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We can dance ...or can we?



  • racialstereotyperacialstereotype Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    None of you guys get it. The rules are there to make sure someone doesn't "dox" you. If they find out your personal information and then exploit that around the community, that is considered stalking. If someone is following your "toon", or character as I call it, that isn't stalking, it is following. There is an actual command that allows players to follow you.

    It is also a conflict of interests and possibly loss in translation. I don't think cryptic manages the harassment cases in-game because the same messaging system they use is one similar to planetside 2.

    Either way, players have been complaining about SFD for over 5 years. Nothing is being done and nothing will be done. Get over yourselves.

  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    Yeah, I saw that reference. Who's Dear Leader, and where's he at? That's not the weird plant in the corner is it?

    Heh, Dear Leader?

    He died; he died fife years ago and ascended to other worlds where he and likeminded are actually good at what they are doing.

    Why his remaining children chose a path to decay his legacy by sending clowns to dance parties or giving away tips to space poor kids is beyond me.

    Swiss Knight either turns in his toon grave over this or he is fortunate enough not to due to a chronic case of lack of caring about this game.

    Either way there wisdom in Dear Leader; oh and he is a good player. ;)
    Nothing is being done and nothing will be done.

    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Heh, Dear Leader?

    He died; he died fife years ago and ascended to other worlds where he and likeminded are actually good at what they are doing.

    Why his remaining children chose a path to decay his legacy by sending clowns to dance parties or giving away tips to space poor kids is beyond me.

    Swiss Knight either turns in his toon grave over this or he is fortunate enough not to due to a chronic case of lack of caring about this game.

    Either way there wisdom in Dear Leader; oh and he is a good player. ;)


    That's a lot of words for someone who's supposedly not bothered by our antics.
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    It is quite easy to base your reckless behavior on a bunch of players trying to defend themselves. You guys seem to be getting this all wrong. Someone states their opinion on why the OP is wrong and this thread becomes sticky paper for the veteran posters to up their post count- I mean, "state their concern". You guys are no different from the trolls you claim to fight.

    Everyone in this thread is the same. If some of you wish to compare Starfleet Dental to a bunch of terrorists, then all of you are just like the Egyptians that destroyed their national museum when trying to gain "independence".

    Nobody is a winner here and it's sad seeing other players stoop so low. Starfleet Dental helped me out, they also have a very mature sense of humor. Don't attack me on this, this is just my opinion. All of you, discussing your lives and what makes you special, have no right to be in this thread. This is a thread about dancing in a private dance with friends.

    I can understand Trendy and the moderators' insanity here, we are all literal babies in adult bodies.:(

    It wouldn't be an attack on your opinion, it would just be a simple case of wondering why on Earth you decided to quote me for your reply and sharing your opinion there...that would be the wtf/lolwut thing that you'd likely see coming off as an attack on your opinion, when it's simply a wtf/lolwut for why did you quote me for that reply...er...cause uh...yeah...wtf/lolwut?
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    grimrak1 wrote: »
    That's a lot of words for someone who's supposedly not bothered by our antics.

    Dude, the way this thread resolves you guys seem to hang out in some third party forums coordinating your activities to annoy single individuals or certain groups who run Star Trek Online. With your actions you make hypocritical fools out of yourself especially toward those who you claim of taking this videogame too seriously (lol).

    If any references I brought up about the ones who made the fleet tag you seem to have concern you I recall doings worth of recognition. Doings which witness some creativity by players who had fun in this game and were actually good at it at some point while you guys seem to be as close to bore out as one can be.

    So my “lot of words” were rather dedicated to antiques than antics.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    grimrak1 wrote: »
    That's a lot of words for someone who's supposedly not bothered by our antics.

    You could say the same about this entire thread. 13k views and pushing 40 pages worth of replies over something so insignificant.

    Count every other thread previously about player behaviour or performance, disco balls, or how one should properly control their pixels in remembrance and it adds up to a hella lot of words.

