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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • bizorkbizork Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1. Fix the Cover. A while back, the shields were nerfed and it was suggested that we learn how to use cover. Fine, but NPC enemies can shoot through walls, mountains of rock, and other supposedly durable structures. But my shots get blocked if there is so much as a shadow in the way, no matter what weapon I have. The game obviously knows where boundaries are, so why cant I hide behind stuff without getting blasted? I dont see how it improves gameplay to be shot by something I cant even see while hiding behind a giant rock.

    2. Fix the glue-trap menus. When I get killed, a large percentage of the time it is because I am rooted by accidently wandering too close to some object with a menu. The object can be a drop or some sort of device I am supposed to interact with. In any case, a menu appears and my feet are stuck. Before I can tell the menu what to go do with itself, some bad guys shoot me. The transport pads and portals on Nukara are especially bad for this.

    3. Make the dead die. Enemies should just die when they are dead. It takes the NPCS so long to die, I end up shooting at them after they are already dead. Instead of disintegrating or blowing up (which would be COOL!), they take three steps, then go "ooo-arr, ooo-arr, ooo-arr," *FLOP* like some B-movie death scene. As if that wasn't enough, they often shoot me one last time AFTER they are already dead. Speed things up a bit and no more after-death shooting, please.
  • praxian2012praxian2012 Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Please list your top three requests for the devs in each of the following categories:

    Short-term requests

    These are small things that seem like they could maybe be done within a patch or two.

    Would love to see a lock option on the UI so that I quit dragging it across the screen.

    Mid-term requests

    These are things which realistically would take a couple of months for the devs to do, given dev time, testing, balancing, and so on.

    Crafting revisited.
    Klingon Episodes / Content (doesn't have to be ships!)
    Romulans as a playable race, even if like with Joined Trill you have to buy them.

    These are the things above that I would love to see changed!
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1. A species-changing token in the C-Store.
    2. Longer ship names. At least the same 40 letters that's allowed for bridge officer names.
    3. Continuous fire in space by holding down the "Fire all weapons" key, instead of having to tap it like mad.

    1. Bridge officers on all social maps, just like New Romulus.
    2. Rewards for duty officer assignments proportional to the time they take to complete. Right now, most of the long assignments that don't have special rewards are a complete waste of time because the amount of dilithium and CXP per hour is so low.
    3. Redo the bridge officer traits so there are space traits available for all species. Having every ship crewed by "Efficient" Saurians/Letheans is boring.

    1. More options for customizing ship appearance.
    2. Full ship interiors, with something meaningful to do there. Diplomatic missions, repel boarding party, holodeck, etc...(Being forced to visit your department heads in person because a few assignments don't show up in their assignment lists does not count as meaningful).
    3. Proper exploration missions that involve some real exploration instead of endless repetition of "tag a few random objects" and/or "kill a few random enemies."
  • eve1964eve1964 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1. Fix the "ship is under attack" warning when I launch my own fighters! Good lord, I don't think they are going to attack me.

    2. More importantly, I think the devs should address how loot is given out. Recently I have noticed that more and more people just hit "need" and not greed in STFs. I have always read and been told that this is bad manners, and have tried, once I understood that, to refrain from doing so, but, recently, I find that most folks just hit need and so, after one or two items go by, so do I.

    Why can't the loot drops be individual in nature?

  • edwarlordedwarlord Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    -Add more Fleet Emblems (specifically the Odyssey silloette).
    -Fix the 'Federation Starship Interior: The Original Series' from the TOS Bundle so that the doff assignment NPCs are wearing the same TOS uniform as the rest of the crew.
    -Fix the "Belfast" Bridge interior from the DS9 Bundle so that the crew (including doff assignment NPCs) are dressed in DS9 uniform.
    -A Career Change token. Basically its a respec but you also choose a different career.


