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a suggestion to lower dps without direct debuff



  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    you say that and say that, but yanno what? it's Entropy effects that have been getting me in Ker'Rat-because Tactical Team plus EPTS works.

    Catch me up real quick. The OP is discussing CCA which ends too fast for the OP's taste, and the DPS numbers from CCA are massively high.

    Your fix for this is to give NPCs Tactical Team and EPTS.

    Buuuuuut ... CCA is dominated by entropy effects, science powers, kinetic and exotic damage. Which as you point out is what kills you fast in Ker'Rat.

    So making the changes you suggest will not adequately address the OP's issue of CCA players spitting out 300k DPS.
  • kjfettkjfett Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I still want to see enemies using FBP and Kinetic FBP frequently.

    That'll knock 30% off the top.
    And almost none off anyone doing less then 20k.

    You are clearly spending all your time on the forums and not in the game or you would know just how wrong that assumption is.

    Under typical DPS builds, Engineering slots are still open and can be used for tanking. The best DPS tend to also be the best tanks because they are typically running +threat and tank builds as they also getting the most aggro. An extra 30% incoming DPS from mobs is just going to ramp up their own skills more while still being tanked.

    Personally, I find the PVE side of the game to be perfectly fine and those that are complaining are not impacted by this in a negative way, but rather made because some players are doing better than them and that is simply not an acceptable justification for change.

    What does it really matter if CE or ISA Standard is over in 30 seconds or 10 minute rather than 5 minutes? You get the same loot and same rewards either way. If you feel so insecure about being 30K DPS in a PUG with 200K DPSers, stop pugging, but that's really just a personal problem and not my problem.

    edit: much of those "you" are collective to those complaining in general and not taylor specifically, just to clarify.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    Pat the reason I suggest FBP/Kin FBP, is because it won't hurt the lower DPS players.

    If someone is doing 20k and under, their not going to be punished "that much" being on the receiving end of their own DPS.

    If someone is doing 75k+ DPS they will feel it, and they will feel it in a much more dramatic way then the lower end of the spectrum.

    Remember when FBP was useless in PVE ? And why was that ?
    Because the enemies didn't do enough damage for it to be beneficial, (until PRTG's got out of control with DR and everything that came after.)

    What you're suggesting; TT, A2SIF, A2ID, Hazards, they're going to make those lower end DPS players a lot more frustrated, then if they had to shrug off a feeble FBP coming from their own low DPS output. Heck some of them have trouble with a single sphere, now imagine giving that sphere all these Defensive abilities. Imagine how much they'll hate it.

    In the case of top DPS'ers, I really don't even think they'll notice. (That's if the enemies can stay alive long enough for NPCs to benefit from these defensive abilities).

    Meanwhile if there was a danger of FBP, a DPS energy monster is going to be cowering in fear, worried about when the next cycle is going up on a mob or single enemy.
    Some might call that "annoying", others would call it putting some fear/excitement back in stale easy queues.

    Those heavy hitters will have no choice but to pack some defense into their builds. And in doing so will scalp some of their power off the top.

    It will be the "players" that will need a copy of A2ID/A2SIF/PolHull/APDelta.

    Honestly, I don't care, but for my particular case, I still find Elites a challenge (depending). But ADV ? I seriously have nothing to fear, its all offense all the time, 100%.

    @KJ, the highest DPS parsed is from a threat FBP Annorax using beams.
    So you're right.
    Except I don't think they'll be that many free Engi slots to just rejig at will and that won't affect their final DPS scores.
    I think it'll cut into their builds (at least partially). Which is what I'd like... I'd like people to start shelving the multiple Embassy consoles.. the multiple Spire Tac consoles... to stop stacking PrtG's like its going out of style with no consequences. I'd like to see a neutronium be mandatory for ADV runs (at the very least).

    If someone wants to roll a glass cannon, that's cool, but they should not obliterate everything on screen before any of them can cause you real damage.
    The thing about a glass cannon, is that's its glass...you get hit you die, this is not the case in STO.
    STO Glass Cannon = The Obliterator of Life.
    Its a tank/healer and offensive specialist all in one, You're a tank because everything is dead before you take a real beating, you're a healer because everything is dead before you need a heal..