    It's all a little bit embarrassing to see really. I just wish...you lot would cheer up.
  • robby0321robby0321 Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    You got punked by starfleet dental. Everyone knows all the dental fleets are trolls. Best to just put them on ignore and move on. Lik someone said earlier they have been reported for 5 years and the devs won't do anything about. If you wanna role play do it in a place they can't get to you or in a private channel.
  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Dude, the way this thread resolves you guys seem to hang out in some third party forums coordinating your activities to annoy single individuals or certain groups who run Star Trek Online. With your actions you make hypocritical fools out of yourself especially toward those who you claim of taking this videogame too seriously (lol).

    If any references I brought up about the ones who made the fleet tag you seem to have concern you I recall doings worth of recognition. Doings which witness some creativity by players who had fun in this game and were actually good at it at some point while you guys seem to be as close to bore out as one can be.

    So my “lot of words” were rather dedicated to antiques than antics.

    We get it, you're bothered.
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    grimrak1 wrote: »
    We get it, you're bothered.

    Well for him to be bothered , first you'd have to be disturbed .

    ... and boy o'boy does it disturb you folk when other ppl try to have fun or play a game . 'coupaholic' was right , you guys should cheer up . All that N.Korea , TRIBBLE Germany & Daesh worshipping you do is giving you a :( , so much so that you spend a surprising amount of time , EC and $$$ in trying to pay & buy ppl to like you . How sad ...
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    aelfwin1 wrote: »
    Well for him to be bothered , first you'd have to be disturbed .

    Hm, I don’t know. I think “puzzled” is the right term. :)

    I’m just having the feeling to look at a group of people not fitting in easy, well probably not even in other games. So running around like dancing clowns or something after preparing for this in forums is kinda the only thing left to do...

    Well yea, that’s interesting but still somewhat sad. :o
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • racialstereotyperacialstereotype Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I call for you, O great LaughingTrendy, please banish thy thread to the bowels of Kronos, forsake the wicked, scatter the innocent.

    *lights candles in a pentagram*

    O, LaughingTrendy, please bring this suffering to an end and guide us to the heavens above!

    *hits drum and rattles some empty nuts*
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    There seems to be a few misconceptions and a bit of confusion here...

    Suzanna's party is NOT supposed to be a private party... it is actually a public party where anyone can attend and listen in - provided they follow the unspoken but very obvious condition to act civilly and respectfully around others. The troll in question here continuously attempted to disrupt the OP's party and kept on encroaching on her personal space (basically right in her face) - WITHOUT her consent. The troll in question also continued to stalk her and harass her across different locations and instances.

    Some of the responses here unfortunately still seem to highlight an attitude of victim blaming. Whether it's downplaying the griefing offence or telling the victim to simply ignore it, it is exactly what lets these trolls/bullies/attackers get away with their actions and perpetrates the harassment that continues to occur.

    Suzanna's post here isn't specifically just about "complaining" about some little "trivial" issue. This post is to expose the bullying and harassment that is still ongoing, and that trolling and harassment has to be stopped.

    To those pulling the "this is only a video game" argument: Would you do something like this in real life where you go to any public event and start shoving yourself in someone's face and stalking someone around WITHOUT their consent? Why or why not? Why would this being "just a video game" where people think they can get away with such action make it ok here?

    To the STO GMs and anyone at Cryptic that might be able to do something: Do you want your game to be a place where such attitudes and victim blaming allows such harassment to be perpetrated without consequence?

    I been purposefully keeping myself away from here because as many of you know I've been at the forefront documenting, experimenting and combatting the influence of these bullies and troll groups for a long time; most recently at Risa. I'm too involved not to know they will use this to attack me in some form or other and hence I been keeping my distance. But before they try to bury their ill actions by calling us silenced at the close of a thread, I want to provide this perspective.

