Something that has never made sense to me is the color palette for Orions in STO. In Star Trek, Orions have green skin. Not pink or white skin, green skin.
It's kind of off putting to see so many 'orions' who are clearly just 'humans with skimpy clothes' because people make them with human, rather than orion skin tones.
A small change that would do a lot for Trek Immersion, Make Orions Green.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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Basically I love the options. My Orions are all green, but I could have done a lot different with the freedom and options I was given, and that is the type of choice I want, even if I go all green in any case. Options allow me to have a KDF alien who is pretty much an Andorian (it would be an alien to Klingons, so why not?) I also have an Orion (UFP alien in green) in Starfleet! I love the ability to create characters, give them interesting bios for why they are where they are, and all that stuff.
I would rather be inclusive than exclusive. Romulans in the UFP should be able to get the Vulcan CStore Ship, Rommies in the KDF should be able to by K'tinga battlecruisers (D-7 as per the Enterprise Incident TOS) and things should be more open in general. I am really tired of not being able to do low level crossfaction teams. I also think a cross faction captured ship token could be cool to put in lock boxes in the future. Fed Klingon with a K'yinga? It's a captured ship, reflagged and put into service with the UFP. Justified with the in game token, so not everyone would have it. Or make the token a C-Store option.
More choices is always better for us, Green is beautiful, but not the whole universe
Secondly, if it's immersion you're after green Orions is just the tip of the iceberg. I must admit I find this argument rather amusing coming from you, considering your opinions about 'discoballs', which are questionable immersion-wise and most definately non-canonical, but I digress...
Don't get me wrong I do agree that Orions (the race, not me
I'd have to disagree with changing them after the fact, if you had a time machine I'd suggest traveling back to the Beta days and suggesting it then, but now? It's unlikely going to happen.
Also, even if the options for non-green colors were removed from the Orion (race) customization palette, it would not affect the multitudes of non-green Orions currently in existance. Changing those would require significant effort on the Dev's part, which would be better served programming new content and fixing things which are functionally broken.
Finally, while it would make sense (canon-wise) it would, in effect, be taking options from many customers to make a few happy. Hardly a good strategy from a business point of view. (Though I must admit, not a terribly persuasive argument considering we aren't speaking of any paid content.)
Darn Sundays, got nothing better to do than debate a fictional race's skin colors... I gotta find something more productive to do today.
Druk, give it up.
FYI I agree with this oddly enough. They should be a greenish hue.
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
cryptic and sto is about making money, canon be damned. see every single lockbox/lobi ship.
We fight them too. Entire armies spilling out of Volkswagens.
We do our best to fight them off, but they keep sending them in.
Aye, the Devs have made many 'after the fact' changes, however we all still see players with 'glitched' outfits and uniforms which by all current means should not exist. So changing the Orion color palette would not 'fix' any current non-green Orions. To do that would involve a rather invasive mucking around with everyone's character uniforms. A process which would take many developer man-hours...
Would you be willing to give up a season update just to change the color palette of one race? Because, that's likely the amount of effort it would require from the devs to go through and change every Orion player character to green. (I may be exaggerating, but you see the point, yes?)
If cryptic was only about money there would be a t6 Connie
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
That would make sense, Bikinis do not stop disruptor bolts...
Perhaps Cryptic can make the Orion Bikini a form of 'social zone only' clothing item? Like the Summer swimwear, though they'd have to fix that for KDF aliens...
What happened to my post? Did you delete it? I don't see anyone else here who could have done that but you.
True, it would retroactively change player's 'costumes' when they edit them, yet we still see players with obviously glitched outfits... likely because they never edited them after the 'tailor glitch' was fixed.
What would you suggest to do about those players?
A simple solution, no argument there. But it doesn't change the fact that the devs would likely endure many complaints from players about the removed options.
Since the color palettes aren't causing any functional issues, it could be argued "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
It is also a matter of personal preference if a player chooses to make a non-green Orion.
