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  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Oh and KDF Fleet (2 person fleet)....Tier 5 Starbase is just around the corner. Smaller holdings are completed.
    Just waiting on Starbase to start in earnest on the Colony.
    Your starbase is basically done, seeing as it basically just functions as my waste doff dump. The actual WORK comes from the colony, which REQUIRES MORE MINERALS.

    Dump while you can, Armada Leader. I will be back on the clock after recovery from "The Omega Games".

    Re: Dil for Colony.....Thanks for the heads up.
    We consider it as another long term project.
    I will get with Fleet Leader on it, see how we will handle it.

    Though....is the Armada gonna do one Colony? PM me.

    Addition: What I don't like trying to collect are Fleet Marks.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,605 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Addition: What I don't like trying to collect are Fleet Marks.

    At least on PC, anyone allowing fleet mark donations from the rest of an armada should be getting all that they need.

    In most fleets, people have a surplus of marks from playing the game, with very little chance to donate them.

    If that isn't happening you might ask other fleets to advertise "dump your marks here!" and the problem should vanish.

  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Addition: What I don't like trying to collect are Fleet Marks.

    At least on PC, anyone allowing fleet mark donations from the rest of an armada should be getting all that they need.

    In most fleets, people have a surplus of marks from playing the game, with very little chance to donate them.

    If that isn't happening you might ask other fleets to advertise "dump your marks here!" and the problem should vanish.

    It is a Klingon fleet, Dave.
    I am sure everyone has enough projects to dump FM to over on the Red side. :)
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,605 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Addition: What I don't like trying to collect are Fleet Marks.

    At least on PC, anyone allowing fleet mark donations from the rest of an armada should be getting all that they need.

    In most fleets, people have a surplus of marks from playing the game, with very little chance to donate them.

    If that isn't happening you might ask other fleets to advertise "dump your marks here!" and the problem should vanish.

    It is a Klingon fleet, Dave.
    I am sure everyone has enough projects to dump FM to over on the Red side. :)

    Hmm, marks slots are filled in a few minutes in my KDF fleet. But I understand a lot of KDF alts are for farming not playing so maybe your armada has that problem.
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Addition: What I don't like trying to collect are Fleet Marks.

    At least on PC, anyone allowing fleet mark donations from the rest of an armada should be getting all that they need.

    In most fleets, people have a surplus of marks from playing the game, with very little chance to donate them.

    If that isn't happening you might ask other fleets to advertise "dump your marks here!" and the problem should vanish.

    It is a Klingon fleet, Dave.
    I am sure everyone has enough projects to dump FM to over on the Red side. :)

    Hmm, marks slots are filled in a few minutes in my KDF fleet. But I understand a lot of KDF alts are for farming not playing so maybe your armada has that problem.

    Either that, or everyone is concentrating on their own fleet and none left over to share.
    And you are correct this tends to happen when you don't have a saturation of players....just of a lot of Alts, too.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    wry1 wrote: »
    azrael605 wrote: »
    > @wry1 said:

    You claim to have been around since launch but I jave not seen you mention once the entire year we went without new content of any kind before the LoR launch.

    It wasn't an entire year of new content that we got up until the launch of Legacy of Romuls. I think you're forgetting what came out between Season's 6, 7 and the early months leading up to it:

    - Fleet Advancement system was introduced, giving us the fleet starbase
    - Nukara was a fresh battle zone for killing the new Tholian enemy (at the time)
    - Fleet Ships were churned out giving us a newer option at Tier 5
    - Season 7 launched with Tau Dewa sector block (back before the open map if you recall)
    - New systems to patrol for rewards
    - Introduction of the Reputation system
    - New Romulus Adventure zone
    - New Romulus story (which at a time was reputation locked)
    - Temporal Ambassador (the start of singular featured episodes) for the 3rd Anniversary

    They didn't give much in the way of story content because at the time they were focusing in on improving aspects of the game so that players could have places to go with new gear. Legacy of Romulus gave players much needed story content for a new faction, and opened up Klingons to be no longer locked behind a fed player.

