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Chance to win a Krenim Dreadnought



  • fruitvendor12fruitvendor12 Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    Every roll is its own unique event ;)
  • bfelczerbfelczer Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    Got it on the 46th pack. The JHSS took me at least over 130.
  • woerligenwoerligen Member Posts: 261 Arc User
    Congratulations! Have you tried out the included raiders already?
    Leipzig University, 1409-2409
  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    If its 1/100 its higher than any other promo ship seems to have been.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    paspinall wrote: »
    If its 1/100 its higher than any other promo ship seems to have been.

    Don't confuse lockbox and promo. Lockbox are 1/200. Promo are 1/100 to adjust for the higher price per chance.
  • stobg2015stobg2015 Member Posts: 800 Arc User
    I'm probably going to buy Delta Doffs for the Doffs and for the Lobi. No expectation of getting a ship. That's what the C-Store is for.
    (The Guy Formerly And Still Known As Bluegeek)
  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,925 Arc User
    Just blew 15,000+ Zen. Got a few Lobi.

    Oh well. *sigh*
  • mars5000mars5000 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Why in the hell did you put this ship in a Doff pack? It's damn near impossible to pick up and I don't have $500 just laying around for one ship. Further, what do you have against Science Captains? This is the first science ship released in a while now and it's unattainable. I don't need the 12+ Cruisers and Escorts you've been releasing. Thanks for nothing.
  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    paspinall wrote: »
    If its 1/100 its higher than any other promo ship seems to have been.

    paspinall wrote: »
    If its 1/100 its higher than any other promo ship seems to have been.

    Don't confuse lockbox and promo. Lockbox are 1/200. Promo are 1/100 to adjust for the higher price per chance.

    No they really arnt, the Promos have a lower chance than the lockboxes, they always have thats why the ships are so good from them.
  • zckmanzckman Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Thought I'd try my luck, my mistake. Nothing gained...
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    paspinall wrote: »
    No they really arnt, the Promos have a lower chance than the lockboxes, they always have thats why the ships are so good from them.

    The original promos were worse and much higher odds. Things like the Tuffli.

    I'd be very surprised if the promos didn't have double the odds of lockboxes given that they are twice the price. I don't know that the ships are inherently "better". They seem to be versatile ships designed to be the ultimate at niche playstyles whereas lockbox ships are the ultimate at non-niche or at least exotic playstyles.

    My interest in this one is largely my desire to have everything "temporal" I can get my hands on. I think you guys are overhyping it and there is no benefit for anyone in hyping this stuff up because it drives up price and scarcity. It doesn't benefit people playing one since they can't rebundle. It doesn't benefit people looking to buy one. And it doesn't benefit people selling one because, well... It's selling faster than most people can click and if you WERE selling one and HAD one that you wanted to try to build interest for, it'd be posted for a billion EC.

    In short, it is in no one's interests to express (even deserved) awe for this ship. It would be in everyone's interests to downplay everything. For my money, I'm not going to call anything OP unless I have it in hand and am selling it for a high enough amount that it isn't moving on the exchange. Because if I am interested in buying it, if I already have one, or if I am interested in selling at the market rate, it's going to be in my interests to low ball my awe and wonder.

    Everybody loses when you call something OP or say it's worth a huge sum... Unless you have one in hand and are having trouble selling it. That's the only good reason to build a frenzy of hype around something.

    When somebody says, "OMG, what have you done? I wanted this so bad, this is OP, this is too hard to get", that accomplishes nothing aside from greasing wallets and printing Cryptic lots of money, probably well in excess of what they were even shooting for.

    My attitude is that a product launch is a first date. Better to play it cool and not show too much interest.
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    Out of everything this that was done this has to be the one thing im seriously upset about
    why did cryptic have to take the time ship and put it in a doff pack?

    Myself and several other players thought that we would get an annorex ship at the end of the iconian war arc kinda like the ambassador class aswell as the obelisk carrier but no it gets boxed and we get fleeced.

    Im very upset and dissapointed by this gesture of ill will towards the players of this game thank you cryptic for showing us how much you care...for our money just not us.
  • diggingcrumpetdiggingcrumpet Member Posts: 88 Bug Hunter
    Out of everything this that was done this has to be the one thing im seriously upset about
    why did cryptic have to take the time ship and put it in a doff pack?

    Myself and several other players thought that we would get an annorex ship at the end of the iconian war arc kinda like the ambassador class aswell as the obelisk carrier but no it gets boxed and we get fleeced.

    Im very upset and dissapointed by this gesture of ill will towards the players of this game thank you cryptic for showing us how much you care...for our money just not us.

    Cryptic is a business and has to make money in order to keep the game running. If it doesnt make enough money, it has to close down the game.

    This is a free to play game, you can play it for free, their revenue comes from stuff like this.

    This is exactly like every other promotional ship they've done. It's nothing new, and its the best way to do it.

    Well said repetitivepic and I support Cryptic with as much spare cash I can muster! Everyone should be supporting the game and not complaining about c-store items. If your not happy do not buy them, even better just log off the game and don't come back.
  • medic9193medic9193 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    I love the detail on the Krenim Annorax Science Dreadnought. I am a bit surprised there was not more to the interior of the ship. Perhaps down the road there will be an option for an expanded interior or it will be incorporated. I feel like a lot of time went into the ship creation and to have left out the innards it feels incomplete. Overall , I love the ship and everything that comes with it. I'm happy to have one. :)
  • keletteskelettes Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited August 2015

    "NOTE: Newly purchased Delta Alliance Duty Officer packs will only offer the chance to win the Krenim Annorax Science Dreadnought during this promotional event. Once this event ends, the packs will revert back to their previous state and no longer offer the Annorax."

