is my fleet voice chat system works on team most of the time but alot of people use vent cuse its not posable to have fleet chats in game.

    i want local voice if i am standing nest to some one and speaking thy should hear me. get a bunch of fleet mates in the lounge and chat that out.

    i want a brefing table if im about to do a mission (asuming we have intell like map ext.) i want to set assise time with my crew (my team not counting npc) to go over the plan.

    i want to nap in my bed to log out

    i want my holo emitters to fool people get in to klingon space as a freighter

    i want a bounty board assign a klingon player to die

    i want to invade the klingon home worlds as the fed (not realy a federation thing but would be AWSOME to see the klingons try and take earth space dock.

    if the fleet has both a klingon side and a fed side there should be the ability for both sides to meet at a middle ground a embassy for the joined fleets.

    i want to be a federation officer allowed in klingon space to help the klingons (good will embasider) do the klingon missions as a federation toon

    i want a reset button for my episodes i maxed out my ship so i want to do the entire campaign again.

    i want a option to disable a foundry mission i have compleated some of them i dont want to do twice but i do want to do them all or try.

    The starbase should have a bridge officer roster. and thy should do there job when the base is under attack.

    i want to take command of the starbase. (5 man to 4 man and a starbase with a brain)

    my obital strike should be accurete and selectable (i use polarized disrupters my orbital strike is phaser damage)

    if i park in the ship yard at fleet starbase it should repair the damage to my ship

    there should be atleast 2 focuse targets options one for hostiles one for allies so i dont have to disengage hostiles to heal allies.

    i want default non combat settings
    i want a default stealth setting (shield are uslees while mask energy signiture is active)
    i want probs so i can send them to places i am to lazy to go (i can live with out that)

    i want to gift ships (i can live with not having them any more but it would be nice to pass my vesta to some one)

    i want some ships to be locked to some taskes if i am fighting the borg i have a ship for that.(stf you know whats comming

    when i engage somthing while on the fleet starbase it returns me back to local space i want to returen home

    i want to equip any kit on any officer like the ships (example fabrication does not work at the acadimy and i wanted stealth on my engineer any way)

    if i fly in the trade shipping lanes i want a speed boost

    i want minning (armada) i want construction ships (armada) make a small space outpost. i want to steal hostiles ships
    jack a borg cube.

    i want combat supply to take device priority when a collect equiping it every time is useless

    i want my npc crew to collect combat supply

    call in my personal freighter like the azure 2

    my freighter should have a on board cargo bay so allies can get supplies i would like to share

    freighters should have a internal store i sell my objects on (dont expire)

    player freighters should offer the same services as the azure while siting in local space

    fleet defended systems (we will protect\patrol system or lose them)

    functinal replicaters on the bridge

    replicater upgrades (fleet starbase does not serve coffee and get a more efficent replicater with time\work

    food is not a device

    animation to collect thing from replicater

    in game suggestion box. people able to read them and vote in game

    in game player odd ons (i get some things are asking alot some people would help if thay could)

    name planets you find (starbase protected)

    starbase computer custimizable bot system (teach it to answer questions) (fleet fills in there starbase bot)
    ?Mini-games on Risa, at Quarks (darts, dabo, poker, all the iconic games of Startrek)
    ?point related shooting game (picard and riker played it once)
    ?let the tribbles lose on the bridge and then let me shoot them with my pistol
    ?i want a soccer ball
    ?educatinal missions medical docters perform exams and heal the sick tactical go over tactics and advanced tactics engineers fix thinge (not all detail are clear but it would be AWSOME to learn something walk away with a
    understanding of partical physics)
    ?if i push a ship in to a sun\planet make it do damage if it hits a object make it hurt.
    ?my duty officers are my crew so how do i have a bolian on my bridge.
    ?crafting multiple objects at once (99 hypos instead of 1 per click)
    ?beam over to a alles ship and perform repaire (i have parts and i am a engineer or just pop on over and fix there ship my self.)
    equip my duty officers with gear would be nice to enhance them

    self destruct should help save my crew from death (the explosion is pointless and i still lose my crew so the skill is usless)

    i want to liberate a planet from hostiles (awsome fleet action)
    embassider office some members of the fleet act as leasons to other fleets
    i want my ship to stay outside when i am at fleet base maby see my baby from a view port.
    fleet starbase quarters
    if my 5 man team becomes a 4 man team i want to invite a friend or fleet member to help
    Able to set up automated trade routes to trade resources between star bases


    i cant revisit the same map thought it would be cool to example build somthing and return to see it then go get another part

    make mandatory shuttle sections i cant lock them in to a shuttle for parts of a quest

    mandatory party before starting a quest (some missions just are better with friends)

    branching quests do this go one way do this go another

    there are no timers no waiting or beat the clock options

    do no destroy hostile target for those people that just dont read the breifing and blow up everything

    designated team leader/mission progresser some people read the intel some dont some times the people thats dont force the readers to skip.

