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"STO is not only healthy but is growing"



  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited January 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    Then stay out of Argala.

    "But it's the quickest way to level!" I hear you cry.

    So? What's your hurry? And if you're in that big a hurry to level, maybe you should try one of those other truly pay-to-win games, where you can buy levels. (Just make sure you use a prepaid credit card if you do that, so the more nefarious can't steal more than they're supposed to.)

    And yes, if you'll scan through the last few pages of this thread, the complainers are indeed the same few loud voices. (And those trying to point out their inaccuracies are an even smaller minority.) None of us have any legitimate claim on "all the players", or even "the majority".

    Look, if you want a job, go out and get a job. If you've already got one, why are you trying to make this game into another one, striving to get bigger and bigger numbers instead of just having fun playing pretend with your starship? (And if what you're really after is a starship with steadily-increasing numbers, I can point you to a couple of games that'll be happy to indulge you. At least one of them has some pretty doggone active PvP, another reason I avoid it - I get plenty of conflict in reality, I don't need it invading my relaxation time as well. If that's your cuppa, though...)

    You make no sense man

    2000 xp to do a STF which many find to be very fun team content

    10000 xp to do a argala run which is 1/3 of the time and isn't as fun as a stf not only that you get much more loot/Ec per mission

    Run 5 STfs taking at least 50 minutes across 5 characters to receive the same xp as 1 argala run taking 5 minutes on one character with no cool down

    This is the reason the Qs are in such bad shape

    instead of blindly defending cryptic you should be pointing out errors on their part like this to make the game better

    people like you and your type are hurting this game just as much as the poor choices cryptic is making by supporting cryptic when they are clearly in error

    personally I stand on the side I see as right.....Be it on cryptics side or against cryptic, If cryptic deserves praise I give it , If they need a swift kick in the behind I'll give that as well

    using tactics like ive shown to funnel players into content cryptic chooses is BAD for the well being of the game and it should be stoped

    The XP awards should be uniform across the content not placed on content cryptic wants players to run at the expense of the rest of the content in the game
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Developer apologists' buttom line is, you can't ask for anything ever period.

    And that's not even dramatizing it. If you have anything negative to say you should be straight up removed by the secret police.

    Jon is essentially just de-railing threads while he is bored - commenting on content he doesn't even play, knowing there is wide spread discontent in the game, moreso than ever before, because of DR, it doesn't take much more than to walk into a random thread and toss the usual "then don't play !!1" around.

    In reality we not only finance the game we also are the game and the gameplay.

    So even if DR did not go out of its way to kill all previous agreements of the game - casual to dps wall, reward system, time-effort and ALL the core elements, it would STILL come down to if the players like it or not.
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    valoreah wrote: »
    Striving for bigger/better stuff is what MMOs are all about. Your comment here makes no sense. Why bother leveling beyond the tutorial then if getting better loot isn't what people should be working toward?

    There's plenty of bigger and better stuff in the game, everyone is getting their panties in a twist over the top end stuff - the stuff that is supposedly exclusive and/or special and should be difficult/expensive to earn.

    It goes without saying that if you are not obsessed with getting the very best, there is hardly any grind in STO at all. Which is a very good thing indeed in my book.

    Besides, that grindy MMO 'gameplay' is out of date and very dull. That whole mentality needs to take a long walk off a short cliff.
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,434 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    coupaholic wrote: »
    There's plenty of bigger and better stuff in the game, everyone is getting their panties in a twist over the top end stuff - the stuff that is supposedly exclusive and/or special and should be difficult/expensive to earn.

    It goes without saying that if you are not obsessed with getting the very best, there is hardly any grind in STO at all. Which is a very good thing indeed in my book.
    Exactly my point. And as usual, shouted down by the same three people, all of whom are apparently quite angry that casual players can play this game casually. Dissent from the party line leads to dismissal as an "apologist".
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    valoreah wrote: »
    Striving for bigger/better stuff is what MMOs are all about. Your comment here makes no sense. Why bother leveling beyond the tutorial then if getting better loot isn't what people should be working toward?
    For some people the experience is far more important then the reward. Why do we watch Trek? For the experience of being immersed into something we enjoy - there is certainly no reward from watching Trek other then the enjoyment of the experience.

