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Crystalline Entity Event [3/5 - 3/26]



  • edited March 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • rossclansforce1rossclansforce1 Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Ok, I'll bite just this once...

    Please explain your thoughts on how this is so different from a Beam Overload, or a cycle of Canon Rapid Fire, or a Phaser Lance, so as to render it game-breakingly unbalanced.

    Thank you for asking. I look forward to using the torpedo. I don't see an issue at all because it hasn't been out yet. I say lets have fun and see what happens. I would recommend all items in game have a 50% reduction of damage against players though. It will clear 90% of the headaches and nerfs. Great job as always this looks awesome!

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  • deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    crystalline catastrophe needs to be fixed before the event goes live. warping in and the optional says it already failed yet the entity and tholians are still there...that should just not happen. reinforcements should be disabled as soon as any stf hits fail condition.

    the other i ran into was warping in, no objectives show, entity is there but no tholians and no tholians spawned during the the entire time. killed the entity and nothing, no completion, no way to exit other than warp out.

    as to the torpedo, it should have at least some of the kinetic issues other torpedoes have. as a guided weapon it has physical properties else it could not chase or maneuver. while it can still deal AP damage, it should suffer from some of the weaknesses of standard torpedoes.

    else you essentially have a slow firing super cannon with guided shots which even in the trek universe doesn't fit....energy doesn't guide itself.

    hmmm, or it has a finite life as the AP charge dissipates over time. still be highly effective in PvE but in PvP it could be out ran. making it much less of a one shot wonder.
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    patrickngo wrote: »

    But compare that to anything that's already out there...

    ...I haven't seen anybody show that it would be anywhere near as deadly.

    Somebody running SS/TS-Neut/Iso is going to give that up?
    Somebody running DOFF'd BO/CRF/HY E-Bio is going to give that up?
    I just see so many countless things that are far better that one could trip over them.

    It's an AP Torp that only benefits from +AP gear and +All Damage...

    Omega Kinetic Shearing can't add that 40% Kinetic DoT since there's no Kinetic.
    Concentrate Firepower can't add that 10%/15%/20% Kinetic since there's no Kinetic.
    Expose Weakness & Violent Detonation debuff Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating not Antiproton.
    2pc KHG/AMACO won't affect it.
    2pc Nukara won't affect it.
    AMP boosts better than 2pc Obelisk.
    Rule 62 won't affect it.
    The Defense Platform won't affect it.
    The 4pc Command Platforms won't affect it.
    2pc T'varo won't affect it.
    Starship Mastery won't affect it.

    Will it trigger the Solanae Engines?
    Will it trigger the Solanae Shield?
    4pc Solanae 50% Energy to Shield Healing.
    Will it trigger the Counter-Command Shield?
    Omega Force Shield.
    MACO/AKHG Shields.
    Nukara Shield.
    And that list is going to go on for a bit.

    How many folks can slot FBP vs. those in a Vesta, eh?
    Scattering Field will affect it.
    How will the quick stacking Elite Fleet Shields look for that Antiproton damage, yeah?

    It just goes from bad to worse the more one looks at it.

    It looks like a useless torp for anybody not running AP, and for anybody running AP it looks like a near-useless torp.

    I'm at a loss with the complaints about it being OP, and I'm surprised more folks aren't asking for it to be buffed so as not to be so useless.

    But in a game where the majority of folks don't bother with the min/max stuff, it's got that redeeming quality of it being "pretty"...which will be cool to a bunch of folks out there.

    To be blunt, if the argument is that it might make BoPs suck a little less when compared to a Faeht or Phantom so nerf it...I'm a little surprised you'd be making that argument.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Yeah , the 4 minutes timer that turned CC into a zerg fest kinda turned me off CC .
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Ok, I'll bite just this once...

    Please explain your thoughts on how this is so different from a Beam Overload, or a cycle of Canon Rapid Fire, or a Phaser Lance, so as to render it game-breakingly unbalanced.

    It matters for example what you can combine. Spike damage is important to overcome enemy healing and defenses, and to deal with enemies before they can reach critical locations or unleash particularly nasty powers.

    If I can combine all the buffs together, I could easily end up delivering more spike damage than before.