    -Add doff assignments or something similar that allows Captains to unlock new sections of their ship. Like how Fleet Projects unlock/upgrade their starbase.
    -Add more ship customizability or at least more areas of the ship that can be decorated. If not then at least make more different ship interior layouts (not talking about bridge layouts). I highly doubt the Defiant-class has the same circular interior layout as the Galaxy-class or the Galaxy compared to the Odyssey.
    -TOS Enterprise Retrofit for VAs! Sorry it had to be said, lol.


    -This should be under short-term but for some reason it hasnt eluded you guys. Address why the Human Traits: Leadership & Teamwork are hard for you to get working properly. And then it should go without saying but, fix it, please!
  • jadecaitjadecait Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short-term requests

    Federation Playable Orion with cultural uniform/clothing through C-store unlock. If a Klingon and Borg can be Federation Captains it stands to reason an Orion could as well.

    I tried to play the Klingon side to play an Orion but it is too dark for me to enjoy and I really want to be able to play an Orion. That is not to say the Klingon side is not done well, it is done well and that it is too dark and feels too much like playing the 'bad guys' to me leaves me thinking it is done better than other MMOs that allow players to play the 'bad guys.'

    Nothing negative meant about the players who enjoy playing the 'bad guys,' it's just not my cup of tea, and just because I don't enjoy it does not make it something negative.

    Mid-term requests

    More clothing options for the Klingon side. I have no intent on continuing to play even my Orion on the Klingon side but I could tell in the time I played on the Klingon side of things that they really could use more options in the way of clothing. Not so much a want for me but a want for keeping players who enjoy playing in the Klingon Empire and care about clothing options enjoying playing STO.

    Long-term requests

    More variety in Formal and Off-Duty clothing, perhaps a traditional long gown formal set. More uniform packs, Formal and Off-Duty clothing for the Klingon side; same reasoning as the mid-term.

    Ways to earn fleet and Romulan marks without combat. I am likely in a, oops edit: vast minority not majority, but as a pacifist I really like the ability to advance in STO with minimal combat and being able to do so continues one of the original intents of the Prime Directive, it is also fitting for a Captain from a peaceful race. I didn't mention Omega marks because by the nature of M.A.C.O. and Omega it does not really have a peaceful side and is not for the pacifist, Omega marks being earned only through combat makes sense.

    Add to the exploration intent of the original series, add new, unexplored sectors of space every once in a while and areas where combat while exploring is the exception instead finding peaceful systems being the exception like it is now for the current exploration missions.

    Correct and in future design of warp capable ship keep to Roddenberry's rule that the nacels had to have direct line of sight to each other in order to work.

    Keep up the good work, I have played a lot of MMOs and have looked for an MMO in which there are objectives and advancement but a way to advance as a pacifist. I know I am in the minority among gamers but I don't think I am in the minority to choose MMOs as my games of choice because of the social element. I am really enjoying STO and hope to enjoy it for some time to come. I think the Devs are doing an excellent job and that no game is ever going to please everyone.
  • trahltrahl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short Term

    Gameplay bonuses for commendation levels (damage/mission/loot buffs)
    Exchange postings/purchase more like buying/selling with vendor.

    Mid Term

    Increased sources of dilithium or decreased dilithium requirements.
    More PvP maps.

    Long Term

    Customization options for starships and starbases- like a mini foundry.
    Multiplanet systems (add Mars to Sol year round).
    Diplomatic Core reputation system.
  • tiggychantiggychan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short-term requests

    These are small things that seem like they could maybe be done within a patch or two.
    • Lowering the timespan of ALL epohh doff assignments from 24hrs to 20 hrs, including winter
    • Sell/Trade Winter Elder Epohhs for something like Romulan Marks
    • Increasing the limit size of most consumables like Hypos and such from 20 to 50-99
  • daisydocdaisydoc Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I am so sick of AFK mission runners.

    The other day during romulan mining mark mission i had the pleasure of being in a group of players (nonplayers) where i was the only one partcipating. needless to say the mining district was over ran.

    these lame people get the same marks as players that actually participate.

    FIX solution:

    AFK timer in missions auto remove people after 60 sec.

    Add a mechanic where you must do X amount of damage to get credit.

