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Kelvin Lock Box



  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    Wow, just wow. A USS Kelvin sci ship would have been nice... but the JJverse Constitution Class AND the Dreadnought Class in T6 configuration in a lockbox. I am just gonna buy the Multi-Mission Temporal Science ship as I need more science ships for my KDF toon.
  • sgtfloydpepper#7911 sgtfloydpepper Member Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    I think the Vengeance is only 1500m and people say that's too big.

    It's also an eyesore, but to each their own.

  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    i8myhell wrote: »
    Well I still consider PWE/Cryptic Lock Boxes a form of unregulated gambling that is probably rigged given my experience, but the improvement with the Infinity Lock Box options & the possible winnings in this Kelvin Lock Box are nice indeed & long overdue. Those are impressive looking ships for the Kelvin & I like the added cross-faction synergy approach. More inclusiveness compared to the last couple of years of exclusiveness. Now to fix that damn Arc to where I don't have to resubmit a pin code every couple of weeks since I don't post a lot LOL. Very well done with Infinity Lock Boxes, Cryptic, & Kelvin looks promising.

    I think there is a simple reason that this type of "gambling" remains unregulated.
    A key problem with gambling for money in the real word is that people believe in having a luck streak and getting rid of all their debts. That*s completely impossible with lockboxes. The only thing you can get is space-rich, which still means that if you spend all your money on lockboxes, you're broke and need to see how you can get food on your table.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    daveyny wrote: »
    farmallm wrote: »
    captsol wrote: »
    nadiezja wrote: »
    Also, I would wager money if I was a gamblin' girl that T6 Connie is coming soon. After all, look at Delta Rising - lots of talk about Voyager, bringing in Voyager cast, expansion themed around Voyager show, no Intrepid in the pack.

    Intrepid a few weeks later as a standalone.

    I'd be surprised if that didn't happen here. They'll CStore the Connie a few weeks after Agents of Yesterday hits.

    Sorry to say that Gecko pretty much said 'No' to that on Tribbles in Ecstacy today, again, he also denied any T6 version of the Excalibur or any of the other 'Future Connie' variants.

    It could be cause he don't want to release that information yet. Or was not told to by his boss. I remember being part of a Q&A to a Rep for my other hobby. And he told right up front. He can't talk about stuff to be released in the future. Only current and older items.

    After hearing that interview, It's more likely that there isn't going to be a T-6 TOS Constitution...
    Which makes this minion very sad...


    Look on the bright side: keeping the various models separate helps curb the need to go bananas gambling with the Kelvin Lock Box.

    It is kind of funny, though... for the 50th Anniversary of TOS we get a 7-year-old Constitution. I more I mull it over, the more I think @iconians might be right about...
    iconians wrote: »
    I also would like to salute Cryptic on making the perfect storm of player outrage.

    A T6 connie, BUT it's the one from the Kelvin Timeline, AND it's Lockbox only.

    This is truly the magnum opus of trolling the playerbase. You need to give yourselves a massive pat on the back.


    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    Man, just about everyone is going ballistic over the Abrams-Verse Constitution-class. Guys, I think you all need to consider how close Cryptic is going to the *official* movie scale of this ship. Because, if they're sticking close, then this ship will be more like a Galaxy-class in size than the Connie we know and love. Also, it's classified as a Heavy Command Cruiser. I don't know about you, but that sounds much bigger than the in-game Constitution-class' Cruiser.

    Yep. Dev posted a comparison on Twitter between the ToS and JJ connies. JJ connie looks about 3 times bigger. :|

    Edit: I took a screenshot Untitled_zpspgexywj0.jpg~original

    In the Kelvin timeline, they seem to have a need for overcompensating.

    It should also be noted, that everyone on that AR Connie is from the land of the giants!
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • scarlingscarling Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    iconians wrote: »

    Amazingly The Onion always brings the truth even if it's just satire. +1
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Question: Does the character who opens the Lockbox determine what ship it is, or the one who opens the ship box ? I hope my question is clear enough. ;)

    Oh, and can the Romulan Carrier use Drone ship pets ?
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    The Kelvin Box isn't going to work like the Infinity Prize Box.
    Which ever Toon opens the KT Box will determine the Faction of the T-6 Ship.

