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Kael is asking for your dilithium sink ideas



  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    westmetals wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    I think adding some sort of fleet refiting system to the game allowing one to get alternate seating on existing ships, would be a great way to sink dilithium. Even more so if you could change the ships subtype. Say making a dreadnought, into a flightdeck cruiser or battlecruiser.

    Would cut directly into Cryptic's income as one of their primary sources is selling ships. If people could refit existing ships to their personal playstyles, they'd never be able to sell any new ships.
    They would be cryptic chosen seating and changing subtype. It wouldn't be that freeform. Also you could sell refit tokens with it as a zen tax, like fleet modules.

    Yes, but if you can change a ship that you already have into being "perfect" for whatever build you want... then you have no reason to ever buy another ship unless you need the trait or the console off of it.

    There's a reason that people have been asking for this since the game launched, and there's also a reason that it will never ever happen.

    I disagree somewhat as it wouldn't be free form say you have lt com command seating well now you can with the new zen charged refit token and a bunch of dilithium, make it Lt. com intel or temporal. Your ships base stats would stay about the same unless they allowed your ship to change subtypes then they would have chosen the alternate stats, which would likely cost more tokens and dilithium.

    Many people buy ships or even gamble for ships just for their traits alone it's been that way since Teir 6 ships have come.
    If it were design your ship and trait, yah that would cut into their profits. I think this would just be a way for people to get the look of ship they want with a slightly better layout to the style of play they want.

    But to say people don't buy ships based on looks and nostalgia only, or a new skin for their ship of choose, would be wrong.
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    Lockbox keys.

    Now, hear me out. What does the game benefit the most from? People spending money to get keys to open lockboxes. Okay, but why not leave them as zen-store exclusives? Because it is of high value. People will trade copious amounts of dilithium to get zen. Zen then buys keys to get the new and shiny ships. But WHAT IF there was a Lockbox key weekend event? Buy as many keys as you want with dilithium for one weekend only.

    You could package them as bundles:

    1 key = 65,000 dilithium
    5 keys = 280,000 dilithium
    10 keys = 550,000 dilithium

    But also leave keys on the zen store as well, so people can get them more easily as part of the key-ring bundle in the zen store, or 1, 5 and 10 packs in the dilithium store. This will both increase the value of dilithium to the playerbase and reduce the overall hoarding of dilithium and zen that tends to happen. I, myself would be more inclined to buy keys with surplus dilithium rather than zen because dilithium cannot buy the legendary bundles and account-unlockable ships.

    Lockbox contents aren't bound. All this idea would encourage is the creation of lots of dilithium farmer accounts, which would *INCREASE* the supply of dilithium, completely undermining any increase in demand for dilithium.

    In other words, how 'bout no.

    The dil keys can be bound tho. We already have those in the game.

    That changes nothing. If the contents aren't bound, they can farmed en mass and sold/traded. The only way to stop loot farming is to stop what gets farmed from *leaving* the account farming it in the first place. It's the same reason why you can only trade dilithium for zen, and almost nothing you can buy with dilithium can be traded. Whatever dilithium sinks they come up with, the only way it works is if the dilithium being spent is tied to the account of captain.
    I wonder if phoenix box rewards became tradable would this increase dilithium demand ?
    It would be a net negative for the game. Unless you want to encourage sweat-farmer accounts to swoop in.

    You know there is already a function ingame where lockbox contents obtained through 'tainted' (I. E, keys bought with zen from an account that is under review for having just recently purchased it, usually from non-ARC sources) keys becomes bound to the account - that same function can just be applied to dilithium-purchased keys.​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


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  • vedauwoovedauwoo Member Posts: 215 Arc User

    Lock Box Keys
  • sovereign010sovereign010 Member Posts: 641 Arc User
    New direction - paying dilithium for VIP status!

