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origin of your ship name



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    USS Repulse
    Excelsior Refit

    The original USS Repulse (NCC-2544) was an Excelsior Class ship constructed late in the 23rd Century that served Starfleet in various capacities until after the Dominion War. It was one of a very few vessels with 4-digit registry numbers still in service in the late 24th Century, making it one of the oldest ships in Starfleet.

    The name "Repulse" can itself be traced back through the British Royal Navy and has been used for ships dating all the way back to the 17th Century. The most famous vessel was a Renown Class Battlecruiser that fought with distinction in WWI and was sunk by Japanese air attack in the opening days of WWII, 10 Dec. 1941, with the loss of over 500 officers and men.

    My particular USS Repulse is an imagination of the original hull brought out of mothballs, stripped to its spaceframe and completely rebuilt with modern equipment to serve against the numerous threats facing the Federation in the early 25th Century.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    So I've dumped my Original Engineer guy, and am building a new Toon. MY first feamle toon, her name is Misa Hayase, and she's command such ships (so far) as the following.

    Tier 0 - USS Valkyrie
    Tier 1 - USS Cyclone
    Tier 2 - USS Centaur
    Tier 3 - USS Daedalus
    Futur Ships:
    Tier 4 - USS Henry Gloval
    Tier 5 - USS Macross

    Based this grouping on the old Robotech series, with my toon's name comgin from the original japanese character that would become Lisa Hayes in the US Series. All her BOffs are named after prominent character names from teh US Series.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    I think I've posted in here before, but after 163 pages, who's keeping track, lol...so here goes:

    With my tactical VA, Underwood:

    -U.S.S. Adelbert Ames NCC-103135: Named for a Medal of Honor winner from the Civil War. His name has gone to five ships - the original and the A were the same variant design of the Tier 1 light cruiser (ShiKahr hull, Miranda rollbar and nacelles, Centaur pylons), the B an unmodified Akira, the C an unmodified Prometheus, and the D (current) an unmodified Galaxy. I might rename the Galaxy once I get my Odyssey after the next FE.

    -U.S.S. Benjamin Butler NCC-110518: Ames' father-in-law, a somewhat controversial figure (the South called him "Beast", among other things), but one who's semi-respected in Massachusetts. Two ships - the original was a variation on the Connie refit (Excalibur hull and nacelles, Vesper pylons and neck, Connie saucer), and the Butler-A (my current ride) a T5 Excelsior, in original configuration.

    -U.S.S. Lowell NX-311826: The city in Massachusetts that was home to the two men above. Though it's been two different ships, I consider them one and the same because the first incarnation was the regular Galaxy I had at Captain, and its current incarnation is the Galaxy Dreadnought.

    -U.S.S. Crowninshield NX-122772: My retrofit Defiant, which has had a few changes made (hull of a Vigilant, nacelles of a Gallant). Named for Benjamin Williams Crowninshield, a cabinet member for Presidents Madison and Monroe, and a distant ancestor of mine. In its original configuration (plain Defiant), it was called the Argent Crusade, one of my occasional homages to my MMO roots in World of Warcraft.

    -U.S.S. Tuolumne NCC-110195: My runabout. In keeping in the spirit of this class, it's named for a river - to be specific, a river in California that flows from Yosemite to the city of Modesto, where I lived for many years.

    My science RA, G'dath:

    -U.S.S. Eisenstein NCC-98123: The Intrepid-class ship I ran at Captain, and will run again at Vice Admiral. The name has two sources: 1)the ship from Warhammer 40,000 lore (the "Flight of the Eisenstein" is part of the Horus Heresy legend), and 2)the Soviet film director Sergei Eisenstein, whose major works include the silent films The Battleship Potemkin and October, and the sound films Alexander Nevsky and Ivan the Terrible.

    -U.S.S. Gilneas NX-120710: The Nebula-class I ran at Commander. Another WoW reference.

    -U.S.S. Mikhail Britanov NX-100116: A modified Oracle-class ship (with nacelles and hull from the Destiny). Named for a character from my roleplaying, a respected general in the Starfleet Marine Corps killed during a conflict called the "Divine War", two decades prior to STO.