    Add a must claim reward with 30 seconds to get credit.

    Must take a respawn with 30 seconds or removed.

    Add a /report afk command and if X players report than it punts the person.

    finally add a feature that if you are AFK deemed then it turns you into a Steaming brown Horta for a week. with a force title of UNPRODCUTIVE FREELOADER to wear proudly for a week so people know who to watch.
  • skaldraskaldra Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I completely agree with all the posts above that are addressing the FREELOADING players in STFs and Romulan Mark missions.

    I agree it could be abused if you allow 1 player to kick another... but if all 4 team members agree to kick then it should be possible.

    Yes another solution is to not award marks if a player has done under the minimum amount of damage (this does not have to be a high limit, just enough that it forces players to participate).

    Honestly and not exaggerating, I play 3/5 STFs where at least one member is sitting at the spawn point the whole time... frankly its effecting my attitude and excitement to even participate myself when I know I wont make the optional objective and know that it will take an additional 10min to complete the mission.

    Director of Marketing
  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    skaldra wrote: »
    I completely agree with all the posts above that are addressing the FREELOADING players in STFs and Romulan Mark missions.

    I agree it could be abused if you allow 1 player to kick another... but if all 4 team members agree to kick then it should be possible.

    Yes another solution is to not award marks if a player has done under the minimum amount of damage (this does not have to be a high limit, just enough that it forces players to participate).

    Honestly and not exaggerating, I play 3/5 STFs where at least one member is sitting at the spawn point the whole time... frankly its effecting my attitude and excitement to even participate myself when I know I wont make the optional objective and know that it will take an additional 10min to complete the mission.


    AFK'ers need only group together in pairs to prevent the 4-man majority from kicking them. :(

    My suggestion: Distribute end-mission rewards based on Total Damage + Total Healing done by each player. This way, active DPS'ers and active healers get the cut originally slated for the AFK'er.

    Example: Player1 deals 20k dps + 5k healing. Player2 deals 5k dps + 20k healing. Player3 deals 15k DPS + 15k healing. Player4 deals 5k DPS + 5k heals then AFK's. Player5 AFK's the whole match.

    Total DPS + Heals = 45k + 45k = 90k
    Player1 receives 25k / 90k = 27.8% of the total marks / drops payout
    Player2 received 25k / 90k = 27.8% of total payout
    Player3 receives 30k / 90k = 33.3% of total payout
    Player4 receives 10k / 90k = 11.1% of total payout
    Player5 receives 0k / 90k = 0.0% total payout.

    (Yes, I know there are round-off approximations above)

    Basically, the more the player scores in heals damage, the better his final cut of the end-game reward.

    Loot Rolls can also be modified with the same above percentage multipliers to give bonuses to active players, and penalties to AFK'ers. This means that no matter what the AFK'er rolls, his final roll number will still be near zero if he doesn't deal any heals or damage during the match.

    This system would work even in the case of 4 AFK'ers + 1 active player since it is based entirely on how the player performs.
  • shaeplyshaeply Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    shar487a wrote: »
    My suggestion: Distribute end-mission rewards based on Total Damage + Total Healing done by each player. This way, active DPS'ers and active healers get the cut originally slated for the AFK'er.

    -1, too hard to make it fair
    there are situations, where healing is not so important as dps.
    dps escort can do more healing than healing cruis,sci (see it at pvp).
    if mob has 50k life, you need do only 50k dmg (+ modifications), but if you are not really good, you may need more healing than you'll do dmg.

    and my game request:
    You gave us a lot of new stuff during last half year which is great. But do pls more optimalization, game is quite lagy. I could play it at middle setup smoothly, now i get lags at minimal setup and especially pvp is baaaaaaaad.
    (btw i made general overhaul of my pc and not working)
  • mariothebrosmariothebros Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    There are 4 things which I think can enhance STO:

    1. Place the reserved BoFF in our ship. I have various reserved BoFF (about 10) and I'd like to see them in Crew Deck Lounge. It would be great as well if I can interact with them, getting to know them as well as active duty BoFF on the bridge. I have a couple of unique BoFF in reserved, but they are useless because their names are only listed in the roster.

