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Mirror Wars (RP Thread)



  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Sydem lost a fight? Oh boy ... Does that crewman have life insurance?

    If Sydem wants to get to Krasnova, she'll have to get through Valdez first. No one harms his crew

    Next fight night, Sydem vs Krasnova the rematch
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,273 Arc User
      edited January 2017
      What do you think of the 'Hordaland Class' (Akira Subclass) ?


      Saucer: Oslo
      Hull: Akira
      Nacelles: Thunderchild
      Strut: Armitage

      This ship will be leading a task force into the MU to do stuff and pew pew pew!
      Thank you for the Typhoon!
    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
      Love the Bird of prey look, 10/10
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
        Do you want to use some of the designs I've posted, just fed them up
          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
        • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,273 Arc User
          by all means fire me characters you want assigned to group which needs a name.
          Thank you for the Typhoon!
        • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
          That ship looks like a devastating craft! The engineers seem to have outdone themselves.

          I believe you asked for what I used for the Aristocracy officers earlier. Sorry for the delay.
          What I used:
          And what I origionally had:
          Why do I still play and put money into STO?
          The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
          edited January 2017
          Post edited by theraven2378 on
            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
          • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,273 Arc User
            Commander of the U.S.S. Nimrod?
            Thank you for the Typhoon!
          • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
            edited January 2017
            thay8472 wrote: »
            Commander of the U.S.S. Nimrod?

            I'll design a Captain for the Nimrod,
            Captain Charles Nelson, height 6 foot 3 the rest standard

            This is the Peleliu captain and first officer,
            Captain Cerys, height 5 foot 10, rest standard

            Commander John Forster, height 6 foot 2 rest standard

            Someone who has first hand knowledge on Terrans, Terran Task Force advisor Trianna Valdez.
            Pre appearance change

            Post appearance change

            Should be fireworks when she meets Prime Papela Lot and prime Naynta Lot. She has more a noticeable dislike for those two in particular. Don't mention her mother and the fact she's a widow either, she's liable to punch you in the face for that

            Post edited by theraven2378 on
              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
            • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
              edited January 2017
              U.S.S. Los Lobo, Antares shipyard (Prime)

              This the account of the retreat from hell as described by the only captain to make it back.

              "When we entered our first target were the military and administrative installations at Betazed, we hit them with no civilian casualties. We then tried to retreat away from Betazed but we were pushed away by the Terran 5th Fleet as the Terran 3rd Fleet did it's attack into our space.

              The Admiral tried to draw Terran attention away by sparking a uprising on Cardassia but we were intercepted by the returning 3rd Fleet and we had to pull back. Both fleets then formed a net around us as if we were being herded into a killing ground, they shadowed us and herded us to the Briar Patch but never engaging. The Admiral was stripped of all options, if we tried to intercept and fight our way against one fleet, the other would intercept us so we were pushed into the patch and were ambushed from three sides.

              The Admiral's ship fell to enemy boarding parties six hours into the battle and the Terrans let us go and only took the Oudenarde with them. We were harried and harassed all the way to the border by Terran wolf packs, they would pick out the slower and more damaged ships first and destroy them. The animals even shot down the escape pods, by time the last surviving ships got to the badlands, we were attacked by an unknown vessel with massive firepower and I managed to get into the badlands. My retreat was covered by an unidentified alien ship and we got back but our ship was so badly damaged she tore herself apart as we abandoned ship. We were rescued 4 days later by the U.S.S. Agincourt, 420 of my crew were lost out of 500. I did identify the ships leading 3rd and 5th Fleets, the I.S.S. Astute with 3rd Fleet and the the I.S.S. Los Lobos with 5th Fleet"

              The investigation into the recent Terran raid

              "Celes was the first target hit, they knew where to hit for maximum destruction. We found nothing but bodies on the station as life support and communications were the first to be hit, we also picked up wreckage outside the station. Everything destroyed even the civilian ships as well as Starfleet vessels, No survivors.

              Risa was the next target hit, the attackers had been using the star to cover their approach. Their assault was swift and brutal as they targeted the settlements and resorts with the highest density of people before they opened fire. After only 15 minutes they left the system, this commander knew what our response would be and they set a course for Sol.

              At Mars, we figured out that Celes and Risa were meant to draw our fleet out of Sol so the attackers could hit their ultimate objective. Our fleet yards were hit by a frontal assault which the remaining defenders went after but they were doomed as the rest of the Terran fleet came round the flanks hitting our fuel stations, repair facilities and production facilities. We estimate ship production there was put back two years due to the assault.

              They then left crippling Jupiter Station on their way out and made a run back to their space, their command ship was the I.S.S. Astute."

              U.S.S. Nimrod, Antares Fleet yards (Prime)

              Trianna Valdez was sat in the guest seat on the the bridge of the Nimrod, "I hope Heath has an idea of who she will be facing" said Trianna to Captain Nelson, "Miss Valdez, you seem worried" replied Nelson. "If we are facing my father's counterpart, he will punish any mistake we make. He never works alone, where there is Valdez, there is Lot." replied Trianna.

              "Miss Valdez, it's the reason you were called in as an adviser on this matter, you know them better than we do" replied Nelson. "Captain, I've seen what they are capable of, don't let them take you and your crew alive." responded Trianna. "I heard what happened, lets just say it made my crew angry at such treatment of Federation officers, crew and citizens" replied Nelson. Trianna could sense fear in the air, "Captain, your crew are frightened and they have not met the enemy yet." she said. "Miss Valdez, to be scared before a battle is perfectly normal but we try and not let it control us. You seem to be a rock of calm." replied Nelson.

              "I've fought them before, even sacrificed my right leg fighting them. They will hunt you down and depending on their mood kill you and your crew publicly in front of the cameras" replied Trianna, "this is an enemy who do not fight by our rules" "What happened over there?" asked Nelson. "We were paraded through the streets of Rixx before we were force marched into the plaza and split up into groups. I was forced by Naynta Lot to watch the execution of my crew mates and loved ones. My life partner, she was the first one to be killed and 8 hours later my mother was killed in front of me." answered Trianna, "I was held as a hostage for nearly a month by my father's counterpart dodging daily attempts by my counterpart to kill me. My father was broken out of prison and he led the force that got me out, we founded a resistance movement before the Terrans decided to talk to us instead of fighting us. We'd smashed Admiral Heath the day before."

              "Your father then negotiated a cease fire and a border agreement" replied Nelson, "He can be persuasive and we got safe passage back to the border, my father recently retired. Command wanted to ask him to help but he said a flat no and said he wanted to stay retired" replied Trianna. "He has sense, this could bring back too many bad memories" responded Nelson. "Dad is not speaking to anyone from Starfleet, he's still angry at being abandoned like that" replied Trianna. "Understandable Miss Valdez, you and your father have me and my crew's condolences" responded Nelson. Trianna accepted what Nelson had said and thanked him.

              "Landing berth 15 is open sir" reported Ensign Sovak, "Take us in and dock helm" ordered Nelson. Then Nimrod docked at her berth and Captain Nelson and Trianna beamed over to the station.