    -U.S.S. Iapetus NCC-102571: The Luna-class ship I got at around the same time, named for one of the moons of Saturn (in keeping with the spirit of the class names). Iapetus had in fact been the original destination of the Discovery in the book version of 2001, but it was retconned to Jupiter in the movie and in the sequel book/movie, 2010.

    -U.S.S. Andronius NCC-200707: The D'Kyr science ship I claimed when I got to LH1 (I had bought the ship in the C-Store months earlier with my tac VA, just for giggles). Named for a Space Marine Strike Cruiser of the Emperor's Children Legion from the Horus Heresy novel series.

    -U.S.S. Firebird NCC-200707-S: The Tal'Kyr that came with the D'Kyr, named for the personal assault ship of Fulgrim, Primarch of the Emperor's Children.

    -U.S.S. Graf Spee NX-121739: A combination Emissary/Vanguard star cruiser I bought with the free token I got at RA Upper Half, seeing as I had all the science choices already (wouldn't give me the Nebula, the bastids, lol). Unfortunately the whole name (that is, Admiral Graf Spee) could not go on this ship's hull. Named for a German "pocket battleship" of World War II, commanded by a captain whose code of honor earned him the respect of his adversaries; the ship was in turn named for a German admiral in World War I.

    My engineer LG, Devaneaux:

    -IKS Terminus Est: The Kar'Fi carrier I got at Lieutenant General. Latin for "this is the end", Terminus Est was yet another homage to the Horus Heresy, in this case the flagship of one Calas Typhon of the Death Guard Legion, who would achieve ten thousand years of notoriety as Typhus, the Herald of Nurgle. The name seemed to fit to me, because - as I wrote in one of my fan fics - the ship was part of an infernal horde intended to bring the end of the Empire, and now her captain is using the ship to bring the end to the Empire's enemies.

    -IKS VeS'jach: The Negh'var I got at Brigadier General, the name means "Warcry". Another thing dating back to my roleplaying, as it was the flagship of General K'van, whom Devaneaux befriended during the Divine War.

    -IKS VeS'puq: The Toron shuttle I got for the Vault, and it means "Warchild". Will probably be replaced with the captain's yacht-type thing once I hit 400 days (which should be in about two weeks, lol).

    -IKS Devaneaux's Fury: The B'rel Bird-of-Prey I started with. I also gave this name to the retrofit; I only fly in it for giggles at this point, since the B'rel retrofit sucks.

    -IKS Kelenek'che'sa: The Vor'cha I got at Captain, and again as a retrofit, referring to a planet where Devaneaux's life "changed forever". General K'van had also participated in this battle.

    -IKS Hovpuq: The K't'inga I flew around in at Commander, meaning "Starchild". Referring to a race of my devising, of which Devaneaux and Underwood are resident experts. My "alien" crewmembers on all three of my major characters' ships are of this race. I kept it even after I got to General, as I had been inspired by a friend, Krenn, to do so.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    My ship is named after my girlfriend.

    My other one is named after my parrot.

    In reverse order :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    New Ship for Lt Commander:

    Name: USS Hazelton
    Registry Number: NCC-91002-A (Bye bye faithful Miranda class ship!)
    Class: Vesper

    Hazelton is where I grew up for a few years during my childhood. It is also where my Mother was born and where my Grandfather still lives to this day. The actual location is Hazelton, BC, Canada.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    USS Determination - it just came to me. I always had the determination to succeed.

    IKS Doq Jajlo' - Klingonese, "Red Dawn". I thought it was a name robust enough for a KDF ship.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    U.S.S. Archytas after http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archytas

    Best name for a sci toon commanding an Intrepid-R! :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    On my main, i Fly a star cruiser that's named "Ralph Reuss III" with NX-91450 as the registry.

    This is the name and birth date of my dad, which is able to work because he was actually born in September the only month it will work for.

    My father was an avid trek fan and raised his boys on trek, my brother and I. Sadly he passed away in November of '09 just before this game came out. I had showed him pictures and videos and told him about the new Star trek MMO that was coming out, and he was wanting to see it. However he did not make it. He did however see the star cruiser drawings and noted that he like them best of all.