    Imasterstar is right. I've just come from in-game where one of the well-known trolls who has also been posting here was spamming his viewpoints, including talking about this thread as if his opinion was all that mattered. When a few players including myself called him out on it, He did what he usually does, hiding behind the picture of the now famous death threat experiment, thinking showing it will intimidate me in some way.

    Earlier when the Summer Event started they were doing their usual Cover shield blockades at the end of races, until a few players led by my example started announcing their instances and players began to avoid them. They were even being ignored in zone, few players were paying attention to them; until they came up with the idea of doing a "free giveaway" - their code word for daily fleet spam. Over the weekend the spam has fallen thick and fast, and being they usually are in groups, they intimidate and harass anyone who tries to get them to stop; making believe that we are against free giveaways if we don't like what they do. They use their giveaway as cover to pretend players dislike them because they give free stuff, and under this excuse they engage in practically every activity, including flaming players, group harassing them, posting harassment pics, chasing them across instances and other things I won't mention yet but have fully documented. Anytime players say something against it, they can hardly get a word in edgewise because they in turn get showered with insults and worse. They've even tried to abuse the auto-mute chat feature by coordinating mass reports against certain players they don't like and attempting to silence them that way; while they continue with their spam and boast they are "Pillars of the Community" supported by important players and devs, including Trendy.

    In reality, players including myself have no problem with any giveaway, but we know when we see those hiding their behavior behind something else. They've even been showing up with their fake alts to post and harass. As many of us know already, only administrative action can compel the players engaging in their disruptive ways to stop. Right now they are not afraid to do anything they want, to just about anyone they want to. They do so because they think it's 'just a game' and they can literally do anything they want without consequences.

    Well by that same definition so can I, so why do they get mad if I turn their own behavior on them and disrupt their fun as they try to do to others? If I were to do it as often as they do, threaten players, spread lies, harass people, would I get away with it? Would they let me get away with it? Would you?

    They like to pick on isolated players, one thing we've been able to do is offer our channel, /channel_join XTERN1TY as a gathering place for those against their behavior. By being in a group, we are able to support and coordinate. That is what I suggest to those who are attacked by them or have been in the past.. We need to put aside our individual and group differences and start working together; because as long as we remain divided, they will take advantage and pick on us one by one.

    I have reported them before. They been at it for years and openly brag about sabotaging fleets, channels and forcing players to quit when they think no one important is watching; why haven't they been dealt with? Some players like myself have well-established good reputations, try to follow the rules as best we can and know how to fight back. They cannot force us off of STO unless they cheat with nefarious methods, which they have been known to do as well. I can tell you now, if they tried such methods on me as they've done to others I will not be complacent. No one faced with their harmful behavior should be. The more they persist, the more chances this will become a public matter and affect the image of STO. Is this what we really want?

    The Summer Event has been turned by these groups into a cyber-bullying fest. Trendy, this is one issue you cannot afford to ignore, because it will grow and there's more to it than even you realize. I know more details, but I'm not going to post further here. If you are serious about representing the STO community, its safety and concerns, either you or your team have a one on one private chat with me. We can set up an appointment, I can do teamspeak, skype or you can just drop by our channel at /channel_join XTERN1TY. What we have concerns you as much as it concerns us.
  • racialstereotyperacialstereotype Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I guess my summons didn't work as expected. I've just revived the antichrist.

    xternity is where most of the Dental Trolls live. Xean himself actually told me to kill myself. I got really scared and reported him.
  • racialstereotyperacialstereotype Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    They can't take away our Frrrreedom!

    Count how many times he tells us to join his pitiful channel.

    I counted twice, because I couldn't be arsed to read it all.

    Edit: keeping his post for future reference.
  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    I been purposefully keeping myself away from here because as many of you know I've been at the forefront documenting, experimenting and combatting the influence of these bullies and troll groups for a long time; most recently at Risa. I'm too involved not to know they will use this to attack me in some form or other and hence I been keeping my distance. But before they try to bury their ill actions by calling it silenced at the close of a thread, I want to provide this perspective.

