If Cryptic could add one thing to the game what would be your most desired? Feel free to post a top 5 if you like, but what's the 1 thing you really wish the most that they'd add to the game?
For me my #1 would be a playable end-game level refit Constitution class like the Enterprise-A. That has always been my favorite ship and I'd really like to be able to have one that was actually playable for any of the end-game content.
After that:
#2: A real exploration mode. One that focuses more on finding peaceful solutions rather than fighting, but that when fighting does occur it's not the boring "squadrons" bull they have now. Just you and one enemy ship, the fights are TV-show like in the fact that they're fairly short and making good tactical decisions quickly decides the outcome.
#3: The ability to remain in the 23rd century and have an explorable and playable map (even if it's fairly small) where you get to properly upgrade your ship and have a few good story arcs.
#2 Security officers on New Romulus.
#3 Security officers on New Romulus.
#4 Security officers on New Romulus.
#5 Security officers on New Romulus.
You said we could post top 5 right?
Edit: So apparently, at some point when I wasn't playing the game much or just not paying attention, they put a security officer on new Rom. Guess my list is complete lol.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
This or
2. Typhoon Class please
2. a specialization making use of carriers and carrier pets
3. more options to get the special items needed for reputations other than advanced/elite queues or battlezones (these can be fun but get tiresome ater a while)
4. respec for specializations
5. Ways to change/craft different colors? of weapons (for instance crafting antiproton but with the color and sound of the herald antiproton)
2. Playable Romulans (They did that too)
3. ToS ships available for all factions. (New dreads do that or begin to.)
4. Get to play in the ToS era. (Got that even without playing an AoY with the Galorndan Core.)
5. In game nods that your character is a memetic bad***. (Quite a few places. Thank you.)
Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
Network engineers are not ship designers.
Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
2 Cross-faction Citadel Dreadnought Science Carriers
3 New species-specific ships (Andorian, Vulcan, Xindi etc.)
4 New social zones (with or without things to do there)
5 Inventory and loot drop revamp
space jump
that sword from kelvin sulu
t6 star cruiser (space whale)
2. More Promo releases with the TOS ships
3. Fix the existing TOS Training Manual bug from K-13
4. Ability to slot visual effects for weapons like we can for impulse/shield, etc.
5. Inventory Tabs for 'No sell items' and Pets.
2. BFAW does less damage when hitting the same target repeatedly and has -20% accuracy against fighters and destructible projectiles.
3. Playable Narada.
4. Mirror Universe rebels mini-faction(s)
5. Gorn Uprising plotline.
1. More playable races period.
2. Cross-faction Citadel Dreadnought Science Carriers ships. Even better, more factiob specific science ships for KDF/Rom, but cross-faction works.
3. YES! YES! YES! Priority, give us T6 versions of the T5 existing species specific ships.
4. New social zones with stuff to do there. And add more "stuff" to existing social zones. All social zones should have a bridge officer trainer, security officer, tailor, bank, mail, exchange etc. And all quadrants should have at least one relatively easily accessible location where we can at least access medical, engineering and even ship selection services.
5. Depends on what sort of revamp, but I would gladly pay Zen for a loot critter/ship (non combat pet) that would run around and collect your loot for you rather than having to run/fly all over to get it all after a long fight sequence finally ends.
Come on Cryptic... Don't be cheap. Gold is worthless in the 25th century.
I was mainly thinking of removing different levels of stuff (like small, medium and large hyposprays - reduce that to one single thing and do that for all stuff - shield boosts, power cells, regenerators, components, batteries etc.) and removing items like the commodities and food related stuff as drops. These items can be replicated so there's no need for them to appear as drops.
But a loot collecter also sounds like a good idea.
Oh and edit: I think I'll change the order of my previous list. 1 remains the same, then 5, 2,3,4.
*Exploration mode,
*Fleet starbase level 6 (yes im crazy),
*A stack of critDx3 elachi beams and DHC's in my inventory tomorrow morning,
*Trait loadouts (too many traits, not enough time to change them for every scenario,
*Loot vendor on fleet starbases maybe a t6 starbase perk (pweaaase??),
*give the holodeck in fleet starbase some purpose like an entry to the foundry or something else, anything.
*Customisable and functional interiors
*Level 20 crafting perks, ie: quad cannon crafting or something.
*Playtime rewards, for playing, LOGGED IN (free or otherwise), for certain periods if time.
*A real use for latinum, anything really that serves some purpose.
Random pie in the sky that will never happen but I OH so wish would
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Also, species change, and gender changes would also be highly desirable, along with removal of tailor restrictions and stingy color palettes
2... Allow Boffs the same selection options as players with regard to costume choices (ex. Uniform, Off Duty, Club Wear, etc.)
3... As stated by another poster, the ability to slot weapon "visuals" in the same manner that engines, deflectors, etc. can now.
4... Add additional "iconic" race unlocks to the game... either through the C-store or by unlocking T5 in current (or future) reputations. With those unlocks, unique costumes available for that specific race. Current examples include Orions, Nausicaans. Many of the iconic races can be approximated by Aliengen, sure, but some races, IMO deserve to stand out as separate.
5... It would not hurt my feelings in the slightest to have a T6 K't'inga without any of the promotional goodies available in the C-store.
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
tholian boffs
non humanoid captains and boffs
more exploration
DPS/PVP more user friendly
1. bug fixes
2. server fixes
3. balanced pvp
#1 - Cardassian Hideki Playable Ship
#2 - Cross faction universal cloaking console that can be used on Keldons
#3 - Cardassian or Obsidian Order Lobi Store Outfits
#4 - New Cardassian Lock Box with Cardassian ground weapons
#5 - Jem'Hadar Battle Cruiser Playable Ship
If not then I want the rules on the tailor looked at properly and changed accordingly, the rules are there for a reason and to just flat out get rid of them seem like asking for trouble.
Edit: I forgot, I want to go into the wormhole and drag Sisko out of it so he can pay for his ton of war crimes also I want to punch Yar hard enough that Sela feels it then punch Sela hard enough for Yar to feel it.