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Kelvin Lock Box



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    tilarium1979tilarium1979 Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    bltrrn wrote: »
    sharpie65 wrote: »
    djmarr1964 wrote: »
    ok don't know if this has been asked but will we be able to buy the JJ Verse Fed Bridges as i dont wanna be flying around in one of the Kelvin Timeline ships and be stuck using the Prime Timeline Bridges

    The KT-ships will come with faction-appropriate bridges i.e. the KTstution will get the bridge seen in the movies, the Vengeance will get the Vengeance bridge. The D-4x and T'Laru will both come with Abramsverse-inspired bridges for the appropriate faction.

    Some have asked if the bridges (esp. for the Romulan, and Klingon factions), can be unlocked, and used seperately, since extant bridge options are very limited for them.

    Agreed. While it's nice that they come with bridges, it would be nice to unlock them or sell them in the C-store for those that want them. I like having a wide range of bridges to choose from for my ships.
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    tilarium1979tilarium1979 Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    The thing I was just thinking about that bothers me is that in order for my federation characters to get the trait and console from the Intel dreadnaught I have to spend the larger amount amount of lobi and also master the ship up. For my Klingons I just have to spend the lower amount of lobi and have them instantly. The trait and console pack should be available for everyone.

    No they shouldnt.

    The trait/console discount for kdf is a consolation prize for not getting a ship at all.

    I hope the ship is like 1200 lobi and the console/trait pack is like 300.

    Well, we'll have to agree to disagree on this matter. Yes, it's a consolation prize but it also sucks for a Federation character that just wants the console but could give to craps about the ship. I want that console, I want it on most of my characters but I only see a couple of my federation captains flying in the ship. Why should I have to spent (using your suggested lobi value) 900 more lobi then a Klingon just to get a console?

    I have the same beef with the cross-faction consoles that you can get in the lockboxes. I had one of my newer klingons at the time unlock the point defense system right after the tutorial. Realized how much fun it was to have such an overpowered console at level 5 when fed characters that get to have that console normally have to wait until level I forget what to get it when it's now more of an aid instead of a major offensive weapon.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    cryptiecop wrote: »
    cryptiecop wrote: »
    IOh you're right, milking real world money out of players for sought after ships is currently acceptable these days ... my bad ...
    Vastly preferable to a dead game, I think. Of course it would be even preferable if everything was free, cancer was cured, and we all lived in harmony. But we have to face the reality of this world sometime, and I prefer a working business model for a Star Trek Online game then a defunct game.

    Sure, you can dream up that there must be a better way, but until you make your own game and prove it, it's just fiction. Kinda like Star Trek.
    This made me roll my eyes and LOL ... thanks, well done !!
    Well, as many have said, without lock boxes the game wouldn't exist, so...
    My character Tsin'xing
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    forthegamerforthegamer Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    :neutral: I'm so going to spend everything I can to own a Connie. I must. /lying
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    themetalstickmanthemetalstickman Member Posts: 1,010 Arc User
    I'm just looking forward to seeing the Borg set on a KTC and a Vengie.

    Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.

    I dare you to do better.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    I'm just looking forward to seeing the Borg set on a KTC and a Vengie.
    Ooohh.... yes, it will look very interesting. Maybe the Delta shield? :p Turn that giant thing desert-tan. :p
    My character Tsin'xing
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    sgtfloydpepper#7911 sgtfloydpepper Member Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    I'm just looking forward to seeing the Borg set on a KTC and a Vengie.

    and here I thought vengeance couldn't get uglier... then you hit it with an assimilated ugly stick. XD
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    diabolical91diabolical91 Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    I'm just looking forward to seeing the Borg set on a KTC and a Vengie.

    and here I thought vengeance couldn't get uglier... then you hit it with an assimilated ugly stick. XD
    better with a maco visual perhaps?
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    themetalstickmanthemetalstickman Member Posts: 1,010 Arc User
    edited July 2016
    I'm just looking forward to seeing the Borg set on a KTC and a Vengie.

    and here I thought vengeance couldn't get uglier... then you hit it with an assimilated ugly stick. XD

    Well the Vengeance isn't supposed to be a beauty queen like the Enterprise is.

    Here's the difference, brought to you by Mass Effect 3.



    They even have contrasting male and female computer voices!

    Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.

    I dare you to do better.
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    diabolical91diabolical91 Member Posts: 194 Arc User
    wish the comp on the veng would sound like that
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    alcmaeonidaealcmaeonidae Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    cryptiecop wrote: »

    Oh you're right, milking real world money out of players for sought after ships is currently acceptable these days ... my bad ...
    Vastly preferable to a dead game, I think. Of course it would be even preferable if everything was free, cancer was cured, and we all lived in harmony. But we have to face the reality of this world sometime, and I prefer a working business model for a Star Trek Online game then a defunct game.

    Sure, you can dream up that there must be a better way, but until you make your own game and prove it, it's just fiction. Kinda like Star Trek.

    There are different kinds of dying. Like low player participation. Just pull up the list of STFs, even during what should be a peak time. See how many of the missions have no one playing and no one waiting to play. I rarely see anyone from either fleet I'm in, and the same goes for friends.

