So I always thought I had a powerful ship. When playing missions in general or just doing combat training with the help of the foundry by creating maps where enemies spawn. I tried myself a few Borg Cube's and stuff. I can generally destroy a Borg Cube okay within 10 seconds. Given I move about a lot. I destroyed a Voth Bulwark in 30'ish seconds.
When playing the Borg Red Alert, I found that destroying a single Borg Cube is much harder than in the normal missions in general. Even though the difficulty setting is the same.
Last night I was doing a Borg Red Alert on normal difficulty. I engaged a Borg Cube and started to attack it, I had it's hull down to 70 when I was healing myself another player decided to help me. Due to his approach vector he got the attention of 2 other Borg Cube's nearby.
There was now a total of 3 Borg Cube vs me and the other guy. He was "defeated" and was unconscious (respawning) and I was withdrawing away from the 3 Cube's as they were nudging my hull down like mad.
Then all of a sudden a player in a Klingon ship comes, does 2 shots. Blows up the first Borg Cube. Simply passes by the two others.. Hitting it with some kind of blue beam weapons for like 2 seconds and BOTH the Cube's instantly blow up.
Before I realise what the f*** just happend and the other dude to fully respawn. We engage full impulse to the Borg Command Ship that has now spawned, you know the one.. The huge final boss that looks like V'ger.
By the time we get there, the player who just blew up 3 Borg Cube's in 5 seconds are attacking it. By the time we reach the Command ship... It's already been blown up by ONE player in like 10 seconds...
How is this... Possible? What am I missing here????
I also got a AFK penalty... -_-'
You have to understand the only real "difficulty" with this game are timers and enemy hullpoints. For Red Alerts, the true timer is other players blowing stuff up without you
Even before the rampant Power Creep of Delta Rising of October 2014, we were smoking through things like Infected Space Elite in less than a handful of minutes. Another thing you have to account for is some of this content is of course very old and players with a lot of time in the game with decent gear and good ships will absolutely crush said content. We've done this stuff over and over for years now. Throw in today's Power Creep on top of that, it's hilarious at times.
Also a little correction: Tholian & Borg Red Alerts only come in Normal Difficulty, regardless of what you have set in your own Options. Wish it wasn't just Normal but that's just how it is.
I can destroy a Borg cube in a few seconds but not with one shot.
Nor can I take down the command ship alone in 10 seconds...... Wtf
Thar be monstars out thar capp'n.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
I can rip down a Terran Empire Command Cruiser in Counterpoint Advanced on a single attack run with an Escort or Bird of Prey. And I have good but not top of the line "Epic" gear. I know people that can do better, and those Terran Empire Command Cruisers are way tougher than the Cubes short of a TAC Cube.
It's very doable, especially with the right build, buffs, and timing the buff cycle right. Certain attacks can 1-shot things out there, or very close to 1-shotting them. Positioning can be a factor if they have Intel Specialization's Flanking capability or they're using a Raider that has Raider Flanking. Or a Raider with Raider Flanking + Intel's Flanking (yes, they stack). Very doable if the build is "humming" just right and the player knows what they're doing.
The thing is that there's many ways to stomp these NPCs and treat them like the useless TRIBBLE they are.
Sadly you fell foul of being in a fast paced killfest with a hardcore DPS' er in regards to your akf penalty
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
wow....soooo freaking hard
seriously every decent builded ship can nearly 1shot cubes on normal difficulty and the command ship in 10 secs isnt hard either lol
Never been there, yet I remember failing an alert because people did neglect the borg repair ships. This game has become a joke. I can have fun with it as a solo game, but all group content has become rubbish.
what do u expect?
these borg alerts are designed mostly for newer players to have some fun and get some experience+marks, of course it is not hard and of course someone who has more experience and better equipment will just run over these TRIBBLE cubes
well im a takticle dps junkie and i can do it, if u play tech or sci (unless u play something like a sci torpedo boat) or play this game mostly for having fun and not for grinding the dps-way then sure u probably cant.
but its not like 99% of the player can 1 shot cubes it more like the 1% that is seriously after improving their dps builds CAN actually do it. thats nothing new imao
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Atari (when they ran the show) made sure gameplay was balanced but hard in situations. Forcing people to partner and team in order to complete stuff.
The various careers also interacted more in fleet actions and battles.
Now you just get some cocky DPS kid rushing through the mission. Enemies and objectives to once again toss of and share a new combat log on reddit.
Instead of working together and making friends.
And we just get left behind with an afk penalty...
u said urself it was the first time u ever saw something like that and u play since beta its not like u gonna see this in every red alert u gonna join from now. i already told u its maybe 1% of the players that can do such stuff and the only reason i can imagine this person even was in a red alert was to level up his new ship mastery fast, cause thats actually the only reason im going into red alerts with my main cause u can get ur level 5 mastery in 3 red alerts done
It wasn't me he was shouting at but today in ISA there was a guy ranting about dps and raging at our teammate for using TBR.
I should add he used it to repel spheres to give us more time because this TRIBBLE hit faw and took out only one generator and the cube and paid no further attention to the other generators.
Of course we had the obligatory parser post at the end to enshrine his awesomeness.
There's always a few in any gane but don't let the few detract from your fun.
It happens few and far between and running with decent chaps/chapettes helps minimise this problem.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
So we finally get to the heart of the matter. This is one of those "Anti-DPS" threads.
I can take it down. I can take huge both ships down. But it takes a bit and healing.
Not just one slow fly by and maybe 5-6 beam blasts...
For one supposedly around since the early days of STO, you don't know the game's mechanics. This is not 2010 anymore. The only reason it was more balanced in '10 was because the game was so stripped down and incomplete.
You may be surprised what some combination like: Attack Pattern Alpha, Attack Pattern Omega or Beta, Emergency Power to Weapons, better EPS / power management and sustainment, a Tactical weapon buff, decent gear, and knowledge of the game, and proper execution can do for you. Traits, Set Bonus, etc. all play critical roles in emphasizing the combat capability of the build.
And that's for a generic Energy Weapons Pew Pew style, and there's variations of that. Then there's the Exotic Damage and Torp Boat side of the house. Some Torp Boats / Kinetic Damage guys can sling some serious damage in very short succession.
You rob the other players of any chance to help, try, contribute, play and have fun as a team in an ONLINE game.
You finish the mission before we can do anything by exploiting the bad balance.
And you give us relaxed and normally players hefty afk penalties.