    Nowadays we get new missions and queues and other things on a very regular basis, its slowed down a bit from what it was at just before AoY, where we had a new FE every month (except for seasonal event times). Of course then we had people complaining about too much new content.

    The slow down actually started around the time they started work on Agents of Yesterday. We had a Featured Episode essentially every month because they were trying to deliver a finish to the 5 year long story arc with the Iconians.

    You could call the lead up to Agents of Yesterday as a pre-release of the entire storyline, something different they were trying with regards to the long wait we had between Legacy of Romulus and Delta Rising, where in the period in between, we had a few Featured episodes in between.

    - Sphere of Influence (released between LoR and Season 8)
    - A Step between Stars (4th Anniversary in 2014)
    - Surface Tension (Start of Season 9)

    That's 3 actual story episodes released in a period between May 2013 and October 2014, with content focused in on keeping players going for rewards in between. I'd say we're getting much more in terms of content now that they've learned to space out the story episodes with giving us new things to try. Obviously it doesn't always work, but at least they're trying.

  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    where2r1 wrote: »
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Addition: What I don't like trying to collect are Fleet Marks.

    At least on PC, anyone allowing fleet mark donations from the rest of an armada should be getting all that they need.

    In most fleets, people have a surplus of marks from playing the game, with very little chance to donate them.

    If that isn't happening you might ask other fleets to advertise "dump your marks here!" and the problem should vanish.

    It is a Klingon fleet, Dave.
    I am sure everyone has enough projects to dump FM to over on the Red side. :)

    Hmm, marks slots are filled in a few minutes in my KDF fleet. But I understand a lot of KDF alts are for farming not playing so maybe your armada has that problem.

    Either that, or everyone is concentrating on their own fleet and none left over to share.
    And you are correct this tends to happen when you don't have a saturation of players....just of a lot of Alts, too.

    Generally I find being as ruthless and self-concerned with regard to flarks and sniping projects as they tick over helps a lot.

    If only they'd make dilithium worth more credits......if only. Even as little as 2:1 would do.

  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    where2r1 wrote: »
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Addition: What I don't like trying to collect are Fleet Marks.

    At least on PC, anyone allowing fleet mark donations from the rest of an armada should be getting all that they need.

    In most fleets, people have a surplus of marks from playing the game, with very little chance to donate them.

    If that isn't happening you might ask other fleets to advertise "dump your marks here!" and the problem should vanish.

    It is a Klingon fleet, Dave.
    I am sure everyone has enough projects to dump FM to over on the Red side. :)

    Hmm, marks slots are filled in a few minutes in my KDF fleet. But I understand a lot of KDF alts are for farming not playing so maybe your armada has that problem.

    Either that, or everyone is concentrating on their own fleet and none left over to share.
    And you are correct this tends to happen when you don't have a saturation of players....just of a lot of Alts, too.

    Generally I find being as ruthless and self-concerned with regard to flarks and sniping projects as they tick over helps a lot.

    If only they'd make dilithium worth more credits......if only. Even as little as 2:1 would do.

    Not sure what that means. I been leaving Fleet Marks and XP slots alone...for other people to fill as I collect DOFFs. 77 whites for each Tac/Eng/Sci....when DOFFs are filled....and the Flarks and XP are not. I do it.

    So, what else shall I believe....my Armada has no issue with lack of projects to fill within their own fleet.

    Sniping Fleet Mark projects is apparently only a problem on the Blue side. LOL!
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    it's a function of two things:

    a) population-this is probably the single biggest driver in the difference. there are flat out more Fed players than anyone else.
    b)Content is designed to be optimally completed by Federation 'style' players. You ever notice, all those DPS videos t hey were making (and still make) and all those DPS records are gained/held by people running either romulan, lockbox, or Fed ships. This is because Klingon designs don't FAWSpam as well as Federation designs, and the options are more limited red-side, so there's significantly less incentive for the same level of build.

    On the (b) point, there were a group running around the forum calling themselves "Wizards of STO" and one of them made the boast they could set a DPS record in anything. WEll, someone called them out on that, and suggested they try it in a Klingon (not cross-faction or lockbox) ship.