    When Cryptic actually adds the KT lockbox prizes to the Infinity Lockbox, some time in the future, then you might be able to pick a particular ship.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,925 Arc User
    captsol wrote: »
    LOL no. Everything on that page looks absolutely horrendous. Especially what little KDF items are available. and virtually everything tied into the lockbox in some way? Thats greedy. Since when do what amounts to standard faction uniforms end up in the lobi store, thats just nuts.

    I'll be avoiding everything listed on that page like the plague.

    Klingons and Romulans don't make Cryptic money, so they get the least, as always. :) Anyone who didn't expect Cryptic to maximize their profit via a lockbox on Kelvin ships just doesn't know how Cryptic and CBS work.

    Considering there isn't much to work with, little screen time in the films of the Klingons, and especially Romulans, I'd say that's an unfair assumption. I don't know if anything new is going to be added to either faction in the upcoming movie, but at most we got to see the KDF's Bird-of-Prey. Since I haven't read the comic book tie-in (that may or not have any references to Romulan ships in the 'Kelvin Timeline'; and I definitely don't know if there were any other comic book done for the last movie), I don't know if there's anything else for the Cryptic crew to work with.
  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,925 Arc User
    So...happy...I have 900 Lobi in the bank...just so ... happy

    Pink Panther remake... (which one? First or second?).

    Considering the fake tears on Steve Martin, is this a sarcastic happy, or a happy happy?
  • jarenriccarjarenriccar Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    iconians wrote: »
    "Where's Sulu's telescopic katana?"​​

    please? please please please Cryptic? mission reward? lobi store? i dont care? i want


  • jarenriccarjarenriccar Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    iconians wrote: »
    I also would like to salute Cryptic on making the perfect storm of player outrage.

    A T6 connie, BUT it's the one from the Kelvin Timeline, AND it's Lockbox only.

    This is truly the magnum opus of trolling the playerbase. You need to give yourselves a massive pat on the back.


    I was looking foreword to Agents of Yesterday. Not playing it now. I am straight up done with this game, you want my money, put the ship up for sale. If its too expensive, or not worth it, I wont buy it. But I am not GAMBLING to get it. I HATE the lock box system. And I don't give a DAMN about rarity when you have people flying around in Iconian ships etc.. This is ALMOST as bad as playing through 3 games of Mass Effect with developers crowing about how great choice is, then killing you no matter what you do in the last 5 minutes of the game. I am so finished with this game. Good luck everyone.

    can i have your stuff?

  • captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    iconians wrote: »
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I honestly hope your wisdom holds up on this one Iconians. I'm honestly not too interested in those ships, but the kit gear and costumes are definitely on my radar. If they go for cheap I'll consider it a miracle.
    iconians wrote: »
    Don't get me wrong. On day one it's going to be an absolute madhouse. But eventually the sellers and buyers will get into a staring contest and eventually the sellers will be the ones to blink first and start lowering the prices.

    Because there are going to be a whole lot of prospective gamblers who are going to get the same idea "Oh wow the T6 Connie/D4/T'Laru are going to be soooo in demand I'm going to make HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of EC off of them if I win them". Get 20-30 of those people in the same market, and the butchery begins as they become impatient for their payday.

    It sounds logical.

    Lockboxes of extreme demand should burn out that demand faster while producing more product. So every other Lockbox with this level of demand would see a substantial value drop off in a reasonable time frame, rather than staying expensive.

    The costumes will likely remain at a stable price, as will the Vengeance (and Vengeance 'pack' for KDF/Romulan). But stable doesn't necessarily mean cheap, because it's easier to draw up an EC-Lobi conversion rate, although supply/demand does play a more signifigant role.

    200 Lobi costs as much as the cheapest 200 Lobi item on the exchange. If that's a Kelvin timeline costume for Fed/KDF/Romulan or a Vaadwaur Officer's costume pack, it would have an equivelant value. More Kelvin timeline costumes = cheaper prices, compared to 1 or 2 Vaadwaur Officer costumes on the exchange where the seller largely determines the price and isn't as compelled to blink first. Again, "as compelled", because I can still post the only Kelvin timeline Romulan costume pack on the exchange for 500 million EC for weeks at a time, and even then nobody would buy it.

    So, then the only deciding factor is how many people think they can get more EC for a 200 Lobi costume. It again goes back to undercutting. If the exchange has a lot of Lobi-purchased Kelvin costumes (particularly for a certain faction, Romulan and KDF gets more expensive because of less players or less players willing to spend Lobi on non-Federation costume packs).