              On Antares Station, Trianna and Captain Nelson met with Captain Heath, "Heath" said Trianna, "Miss Valdez, why the hostility?" replied Heath. "My father's last battle was stopping your counterpart from committing genocide" answered Trianna. "I am nothing like her" replied Heath, "we tried to contact the admiral but he told us I'm retired" "Dad's still bitter, he won't be the same again" replied Trianna. "Understandable" said Heath as Captain Papela Lot entered the room, "Miss Valdez, pleased to finally meet you" said Captain Lot only for Trianna to just glare angrily at her. "Focus that anger on my counterpart, not me" said Captain Lot. "Triggered a bad memory" answered Trianna, "nothing personal"

              "You're a little young to be a senior adviser to the Terran Task Force, how old are you?" asked Captain Lot, "I'm 20, Captain Lot" answered Trianna, "I'm tougher than I look." "It's good having you with us" replied Captain Lot, "I won't warn Naynta you are here as that would not be first Naynta Lot you've punched." "Miss Valdez, duty calls" said Captain Nelson, "Take care Captain" replied Trianna. "Captain Heath, it's not your counterpart, the admiral's counterpart and the other Naynta Lot you need to worry about the most. They're Fleet Admiral Sito's most trusted and able commanders, Sito is a formidable opponent. The Regent is the biggest danger of all, she is cruel, ruthless and without mercy. Emotionally she's cold and calm. What I'm about to tell you is to kept within this room, anyone without captain's level clearance is to leave now" said Trianna.

              "You heard her, all below captain's clearance leave now" ordered Heath, "should be interesting". Trianna started her brief,

              "There was a temporal incident in 2390, Sito and several key commanders disappeared from 2410 in their reality. They were tracked to 2390 in the Nukara System in their reality. A faction known as the Romulan Star Union had gone back to that time and my father was asked for by name by the Romulans because another counterpart of his was hammering them badly in battle after battle. We fought some savage actions in that campaign, I even lost my right leg there but we caught another counterpart of mine and Commander Solat's counterpart. Solat was formidable in battle until we defeated her at the Battle of Celes. We never caught Sito and we came back to our correct place afterwards.

              Our first incursion into their space, we were on the hunt for Naynta Lot over the Kinjun massacre. We met her in battle over two separate days, we lost the Meteor and we did force her into retreat. The captain kept Naynta busy, she was over confident and she thought we were her toys as I broke into her computer system and found her prefix code. We did a Jim Kirk to her by remotely shutting down her shields before we fired into her shuttle bay, we were detecting massive internal secondary explosions as she was forced to withdraw. Our hunt was put to an end by Terran reinforcements and we retreated back to Federation space.

              The last incursion well you've read Cerys' report"

              "Thank you Miss Valdez, which Admirals run 3rd Fleet and 5th Fleet?" asked Heath, "The Terran 3rd Fleet is led from the I.S.S. Astute, it's commander is Admiral Nathan Valdez, a very dangerous opponent. The Terran 5th Fleet led from the I.S.S. Los Lobos, Admiral Naynta Lot is their commander. I read the report on the Sol raid, that was the work of Admiral Valdez. He's an ends justify the means type, 100,000 innocent dead mean nothing to him as long as his enemy reacts the way he wants them to, that's how he hit Sol. Lot on the other hand is cruel for the sheer enjoyment, everything is a toy to her apart from the people she trusts. Lot and Valdez, those two work together as the twin hammers of Betazed. This is a recording I found of the destruction of mirror Cardassia, they used tractor repulsors to hurl 3000 asteroids into the planet surface. Millions dead and the planet uninhabitable for years. This is their work" answered Trianna as she handed the file over to Heath.

              "It will be a pleasure working with you, I know a great place to get a drink" said Heath and both of them left the room.

              Post edited by theraven2378 on
                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
              • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,273 Arc User
                I.S.S. Enterprise
                Bajor Sector (Mirror)


                Admiral Sito leaned back against her chair looking at the ceiling of her office. "Are you telling me this experiment was a failure too?"

                From across the room, her counterpart approached herself, taking place on the admiral's desk. "The Elachi technology isn't working on them; they appear to have a natural defense to the Elachi subsumption process." Sito said while handing her counterpart a PADD. "The Ask'kaar can't be subsumed into Terrans."

                Admiral Sito now frustrated turned to her counterpart. "So what you're telling me is we have ten thousand prisoners who continue to be nothing but a drain on our resources? We can't use them to our benefit at all?!"

                Captain Sito smiled "Well, we could send them to the mines of Bajor IV, or to Betazed to rebuild Regent Lot's estate."

                "I don't know how mother would feel about me dumping an army of slaves on her doorstep." Sito pondered for a moment trying to hide a smirk behind her hand. "I have another idea, one that could quite, entertaining."

                "Oh?" Captain Sito asked

                "Select twenty and the highest ranking Ask'kaar officer, have the officer brought to me, and the others sent to science lab 3, advise Doctors T'Naar and Lysia. Inform the good doctors I want to see the latest progress they've made."

                Captain Sito smiled at her counterpart. "You just want to hear them scream don't you?"

                "Yes," responded Admiral Sito. "They made the mistake of torturing me before handing me over to the Federation; now it's my turn."
                Thank you for the Typhoon!
              • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                edited January 2017
                Rixx, Betazed (MU)

                Admiral Valdez had left Solat in charge of the ship, he had decided to take Naynta's advice about taking some time off and relaxing in a civilian environment. He met Naynta and she took one look at his fashion sense and smiled, "Nathan you look good out of uniform" noting his jeans, shoes, red t-shirt and leather jacket. Valdez then put his flat cap on and smiled, "Naynta know any good watering holes around here?" he asked.

                "I know a place, come on we're getting a few drinks down us" answered Naynta and both friends found the nearest bar. "What are you drinking?" asked Valdez, "Never tried Terran whisky" answered Naynta and Valdez ordered two whiskies. Naynta took one sip before replying "strong stuff." Valdez just smiled and said "Me and a few buddies went through four bottles of it in a single drinking session, getting back to barracks was fun and games." "I always thought you were a beer man" replied Lot but Valdez answered "I'm a whisky man, single malt of course"

                "It's not bad, not the same as Betazed wine" replied Lot. "I'm not a wine person, never been my style" answered Valdez as he noticed Trianna and some police officer checking people's IDs. "Trianna told me she was working cyber security" noted Valdez to Naynta. "Mother assigned her to her security police, Special Constable Valdez has become feared by dissidents" answered Naynta. "At least she's doing what's best for Betazed and the Empire" replied Valdez. One of the officers came up to where Valdez and Naynta were sat and asked "IDs please" and both officers presented their IDs, "Sorry for the inconvenience Admirals" said the Betazoid police officer. "You're doing your job, keep up the good work officer" replied Valdez and the police left the bar.

                "I hear you found a new captain for the Astute, who did you promote?" asked Naynta. "Commander Solat has been acting captain since Teanna retired, I promoted her to the job full time" answered Valdez, "she needed her own command but there no ships available so I gave her Astute and the title of captain Solat." "Good choice Nathan" replied Naynta as both finished their drinks. They then left the bar and worked out where to go next.

                Antares Station (Prime)

                Heath and Trianna were in the bar at Antares club having a few drinks, "Miss Valdez, what are you drinking?" asked Heath, "Beer please" answered Trianna and both Heath and Trianna were sat at the bar having a couple of drinks. Naynta Lot, Sydem and Tamiko walked up to the bar and ordered their drinks, "Miss Trianna Valdez, it's a pleasure to....." said Naynta before she was cut off mid sentence by Trianna, Trianna just glared at Lot and Lot backed off. Lot had picked up that Trianna did not like her at all. "Naynta, what was that about?" asked Tamiko. "Something my counterpart did most likely" replied Naynta. "She was about to punch you" said Tamiko.

                "Captain Heath, keep Naynta Lot away from me. I've already punched her counterpart" said Trianna. "Noted" replied Heath, "but you will have to work with her even if you hate her" "I'll work with her but she better not anger me" answered Trianna. "My crew is not exactly the most sane in the fleet but we do our duty all the same." replied Heath. "If I survived the mirror universe, I'll survive the Los Lobos" responded Trianna. She then ordered two drinks for her and Heath. "How's the admiral doing?" asked Heath. "He's coming around slowly, it's still not quite sunk in yet and he blames himself for the loss of his crew, wife and daughter in law." answered Trianna.