    There are multitudes of players who would be perfectly happy to fly around in a single ship and do every single thing in the game with the same ship, equipment, and crew - start at Captain and end at Captain. They have no need for Levels or advancement. They see STO as a playable extension of the various Series. And there are people who see it as a game about achieving goals and getting more stuff - and some poor souls are all about the PvP.

    At the end of the day it is a subjective debate with no right or wrong way of playing.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    Exactly my point. And as usual, shouted down by the same three people, all of whom are apparently quite angry that casual players can play this game casually. Dissent from the party line leads to dismissal as an "apologist".

    I'm really interested in what you're playing "casually", because I can't ... if you're not 60 yet, and still have new & exciting stuff to do, it's just a case of "delayed realization", and you have basically no clue what you're arguing about ...

    I've done all the Story Content, and these are my choices if I choose to login :

    1. Repeat that Story Mission for the x-Time
    2. Do Patrols (no thanks)
    3. Queue something and wait forever ...
    4. Facebookish Mini-Games like Doffing & Crafting (fun for a while, but not really long-term)

    -> all of these things might contribute to the "Long-Term Goal" of Spec. Points ... but what does it matter if all of them are either "broken" or "boring" ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    No, when jon says he "plays casually" he means he doesn't play the content we are debating.

    Jon, since you don't play said content would you mind letting the grown-ups talk
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    valoreah wrote: »
    Cute dig at the PvP folk there ;)
    Sorry. I was not trying to make at dig at PvPers. What I was trying to insinuate is that STO is not really an environment for PvPers and they are going to feel very unsatisfied and unwanted in the game. Thus they are poor souls for being here. This game will never have nurturing and interesting PvP, IMO.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    vestereng wrote: »
    No, when jon says he "plays casually" he means he doesn't play the content we are debating.

    Jon, since you don't play said content would you mind letting the grown-ups talk

    Yeah but what is he playing then, I'd really like to know ! ... I want to play this game "casually" as well ... what's his secret ? Playing something new only every 2 weeks, Staying in Queues for 2 weeks, Roleplaying ?
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    starswordc wrote: »
    Possibly add a third thing: Don't penalize players XP-wise for playing the missions and patrols in groups. Last I looked this was supposed to be an MMO.

    Every MMO I am aware of does this. I am pretty sure I explained the reasoning in the big thread on this and why it might or might not be a good idea for some specific content.

    But penalizing group XP is an essential part of how MMOs are balanced. You still earn more XP per minute than you would solo. Just not 5x as much, which would take grouping from being an improvement to being overpowered.
  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    And yes, if you'll scan through the last few pages of this thread, the complainers are indeed the same few loud voices. (And those trying to point out their inaccuracies are an even smaller minority.) None of us have any legitimate claim on "all the players", or even "the majority".

    And the same ones that have been stirring flames on the forums of other games pointing back to this one too. Some are the same few voices all over the place.
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I'm really interested in what you're playing "casually", because I can't ... if you're not 60 yet, and still have new & exciting stuff to do, it's just a case of "delayed realization", and you have basically no clue what you're arguing about ...

    I've done all the Story Content, and these are my choices if I choose to login :

    1. Repeat that Story Mission for the x-Time
    2. Do Patrols (no thanks)
    3. Queue something and wait forever ...
    4. Facebookish Mini-Games like Doffing & Crafting (fun for a while, but not really long-term)

    -> all of these things might contribute to the "Long-Term Goal" of Spec. Points ... but what does it matter if all of them are either "broken" or "boring" ...

    If you play Argala, don#t play it so your progress bar moves a step further. Play it because you want to try something, or see some Kazon explode. DO it because the activity itself provides you fun.

    If it doesn't, do something else. Even if it's a mission that rewards only 10 % of the skill points. THe thing is - play the game doing something you enjoy (and can actually do - if you haven't unlocked a level 56 mission yet because you're level 55, you don't play that yet, you play something else). Maybe you open up mission replay. MAybe you beam down to the Winter Wonderland and put out the Frosted Boosts and do some ice skating for fun.
    MAybe fly across a few sector blocks and see if you can get the best paying DOFF missions, or some open assignment chains, or just some anomaly chasers.
    Go to ESD and watch the transporter room and what kind of crazy costumes and aliens people beam in with. Or fly around ESD to look at your ship and that of others.
    Do some old mission that you haven't done in a long while, ever or just really enjoy.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • bortensbortens Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    Then stay out of Argala.