    Pay a million dilithium, and get server priority for a week.
    Your BOFF's will activate on the first try, every time!
    Fleet holdings will load instantly!
    Doff screens will populate instantly!
    Episodes, queues, and patrols will load instantly!
    The exchange will be lightning fast - descriptions will be accurate right away, and the "searching..." bug won't appear no matter how many times you switch screens! You can search as many times as you want with no waiting!
    No rubber banding!
    Your batteries and devices won't fall off your ship!
    Your traits won't run away!
    All cut scenes and dialog prompts will automatically be disabled!
    Your ship will only decloak if you tell it to!
    All episodes will complete on the FIRST try!
    If you're stuck, and type "/stuck", it will actually move you to a valid location!
    If an admiralty mission has a 99% success rate, it will ONLY fail 1% of the time!
    Hitting an attack key will actually auto target an enemy in your field of vision!
    Auto attack will select a target in the largest cluster of enemies (not the single guy on the periphery)!
    Clicking on a small target that is in front of a much larger one will actually select that target!
    If you craft a weapon, you can CHOOSE the traits! (Hmm, this might be a great dil standalone...)
    If you click on the help button, a kind and caring individual will immediately help you with your problems regardless of whether you have cookies enabled on your browser!

    That's right! For a mere 1 million dilithium, you can make the game more fun... to... play!
    Well, re-engineering does have a dilithium cost... :D
  • edited August 2021
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  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,975 Community Moderator
    Yea... it won't happen. Being able to "glamor" your ship to look like another ship is a whole other can of worms that also would lead to cutting into the income stream. We already have a way to customize our ships, at least with parts related to each ship's respective lines. Being able to make a Defiant look like a Connie would be all kinds of bad. Not only would it confuse players as to what they're either fighting against or flying alongside, it would cause all kinds of chaos even for the people who update the wiki at the very least.

    Not only that... it would mean you could make your favorite layout ship look like your favorite design ship. And no one would buy any new ships, thus harming income for the game.

    While there's already a means to kinda do this in the form of holoemitters, which are consumable and temporary, there's only a few ships you can holo cloak into. If you expand it to pretty much the entire roster, even if you throw in some restrictions... you're going to have people raising hell over "well if we can holo cloak into X, why can't we holo cloak into Y?"

    Also... can you imagine someone using this on a Pilot Escort to make it look like a Vaadwaur Juggernaught or something equally as big? CHAOS REIGNS!
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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  • sheldonlcoopersheldonlcooper Member Posts: 4,042 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    westmetals wrote: »
    rattler2 wrote: »
    I think adding some sort of fleet refiting system to the game allowing one to get alternate seating on existing ships, would be a great way to sink dilithium. Even more so if you could change the ships subtype. Say making a dreadnought, into a flightdeck cruiser or battlecruiser.

    Would cut directly into Cryptic's income as one of their primary sources is selling ships. If people could refit existing ships to their personal playstyles, they'd never be able to sell any new ships.
    They would be cryptic chosen seating and changing subtype. It wouldn't be that freeform. Also you could sell refit tokens with it as a zen tax, like fleet modules.

    Yes, but if you can change a ship that you already have into being "perfect" for whatever build you want... then you have no reason to ever buy another ship unless you need the trait or the console off of it.

    There's a reason that people have been asking for this since the game launched, and there's also a reason that it will never ever happen.

    I've kind of done that though on 9/10 characters. Have been using the same ship for years for all of them and all are very different and what I want them to be. The last character will get the disco during the next event. I haven't bought a ship since the temporal dreadnoughts came out. Eh, I'm a miser though so maybe not a fair measure.
    Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."

    "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."

  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    You come off as someone very creative! Still I don't blame Cryptic for wanting to differentiate between various ships, and you're still limited by any specialist abilities of that ship itself.

    So I understand why Cryptic wants to differentiate between different offerings. My only Constructive Criticism is that as I stated in another thread, if they enhanced more of the older T5 Consoles on Legendary Ships, with a 1-2 smaller passive abilities as well many be more included to use those consoles...

    Food for thought, hope they consider that!
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    strathkin wrote: »
    You come off as someone very creative! Still I don't blame Cryptic for wanting to differentiate between various ships, and you're still limited by any specialist abilities of that ship itself.

    So I understand why Cryptic wants to differentiate between different offerings. My only Constructive Criticism is that as I stated in another thread, if they enhanced more of the older T5 Consoles on Legendary Ships, with a 1-2 smaller passive abilities as well many be more included to use those consoles...

