Laughing Trendy can be reached via the Twitter at @LaughingTrendy.
All of us opposed to bluegeek's continued representation of this community, message her. Enough people complain about it action will be taken.
Be careful with this approach. We're calling out the same witchhunt we've lived in fear of for decades, namely being procesucuted for our beliefs and/or lifestyles. It wasn't much fun when we were on the receiving end of it... and still obviously are... now that we can call out the witchhunt, the question is should we.
Look I see Bluegeek and any number of other people on this forum as hate spewing bigotted asses don't get me wrong, but procesecuting them for their beliefs makes us no better then them, allowing our own fears and hatreds to define our actions.
Bluegeek has never shown to allow his prejudices to effect his decisions as moderator. Until they do we have the right to dislike his viewpoint, but we shouldn't join their podition of acting on our fears and hatreds. Once we do it's a slippery slope but embrassing different viewponts as valid to being bigots ourselves and calling out witchhunts on anyone who we fear as different and wrong.
While you certainly have a right to do what you say. Exactly what "strings" do you have to pull that the rest of us do not? From the way you speak, you sound as if you are a higher authority than the average user.
No I dated someone on the Cryptic staff and shamelessly use that connection to get inside information before it hits officially. Oh and said connection can talk to other folks on staff and point me in the right direction, so I know who to wave my flag at.
Ah but new members coming in here will see Bluegeek's opinion, see Bluegeek's status as a community leader and think "hey alright TRIBBLE-bashing is acceptable here! Woohoo!"
In other words send a strong message that it is not tolerated in any form and will result in official sanction.
I have to ask, but what TRIBBLE bashing?
Bluegeek was expressing his concerns as a parent and discontent that something which by many is considered controversial (LGBT couple and the following discussion about LGBT equality and rights) was added.
If one agrees with BG or that one thinks that his cause for concern is not justified is another discussion, but at no point was there any TRIBBLE bashing or hate talk.
I believe this is the proverbial tempest in a teapot, something that is misinterpreted and then blown completely out of proportions.
People need to calm down.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
No I dated someone on the Cryptic staff and shamelessly use that connection to get inside information before it hits officially. Oh and said connection can talk to other folks on staff and point me in the right direction, so I know who to wave my flag at.
And wouldnt that person that you had dated be acting in a conflict of interest by pushing you forward in a direction and acting on your own behalf that they wouldnt necessarily do for others?
He broke the forum rules by posting his screed. He let his bigotry override his judgment in something that is literally a moderation issue. If somone else posted what he did, as a moderator, it is his responsibility to delete the post and warn them. Instead, he made the post himself.
And of all the filthy altars to sacrifice his integrity on, he picked TRIBBLE bashing...
It's beyond the pale.
And in your anger and hatred, you want to condemn him and prosecute him and act like judge, jury, and executioner. What's next pink bedsheets and burning rainbows and lynch mobs? We can't allow ourselves t o sink to their level of bigotry and hatred. We have to be better then that, better then them.
We can not tolerate these hate filled creeds I understand, but we can't become them in our intolerance either.
"It is inappropriate for children to see LGBT couples" is another way of writing "LGBT couples belong in the closet, so that children don't see them." Its another way of writing "there is something bad about LGBT couples, something bad in a way that children shouldn't see them."
It's old school TRIBBLE bashing.
Personally i think you're reading way too much in this. Either way it is good to take some distance and look at it with a cooler head.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Be careful with this approach. We're calling out the same witchhunt we've lived in fear of for decades, namely being procesucuted for our beliefs and/or lifestyles. It wasn't much fun when we were on the receiving end of it... and still obviously are... now that we can call out the witchhunt, the question is should we.
Look I see Bluegeek and any number of other people on this forum as hate spewing bigotted asses don't get me wrong, but procesecuting them for their beliefs makes us no better then them, allowing our own fears and hatreds to define our actions.
Bluegeek has never shown to allow his prejudices to effect his decisions as moderator. Until they do we have the right to dislike his viewpoint, but we shouldn't join their podition of acting on our fears and hatreds. Once we do it's a slippery slope but embrassing different viewponts as valid to being bigots ourselves and calling out witchhunts on anyone who we fear as different and wrong.
Ladymyajha, you truly are a voice of reason in these turbulent times. I hope people will follow your example.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
I have to ask, but what TRIBBLE bashing?