    What I'm getting at is I have a bare minimum for defense concerning boff abilities;
    My standard is to always have; PolHull1/Haz2
    And this is all I ever need to survive, and run wild in Advanced PVE. Nothing else is required. Even my skill tree, doesn't have any defensive abilities for Hull and Shields...Because I don't need them..so why bother wasting points in them ?

    And that's not enough of a challenge imo.
    If you can't die, where is the fear ? Where is the challenge ?

    I just don't see the game being anymore fun, or rewarding if all we do is give enemies TT to recycle shield facings and some abilities that grant resistance to hull.
    At that point we may as well just give them another million or so HP, it'll be effectively the same thing. And a lot less dev time to code mobs to react in this manner.

    But if we do either (+HP or give abilities), we're exactly where we are now, it'll just take "a little/or a lot" longer to complete queues depending on the team you're running with.

    I don't know, but parading around ADV without a care in the world, practically invincible, really doesn't sit well with me.
  • kjfettkjfett Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    then move up to Elites. The big issue here is that players that should clearly be in the higher level runs are running the lower levels. This is an issue with rewards. We get all we really need in Adv so there is no reason to go to Elites. If they gave Elites something to make them worthwhile, 2K refined Dil, or a random drop to be traded in for a full Rep set piece, etc. It would lure players that can run Elites into those runs and the Adv and Stds wouldn't be overrun. This a lot easier to do than trying to balance players and skills.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    The devs actually have experimented with giving NPCs meaningful heals. A great example is how the Unimatrix probes use Haza on the Unimatrix. Yeah, DPSers don't really care, it's the people who are struggling that have a real problem.
    DPS'ers don't really care about ANYTHING except that next tenth of a second. hazards is more of a debuff-cleanse anyway. The stuff I listed tends to work by prevention, not cleansing existing damage.

    (if the devs experimented with ANY of it, they did so on the offline server.)
    Actually.... the HP gain that the Unimatrixes get is ridiculous compared to what players get.

    And honestly, the only thing giving enemies the ability to shield tank would do is to make penetration more important.... and giving them the ability to hull tank.... well that makes fighting them a nightmare in general. In short: giving a Borg cube EPtS, Aux2SIF, and TT would pretty much guarantee that scrubs would never kill them. Yeah it'd drastically reduce the amount of damage DPSers would do... so? It'd do so by giving them the ability to out-tank the DPS of people that don't do mega DPS.
    patrickngo wrote: »
    you say that and say that, but yanno what? it's Entropy effects that have been getting me in Ker'Rat-because Tactical Team plus EPTS works.
    Catch me up real quick. The OP is discussing CCA which ends too fast for the OP's taste, and the DPS numbers from CCA are massively high.

    Your fix for this is to give NPCs Tactical Team and EPTS.

    Buuuuuut ... CCA is dominated by entropy effects, science powers, kinetic and exotic damage. Which as you point out is what kills you fast in Ker'Rat.

    So making the changes you suggest will not adequately address the OP's issue of CCA players spitting out 300k DPS.
    Also the peeps who do mega DPS in CCA usually use specialized build that are designed to exploit the weaknesses of the CE. Namely... it has no shields and no ability to avoid eating every bit of kinetic and physical damage thrown at it.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    Pat the reason I suggest FBP/Kin FBP, is because it won't hurt the lower DPS players.

    If someone is doing 20k and under, their not going to be punished "that much" being on the receiving end of their own DPS.

    If someone is doing 75k+ DPS they will feel it, and they will feel it in a much more dramatic way then the lower end of the spectrum.

    Remember when FBP was useless in PVE ? And why was that ?
    Because the enemies didn't do enough damage for it to be beneficial, (until PRTG's got out of control with DR and everything that came after.)