                "You must really hate the Terrans for making you a widow at 20" replied Heath. "I do but I've come to terms with being a widow and have to move on with my life. Dad is a broken man, the counselor visits three times a week to check up and make sure his mental state is recovering" answered Trianna, "I doubt he'll remarry anytime in the future, my mother was his first love and he will always be faithful to that." "You still not over the loss of your mother?" asked Heath, "Getting there but it's a wound that will take years to heal" answered Trianna, "I have to be strong about it"

                "Then be strong for us all and your family" said Heath, "We're going back in and that's why we asked for your assistance on this, I'll need you on the bridge of the Los Lobos as my senior adviser on the Terrans" "I'll help as much as I can but technically, I'm a retired soldier" answered Trianna, "this is for my family and crew mates. Promise me we'll find the criminals who killed my crew mates and loved ones" "That's why we're going back in, we have a war criminal to catch for the Celes and Risa massacres" answered Heath. "Well Captain Heath, I've got to face my own personal demons and if that includes opposing the Regent, my father's counterpart and Lot then so be it" replied Trianna, "my father's counterpart held me as a hostage and stopped me from mourning as he considered it weak. I've a score to settle with him."

                "People underestimate you, you are tougher than you look" said Heath, "but your role is advisory only"



                This the ship I'll be taking into the mirror, the U.S.S. Agincourt. The paint job is a disguise

                Post edited by theraven2378 on
                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,273 Arc User
                  --- (Los Lobos' Bridge) ---

                  "Aunlel to Captain Heath" Aunlel's voice echoed across the bridge of the Los Lobos, the crew could hear the panic in her voice.

                  "What is it Aunlel?" responded Captain Heath

                  "Ma'am we've got a problem in the mess hall, ma'am. I think you should-" Aunlel was cut off by the sound of a phaser blast.

                  Heath stood up from her chair pointing at her chief of security. "what's going on down there?!"

                  "Ma'am, sensors are picking multiple phaser discharges in the mess hall. There are over twenty crewmen in there!" Commander Truzena said with panic in her voice.

                  "Tru, you're with me, advise security teams to meet us outside the mess hall and alert sickbay." Heath said grabbing a phaser from the bridge weapon locker. "R'Shee, you have the bridge."


                  --- (Los Lobos' Mess Hall) ---

                  "You're both monsters!" shouted Aunlel at the interlopers.

                  "Monsters?" asked the intruder. "I asked you politely to call your captain, and you tried to detain us. Is it really my fault if you're Federation can't train its officers with sufficient combat training?"

                  Aunlel grunted as a second intruder joined the first. "They're outside ma'am; they'll likely storm through both doors soon. I suggest we-." Before the sentence could be finished Captain Heath and her security teams stormed into the mess hall.

                  "Hello, Lazy." The first intruder said while calmly sitting down in one of the chairs.

                  "You?! What are you doing on my ship?!" Heath angrily asked the intruders.

                  "I told you I would be back. Don't worry; we didn't harm anyone, we did shoot up a few bottles of Saurian brandy, though." The intruder said relaxed, not taking interesting the phaser in Heath's hand.

                  "What do you want, Sito?!" Heath yelled while checking on her officers.

                  "It's come to my attention your Federation has come under a vicious assault from multiple fleets from the Terran Empire, I'm here to help." Sito stood up removing a PADD from her belt.

                  "Help us? You just stunned my crew-" Heath was interrupted by Admiral Sito placing her finger over Heath's lips.

                  "Shhh. Those who are leading these attacks are becoming quite popular amongst the troops; their victories are making them quite popular in the Empire. I want you and your Federation to stop them." Sito smiled, holding out her hand with the PADD for Heath.

                  "You're defecting?" Heath asked

                  "No, as I said the last time we spoke, my mission for the past year has been to save the Terran Empire, If the attacks against your Federation continue, I foresee your Federation once again contaminating our universe with your ideas of peace."

                  Taking the PADD from Sito, Heath briefly looked it over before turning her attention back to her intruder. "Couldn't you have just brought this to me without stunning my crew?"

                  Sito smiled at Heath "Where is the fun in that? Besides, you're crew attacked us." Sito said moving closer to Heath whispering into her ear so only she could hear. "If you still have the device I gave you, I only ask you activate it, something is happening on our side I think you should see."

                  Heath looked at Sito in the eyes. "What?"

                  Sito pecked Heath on the cheek. "I'll see you soon."


                  --- (Mirror Trillus Prime Academy) ---
                  --- (2 Days Later) ---

                  "What about this group? They're scores at sufficient for the position on the Enterprise." Admiral Sito queried to her counterpart as they inspected the newest lines of Cadets at the Trillus Terran Academy.

                  "It's your ship, fill it up with whoever you want." responded Captain Sito.

                  "What's wrong with you?" Admiral Sito said turning to her counterpart, who had set to face one of the cadets.

                  "It's nothing." replied Captain Sito, trying to ignore her question.

                  "Is someone still annoyed over the little peck I gave Captain Heath?" Admiral Sito teased to her. "Is someone jealous?"

                  "No! I-"

                  "My dear, you're the only one for me, my heart will fall for no other, I'm not interested in Heath, all I was doing was leaving her a message, one which will confuse her eternity." Sito said embracing Captain Sito. "I've given her something, something which will no doubt prove useful and when it does, she'll owe me a favour, one I intend to collect."

                  "Which is?"

                  Sito glared into the eyes of her counterpart, seeing her reflection in the eyes of her lover. "The Alpha Quadrant."


                  P.S. Found a Mirror Cadet Midriff uniform in the foundry.
                  Thank you for the Typhoon!
                • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                  edited January 2017
                  U.S.S. Los Lobos (Prime)

                  "Miss Valdez, what is your opinion on Admiral Sito?" asked Captain Heath. "She's reasonable, to her treating an enemy as an ally is how she does business, however I would not trust her." answered Trianna. "Miss Valdez, could you take a look at this PADD?" asked Heath as she passed it over. "Interesting, when the Admiral spoke to her she was entirely reasonable with him. She may be using us as a means to an end" answered Trianna, "Sito won't help us unless there is something in it for her"

                  "An accurate assessment Miss Valdez, we'll keep hold of this information until we need it" replied Heath. "It sounds like Admirals Valdez and Lot are being kept on a short leash by Sito but do not anger her because she will unleash them if threatened" responded Trianna, "Captain Heath, just call me Trianna. I don't do formality." "Noted Trianna" answered Heath, "Trianna, won't that give time for the 3rd and 5th Fleets to get stronger?" "Maybe, maybe not. Sito is very intelligent and can play the waiting game, her commanders cannot." answered Trianna.

                  "What tactics would Admirals Valdez and Lot use against any incursion?" asked Heath. "They'll create a net around you and funnel you into a prepared kill zone and then encircle you. Once that happens, they will create a witch's cauldron of fire around you and you have nowhere to go but through them. At that point they've got you right where they want you." answered Trianna. "Like what they did to the last incursion?" asked Heath, "Exactly what they did to us" answered Trianna, "they will watch where you move, Admiral Valdez prefers misdirection and quick hit and run strikes to keep an enemy off balance, Lot will come at you full tilt and she's very aggressive." "What about separating their fleets?" asked Heath, "Very difficult" answered Trianna, "they prefer to work together and they are very good at what they do. Sito could be setting a trap for you so she can unleash her commanders on you" Heath listened to what Trianna had said, "Trianna, I agree it could be a trap or it could be Sito using us to remove her commanders, either way we're still going in" said Heath

                  "Captain Heath, I should warn you in advance, Admiral Valdez fights using the ancient Earth military manual The Art of War, you make one mistake he's got you" warned Trianna. "Not with the upgrades we've got" answered Heath, "Captain Heath do not underestimate your enemy, it's a fatal mistake. They'll send their weakest captains and ships at you first just to get a look at your weapons, casualties mean nothing to them" replied Trianna. "Thank you for the advise Trianna" responded Heath, "I'll take it under advisement." "Captain Heath, these are the communication frequencies from the resistance, they are based at Drozana. Their leader is a personal friend of mine and the admiral's, General B'Vat. You'll need allies, the Klingon and Romulan resistance will aid you" said Trianna passing over a PADD to Heath. Heath knew she would need ships and General B'Vat's resistance movement might be of help in this endeavor.