    The game took a turn against casual play back when Delta Rising was released. Not a single new free ship for leveling up, and the only way to get equipment to tier14 is to grind for resources. The game isn't friendly to new players who don't have a great deal to spend, or to casual players who don't have a lot of time. That leaves it depending on current players, but they drift away to other games. Who takes their place?
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    scarlingscarling Member Posts: 708 Arc User
    iconians wrote: »
    scarling wrote: »
    This lockbox is the single greatest thing to happen to STO. The nerd rage is just oh so satisfying.

    It's a thing of beauty. A rare glimpse into darkest part of the mind's eye. This lockbox represents the pinnacle of Star Trek. When the rage of the STO forums crashed upon the unrelenting rocks of diversity, and impotently receded back into the oceans of madness and intolerance.

    This is Roddenberry's Star Trek. This is his future. When venomous rhetoric spewed from the lips of the zealots in the name of peace and harmony, to writhe and shudder in pain and horror as the fruits of the labors of JJ Abrams and Bad Robot Productions walked through the gates of Star Trek Online, welcomed with open arms by their cousins from the Prime Universe, embraced, smiled and said, "Welcome home, we've been waiting for you for almost five years."

    This is Norman Rockwell's "The problem we all live with" for us. This is our desegregation of the two realities that diverged in 2009. We look upon the crowd of people who only pay lip service to terms like "tolerance" and "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations", and see them for the small minds they are.

    We look upon them not with rage or anger. We look upon them with pity, and we smile while walking hand-in-hand with the Kelvin Timeline and wave at them, because even though we do not understand their intolerance, we understand that they too are our neighbors. They are Star Trek fans just like the rest of us.

    We welcome them to our ready room table as we begin the hard work ahead to mend the rift between us.​​

    Are you sure you're not running for office in 2016?
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    dragonseye1138dragonseye1138 Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    iconians wrote: »

    It's a thing of beauty. A rare glimpse into darkest part of the mind's eye. This lockbox represents the pinnacle of Star Trek. When the rage of the STO forums crashed upon the unrelenting rocks of diversity, and impotently receded back into the oceans of madness and intolerance.

    This is Roddenberry's Star Trek. This is his future. When venomous rhetoric spewed from the lips of the zealots in the name of peace and harmony, to writhe and shudder in pain and horror as the fruits of the labors of JJ Abrams and Bad Robot Productions walked through the gates of Star Trek Online, welcomed with open arms by their cousins from the Prime Universe, embraced, smiled and said, "Welcome home, we've been waiting for you for almost five years."

    This is Norman Rockwell's "The problem we all live with" for us. This is our desegregation of the two realities that diverged in 2009. We look upon the crowd of people who only pay lip service to terms like "tolerance" and "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations", and see them for the small minds they are.

    We look upon them not with rage or anger. We look upon them with pity, and we smile while walking hand-in-hand with the Kelvin Timeline and wave at them, because even though we do not understand their intolerance, we understand that they too are our neighbors. They are Star Trek fans just like the rest of us.

    We welcome them to our ready room table as we begin the hard work ahead to mend the rift between us.​​

    This post is a work of art.

    Q is a Magical Girl.
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    reyan01 wrote: »
    The biggest danger of gambling IMO is that people will live under the illusion that one day they will strike big and all their debts will be paid off. That's why the addicted never stop, they always have this excuse ready.
    That can't happen with lockboxes. Even if you were to find someone willing to buy your Voth Bulwark for real world money (which would be a violation of the EULA), it would never make the money back you spend on getting the ship in the first place. And you will probably not even find that person - you will just get EC for it on the Exchange. Which will not help you pay off your debts nor will it bring food on your table.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    I despise lock boxes no matter the game, but still no one is holding a gun to anyone's head to use them.

    Ignore the, leave them, dump them and move on. I do.​​

    I'm just meh... on them. I'll pop some EC on a key if i have any spare every couple of months but other than that i ignore them. If i want a shiny toy from a lockbox let some fool who's easily parted from their cash blow real world money on them and i'll get it off the exchange.
    I'm not adverse to spending money on STO and have done many times, but only on my terms, not some lottery.
    But plenty of players fall for them and pour thousands of $/£'s at the game, so the game keeps on spewing them out.
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    szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    I knew it was big. But THIS big?


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    sohtohsohtoh Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    So...happy...I have 900 Lobi in the bank...just so ... happy

    Pink Panther remake... (which one? First or second?).

    Neither. Clue #1: No moustache. Clue #2: The U.S. collar pin on the right lapel. The screenshot is from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
    "I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I can get my hands on the biggest one I can."
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    pweistheworstpweistheworst Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    Does anyone know if the new Kelvin timeline FED uniforms can be customized using the full color pallet?

    I'd like to make a black version of the Kelvin timeline uniform that matches the black ops (Section 31) uniforms that the crew of the Vengeance were wearing in ST: Into Darkness.
    In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."

    Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
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    irm1963irm1963 Member Posts: 682 Arc User
    Does anyone know if the new Kelvin timeline FED uniforms can be customized using the full color pallet?
    I'd like to make a black version of the Kelvin timeline uniform that matches the black ops (Section 31) uniforms that the crew of the Vengeance were wearing in ST: Into Darkness.

    They're not really that close in appearance. Maybe Bajoran or TMP jackets ?

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    thelunarboythelunarboy Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    I do agree with everything that people say with respect to the gambling thing, but in some ways this is a no-win scenario. If you put it in the C Store, you risk loads of people snapping them up and flooding the Prime universe with them... which will infuriate KT haters and purists no end. If you keep it in the lockbox then everyody goes nuts at the gambling thing.

    He he I just thought... if Cryptic really want to make lots of money, what happens if they strike a deal with other sci fi franchise owning studios... and use them as other alternate timelines? Yeah... I know, never gonna happen... but I must entertain my pipe dream fantasy of zipping around in a White Star or Battlestar, somehow... ;):D
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    nikeixnikeix Member Posts: 3,972 Arc User
    iconians wrote: »
    It's a thing of beauty. A rare glimpse into darkest part of the mind's eye. This lockbox represents the pinnacle of Star Trek. When the rage of the STO forums crashed upon the unrelenting rocks of diversity, and impotently receded back into the oceans of madness and intolerance.

    This is Roddenberry's Star Trek. This is his future. When venomous rhetoric spewed from the lips of the zealots in the name of peace and harmony, to writhe and shudder in pain and horror as the fruits of the labors of JJ Abrams and Bad Robot Productions walked through the gates of Star Trek Online, welcomed with open arms by their cousins from the Prime Universe, embraced, smiled and said, "Welcome home, we've been waiting for you for almost five years."

    This is Norman Rockwell's "The problem we all live with" for us. This is our desegregation of the two realities that diverged in 2009. We look upon the crowd of people who only pay lip service to terms like "tolerance" and "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations", and see them for the small minds they are.

    We look upon them not with rage or anger. We look upon them with pity, and we smile while walking hand-in-hand with the Kelvin Timeline and wave at them, because even though we do not understand their intolerance, we understand that they too are our neighbors. They are Star Trek fans just like the rest of us.

    We welcome them to our ready room table as we begin the hard work ahead to mend the rift between us.​​

    And while the Federation sails serenely on, ever the graceful swan, beneath the glassy surface scaly brutish legs do the work.

    We are tolerant of all save intolerance, and that we oppose without relent.

    Don't start none, won't be none.
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    msb777msb777 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser OMG!!!!!!!!!!
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    saedeithsaedeith Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    msb777 wrote: »
    Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser OMG!!!!!!!!!!

    Yep, they finally found a ship that will get me out of my Eclipse.

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    shaneseifertshaneseifert Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    I am hoping against hope that this will actually be an awesome lock box that wont rip everyone off, that the reason the ship is IN a lockbox is so that those that CANT buy it in the Cstore can get it through the lock box. It would be sad to see such a great addition to the game be used purely as a gimmick
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    tymerstotymersto Member Posts: 433 Arc User
    I am hoping against hope that this will actually be an awesome lock box that wont rip everyone off, that the reason the ship is IN a lockbox is so that those that CANT buy it in the Cstore can get it through the lock box. It would be sad to see such a great addition to the game be used purely as a gimmick

    All Lottery Boxes are gimmicks. What's worse is the blatant cross promotion for the next KT film here. As far as I'm concerned Cryptic and CBS have given the player base a complete and total middle finger here by releasing this garbage!

    Thank you for the time...
    STO CBT Player - 400 day+ Vet, Currently Silver
    Cryptic, would you actulaly like me to spend actual Money? It's Simple:
    • Full, Story-driven, select from start 1-50 Klingon Side
    • Scrap current Lock Box & Lobi system for something more reasonable
    • Expand Dil and Rep/Fleet Marks to regular story content
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    pweistheworstpweistheworst Member Posts: 986 Arc User
    irm1963 wrote: »
    Does anyone know if the new Kelvin timeline FED uniforms can be customized using the full color pallet?
    I'd like to make a black version of the Kelvin timeline uniform that matches the black ops (Section 31) uniforms that the crew of the Vengeance were wearing in ST: Into Darkness.

    They're not really that close in appearance. Maybe Bajoran or TMP jackets ?

    You are correct. I guess I'm thinking of the black colored uniforms that Kirk and Khan wore when they made their 2-man assault on the Vengeance and took the bridge.

    I'm still hoping I can make those Kelvin timeline uniforms black.
    In the immortal words of Captain Sisko: "It may not be what you believe, but that doesn't make it wrong."

    Don't believe the lies in this forum. I am NOT an ARC user. I play STO on Steam or not at all.
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    captsolcaptsol Member Posts: 921 Arc User
    I despise lock boxes no matter the game, but still no one is holding a gun to anyone's head to use them.

    Ignore the, leave them, dump them and move on. I do.​​

    No guns, usually, just coveted alternate starships. Which can be even worse. ;)
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