    AFAIK, the damage vaues in the news post are not the final values, but if the torpedo also has more or equal DPS (and DPV) than a Dual Heavy Cannon, it's already a net gain. If it can compete with Dual Beam Bank with Beam Overload for burst damage, it could replace it, but if it's base DPS/DPV is high enough, it could just add to the spike potential without any negative consequences.

    If it can ignore the regular kinetic shield reduction, it will also vastly outperform most torpedoes, simply because so much damage is absorbed by shields normally.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    But compare that to anything that's already out there...

    ...I haven't seen anybody show that it would be anywhere near as deadly.

    Somebody running SS/TS-Neut/Iso is going to give that up?
    Somebody running DOFF'd BO/CRF/HY E-Bio is going to give that up?
    I just see so many countless things that are far better that one could trip over them.

    It's an AP Torp that only benefits from +AP gear and +All Damage...

    Omega Kinetic Shearing can't add that 40% Kinetic DoT since there's no Kinetic.
    Concentrate Firepower can't add that 10%/15%/20% Kinetic since there's no Kinetic.
    Expose Weakness & Violent Detonation debuff Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating not Antiproton.
    2pc KHG/AMACO won't affect it.
    2pc Nukara won't affect it.
    AMP boosts better than 2pc Obelisk.
    Rule 62 won't affect it.
    The Defense Platform won't affect it.
    The 4pc Command Platforms won't affect it.
    2pc T'varo won't affect it.
    Starship Mastery won't affect it.

    Will it trigger the Solanae Engines?
    Will it trigger the Solanae Shield?
    4pc Solanae 50% Energy to Shield Healing.
    Will it trigger the Counter-Command Shield?
    Omega Force Shield.
    MACO/AKHG Shields.
    Nukara Shield.
    And that list is going to go on for a bit.

    How many folks can slot FBP vs. those in a Vesta, eh?
    Scattering Field will affect it.
    How will the quick stacking Elite Fleet Shields look for that Antiproton damage, yeah?

    It just goes from bad to worse the more one looks at it.

    It looks like a useless torp for anybody not running AP, and for anybody running AP it looks like a near-useless torp.

    I'm at a loss with the complaints about it being OP, and I'm surprised more folks aren't asking for it to be buffed so as not to be so useless.

    But in a game where the majority of folks don't bother with the min/max stuff, it's got that redeeming quality of it being "pretty"...which will be cool to a bunch of folks out there.

    To be blunt, if the argument is that it might make BoPs suck a little less when compared to a Faeht or Phantom so nerf it...I'm a little surprised you'd be making that argument.

    Well, either they made a typo or, it is actually being effected by kinetic weapon improvements, as the skills that are shown to be effective with this torpedo, is none other than starship weapons training & starship projectile weapons training!

    So, unless an actual misprint, than kinetic weapons training has an effect on this torpedo and, odds are so do other kinetic based abilities unless it becomes fixed not to or, is in fact just a typo.


    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • nazelnagnazelnag Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    the torpedo doesn't seem very interesting for me, considering it only has 90º angle and seems to be a weird mix of a torpedo that does energy damage.

    but it would be interesting that after claim for the first time, the reward, you could unlock a new alternative project on alts, that would give the item reward too (but not the dilithium or marks) for only 1 shard.

    (you could still claim the full project on alts) just to make it alts friendly =)
  • amosov78amosov78 Member Posts: 1,495 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Newsflash to players: Other energy types than AP rumored to exist!

    Fluidic Antiproton
    Voth Antiproton


    Spiral Wave Disruptor
    Bio-Molecular Disruptor
    Polarized Disruptor
    Elachi Crescent
    Nanite Disruptor
    Elite Fleet Disruptor

    Phaser (+Retro & Andorian)
    Bio-Molecular Phaser
    Phased Biomatter
    Elite Fleet Phaser

    Romulan Plasma
    Caustic Plasma
    Corrosive Plasma

    Dominion Polaron
    Phased Polaron
    Protonic Polaron
    Thoron Infused Polaron
    Vaadwaur Polaron

    Phased Tetryon
    Polarized Tetryon
    Destabilizing Tetryon
    Piercing Tetryon
    Refracting Tetryon

    And what's up with that 2pc Obelisk providing that boost only to AP? That 2pc that requires giving up AMP in favor of a worse boost...hrmm. Oh well, it's not like Disruptors/Phasers have anything near that which doesn't require giving up AMP...oh wait. Well, it's not like Disruptors, Tetryon, Polaron, Plasma also have some Strength boosts that AP doesn't...oh wait. Well, there aren't any Disruptor/Phaser/Plasma console weapons or the like...oh wait. Course, this will be the first Projectile weapon that has any synergy with Energy weapons...oh wait. Well, this Crystal torp will be the first Projectile weapon that does other than Kinetic damage...oh wait.

