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origin of your ship name



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    USS Hyperion, Sovereign class. (Named after the Greek Titan of classical mythos)
    USS Ramillies, Star Cruiser (From: HMS Ramillies, British dreadnought serving in WW1 and WW2)
    USS Commonwealth, Excelsior class (From: The British commonwealth, and/or the literal meaning - for the common good of all.)

    My second character...

    USS Adrastea, Luna class (Named for Jupiter's second moon, as befitting the class.)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    USS Spitfire because i'm using all phaser cannons + turrets so it looks like its literally "spitting fire". Also there has been a long history of famous ships in both the Airforce and Navy that have used the name Spitfire. The USS Spitfire was also a canon Defiant class ship (shown in DS9) same as mine.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Concerning the ships of my primary character, this is what I've got and how I came up with the name:

    USS Battlestar - My girlfriend and I are big fans of the remake of "Battlestar Galactica"

    USS Corvus Corax - Latin for "Raven" which is one of my girlfriend's favorite birds

    USS Enterprize - Being that the ship is the NCC-1701 model, it seemed natural to name it that

    USS Fairyqueen - The second half of my girlfriend's username on Yahoo Messenger

    USS Highflyer - The first part of my username on Yahoo Messenger

    USS Lightning - Given the fact that this ship has about four different transwarp options, I figured the name would be appropriate. :)

    USS Lockwood (Delta Flyer) - Named for the character Tyler Lockwood from the CW series "The Vampire Diaries"

    USS Passionstorm - My girlfriend came up with this, though I don't know the origin of it

    USS Petrova (Class F Shuttle) - Named for the character Katerina Petrova from the CW series "The Vampire Diaries"

    USS Salvatore (Current Ship) - Named for the Salvatore brothers from the CW series "The Vampire Diaries"

    USS Winchester - Named for the family consisting of John, Mary, Sam and Dean from the WB/CW series "Supernatural"
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    My Vulcan toon:

    USS Pohshautra - In Vulcan, it means 'firefight'.

    USS I-Chaya - A shuttle in memory to Spock's sehlat.

    USS Infinity - A short term for IDIC.

    For my Human toon:

    USS Swordfish - Named after Spike Spiegel's ship from Cowboy Bebop.

    USS Julia - Also from Cowboy Bebop. (This toon's a bounty hunter so... :p)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I tend to name my ships after discworld places like u.s.s. Ankh-Morepork
    or tend to use names from the warhammer 40k universe or I.K.S. Chalice of blood or U.S.S. Emperors Fury
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm glad i found this thread. I've enjoyed seeing other peoples' ship names while flying around the map. There's some pretty good ones out there.

    Mine's named for the HMS Surprise, which was Captain Jack Aubrey's ship in the Aubrey - Maturin novels by Patrick O'Brien. The movie Master and Commander was based on these books.

    I've kept USS Surprise for all of my ships so far. I'm amazed I havent seen a duplicate of it yet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm glad i found this thread. I've enjoyed seeing other peoples' ship names while flying around the map. There's some pretty good ones out there.

    Mine's named for the HMS Surprise, which was Captain Jack Aubrey's ship in the Aubrey - Maturin novels by Patrick O'Brien. The movie Master and Commander was based on these books.

    I've kept USS Surprise for all of my ships so far. I'm amazed I havent seen a duplicate of it yet.

    If I had to guess, mate, it's because anyone who appreciates the name would probably consider it a heresy to put "USS" in front of "Surprise". ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    i use the name Guardian for all of my Federation ships..... Up to Guardian-E atm
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    all random generated from sto.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Edit: for some reason it posted more than once.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    For my primary character, I named my ships after carriers, battleships,battlecruisers, or heavy cruisers of the world's navies at around WW2. The only exception is my NX class ship which is named after a space shuttle.

    Sovereign- USS Bismarck
    Galaxy X- USS Midway
    Luna- USS Tennessee
    Excelsior refit- USS Hood (which is also a canon ship)
    Prometheus- USS North Carolina
    Intrepid refit- USS Guam
    TOS Constitution- USS Iowa
    NX- USS Discovery

    I have a captain's yacht also, but it still has the random name from the game. I haven't quite figured out what to name it yet.

    My other character's ships:

    NX- USS Atlantis
    Miranda- USS Valley Forge
    Constitution refit- USS Lexington
    Nova- USS Mercury
    Captain's Yacht- USS Gallileo
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I tend to name my ships after cities in the Middle East. My most recent ship is the U.S.S Medina, named after the city in Saudi Arabia..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    My Galaxy refit 'Richard Dawkins' is a classic trek science reference.

    The star cruiser 'Calm Horizons' is the name of a large ship featured in a series of space opera novels.

    Carrier 'SoS toQ' is my feeble attempt at Klingon language using quick search in online dictionaries, and it should mean 'Mother Bird'.

