Hahahahaha... Things are always funner when they enter Ker'rat. I like them too. Personally prefer being a lone wolf, but I'll gladly to team up with any HoBo if invited. I'm just never 'joining' them officially.
Obviously many Elite fleets and players are highly overrated... That goes for everyone believing they're elite. Soon I'll openly display my superiority in combat. Waiting on a few bug fixes and nerfs. That's all.
*Puts on Ruby framed glasses*
*Walks away*
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
Hahahahaha... Things are always funner when they enter Ker'rat. I like them too. Personally prefer being a lone wolf, but I'll gladly to team up with any HoBo if invited. I'm just never 'joining' them officially.
Obviously many Elite fleets and players are highly overrated... That goes for everyone believing they're elite. Soon I'll openly display my superiority in combat. Waiting on a few bug fixes and NERFS. That's all.
*Puts on Ruby framed glasses*
*Walks away*
Lol the irony. If I'm going to brag I'd at least have the cranial capacity to not incriminate myself in the process. Oh yes I'm waiting to show my superiority in combat, but first they have to nerf stuff that kills me :rolleyes:
Lol the irony. If I'm going to brag I'd at least have the cranial capacity to not incriminate myself in the process. Oh yes I'm waiting to show my superiority in combat, but first they have to nerf stuff that kills me :rolleyes:
I prefer a good even fight, not a cheesy stupid crazy one. Again, I'm waiting on the fixes...
Sorry if I don't like being disabled for 90% of the battle. I like good combat, not fighting a 'paralyzed person in a wheelchair'. Some people like doing that, and some people use any ultra broken $%*@ they can acquire. Those people are called 'Losers'... I'm superior to them in every way-- even if they win. Deep down they know they suck. They're not fooling anyone.
As soon as the loadout bug and/or ionic turbulence is fixed-- I'm calling out everyone. Especially the 'Elite' people who constantly stay away from me... I'm sure no one will battle. They never do. They're too worried about respect, feelings, and sportsmanship. Very, very pathetic... Makes me wanna spit... If my words hurt people that bad, they already lost...
...If nothing happens I'm going to MWO. Where skill matters and no healing. Less luck and random numbers too. STO isn't getting any better PVP wise. Accept it.
*Returns to her Palace*
The dress is gold and white. Over 70% people says so. When viewed from a certain screen angle it appears blue and black. The dress displayed on amazon is a blue and black dress, but it's not the same dress in the picture. If you're seeing blue & black you're slightly colored blind. A normal upright screen = white and gold.
...If nothing happens I'm going to MWO. Where skill matters and no healing. Less luck and random numbers too. STO isn't getting any better PVP wise. Accept it.
...If nothing happens I'm going to MWO. Where skill matters and no healing. Less luck and random numbers too. STO isn't getting any better PVP wise. Accept it.[/COLOR]
*Returns to her Palace*
Dude......the hitreg in MWO is RNG, didn't you know? You never hit what you're aiming at.
In general:
Anyways, before anyone goes to MWO - fair warning, you know the frustration you get with pugs whenever you pug PvE? Yeah, it's like that at least half the time playing solo.
And queuing as a group? Unless you've got 8+ peeps - remember when premades would roll the queues? Yeah. Like that. During peak hours anyways. There's no matchmaking in group.
Yep, no healing. One mistake and you might be out of it. Especially if you use a light. That said, it was once worse. I remember playing when hexa-PPC Stalkers were around - 1 minute in, unhurt, and suddenly my entire side torso gets blown off. Good times.
There's a heck of a grind if you want to play heavies and above, or Clans. At least the grind is PvP.
That said, it's still fun. But it's no PvP heaven either. If you do end up playing, however, look me up. Drop the '5' from my handle and you'll find me.
Dude......the hitreg in MWO is RNG, didn't you know? You never hit what you're aiming at.
In general:
Anyways, before anyone goes to MWO - fair warning, you know the frustration you get with pugs whenever you pug PvE? Yeah, it's like that at least half the time playing solo.