Bluegeek was expressing his concerns as a parent and discontent that something which by many is considered controversial (LGBT couple and the following discussion about LGBT equality and rights) was added.
Thing is, there is nothing, NOTHING in that episode which requires Bluegeek to screen it for his teenage children. There is no sexual content. At all. Just one npc mentioning that they're klingon-married to another npc.
But it appears he's as heavy handed with his parenting as he is with his moderation, along with clearly being a bigot. Can we really trust someone who cannot be relied upon to be impartial and fair, with the responsibility of being a moderator? No.
This is the month that TRIBBLE marriage is now suprisingly allowed in my home country of Ireland, as repressed and full on with the Catholic guilt as it can be. Bluegeek's attitude has no place in any progressive society.
Personally i think you're reading way too much in this. Either way it is good to take some distance and look at it with a cooler head.
The issue cannot be played down like that. What the person in question posted is hurtful. However forming an angry mob will not solve anything but instead will lead to even more trouble. I am sure the issue will be adressed via official ways, on monday.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Ladymyajha, you truly are a voice of reason in these turbulent times. I hope people will follow your example.
Oh make no mistake about it, I've broken quite a few of the forum rules the past couple of days myself calling people bigots and hatemongers and worse, so saying that someone else should be punished for braking the same rules is kind of hypocritical.
I've chosen to speak up, but it's hard not to allow my own fears and hatreds get the better of me and just lash out in my own bigotry and hatred. It's not an easy position to do, to embrace hatred and discrimination with peace, it's the hardest thing I've done and will continue to do and fail at it all the time.
Thing is, there is nothing, NOTHING in that episode which requires Bluegeek to screen it for his teenage children. There is no sexual content. At all. Just one npc mentioning that they're klingon-married to another npc.
But it appears he's as heavy handed with his parenting as he is with his moderation, along with clearly being a bigot. Can we really trust someone who cannot be relied upon to be impartial and fair, with the responsibility of being a moderator? No.
This is the month that TRIBBLE marriage is now suprisingly allowed in my home country of Ireland, as repressed and full on with the Catholic guilt as it can be. Bluegeek's attitude has no place in any progressive society.
So even though we've seen nothing that shows that he is prejudice in his heavy handed moderation, we want to lynch him (metaphorically) for his own personal lifestyle.
Is he a hate filled bigot, yes. Should we choosd to condemn him for his own lifestyle "choices"?
And it implicitly denigrates members of the community on the basis of their sexual orientation. A policeman who commits crimes has to be removed from the force, it's common sense.
The only way to make sure it is dealt with is to make sure it is dealt with. LGBT people didn't get to where they are today by staying quiet and in the closet in the face of this TRIBBLE.
You don't back down against these people, you fight for what is right.
Yes we got to wherd we are by fighting for what is right, and being intolerant and hate filled is not right, no matter who stands the metaphorical high ground.
Acting out of anger, hate, and fear is never right, something we should understand being on the receiving end of said anger hate and fear every day of our lives. We fight for the right to choose to LOVE who we choosd, and we can not love when we are so filled with hate that it blinds us to that.
Oh make no mistake about it, I've broken quite a few of the forum rules the past couple of days myself calling people bigots and hatemongers and worse, so saying that someone else should be punished for braking the same rules is kind of hypocritical.
I've chosen to speak up, but it's hard not to allow my own fears and hatreds get the better of me and just lash out in my own bigotry and hatred. It's not an easy position to do, to embrace hatred and discrimination with peace, it's the hardest thing I've done and will continue to do and fail at it all the time.
By typing this out and realizing all you have said you contribute a lot for the plea of betterment. Believe me, I know how you must feel, I am in a similiar position myself and what a lot of people in this community have posted over the last few days has deeply struck me. But at this point causing even more uproar will do no good.
And it implicitly denigrates members of the community on the basis of their sexual orientation. A policeman who commits crimes has to be removed from the force, it's common sense.
The only way to make sure it is dealt with is to make sure it is dealt with. LGBT people didn't get to where they are today by staying quiet and in the closet in the face of this TRIBBLE.
You don't back down against these people, you fight for what is right.
You can fight when it turns out that the officials won't act on the matter. But promoting vigilantism will not help at this point. Nothing will happen before monday despite provoking more namecalling, hatred and banning. Further, the continous fixation on one particular person derails the whole topic at hand.