    Imasterstar is right. I've just come from in-game where one of the well-known trolls who has also been posting here was spamming his viewpoints, including talking about this thread as if his opinion was all that mattered. When a few players including myself called him out on it, He did what he usually does, hiding behind the picture of the now famous death threat experiment, thinking showing it will intimidate me in some way.

    Earlier when the Summer Event started they were doing their usual Cover shield blockades at the end of races, until a few players led by my example started announcing their instances and players began to avoid them. They were even being ignored in zone, few players were paying attention to them; until they came up with the idea of doing a "free giveaway" - their code word for daily fleet spam. Over the weekend the spam has fallen thick and fast, and being they usually are in groups, they intimidate and harass anyone who tries to get them to stop; making believe that we are against free giveaways if we don't like what they do. They use their giveaway as cover to pretend players dislike them because they give free stuff, and under this excuse they engage in practically every activity, including flaming players, group harassing them, posting harassment pics, chasing them across instances and other things I won't mention yet but have fully documented. Anytime players say something against it, they can hardly get a word in edgewise because they in turn get showered with insults and worse. They've even tried to abuse the auto-mute chat feature by coordinating mass reports against certain players they don't like and attempting to silence them that way; while they continue with their spam and boast they are "Pillars of the Community" supported by important players and devs, including Trendy.

    In reality, players including myself have no problem with any giveaway, but we know when we see those hiding their behavior behind something else. They've even been showing up with their fake alts to post and harass. As many of us know already, only administrative action can compel the players engaging in their disruptive ways to stop. Right now they are not afraid to do anything they want, to just about anyone they want to. They do so because they think it's 'just a game' and they can literally do anything they want without consequences.

    Well by that same definition so can I, so why do they get mad if I turn their own behavior on them and disrupt their fun as they try to do to others? If I were to do it as often as they do, threaten players, spread lies, harass people, would I get away with it? Would they let me get away with it? Would you?

    They like to pick on isolated players, one thing we've been able to do is offer our channel, /channel_join XTERN1TY as a gathering place for those against their behavior. By being in a group, we are able to support and coordinate. That is what I suggest to those who are attacked by them or have been in the past.. We need to put aside our individual and group differences and start working together; because as long as we remain divided, they will take advantage and pick on us one by one.

    I have reported them before. They been at it for years and openly brag about sabotaging fleets, channels and forcing players to quit when they think no one important is watching; why haven't they been dealt with? Some players like myself have well-established good reputations, try to follow the rules as best we can and know how to fight back. They cannot force us off of STO unless they cheat with nefarious methods, which they have been known to do as well. I can tell you now, if they tried such methods on me as they've done to others I will not be complacent. No one faced with their harmful behavior should be. The more they persist, the more chances this will become a public matter and affect the image of STO. Is this what we really want?

    The Summer Event has been turned by these groups into a cyber-bullying fest. Trendy, this is one issue you cannot afford to ignore, because it will grow and there's more to it than even you realize. I know more details, but I'm not going to post further here. If you are serious about representing the STO community, its safety and concerns, either you or your team have a one on one private chat with me. We can set up an appointment, I can do teamspeak, skype or you can just drop by our channel at /channel_join XTERN1TY. What we have concerns you as much as it concerns us.

    hahahahahahahahahaha like anyone is reading this
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • racialstereotyperacialstereotype Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Xean thinks of himself as a God, but he doesn't know that Laughing Trendy is the real God and She shall smite all who oppose Her. THE END IS NIGH, MARK MY WORDS!!!!
  • racialstereotyperacialstereotype Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Fixed Xean's post for everyone to read. Get a good laugh. All of this is accurate to a personal account. I didn't add when he told me to kill myself, just for humor's sake.
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    I've lurking this thread because nobody really cares about me stalking these bullies and troll groups. I'm obsessed with how they interact with people. But before racialstereotype summons our Lord Trendy, I want to s**t on this thread as well!