And queuing as a group? Unless you've got 8+ peeps - remember when premades would roll the queues? Yeah. Like that. During peak hours anyways. There's no matchmaking in group.
Yep, no healing. One mistake and you might be out of it. Especially if you use a light. That said, it was once worse. I remember playing when hexa-PPC Stalkers were around - 1 minute in, unhurt, and suddenly my entire side torso gets blown off. Good times.
There's a heck of a grind if you want to play heavies and above, or Clans. At least the grind is PvP.
That said, it's still fun. But it's no PvP heaven either. If you do end up playing, however, look me up. Drop the '5' from my handle and you'll find me.
I was playin for a good while but got bored playin on me lonesome world of tanks is similar but u DO hit wat u aim at, well within accuracy range of the gun that is
In all seriousness, we need to vent our frustration on Cryptic. They screwed things up for all of us. Even their main group PvErs are at arms. Definitely trouble in paradise.....
Signed,agreed getting on like a bunch of 14yo rabid dogs instead of venting anger at the true target, this is why trh is gone pax, strike etc etc realized that this game ruins friendships it has happened before and again
Bumping tends to have the reverse effect - doesn't speed things up, just pisses them off.
Different folks adding in they're having a problem or folks adding in additional information is one thing, but if they feel that it's just getting bumped - they've even come out and rat-a-tat-tat'd folks about it.
Signed,agreed getting on like a bunch of 14yo rabid dogs instead of venting anger at the true target, this is why trh is gone pax, strike etc etc realized that this game ruins friendships it has happened before and again
We at IC love each other. We were laughing it up on TS about this whole thing. We still hate the way Cryptic has made the game though.
you know, I tried really, really hard to stay out of this thread. I just can't resist though. So here goes.
Thanks you all so much for this pain in my side and sore cheeks. I haven't laughed this much in ages.
Naz, maybe it's your Avatar or something. You just seem to bring out the worst in HOBO's. Whether you are trying or not. I just can't figure what their problem with Kung Fu Panda is.
you know, I tried really, really hard to stay out of this thread. I just can't resist though. So here goes.
Thanks you all so much for this pain in my side and sore cheeks. I haven't laughed this much in ages.
Naz, maybe it's your Avatar or something. You just seem to bring out the worst in HOBO's. Whether you are trying or not. I just can't figure what their problem with Kung Fu Panda is.
Someone else trying to flame it up again, well done very mature m8
Someone else trying to flame it up again, well done very mature m8
Flame it up? It never calmed down lmao!
Edit: I went back and read the first pages of the thread to remember how this flamefest started, and turns out naz was actually being legit nice to HoBos, and some disgruntled ex hobos started it. Then Hobo's jumped in, and it just deteriorated from there.
With this thread, I expected nothing less from the Hobo fleet. Bunch of hyenas in that lot of people. Very few even have respect there. Those that do, I'm surprised they stay with the negativity that is Hobo.
Edit: I went back and read the first pages of the thread to remember how this flamefest started, and turns out naz was actually being legit nice to HoBos, and some disgruntled ex hobos started it. Then Hobo's jumped in, and it just deteriorated from there.
I dont see where i mentioned naz anywhere? I was talking about brandon amd this thread had died out after all the flame and insults. If anyone has any common sence think will this help pvp in this game in any way shape or form?? You lot are proving geko right, acting like 14 yo whinny kids in moms basement, if i was a dev seeing this i wouldnt waste the effort to help pvp either.
With this thread, I expected nothing less from the Hobo fleet. Bunch of hyenas in that lot of people. Very few even have respect there. Those that do, I'm surprised they stay with the negativity that is Hobo.
T'lilu SCI./Dxxdavid TAK./STO Inner Circle *** R.I.P. ***
I get enough spreadsheets and pie charts through work :P
mmmmm piee.....
gieef me some o' dat 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937 goodness!