    cant place anomilys

    i want to use bridge maps for quests (example a day in the life of kirk)

    i want to walk on the extirir of my ship that would be sweet

    i wont to make carge containers with gear to use in them

    i have more but i dont recall them i will start work on another list(dont want to break any thing)
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Already posted somewhere, but maybe a Dev can have a look at it here:

    - All the Boffs are listed in the order of their joining. I do have all three professions/departments mixed with each other. Now looking at the Doff system, each Doff is listed under it's own profession and department. I know not every player has more than 10 Boffs under his/her command, but it would be nice anyhow to have them sorted.

    And it would be also easier when attaching Boffs to a Bridge Station, Away Team, or Head of Department.

    - That brings me to another wish I have concerning Boff attaching: When I attach a Boff to a neutral station (Universal Bridge Slot, Away Team), and I have a higher Boff count, I only have the name on the drop-down menue, but not it's profession. So when browsing through the whole Boff list, it would be nice to see a little window showing the current selected Boff, or at least it's profession and abilities.

    - Ground Kits attachable to Boffs.

    - Off-Duty uniforms for Boffs.

    - A second weapon slot for Tac Boffs.
  • lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I want the bridge officer I got from T4 Marauding to be modifiable. All you can change is the name. I want to change EVERYTHING, the skin, face, body, uniform, everything.
    I completed a 2-man CSE, ISE, and KASE, Optionals included. And I soloed Winter Invasion.
    My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
    Click here to view my DeviantArt.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    On the Fleet Star-base there is a Personnel Officer that will Commission Duty Officers.

    Can we please have a Increase Stack Size Slider Bar added to this maxed out to 50.

    It gets to be a pain in the finger when you click 50 times to max out the stacks.

    I have asked for this be for and would like this to be added on.

    There is alot of people that use this option and i would bet that they would agree with me that this needs to be added big time.
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • uchinatoruchinator Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I want see race and gender change token in C-Store :)
  • jnohdjnohd Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Short term requests: (in no particular order)

    Ability to email specific Ranks instead of just the entire Fleet Mail
    (by addressing "holodeck.fleet+name.Rank1" or some such)

    Fleet Mail to @handles, instead of all characters in Fleet (eliminating the HUGE amount of Spam someone with multiple Alts in Fleet gets!)

    "Fleet Leader" title for all characters in Rank 7 of a fleet (top rank) - should reset if they leave fleet or are demoted.

    Medium term requests: (in no particular order)

    Ability to apply/deny fleet permissions to *individual* members, as well as entire ranks

    Ability to reset a Reputation (so you can select different/better things with any stockpiled marks and/or regrind for different selections)

    Migration of all Neverwinter Foundry technologies to STO Foundry (3D item manipulation, etc)

    Humans in KDF same as Klingons in Starfleet - C-Store. (as per Michael Dorn's ideas, actually)

    All KDF NPC uniform options (Fed off-duty robes and Mercenary items used on KDF NPCs) open to Players, & all Player uniforms open to BOffs (including Omega/KHG)

    Long term request:

    Michael Dorn voicing old Worf - despite his outrageous statements when he was on stage at 2013 Philly ST Con of how much he would charge. He's clearly ticked off about CBS turning down his pilot, as well as the use (legally) of Worf in STO. His attachment to the character oozed out of everything he said last weekend, and his aversion to STO was apparent in his terse, borderline rude, answers to STO and video game questions both on stage and in the autograph line. But he could be turned around now that Crosby has been involved... maybe... ?
    Wampaq@Jnoh, Fleet Leader: ..Bloodbath and Beyond [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 'Iw HaH je Hoch!
    ALL HOLDINGS FINISHED! - Starbase 5-5-5-5 || Embassy 3-3-3 || Mine 3-3-3 || Spire 3-3-3
    A laid back KDF fleet welcoming independent, casual, & part-time players and groups. Roms & alts welcome.
    Send in-game mail to Wampaq@Jnoh, visit our recruitment thread and FB page for more info.
  • regimentalmanregimentalman Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Being a fleet leader I spend alot of time trying to find characters in my fleet, by either account name or character!!
    It would be nice if the developers could add a search window, making life alot easier and a hell of alot quicker to promote, demote, kick/remove unplayed characters etc. or atleast alphabetical order, that would be a good start..
    Thanks for listening/reading my small request.
  • vdiddy5000vdiddy5000 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Alright, I'm not sure if it means one short, mid, and long, or if it means three of each...so I'm gonna go three of each, though I doubt I can think of that many. Though, I admit, I can be long-winded!