                  "Trianna, I'm sending you back to Betazed before we go in, I'll need you to brief the captains involved first on what dangers they will face. Be with your family and live a normal life, I'm giving you a chance for a fresh start. This could be a suicide mission and I don't want to put you in the same position again" said Heath. "But I can be ........." said Trianna before Heath cut her off mid sentence, "Trianna, what would happen to your father's mental health if something happened to you?" asked Heath. Trianna had to concede defeat and said "Good point, I need to be there to help dad recover. Fight well Captain Heath and these are the latest intelligence reports on Terran operations and fleet deployments" and Trianna boarded the next ship to Betazed. Trianna decided to move on with her life and forget what happened with the Terrans, she would not let her experiences control her.

                  @thay8472 That red head next to Heath looks a lot like Trianna Valdez.

                  Post edited by theraven2378 on
                    "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                    -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                  • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                    Antares fleet yard
                    Briefing room.

                    The captains were once again seated around their familiar table as Heath spoke.
                    "Ladies, our ships will be done within the week. Now let me explain our plans. Engaging them in fleet style combat was never going to be our method of operations. There's only nine of us. Charging against a fleet would be insane."
                    "It would be a glorious battle," Chromia commented.
                    "But a very short one," Sharrall counter.
                    "Which is why," Heath continued, "We aren't going to do it. We are going to become the master's, our in our case the mistresses of the hit and run. Appear, strike, leave, celebrate upon our return. That will be our method."
                    She looked at the nods of approval.
                    "Do you know why humans have been so successful in combat?" She continued. "It's because they're insane. They do things that no sane person would ever think of doing and in that moment of 'what the...' they win."
                    Again more nods.
                    "You know as the only human here I feel I should protest," Capt McBrocken commented.
                    "You seriously want to go there Augie?" Heath asked arching an eyebrow. "Our time together at the academy says otherwise."
                    "No comment."
                    "This human, however isn't like that. He's far more methodical. His tactics have never failed him. And that is his weakness. He's predictable. We know he's going to fight."
                    "True," the Vorta Chi'Tani added. "The englobement techniques that he is so fond of is very effective, but it does have a weakness. If you remember back during that unfortunate misunderstanding between our peoples, we used that same strategy against Capt Sisko and his fleet. It was most effective until the arrival of those valiant Klingon forces. Their arrival popped the englobement shell like a balloon. Now Miss Valdez gave us a list of those willing to help I believe. I would suggest that in any encounter we keep a group of them nearby just in case we need to pop another balloon."
                    "For once," Chromia said, "I agree with her."
                    "Thank you. I live to help in this endeavor."
                    "Now that we have this as a basis, we move forward," Heath continued. "One we use Chi'Tani's idea for our operations. Two, Papela I want you to take the information Trianna gave us, pull our Valdez's records, and have your counselors work up a profile of our target. I want to be able to predict how he will respond to what we're about to do. Everyone's tactical officers will contribute their expertise to this project. Before we move in, we will know him better than he knows himself.
                    Dismissed, and I know I need a drink. Anyone else coming?"
                  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                    edited January 2017
                    Badlands (MU)

                    The Terran 3rd Fleet was stationed on their side of the border, Admiral Valdez had suspected the Federation was up to something. "What have our operatives picked up on the Federation side of the border?" asked Valdez to Solat, "Admiral, they appear to be massing a force at Antares, expect an incursion soon" answered Solat. "How many ships?" asked Valdez, "So far 9 ships including a KDF ship and a Dominion battleship" answered Solat.

                    "Our shields cannot deal with those phased polarons, I studied the historical logs from the Federation flagship. I want all shields tuned to deal with phased weapons, we're not underestimating them" said Valdez. Lt Frost spoke up and offered his opinion before realizing he had stepped out of line, "Admiral, 9 ships seems small for an incursion. Suspect a hit and run guerrilla style incursion." "Mr Frost, your opinion counts just next time ask permission first" replied Valdez. "Won't happen again sir" replied Frost. "Solat, does Frost have a point?" asked Valdez. "It's a logical strategy with a small force" answered Solat, "Mr Frost's suspicion is tactically sound"

                    "Chief, how long will it take to retune our shields?" asked Valdez, "Fleet wide about 4-5 days and that's working overtime" answered Imozel. "Get it done, use the the shields from the Federation flagship as a template" ordered Valdez. "Will do sir" answered Imozel and he saluted and left the briefing room. "Doctor, we fully stocked up on medical supplies?" asked Valdez. "We're fully stocked fleet wide sir" replied Jorel. "Good, We've not got long so we need to make sure we are ready to intercept any incursion before it leaves the Badlands" said Valdez, "Solat, all ships are on 4 drills a day until then, make sure all my captains get the message" ordered Valdez. "It will be done sir" replied Solat.

                    "You all know your jobs, let's prepare for our "guests" when they arrive" ordered Valdez, "Solat, get a signal to Admiral Lot and give her the shield templates for her fleet, send her our operative reports as well and tell her to get her fleet here in 3 days." "Yes sir" replied Solat. "Everyone to your stations, I need people at battle stations in less than 2 minutes when they get here. This Captain Heath will be in for a rude awakening" said Valdez.

                    Everyone left the briefing room and got to their posts as the whole fleet prepared for the incursion. "I feel like organizing another parade through Rixx" noted Valdez smiling.

                    Antares (Prime)

                    Captain Cerys was studying their Valdez's file, "He won't make this easy John" said to Forster, "Cerys, he'll have a few surprises for us. We've faced him, Captain Heath has not." replied Forster. Cerys knew Heath was in way over her head with an opponent like Valdez. "Cerys, you are worried that history might repeat itself" said Forster, "I am John" replied Cerys, "if Heath gets it wrong, we'll be paraded, humiliated and then executed like the Oudenarde crew"

                    Everyone on the Peleliu was on edge, they had narrowly escaped last time but now they were going to go back in but no one said a word on the bridge. The veterans all knew what they were getting into but the new crew members were showing signs of fear. This Admiral Valdez was something far worse than anything they had prepared for at the academy, "Ensign, it's alright to show fear before a battle, it's a sign you are still alive. When the fighting starts, we all need to stay strong as our opponent will use fear as a weapon against us." advised Cerys to Ensign Jarvis.

                    "He's a monster, no one will forget when he mercilessly wiped out 100,000 Federation citizens just to hit Sol the way he did" replied Ensign Jarvis. "He's ruthless ensign" replied Cerys, "he will be brought to justice for his crimes." That put the bridge crew at ease slightly, they had a cause and they would die for that cause if need be. "He probably knows we're coming and he'll be ready for us" said Cerys, "Cerys, I'm inclined to agree." replied Forster, "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

                    "All hands, this is the captain, 5 drills a day until we make our move" ordered Cerys and the crew of the Peleliu prepared for battle.
                    Post edited by theraven2378 on
                      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                    • zionus0zionus0 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
                      Drona (Mirror universe)
                      Emma looked over the report once more. " Excellent job intercepting the message Scale." She clapped the sasaurian on the shoulder.
                      "Send that to our incoming forces at Anteres, please." she said. "They'll be ready."

                      "I managed to find one group of the Union fleet... They're looking for the Tutarians."