    2. I think it would be awesome if I can play STO from the bridge. Being able to command the ship from the bridge, just like flight simulator, would make STO unique. Maybe not everyone like to fly a ship from the bridge, so special arena can be created for this purpose. Or, simply make an option for this purpose so that players can choose either Bridge mode or arcade mode as we have now. Having bridge mode certainly make Bridge design worth it. Otherwise, how often do we go to the bridge? Many bridge designs are so pretty (and I love my Aquarius Bridge design), so why not make them useful.

    3. Make animation of the stars and planets outside our ship windows would also make the game more realistic. This can be combined with auto-pilot. I meant, once we set a course for the ship, we can see from inside the ship the actual surrounding panorama as the ship fly towards the destination.

    4. Add 3D chess and card games available at crew deck. Those game should be playable by players alone or with guests. If playing alone, BoFF should be able to be requested to join the game. This will make the lives on board the ship more realistic.

    That's all my ideas for STO. :cool:
  • zoarkarzoarkar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short Term
    1 Rebalance or replace the Bortasque to be more in-line with the fighting characteristics of Klingons.
    2 Add a ship for the freighter which debuted (and ultimately was destroyed) in Star Trek III. Really? You haven't done this yet? Really?!
    3 Using special borg nanoprobes, transform Auto Walk into Auto RUN so I don't have to keep hitting the stupid shift key!
    4 Display more useful and in depth statistics available on the ship status ui.
    5 Replace some of the theme music on the Klingon side to the Klingon theme rather then the classic Star Trek theme.
    6 More things Klingon! I enjoy them immensely!

    Mid Term
    1 Allow items to be sold on the Exchange by simply right clicking on them and selecting an option to sell. (See Guild Wars 2)
    2 Provide beam points in various areas of a map allowing you to transport from one place to another rather then pointlessly walking everywhere. (See Guild Wars 2)
    3 More duty officer game play, I really enjoy this aspect of the game.
    4 Redesign any UI elements to properly organize lists by category rather then throwing them all into a single scrolling list. Specifically the skill trainer list for officers. Its stupidly difficult to research in game.
    5 More things Klingon. I enjoy them immensely!

    Long Term
    1 Revamp/Redesign ALL ground character movement animation and collision mechanics to more correctly maneuver around walls and corners and in general remove the floppy chaotic feel to squad movements and combats. Which includes fixing the crude slinky affect that occurs when I try and get into melee range of my combat target and they move away from me. Feels dumb and unrefined.

    2 More things Klingon. I enjoy them immensely!
  • eve1964eve1964 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I think this is a mix of long- and short-term. First of all, I wish we could see, as our first ship, something more like these:


    Smaller and less powerful than the current crop of frigates you start with. It would make sense that ships like these, and the frigate classes would predominate in Starfleet. No wartime, or peacetime, fleet can maintain 100% of it's strength in large assets. They simply cost too much to produce and maintain. It also stands to reason that there would be a lot of commanders with jobs very much akin to what PT boat commanders did in World War 2. Tiny boats, with tiny crews scouting and raiding the enemy. Picket ships, if you will for intersellar war.

    I would propose that these ships be slightly slower than the initial frigate, with the exception of the fast destroyer design, which is clearly meant to be a quick reply vessel, and that they turn quickly and have 1 360 degree arc weapon, and one photon torpedo launcher up front. This would make them a bit weaker than the frigates, although, admittedly not much, but, it would make sense for their design.

    This goes hand in hand with my second suggestion, which could be implemented rather quickly. According to canon, the last thing a Captain should consider is becoming an Admiral, since that rank promotes them beyond the center seat. So, why is it, that as an Admiral, a vice admiral at that, I am commanding a starship?

    Easy fix, which certainly won't appeal to some, but, here goes...Re-rank the system.

    Lieutenant (jg)
    Lieutanant (sg)
    Lieutenant Commander
    Commodore (If you must go higher, or, perhaps this is a reward for hitting 50.)