    "But it's the quickest way to level!" I hear you cry.

    So? What's your hurry? And if you're in that big a hurry to level, maybe you should try one of those other truly pay-to-win games, where you can buy levels. (Just make sure you use a prepaid credit card if you do that, so the more nefarious can't steal more than they're supposed to.)

    And yes, if you'll scan through the last few pages of this thread, the complainers are indeed the same few loud voices. (And those trying to point out their inaccuracies are an even smaller minority.) None of us have any legitimate claim on "all the players", or even "the majority".

    Look, if you want a job, go out and get a job. If you've already got one, why are you trying to make this game into another one, striving to get bigger and bigger numbers instead of just having fun playing pretend with your starship? (And if what you're really after is a starship with steadily-increasing numbers, I can point you to a couple of games that'll be happy to indulge you. At least one of them has some pretty doggone active PvP, another reason I avoid it - I get plenty of conflict in reality, I don't need it invading my relaxation time as well. If that's your cuppa, though...)

    yeah put words in my mouth dude.
    argala is everywhere, everything is freaking tedious and boring.
    so why cant entertainment be actually entertaining, huh?

    whiteknighting cryptic wont make their awful decisions any better,
    nor their fabricated PR.
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    If you play Argala, don#t play it so your progress bar moves a step further. Play it because you want to try something, or see some Kazon explode. DO it because the activity itself provides you fun.

    If it doesn't, do something else. Even if it's a mission that rewards only 10 % of the skill points. THe thing is - play the game doing something you enjoy (and can actually do - if you haven't unlocked a level 56 mission yet because you're level 55, you don't play that yet, you play something else). Maybe you open up mission replay. MAybe you beam down to the Winter Wonderland and put out the Frosted Boosts and do some ice skating for fun.
    MAybe fly across a few sector blocks and see if you can get the best paying DOFF missions, or some open assignment chains, or just some anomaly chasers.
    Go to ESD and watch the transporter room and what kind of crazy costumes and aliens people beam in with. Or fly around ESD to look at your ship and that of others.
    Do some old mission that you haven't done in a long while, ever or just really enjoy.

    I'm confused did you actually read, what you're replying to (you're just repeating my words in a different tone) ? The only choices I didn't already comment on would be WW (soon over) & watching the ESD Transporter (I dunno if that's supposed to be a reason to login now) ... not sure what you're trying to tell me ...
    bortens wrote: »
    argala is everywhere, everything is freaking tedious and boring.
    so why cant entertainment be actually entertaining, huh?

    This kind of sums up my post ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • sistericsisteric Member Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    Then stay out of Argala.

    "But it's the quickest way to level!" I hear you cry.

    So? What's your hurry? And if you're in that big a hurry to level, maybe you should try one of those other truly pay-to-win games, where you can buy levels. (Just make sure you use a prepaid credit card if you do that, so the more nefarious can't steal more than they're supposed to.)

    And yes, if you'll scan through the last few pages of this thread, the complainers are indeed the same few loud voices. (And those trying to point out their inaccuracies are an even smaller minority.) None of us have any legitimate claim on "all the players", or even "the majority".

    Look, if you want a job, go out and get a job. If you've already got one, why are you trying to make this game into another one, striving to get bigger and bigger numbers instead of just having fun playing pretend with your starship? (And if what you're really after is a starship with steadily-increasing numbers, I can point you to a couple of games that'll be happy to indulge you. At least one of them has some pretty doggone active PvP, another reason I avoid it - I get plenty of conflict in reality, I don't need it invading my relaxation time as well. If that's your cuppa, though...)

    Jon, I don't play Argala. Never been there.

    I have one Level 60+ and 2 level 57's that I log into every day.

    The two level 57's have gotten there by Doffing and running occasional CC Advanced.

    The Level 60 went to DR. Got to the second time they send you on a patrol mission and hit a brick wall made of NPC HP's bags. Before DR, I could take my ship into elite STO's, compete with others, and succeed at completing what ever content I wanted. I was not best, highest end DPSer. But I was a competent effective player working with what I have. I game only a couple hours most nights, and occasional get to binge play on the weekend. Since DR, my play style, and fun, has been the antithesis to playing the content. A complete 180 degree turn around in one patch. I went from having fun in Elite CC to watching my ship blow up regularly in CC Advanced. And I did nothing different. I played as I always had with the same gear I had always used so effectively. They changed the established content. And this change made me feel worse for it. (Initially I was pissed and my poor computer screen heard how Sailors talked:D) I tried figuring out how to fix my gear and stuff using what I have, and finally I came to the boards for help. My ships had always been Frankenstein builds with more gimmicks and science based actions than weapon power. Now I have to go to a focused DPS build in order to have a chance to get through the DR content. And I am still not there. It takes me a lot of time to get things together. And I don't use real money. Everything I get is because I did something in game to get it, or I won a contest. (except for the Lifetime that I bought years ago.)