    Food for thought, hope they consider that!
    I had insane thought today, just update the legendary ships to have T5 and less consoles baked in... I know this will never happen, even though I think it would hardly make any of them OP. I'd pay a lot of dilithium for this and or enhanced versions of these consoles. The dilithium store isn't used enough, so it be great place for them.

    I also think some sort of dilithium exchange to customize boff space and ground traits, would be nice. Maybe you could unlock the traits for customizationby burning boffs like you do for manuals.

  • dragonmalice12dragonmalice12 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    New direction - paying dilithium for VIP status!

    If you craft a weapon, you can CHOOSE the traits! (Hmm, this might be a great dil standalone...)

    Well, re-engineering does have a dilithium cost... :D

    Well, you can choose *some* traits with re-engineering. Still gotta go to R&D or the exchange for [over], [pen], [rapid], etc. I see being able to pay dilithium to just make those happen being fairly beneficial. I think they intended higher dilithium costs when they made the R&D system, but we all just bypass it by crafting mk ii's all day long. If I can choose to have [over] on my beam, then I either do it at mk ii and pay the dil to upgrade, or do it at higher level and pay the dil to craft it. The only exception may be the special stuff like omni's - they would probably have to be exempt since a lot of dilithium would actually be saved by crafting fewer of them.

    In any case, higher quality of life with no downside seems like a win.
  • payback99payback99 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    A holodeck housing system so you can create amazing things and not just drop a couch or plant down.
  • jkwrangler2010jkwrangler2010 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    Let us buy ship bridges with dilithium.
  • sennahcheribsennahcherib Member Posts: 2,823 Arc User
    payback99 wrote: »
    A holodeck housing system so you can create amazing things and not just drop a couch or plant down.

    I like this idea.
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    payback99 wrote: »
    A holodeck housing system so you can create amazing things and not just drop a couch or plant down.

    I like this idea.
    I like it too but I'd like it attached to bigger rework of bridges, where you get every asset from the bridges you own. Then you can build your own ship layout from bridge to personal holodeck to engineering. The classic bridge would still exist, and you buy more assets with dilithium, as well earn in game and through obtaining ships with bridges. It be like the little brother or son of the Foundry just less complicated.

  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    Player Housing. I want to buy my own quarters on, say, ESD (or more exotic starbases), and customize them. I would pay good Dilithum for it (too much, likely).
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  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    payback99 wrote: »
    A holodeck housing system so you can create amazing things and not just drop a couch or plant down.

    curious why holodeck and what else would you want.

    also - just saying this and not to be a naysayer, but they have said no to housing many times. however, i am for it as well, but id like to see what you mean.

    It's not naysaying. Plenty of us would be down with player housing in one form or another, but the logistics and expense just won't support it, which is why we've been told countless times that player housing is never going to happen.

    It weird because sto launched with the foundry which was far more complicated then any player housing system would be. There is also money to be made from sell housing assets, look at FF14.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,975 Community Moderator
    It weird because sto launched with the foundry which was far more complicated then any player housing system would be. There is also money to be made from sell housing assets, look at FF14.

    On the other hand, its also a lot easier to visit other player's houses in FF14 because they all live in designated "Housing Districts", which are instances that are ALWAYS open. On top of that, there's actually a finite number of housing plots in game. While you can probably have infinite appartment space in either the appartment or your Free Company's house, there's only X number of actual houses.

    The TRUE PvP of FF14 is the housing market. lol
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Player Housing. I want to buy my own quarters on, say, ESD (or more exotic starbases), and customize them. I would pay good Dilithum for it (too much, likely).

    They do have an upper level of the Starbase if you take Turbo Lift up, and it has doors that go no where, and always wondered for years why not; though the Klingons do NOT have Turbo lift in theirs currently, and also need to make the Upper Deck.

    I was always curious why they never turned that into a starting place for a Mission, yet likely because Klingons aren't allowed to go to that level, let alone ESD.
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  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited August 2021
    rattler2 wrote: »
    It weird because sto launched with the foundry which was far more complicated then any player housing system would be. There is also money to be made from sell housing assets, look at FF14.