    We're three years since then, and guess what? yeah, nothing.

    Why this is relevant: DPS runs are done on content that awards either Dilithium, or Marks, and Fleet Marks in queued content (Which is to say, FawSpam content) are the most common reward. structurally then, a fed fleet that is even 1/10th active is going to clear FM requirements long before a KDF fleet with a similar proportion of active players.

    Why? Queued PvE missions take less time, which in turn, means more can be run in a given 2 hour session, and with more people completing more content more rapidly, marks will tend to pile up significantly faster.

    So what? Marks in PvP content? Competitive didn't work.

    Besides, I watched some "PvPers" in Ker'rat the other day. It was more like: badly constructed drive by shootings than PvP.

    I hope the guy hitting the respawn point was a Rom...I would be too embarrassed if it were KDF.
    Because...if a person DOFFing most of the time could figure out his mo... that is really not good.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,963 Arc User
    Generally I find being as ruthless and self-concerned with regard to flarks and sniping projects as they tick over helps a lot.

    If only they'd make dilithium worth more credits......if only. Even as little as 2:1 would do.

    Well, that and the fact that you don't just need dil to earn fleet credits, you also need dil to buy stuff with fleet credits...
    "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
    — Sabaton, "Great War"

    Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    starswordc wrote: »
    Generally I find being as ruthless and self-concerned with regard to flarks and sniping projects as they tick over helps a lot.

    If only they'd make dilithium worth more credits......if only. Even as little as 2:1 would do.

    Well, that and the fact that you don't just need dil to earn fleet credits, you also need dil to buy stuff with fleet credits...

    You need dil for EVERYTHING, which is the main problem with dumping it in fleets. That dil could buy the shiny you were wanting the fledits for in the first place but then you need dil for that other thing or to upgrade the other thing.

    Oh I should have pointed out the main place I come across the whole project lack of problem is in my KDF fleet. Definitely not a blue exclusive issue and the fact it was assumed I was talking tells you how imbalanced the game is with regards to factions but that's a separate topic.

    I have 1000 flarks and dil is being reserved for the surprise ambush of phoenix boxes I expect is in our near future.

    There's only doff crete and that gets expensive because doff crete is a sellers market. Great if you're selling it of course.

    STO is basically a swings and roundabouts simulator. I have real life for that.
  • jade1280jade1280 Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    I really really do NOT want yet another gosh darn reputation tree to fill.
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,443 Community Moderator
    jade1280 wrote: »
    I really really do NOT want yet another gosh darn reputation tree to fill.

    Wouldn't bother my main.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
  • where2r1where2r1 Member Posts: 6,054 Arc User
    Looking at the other side and pointing out "They got this", "They got that". They got it better, easier, and fancier. That is envy. Envy is not becoming of you. Nor of any warrior. It is pathetic.

    Figure out what it is that is inside you that you can not let this stuff go. It is not a personal thing. It is not. This is a game. These are just toys. Toys someone is making money off of.

    Community is about having heart about things we have in common. It is about having interactions with other people who think like you or have your interest...or, in our case, want to be a Klingon.

    Do you want a bunch of passionless people over here making Alts? People pretending, only caring about Contraband and Dil or a fancy ship, just so we can say: "population"? I don't. That is how the Romulan faction got destroyed...Scimitar.

    If you do not want a part of what Klingons have, right now, in this game, why are you still here? If you do not want to build from the foundation we have been given by Cryptic....why stay?

    It is very sad.

    Don't come here every day and disparage what Cryptic has done to that which you are passionate about...PvP and KDF. It won't change it. All it does is fester it inside you.
    And inside everyone who reads your words. It is not worth keeping in your mind. It will make you sick.

    I told you before, your words have a way eliciting emotions deep in people. That is a talent and to be careful with it. Be kind with it, too.

    You are a writer. Writing should be your escape from troubles, it should be a joy. But it has become THIS?? No. Go find your way and stop with this negative loop.

    I will miss reading your rants and hearing your stories.
    But I would rather see you happier, Patrickngo.
    "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people." -- UNK

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Looking at the other side and pointing out "They got this", "They got that". They got it better, easier, and fancier. That is envy. Envy is not becoming of you. Nor of any warrior. It is pathetic.