    Same 5 levels, but, no Admirals. More true to canon, and more satisfying. If I'm a bloody Vice-Admiral, I should have a small fleet at my disposal, not one measly ship!

    Oh, and on a related note, I understand that the US Navy uses the rather Monty Python-esque title of Rear Admiral (Lower Half)....Can we use ranks that come from a navy that uses titles that sound more...professional? Maybe the Royal Navy? If you're going to keep the ranks as is, could the Rear Admiral (Lower Half...I really want to meet the guy who came up with this one) be replaced with Commodore. It sounds so much less...Well, I won't say what I think the other sounds like, but, I'm pretty sure the guy who originated it was a few numbers shy of an IQ.

  • ischaffeischaffe Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Long term

    I had a crazy idea for an endgame ship for lvl 50 players, essentially it will be a completely modifiable ship. That it's attributes ie shield and impulse modifiers, and hull are created by what you build the ship to be. Such as the type of nacelles will offer better speed or better turning, and so one. Then for the weapon and console slots, each slot is given a value, and you can decide how many of each slot you want. Which would allow for balance seeing how each choice will have both positive and negative outcomes, which would allow someone to truly make a ship that reflects how they want to play, and then at a cost change the layout without having to change ships.
  • i8472i8472 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    short term: dilithium requirments for most reputaion projects lowered & removed from some.

    adding 5 - 20 dilithium for completing episodes, and 1 - 5 marks

    omega marks for Borg/ Udine

    fleet marks for cardasian/domionion and "faction" episodes

    romlan marks for romulan episodes

    mid term:

    opening the foundry up to everyone to use/create...

    long term:

    play as Borg, Udine and even Iconian, Tholian, mirror, Dominion factions.
  • idunrealidunreal Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Mid term

    I would like to be able to search for Boffs and Doffs in the exchange with certain traits or abilities.

    Long term
    I would like to be able to "try out" different items before I buy them.

    For the C-store, normal venders, exchange, and etc. there has been many a time with outfits, ships, weapons, etc... that i have been highly disappointed with the item that i purchased (usually cosmetically, but sometimes functionally as well.)

    Some sort of holodeck type simulation that could be entered from the vendors and you could try out anything in their inventory.

    have options to enter ground, space, or outfit testing menus and for ground and space test simulations have enemies to try out weapons/shields/armor on.
  • xcom43xcom43 Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    OK here is a couple of items i would like to bye instead of trying to get them out of exchage be cause the cost is way too high in exchange.

    These should be added to the Vendors

    Critical Regenerator
    Critical Components
    The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
  • sethpower121sethpower121 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Mid time goal
    - Add more costumes like:Combat EV suits,M.A.C.O. armor,Omega Task force armor.Add more enemy mobs like the Tholians to the foundry.
    Long time goal
    This might also be a mid time goal,branching dialog.Like if you say the wrong thing to the klingon leader,he'll attack you later in the mission.Or if you say the right thing,he'll aid you in battle.

    "You won't win.. I'm a psycho!.."
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Some of my ideas:

    - Benzite Bridge Officer

    - A printable option to have an overview about the basic infos of my Capain, ships and Boffs and their abillities

    - Gateway:
    3D turnable models of ship and crew.
    Better looking pictures of the crew - not those Eggheads
    Seeing all my ships, not just the one in use
  • edwarlordedwarlord Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    - "DaiMon" title added to the GPL store. Unlocked by paying 500k-1mil GPL.
    DaiMon is a quasi-military rank used by the Ferengi Alliance. A DaiMon was approximately equivalent to a Starfleet captain. The purchase of this title usually meant command of a Ferengi starship, or an official political or military posting. In the Ferengi language, DaiMon translated to "Captain".

    - More Dabo gambling accolades.

    - Males allowed to wear the Lobi Earrings.

    - A [Tsunkatse Falchion] made of Latinum added to either the Lobi or GPL store.