    So in Honor of my father and for the series he loved so much, I fly the Star Cruiser "Ralph Reuss III" NX-91450, Boldly going where no one has gone before...

    /me wipes a tear from his eye and salutes.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    My ship is named after a combination of distaster and terrific. It's either from Final Fantasy X or X-2. Been awhile since I've played those games. Probably X-2.

    Find it quite fitting, since I end up on top of the damage list quite often. Both delivered and received. Yeah I die a lot :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My original post in here back in 2010.

    As now for my other characters since..

    U.S.S. Lwaxana, Nyrez's ship - Named after Majel Barret-Roddenbury's character, Lwaxana Troi in honor and remembrance of her. R.I.P. Majel, will always love and cherish you and your work! Nyrez also has his other ships and shuttles named after Majel's and Marina's characters and/or Betazed places:

    Nyrez's Comissioned Vessels:
    U.S.S. Lwaxana; Intrepid Class Retrofit
    --- U.S.S. Majel; Delta Class Runabout
    U.S.S. Deanna; Trident Class
    --- U.S.S. Marina; Danube Class Runabout
    U.S.S. Sirtis; Comet Class
    U.S.S. Barrett; Constitution Class
    U.S.S. Cataria; NX Class
    U.S.S. Troi; Quasar Class Refit

    Dra'Ro'Ar's main vessel, the U.S.S. Hypacro is named after the Hypacrosaurus species, since he is a Voth-Saurian hybrid raised on Earth. I figured it would be befitting for him to have an affinity for the species of dinosaurs he evolved from. All his future vessels will have similar names derived from the Hadrosauridae family.

    Zorn's ship, I.K.S. Zilcher, was just my silly play at a Z-named vessel to represent that he will reduce his enemies to nothing, nadda, zilch, zero! :P
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My VA is at the helm of a Defiant class ship named:

    U.S.S. Missouri

    Built as a high powered warship to avenge the lives lost in the line of duty at Wolf 359.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    USS Horizon, named after Event Horizon, of the movie by the same title
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    U.S.S. Vidarr

    One of the sons of Odin.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    IKS Ursva - Default name given to a proud K't'inga class cruiser belonging to Zadari Imeni, my joined Trill tac. I kept it in honor of my favorite sequence of dialogue in all of the Star Trek movies.

    Her motto is: We is condemning food, things and supplies!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    With the exception of my main VA's ship, all my Federation ship names come from geniune Royal Navy ships.

    HMS Smiter - USS Smiter
    HMS Phaeton - USS Phaeton
    HMS Ranger - USS Ranger

    My main VA's ship, USS Hephaestus comes from HMSS Hephaestus in the Honor Harrington books. The main ship yard of the Royal Manticoran Navy.

    Of course my one Klingon ship is just the randon in game Klingon name.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    U.S.S. Umbra (Multi-Vector) named less for just a Shadow and more for the Shadow of a Planet or its Dark Side.

    U.S.S. Sentinel (D'kyr) Named somewhat for the Adacar Sentinel from MTG thanks to its Artifact Color and that ever watching eye (the Deflector Dish).

    I.K.S. Dragon Claw (Guramba) Self Explanatory.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    USS I'm On A Boat - Named after the song by The Lonely Island.
    USS Oscar Fran
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    USS Foward Unto Dawn (Venture Galaxy Class), Halo 3 ship UNSC Forward Unto Dawn, fought in the Battle of Earth and Battle of Installation 00, entire vessel was split in half, one piece returning to Earth, another drifting to Sigma 7 along with John-117 and Cortana., when the portal it was going through shut down,
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My ships names have been random but thought out.

    USS Oklahoma City NCC-95666 (Constitution class pre-order bonus)
    My first ship was named after my most recent submarine, the USS Oklahoma City SSN-723, the hull number was completely random

    USS Vendetta NCC-990104-A (Constitution class refit)
    Struggled for a name with this ship. I finally settled on this name because it didn't seem overly aggressive, but also not overly passive. The hull number is the date I entered the Navy.

    USS Zephyr NCC-110727 (Excelsior Class)
    Excelsior the name always seemed like a young horses name to me. Fast and agile. So I went with Zephyr because it is a sprite wind, and it seemed fitting for this class of ship. The hull number is the date I acquired the ship.