    And, of course, items where Lobi might be considered better spent (such as purchasing a T6 Lobi store ship instead of purchasing several costume packs). It's all pretty convoluted, but because Lobi is fungible, it becomes more stable.​​

    True True. I keep forgetting that the costumes won't be dropped in the lockbox. In this case, it might be better to try and get them early on when there's still competition.
    Man, just about everyone is going ballistic over the Abrams-Verse Constitution-class. Guys, I think you all need to consider how close Cryptic is going to the *official* movie scale of this ship. Because, if they're sticking close, then this ship will be more like a Galaxy-class in size than the Connie we know and love. Also, it's classified as a Heavy Command Cruiser. I don't know about you, but that sounds much bigger than the in-game Constitution-class' Cruiser.

    I'll have to watch the trailer again, and see the ones they had around spacedock...though it was only next to the new ships that we haven't seen scaled next to other ships either. And the official JJ-prise size is bigger than a Galaxy.
    odyssey47 wrote: »
    hypl wrote: »
    No Narada? Well, wild shot in the dark here...

    The Narada will be in an R&D/doff pack promotion and will be the third leg of the Tal Shiar lock box, similar to the Elachi and Tholian dreadnoughts.

    The Narada isn't from the Kelvin Timeline so it actually makes sense for it not to be included in the lockbox.

    Narada is 8-10km long, according to Memory Alpha. There's no way a ship that size would be playable. I think the Vengeance is only 1500m and people say that's too big.

    Keep in mind though that the D'Deridex class is 1200m. The Vengeance is within reason.

    The Narada in my head is comparable to a Voth City ship, the Citadel class. Not impossible, but I wouldn't want to fly the damn thing though.

    Man, just about everyone is going ballistic over the Abrams-Verse Constitution-class. Guys, I think you all need to consider how close Cryptic is going to the *official* movie scale of this ship. Because, if they're sticking close, then this ship will be more like a Galaxy-class in size than the Connie we know and love. Also, it's classified as a Heavy Command Cruiser. I don't know about you, but that sounds much bigger than the in-game Constitution-class' Cruiser.

    Yep. Dev posted a comparison on Twitter between the ToS and JJ connies. JJ connie looks about 3 times bigger. :|

    Edit: I took a screenshot Untitled_zpspgexywj0.jpg~original

    In the Kelvin timeline, they seem to have a need for overcompensating.


    In my head canon, I always said that because they were trying to duplicate alien technology 150 years ahead of its time, that the ship had to be bigger. More technological advance means you miniaturize, think about the difference in computing power between those room filling 50s computers and your smart phone. By skipping a century and a half of technological advancement, exposure to alien technology, and literally having to invent new manufacturing technologies to build the technologies they'd need to build the tech in the ship, the result is the Enterprise launch was delayed by thirteen years 2245 vs 2258, and the ship ended up being three times longer and much more massive.

    Which would've been fine if they had actually treated the ship's design as if it was three times bigger instead of the proportions matching up with the TMP Constitution because that's how they designed her before arbitrarily deciding that she was the size of a Star Destroyer.

    Even the bridge domes in that screenshot are the same size. I think Cryptic did a better job upscaling it than the films did.

    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
  • keletteskelettes Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    In my head canon, ship sizes in the reboot are explained pretty easily:
    Someone has been itching to shoot a Star Wars movie for a while and when he got the project for the Trek films he decided "oh, oversized ships will do here too".

    True the reboot films drew attention to the older series/movies, and by extension, to STO as well... okay, to Trek in general (:smiley:) not questioning that @ all. The way it was executed though... meh.
    "Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
    "To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
  • cuchulainn74cuchulainn74 Member Posts: 831 Arc User
    So...happy...I have 900 Lobi in the bank...just so ... happy

    Pink Panther remake... (which one? First or second?).

    Considering the fake tears on Steve Martin, is this a sarcastic happy, or a happy happy?

    Actually that is 100% sincere happy happy. I jumped for joy when they announced Vengeance was a Lobi ship. I was certain they'd lock it behind an R&D box or Ultra Rare LB drop.
    Fleet Admiral CuChulainn - U.S.S. Aegis KT Intel Dreadnought Cruiser

  • manwholaughsmanwholaughs Member Posts: 65 Arc User
    KT Constitution a rare gamble/lock box "reward", it never ceases to amaze me how much Cryptic can turn me off from wanting to play Star Trek Online.