                      Emma looked up processing this information. "Were there Sphere builders in this rereality....?"
                      Why do I still play and put money into STO?
                      The Foundry, and my love of Star Trek
                    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                      I.S.S. Los Lobos, Badlands (MU)

                      "Nathan, I got your message, my fleet is here." said Naynta as Valdez stepped off the transport platform. "You retuned your shields?, we could be dealing with phased weaponry here. My operatives sent word that the Federation is preparing another incursion." said Valdez. "I had my people work over time getting the shields retuned fleet wide, we can deal with phased and conventional weapons." replied Naynta.

                      "Excellent, I know who's leading this attack. Captain Heath Layress of the U.S.S. Los Lobos." said Valdez, "I look forward to beating her" replied Naynta, "how many ships" asked Naynta. "9 ships including a Dominion battleship" answered Valdez, "if only we had Admiral Heath here as well with her fleet." "Heath's forces have been decimated by a rebel ambush, they're in no fit state to fight" replied Naynta as they walked onto the bridge.

                      "Any idea on her strategy?" asked Naynta, "She'll try the old guerrilla hit and run routine, she's outnumbered and out gunned" answered Valdez, "my first officer called it the most logical strategy with a small force and I'm inclined to agree." "I take it you've studied her file" asked Naynta, "I have, we need to know our enemy" replied Valdez. "My fleet will be ready, how long do we have to prepare for the assault?" asked Naynta.

                      "My operatives suggested 7 days and that was 3 days ago, we have 4 days to get ourselves ready" replied Valdez. "We need to contain her and then destroy her" suggested Naynta and Valdez agreed. "Get back to the Astute, I'll get my fleet ready. 4 days is not a long time." said Naynta as she walked with Valdez, "and Nathan, thanks for the heads up." "Not a problem thought Valdez and Naynta smiled as she pushed the transporter switch.

                      Back on the Astute, Valdez began to prepare a trap for Heath, he knew the encirclement would be out of the airlock so he decided to funnel Heath into both fleets with a series of minefields. Naynta got the message and had her ships start laying mines on the right as Valdez started laying mines on the left, Heath was to be denied any space to maneuver before she could break out of the Badlands. Both fleets began running tactical simulations of possible scenarios and crews were being drilled ready for the incursion. Heath would taste defeat and annihilation before she got into open space.
                        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                      • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                        Federation space

                        Trianna sat in her cabin, she placed her fork on her empty plate.
                        Replicated meals just can't match one made by living hands, she sighed contentedly. I wonder how much it would cost to hire that Bolian chef away from this ship. I could eat like that everyday... And weigh several hundred pounds in a month as well.
                        Oh well, she sighed. A treat every now and then.
                        She was about to signal to have the dishes taken away when her comm panel chirped.
                        She sat in front of it.
                        "Ma'am, I have a priority one call for you."
                        The Starfleet security emblem appeared on the screen.
                        "Acknowledged. Channel encryption active. Proceed."
                        The picture changed to a familiar face.
                        "Capt Heath?"
                        "Sorry, did I catch you at a bad time?"
                        "No, I just finished eating. What's wrong?"
                        " I hope you haven't settled in to desk worker mode yet, because I have a job for. No physical danger involved."
                        "I'm listening."
                        "I need you to work with our computer warfare team..."
                        "You have a computer warfare team?"
                        "Doesn't everyone?"
                        "They're not standard on ships."
                        "That's their loss. Anyway I need you and them to come up with two things. One, an encryption code that even you couldn't break..."
                        "You had me at 'computer warfare'. What else did you want?"
                        "A virus that will completely incapacitate any computer that tries to infiltrate it."
                        "Got it. What's the time frame?"
                        "You have three days."
                        "Understood. I take it this is for the..."
                        Trianna nodded. The safety of the Federation may ride on the next 72 hours.
                        "You'll have by then. You can count on it."
                        "I never doubted that. They'll contact you in an hour. Good luck."
                        "Thank you."
                        The screen went blank.
                        Trianna sat thinking.
                        What approach do I take with this? She thought. Despite the importance of the task in front of her, she excited was for the challenge.
                      • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                        edited January 2017
                        Federation Space

                        Trianna got to work immediately, looking through the list of programs she had at her disposal, she found her collection of Iconian viruses and began looking through the best options for remotely shutting down a network remotely. First she experimented with polymorphic probes on a isolated computer terminal and found it did the job but too slowly so she ramped up the power to see what happened.

                        "Interesting, one minute but too long, lets see if I can get to 30 seconds" she thought. the juiced up probes combined with an Iconian virus managed to get the infection time down to 20 seconds and she saved the experiment data. Her next job was to work out an encryption program even she could not break. "This could be tricky" she thought as she broke out her bag of tricks. She found the solution after 12 hours and started using Iconian algorithms but rotating them every 0.3 seconds. She left the program running and stress tested it repeatably until she could not find a way through.

                        "My counterpart will be just as smart, I need to be inventive here" she thought, "I need to hide the rotation frequency just in case." Trianna experimented all night and the smell of coffee filled the air. "Computer rotate the algorithm at 0.1 seconds and save results" she said.

                        48 hours later, her results were on Heath's desk with a note, "These are Iconian viruses and algorithms, store on a isolated system. I've juiced up the power on some polymorphic probes which are to be attached to the security net. Presume my counterpart is there on the other side, set your computers to randomly switch algorithm every 0.2 seconds. If she tries to to brake in the Astute will get a nasty surprise. Your people have already been sent my notes and results."

                        "Maam, we'll be at Betazed in 20 minutes" said the ship's captain and Trianna put a call through to her father. "Dad, I'll be home in about 30 minutes." "I'll get a pot of tea ready then for when you get home, I know you cannot tell me what you've been up to but it's good to see you are alright" said Valdez, "Captain Heath told me you were on your way home." "Dad, I'll be working from home from now on. I'll be lighting 3 candles when I get home, one for mother, one for Jane and one for our crew mates." said Trianna. "I've not touched any of the alcohol, when you get back how about we tip it all down the sink" replied Valdez. "Sounds like a good idea dad" responded Trianna, "I'll speak to you when I get back, Trianna out"

                        Badlands (MU)

                        There was a council of war on the Los Lobos, it was both admirals and all squadron commanders. A strategy had to be agreed, Jodi preferred the direct approach by launching a spoiling attack. "Which captains won't we miss?" thought Valdez and Naynta smiled assigned her most disloyal captains as the spoiling force, Valdez added his worse captains to that force as well. "Jodi, take your squadron to the mouth of the corridor, you are our eyes and ears, when they come through withdraw to the fleets. Do not engage, recon only." said Valdez.

                        "Jodi's suggestion has merit" replied Naynta, "we sting them into attacking prematurely." "Jodi's reliable, she knows what she's doing. Jodi leading that attack is out of the question. Captain McBrocken, you will lead the sting assault on Antares." replied Valdez "I had a feeling you would chose her, she needs a second in command. How about Sherrall?" responded Naynta. "Good call" answered Valdez. Both of the sting group commanders beamed over to their ships and set off, "Guess we won't see them again" joked Valdez, "The old suicide mission trick?" asked Naynta sarcastically, "Indeed" said Valdez smiling.

                        "Now peope, I need ideas for the defensive phase, be creative." asked Naynta. "They're most likely getting a psychological profile of me, Heath, not going to be that easy" replied Valdez. "Can we mount biogenic warheads in our quantums?" asked Naynta. "Slow working of course, how many can we make in 12 hours?" asked Valdez. "2 per ship is easy enough and cost effective" replied Jodi. "Start work on that fleet wide, we need 3 per ship and with different agents." ordered Naynta.

                        "Providing they get through, what then?" asked Valdez. "We then strike from both sides with our wolf packs" answered Naynta. "At that point they will faced with two choices, retreat though a minefield, the self replicators will kick in then or push forward face certain destruction" replied Valdez. "They'll attempt to break out, our main target should be the Los Lobos itself. Without their leader, TF 113 will crumble, next target is the Resurrection, we destroy their hospital ship, they will have a hard time with casualties" replied Naynta. "Hit and run, if they attempt to counter attack melt away and engage from another angle." responded Valdez.