I have a very clear stance in the matter. And I am myself surprised how much support I feel for the things members of Dental and affiliated fleets have posted. But inciting further unrest at this point will not help - even if the moderator in question won't be removed from his post officially it would be foolish to not step down. But mass-messaging employees of Cryptic or messaging the person in question with spiteful messages will not help anyone. Make sure you and others don't come off as professional rioteers instead of supporters of a just cause.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Thing is, there is nothing, NOTHING in that episode which requires Bluegeek to screen it for his teenage children. There is no sexual content. At all. Just one npc mentioning that they're klingon-married to another npc.
But it appears he's as heavy handed with his parenting as he is with his moderation, along with clearly being a bigot. Can we really trust someone who cannot be relied upon to be impartial and fair, with the responsibility of being a moderator? No.
This is the month that TRIBBLE marriage is now suprisingly allowed in my home country of Ireland, as repressed and full on with the Catholic guilt as it can be. Bluegeek's attitude has no place in any progressive society.
right, and it would be interesting to see what content his "teenage" daughter is looking up on her phone what out him knowing. I bet it is worse
"Frankly, not sure why you're on a one man nerf campaign. "
I agree with repetitiveepic here, there's something much more sinister than simply saying "I don't want my children exposed to this". Remember that post a while about about that parent who would let their children play as well?
I have to say I am deeply disappointed in some of the responses with regard to the female Klingons here, but I can say one thing:
I play this game every day with my children. EVERY. DAY.
One is 10. One is 14. In no way shape or form have they in any way been damaged by exposure to those "horrible" Klesbians. In my honest opinion, most of those screaming "think of the children" and claiming that it is some kind of mature content probably don't have kids.
The only people who get worked up over something like that are people with prejudices deeply ingrained in them. No one is forcing YOU to be TRIBBLE by being TRIBBLE. No one is forcing YOU to have homosexual relationships just because they are. And the reality is, people of all sexual orientations exist and have exactly the same rights as you do, especially in the Star Trek universe.
During the mission, the situation evoked little more than a double take on all of our parts. It wasn't shocking and it didn't require us to stop and have an extended discussion of the facts of life. There were definitely flaws in the writing of the mission (although I did enjoy it) but the casual reference to the same-sex couple was, in my opinion, just right. Nothing forced or overly politically correct, just a matter-of-fact "this is how they are" which is exactly where anything to do with sexual orientation should be, in STO or in the real world.
Or even the first response to what bluegeek had initially written:
So, someone being electrocuted, losing an arm while screaming in agony, having this butchered remaining of arm shown, having someone stabbed from behind and gruesomely disintegrated, dramatically dropping a precious artefact as he dies, etc... is OK to show to children...
But... a TRIBBLE couple who doesn't partake in any sexual innuendos or more, merely having one being grumpy is inappropriate for them?
I... I don't even...
I still think bluegeek had a poor choice on words and has definitely offended the community in some way or another. An apology is not needed, for these wounds will not heal. I have no issue with anything in this game, except when other people step up and get their personal feelings about "unnatural acts" into the picture. I will see a man in a dress in public and not even judge them, I know with the posts "some people" have made, they would move to another county or state because of it.
Sometimes the best course of action on talking about a specific episode is to not put your children in it and not even comment.
If he is willing to break the forum rules just to indulge his urge to TRIBBLE bash, how can his position as an enforcer of the rules possibly be tenable?
It's a moderation issue, he should be deleting comments like that, not making them.
The problem is while it is backwards thinking and bigoted, reading and rereading what he said he never TRIBBLE-bashed, but only infered it through the lens of his personal life choices. His position is no different then any number of fear filled people out therd, not wanting to be exposed to what they concider immoral a nd unethical.
Until we overcome that fear with reason, we will never truely be free to be free from bigotry and hatred. But reinforcing that fear with our own actions acted out of our own fears will never overcome.
What ever punishiment he should receive should be within the guidelines that Cryptic has set up for their moderators, if he even broke any rules, which I don't think he actually did.
Calling for the lynch mob to bring us his head does nothing but make us hate filled fear mongers willing to procescute and condemn any who don't believe and act how we want to, which is exactly what we've been fighting against.
The real issue I see is that he posted this with his "professional" account during his "work".
I understand that individuals are entitled to opinions, even bad ones, and that parents have the right to make decisions for their children, even bad ones.
However, there is a difference between expressing such views on a private account somewhere, as in one that only represents himself, and using a "work" account for it, even if he is only a volunteer moderator.