    Zactly! Besides, the grass is always greener on the other side (well, on our Rom side things literally *are* greener, LOL). Seriously, though, it's rather amusing I myself, for instance, tend to think the Klink always get the better-looking stuff. :P The Ferasan Slithus Escort leaps to mind. The Klink get the awesome looking Lethean Oniros Pilot Escort; us Roms, we just get a flying toilet brush. The Klink get superior Lethean Disruptor weps; us Roms get lame Plasma beams I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole. Etc.

    Not jelly at all, really; just mildly amused to hear Klingons hear 'the others' always get the good stuff. ;) Honestly, the grass on the Klink side is plenty green.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    where2r1 wrote: »
    Looking at the other side and pointing out "They got this", "They got that". They got it better, easier, and fancier. That is envy. Envy is not becoming of you. Nor of any warrior. It is pathetic.

    Figure out what it is that is inside you that you can not let this stuff go. It is not a personal thing. It is not. This is a game. These are just toys. Toys someone is making money off of.

    Community is about having heart about things we have in common. It is about having interactions with other people who think like you or have your interest...or, in our case, want to be a Klingon.

    Do you want a bunch of passionless people over here making Alts? People pretending, only caring about Contraband and Dil or a fancy ship, just so we can say: "population"? I don't. That is how the Romulan faction got destroyed...Scimitar.

    thing is, it's not what I want, it's what cryptic engineered through management of the game. The KDF faction used to be one of the most 'alive' factions in the game. It was intentionally neglected into the state it is today. That soulless points-chaser you describe? that's their chosen market. That is their targeted demographic, whether they realize or recognize this or not, that is the 'whale' they're hunting. It's how they do business, it's the business model they've chosen for themselves, it's why Fed players don't get their exploration or diplomacy and why every mission's space content is rigged for Beam Fire At Will from a cruiser. (and why the only active queues are either offering the next OP item, or set up to be maximum predictable DPS races like Infected Space or Crystalline Catastrophe).

    Cryptic started (as in began) with a great foundation, a decent combat system, and a layout/outline they either could not, or would not, support. When you run through the OLDER Klingon Defense Force content, it doesn't play like the starting levels of a Fed. elements like Cloaking actually have application in that older content, the writing is better and more solid, the chain of logic more consistent. Most of it predates 2011. we didn't get the 1-20 missions until Legacy of Romulus. while there are neat bits to those missions, you're still weighted down by taking your orders, effectively, from Starfleet Intelligence. There are many variations they could have done, and if they had resources, might have done, or if they would 'elevate' some of the better Foundry work and offered choices or options beyond "Follow the railroad".

    But the push at Cryptic has been "Neglect, then Homogenize, then neglect some more".

    You could get exactly the same content with only one faction, (FEd) and as an offline single-player cartridge game, for a fraction of what it must cost to keep this game online.

    There's a lot of potential in the base build of the game, but they're doing nothing with it you couldn't do with a single-player action shooter game with a third person perspective.

    STO feels to me like it's half a game and stuck in development hell, or perpetual Beta, with a lot of abandoned game modes and content just cluttering it up and nowhere near the manpower or funding necessary to get off that stick, and it's been eight years in that condition.
    I always enjoy reading your no-nonsense posts. The points you make are spot on, even if sometimes they're not what people want to hear.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,605 Arc User
    edited February 2018
    Calling for more mission content is rather pointless when making a new mission can take months, and there is really nothing Cryptic can do to eliminate the basic time barrier.

    Months? rofl. Thats hilarious. I thought you were joking at first. Anyways, it shouldnt take that long. Not even half of that. Not even a fraction of that. If they need months to make a mission, something is really wrong in the team. Probably they need more people?. Some foundry missions are done in less than a week and are far better than many many episodes...

    I've seen 6 weeks as the time, but I doubt there are foundry missions "done in less than a week and are far better" than modern episodes. Please list 4 or 5 of them to prove you're not just making that up.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Calling for more mission content is rather pointless when making a new mission can take months, and there is really nothing Cryptic can do to eliminate the basic time barrier.