    What you're suggesting; TT, A2SIF, A2ID, Hazards, they're going to make those lower end DPS players a lot more frustrated, then if they had to shrug off a feeble FBP coming from their own low DPS output. Heck some of them have trouble with a single sphere, now imagine giving that sphere all these Defensive abilities. Imagine how much they'll hate it.

    In the case of top DPS'ers, I really don't even think they'll notice. (That's if the enemies can stay alive long enough for NPCs to benefit from these defensive abilities).

    Meanwhile if there was a danger of FBP, a DPS energy monster is going to be cowering in fear, worried about when the next cycle is going up on a mob or single enemy.
    Some might call that "annoying", others would call it putting some fear/excitement back in stale easy queues.

    Those heavy hitters will have no choice but to pack some defense into their builds. And in doing so will scalp some of their power off the top.

    It will be the "players" that will need a copy of A2ID/A2SIF/PolHull/APDelta.

    Honestly, I don't care, but for my particular case, I still find Elites a challenge (depending). But ADV ? I seriously have nothing to fear, its all offense all the time, 100%.

    @KJ, the highest DPS parsed is from a threat FBP Annorax using beams.
    So you're right.
    Except I don't think they'll be that many free Engi slots to just rejig at will and that won't affect their final DPS scores.
    I think it'll cut into their builds (at least partially). Which is what I'd like... I'd like people to start shelving the multiple Embassy consoles.. the multiple Spire Tac consoles... to stop stacking PrtG's like its going out of style with no consequences. I'd like to see a neutronium be mandatory for ADV runs (at the very least).

    If someone wants to roll a glass cannon, that's cool, but they should not obliterate everything on screen before any of them can cause you real damage.
    The thing about a glass cannon, is that's its glass...you get hit you die, this is not the case in STO.
    STO Glass Cannon = The Obliterator of Life.
    Its a tank/healer and offensive specialist all in one, You're a tank because everything is dead before you take a real beating, you're a healer because everything is dead before you need a heal..

    What I'm getting at is I have a bare minimum for defense concerning boff abilities;
    My standard is to always have; PolHull1/Haz2
    And this is all I ever need to survive, and run wild in Advanced PVE. Nothing else is required. Even my skill tree, doesn't have any defensive abilities for Hull and Shields...Because I don't need them..so why bother wasting points in them ?

    And that's not enough of a challenge imo.
    If you can't die, where is the fear ? Where is the challenge ?

    I just don't see the game being anymore fun, or rewarding if all we do is give enemies TT to recycle shield facings and some abilities that grant resistance to hull.
    At that point we may as well just give them another million or so HP, it'll be effectively the same thing. And a lot less dev time to code mobs to react in this manner.

    But if we do either (+HP or give abilities), we're exactly where we are now, it'll just take "a little/or a lot" longer to complete queues depending on the team you're running with.

    I don't know, but parading around ADV without a care in the world, practically invincible, really doesn't sit well with me.

    Both yours and @patrickngo's suggestions would be great in Elite. I personally think Advanced and Normal should remain untouched for now.

    I PUG 99% of my advanced runs. I've seen some really bad things out there... Making advanced more difficult based on what the top-end could do is a sure-fire way to kill the queues.

    I do think that despite the changes you recommend, people would still not slot defensive consoles. To illustrate my point, the best tanks in the game do not use damage resistance consoles like Neutronium at all, even in Hive Elite runs. The diminishing returns on resistances makes it better to rely on skills and traits for resistances rather than waste valuable console space. My tank builds usually go up to 70-80% resist in combat for example, without using resistance consoles.

    FYI the new lockbox is going to bring a new level of powercreep as well. That new GDF trait is going to make CCAs a lot worse than it is now. Depending on the final numbers on the weapons, we might be looking at a new weapon meta as well.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    patrickngo wrote: »
    patrickngo wrote: »
    you say that and say that, but yanno what? it's Entropy effects that have been getting me in Ker'Rat-because Tactical Team plus EPTS works.

    Catch me up real quick. The OP is discussing CCA which ends too fast for the OP's taste, and the DPS numbers from CCA are massively high.

