So TOS really does get the short end of the stick, it has one T6 legendary ship
There are three TOS Legendaries: Constitution, T'liss, and D7. And besides those there really aren't many other options ... a Tholian ship maybe? That wouldn't qualify as Legendary imo. I do think the inevitable TOS boost bundle will probably have a TOSified Legendary Miranda though.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
So TOS really does get the short end of the stick, it has one T6 legendary ship
There are three TOS Legendaries: Constitution, T'liss, and D7. And besides those there really aren't many other options ... a Tholian ship maybe? That wouldn't qualify as Legendary imo. I do think the inevitable TOS boost bundle will probably have a TOSified Legendary Miranda though.
It was late and I forgot about those other legendary packages but it doesn't really matter, the expense of them just underlines my point. The only way to get any kind of T6 TOS-styled ship is to pay $50 (or the equivalent) for the ship-wearing-ship nonsense or pay way way more for one of the three legendries because there are exactly zero natively T6 regular c-store ships.
That same pattern plays out with all TOS style things in the game, with a few exceptions the TOS styled gear, uniforms, ships, and ship weapons all have very limited choice and are significantly more expensive and/or harder to get than their TNG equivalents.
It would be great if they put out even one normal T6 ship a year in the TOS-style (say during the AoY reruns), especially if they can get someone who understands the sleek-surfaced, organic golden-ratio, Euler curve based style that Jefferies used for Federation ships rather than just the industrial art-deco style that most of the rest of Trek was done in.
Edited: Already being discussed in the thread in Galactic News Network
This was very uncool to do to Kael, I really hope people stop doing that. Enough said, ...
I don't even know what they upset about, yet don't care.
The only advise I can offer, is post or at least acknowledge issues a bit more on forum thread's. Still I really dislike the method 'a limited' few are trying to address the issue!
I think the vast majority deep down, just wants to know Cryptic is aware of issues, or bugs for example, so also encouraging DEVs acknowledge them as logged goes a long way too! Most just want to know issues they've logged, that you guys are at least aware of them, even if that still needs to be managed by other team to prioritize, schedule, and implement; which you can't comment on timelines for.
Little things make a big difference! Most of us are very friendly, and kind, and only try to offer constructive feedback the vast (99%) majority of the time!
Time between mention of a female villain and a player posting about graphic violence they want to do to her: 0.
to be honest, i dont think that tweet is really appropriate as a whole. (please note: i understand it to be STO focused)
i just think that is a horrible tweet as it is.
Also those poor Tovan and Madran getting pushed aside for the sake of using the misogyny card to deflect from the actual problem which is "stop making us team up with a villain you're shoving sudden redeeming qualities into again".
But I recall even back during the Sela days the... incredibly disturbing level of detail people would go into in regards to how they would brutally torture, kill, and airlock, Sela.
It's not inherently misogynistic just because she's female though, I've repeatedly said on the WoW forums that I want a quest where I get to kill Sylvanas Windrunner and put her head on a pike outside the gates of Stormwind, but that has nothing to do with her gender. It's because of the horrible, evil things she's done over the course of several expansions, and I'd be saying the exact same thing if her character was male, infact I DID say the same thing about Garrosh back during Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. For the Alliance!
WoW is really the only game where I get strong emotions like that though, and when it comes to Leeta I personally think she's fun to encounter even when she's doing horrible things. Same goes for all Terrans TBH. Long Live the Empire!
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Hmmm, I bought it in tutorial, the items supposedly went into my inventory, but didn't. It's no longer showing up in C-Store. The Zen amount is the same as it was before the purchase, so maybe it was reimbursed?
Hmmm, I bought it in tutorial, the items supposedly went into my inventory, but didn't. It's no longer showing up in C-Store. The Zen amount is the same as it was before the purchase, so maybe it was reimbursed?
If you actually purchased it then the boost should be in the items tab of the C-Store, but based on the reports I've seen it would be best to either wait until you get to 2409, or wait until Cryptic says the bug is fixed. The ship itself should be in the Tier 6 section of the Ships tab in the C-Store.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Hmmm, I bought it in tutorial, the items supposedly went into my inventory, but didn't. It's no longer showing up in C-Store. The Zen amount is the same as it was before the purchase, so maybe it was reimbursed?
If you actually purchased it then the boost should be in the items tab of the C-Store, but based on the reports I've seen it would be best to either wait until you get to 2409, or wait until Cryptic says the bug is fixed. The ship itself should be in the Tier 6 section of the Ships tab in the C-Store.
I think I clicked on it just around the time they yanked it. The phasers showed up in the pop up over chat, but not in the inventory. All I have in Items are Discovery-Fed, Klingon and Romulan Level 65 boosts.
I noticed after I clicked on the purchase button, the bundle was still up in the C-Store, but when I logged on afterwards, the bundle's not showing up at all.
It seems the 7PM PT shut down happened, since the screen went to log in screen. I'll see if I'll have to close out the program and then boot it up again to see if it needs an update.
Nope. Bundle's still not appearing, none of the items from it is in the C-Store, and my Zen's at the same amount as if I didn't buy it. So it's pretty much not there. I'll send a bug report and go to support.
