Sadly in this game we have idiot trolls who spoil it for other players.
Cover shields are being used to block players progress in Undine Infiltration.
Cryptic/pwe can you please scrap the use of these shields in this mission?
Also if progress is blocked by these trolls,then the 1hr ban should be applied to these trolls,and not genuine players of the mission.
Sadly in this game we have idiot trolls who spoil it for other players.
Cover shields are being used to block players progress in Undine Infiltration.
Cryptic/pwe can you please scrap the use of these shields in this mission?
Also if progress is blocked by these trolls,then the 1hr ban should be applied to these trolls,and not genuine players of the mission.
I've noticed this myself on the ground daily grinds. So that's the game plan now by those players who are doing that. Using protection against other players. We all should play fair with each other and use these gear at the enemy not each other! Shame
Perhaps if engineers were excluded from this mission. they are not needed for it.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,975Community Moderator
edited December 2014
Or make it so that allied shields don't impeed movement of allied players. TF2 has something that makes ally engie buildings able to be passed through, but not your own buildings.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Switching then off from Cryptic's end may not be easy unfortunately. Maybe the long term solution - again I'm not suggesting that its easy - would be to enable allies of the person creating the cover shield to pass through it.
There's a number of threads about these trolls. Some people are just azzholes, but hopefully those kinds of people will all die of a horrible wasting disease someday. Really Cryptic ought to just make the hole bigger or make it an actual hole in the floor that you'd need multiple shields to block off.
As for 'engineers not allowed' though, now you're just behaving badly too.
Eh, I'd rather not have my cover shield gotten rid of, thank you. I use it to hide my medical and shield generators from fire, as they usually get targeted before anything else.
Or make it so that allied shields don't impeed movement of allied players.
That. It would retain the primary functions of the Cover Shield and still prevent trolling. You could still use it to defend Gens and Mortars, block enemies (including enemy players), etc. It would impede certain platforming uses of the Cover Shield, but it would at least maintain the value of the ability.
Then again, OP, what power would you give Engineers in place of Cover Shield? Or, what power would you remove from the other two Professions?
With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.
Perhaps if engineers were excluded from this mission. they are not needed for it.
We don't need any Sci, either, so let's get rid of them too. For that matter, Tac captains are pretty much not needed, they should be banned first...
Pardon my ignorance, but aren't there easier ways to troll this Queue? For example, I've NEVER seen the cover shield used in this way, but how can anyone answer the questions wrong, unless they just aren't reading? I've seen that far too often.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
Or make it so that allied shields don't impeed movement of allied players. TF2 has something that makes ally engie buildings able to be passed through, but not your own buildings.
Yeah, that seems the best solution from a gameplay point of view. (I figure it could be difficult from a technical point of view, but for players, it should yield the best results).
Also, people that deliberately try to sabotage missions should be banned from Queues, if not the game entirely.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
Or make it so that allied shields don't impeed movement of allied players. TF2 has something that makes ally engie buildings able to be passed through, but not your own buildings.
Agreed. The cover shield is actually of use in UIA/UIE for the Defend the Orb objective, so I think taking it away completely won't help. Keeping it from impeding allied players seems like the reasonable solution.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
I thought Cryptic already addressed this back when Undine Infiltration originally came out? Or maybe I'm just remembering similar discussions from back then, and the trolls eventually got bored, so it seemed like it had been resolved....
Anyway, I think back then, as now, it was decided that the simplest solution, seemingly, was to make it so only hostiles could be blocked by it. Again, I'm kind of dumbfounded as to why such a change hasn't already happened.
Also, any bets as to how long it's going to take for someone from Starfleet Dental to show up and call us a bunch of whiners?
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
Agreed. The cover shield is actually of use in UIA/UIE for the Defend the Orb objective, so I think taking it away completely won't help. Keeping it from impeding allied players seems like the reasonable solution.
Also, you can use it to save the redshirt captain of the Dyson in the cutscene during A Step between Stars.
Interim fix for every player: Join PublicEliteSTF channel, start an Undine Infiltration run at any time and gather good non-trolling players from there.
Sadly in this game we have idiot trolls who spoil it for other players.
Cover shields are being used to block players progress in Undine Infiltration.
Cryptic/pwe can you please scrap the use of these shields in this mission?
Also if progress is blocked by these trolls,then the 1hr ban should be applied to these trolls,and not genuine players of the mission.
I know there are trolls, but why should i (and other engineers with me) lose access to one of our most potent defensive means?
The solution is not to block access to the cover shield, but to restrict where they can be put up. If you have a narrow passage then put a restriction zone of 5-6 meter surrounding that passage in place.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
An easy "fix" to the shield have been posted a long time ago, by several players. Allow the shield to be "crossed" by allies. It will still block enemies and the line of sight of everyone, but you will not be able to troll anyone.
Interim fix for every player: Join PublicEliteSTF channel, start an Undine Infiltration run at any time and gather good non-trolling players from there.
I'd rather take it on solo or with fleet members.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
Removing the power would really TRIBBLE up the players who use then effectively and sensibly.