    Welcome to Greed Trek Online 2016.
  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    As an Intel ship, the Vengeance better come with built-in cloak or battle cloak, and Warp Signature Masking, as true Intel ships. Since Cryptic's successfully phasing out us Roms and KDFs, and introducing built-in cloaks and battle cloaks for everyone, might as well pass on the technology and game mechanic to your future faction.

    Not that it's at all a surprise the 2pc bonus is for phaser damage only, and not plasma or disruptor.
    2. PLEASE tell me the vengeance warp sound is the same as in the movie. The vengeance had that insane low pitched buzzing sound as it approached the enterprise from behind in the movie. This thing had better have that! Seriously, it SOUNDED evil.

    Only as long as the sound is restricted to travel at warp (meaning when at warp 0 in sector space = Z E R O Noise please and thanks!). The nahkul ships are so loud I can't handle even being parked next to one in space. Whoever decided to make them constantly noisy even when standing still at most zoom levels clearly doesn't care one bit about satisfied customers and the loss of customers (translation: profit) from test-flying them in tribble, hearing complains from others, or just simply parking next to one.
    Devs: Provide the option to Turn OFF full screen flashes from enemy ship explosions
    · ♥ · ◦.¸¸. ◦'¯`·. (Ɏ) V A N U _ S O V E R E I G N T Y (Ɏ) .·´¯'◦.¸¸. ◦ · ♡ ·
    «» \▼/ T E R R A N ¦ R E P U B L I C \▼/ «»
    ﴾﴿ ₪ṩ ||| N A N I T E S Y S T E M S : B L A C K | O P S ||| ₪ṩ ﴾﴿
  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    And the new science module... congratulations, you chaps are doing a good job of appealing to that portion of the Overwatch playerbase who like Mei by making her kit very easy to replicate. This is not a bad thing.

    I play that because it offers everything STO doesn't, namely PvP, balance, and team dynamics, plus all future updates at a total one time cost that's less than a c-store 3-ship pack here. Mei is the most annoying character ever if you encounter her on the opposite team even if a player has zero skill, and being reminded of her doesn't mean anything.

    Cryptic/PWE in comparison however shines in terms of overall game coding, netcode, bug testing, player communication, and taking player feedback into account.

    Back on topic, the Vengeance is probably the first non-C-store ship that's caught my eyes in a very long time, maybe since the Wells, and I don't even care for JJ non-trek. It just has to have what I listed earlier or it won't be a true Intel ship, and I really can't see console users being given less now that specialty ships are sold out in a box/lobi store.
    Devs: Provide the option to Turn OFF full screen flashes from enemy ship explosions
    · ♥ · ◦.¸¸. ◦'¯`·. (Ɏ) V A N U _ S O V E R E I G N T Y (Ɏ) .·´¯'◦.¸¸. ◦ · ♡ ·
    «» \▼/ T E R R A N ¦ R E P U B L I C \▼/ «»
    ﴾﴿ ₪ṩ ||| N A N I T E S Y S T E M S : B L A C K | O P S ||| ₪ṩ ﴾﴿
  • straden0straden0 Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    captsol wrote: »
    straden0 wrote: »
    This question has probably been asked but I hadn't seen any responses to it but:

    Are the Kelvin Klingon visuals limited to AoY chars? If not, do Fed Klingons have access to them? I'd love my main to have those aesthetics.

    They're only unlockable on a Klingon Empire character.

    Ah damn it.. I've been waiting so long to have my Klingon not look weird being bald.. Those ridge rings and the feral look of the Klingons from Into Darkness was really well done.

    Please Cryptic, if anyone is going through this thread take note about the Fed Klingons for at least the model visuals!

    Also on a side note, The Vengeance being a Fed only ship is being argued? Why?

  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,925 Arc User
    So...happy...I have 900 Lobi in the bank...just so ... happy

    Pink Panther remake... (which one? First or second?).

    Considering the fake tears on Steve Martin, is this a sarcastic happy, or a happy happy?

    Actually that is 100% sincere happy happy. I jumped for joy when they announced Vengeance was a Lobi ship. I was certain they'd lock it behind an R&D box or Ultra Rare LB drop.