He's still the "face" of a company while using it, and what he did was horrifically irresponsible.
I've already said all I have to say to his private attitudes earlier.
Gonna close the thread temporarily till I can deal with this later.
I need to look at this and frankly asking for heads, public condemnation, and calling in favors with secret backdoor messaging in my company is a good way to earn my Sauron gaze.
You are not only seeking your own banning by even suggesting wheeling and dealing, but potential ramifications for anyone you would implicate working on my side. That is incredibly selfish and ill-advised. We have NDAs and if there is even the slightest hint that a person would have been breaching that, you are putting their job at risk. That is beyond consciably sound. Don't do that.
Anyone who makes a thread that looks like a pitchfork thread will get permabanned.
So Ive looked over a lot of posts, talked with a lot of people, and frankly mulled over this a lot. I want to approach this with sincerity and full disclosure.
Bluegeek made a post about his opinion regarding the episode. He deserves to have an opinion. He posted with civility and maturity, whether or not it was something I agree with (or in this case adamantly opposed to). In the year(s) that I and many other LGBT-identified people have worked with him, we have had nothing but a great working relationship.
I am looking into his past history of moderation. While I am confident in his ability to be impartial in his moderation with regards to our community in Star Trek Online, I now need to make sure. That requires him being placed under probation. Until further notice, he will not be in a position of moderation while I investigate his previous moderation.
There were a lot of opinions expressed for and against the inclusion of the two Klingons. Everyone had their right to express their opinions about the new Featured Episode in a respectful and civil manner. Everyone had their right to express their opinion, including Bluegeek. Yet I saw extreme vitriol thrown around. There was flaming, expositions from hate, and general jerk butt-ery from a lot of people.
This is not a place to flame each other. As someone who is specifically in the LGBT community and an advocate for human rights, I am sad to see the amount of hate being thrown around from both sides of this fence. I had to ban users who were all sides of the spectrum. People who agreed with the episode were banned for flaming. People who disagreed with the episode were banned for flaming. Morality and civility are sadly separate entities, where even if we hold a moral high ground that doesnt mean we exhibit maturity. This is a grave reminder that asking for public shaming to happen is a really great way to earn my utmost ire.
This ends the discussion now.
EDIT: Yes, I am intentionally leaving the thread open. No that wasn't a mistake. Yes, these are my pancakes don't try and take them.
So I’ve looked over a lot of posts, talked with a lot of people, and frankly mulled over this… a lot. I want to approach this with sincerity and full disclosure.
Bluegeek made a post about his opinion regarding the episode. He deserves to have an opinion. He posted with civility and maturity, whether or not it was something I agree with (or in this case adamantly opposed to). In the year(s) that I and many other LGBT-identified people have worked with him, we have had nothing but a great working relationship.
I am looking into his past history of moderation. While I am confident in his ability to be impartial in his moderation with regards to our community in Star Trek Online, I now need to make sure. That requires him being placed under probation. Until further notice, he will not be in a position of moderation while I investigate his previous moderation.
There were a lot of opinions expressed for and against the inclusion of the two Klingons. Everyone had their right to express their opinions about the new Featured Episode in a respectful and civil manner. Everyone had their right to express their opinion, including Bluegeek. Yet I saw extreme vitriol thrown around. There was flaming, expositions from hate, and general jerk butt-ery from a lot of people.
This is not a place to flame each other. As someone who is specifically in the LGBT community and an advocate for human rights, I am sad to see the amount of hate being thrown around from both sides of this fence. I had to ban users who were all sides of the spectrum. People who agreed with the episode were banned for flaming. People who disagreed with the episode were banned for flaming. Morality and civility are sadly separate entities, where even if we hold a moral high ground that doesn’t mean we exhibit maturity. This is a grave reminder that asking for public shaming to happen is a really great way to earn my utmost ire.
Nobody sacrificed to the mob, bans as appropriate, coolness. Hopefully Askray has standing orders to keep this from flaring up again (as one thread in General closes, another is bound to show up within 5 minutes otherwise)
I am looking into his past history of moderation. While I am confident in his ability to be impartial in his moderation with regards to our community in Star Trek Online, I now need to make sure. That requires him being placed under probation. Until further notice, he will not be in a position of moderation while I investigate his previous moderation.
While I understand that you, being the head PR person, need to carry out an investigation because one of your underlings has done something to cause your suspicion, I find the notion absolutely silly that if person A's opinion doesn't match person B's opinion, person B can use whatever force of authority they have. That's the stuff that causes actual wars.