    So to your point on striving for numbers, I have to do that. I can't PROGRESS in the game if I don't. My fun had always been in playing the story arcs and then running the STF's to get the resources to outfit ships. DR has pushed the NPC's HP up so far that you have to get the best stuff if your solo player. You can't play the content on just merely decent or good stuff. And you now HAVE to be designed to maximize DPS to kill the NPC's before they kill you. If you don't your limited to DOFFing and may trying to play the exchange game. And I don't have fun playing the exchange game, and so don't play it. Spending money is NOT an option.

    So if you can point me to how to play the STory Arcs, including DR, as Solo and Casual player, and still have all the fun I had before DR was released, Tell me. Otherwise, All I can do is point out that the fun has been greatly reduced and try to point out what can be done to change that.
    Federation: Fleet Admiral Zombee (Alien Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Danic (Vulcan Science)::Fleet Admiral Daniel Kochheiser (Human Engineer)
    KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
    RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
    RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
    TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
    Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
    Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)

    CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
  • battykoda0battykoda0 Member Posts: 959 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    sisteric wrote: »
    Jon, I don't play Argala. Never been there.

    I have one Level 60+ and 2 level 57's that I log into every day.

    The two level 57's have gotten there by Doffing and running occasional CC Advanced.

    The Level 60 went to DR. Got to the second time they send you on a patrol mission and hit a brick wall made of NPC HP's bags. Before DR, I could take my ship into elite STO's, compete with others, and succeed at completing what ever content I wanted. I was not best, highest end DPSer. But I was a competent effective player working with what I have. I game only a couple hours most nights, and occasional get to binge play on the weekend. Since DR, my play style, and fun, has been the antithesis to playing the content. A complete 180 degree turn around in one patch. I went from having fun in Elite CC to watching my ship blow up regularly in CC Advanced. And I did nothing different. I played as I always had with the same gear I had always used so effectively. They changed the established content. And this change made me feel worse for it. (Initially I was pissed and my poor computer screen heard how Sailors talked:D) I tried figuring out how to fix my gear and stuff using what I have, and finally I came to the boards for help. My ships had always been Frankenstein builds with more gimmicks and science based actions than weapon power. Now I have to go to a focused DPS build in order to have a chance to get through the DR content. And I am still not there. It takes me a lot of time to get things together. And I don't use real money. Everything I get is because I did something in game to get it, or I won a contest. (except for the Lifetime that I bought years ago.)

    So to your point on striving for numbers, I have to do that. I can't PROGRESS in the game if I don't. My fun had always been in playing the story arcs and then running the STF's to get the resources to outfit ships. DR has pushed the NPC's HP up so far that you have to get the best stuff if your solo player. You can't play the content on just merely decent or good stuff. And you now HAVE to be designed to maximize DPS to kill the NPC's before they kill you. If you don't your limited to DOFFing and may trying to play the exchange game. And I don't have fun playing the exchange game, and so don't play it. Spending money is NOT an option.

    So if you can point me to how to play the STory Arcs, including DR, as Solo and Casual player, and still have all the fun I had before DR was released, Tell me. Otherwise, All I can do is point out that the fun has been greatly reduced and try to point out what can be done to change that.

    This. Which is too short to post by itself so I will say it again. This.
    Wow. There is a new KDF Science ship. I'll be!
  • desade1desade1 Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    lordg65 wrote: »
    ill probably regret even making a statement in here because it appears to me that if your not a reg forum poster or in the "elite" group of self proclaimed reps of playerbase, then your wrong and have no business being in here. But i have a question, why is it that every time there is a debate about the stability of the game or discussion about its success, the number one response seems to be the ques are empty.
    Isn't there other things to do in the game? Wasn't that what everyone originally asked for? The way i see it the ques are empty because they are harder to do and if u want to get the optionals and rewards then its best to go in with a ready team. therefore you wont show in the ques. A ques are waiting line, as a five man team going into a 5 man team mission u dont have to wait in line.
    And yes i am new to the game only being playing since July and i love it and i enjoy it sorry if that's offensive to anyone.