    - Trophie shelves adorning the 3 sides of the Dabo room and replace the round side table with a floor trophie (I want to display my Latinum Pile!).

    - A unique Ferengi Na'Far Shuttle bridge


    - Boffs allowed to wear Off-Duty uniforms again.
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    - Beeing able to use an one-time token to buy a pre-chosen (1 of 3/5) ship from the opposite faction.

    - Raise the possible amount of EXP on a captain even when he is at LV 50. Hell, there are still some skills I want to raise up
  • organicmanfredorganicmanfred Member Posts: 3,236 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I think this could be pretty handy:

    - An "unequip all" button for ships and Boffs.
    If I want to change ships or the ground Boffs, I could easily press the "unequip all" button to remove all gear from my ship or Boff and so I no longer need to grab every item one after another and place it in my iventar.
  • hellwolf80hellwolf80 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    These are my wanted features from the game, but nine was kinda few for the thought I have in mind, so I had to cheat a little bit. What can I say, I'm a good student of Captain Kirk. ^^


    - Increase texture quality of Earth and other important planets

    While I appreciate the fact Earth really looks like Earth, the texture looks like Google Maps 0.1. OK, it looks better than the geoscape in x-com: enemy unknown, but it's kinda expected I guess. I would like to see Earth and the core federation planets with a bit higher resolution texture. While I like the 'floating cloud' system, I do not like the 'city lights' system, it's not really personal to any planet, and kinda inaccurate to Earth's landscape.

    - Fixing bugs and glitches

    This is a simple one. Kill as many bugs and glitches as possible. While it's nice that the game moves forward by adding more content regularly, leaving the errors and not-working-as-it-should-be parts of the game can hurt it in the long run. I just want to bring up 2 of these issue. In system space there is a constant glitch in the background that keeps breaking the texture, it should be fixed. Also, even if the character animations are good, some of them - like the jumping animation - are awful.

    - Adding a vote/kick option to teams

    Sadly no MMO with group content should miss/avoid that. And as a game with it's most interesting/rewarding content being the 5-men content, it's required to have a system like that. While being hard, most of the STFs are doable with a PUG, being able to complete it in a short period of time (space STFs that is), with proper equipment and focus, and missing out one guy because of reasons unknown can make a run turn out to be a disaster. It happened to me on several occasions that only 4 captains were fighting while 1 being idle, moving only when the mission was complete and leave with his drops or giving some lame excuse why he was away. I think a voting system with a 3 vote needed limit should be implemented, with a kick and an auto-queue system in place with it.


    - More music and noises, fixing the 'bird'

    While I know you guys added music to the game in the recent past, more epic space scores required to increase versatility. And I don't mean to say you should only add authentic Star Trek music, but brand new ones as well. For example there is a really good Freelancer-esque music in one of the bars, and I like it very very much. Also, please 'snipe' down that damn bird form the sky, because it's warble all over the universe, even underground and on starbases.... really annoying.

    - System view for queue locations

    So first of all I got to say I'm not a huge fan of the current warp speed travel method in the game, but more on that later. Right now I would like to talk about the space queue system. So. How does it make sense that you travel with your ship in warp space and them come to a complete stop - still in warp space - waiting to enter to a planet while you are not even in the solar system or in orbit of said planet? It doesn't for me. That's why I'm suggesting you guys should give those queue-able planets (war zones, etc) a system view where everyone can wait for it's turn out of warp space. I also think this step would give sector space a bit smoother run.

    - C-store upgrade

    So, the C-Store. While the store working as intended, there are a few improvements that could be made to this feature. A rating system could be added to the store, like being able to give 1-5 stars (badges) to each item. A comment section could be added to each item for captains to be able to discuss their positive/negative experiences. Adding a 'best sellers' tab on the menu could be a great addition too, just like adding sale count to each item. Also a wishlist system could be implemented for captains, to plan ahead their spending, featuring a total cost for all wishlist items and an alert system which sends a message to captains if their wishlist items are on sale.