    Months? rofl. Thats hilarious. I thought you were joking at first. Anyways, it shouldnt take that long. Not even half of that. Not even a fraction of that. If they need months to make a mission, something is really wrong in the team. Probably they need more people?. Some foundry missions are done in less than a week and are far better than many many episodes...

    I've seen 6 weeks as the time, but I doubt there are foundry missions "done in less than a week and are far better" than modern episodes. Please list 4 or 5 of them to prove you're not just making that up.
    It's possible to make a foundry in a week and have it be decent. Better than a Cryptic made FE? good luck with that.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 10,735 Community Moderator
    Foundry missions also use premade assets already available. New missions tend to use new maps and assets that need development and design time.
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  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    STO feels to me like it's half a game and stuck in development hell, or perpetual Beta, with a lot of abandoned game modes and content just cluttering it up and nowhere near the manpower or funding necessary to get off that stick, and it's been eight years in that condition.

    At eight years going, another person might say they're doing something right.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    Ships = money
    Content = no money
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    the only "abandoned" content is the Defera Battlezone.

    Abandoned perhaps by the folks who make the game go perhaps, but certainly not by the players. I was there 6 times today. It has 2 dedicated channels. Players of all levels and abilities go there to either earn marks or test/learn their ground skills vs one of Star Treks most iconic enemies. Always found it odd that one of the few areas of the game that could actually use an expansion and/or revamp gets abandoned, with part of it even walled off.

    Shame there isn't the resources/retained knowledge/man-hours/will/staff/budget to actually improve this popular area (and yes I've read the official response as to why they say they can't). It's content that's used regularly and 8 years later they still haven't got it right.

  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    the only "abandoned" content is the Defera Battlezone.

    Abandoned perhaps by the folks who make the game go perhaps, but certainly not by the players. I was there 6 times today. It has 2 dedicated channels. Players of all levels and abilities go there to either earn marks or test/learn their ground skills vs one of Star Treks most iconic enemies. Always found it odd that one of the few areas of the game that could actually use an expansion and/or revamp gets abandoned, with part of it even walled off.

    Shame there isn't the resources/retained knowledge/man-hours/will/staff/budget to actually improve this popular area (and yes I've read the official response as to why they say they can't). It's content that's used regularly and 8 years later they still haven't got it right.
    Defera is no more or less "abandoned" than any other old content. It just appears to be Cryptic's policy to only ever "improve" existing areas if players are too successful in them. I.e. Nukara hards queuefied so people can't invite the whole instance population to help with the same boss fight, or "fixing" the dino tagging strategy of the voth BZ.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,102 Arc User
    protoneous wrote: »
    Shame there isn't the resources/retained knowledge/man-hours/will/staff/budget to actually improve this popular area (and yes I've read the official response as to why they say they can't). It's content that's used regularly and 8 years later they still haven't got it right.
    I suspect that if Cryptic ever goes back to the Borg as a major enemy, probably for the last story arc in STO or something, they will scrap Defera and make a new battlezone, since they have talked about how broken defera is, and how the cost to fix it at this point would be greater then just making a new battlezone.
    I suspect by that time it'll be stated there's not enough player interest to merit a new borg battlezone but playable borg cubes will appear in lockboxes, necessitating another EC cap increase. The remaining players will still be re-engineering their gold weapons while working on the latest dilithium only fleet holding and completing the latest reputation and specialization while purchasing new outfits cuz space barbie. Queues will be reduced to red alerts only to improve overall game quality :smile:

  • reafisreafis Member Posts: 147 Arc User
    PVP never really worked from the start, I remember fondly levelling my Klingon main through pretty much just PVP. It was a lot of fun but it wasn't really fair as every battle was 8 feds vs 2-3 Klingons. (Space or Ground)
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    I mean, consider how many times you've fumed and furied over nerfs even when those 'nerfs' were just QC passes to bring something in line with what it was supposed to be doing, instead of what it was released doing?