    My lackey is right. I am talking in this thread as if my opinion is all that mattered and it does. When I "called him out on it", He made no decision to change his stance.

    In the event, they were making the race challenging. They came up with the idea of doing a "free giveaway" just to spite me and my fleet. They intimidate and harass me, tried to get them to stop. I've stalked their progress in my personal e-journal, describing their heinous acts to prevent players from giving me money in exchange for favors. Every time I try to complain in Zone chat, their gift recipients shower me with hate. I was legitimately silenced by multiple players who wanted me to stop spouting nonsense during the giveaways. Shout out to Trendy.

    I'm attempting to cover up my jealousy by saying I have no problem with it.
    RacialStereotype is literally a clone of Butts, as is suzanna and everyone else in this thread. ALL CLONES!!! I speak from experience, people really hate my senseless lies and rants. Right now, this RacialStereotype guy keeps summoning someone we know don't exist (love you Trendy). They do so because they think it's 'just a game', and it is.

    Well by that same definition so can I: I would spread lies to garner favor of members for my fleet. I would let you know through comprehensive propaganda that Starfleet Dental is worse than it ACTUALLY is!

    Shameless self insert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lhn7egRrVS0

    I have reported them before. I am no better off than they are when it comes to lies. I am truly the most perfect example of why STO should obey me as their leader. I will lead STO into a New World Order- one that cannot be suppressed by the evil Starfleet Deltan forces!

    I have turned this summer event into a cyber-bullying fest. Trendy, I am telling you what to do and how you should do your job. I know that my opinion is the only opinion you should follow. I don't sign your checks and you should be thankful for that. I am having you contact me outside the forums, which is also against the rules for moderators, because I'm a creepy person.

    Fixed that for you. Everything is factual, except for the loving Trendy part- I added that in parenthesis.

    There are many of us who do not wish to read a huge manifesto on why Xean lives in his own reality, claiming he is the based god for everyone in the forums/game. You, Xean, are even more screwed up than the worst player in Starfleet Dental. You should join them.

    PS: Click the video, it's pretty funny and safe for work. It is a bit loud though.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    beameddown wrote: »
    dental is a troll fleet

    they should get removed

    nuff said.

    I wouldnt go as far as to "remove" them, I do believe that the game needs to actually have GM's in the game to monitor and deal with inappropriate behavior (not to mention work with the pl ayer base in real time). If the people in auestion get continually caught misbehaving, the option for removal should be there.
  • riyottsariyottsa Member Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Xean is the real cyber bully here; constantly telling people to kill themselves. That's not cool, yo.
  • racialstereotyperacialstereotype Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I hope people read my post. I spent a long time making it :(
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I hope people read my post.

    I spent a long time making it :(

    Woop-de-doo for you.
    I need a beer.

  • grimrak1grimrak1 Member Posts: 251 Arc User
    edited June 2015

    Woop-de-doo for you.

    Please stop trolling in this thread. :(
    But you know what? I guess it doesn't matter now does it? By being allowed to visit their studios Cryptic has pretty much signed off on you and your fleet haven't they? They've said in deed what most of us have suspected for years. They're not going to stop you. They're not going to correct you. You won. After long last, you really, really won. STO is yours and no one is going to do a thing about it. Congratulations.
  • racialstereotyperacialstereotype Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited June 2015

    Woop-de-doo for you.

    Your name has never been so appropriate for this post.
  • kitsuneichibankitsuneichiban Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    hiding behind the picture of the now famous death threat experiment, thinking showing it will intimidate me in some way.