    It's not that Cryptic favors anything, it's that players favor something and cry that Cryptic doesn't favor what they favor.

    Hey Cryptic when are we gonna get our anti-Borg Plasma Phasers! :P
    U.S.S. Endeavour NCC-71895 - Nebula-class
    Commanding Officer: Captain Pyotr Ramonovich Amosov
    Dedication Plaque: "Nil Intentatum Reliquit"
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well, either they made a typo or, it is actually being effected by kinetic weapon improvements, as the skills that are shown to be effective with this torpedo, is none other than starship weapons training & starship projectile weapons training!

    So, unless an actual misprint, than kinetic weapons training has an effect on this torpedo and, odds are so do other kinetic based abilities unless it becomes fixed not to or, is in fact just a typo.


    Bort posted the following...
    Hey guys!

    The tooltip shown in today's Dev Blog is approximately the same item that will be rewarded, but the fine details are still undergoing one last tuning pass. It was supposed to be done before the Blog was published, but unfortunately we failed to hit that deadline. We'll try and get an updated/final tooltip into the blog as soon as it's available (should be today).
    mrspidey2 wrote: »
    So this torp is essentially a giant single antiproton cannon with narrow arc that can only fire every 8 seconds or so?

    That's a really good way to look at it. With a few additional unique variations:

    - Does not benefit from Weapon Power
    - Does not suffer from Range drop-off
    - Benefits from Torpedo Combo Abilities (Torpedo Spread, High Yield, etc)
    - Enhanced by any items/bonuses that are "+Antiproton Damage" but not "+Beam/Cannon Damage"
    - NOT Enhanced by +Torpedo Damage items/bonuses
    - Deals Antiproton Damage, so is not subject to the same Strengths/Resists as a standard Kinetic Torpedo (this includes the Rademaker console that was asked about, though a standard Feedback Pulse WILL reflect this Torpedo)

    Also, aside from all of that, it's really freakin' pretty. Seriously - you guys should see this thing in action, it's gorgeous.

    Be nifty if they could put that in the blog or in the first post of the thread...
  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Bort posted the following...

    Be nifty if they could put that in the blog or in the first post of the thread...

    ...stop quoting that post, please. It only makes me more nervous about this badly assembled piece of game mechanics item. My faith in the dev team is at zero, don't help me lower it down to negative numbers.

    You know...
    Also, aside from all of that, it's really freakin' pretty. Seriously - you guys should see this thing in action, it's gorgeous.

    ...I already feel insulted by this.
  • tk79tk79 Member Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    That's a really good way to look at it. With a few additional unique variations:

    - Does not benefit from Weapon Power
    - Does not suffer from Range drop-off
    - Benefits from Torpedo Combo Abilities (Torpedo Spread, High Yield, etc)
    - Enhanced by any items/bonuses that are "+Antiproton Damage" but not "+Beam/Cannon Damage"
    - NOT Enhanced by +Torpedo Damage items/bonuses
    - Deals Antiproton Damage, so is not subject to the same Strengths/Resists as a standard Kinetic Torpedo (this includes the Rademaker console that was asked about, though a standard Feedback Pulse WILL reflect this Torpedo)

    Also, aside from all of that, it's really freakin' pretty. Seriously - you guys should see this thing in action, it's gorgeous.

    My gut feeling says it will be broken. It is a torpedo, but it is not; you can overlap beam/cannon and torpedo skills and make vaping even more convenient. IIRC, you devs were trying to move away from vaping mechanics.

    Why convenient? Because if you were to slot another torpedo and wanted to improve its damage, you'd have to sacrifice energy damage (tac consoles) to increase torpedo damage.