It's also not any more game-breaking or immersion breaking than discoballs. Which are either loved, hated, or ignored, and the Devs have done little to accomidate the players who hate them (aside from the nullifier which elmininates the invouluntary dancing but does not remove the immersion breaking visuals)... See where I'm going?
What is unpleasant for some may be enjoyable for others.
There could easily be more than one color of Orion, and nothing in canon precludes it as a possibility, and in fact, only Enterprise makes a definite presentation of showing only, and lots of, green skinned Orions. I always figured that some of the guys in the scene from 'The Cage' were non-slave Orions. There was nothing to prove otherwise.
On the topic of racial color choices and slavery, we have thousands of years of Earth history pointing to one group or another enslaving their fellow humans, and as often as not along visible ethnic lines. Orions may have thrown off such differences as other races besides Orions became theor victims.
But also, as a player in a game with customizations, I may want to make an alien that has simlar traits to an Orion. The easiest way to do that is to start WITH an Orion! To make my Orions for the Romulans and Starfleet I had to use the Alien template, but there is no reason why if Starfleet can have Klingons, we can't all have Orions.
If this was a political forum, I'd say this smacked of racial purity politics. Your not Orion enough! You have to much pink skin so it's off to the 'relocation camp' for you ... Don't be like the Fleet you described that only wanted pale Orions with large assets! Be accepting of the IDIC. Nimoy would agree if he was still with us, I'll bet.
I just don't see any real point to this thread except that someone desires to enforce a narrow interpretation of the debatable canon appearances of a fictional races allowable morphological variance! Given that we have so little in the way of tools now to simulate the tens of thousands of humanoids in the Star Trek universe already, I am not in favor of removing any of them to satisfy any one persons vision of Orion ethnic purity.
Not trying to flame here, but this thread is really not going to make anyones life better. Just make your own racial purity Fleet and don't let Orions who aren't gren enough into it. I officially feel less guilty now for ranting elsewhere about flawed PVE. Yours or someone elses toons skin doesn't cost you Fleet marks or rewards. I would politely say it's time to move on.
Many players who have Orion characters make them non-green for various reasons, to change it now could offend those players and invalidate the reasons they made Orion characters.
Also removing features from a game (which I might add are not 'functionally broken' or of subpar quality) seems like an arbitrary and unnecessary act.
I see your point, however...
How many alien races in Star Trek, TNG, or even DS9 looked identical to Humans, what made these minor races unique? Betazoids for instance, look identical to humans, aside from their mental abilities there would be no telling them apart aside from a medical exam.
Then there is potential cross... marriage. Over the centuries it is feasable that many Orions have propagated with other species, resulting in potential skin tone changes... This is the 25th century, Humans have known about Orions since the late 22nd... that's long enough for the potential for some Orions to have enough human DNA to inherit human skin tones.
The list goes on, though I'd hate to consider the offspring of an Andorian and a Gorn...
Limiting a players character creation options for one race to fit into a specific example so long after launch is a bad idea. The dark green skin could be the norm for the race, with lighter green near white being possible just not seen on screen. Others have pointed out there are sources that show other skin color options. If you think they are cannon or not is your choice.
In the end this is just another thread asking for limiting our content, our choices. Because it dose not fit into one persons idea of what is cannon, or there personal view of what is appropriate. If I could I would prevent Federation players from having there clothing the same shade as there skin color because they want it to look like the character is wearing nothing at all.
We all just need to accept that other have different ideas of what is acceptable and what is not. Star Trek cannon allowed for surgical alteration of one species in to the appearance of another. In a game where we can run a duty officer mission such as sending a Surgically altering to Infiltrate X and assign a Horta to it. Who is to say those Orions decided to just not have the skin coloring reverted.
If someone wants an easy way to make a Human aligned with the KDF let them. Not everyone is good with the Alien gen.