Had to go Alpha this time. While I really liked Charlie in its prior poll, the look after it got skinned killed it for me. Looked a LOT more Area 51ish in the other poll thread. Now, there's just something wonky looking with it.
We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
Looks like it is rightfully going to be Alpha.
Epsilon was a son'a design and Charlie is mere lulz, not to mention a poor design, so this outcome is hardly surprising.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Looks like it is rightfully going to be Alpha.
Epsilon was a son'a design and Charlie is mere lulz, not to mention a poor design, so this outcome is hardly surprising.
Hard to say really. These are just the Forum votes you're seeing here. It doesn't include the Twitter and Facebook votes.
Logically, Alpha is the simplest design for a nascent spacefaring society to produce. I personally prefer Beta, but it's a more advanced design, and well beyond the humble Concordium...
Expendables Fleet: Andrew - Bajoran Fed Engineer Ken'taura - Rom/Fed Scientist Gwyllim - Human Fed Delta Tac Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
So for everybody voting Charlie... what is the fascination with playing the Galaxy saucer section without the rest of the Galaxy?
I mean, you can already do that in game, yes?
No you can not pilot the saucer sections on any ship except the Multi Vector which is triangular. Lots of us want to pilot a pure flying saucer which is the most iconic alien UFO shape in human history!
So for everybody voting Charlie... what is the fascination with playing the Galaxy saucer section without the rest of the Galaxy?
I mean, you can already do that in game, yes?
No you can not pilot the saucer sections on any ship except the Multi Vector which is triangular. Lots of us want to pilot a pure flying saucer which is the most iconic alien UFO shape in human history!
Aside from that, the Galaxy saucer and the Charlie design look nothing alike. Just because something shares a geometric base doesn't mean it is the same thing.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Both Alpha and Charlie are used in ship designs already. Saucer sections, or the later cruiser and escort designs. Not many ships have the profile of Echo, thats why I chose it. It may be similar to a movie design, but not in-game yet.
Why have to choose one ship
when all 3 can fit into one and other
Echo fits in front of Charlie ,
Charlie fit in the center of Alpha
Echo can be a scout module
Charlie can be the source section/command module
Alpha is the mothership
Too advanced of a ship design concept for a race that is relatively new to space travel. Even if the Lukari designers and engineers are receiving help from the Alliance. The KISS principle should be employed until Lukari designer / engineers and they own "space command" a lot more experience.
As someone who came late to this party, I still don't really understand why the Lukari ships look like this at all. I know that they're recieving help from the more powerful Alpha Quadrant factions, but I'd think that "help" would not be the same as "creating entire cutting-edge ships for them." Logically, their ships should look more like Gorn, Malon, or generic alien ships at this stage.
I also like how the one gamer took the screenshots of each ship and proceeded to like or dislike them based on how many hangars they would have for pets/shuttles...one criteria to decide what ship we should have...hangars...wow. Oh and as if warp coils have to be straight..it's a coil...or the impulse engines being rounded off, yet for the D'Kora it's ok...smh.
That was me.
I'll point out that when the NCC-1701 doesn't have Shuttlecraft, you get The Enemy Within because the only way in/out of the ship is Transporters ... which can malfunction.
The transporter was depicted as the only mode of transport between a planet and the ship because this episode was written and filmed before the existence of the hangar deck and shuttlecraft were established. (Star Trek Encyclopedia)
To be clear, I wasn't talking about Hangars in the "carrier" ship sense of having Fighters (et al.) to deploy filled with Hangar Pets. I was talking in the sense that ships like Enterprise/Enterprise D and Voyager had what amounted to "Shuttlebay Two" for small craft which could be deployed away from the primary ship. Being able to deploy small craft for STORY reasons, rather than for explicitly COMBAT reasons would seem to be rather sensible for a (newly) space faring race who won't know "everything" about the space they're going to be exploring and will need to do a lot of learning and "catching up" to what everyone else already knows about exploring the cosmos. Use of non-combat Shuttlecraft then makes possible a lot of flexibility for dealing with a wide variety of situations, including ones where Transporters can't be relied on.
Plus, we already have a wedge, the S'golth Escort. We don't need what's basically an identical ship with different coloring.
BIlateral symmetry = S'golth
TRIlateral symmetry = #Team Alpha
TRIANGLE pyramid symmetry = Tholian Meshweaver
Do we really need to explain the differences further?
Incidentally, after seeing Kuumaarke's fantastic away mission costume in Echoes of Light ... with its glowing fingers and "fiber optic wand" attachment ... I'm starting to wonder if the glowing spheres seen on the Alpha design might be sensor systems ...
team charlie
I go for charley, retro si fi blast from the past.
dr. Finius Jones exotic food supply
baked, fried, skewered, in a stew, or just pop em between your jaws like popcorn, everyone knows a growing gorns breakfast starts with fresh dr Finius Jones tribble bits.
So it's down to a choice of a ship that looks vaguely Kling/Fed influenced, a Ferengi looking thing reduced to a simple shape or a (once again) uninteresting version of a Son'a cruiser. Alpha, but only because it's the most aesthetically appealing, if just barely.