    But not with this torpedo. Antiproton Consoles will enhance all energy and (this) torpedo damage. It is way too convenient if you ask me.

    Also it's very confusing. It's affected by Torpedo skills but not affected by +Torpedo damage. This breaks a balance constraint (tac consoles per weapon type) and sets a bad precedent.

    That said, and to be completely honest, it looks like an aberration. It does not improve my hopes that some level of balance will be reached in this game in the foreseeable future. The last set of patch notes brought my hopes up, but this torpedo just feels wrong.
    U.S.S. Eastgate Photo Wall
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  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    vocmcp wrote: »
    Will there be an account wide unlock for the torpedo just like for the anniversary ship? So you don't have to grind it on several toons?

    Really nice torp btw!

    I cant say for sure as I am only a player but I am guessing the answer would be no, with the anniversary events and such you don't get anything extra after the main prize is gained for excess tokens and can only save them for the next time they run the event.
    with this event once you get the main prize each additional shard is worth 2,000 Dilithium Ore, 50 Fleet Marks and 35 Marks of their choice, this would mean many players would often end up getting much more on some characters then originally intended.

    I hope im wrong. :)

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Member Posts: 14,782 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Let me get this straight...

    you guys built an event around a entity that Trek lore says can be destroyed with a tuning fork? Seriously?

    This calls for a Bull Shannon Head Slap.

    But seriously, sounds like it could be fun.

    And 50,000 Dilithium? Well I'm still pretty new so to me that sounds like This. so I guess I will HAVE to try it out.

    But be warned - My ship is well stocked with TUNING FORKS or at least one Tachyon Beam.



    The more I read about this event, specifically, the Load-out Recommendations, and since I'm so new I don't believe that I have the in-game funds, to get a ship ready in time with all of the right weapons, I might just have to skip this one. I mean, I don't want others to fail, because my Captain showed up just to say, "Ooooh! Look at the pretty crystal tree that's going to kill every body."

    It just would not be fair to other players.

    I did find this vid from last August. How often does the CE make an appearance?
    Sig? What sig? I don't see any sig.
  • spookpwaspookpwa Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    May I suggest that you change the length for this even from start.

    I suggest you start by assuming two weeks will be wasted in start of event for game breaking bugs introduced, then you add time to finish the event rep project two weeks, followed by another week for each patch that you think might be put into game since they usually add a bug or two that wreck game for some people. :rolleyes:

    From this I guess you should make the event about 6-8 weeks long for good measure. :P

    A test server is supposed to be used to properly test patches before patching anything....
  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2015
    Will all levels get the mk XIII torpedo or is it scaling? I really hope it is the mk XIII so I have something to hold onto when I get to max on my klink

    I'm assuming it will work like the Zefram Cochrane shotgun from the last mirror event, where if you claim it at level 50-54 it'll give you Mk XI, then levels 55-59 will give you MK XII, and level 60 will give you MK XIII. However, if it is that way then they may do the same as with the shotgun and let you discard it and reclaim it via the Dil-Store tab.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • shadowfirefly00shadowfirefly00 Member Posts: 1,026 Arc User
    edited March 2015

    The more I read about this event, specifically, the Load-out Recommendations, and since I'm so new I don't believe that I have the in-game funds, to get a ship ready in time with all of the right weapons, I might just have to skip this one. I mean, I don't want others to fail, because my Captain showed up just to say, "Ooooh! Look at the pretty crystal tree that's going to kill every body."

    It just would not be fair to other players.
    An understandable concern, sir; I believe I have some suggestions.

    • as for energy weapons: the plasma and disruptor procs (DoT and resistance debuff, respectively) make them useful here - and this is before you get into their variants (i.e. Romulan plasma, bio-molecular disruptor, etc.);
    • cluster torpedoes (AKA minelayers) are always fun here (one mission each from the Breen and DR arcs offer them as a reward option) if folks are on the ball with using gravity wells to gather up the fragments. This also applies to the Omega launcher (specifically, it's high-yield mode, which fires a miniature form of the Unimatrices' plasma bolts)
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited March 2015
    How many Fed ships have cloaks compared to KDF ships? Obviously Cryptic favors the Klingons!