Be careful with this approach. We're calling out the same witchhunt we've lived in fear of for decades, namely being procesucuted for our beliefs and/or lifestyles. It wasn't much fun when we were on the receiving end of it... and still obviously are... now that we can call out the witchhunt, the question is should we.
Look I see Bluegeek and any number of other people on this forum as hate spewing bigotted asses don't get me wrong, but procesecuting them for their beliefs makes us no better then them, allowing our own fears and hatreds to define our actions.
Bluegeek has never shown to allow his prejudices to effect his decisions as moderator. Until they do we have the right to dislike his viewpoint, but we shouldn't join their podition of acting on our fears and hatreds. Once we do it's a slippery slope but embrassing different viewponts as valid to being bigots ourselves and calling out witchhunts on anyone who we fear as different and wrong.
No I dated someone on the Cryptic staff and shamelessly use that connection to get inside information before it hits officially.
I have to ask, but what TRIBBLE bashing?
Bluegeek was expressing his concerns as a parent and discontent that something which by many is considered controversial (LGBT couple and the following discussion about LGBT equality and rights) was added.
If one agrees with BG or that one thinks that his cause for concern is not justified is another discussion, but at no point was there any TRIBBLE bashing or hate talk.
I believe this is the proverbial tempest in a teapot, something that is misinterpreted and then blown completely out of proportions.
People need to calm down.
And wouldnt that person that you had dated be acting in a conflict of interest by pushing you forward in a direction and acting on your own behalf that they wouldnt necessarily do for others?
And in your anger and hatred, you want to condemn him and prosecute him and act like judge, jury, and executioner. What's next pink bedsheets and burning rainbows and lynch mobs? We can't allow ourselves t o sink to their level of bigotry and hatred. We have to be better then that, better then them.
We can not tolerate these hate filled creeds I understand, but we can't become them in our intolerance either.
Personally i think you're reading way too much in this. Either way it is good to take some distance and look at it with a cooler head.
Ladymyajha, you truly are a voice of reason in these turbulent times. I hope people will follow your example.
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Thing is, there is nothing, NOTHING in that episode which requires Bluegeek to screen it for his teenage children. There is no sexual content. At all. Just one npc mentioning that they're klingon-married to another npc.
But it appears he's as heavy handed with his parenting as he is with his moderation, along with clearly being a bigot. Can we really trust someone who cannot be relied upon to be impartial and fair, with the responsibility of being a moderator? No.
This is the month that TRIBBLE marriage is now suprisingly allowed in my home country of Ireland, as repressed and full on with the Catholic guilt as it can be. Bluegeek's attitude has no place in any progressive society.
The issue cannot be played down like that. What the person in question posted is hurtful. However forming an angry mob will not solve anything but instead will lead to even more trouble. I am sure the issue will be adressed via official ways, on monday.
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Oh make no mistake about it, I've broken quite a few of the forum rules the past couple of days myself calling people bigots and hatemongers and worse, so saying that someone else should be punished for braking the same rules is kind of hypocritical.
I've chosen to speak up, but it's hard not to allow my own fears and hatreds get the better of me and just lash out in my own bigotry and hatred. It's not an easy position to do, to embrace hatred and discrimination with peace, it's the hardest thing I've done and will continue to do and fail at it all the time.
So even though we've seen nothing that shows that he is prejudice in his heavy handed moderation, we want to lynch him (metaphorically) for his own personal lifestyle.
Is he a hate filled bigot, yes. Should we choosd to condemn him for his own lifestyle "choices"?
Yes we got to wherd we are by fighting for what is right, and being intolerant and hate filled is not right, no matter who stands the metaphorical high ground.
Acting out of anger, hate, and fear is never right, something we should understand being on the receiving end of said anger hate and fear every day of our lives. We fight for the right to choose to LOVE who we choosd, and we can not love when we are so filled with hate that it blinds us to that.
By typing this out and realizing all you have said you contribute a lot for the plea of betterment. Believe me, I know how you must feel, I am in a similiar position myself and what a lot of people in this community have posted over the last few days has deeply struck me. But at this point causing even more uproar will do no good.
You can fight when it turns out that the officials won't act on the matter. But promoting vigilantism will not help at this point. Nothing will happen before monday despite provoking more namecalling, hatred and banning. Further, the continous fixation on one particular person derails the whole topic at hand.