    Guramba siege ship 'Ulkesh' is a Babylon 5 character nod.

    MVAM escort 'Chimaera' is taken from Greek mythology.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    My Science Officers's ship is named after a BBS I ran back in the (yikes) 90's. And it fits as its a medical condition :D
    USS Dementia

    My Engineer's ship is named after a City my toons lived in and I helped design at one point in SWG.
    USS Mercadia

    My Tactical Officer is just named after something I though a slick chik would drive
    USS Mercedes


    Cool thread +1
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    USS Warsong-first thing I came up with in beta kinda stuck with me, it's from WoW warsong gulch pvp area
    USS Legacy- each ship that I kept "canon" a kind of honor to it/ them
    USS Deviant- I modeled my science toon from my avatar which I recently discovered is from deviantart.com

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Galaxy X - USS Imperator. Shortened from Imperator Maximus, Latin for Great Commander.
    Prometheus - USS Cerberus. Named after the Greek three headed dog.
    Nebula - USS Redemption. Named after the medical frigate in Star Wars.
    Intrepid - USS Salvation. Named after the sister ship of the Redemption. (Could be off on that one)
    Defiant - USS Rebuke. Named for the definition of the word.
    Sovereign - USS Resolute. I liked the name. :D
    Peregrine - USS Seraph . Names as a reference to the DS9 episode, "Sacrifice of Angels"
    Delta Flyer - USS Twilight Mirage. Named after a ship I'll some say write about.
    Class F Shuttle - USS Classic. It's a classic.
    Science Vessel - USS Aurora. Named after an Aurora Borealis.
    Light Cruiser - USS Cavalier. First thing that came to mind at the time.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    USS Iowa

    US Battleship BB-61 (WWII, Korea, Vietnam); I also live in Iowa; and the first PBEM Star Trek RPG I was in my Character was Chief Engineer of the USS Iowa.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Naming my ships is always an agonizing process. I do like to have specific reasons or themes for my ship names.

    Here are a few I can recall off the top of my head.

    USS Daedalus (Prometheus class MVAM) - Stuck with the Greek-theme to match the ship class name, and its a Stargate SG1 reference

    USS Fearless (refit Excelsior) - Named for the USS Fearless (NCC-14598). I even tried to keep the registry more or less intact. She is intended to be the refit of the same ship. (STILL in service :eek:)

    USS Baltimore (Star Cruiser) - Named for the city where I live.

    USS Majestic (Galaxy Class) - Named for the USS Majestic (NCC-31060). I kept the registry and added a -A. She is intended to be a Galaxy that was under construction during the Dominion War that was named for the ship that was destroyed in Operation Return. Still in service in 2409.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Here are some names I came up with for the ships my current roster of characters use/have used:

    Fed Tac:
    USS Sullivans: named after the modern Arliegh Burke-class destroyer. She was the first ship of my Tactical character on his first run.
    USS Hamilton: the first ship of my Tac on his second run. Named after my family name.
    USS Kumari - Ushaan-class; named after Shran's ship in ENT
    USS Grimlock - Akira-class, named after a Transformers character
    USS Zea Dorsa - Vigilant-class, named after a plain on Mars
    USS Kearsarge - Cerberus-class, named after the US warship that sank the Confederate raider Alabama.

    Fed Eng:
    USS Keokuk - named after a Union experimental ironclad from the Civil War. In my Eng's first run, the name was actually used for her second ship, a Constitution-class. For her reset, I felt it was more appropriate for a Centaur-class
    USS Sumter - named after one of the first Confederate raiders. It was a Centaur-class ship during the character's original build-up, but seemed more fitting for a Constitution-class starship this run.
    USS Albemarle - named after a Confederate river ironclad (seeing a theme here? ;) ). Used for both a Dakota and Sovereign class starship.
    USS Shenandoah - a Galaxy-class starship named after another Confederate raider, the only one to circumnavigate the globe.
    USS Housatonic - planned name for an Excelsior-class starship. Named after the Union warship sunk by the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley.
    USS H.L. Hunley - Delta Flyer, named after - well, see above. I though the historical irony was delicious. :D

    Fed Sci:
    USS Terra Nova - named after one of the first expeditions to explore the Antarctic. On my first Fed Sci, the ship was a Miranda-class; on my current character, it was an NX-class. The NX was replaced by an Oberth since then.
    USS Sojourner - Nova-class ship, named after the Mars rover.
    USS Resolution - a Hope-class ship, named after Captain James Cook's favorite ship. This ship by my first Sci until the Nebula was released.
    USS Cassini - Nebula-class starship, named after one of the probes that explored Saturn. This was the final ship of my first Sci character before she was deleted, and the third ship for my current Sci.
    USS Atlantis - Discovery-class ship, named after the Space Shuttle of the same name. The last ship of my current sci before...
    USS Godspeed - Trident-class starship, named after one of the three ships that carried the English colonists to what would become Jamestown. Was originally the name of my first Sci character's Nova-class starship, but I grew fond of the name and decided for my new sci, I'd save it for the "end" ship. I did, however, give in the registration "NCC-140507-A" in honor of that first ship.