    Yes they do ! And you know it don't play coy

    They also Favor the Romulans over the Klingons

    Pecking order

    Romulans..Silver spoon KDF Romulans silver spoon with Gold trimming

    Klingons ...Tarnished silver spoon

    Feds .......wooden spoon
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    jellico1 wrote: »

    Yes they do ! And you know it don't play coy

    They also Favor the Romulans over the Klingons

    Pecking order

    Romulans..Silver spoon KDF Romulans silver spoon with Gold trimming

    Klingons ...Tarnished silver spoon

    Feds .......wooden spoon

    I bet we see a playable Pakled faction before we see a playable Cardassian faction, yeah?
  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I bet we see a playable Pakled faction before we see a playable Cardassian faction, yeah?

    lol I've just seen the IQ fleet website.

    If that's true, this game would be dead before Pakled or Cardassian arrive.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    lol I've just seen the IQ fleet website.

    If that's true, this game would be dead before Pakled or Cardassian arrive.

    Kind of makes the AP Torp small potatoes, yeah? ;)
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Bort posted the following...

    Be nifty if they could put that in the blog or in the first post of the thread...

    Based on that, it's still going to be a worthy energy weapon in the right hands IMO.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • riccardo171riccardo171 Member Posts: 1,802 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Kind of makes the AP Torp small potatoes, yeah? ;)

    I want to see the face of the one who's behind that stuff. I'd cry for laughter.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited March 2015
    I bet we see a playable Pakled faction before we see a playable Cardassian faction, yeah?

    Dude !

    You rub salt into the open wound !

    I got to find a box of tissue's now :/

    Dead on
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • markfalconemarkfalcone Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    RE: Account-wide unlock

    While I agree with the guy who said that it probably didn't happen because of the 50,000 dilithium and all that, I don't think we've actually heard any official reply as to if this will have an account-wide unlock for the other characters or not. Can we get an official note on this?
  • wast33wast33 Member Posts: 1,855 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Kind of makes the AP Torp small potatoes, yeah? ;)

    i'd more describe it as nuts. nuts in any favor/size, everywhere! gramma NUUUUUTZ :mad:.... oops typo :rolleyes:
  • reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I'm not really worried about this thing being OP per se, but I am concerned about how pro-AP the game has become, and this item isn't going to help that perception any.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    reximuz wrote: »
    I'm not really worried about this thing being OP per se, but I am concerned about how pro-AP the game has become, and this item isn't going to help that perception any.

    Why do you feel the game has become pro-AP? I've been trying to get this nailed down...and I'm not having any luck. People keep saying it, but the closest I've gotten so far is somebody ignoring everything else and focusing on the ability to slot 2x ODs.
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    RE: Account-wide unlock

    While I agree with the guy who said that it probably didn't happen because of the 50,000 dilithium and all that, I don't think we've actually heard any official reply as to if this will have an account-wide unlock for the other characters or not. Can we get an official note on this?

    They have not said this time specifically, but for the last one and the last mirror event they both times said no account-wide unlock because of the 50k dil.

    People followed up with the question about a second project for just the item with no dil and that has never been answered.
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The Torpedo needs an [Arc] (180') or a [Wide Arc] (270') mod at UR.

    It won't be worthwhile on Escorts who already run with the Delta 3-pc weapon set (which has the Isokinetic Cannon), and would only be somewhat more useful on cruisers broadsiding with AP or on Science Boats with the capability to strip off reflecting buffs such as FBP. And both Cruisers and Science Vessels usually broadside (special exception for Torpedo Sci Vessels and certain battlecruisers), with Science Vessels zig-zagging in order to pop more Sci skills as soon as they're available (and which some Sci skills have a wider arc than torpedoes).

    With the way the Crystal Torp is basically a cannon with a homing shot, it would better benefit Cruisers or Sci Vessels already running AP for its convenient double Omnis; granting them that extra bit of punch every 8 seconds or so. Additionally, it would only able to get off a TS or HY every 15 seconds if the player used double Torp skills to make up for not having any CD-reduction; otherwise, it's at every 30 seconds (again, assuming no use of any CD reduction).

    Of course, it would be even more beneficial to Cruisers if the Torpedo does at least proc with the Command skill that grants a free HY1 for its duration, on top of having an Arc or Wide arc Mod.
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