"Better were the days when mastery o' space came not from bargains struck with eldritch creatures... but from the sweat of a man's brow and the strength of his back alone. Ye all know thi's to be true!"
I'll make it easy for you (again): when Pandas were "hated" we didn't call people derogatory terms, act as massive homophobes, or deride people's heritage or personal beliefs.
That had a lot to do with it.
We had our moments of disagreement, but I don't think I ever treated you with anything but respect.
Now the obligatory who wants my stuff? Snog, looking in your direction lol.
Inner Circle / Special Circumstances Gardiner, Suval, Thran Korvak, Raketh, Xedar, Zidow Decis, Vesok
All things said and done...some folks want PvP to grow in STO and some folks want it to die. By their actions, by their words...it's easy to see who is actually part of the community and who is not.
I dont see where i mentioned naz anywhere? I was talking about brandon amd this thread had died out after all the flame and insults. If anyone has any common sence think will this help pvp in this game in any way shape or form?? You lot are proving geko right, acting like 14 yo whinny kids in moms basement, if i was a dev seeing this i wouldnt waste the effort to help pvp either.
Do you actually believe, after almost 5 years of zero pvp development, that anything we say or do matters at all to the development team? Geko has stated, in no uncertain terms, that he doesn't like PvPers. He said it before his 14 yo min/maxer comments and he's backed it up with his handling of the game.
As for trying to stir the pot? Well, my intent was to point out how ridiculous everyone was being. Also, I don't see how 5 hours of no posts during off-peak hours qualifies as a dead thread, but okay. Looks like the only person I stirred up was you and that got more of a reaction than I did. Good job doing the Lord's work.
You lot are proving geko right, acting like 14 yo whinny kids in moms basement, if i was a dev seeing this i wouldnt waste the effort to help pvp either.
Well, devs that are worth their salt would actually talk to community, and they would actually try to make game better not tweaking time spent online by adjusting amount of XP gained in meaningless grind fests.
1 simple accolade "doesn't believe in No Win Scenario", "kill 200 fed PvPers" or "Elite MACO Commander" is better core design then everything Cryptic hase done since LoR.
1 DPS record from DPS people, 1 NWS speed run or 1 organized PvP is better game design improvement then anything cryptic has done since they have started fiddling with reputations and events.
But that's not a thing here at all.
Trolls are ruling and setting the tempo in this thread.
Every time it dies out, 2 guys are there to stir the sht all over again between HOBOs and IC while they are laughing.
Hahahahaha... Things are always funner when they enter Ker'rat. I like them too. Personally prefer being a lone wolf, but I'll gladly to team up with any HoBo if invited. I'm just never 'joining' them officially.
Obviously many Elite fleets and players are highly overrated... That goes for everyone believing they're elite. Soon I'll openly display my superiority in combat. Waiting on a few bug fixes and nerfs. That's all.
*Puts on Ruby framed glasses*
*Walks away*
Real join date September 2012
I think he does.
*** R.I.P. ***
I prefer a good even fight, not a cheesy stupid crazy one. Again, I'm waiting on the fixes...
Sorry if I don't like being disabled for 90% of the battle. I like good combat, not fighting a 'paralyzed person in a wheelchair'. Some people like doing that, and some people use any ultra broken $%*@ they can acquire. Those people are called 'Losers'... I'm superior to them in every way-- even if they win. Deep down they know they suck. They're not fooling anyone.
As soon as the loadout bug and/or ionic turbulence is fixed-- I'm calling out everyone. Especially the 'Elite' people who constantly stay away from me... I'm sure no one will battle. They never do. They're too worried about respect, feelings, and sportsmanship. Very, very pathetic... Makes me wanna spit... If my words hurt people that bad, they already lost...
...If nothing happens I'm going to MWO. Where skill matters and no healing. Less luck and random numbers too. STO isn't getting any better PVP wise. Accept it.
*Returns to her Palace*
Aw yiss. Shooting giant robits is way more fun.
Dude......the hitreg in MWO is RNG, didn't you know? You never hit what you're aiming at.