    Cut down the currency! Seriously we have: Fleet Marks, Omega/Romulan Marks, EC, Dilithium, Lobi Crystals, ZEN, and GPL. Why why why have that many different things? At least get do away with the Lobi Crystals and GPL, or combine them with something else.

    It would also be nice if the exchange did more than Zen/Dilithium. Unlike GPL, you can get smoe nifty things with Lobi Crystals...too bad you have to go to the player exchange to find them, if anyone is even selling them. Why not cut out the middle man (ie players) and ensure some fairness?

    Okay, this one is simple, but annoying - why can we only "sit" in certain chairs without having to use an emote and guess where to stand to do it correctly? If you can program a command to get my character to sit in the captains chair automatically, why not the chairs in the lounges? Or benches in the park?


    I want some more characterization for the NPC's and random locals. When I read fluff about Risa being a resort kinda place, I expect to go there to find a one-of-a-kind with all kinds of nifty things to do and buy. I'd like to beam my crew down for a big party, Bridge Officers and everything; or maybe I'd like to go to a spa, or play volleyball, or something. Also, the NPC's in these locals tend to be bland and generic, and those that aren't are sparse. I know that, as an MMORPG, it's often up to the players to make things lively and real. But why go there if there's nothing to do but look at sandy beaches and dance with nobodies?

    Speaking of charaterization: how about being able to promote bridge officers to captain, wherein you can give them a ship out of your list (and give them some bridge officers of their own), and then send them out to do missions Duty Officer-style? If nothing else, maybe be given a one-use-per-instance token wherein you can call that ship to warp in and assist you, with all the powers and weapons you provided it via equipment and bridge officers. I think it'd be neat, and it'd make sense if you're a Rear/Vice Admiral to put those ships you haven't used in a while to good use. If nothing else, it'd give you a reason to cycle older, perhaps non-rare Bridge officers for fresher, more rarer ones.
  • chaltaborpwchaltaborpw Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Nothing, you guys always find the errors and fix them so I can't think of any there, just keep up the good work! ;)


    I would like to see reworking of the tier1 and Tier2 ships available for va, i have read on the forums where many people like the nx, Constituion TOS class, and Exeter class but won't purchase a ship they will use only for a day, I have purchased them and they can be used at VA it just is extremely difficult. I feel similar in weapon slot quality to the va Intrepid not a supership, just reasonable and I would also like to see these done differently at VA than their current tiers as follows

    (1) For the Miranda,NX,Oberth would have the regenerative mode for the aux. powers continue and the ability to use heavy cannons also with the addition of the Soyuz Class

    (2) The Constitution TOS Class and Refit, Exeter, Vesper, and Excalibur would be in the same class due to similar size and structure, as well as interchangable customizing bring back the ability to customize the original connie and this sould only require some hardpoint works on the model they would have the auxilary power fuction like a light cruiser as well but no heavy cannons.

    One other thing for the Excelsior and Excelsior refit i noticed the wrecks in the wolf system and that they are roughly the same size as the Excelsior so it would be wonderful if the were brought in-game as an interchangeable varient for the excelsior. Maybe add the TOS connie nacelle bussard animation for the nacelle's of the wreck with a large TOS Connie like secondary hull and the Vesper's saucer and maybe even add an extra nacelle like the Vesper's as a fourth option!

    The models are all in-game and would be awesome to get to use them in flight as a VA and would only require some retexturing. Maybe in addition to these ships add the TMP ship phasers to be included when purchased and this would also make the ships more appealing for the players to purchase. I being one of them! :)


    I loved what you did with the Tholians and New Romulus, maybe in the future more worlds like New Romulus and cities like in the one in the final battle helping the Remans, the detail was awesome, various areas to go (catwalks,bridges forests), and you could add a various ground and space missions to these new worlds and maybe some building that can be slipped into and out of within the city (not to detailed, just cable of entering maybe sniping or whatever then quickly leaving). Also maybe a team pvp/pve/factions mission using these worlds. For the foundry the ability to use these worlds and cities in different setups and formations for the creation of more detailed maps for mission makers as well! ;)
  • boootzboootz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Short: #1 Make Attack Pattern Alpha no longer buff the damage of science abilities!
    #2 Allow us to set the uniform for the entire crew of our ship. Wouldn't take much effort I wouldn't think, and it would be nice.
    #3 A heal/repair all button for repairs both in space and at dock/med facilities would be nice!

    Mid: #1 Re balance science abilities! Many have been nerfed to uselessness!
    #2 New pvp maps! Some with hazards such as nebula would be nice!

    Long: #1 Re balance science abilities! Many have been nerfed to uselessness!
    #2 Territorial pvp!
    #3 Sector space open pvp!
    #4 Ferengi trade alliance faction! A faction dedicated to trade and commerce would add depth.
This discussion has been closed.