I have a very clear stance in the matter. And I am myself surprised how much support I feel for the things members of Dental and affiliated fleets have posted. But inciting further unrest at this point will not help - even if the moderator in question won't be removed from his post officially it would be foolish to not step down. But mass-messaging employees of Cryptic or messaging the person in question with spiteful messages will not help anyone. Make sure you and others don't come off as professional rioteers instead of supporters of a just cause.
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right, and it would be interesting to see what content his "teenage" daughter is looking up on her phone what out him knowing. I bet it is worse
Or even the first response to what bluegeek had initially written:
I still think bluegeek had a poor choice on words and has definitely offended the community in some way or another. An apology is not needed, for these wounds will not heal. I have no issue with anything in this game, except when other people step up and get their personal feelings about "unnatural acts" into the picture. I will see a man in a dress in public and not even judge them, I know with the posts "some people" have made, they would move to another county or state because of it.
Sometimes the best course of action on talking about a specific episode is to not put your children in it and not even comment.
The problem is while it is backwards thinking and bigoted, reading and rereading what he said he never TRIBBLE-bashed, but only infered it through the lens of his personal life choices. His position is no different then any number of fear filled people out therd, not wanting to be exposed to what they concider immoral a nd unethical.
Until we overcome that fear with reason, we will never truely be free to be free from bigotry and hatred. But reinforcing that fear with our own actions acted out of our own fears will never overcome.
What ever punishiment he should receive should be within the guidelines that Cryptic has set up for their moderators, if he even broke any rules, which I don't think he actually did.
Calling for the lynch mob to bring us his head does nothing but make us hate filled fear mongers willing to procescute and condemn any who don't believe and act how we want to, which is exactly what we've been fighting against.
I understand that individuals are entitled to opinions, even bad ones, and that parents have the right to make decisions for their children, even bad ones.
However, there is a difference between expressing such views on a private account somewhere, as in one that only represents himself, and using a "work" account for it, even if he is only a volunteer moderator.
He's still the "face" of a company while using it, and what he did was horrifically irresponsible.
I've already said all I have to say to his private attitudes earlier.
I need to look at this and frankly asking for heads, public condemnation, and calling in favors with secret backdoor messaging in my company is a good way to earn my Sauron gaze.
You are not only seeking your own banning by even suggesting wheeling and dealing, but potential ramifications for anyone you would implicate working on my side. That is incredibly selfish and ill-advised. We have NDAs and if there is even the slightest hint that a person would have been breaching that, you are putting their job at risk. That is beyond consciably sound. Don't do that.
Anyone who makes a thread that looks like a pitchfork thread will get permabanned.
We will now cool down so Trendy can look at this.
So Ive looked over a lot of posts, talked with a lot of people, and frankly mulled over this a lot. I want to approach this with sincerity and full disclosure.
Bluegeek made a post about his opinion regarding the episode. He deserves to have an opinion. He posted with civility and maturity, whether or not it was something I agree with (or in this case adamantly opposed to). In the year(s) that I and many other LGBT-identified people have worked with him, we have had nothing but a great working relationship.
I am looking into his past history of moderation. While I am confident in his ability to be impartial in his moderation with regards to our community in Star Trek Online, I now need to make sure. That requires him being placed under probation. Until further notice, he will not be in a position of moderation while I investigate his previous moderation.
There were a lot of opinions expressed for and against the inclusion of the two Klingons. Everyone had their right to express their opinions about the new Featured Episode in a respectful and civil manner. Everyone had their right to express their opinion, including Bluegeek. Yet I saw extreme vitriol thrown around. There was flaming, expositions from hate, and general jerk butt-ery from a lot of people.
This is not a place to flame each other. As someone who is specifically in the LGBT community and an advocate for human rights, I am sad to see the amount of hate being thrown around from both sides of this fence. I had to ban users who were all sides of the spectrum. People who agreed with the episode were banned for flaming. People who disagreed with the episode were banned for flaming. Morality and civility are sadly separate entities, where even if we hold a moral high ground that doesnt mean we exhibit maturity. This is a grave reminder that asking for public shaming to happen is a really great way to earn my utmost ire.
This ends the discussion now.
EDIT: Yes, I am intentionally leaving the thread open. No that wasn't a mistake. Yes, these are my pancakes don't try and take them.
To you and Blue Geek
:eek: Ow!!
Disappointing, as I thought this was 2015....