This bundle doesn't show under Items/Ship bundles, so it's either too recent to show up in the list of bundles or it's still pulled from the C-Store.
Nope. Bundle's still not appearing, none of the items from it is in the C-Store, and my Zen's at the same amount as if I didn't buy it. So it's pretty much not there. I'll send a bug report and go to support.
This bundle doesn't show under Items/Ship bundles, so it's either too recent to show up in the list of bundles or it's still pulled from the C-Store.
Check now
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Miscommunication is clearly becoming very commonplace at Crytptic/PWE.
Becoming? You must be new here.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Poor Thomas, thinking there are usually blogs on Saturday.
Chances are there's a blog scheduled for Monday, but someone probably told Thomas it was going out on the 12th instead of using the actual day of the week. Blogs HAVE gone out on weekends before, but it's extremely rare.
Lifetime Subscriber since Beta ^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Fun-fact: only the German version of the site is up-to-date, the French version stopped getting updates in May...2020, the Polish version in 2015. And there is no Spanish, Portuguese or Italian version for STO.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
It was late and I forgot about those other legendary packages but it doesn't really matter, the expense of them just underlines my point. The only way to get any kind of T6 TOS-styled ship is to pay $50 (or the equivalent) for the ship-wearing-ship nonsense or pay way way more for one of the three legendries because there are exactly zero natively T6 regular c-store ships.
That same pattern plays out with all TOS style things in the game, with a few exceptions the TOS styled gear, uniforms, ships, and ship weapons all have very limited choice and are significantly more expensive and/or harder to get than their TNG equivalents.
It would be great if they put out even one normal T6 ship a year in the TOS-style (say during the AoY reruns), especially if they can get someone who understands the sleek-surfaced, organic golden-ratio, Euler curve based style that Jefferies used for Federation ships rather than just the industrial art-deco style that most of the rest of Trek was done in.
This was very uncool to do to Kael, I really hope people stop doing that. Enough said, ...
I don't even know what they upset about, yet don't care.
The only advise I can offer, is post or at least acknowledge issues a bit more on forum thread's. Still I really dislike the method 'a limited' few are trying to address the issue!
I think the vast majority deep down, just wants to know Cryptic is aware of issues, or bugs for example, so also encouraging DEVs acknowledge them as logged goes a long way too! Most just want to know issues they've logged, that you guys are at least aware of them, even if that still needs to be managed by other team to prioritize, schedule, and implement; which you can't comment on timelines for.
Little things make a big difference! Most of us are very friendly, and kind, and only try to offer constructive feedback the vast (99%) majority of the time!
What female villain? It's pretty clear from the blog that Leeta is turning face.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
There is not enough information yet to tell whether it really is a face turn or case of strange bedfellows.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
It's not inherently misogynistic just because she's female though, I've repeatedly said on the WoW forums that I want a quest where I get to kill Sylvanas Windrunner and put her head on a pike outside the gates of Stormwind, but that has nothing to do with her gender. It's because of the horrible, evil things she's done over the course of several expansions, and I'd be saying the exact same thing if her character was male, infact I DID say the same thing about Garrosh back during Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. For the Alliance!
WoW is really the only game where I get strong emotions like that though, and when it comes to Leeta I personally think she's fun to encounter even when she's doing horrible things. Same goes for all Terrans TBH. Long Live the Empire!
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
It's showing for me now, I guess it got turned on at 9AM PST / Noon EST? Doesn't really matter though since the server is still down.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Hmmm, I bought it in tutorial, the items supposedly went into my inventory, but didn't. It's no longer showing up in C-Store. The Zen amount is the same as it was before the purchase, so maybe it was reimbursed?
If you actually purchased it then the boost should be in the items tab of the C-Store, but based on the reports I've seen it would be best to either wait until you get to 2409, or wait until Cryptic says the bug is fixed. The ship itself should be in the Tier 6 section of the Ships tab in the C-Store.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
I think I clicked on it just around the time they yanked it. The phasers showed up in the pop up over chat, but not in the inventory. All I have in Items are Discovery-Fed, Klingon and Romulan Level 65 boosts.
I noticed after I clicked on the purchase button, the bundle was still up in the C-Store, but when I logged on afterwards, the bundle's not showing up at all.
It seems the 7PM PT shut down happened, since the screen went to log in screen. I'll see if I'll have to close out the program and then boot it up again to see if it needs an update.
This bundle doesn't show under Items/Ship bundles, so it's either too recent to show up in the list of bundles or it's still pulled from the C-Store.
They should update the blog.
Check now
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Chances are there's a blog scheduled for Monday, but someone probably told Thomas it was going out on the 12th instead of using the actual day of the week. Blogs HAVE gone out on weekends before, but it's extremely rare.
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
^ Click image to listen to my favorite Trek theme song! ^
Now, that's a funny one.
Fun-fact: only the German version of the site is up-to-date, the French version stopped getting updates in May...2020, the Polish version in 2015. And there is no Spanish, Portuguese or Italian version for STO.