    Making death threats to people over the Internet is not an "experiment", it is a federal crime. Specifically 18 U.S.C. § 875(c):

    (c) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

    I don't know whatever context your quote was used in, and it may have seemed justified to you at the time, but if I were you I wouldn't be posting admissions to having made the threats.
  • captaintroikacaptaintroika Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    I'm not going to read all those giant walls of text xtern1ty posted. Can someone summarize for me?
  • captainoblivouscaptainoblivous Member Posts: 2,284 Arc User
    grimrak1 wrote: »

    Woop-de-doo for you.

    Please stop trolling in this thread. :(

    Whoaaaa, with all the trolling going on in this thread, you think *I'm* trolling?! xD
    I need a beer.

  • ltminnsltminns Member Posts: 12,572 Arc User
    Why is this thread still open?

    You do know that people don't need to keep the entire wall of text when quoting another post.

    Do people get extra points, forum titles, or accolades based upon how many words they have in quoted replies?
    'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
    Judge Dan Haywood
    'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
    l don't know.
    l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
    That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
    Lt. Philip J. Minns
  • captaintroikacaptaintroika Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    Xean apparently thinks so.
  • walt04walt04 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    I was also present during the Dental giveaway at Risa, and Xean spent the entire time making the most outrageous and delusional comments I have ever seen. From calling Dental, and anyone who disagreed with him terrorists, to his ludicrous claims to be the only person on Earth who knows how Gene Roddenberry intended for Trek to proceed, to all kinds of other wild TRIBBLE statements that even the most oblivious people present could see were just insane. Many, many people repeatedly told Xean to shut up and go away. Eventually I placed him on ignore, as for the people in Dental, while I have had many disagreements with a number of them, Nabreeki and Druk especially, I have never found it necessary to ignore them, and aside from certain subjects, can converse with them without incident, and despite my previously stated friction with Druk he had no issues including me in the people who were given free stuff (some favors and a nice UR weapon I sold for 3 mill EC).

    PS, not a member of Dental or NoP, my Fed alts have their own fleet and my KDF alts joined a semi-random fleet I had originally joined just to get a ship.

    This just go's to show how far these troll fleets will go.... it is the most absurd thing I have ever seen. Question, If the folks in question were giving away free stuff.. out of the kindness of there warm and loving hearts.. why were they advertising it here on this thread? If they did this sort of thing all the time.. wouldn't it warrant promoting it on a separate thread.. and wouldn't it have been a more legitimate claim if they made the giveaway announcement before this all went out ... not after the fact? Just the sheer number of posts from both sides of the discussion.. should tell you something... Cyberbullying, Stalking and at very least 1 or more individuals disrupting on purpose to cause pain or discomfort for nothing more than the individuals personal entertainment.. is wrong.. yes it is just a game.. here is the difference.. the one group got together... had a party, listened to music, Chatted together as a community invited others to join them, discussed Star trek lore and games. The other group Specifically targeted a Group.. purposely disrupted folks just there to have a good time by walking there toon over the top of them.. making rude P.M's . and interrupting / burying chat window and any forum discussions with nonsense so folks could not continue there discussions..... this shouldn't be so hard to figure out. the length of this thread has made a statement. One that cannot be denied. WE ARE TIRED OF BEING BULLIED BY THESE GROUPS. we are sic of there antics. we DO feel threatened by them. and WE will speak out. I for one Will be taking lots of pics and video gameplay with my Hauppauge when I see this happening to me or others. I will submit reports when I see this happening to me or others. I encourage others to do the same. if we all keep letting this sort of inappropriate behavior continue without at least acknowledging it is happening.. it will continue. that's what they are hoping for... I will not let that happen.. I hope the rest of you folks will do the same.
  • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    I am not really into the summer festival, just flying for the ship and an occasionally event. So I haven't seen those give-away parties. I do see often a dance bot and wonder, why do you bot in this festival? Perhaps the one thing, giving away lohlunats and the other, botting the dance event has nothing to do with each other. Perhaps, perhaps not. No matter what, I would keep my hands clean.
This discussion has been closed.