They all look terrible, the first 2 are classic UFO shapes and the third is a freaking batarang. Unless this race is going to travel back in time and abduct Earthlings none of these designs make any sense.
It will be a timeship, and Something will go wrong with the fancy new Lukari warp drive. This malfunction will hurl the vessel through space and time, ultimately leading it to crash on a Class M planet populated by a primitive, pre-warp species. A subset of this species will recover the vessel, and hide it from the rest of the population, using it to develop more advanced technologies than they would have otherwise; rumors and supposed sightings of the vessel will persist for decades, until misinformation is spread about the basic hull geometry. Despite this misinformation campaign, when the species finally manages to develop warp drive, their earliest vessels will feature the saucer design prominently.
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Go team Alpha! Yes, we have the Tholian ships, but this one looks more like a classic UFO sighting (as did another, but too Saucer'ish) so going with Alpha.. Didn't chose the 3rd as it looks like a horseshoe, and we don't have a giant horse to put it on. :P
Fleet Admiral Nyte T'challa-United Federation of Planets-Task Force Draco-Tactical "No matter where you go, there you are." "I found a bug in Beta, Cryptic squished it. STO Founder and Proud LTS member."
Warning: listening to the whole hour... Strong Language, Sexual Situations, Liquor Abuse.
Her choice at 27:11
Kumarkee votes #TeamCharlie
Epsilon was a son'a design and Charlie is mere lulz, not to mention a poor design, so this outcome is hardly surprising.
Hard to say really. These are just the Forum votes you're seeing here. It doesn't include the Twitter and Facebook votes.
Looks like Alpha will win though. Not a bad design, but it's not quite as original as the Elachi frigate has virtually the exact same shape.
"Let them eat static!"
I mean, you can already do that in game, yes?
My character Tsin'xing
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
Welcome to StarBug Online - to boldly Bug where no bug has been before!
STO player since November 2013
when all 3 can fit into one and other
Echo fits in front of Charlie ,
Charlie fit in the center of Alpha
Echo can be a scout module
Charlie can be the source section/command module
Alpha is the mothership
No you can not pilot the saucer sections on any ship except the Multi Vector which is triangular. Lots of us want to pilot a pure flying saucer which is the most iconic alien UFO shape in human history!
Fleet Admiral GRIZZ
U.S.S. Chicago NCC 1833-C
Sector 31 ANTKB
ANTKB Gaming Community
Aside from that, the Galaxy saucer and the Charlie design look nothing alike. Just because something shares a geometric base doesn't mean it is the same thing.
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Too advanced of a ship design concept for a race that is relatively new to space travel. Even if the Lukari designers and engineers are receiving help from the Alliance. The KISS principle should be employed until Lukari designer / engineers and they own "space command" a lot more experience.
KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid.
That was me.
I'll point out that when the NCC-1701 doesn't have Shuttlecraft, you get The Enemy Within because the only way in/out of the ship is Transporters ... which can malfunction.
To be clear, I wasn't talking about Hangars in the "carrier" ship sense of having Fighters (et al.) to deploy filled with Hangar Pets. I was talking in the sense that ships like Enterprise/Enterprise D and Voyager had what amounted to "Shuttlebay Two" for small craft which could be deployed away from the primary ship. Being able to deploy small craft for STORY reasons, rather than for explicitly COMBAT reasons would seem to be rather sensible for a (newly) space faring race who won't know "everything" about the space they're going to be exploring and will need to do a lot of learning and "catching up" to what everyone else already knows about exploring the cosmos. Use of non-combat Shuttlecraft then makes possible a lot of flexibility for dealing with a wide variety of situations, including ones where Transporters can't be relied on.
BIlateral symmetry = S'golth
TRIlateral symmetry = #Team Alpha
TRIANGLE pyramid symmetry = Tholian Meshweaver
Do we really need to explain the differences further?
Incidentally, after seeing Kuumaarke's fantastic away mission costume in Echoes of Light ... with its glowing fingers and "fiber optic wand" attachment ... I'm starting to wonder if the glowing spheres seen on the Alpha design might be sensor systems ...
Protonic Kool-Aid Down The Drain Cruiser
Immortal BOff Skills combo for Ground
I go for charley, retro si fi blast from the past.
baked, fried, skewered, in a stew, or just pop em between your jaws like popcorn, everyone knows a growing gorns breakfast starts with fresh dr Finius Jones tribble bits.
Damn cool.. yeah?
nice ship
It will be a timeship, and Something will go wrong with the fancy new Lukari warp drive. This malfunction will hurl the vessel through space and time, ultimately leading it to crash on a Class M planet populated by a primitive, pre-warp species. A subset of this species will recover the vessel, and hide it from the rest of the population, using it to develop more advanced technologies than they would have otherwise; rumors and supposed sightings of the vessel will persist for decades, until misinformation is spread about the basic hull geometry. Despite this misinformation campaign, when the species finally manages to develop warp drive, their earliest vessels will feature the saucer design prominently.
An thus Starfleet...
"No matter where you go, there you are."
"I found a bug in Beta, Cryptic squished it. STO Founder and Proud LTS member."