And also in many instances I've been in they get used properly and really help the team out. For example stick on in front of Lt. Whatshisface in Bug Hunt whilst he drops the roof over that chasm you need to cross. Or block the Undine into a corner in Undine Infiltration.
They do have uses.
The best thing to do would make them not stop friendly movement or shots so they can't be used to troll people.
Another option, which might be easier for them to code and impliment, is to make it so all openings, passageways etc are too wide to be blocked by a covershield.
I find the people who do this sort of thing pathetic.
Another option, which might be easier for them to code and impliment, is to make it so all openings, passageways etc are too wide to be blocked by a covershield.
I find the people who do this sort of thing pathetic.
You think redesigning every single ground map to ensure that passageways and openings are wider than the cover shield is EASIER than making the cover shield passable by allies?
You think redesigning every single ground map to ensure that passageways and openings are wider than the cover shield is EASIER than making the cover shield passable by allies?
Neither of us has any idea of the coding involved in each of these things. Hence why I said "might be easier" as opposed to will be easier. Just because something sounds simple to us idea wise does not make it so coding wise.
Removing the power would really TRIBBLE up the players who use then effectively and sensibly.
....But how many of those strategies are totally contigent on blocking movement or blocking weapons fire. IMO the thing to do would be to make cover shields totally passable and take the "melee enemies can now slap you down" side-effect as a rebalance which might be worth some other tweak (like a by-default AOE buff).
Definitely do NOT remove the power, but this whole situation is created by an aspect which I don't see as totally necessary for good strategic gameplay involving this ability.
Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
I've noticed this myself on the ground daily grinds. So that's the game plan now by those players who are doing that. Using protection against other players. We all should play fair with each other and use these gear at the enemy not each other! Shame
Time will only tell!
What if the team leader is the engineer putting them up?
Better question: what if the team leader is "in on it" or, at least, apathetic?
Why are you not rejoicing?
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
Free Tibet!
As for 'engineers not allowed' though, now you're just behaving badly too.
Yup, like I said in my post. It's the only sensible solution.
Free Tibet!
Simply make it passable by friendly players as someone already mentioned...
That. It would retain the primary functions of the Cover Shield and still prevent trolling. You could still use it to defend Gens and Mortars, block enemies (including enemy players), etc. It would impede certain platforming uses of the Cover Shield, but it would at least maintain the value of the ability.
Then again, OP, what power would you give Engineers in place of Cover Shield? Or, what power would you remove from the other two Professions?
We don't need any Sci, either, so let's get rid of them too. For that matter, Tac captains are pretty much not needed, they should be banned first...
Pardon my ignorance, but aren't there easier ways to troll this Queue? For example, I've NEVER seen the cover shield used in this way, but how can anyone answer the questions wrong, unless they just aren't reading? I've seen that far too often.
Yeah, that seems the best solution from a gameplay point of view. (I figure it could be difficult from a technical point of view, but for players, it should yield the best results).
Also, people that deliberately try to sabotage missions should be banned from Queues, if not the game entirely.
Agreed. The cover shield is actually of use in UIA/UIE for the Defend the Orb objective, so I think taking it away completely won't help. Keeping it from impeding allied players seems like the reasonable solution.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Anyway, I think back then, as now, it was decided that the simplest solution, seemingly, was to make it so only hostiles could be blocked by it. Again, I'm kind of dumbfounded as to why such a change hasn't already happened.
Also, any bets as to how long it's going to take for someone from Starfleet Dental to show up and call us a bunch of whiners?
I know there are trolls, but why should i (and other engineers with me) lose access to one of our most potent defensive means?
The solution is not to block access to the cover shield, but to restrict where they can be put up. If you have a narrow passage then put a restriction zone of 5-6 meter surrounding that passage in place.
Removing the power is not a solution.
I'd rather take it on solo or with fleet members.
And also in many instances I've been in they get used properly and really help the team out. For example stick on in front of Lt. Whatshisface in Bug Hunt whilst he drops the roof over that chasm you need to cross. Or block the Undine into a corner in Undine Infiltration.
They do have uses.
The best thing to do would make them not stop friendly movement or shots so they can't be used to troll people.
I find the people who do this sort of thing pathetic.
You think redesigning every single ground map to ensure that passageways and openings are wider than the cover shield is EASIER than making the cover shield passable by allies?
Free Tibet!
Neither of us has any idea of the coding involved in each of these things. Hence why I said "might be easier" as opposed to will be easier. Just because something sounds simple to us idea wise does not make it so coding wise.
I do 3D design for the construction industry.
As I've heard, CAD is often used in level design, then imported into 3D Max or other sofware for final editing etc...
I could make that hole bigger in less then 5mins.
Whats the problem here ?
Make the hole bigger, problem solved.
(and keep this trolling tactic in mind, when making new environments !)
....But how many of those strategies are totally contigent on blocking movement or blocking weapons fire. IMO the thing to do would be to make cover shields totally passable and take the "melee enemies can now slap you down" side-effect as a rebalance which might be worth some other tweak (like a by-default AOE buff).
Definitely do NOT remove the power, but this whole situation is created by an aspect which I don't see as totally necessary for good strategic gameplay involving this ability.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!