                        "While they are caught in a running skirmish, we'll be deploying another self replicating minefield ready to turn on after the recon squadron has rejoined the fleet" answered Naynta. "They will be hemmed in with no route out" replied Valdez.

                        "Then we board those ships and seize them besides our last Betazed triumph was fun. Heath will be forced to surrender or be wiped out." replied Naynta, "people let's get this done, you all know your roles in this engagement. Valdez you included." "We have 18 hours, don't waste them" replied Valdez and he left for the Astute. "Sting squadron commence your assault" ordered Naynta as the force of 5 ships left the Badlands.

                        Post edited by theraven2378 on
                          "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                          -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                        • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                          Antares Fleet yard

                          "Captain," the yard master reported. "We have five warp signatures that have left the Badlands. They are enroute here."
                          And so it begins, thought Heath.
                          "Thank you. Activate the mine fields. Nothing else is coming out of there. We're not fighting this on his terms."
                          Cerys heart sank, but something caught her attention.
                          "Did you say 'fields'?"
                          "Yes, there's one around the fleet yard as well. Did you think I'd leave our home base unprotected? Jam all sensors and communications. They don't get to watch what's going to happen to their expendables."
                          They watched as the ships approached, several green flashes erupted around them and they began to slow then drift in space.
                          Sharell narrowed her eyes. She turned toward Heath.
                          "Was that..."
                          "Thalaron radiation," Heath said calmly. "Draigon was in a mood when designed these. He had friends on Utopia Planitia when it was attacked."
                          She turned to face them.
                          "Yes our mines emit Thalaron radiation when they explode. And yes we can infuse our ship weapons with it as well. Normally I would never consider using such a thing on another living being. But we are dealing with an animal that needs to be put down. He is undeserving of such concepts as mercy. If any of you would like to voice your protests, please do so. It will remind me that there are still good people in this world."
                        • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                          edited January 2017
                          Badlands (MU)

                          "They've not taken the bait" said Valdez over a secure channel to Naynta Lot. "They jammed our sensors and communications as well" answered Naynta. "Let's hail Heath, let's see the face of the enemy" suggested Valdez, Naynta agreed and both flagships sent a hail through the rift. At Antares Heath took the hail.

                          "I don't need to introduce myself, you already know who I am. Layress how about we play a game, it's called pick which world do you want to save. Jodi, fire 3 biogenic torpedoes and give each one a target. One is heading to Bajor, one to Cardassia and the other to Defera. Choose which world you want to save because they will reach their targets in one hour." said Naynta, "my friend here wishes to speak to you, before I hand you over, does your doctor still self medicate?" and she closed her channel but monitored Valdez's.

                          "So you are the animal who hit Celes, Risa and Sol." said Heath. "And you are wasting time. Three biogenic torpedoes, each with a different agent and you are running out of time. The rules of the game are you must pick which world you want to save and you have maybe 45 minutes. Have fun" said Valdez as he closed the channel. "That should slow Heath down or provoke her" said Naynta.

                          "We have another 1491 biogenic torpedoes left, let's save them for the moment" replied Valdez and Naynta agreed, "Let's see what she does, one planet will live, two will die and the choice is up to her"

                          "She called me an animal, I feel insulted" said Valdez sarcastically over his channel to Naynta. "She still thinks she's facing you but in reality, she's facing us both. We're a unified front" replied Naynta. "United we are strong, divided we will fall" answered Valdez. "Old Terran proverb?" asked Naynta, "Indeed" answered Valdez, "Jodi, anything come through yet?" "Not yet admirals, we've activated our cloaks and we'll continue to watch the rift." replied Jodi.
                            "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                            -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                          • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                            edited January 2017
                            Antares Fleet yard

                            Heath stared at the blank screen.
                            "You know, I think I'm glad he did that."
                            "Why?" asked McBrocken.
                            "Because I now feel no remorse over using thalaron radiation anymore. Right, Papela I'm giving you an out so you don't have to use them right now."
                            "I appreciate that captain, but... I am a Starfleet officer and will do what I have to."
                            "Good, because I need you to stop those warheads. Cloak and use your slipstream drive to chase them down and any others they may send out. I'll contact Admiral Janeway and apprise her of the situation and try to get you some help."
                            "We'll head out now," she stood to leave, but turned back "Look after my girls."
                            "Good hunting," Chromia said to her as she left.
                            "Now we start. Sharell are they ready?"
                            "The old freighters are ready. They are equipped with standard cloaking deceives and their navigation systems are set."
                            "Good. Alexa?"
                            "They are packed to bursting with those metreon gas canisters."
                            "Good, Buruma?"
                            "The transponders in them are set to mimic our warp signatures and to their sensors they will appear to be us."
                            "And when they shoot them or try to board them..."
                            "Boom," finished McBrocken.
                            "I only wish I could see it," sighed Chromia.
                            "Well then. Send the first group on their way," ordered Heath.
                            Post edited by galatt on
                          • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                            edited January 2017
                            Badlands (MU)

                            "Jodi here, we've got movement. pulling back to fleet now" reported Captain Iodikar. "We've got them on sensors now, sending a group of frigates out to have a look" said Valdez. "Pull back to the fleet, it's started" ordered Naynta Lot. The group of 8 frigates got within weapon's range and fired only to be destroyed in a metreon blast. "Predictable" said Valdez, "Layress, you have to do better than that" answered Naynta.

                            "Hail her" ordered Lot and Heath's face appeared on the screen. "Way too easy Heath, I thought you would be more original. How is your slight warhead problem?" said Naynta laughing. "So it was you at Kinjun, surrender now and you will not be harmed." answered Heath. "Nathan, you hearing this?" asked Naynta over the secure comm line. "The fun is beginning, first rule of chess, send in the pawns. Heath you really don't understand the game do you?" said Valdez.

                            "I'm not playing by your rules" answered Heath and she cut the channel. "All the more entertaining" said Naynta to Valdez, "Let's see what she doe's, first she must navigate our Devil's Gardens of self replicating mines." answered Valdez. "A Terran WW2 reference?" asked Naynta. "Indeed" replied Valdez. "I'll take position on the right, you take left. All ships battle stations" ordered Naynta and the combined fleet took their positions leaving one open channel through.
                              "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                              -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                            • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                              edited January 2017
                              Antares fleet yard

                              "I do believe that Terrans enjoy the sound of their own voices even more than Cardassians do," Chi'Tani observed. "No offense my dear."
                              "None taken," answered Boruma. "What's our next step?"
                              "Send in wave two. Program them to take evasive maneuvers and go to warp when detected."
                              Heath touched the comm panel.
                              "Echo team report."
                              "We've finished our analysis of the captured ships. We have gone through their computer and although we expect all passwords and codes to have been changed we do know that they have adjusted thier shields to account for our phased weaponry."
                              "The nerve," Chi'Tani commented.
                              "We also have their cloaking specs and can adjust our sensor to find them. Thank our Klingon friends for that."
                              "Send me a list of all the ships they have over there and their captains."
                              "Sending now."
                              McBrocken whistled appreciatively.
                              "That's a lot of ships, Lazy. 500 against 8. I trust you have some ideas."
                              "Actually I do. But let's see how they react to the second wave first."
                              "Any word from the admiral?" Alexa asked.
                              Heath smiled.
                              "She said I had friends on the way to help."
                              Post edited by galatt on
                            • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,273 Arc User
                              U.S.S. Los Lobos (Unknown Location)

                              Admiral Sito was sitting at the desk, examining the objects around the room. "How did she ever cope on this vessel?" Sito thought. How could someone captain such an inferior vessel and yet come out on top of three Klingon warships?