    Your fix for this is to give NPCs Tactical Team and EPTS.

    Buuuuuut ... CCA is dominated by entropy effects, science powers, kinetic and exotic damage. Which as you point out is what kills you fast in Ker'Rat.

    So making the changes you suggest will not adequately address the OP's issue of CCA players spitting out 300k DPS.

    CCA is basically the target-practice for target practice. at some point you just realize there's NOTHING that can be done, because it's already gone so far past too far that too far isn't even in the rear-view mirror.

    (FBP/KFBP isn't going to help that, btw.)

    IOW "Advanced" in CCA should probably be "Normal" and the replacement should probably have some serious adjustments to kinetic resists and resistance to Entropy and exotic damage. (Along with more aggressive and better laid out tholian support units)

    As I suggested in the other CCA thread (which got buried away), I think CC should now just be a 5-man STF. The Entity only has 5.1M HP, compared to the 7 or so million HP ISA's final tac cube has (excluding its shields). That in itself should help a bit (though not much). Also, if it were to be changed, I'd focus on buffing the Tholians, making them hit harder and a requirement for completion (clear all Tholians). For the CC itself, I'd make it immune to warpcore breaches.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    kjfett wrote: »
    then move up to Elites. The big issue here is that players that should clearly be in the higher level runs are running the lower levels. This is an issue with rewards. We get all we really need in Adv so there is no reason to go to Elites. If they gave Elites something to make them worthwhile, 2K refined Dil, or a random drop to be traded in for a full Rep set piece, etc. It would lure players that can run Elites into those runs and the Adv and Stds wouldn't be overrun. This a lot easier to do than trying to balance players and skills.

    That's a very good point.

  • nesomumi2nesomumi2 Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    we are OP because we are clicking to fast (OP to NPC).

    as soon as we go trough skill, they are active again. we have all most no downside. it is just up, up, up. i can't remember when have i gone to new mission and thought to my self "TRIBBLE, are we gonna make it, do i need an extra heal."

    on the other hand, there are missions that are hard, but as this game has become time gated all most on every step, we are just choosing not to play those missions. so repetition is becoming harder and harder to ignore.
    i my self am not a "time runner", nor the extremely high DPS runs are attractive to me (420k yesterday in ISA), when i know that 40k is enough for everything (more then enough).

    What my suggestion is, is not a direct nerf, it just slows things down. you will still have your burst DPS, but you will have to think to heal your self, or have some one to heal you.

    i like to enjoy my victory, not "ah, another run, another 1440 dili..."
  • nesomumi2nesomumi2 Member Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    kjfett wrote: »
    then move up to Elites. The big issue here is that players that should clearly be in the higher level runs are running the lower levels. This is an issue with rewards. We get all we really need in Adv so there is no reason to go to Elites. If they gave Elites something to make them worthwhile, 2K refined Dil, or a random drop to be traded in for a full Rep set piece, etc. It would lure players that can run Elites into those runs and the Adv and Stds wouldn't be overrun. This a lot easier to do than trying to balance players and skills.

  • jahh75#9613 jahh75 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Hey guys. I apologize for being off topic here but unfortunately I'm not allowed to post topics yet lol. I have a few questions for the console version.

    Besides the Nakuhl ground set in Future Proof, are there any other decent ground sets worth getting?

    Are reputation sponsorship tokens cross faction compatible?

    Upon attaining Tier 5, relatively speaking, what is the best reputation space set for a defensive role that can still put out decent DPS and why? And are they better than Sol Defense.

    Please be as specific as you want lol. I don't mind reading and I'm eager for any incite from veteran players.

    And finally, on this forum, when will I be able to start posting my own topics!?

    Thanks in advance and again, I apologize for being off topic.
  • horizons2052horizons2052 Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    There is a simple and VERY effective way of lowering DPS. First off, you need to give boss type enemies an instant kill skill that kills the highest DPS character in the party at set intervals during a battle. Second, you give all enemies their appropriate equipment. Borg use borg rep gear, and mk XIV epic weapons, and you give undine their rep gear with MK XIV epic weapons and give them appropriate consoles for their class and ship as well.