    Gorn Eng:
    IKS Ravage - Bird of Prey, named after the Transformers character. I was at a loss for a better name.
    IKS Wy'vex - K'Tanco-class battlecruiser; named after the wyvern dragons of mytholgy.
    IKS Ra'kyri - K't'inga-class battlecruiser; named after a fictional race I keep trying to write about.
    IKS Lohikaarme - Negh'Var-class battlecruiser; named after a dragon from what I believe is Scandinavian mythology.
    IKS Drahkos - a sort of play on the word "dragon;" which I thought was fitting for a Gorn. Used for both a Vor'cha attack cruiser and Varanus FSV.

    Klink Sci:
    All the ships for my Klingon Science character are named after gods of war. I'm not sure of the origins of all of them, so I suggest you look them up if you're curious:
    IKS Pele
    IKS Guan Yu
    IKS Mixcoatl
    IKS Anat
    IKS Sekhmet
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I live on the Isle of Man, so all my ships have Manx connections;

    USS Manannan (Celtc Sea God) Galaxy X
    USS Viking (Warriors who lived on Island) Prometheus MVAM
    USS Niarbyl (Cove on the Island) Intrepid Refit
    USS Tynwald (Name of our Parliament- Oldest parliament in the world) Class F Shuttle
    USS Manxman (Manx person) Galaxy Class
    USS Ellan Vannin (Isle of Man in Manx Gaelic) Delta Flyer
    USS Silverburn (River on the Island) Defiant Class
    USS Snaefell (Island's only mountain) Sovereign Class
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Flying the Grail Arbor at the moment. Anyone who is a Coheed and Cambria fan will understand :D Anyone who isnt is about to be, as soon as you click on that link and give a listen to some of their stuff.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    U.S.S. Turing
    Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit

    Named for Alan Turing
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    My ship's name comes from what Scotty lovingly calls the Excelsior at the end of STIV. And yes, its an Excelsior retrofit
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    mine is the USS Odyssey. Named for Apollo 13's Command Module.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    My Fed ship's are as follows:

    USS Arizona -- Battleship sunk at Pearl Harbor
    USS John F. Kennedy -- Former US President
    USS Ten Forward -- Needs no explanation; see boards of same name
    USS Sea Tiger -- from Operation: Pettycoat
    USS Western Knight -- Combination of random name Western and part of the title from Knight Rider

    Klingon Ships: (Bear with me on spelling)

    IKS lupwI' DuSaQ -- roughly "School Bus" in English; see avatar as to why
    IKS lothwI' -- roughly "Rebel" in English; my former school mascot and fits the "Freedom Fighter" them of the char
    IKS qaDwI' -- roughly "Challenger" in English
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    The USS Archimedes is named after a famous engineer (seeing as my main is an engineer).
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    USS KheSanh

    In honour of those brave Allied soldiers that followed orders and never came home.

    Delta Flyer USS Rendevous.

    Remembering Reagans rendevous with destiny speech.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Well pretty much I just look up terms in my dictionary / thesaurus that go with my ship type.

    * I tend to either name my cruisers with terms that either go along with war or peace.
    * My Sci ships tend to go with either a medical or, well, science term that is relavent
    * My Escorts tend ot go with physics, and / or, those who were involved in large projects from the past.
    * My shuttles I tend to name after characters from Hamlet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    TFO-Optimus Prime's ships
    USS-Omega Prime - Gal-R - Strongest balanced ship at my disposal
    USS-Kupp -Excelsior (VA) - The Excelsior is a time tested war vet, just like Kupp.
    USS- Omega Supreme - Assualt- Like the bot it's name after, its all about brute force.
    USS-Bumblebee - Delta Flyer - Little guy thats both quick and can fight back.

    TFO-Wheel-Jack's ships
    USS-Ratchet - Nebula Class - A balance of fire power and heals.
    USS-Hawkeye - Luna Class - Buffs and heals, and cause MASH is just that damn good of a show.
    USS-Brawn - Delta Flyer - Small ship that'll sooner beat face before turning tail.

    Piccolo's ship
    USS-False Namek - Akira class - Cause DBZ abridged is just that damn funny.


    F'lar's ship
    IKS-IronHide - K'T'inga class - Like the warrior it's named after, its a tough old son of a gun.
    IKS-Cliffjumper - To'Duj Fighter - Small bot with the burning passion to crush his enemies, no matter the cost.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I.K.S bIQ'a'veqlarg'a meaning "Leviathan"
    I.K.S Qlb vo' Hegh meaning "Shadow of Death"
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