                              Darting around the room, Sito began to listen to the logs left by the late captain of the vessel. Not long after she started listening to the last record, a familiar face entered the room. "Hello, Thay."

                              "Callie" Sito responded. "I take it you got my message?"

                              "You could say that. I still want to know why you wear their uniforms, this Terran Empire is weak, They're no match-" Callie proclaimed before Sito stopped her.

                              "I agree, this empire is cheap, and their choice of uniforms is rather disturbing. However until contact with our realm has been established, we'll continue to play nice with them, besides we've already made quite a few friends here. However, this is not why I've called you here."

                              "Yes, I was wondering why you've been donating resources to the restoration of this little frigate. I take it you're going to try and persuade your friend, Heath to help us?"

                              "No, this vessel is a gift, from me to her."

                              "A gift?"

                              "Yes, from one commander to another, and I want you, sister, with me when we deliver it."

                              Thank you for the Typhoon!
                            • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                              edited January 2017
                              Badlands (MU)

                              "Naynta, my operatives have detected a large fleet on the way to Antares" said Valdez. "Good thing we have our devil's gardens and they are set off by both proximity fuses and neutrino fuses. If they try to use cloaked ships, the mine will still go off." replied Naynta. "Got word from Trill, Admiral Heath is bringing an extra 100 ships." responded Valdez. "We stick to our original plan for now depending on the situation" answered Naynta.

                              "Active the cloaks on 50% of the mines" ordered Valdez. Suddenly half of the minefield disappeared and Valdez smiled, it was going to be a defensive battle. "Wait for their move, let's see what they do" said Naynta. For most of the officers on the bridge of the Astute, it was their first real battle. "I can see some of you are nervous, it's alright I was nervous in my first battle. Once the shooting starts, focus on your jobs and work as a team." said Valdez to his bridge crew.

                              Every officer knew their jobs, Townsend was making sure the sensors were on target, Krasnova was setting her attack patterns up and Ensign Brooks was ready on tactical. All over the ship, it was a hive of activity as the Astute crew got to their stations. All department heads reported ready to Solat and Valdez was ready to meet Heath when she came through. It was the same story across the combined fleet.

                              The weeks of drilling had an effect as the Astute crew got to their stations in one minute forty five. As a precaution both Naynta and Valdez had stationed 50 ships from each fleet to cover their flanks from any unexpected direction. This left 400 ships in the main groups and they armed their first volley of biogenic torpedoes. When Heath came through she would start taking casualties, Valdez and Naynta were aiming at the enemy crews' morale.

                              "We're going to bleed them" said Valdez to Naynta. "Their troops will panic when they start falling sick on those ships which then overwhelms their medical services" replied Naynta. "Let's keep a low profile for when they get here, it's going to be a surprise for them" said Valdez and the combined fleet went radio silent.

                              Battle of the Badlands, opening skirmish (MU)

                              "Movement through the rift" reported Townsend , "Let them come through the mines" ordered Valdez as he activated his minefield. Sensor could pick up the signature of tricobalt explosions as the transports exploded as they were swarmed by mines. The minefield then reappeared fully armed. "She's testing us" said Naynta over a secure channel, "I agree, that's the second wave of transports she's sent." replied Valdez.

                              "Prepare to fire another 6 biogenic warheads, aim them at Antares station itself" ordered Naynta. Tactical reported ready and Naynta ordered "Fire." The warheads went through the rift and 3 began to home in on Antares station as the other 3 homed in on the planet, Heath's minefields would not stop these getting through and Heath would be forced to choose between saving the station or the planet. "Now we wait for a response, radio silence everyone Admiral Lot out." The combined fleet then awaited Heath's next move as they began deploying cloaked Protomatter devices into the rift entrance. Anything coming through would not be in a fit state to fight afterwards.
                              Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                              • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                                Antares fleet yard

                                "Oh now they're just being petty."
                                Captain McBrocken stated as she looked at the screen.
                                "I think we're beginning to annoy them," Sharrell commented.
                                Alexa stood.
                                "i'll get the ones headed for the planet."
                                "Don't destroy them," Heath ordered. "Tractor them around and send them back."
                                Chi'Tani touched her communicator.
                                "Move the ship to intercept those approaching the station. Let them impact the ship."
                                "is that wise?" Chromia asked.
                                "Our ship will not be damaged thanks to those delightful upgrades. And the Founders, in their infinite wisdom, have made us immune to all forms of toxins."
                                "Send the third wave," Heath ordered. "and have them drop a relay on our side of the opening. Have it tuned to all of their frequencies and rotate through them so they can't jam it."
                                "Why?" asked Sharrell.
                                "I have something I want to say to all of them."
                              • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
                                edited January 2017
                                Battle of the Badlands, (MU)

                                "That's the third wave of transports she's sent" said Naynta Lot. "She's trying to provoke us and test us" agreed Valdez, "Heath has no idea how many biogenic warheads we've got." "At least 1480 warheads left, fit 12 with cloaking devices and a cloaked Trilithium device. We'll turn the Antares star supernova as they are distracted by our warheads. Fire 4 in uncloaked and lock them on the Lukari system. The rest aim at Trill and make sure they remained cloaked until they get into orbit and then detonate in Trill's jet stream" ordered Naynta.

                                The next volley of weapons were ready, the bait warheads headed to the Lukari homeworld as the cloaked warheads went to Trill and the trilithium warhead flew towards the Antares star cloaked. "I want to hurt the Los Lobos crew by culling the Trill population on their homeworld" said Naynta laughing, "catch all these Heath." Naynta's mood was spoilt by 3 of their previous volley being returned to them and smashing into a squadron of heavy cruisers. The casualties were horrific as crew were in agony on those ships.

                                "Layress, very clever" said Naynta, "no more warhead launches from now on." "Agreed this Heath is tricky" answered Valdez, "How many Federation prisoners do we have?" "Nathan we have 200 Federation prisoners, why what you thinking" asked Naynta. "Fill those transports with Protomatter devices and put the prisoners on those transports after infecting them with a slow acting airborne contagion. If Heath wants to stop them she'll have to kill her own because if those transports detonate they will wipe out half the Antares base in one big bang." suggested Valdez. "Are the prisoners ready to go home?" asked Naynta. "They'll be dying by time they cross the rift" reported Tamiko.

                                "Beam them onto the transports, if Heath attempts to rescue them, the transports will detonate. If Heath tries to stop them they detonate and the best part is if she does not stop them, they detonate anyway" said Naynta laughing and the group of 15 transports crossed over the rift on their way to cause confusion and panic.

                                Betazed (Prime)

                                Trianna had been monitoring the situation develop, "Random targets with no set pattern, classic misdirection and spoiling tactics" noted Trianna as she read the reports. "Computer, put me through to Captain Heath authorization TM Echo Two." ordered Trianna, "Captain Heath, another series of launches from the other side. They may be using Federation POWs as living shields on some modified transports. What's more disturbing is that they may have access to protomatter and trilithium devices." said Trianna.

                                "Protomatter and Trilithium, that is disturbing." replied Heath, "Would they use them?" "Naynta Lot would and so would the admiral's counterpart." replied Trianna, "Those as weapons could be used against any Federation and Alliance world and system in the Alpha Quadrant. Captain Heath, since they went radio silent no information has been intercepted but we did get an estimate on the number of biogenic warheads. Before they went silent, we got an accurate number on the warheads and Captain you need to be worried. They've built around 1400 warheads and delivery systems and they will use them."

                                "1400 warheads and delivery systems, that means they could fire them off in volleys at any system they choose." replied Heath. "It get's worse, they've been reinforced by Admiral Heath, she's bringing an extra 100 ships to the combined Terran fleet." responded Trianna. "Trianna, keep monitoring the situation and keep me updated Heath out" said Heath. Trianna would be monitoring this situation very closely.