    Aye, at least a person can eventually earn it, even if they have to open a lot of boxes to do it. Heh, I opened a lot of boxes to use Lobi to reduce the time to get the Summer Ship (including the Infinity Boxes), I got enough Lobi from that to get 127 of them, but only got one T6 ship from them (great, considering the last time, I got squat :o ).
  • darkoverlordwolfdarkoverlordwolf Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    Looking at the Vengeance class, I still can't shake the feeling I had since I first saw it in "Into Darkness", as in I recall seeing it on a star trek starfleet command mod website around 2006. Kelvin Klingons look kinda hirogen-y. ah well, if it makes people happy and attracts them to the game, more power to them.
  • jonathanlonehawkjonathanlonehawk Member Posts: 674 Arc User
    Sooooo... ship stats on Tuesday?
    Formerly Known as Protector from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    Please enable us to buy a token with Zen to faction change a 25th Century FED to a TOS FED.
  • r5e4w3q2r5e4w3q2 Member Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    The ability to purchase and fly the Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] will be restricted only to Federation characters. However, Klingon and Romulan captains will instead be offered the ability to purchase a Kelvin Dreadnought Package from the Lobi Store which includes both the Console and the Starship Trait unlock for a lower price than that of the full starship.

    Not sure how I feel on this one. On one hand the wimping out on giving Klingons and Romulans a ship is sad, on the other hand selling traits directly my be a solution to part of the faction power disparity. A lack of prices in the blog, it will be interesting to see how much of the ship/console/trait package price is the ship itself! :p

    I still think that putting something with each lockbox introduction for sale via Dil would help moderate the market a bit.
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    captsol wrote: »
    Coming soon. Kelvin Lockbox II Lockboxes Beyond! Containing the USS Franklin, the Krall Swarm Ships, the new JJ-prise, female uniforms with /sleeves/. And those awesome jackets from Beyond.

    I would expect the lockbox be called the Beyond Lockbox actually
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    coffeemike wrote: »
    captsol wrote: »
    Coming soon. Kelvin Lockbox II Lockboxes Beyond! Containing the USS Franklin, the Krall Swarm Ships, the new JJ-prise, female uniforms with /sleeves/. And those awesome jackets from Beyond.

    I would expect the lockbox be called the Beyond Lockbox actually

    If they did that, they would end up going to Infinity and Beyond Lock Boxes... I kinda want to see it happen...
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • qjuniorqjunior Member Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    daveyny wrote: »
    The Kelvin Box isn't going to work like the Infinity Prize Box.
    Which ever Toon opens the KT Box will determine the Faction of the T-6 Ship.

    When Cryptic actually adds the KT lockbox prizes to the Infinity Lockbox, some time in the future, then you might be able to pick a particular ship.

    There were boxes in the past that had different contents based on the faction of the opening toon, like those cross-faction concole boxes. So, that's why I ask, I wasn't even thinking about that Infinity box.
  • crm14916crm14916 Member Posts: 1,528 Arc User
    So, do we get the new Klingon foreheads?

    "Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." - Edwin Hubble
  • robeasomrobeasom Member Posts: 1,911 Arc User
    Well that settles it I knew it was only a matter of time before the jj rubbish was added to the game when they announced the Kelvin timeline. and I think it is now time to leave this game as I have nothing to do with the universe and would rather now see the craprise or the vengance in the game and as for the other ships there so ugly. I think that this game has run its c0ourse for me and i have logged on only once in 3 months and quite frankly it has only been for a couple of minutes. I may come back in the future if something really good but as for the new expansion I won't be here for it my hard drive will be used for something that doesn't support JJtrek. I'll get my trek fix watching the series on netflix and playing star trek timelines
    Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
    Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
    Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
  • drazziidrazzii Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    I kind of surfed through the last several pages, but didn't see an answer to a question I had:

    In the blog post, they stated that the [T6] Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser can only be purchased by Federation characters, but Klingon and Romulan characters can purchase the console/trait of this ship at a reduced amount. I don't have a huge interest in the cruiser itself except for the console/trait, and I play a Fed character. Can my Fed character--like the Klingon and Romulan players--also buy just the Kelvin Dreadnought Package (console/trait) without having to buy the ship?
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    Sooooo... ship stats on Tuesday?

    And the tractor beam... and medical crew.​​
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