    On the other hand, its also a lot easier to visit other player's houses in FF14 because they all live in designated "Housing Districts", which are instances that are ALWAYS open. On top of that, there's actually a finite number of housing plots in game. While you can probably have infinite appartment space in either the appartment or your Free Company's house, there's only X number of actual houses.

    The TRUE PvP of FF14 is the housing market. lol
    Very true lol I wouldn't want the limited slots of FF14, I do have idea to make said player housing easier to visit, we could do it with the event map at utopia planitia, make it possible to visit all the time Basically you could go there to a NPC who you could ask to have tour of _____ ship interior only currently active players and ships would be search able, you could also add filters like guild or party etc. You could also allow people to visit people they just see in sector and system maps.
    payback99 wrote: »
    A holodeck housing system so you can create amazing things and not just drop a couch or plant down.

    curious why holodeck and what else would you want.

    also - just saying this and not to be a naysayer, but they have said no to housing many times. however, i am for it as well, but id like to see what you mean.

    It's not naysaying. Plenty of us would be down with player housing in one form or another, but the logistics and expense just won't support it, which is why we've been told countless times that player housing is never going to happen.

    It weird because sto launched with the foundry which was far more complicated then any player housing system would be. There is also money to be made from sell housing assets, look at FF14.

    You mean the system that broken with every patch, that took so much development time to keep working that they ended up having to scrap it entirely? That Foundry? Because you just hit on exactly the reasons why player housing is never going to happen.

    The foundry is and would be way more complicated, I believe housing system would make cryptic money thous get dev time to fix. As well as generally be easier to fix then foundry.
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  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    If they did player housing I think it would have to be on the player's ship.

    Putting it somewhere else Drozana, or Risa, doesn;t really work with how much we are moving around the game map for everything.

    I have pretty much no interest in player housing and probably wouldn't use it even if it were in game. That said, I disagree. We have transwarp buttons to go pretty much anywhere we want, and I have half a dozen missions open that I never actually play but just use as shortcuts to transwarp to the mission start location. Traveling instantly from one place to another is no problem in this game at all.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

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  • thegrandnagus1thegrandnagus1 Member Posts: 5,166 Arc User
    I have pretty much no interest in player housing and probably wouldn't use it even if it were in game. That said, I disagree. We have transwarp buttons to go pretty much anywhere we want, and I have half a dozen missions open that I never actually play but just use as shortcuts to transwarp to the mission start location. Traveling instantly from one place to another is no problem in this game at all.
    If I have to transwarp somewhere to get to my house, so I can stash my stuff or w/e, it would make more sense to just go to ESD and cut out the middleman. That's part of the problem with other social zones as well. There is no point in using them when you can just go to ESD as is.

    ESD is the same amount of time, with more features, thus is always the better option. Especially since you wouldn't have to spend any resources to build it up like you would a player house.

    In the other games I have played that have player housing it is less about actual convenience or practicality and more about some kind of roleplay or collecting or letting other people see how you have customized things. Again, I'm not interested and doubt I would use it even if it existed. But I don't think the issues you are discussing have anything to do with why people seem to want housing.

    Join Date: Sep 2008

  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,975 Community Moderator
    Personally I think the easiest route would be to expand the current Trophy system that's been pretty much forgotten about with ship interiors. Have set nodes we can customize on our ship interiors.
    It won't be anything like FF14's system. More like TOR's but probably a bit more limited.

    So for example, using the Captain's Quarters, the bed is a node that can work with other beds, the desk, the chairs, the table, maybe some wall nodes where the paintings are, and maybe a few blank nodes on the floor for additional options.
    And these things could cost Dilithium for new styles. Would not only give some more functionality to ship interiors like everyone wants, but uses systems we already have in place as well.

    The main source of work would be rigging the existing interiors to do this, and making various items for the nodes.

    Unfortunately I don't know how much work that would entail, and since we haven't had any new trophies in years there's no telling if they still even have the notes from the Dev that originally made the trophies.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
    normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
    colored text = mod mode
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