                                Trianna left her office and she knew Heath would need all the help she could get, the only person she could trust was her father. "Dad, I know you want to avoid fighting but I need your help" she asked. "What kind of help?" answered Valdez. "If I put you through to Captain Heath, could you advise her?" asked Trianna, "lives are counting on it." Valdez considered Trianna's request and agreed to help as an adviser.

                                In Trianna's office, Trianna put a secure call through to Heath, "Captain Heath, there is someone who needs to speak with you." Valdez now appeared on Heath's screen and he began to advise her. "Captain Heath, I understand you need some help with a counterpart problem. Trianna was most persuasive in her request." said Valdez, "Captain Heath can you give me an update on the situation?"

                                Heath explained the situation about the biogenic launches and Valdez told Heath in no uncertain terms that she would have to play it smart, "Captain, they are trying to force your hand and provoke you into attacking prematurely with these biogenic launches. You have a trilithium warhead on it's way to the Antares star as we speak, chances are it will be cloaked so you will only have 30 seconds to deal with it as it will decloak to arm the warhead. Trianna has sent a warning out to all Federation and Alliance systems about any cloaked warheads, she's picked up 12 launches and they then cloaked. Trill could be the target, Naynta Lot hates Trills and any excuse to inflict massive loss of life on them is all she needs. They are trying to force you to choose which worlds to save with another 4 warheads already on their way to the Lukari System. Captain, Naynta thinks she can play you, my counterpart is more calm and calculating. He considers himself to be samurai, he's a warrior but he will only fight on his terms"

                                Betazed (MU)

                                Trianna was on patrol with her police unit in Rixx, she had a tip off that a group of dissidents were planning an attempt to destabilize the Regent's authority. "Maam, we have the building under surveillance" reported one of the officers. "Good, let shut this meeting down. I want their leaders alive, you can kill the rest." ordered Trianna. "Yes maam" reported the officer and Trianna's unit got to work.

                                Blasting open the doors and windows, the police force stormed into the building swiftly subduing the dissidents. "Arrest the leaders and speakers, kill the rest" ordered Trianna and her police unit carried out their orders. Soon back at the Regent's command centre the prisoners were moved into holding cells and Regent Lot congratulated Trianna on a job well done. "You serve your people well Trianna" said Papela Lot, "you are a credit to your family name." "I only serve my people and the empire Regent. Who do I question first?" asked Trianna.

                                "His name is Madren, he tried to bribe a senior official. Deal with him how you see fit Trianna" said Papela handing the PADD over to Trianna. "Guards, bring the Ferengi over to the desk. Be a bit rough with him as well." ordered Trianna. Madren was brought over and cuffed to the desk. "Right you little rat, you will answer my questions. Failure to comply will ensure discomfort." said Trianna. "Release me and you'll be a rich woman" replied Madren to which Trianna simply ordered the mind probe to be employed. "Bribery does not work with me" replied Trianna.

                                "Everyone has a price" responded Madren and Trianna grabbed him by the ear and twisted it. "Right listen you little waste of life, attempting to bribe senior officials as well as backing dissidents, you know what the punishment is?" said Trianna. "A fine and loss of profits?" asked Madren. "No we hang corruption like you, your riches will not help you" replied Trianna, "In fact all your wealth is now the property of the Regent and Betazed. You'll die bankrupt and impoverished" Madren now began to panic. "I'm ruined" cried Madren and Trianna twisted the dagger in further by bringing up his financial records.

                                "Why did you give the dissidents financial support? , something to the tune of 10,000 bars of latinum." asked Trianna as she got her bag of tricks ready. Madren seeing Trianna's tools and realizing he was financially ruined told Trianna everything including all safe houses and covert meeting spots. The mind probe ensured he was telling the truth and Trianna left the room satisfied. "Guards, hang him publicly" ordered Trianna and she handed Papela the PADD containing Madren's confession and dissident safe houses and meeting places.

                                For the next three days, Trianna's police units broke the dissident movement and soon the holding cells were full. "Thank you Trianna, I'm reassigning you to my secret police. You'll work with Kestrella and assist her in dealing with my enemies on Betazed." said Papela. "Kestrella prefers to work solo Regent and you want to assign me as her partner" replied Trianna. "You'll learn a lot from her, she's your instructor in covert operations" replied Papela, "Get an early night, you'll be at my command centre at 0500 for your first day as one of my agents" ordered Papela. "Yes Regent" said Trianna as she saluted and left for home.

                                Post edited by theraven2378 on
                                  "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
                                  -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
                                • galattgalatt Member Posts: 709 Arc User
                                  Antares fleet yard

                                  Heath turned away from the screen barking orders.
                                  "Alexa, that charge is heading towards the star. R&R it. Angle it so it hits the plasma fields. They wanted an explosion, give them one. Boruma, transmit our new sensor calibration to the incoming ships. They'll be able to find those warheads. R&R all of them. As they use to say on Earth, 'make it rain'. Sharrall, someone over here is feeding them information. Find and deal with them. As for those transports, they'll hit the minefield in ten minutes. Tell Papela I need her back here ASAP."
                                  She noticed the look on Valdez's face.
                                  "She's the captain of a hospital ship. She's got the best biosensors of us all."
                                  " I understand. The memories associated with that name... Never mind. What did you mean by R&R?"
                                  "Retrieve and Return. Anything they send through we send back."
                                  "A good plan," he nodded. "It will discourage them from sending anymore after this."
                                  "I hope so, and... Papela! Scan those transports on the other side of the minefield."
                                  "On my way..."
                                  "COMING THROUGH!"
                                  Alexa shouted over the comm as the Archemides flew past and slingshot it's payload over the transports. Multiple slipstream gateways opened as ships followed suit returning their deadly cargo back to its owners.
                                  "Oh merciful light of..." Papela started, then choked. She began again.
                                  "Captain, there are two hundred individuals on those ships. All are infected with some pathegen. They're dying. But the ships are loaded with protomatter devices. Any attempt to save them will... What kind of monster does something like this?"
                                  "Doctor," Heath calmly. "What is your recommendation?"
                                  Valdez studied the picture. The person on the screen trying to compose themselves was a far cry from the sadistic individual with the same face he knew.
                                  "Give them peace," he said quietly. Trianna took her father's hand.
                                  "I... I concur," Papela added. "We will contact them, get their names to let their families know, and... Excuse me captain. I only have a few minutes to spare them the pain of the minefield."
                                  She disconnected.
                                  "Mirror image indeed," Valdez observed. He turned back to Heath. She sat with her eyes closed.
                                  "How many ships do you have available?"
                                  "If I include the ones we captured, fifty five."
                                  "That's not enough to get passed what they have setup."
                                  "I'm not going to try. Playtime is over."
                                  "Captain, you can not rush in. That's what he wants!"
                                  "I'm not going to him. I'm going to make him come to me."
                                  "Activate the relay. Broadcast at full power. I want the entire quadrant over there to hear me."
                                  Behind Heath the window lit up from the explosions from the minefield.
                                  "This is Starfleet captain Heath Layress. And I an addressing the P'takh Nathan Valdez. You are a coward. You hide behind the others and you only prey and defenseless because they're the only ones you can beat. It's easy to think your so great when you have hundreds of ships to protect you, but without them you are nothing. Tell me, do they have to support you in the bedroom as when you try to please your wife. You want to prove me wrong, I'll give you your chance. I challenge you, to one to one, ship to ship combat. Just you and me. And if you don't want to, explain to your men why you're afriad to fight a weak little fed bajoran girl. But if you haven't got the guts to do it, then maybe that short legged Pakled you hang out with will. If she can get permission from mommy first. I await your answer."
                                  The transmission ended.
                                  "I'll be in my quarters," Heath said as she left the room.
                                  There was stunned silence in her wake.
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