    USS Enola TRIBBLE NCC-861945 (Galaxy Class)
    My pride and joy. I was ecstatic when I finally got this ship. I had wanted it since the game was released. I wanted to make sure the name was carefully selected and just as grand as the ship herself. Enola TRIBBLE was the bomber in WWII that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and the hull number is the date that the bomb was dropped.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    She who must be obeyed and catered to...my wife.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    USS Redeemer: The ship name was chosen for a variety of reasons. I chose it because it has spiritual significance and because I feel that as a Starfleet officer, we seek to not only explore new worlds, but the Federation is a moral organization. Even so far as to grant compassion to mortal enemies, to the worst villains.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The current USS Absolution is a Science Vessel Refit kitbash, her predecessor was an Oberth Class, and the Purity was an NX class.

    The toon is a Lib Borg, so the ship names all center around clensing, redemption, and the like. The Danbue Class runabout in the bay is named the Chicago. My shuttles are all named after Chicago suburbs, the same way the Danubes were all rivers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    jericho791 wrote: »
    USS Oklahoma City

    Aww... Cool. I'm actually from Oklahoma City.

    Mine is the U.S.S. Dragonheart. I really love dragons. I had to figure out what would a cool name be with dragon inspiration, and this was it. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    One of mine is the U.S.S. Star Empire from the book, Star Trek: Deadnought!

    I did tweak the ship a bit from the story to what I fly but ... oh well ... creative license! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    My ships are named after Royal navy ships with two exceptions

    USS Scots Guardsman NCC-946115
    Excelsior Class
    Name after the Royal scot class steam loco which was used in the british transport film Night Mailand the day before i got her i went for a ride on the real train

    USS Macross Frontier NCC-92059
    Galaxy Class
    Named for the long running searies for japan and the music for the anime works really well with STO

    USS HOOD NCC-91703-A
    Soverign Class
    Named after the worlds most famious Battle cruiser and Pride of the Royal Navy. The numeber paying respect to the orignial series Hood

    USS Dreadnought NX-91906
    Galaxy Class Dreadnought
    Named after the ship that change everything in the arms race building up to world war 1 and 2
    Ive put her as the prototype of the class
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    U.S.S. Epimetheus - From Greek Mythology. Brother of Prometheus who gave fire to the mortals

    U.S.S. Zimmerman - In honor of Dr. Louis Zimmerman from

    U.S.S. Melvar - Energy being from Futurama episode "Where no fan has gone before"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    U.S.S. Iron Butterfly - a acid rock band from the 1960s

    U.S.S InAGaddaDaVida - One of Iron Butterfly's songs and album from 1968

    Obligatory Wikipedia link - In A Gadda Da Vida

    WARNING it is 17 minutes long Listen to In A Gadda Da Vida
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'm from the Isle of Man, so all but one of my ships have Manx connections;

    USS Ellan Vannin NCC-150996
    Delta Class Shuttle

    USS Lordat NCC-150996
    Class F Shuttle

    USS Niarbyl NX-150996
    Intrepid Classl Retrofit

    USS Manxman NX-150996-A
    Galaxy Class (Soon to be refitted!!!)

    USS Silverburn NX-150996-B
    Defiant Class Retrofit

    USS Snaefell NX-15096-C
    Sovereign Class

    USS Viking NX-150996-D
    MVAM Prometheus Class Retrofit

    USS Manannan NX-150996-F
    Galaxy Class Dreadnought

    USS Snaefell NX-150996-G
    Excelsior Class Retrofit (Flagship)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Generally my escorts get named after things from mythology (e.g. Shiva, Odin, Ragnarok), science ships get named after stellar phenomena or 'moods' (Quasar, Constellation, Tranquility, Halcyon), cruisers after 'Earthy' types of names (Tigris, Euphrates, Oceana), and shuttles and small craft all get named after European cities (Brussels, Naples, Venice, etc.)..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    All of my vessel's names come from American History...

    I have three vessels...

    USS Lexington (My Primary)

    USS Yorktown (Gal-X Backup)

    USS Sam Adams (Delta Flyer)
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