    - Bridge/duty officer personal stories with more use of ship interior

    This is a must have if you plan to bring the STO experience closer to the TV show experience. I think the first stage to implement this is to make stories for the unique bridge officers as well as to very rare duty officers with in-game models. To make this work they should have voice over too. They need some interesting stories connected to their race, background or place of origin, or based on the unique officers status regarding to the player's faction. I'm thinking about both 2 and 5 men npc only missions. These could go to surface, space and on-ship missions. Yes, to make it work you need to expand the ship with more rooms, more interior pieces, more levels and more corridors. Like real access to the shuttle bay, to holodeck and other facilities, even to the extend of the entire ship (as far as I know the intrepid class was completely done in Star Trek Voyager Elite Force expansion).

    - RPG mode for space combat / RPG mode for warp travel

    Ok, so this is kinda complex work, but would be lovely to see it in-game. Doing anything on the bridge is pointless now, so it would be great to give some life to the crew. It could work with the current hud with a bit more transparency, and a new window for targets to select. Viewing from behind the captains chair, the view screen could show general directions (front-back-left-right-top bottom) as well as a target camera. Most of the comments the player input on the HUD could said by the captain (in a comic style bubble-text format) and acknowledged by the crew. Of course, voice-over would be great. The captain should change his position in the chair according to the current situation. Heavy hits should shake the bridge. Of course a button in the right bottom corner for switching normal 3rd person/RPG view should be added.
    Now for the warp travel. I think the current system is far from being ideal or good from a 'realism' standpoint, but I don't think completely erasing the current system would be a welcoming change for a lot of people. So I'm thinking about an optional RPG warp space mode. First of all, stopping should be prohibited from happening, as there is no point is doing so in this game, the ship should stop on points of interest only. The second thing is the scope. Ships in warp couldn't be seen until it's very very close. Also solar systems should be much bigger, with planets and suns with proper scale. The 'enter system' message should pop up in the edge of the system, not when we reach the sun. Maybe without showing those objects there is a higher chance that the RPG sector spaces could open together to one giant space.

    - FPS view for ground combat

    As you could see in previous points I would like to see various modes to be in the game to give a versatile gaming experience to players. Space mode is lacking that, but the highly customizeable ground combat is almost perfect. The only thing that is missing to be the most versatile out there is the ability to play from the 1st person view. I would love to see how you guys would implement this to the game, luring even more people to the game. I think this topic doesn't require more explanation. :)

    Thanks for reading through all this and keep up the good work! See you in-game!
  • argivesdurrisargivesdurris Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My Short, Mid and Long term requests are the same.
    After four days downloading this game and many tickets which have so far only received a pro forma response, I would like the game to start.
    It tries twice to auto update then gives me the "The patch client got a message while it was in a state with no response function." error message. Error message 33 apparently. I have forwarded all the relevant information in my ticket.
    I have no time for this rubbish, or the implication that it is my fault when I have a plethora of other games and online services that work fine, and these forums contain people who have had this same error with no joy from Cryptic going back to 2007 and up to now. The game sounds like fun. I was looking forward to trying it out.

    They have one month to "allow" me to actually reach their servers then I'm uninstalling it. There's a lot of competition out there, so if they don't want any of my money in microtransactions or my business generally that's fine. I can do without the aggravation.
    I await any assistance from Cryptic with bated breath.
  • argivesdurrisargivesdurris Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I have a solution for this at last.
    For some reason despite already having an exception in the Firewall for Star Trek Online, my computer (Windows 7) needed a specific rule in place to allow for TCP Ports 80, 443, 7000-7500 to be allowed. It then needed to be rebooted again and after THAT I actually managed to log in.

    I'm going to put this information on that long forum post I was trawling through.

    My Thanks.