    "Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
    "To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    This is not a shocker at all - just like any other decent ship in the game... I may be new to STO but I have played games similar to this for years... Free to play, PAY to win.. At least in a massive way.

    But I live Star Trek and have since I was little... Take the good with the bad.

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    paspinall wrote: »
    No they really arnt, the Promos have a lower chance than the lockboxes, they always have thats why the ships are so good from them.

    The original promos were worse and much higher odds. Things like the Tuffli.

    I'd be very surprised if the promos didn't have double the odds of lockboxes given that they are twice the price. .

    If they did there wouldnt be the complaints we are making as we would have the same cost to chance ratio.

  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User

    reyan01 wrote: »
    Am I the only one who doesn't see what the big fuss is all about?

    I mean, yeah, nice stats and all, but it's nothing game-changingly incredible and certainly not worth the money that some will spend to obtain it.

    Only T6 Science ship available to Romulan and Klingon players and its a lower than lockbox chance promo....

  • paspinallpaspinall Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    paspinall wrote: »
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Am I the only one who doesn't see what the big fuss is all about?

    I mean, yeah, nice stats and all, but it's nothing game-changingly incredible and certainly not worth the money that some will spend to obtain it.

    Only T6 Science ship available to Romulan and Klingon players and its a lower than lockbox chance promo....

    Lock boxes are 1/250 to win the ship, these promo packs are 1/100.

    Better odds, not worse odds.

    Considering ages ago they normalised the odds on the JHAS to bring it UP to lockbox odds and not the normal promo odds it had been, thats simply not the case.
  • cervantes3cervantes3 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    Bad luck for me as usual, spend 20€, bought 20 boxes and get nothing that worth the investment even from the doff pack.
    Even if it's temptating to spend more as this vessel is what i wished for my science Ferasan, spending 20€ again for 10 boxes which will gave me nothing worth my money is not something i taste.
    I can't afford to spend too much, so i'll abandon the idea to obtain the Annorax. It's raging in a way to see that so many people will have the Annorax and not me.
    Even if everything has a price, the one of Cryptic is just too high for me.
  • iranoveryourdogiranoveryourdog Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    players should NOT be able to use this ship. it should have been a one off mission only appearance...and then destroyed, like in year of hell. whats next, a player usable Borg cube ?!? an Iconian dreadnought??? The magic f'ing schoolbus? ugh. rant over.
  • keletteskelettes Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited August 2015

    Link a limited time ship to a doff pack, then slap that pack with a 20% discount 1-2 days after the promo starts.

    *clicks tongue*

    That was a dirty move.
    Post edited by kelettes on
    "Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
    "To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
  • kozar2kozar2 Member Posts: 602 Arc User
  • theonlyjaym1980theonlyjaym1980 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Pretty annoyed Cryptic, bought 2 packs using my zen and I got just Lobi crystals and DOFFs. What exactly is the ship to other TRIBBLE ratio?
  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    kelettes wrote: »

    Link a limited time ship to a doff pack, then slap that pack with a 20% discount 1-2 days after the promo starts.

    *clicks tongue*

    That was a dirty move.

    Yet it works everytime. Scramble Fighters went from 200,000,000 EC to like 23,000,000 EC, and with this promo I suspect it will drop further.
  • bfelczerbfelczer Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    kelettes wrote: »

    Link a limited time ship to a doff pack, then slap that pack with a 20% discount 1-2 days after the promo starts.

    *clicks tongue*

    That was a dirty move.

    The packs were on sale since the promo started, there was just no news article about it.
  • keletteskelettes Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    It had the discount from day 1, they just forgot to announce it.

    Packs were 220z from the moment the promo event started.

    They are regularly 275. Its not a dirty move it all, it's not even anything, they just forgot to post a blog about it.

    Never mind, then :smile:
    I only checked the zen price after I saw the blog.
    "Ad astra audacter eamus in alis fidelium."
    "To boldly go to the stars on the wings of the faithful."
  • zckmanzckman Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    They're bound to you? So you can't buy them on exchange? Thats what I was told, Why is that!?
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,669 Arc User
    zckman wrote: »
    They're bound to you? So you can't buy them on exchange? Thats what I was told, Why is that!?

    They're not bound to the user, and while they could be sold on the Exchange, their current value is above the 500Mil EC Exchange limit. You'll have to go to a Trade channel to purchase one of these, though they might fall below 500Mil before the event ends, and therefore would be listed there.
  • caldannachcaldannach Member Posts: 485 Arc User
    Opened 9 packs, got an annorax.

    Typical the Krenim ships are the only set of lockbox ships i have no interest in as i dont run sci. Ill keep the money until something i want comes along though.

    Gambling is gambling. Once i won two Narcines, one after the other. Other times i have opened 200 lockboxes and won no ship. If you don't gamble, then don't. But you can't complain, because people do win the ships. As proven by the annoying yellow writing that pops up peridocially.

    Its not like its the first time they have done this, or even the 3rd or 4th. We all know what game we have bought into here, so lets not pretend its unjust.
    " Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the tests first, and the lessons after... "
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