    You will see DPS drop off like crazy once the playing field is fair for both players and the AI, when the AI can actually defend itself. Sadly, this means that those who are not well equipped cannot take part in any reindeer games.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    There is a simple and VERY effective way of lowering DPS. First off, you need to give boss type enemies an instant kill skill that kills the highest DPS character in the party at set intervals during a battle. Second, you give all enemies their appropriate equipment. Borg use borg rep gear, and mk XIV epic weapons, and you give undine their rep gear with MK XIV epic weapons and give them appropriate consoles for their class and ship as well.

    You will see DPS drop off like crazy once the playing field is fair for both players and the AI, when the AI can actually defend itself. Sadly, this means that those who are not well equipped cannot take part in any reindeer games.
    Uh yeah... that doesn't make high DPS less viable, and in fact makes it harder on everyone who isn't a DPSer.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    The best space set is the iconian one. It doesn't matter WHAT you want to do...it's the best.

    Heh you know that isn't true. XD

    The Iconian set is good for energy builds, it won't work well with Sci-heavy builds and for torpedo builds. Though I do use components of the Iconian set for some of my builds, apart from some of my beam builds, I never really use the entire set.

    The guy seems to be genuinely asking for help. It's not good to over generalize. :tongue:
  • discoricediscorice Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    So what I'm getting from this is that people don't want to put in the effort to learn how to deal damage, and feel that's a good enough reason to weaken people who make the effort to be strong. Go ahead and make the enemies tougher. Make an elite Crystalline Catastrophe STF where the Crystalline Entity can one-shot a Dreadnought if the player hasn't put any effort into defense. Leave CCA to people who can't/don't want to run Elite.

    If the game's not hard enough for you personally, run on elite difficulty. Still not hard enough? Handicap your own build intentionally, or try a weird non-meta build. Challenge is there for people who seek it out.

    If the game isn't easy enough for you though, and you want to do better at it, do what you can to learn from people. This game is vast and complicated when it comes to ship building. There are master and journeyman players all over the place that are happy to share their knowledge and ideas. It might mean that your eng-ultimate, rainbow APU Cruiser needs some tweaking to function properly. That's just a fact of life. Not everything is as good as everything else.

    Also, comparing your dps to that of pre-made nanny runs you don't participate in is absurd. Those numbers do not reflect what is achievable for a solo player.

    In conclusion, I'll just say relax and play the game the way you want to play it. If you're not sure how to achieve your personal goal, ask questions and make an effort. Don't grief players who score higher or lower than you. Focus on keeping it fun.
    Fear Of A Disco Planet
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Great! you just came up with the perfect way to make No-Win-Scenario worthy of it's name.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    Now we're getting somewhere.

    Actually, I think Jeff's last post might be the best thing for everyone involved, and maybe I got a little carried away with the FBP enemies. :blush:
  • tempusmagustempusmagus Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Make sure that this thread doesn't die now that someone has achieved 1 million dps in CCA and under 10k speed.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    There is a simple and VERY effective way of lowering DPS. First off, you need to give boss type enemies an instant kill skill that kills the highest DPS character in the party at set intervals during a battle.

    You are suggesting that raid bosses summon and death touch?

    Hahahahahahahahahaahahah. That's not going to curb DPS one bit. That's such an old tactic, that most MMO vets know how to deal with it.

    /cazic thule shouts: "horizons2052!"

  • kjfettkjfett Member Posts: 370 Arc User
    I already posted the only real, viable solution. Adjust rewards to encourage the high DPS players to move into the Elites where their DPS is needed. It requires no changes to gameplay. It doesn't negatively impact players. It gives new incentives. It's a win for everyone and doesn't require potentially damaging the game like so many of you are trying so hard to do without realizing it.

    Move along.
  • kikskenkiksken Member Posts: 664 Arc User
    Leave it all be, just jump into a starter ship, and voila.
    Klingons don't get drunk.
    They just get less sober.
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