  • sargon999sargon999 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short Term:

    I am sure that this may already been suggested. This is direclty for the the devs. I think that this is a very simple change and can be done rather easily. I propose a change the load screen when warping between the sector blocks (any sector block) or all. I think that the LCARS screen looks pretty tired an boring. In order to improve the experience, have an actual warp screen. A star field with the stars flying past at different speeds. You could change the loading percentages to reflect the total distance traveled from current postion to destination. It does not have to be a complete redesign. The star field that is visible if you visit the shuttle bridge is a pretty easy screen to copy and paste. If really wanted to get crazy, you could design a transwarp screen as seen in the Voyager series finale. Of couse, that was a Borg transwarp conduit but it can easily be FED like by adding the FED blue etc.. If you think about it, I think it will improve the the overall experience of the game and make it flow much better. The load screen is not on for long and really does not need to be but as long as it is - why not make it look cool!!
  • flotahispanaflotahispana Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short-mid therm (meaning all 2013)

    1. Finished KDF faction.
    2. Finished PvP system, including open Pvp and Starbase Sieges.
    3. Spanish localization and launching for south Europe and Americas.
  • lordrelentlesslordrelentless Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short Term: please fix the balance of the Vesta and Warships and the C-store ships; these ships are supposed to be the best the fleet has to offer, and for the cost, we players are getting very little. The ships are claimed to be X but we're getting Y. An example of this is with the Heavy Cruiser from the C-store, it costs 1000 zen and mos people buy it to get the console which claims a Reduction in the time for transwarp (50% reduction in transwarp cooldown time and an increase in warp efficieny). However this console doesn't do this in the slightest. It increases the cooldown time rather than reducing it and if you already have your warp efficiency at 99 it doesn't add to it.

    The Vesta is horribly under powered, it should at the very least have 4 weapon slots fore and aft. The quantum shielding isn't invulnerable, even if you're at full health and full power while draining from another attacking ship via energy siphon it can still (and on a far more regular basis than it should be) fail and your ship can still be destroyed.

    The Breen Ghet warship from the winter wonderland is no where near as powerful as your website suggests. It's not on par with the Dreadnaught, even my Galor warship is better than it. This shouldn't be the case. (Noting the Galor didn't even come with a special item, just the spiral disruptors available via the dilithium store).

    Fix clicking zone for missions; whenever I transwarp to say I don't know, Doomsday so I can get to the transwarp gate, or Stranded in space to go to ESD because the transwarp cooldown is ridiculously long even with my duty officer dropping it by half if I click anywhere on the screen (say to adjust the camera) I'm instantly pulled into the mission even though I haven't clicked the button. This needs to be fixed and there is no options that allow me to narrow that area of affect.

    Medium range goals: Make the animated parts of the transwarp optional.
    Transwarp nodes you can place in specific locations and transwarp to for free for a given period of time. (Say 12 hours).
    Actual Crystalline Entity encounter (I've had the mission in my "in progress" menu for months but not once have I actually ever fought the crystalline entity.
    Fully open ships; no more partial ships or little areas where you can only go into it at some point in time. An open ship that I can go into every room.
    Price reduction in the C-store for Clothing. I shouldn't nor should anyone else have to pay 5.50$ for digital clothing. This is utter stupidity. .50$ sure, (50 zen), but no 550 zen.
    More ways to get Omega Marks; replaying the same STFs is just a pain and boring.

    Long Term
    More story; this regional planetary stuff is boring; I joined this game because I'm a Star Trek fan not a WOW fan. I don't want to sit on my computer for hours on end grinding to get stuff. My time is far more valuable than that. I want storyline, I want episodes that are actually story driven.

    Better Graphics; seriously with the Unreal Engine 5 coming out and other engines like the one used for Skyrim why your game isn't HD and with better graphics and better interactions I don't know.

    Fixed clipping; I'm tired of running into objects and instead of stopping I just sort of slow down and get stuck.

    Fix one hit kill shots: this is utter BS, we players can't get one hit kills but the NPCs can, I can't count anymore the number of times I've gone into battle with full shields full weapons full health and been dropped in a matter of seconds. This shouldn't happen and it's wearing thin.

    My final request is there should be a new Fed or Klingon faction (or both) where you can play a Recluse or Free Borg with their own Borg ship line. They should have their own storyline with their own set of episodes separate from the ones that already exist.
This discussion has been closed.