    That makes sense. This game used to the only game I could play because I am damn picky. Those of us who are so hostile may be that way because we used to love this game. Only having played a few months you have no idea how good this game used to be before DR.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    venkou wrote: »
    Actually, PerfectWorld is about to become a privatized company. After one of the executives buys out the company, PerfectWorld may be merged with Shanda. According to a recent report, PerfectWorld's stocks are falling due to possible accounting irregularities. Many Chinese based companies have been forced out of the NYSE, for they have been caught 'cooking the books'.

    Link: Perfect World Privatizes, Renren Next? - (Jan. 5th, 2015)

    Sounds like someone is lying.
    Well, let's look for corroborating evidence.... Since I can't actually READ that article you linked. The bit I did see seemed to be primarily rampant speculation. Oooh NASDAQ!

    Yeah.... no. doesn't seem to be falling at all..... it's over 3.5 dollars up from last month.
    desade1 wrote: »
    That makes sense. This game used to the only game I could play because I am damn picky. Those of us who are so hostile may be that way because we used to love this game. Only having played a few months you have no idea how good this game used to be before DR.
    As someone who remembers how BORING the game was in season 4. DR is a vast improvement.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • thutmosis85thutmosis85 Member Posts: 2,358 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    As someone who remembers how BORING the game was in season 4. DR is a vast improvement.

    Sounds like an interesting approach ... comparing the worst Season with literary no funding, and less people working on it than "your local Starbucks" ... to DR ... yeah DR is probably "better" than S4 ... and now what ?

    Not sure you're doing DR a favor here ... for one it's supposed to be an Expansion ... so please come back telling people how horrible LoR was compared to DR ... then you might be on to something ...
    Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Well, let's look for corroborating evidence.... Since I can't actually READ that article you linked. The bit I did see seemed to be primarily rampant speculation. Oooh NASDAQ!

    Yeah.... no. doesn't seem to be falling at all..... it's over 3.5 dollars up from last month.As someone who remembers how BORING the game was in season 4. DR is a vast improvement.

    Was it boring? I mean, the game was more simple, but the combat was fun and a challenge.. now you roll over them. Back then you couldn't park and shoot or reverse, you'd die too fast. Teams would hit enemies together instead of one person fleets stomping everything.

    While the game grew to give you more choices, it also became more time gated and boring, for me at least. Where you used to get an exciting loot drop, now you are waiting 20 hours. There is no challenge to any mission because once you reach the threshold for survivability (which is really low) you just shoot and shoot and shoot.
    Delirium Tremens
    Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
    Nothing to do anymore.
    Visit our Youtube channel
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    nicha0 wrote: »
    Was it boring? I mean, the game was more simple, but the combat was fun and a challenge.. now you roll over them. Back then you couldn't park and shoot or reverse, you'd die too fast. Teams would hit enemies together instead of one person fleets stomping everything.

    While the game grew to give you more choices, it also became more time gated and boring, for me at least. Where you used to get an exciting loot drop, now you are waiting 20 hours. There is no challenge to any mission because once you reach the threshold for survivability (which is really low) you just shoot and shoot and shoot.
    Actually, I remember back before the reverse power drain was added to the game. It triggered massive QQ on the forum. Before then people who used fore facing weapons would just fly in reverse all the time to keep weapons on target more often. And yeah, back then reverse DID improve your survivability quite a lot since you could easily force the enemy to shoot only your fore facing and redistribute all your shields to it. (Manually since IIRC this was also back when Tac Team didn't redistribute shields.) But yeah, it was still park and shoot, just a slightly different implementation.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • bortensbortens Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    Then stay out of Argala.

    "But it's the quickest way to level!" I hear you cry.

    So? What's your hurry? And if you're in that big a hurry to level, maybe you should try one of those other truly pay-to-win games, where you can buy levels. (Just make sure you use a prepaid credit card if you do that, so the more nefarious can't steal more than they're supposed to.)

    And yes, if you'll scan through the last few pages of this thread, the complainers are indeed the same few loud voices. (And those trying to point out their inaccuracies are an even smaller minority.) None of us have any legitimate claim on "all the players", or even "the majority".