    They advertise a PvP mode that's pretty much unplayable and certainly not fun for casuals or beginners. doesn't that tick in to your perception on some level-that if they're going to do something, it should be done well, and done well before it's handed off to the player public?

    Well, patrickngo, here's the thing: they're not doing PvP properly, because -- their good intentions despite, perhaps -- the very nature of this casual game makes PvP problematic, always. PvE-ers don't like when their shiny toys get nerfed because of that infamous 1%; and Cryptic -- while some Devs seem PvP-friendly -- can't really afford to put too much energy into PvP, for the same '1% Reason'. Same with Klingons: at times they make an FE, featuring Klingons in it, hyping it up with texts like "New Klingon content!" But we both know Fed is the thing that ppl want. And Cryptic knows it too.

    They simply keep colliding with the reality of things: people want to play Fed, and 'Kirk' around (yes, you can use 'Kirk' as a verb). They tried with the Competitive System. 'I mean, consider how many times you've fumed and furied' over Cryptic offering Comp rep Marks other than doing the Comp queues!? What I got from that is, that, yes, they were honest in their wish to get players to engage in PvP, but were simply confronted with the reality that the vast majority of the players simply doesn't want to. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

    This game is at heart a Fed-oriented, casual game. Yes, we got Roms, but we're still not a real faction; and, if iirc, simply because ppl still, for the most part, want to play Fed (despite Roms being slightly OP). PvP, in that regard, I think, will always remain at odds with the casual nature of this game. And while I respect your enthusiasm for it (and frustration about not seeing it done properly), I don't see how the strained relationship with the casual side of this game (the 99%) will ever prompt Cryptic to make PvP something that's even remotely on equal footing.
  • orangenee#2931 orangenee Member Posts: 837 Arc User
    There's quite a lot of "that'll do" permeating throughout the game. Cryptic are a bit like British Leyland were sans the strikes.

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,605 Arc User

    I've seen 6 weeks as the time, but I doubt there are foundry missions "done in less than a week and are far better" than modern episodes. Please list 4 or 5 of them to prove you're not just making that up.

    No dude, again, 1 week. At most. I know that you want to believe everything cryptic says, it is your "job". But that doesnt mean its true. Not a chance a mission takes more than 1 week, 2 at most to get it done. Now, of course if you have only one guy doing the job.. well, it could take even a whole year. I dont need to prove anything. Its common sense in the moment you have little knowledge about 3d apps, coding, and all that stuff. Obviously you dont.

    Ah, "gut instinct" and "alternative facts" it is then.

    I suppose you're correct that if Cryptic could increase their budget sixfold to hire 6 separate teams of artists, writers, developers, and a few more managers then those teams working in parallel could deliver 6 loosely connected episodes in 6 weeks, each with slightly different styles for the writing and art, and possibly with limited overlap in the voice acting.

    Completely impractical of course, since STO would also need a billionaire to donate millions for the extra staff, but sure it could happen.

    Just like if your favorite TV show had a large rotating cast and an unlimited budget it could crank out 364 episodes a year. In theory.
  • captainkoltarcaptainkoltar Member Posts: 934 Arc User
    Its common sense in the moment youhave little knowledge about 3d apps, coding, and all that stuff. Obviously you dont.

    If you knew anything about working in a development environment, you'd know that every setup is different, and even if you know the languages used very well, there is absolutely no way to know from the outside how easy/quick it is to work and release stuff within that environment .
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,443 Community Moderator

    But anyways, none of the other bzttlezones really got improvements because they didn't really need them. Defera NEEDS it though, because its literally unfinished, and probably the most bugged out place in the whole game.

    Oh I can think of one that does. The currently pretty much unplayable Gon'cra. It may have been QUITE a while since I was in there, but last time I was it was literally impossible to cap all the zones because instead of how the other battlezones function, with players actually able to prevent a recap, the capture zones seem to be on a hard timer and flip on their own even if there's a player there. And you can forget about capping the center three because apparently you can only get a certain amount of the way before it resets on you.

    If anyone's been there recently and can either confirm or deny this is still true, please feel free. But until then I'm saying that Defera is not the only battlezone that needs help.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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