In general:
Anyways, before anyone goes to MWO - fair warning, you know the frustration you get with pugs whenever you pug PvE? Yeah, it's like that at least half the time playing solo.
And queuing as a group? Unless you've got 8+ peeps - remember when premades would roll the queues? Yeah. Like that. During peak hours anyways. There's no matchmaking in group.
Yep, no healing. One mistake and you might be out of it. Especially if you use a light. That said, it was once worse. I remember playing when hexa-PPC Stalkers were around - 1 minute in, unhurt, and suddenly my entire side torso gets blown off. Good times.
There's a heck of a grind if you want to play heavies and above, or Clans. At least the grind is PvP.
That said, it's still fun. But it's no PvP heaven either. If you do end up playing, however, look me up. Drop the '5' from my handle and you'll find me.
I was playin for a good while but got bored playin on me lonesome
Signed,agreed getting on like a bunch of 14yo rabid dogs instead of venting anger at the true target, this is why trh is gone pax, strike etc etc realized that this game ruins friendships it has happened before and again
Oh Dude, thats only role-playing.. dont worry, in reality we "like" us all.. . :rolleyes:
>>> peace <<<
*** R.I.P. ***
check, then i did not say anything
We at IC love each other. We were laughing it up on TS about this whole thing. We still hate the way Cryptic has made the game though.
Thanks you all so much for this pain in my side and sore cheeks. I haven't laughed this much in ages.
Naz, maybe it's your Avatar or something. You just seem to bring out the worst in HOBO's. Whether you are trying or not. I just can't figure what their problem with Kung Fu Panda is.
Someone else trying to flame it up again, well done very mature m8
Flame it up? It never calmed down lmao!
Edit: I went back and read the first pages of the thread to remember how this flamefest started, and turns out naz was actually being legit nice to HoBos, and some disgruntled ex hobos started it. Then Hobo's jumped in, and it just deteriorated from there.
Real join date September 2012
I dont see where i mentioned naz anywhere? I was talking about brandon amd this thread had died out after all the flame and insults. If anyone has any common sence think will this help pvp in this game in any way shape or form?? You lot are proving geko right, acting like 14 yo whinny kids in moms basement, if i was a dev seeing this i wouldnt waste the effort to help pvp either.
*** R.I.P. ***
mmmmm piee.....
gieef me some o' dat 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937 goodness!
Learnt fairly fast. At that time I think the culture was different.
That had a lot to do with it.
We had our moments of disagreement, but I don't think I ever treated you with anything but respect.
Now the obligatory who wants my stuff? Snog, looking in your direction lol.
Gardiner, Suval, Thran
Korvak, Raketh, Xedar, Zidow
Decis, Vesok
Try to come on ts later, man.
Smog is evil Mark. It's a trap!!!
Do you actually believe, after almost 5 years of zero pvp development, that anything we say or do matters at all to the development team? Geko has stated, in no uncertain terms, that he doesn't like PvPers. He said it before his 14 yo min/maxer comments and he's backed it up with his handling of the game.
As for trying to stir the pot? Well, my intent was to point out how ridiculous everyone was being. Also, I don't see how 5 hours of no posts during off-peak hours qualifies as a dead thread, but okay. Looks like the only person I stirred up was you and that got more of a reaction than I did. Good job doing the Lord's work.
Well, devs that are worth their salt would actually talk to community, and they would actually try to make game better not tweaking time spent online by adjusting amount of XP gained in meaningless grind fests.
1 simple accolade "doesn't believe in No Win Scenario", "kill 200 fed PvPers" or "Elite MACO Commander" is better core design then everything Cryptic hase done since LoR.
1 DPS record from DPS people, 1 NWS speed run or 1 organized PvP is better game design improvement then anything cryptic has done since they have started fiddling with reputations and events.
But that's not a thing here at all.
Trolls are ruling and setting the tempo in this thread.
Every time it dies out, 2 guys are there to stir the sht all over again between HOBOs and IC while they are laughing.
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