    Look, if you want a job, go out and get a job. If you've already got one, why are you trying to make this game into another one, striving to get bigger and bigger numbers instead of just having fun playing pretend with your starship? (And if what you're really after is a starship with steadily-increasing numbers, I can point you to a couple of games that'll be happy to indulge you. At least one of them has some pretty doggone active PvP, another reason I avoid it - I get plenty of conflict in reality, I don't need it invading my relaxation time as well. If that's your cuppa, though...)

    casual dude with no interest in the game assuming im whining, while whining about us not licking cryptics spit like he does. and he has the nerve to play the 'im old, i know' card, lol.

    the game loses players left and right, here the Metrics to prove it.

    what level are you? and what gives you the right to judge dedicated players?
    what did you achieve besides making clear being old doesnt mean youre wise or anything?

    come on play the "im old" card again, make yourself impossible even more.
  • hozeriushozerius Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hello. This, I think is the first time I have commented in the STO Forums. I see alot of anger at the Developers and powers that be about Delta Rising and the direction that STO is heading. That everything seems to be that once you get to Level 50, you really have to start paying for things. I just got to level 48. I have been playing for a little over a year and half now and it's taken me this long to get to level 48.
    I admit, I fall into the catagory of an extremely causal player. I tend to play a game until I get board with it and then stop for a while and play something else. I eventually come back a round to the game I got bored with when I get bored with the game I played to replace it with. I also play WOW which I had to pay for the original game, all the expansions and the monthly subscription. I played the new expansion starting in November of 2014 until I got bored and came back to STO. When I get bored with STO, I will most likely go back to WOW.
    I have not paid anything for STO yet. Knowing what I have paid for WOW over the last 5 years (I estimate a cost of around $1100+), paying between $20 and $40 in STO here soon is not that big of a deal. Have I gotten up st at times when I get blown up or killed multiple times on the same mission? Sure. But I have still had alot of fun in the last year and a half and I've had it for free. But that's my main thing, I've had fun. Whether it's free or I pay a subscription, if it's not fun or not fun anymore, then it's not worth my time and or money anymore. When STO becomes un-fun anymore, I'll stop playing. When WOW becomes un-fun, I will stop subscribing and stop playing.
    I do not say this to be mean or judgemental, but if everything that is being done to this game and the direction it is heading has made the game un-fun and you are no longer happy when you play it, then seriously, go do something else. Why continue to do something that makes you angry and mad? If you were truely unhappy with a job and angry with it, would you not try to leave it. If you were in a relationship and you were unhappy and you felt things, no matter what you try, were not going to get better, would you not end it? If enough people leave the game because they are not happy with it anymore, that may or may not ge the attention of the developers who may or may not do something about or may just shut the game down.
    In the end, it's just a game, it's not really all that important. I will play until I am no longer happy playing anymore. If that is tomorrow, fine. If it's 5 years from now, fine. Yes there are issues with STO and should those issues become to much for me, I will stop playing, even if I have spent money on it. But if like so many people on this foru, You are no longer happy with the game and you don't really enjoy it anymore and you find you complain more aout it then you play or enjoy it, then seriously, for your own enjoyment and even well-being, go play something else. If you want to put your time and money into a game, then go put it soemthing will enjoy. When that becomes un-enjoyable, then go do something else. STO is not worth getting so angry over. Neither is WOW, or anyother game. I hyave said my peace and I will stop typing now. Have a good one. :D
  • paxdawnpaxdawn Member Posts: 767 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    bortens wrote: »
    casual dude with no interest in the game assuming im whining, while whining about us not licking cryptics spit like he does. and he has the nerve to play the 'im old, i know' card, lol.

    the game loses players left and right, here the Metrics to prove it.

    what level are you? and what gives you the right to judge dedicated players?
    what did you achieve besides making clear being old doesnt mean youre wise or anything?

    come on play the "im old" card again, make yourself impossible even more.

    You are clearly dont know how to analyze the data or your doing this for your propaganda purposes.

    First of all that data only shows Steam based Players. Based on your link Since 2012, there has been always a decrease in players every time an abnormal increase like May 2013.

    There has been a lot of claims in the forums like "we are the playerbase" "you should listen to us", "DPSers are minorities numbering only 0.1%/5% of ", etc. Lets get a publicly available data, the DPS league.

    The DPS league data shows there has been 8,600 accounts(not toons) recorded since the release of DR. Lets cut that to only those who achieve 10k dps to make it more reasonable 4,000. Compared that to 1,700/1,800 average players in Steam or 600 players loss in steam in Nov/dec 2014. If DPSers are a small minority as claimed in the forums what are Steam players then?

    Is steam really a good sample size or representation of the game population just like the forums are? Because I never bought my STO in Steam just like a lot of players never set foot in the STO forums.
  • lystentlystent Member Posts: 1,019
    edited January 2015
    Also, doesn't Steam only track it if you launch the game through Steam? Thus anyone who has decided they don't want to have steam eating resources while they play won't get tracked via steam.

    Only way that would corrupt the result is if a lot of people started doing that all the sudden.

    Edit: It is an easy thing to do, yes, but why would more percentage people start doing it in that time period alone? I run STO with Steam always, only time it drags the game is when I take a screen shot.

    Also, the empty ques are also becoming a bit of a trend. Either almost everyone started playing elite only, or we have a big lost of soft-core players.
  • thegreeblerthegreebler Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    nabreeki wrote: »
    Cool thread, OP. This whole "lol @ cryptic/pwe" issue hasn't been done to death at all...way to push the envelope.

    Sarcasm... Sarcasm in text is for tools!:)
  • lystentlystent Member Posts: 1,019
    edited January 2015
    lystent wrote: »
    Only way that would corrupt the result is if a lot of people started doing that all the sudden.

    Edit: It is an easy thing to do, yes, but why would more percentage people start doing it in that time period alone? I run STO with Steam always, only time it drags the game is when I take a screen shot.

    Also, the empty ques are also becoming a bit of a trend. Either almost everyone started playing elite only, or we have a big lost of soft-core players.

    Edit: Nvm; Steam-wide outage\/

    I looked at the steam charts; there is a sizable gap on the 4th; no one registered. You think that people would have checked in during that off time, at least launching the launcher. That is far enough for Steam to count you as "in game". I am thinking that steam charts register people who are in game; not with just the launcher launched. That may mean that there is a different signal in the app that triggers the statistic tick into the Steam chart.

    Edit: Did some comparisons with a few other games steam users play
  • thegreeblerthegreebler Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2015
    Original news article: http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/9052293


    While I'll give them credit for "STO is growing", healthy is a COMPLETELY different matter!

    Bugs, broken systems, endless grind to player dissatisfaction... Hardly signs of a healthy MMO.

    Actually when you think of it, it is actually a positive sign. It shows confidence that despite the odds, they are breaking ahead in what is becoming more and more a crowded market.

    The truth is I myself having been all over the mmo world (like many vets, I know i am not alone in my travels), I am very delighted by the new additions to this game. I confess, I left long ago after launch. While I could site lack of content as a large part of my decision to move on; it was actually more of a technical failing of my own connection and system. Both of which needed upgrades.

    I have been all over the mmo universe, but have come back to go 'where no man has been before..." Of course, as I recall I am no man myself; I AM A LITTLE GREEN ALIEN! THE ORIGONAL GREEBLER WAS bORN HERE!! GREEBLE GROBBLE!!!
  • leceterleceter Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    paxdawn wrote: »
    You are clearly dont know how to analyze the data or your doing this for your propaganda purposes...
    The DPS league data shows there has been 8,600 accounts(not toons) recorded since the release of DR ...
    If DPSers are a small minority as claimed in the forums what are Steam players then?...

    :eek: You take a static over time collection of accounts (DPS League) and compare to an everyday active community (Steam/ Forum) on a Freemium Game? Dude, who is doing the propaganda.

    Steam stats is actually the best we can get. And if you take the fact of growing Steam user numbers into account, then the sto chart there looks even more depressing.
  • scrooge69scrooge69 Member Posts: 1,108 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    leceter wrote: »
    :eek: You take a static over time collection of accounts (DPS League) and compare to an everyday active community (Steam/ Forum) on a Freemium Game? Dude, who is doing the propaganda.

    Steam stats is actually the best we can get. And if you take the fact of growing Steam user numbers into account, then the sto chart there looks even more depressing.


    yep steam has 900000 more users logging in each day than a year ago
    while the numbers of sto are decreasing on steam

    still STO is unter the top 100 most palyed games on steam 9X

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