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VPvP - Fun, fair, vanilla PvP



  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Can I get a list of rules/restrictions that you dislike? Everyone feel free to post anything you feel needs to be looked at, I want to get the rules hammered out and discussed.

    Also, these are the C-store ships considerations for the week (or day):

    Defiant minus its cloak
    Galaxy-R minus saucer sep
    Intrepid minus ablative armor

    Should they be allowed? (Discuss as needed)
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I thought it was no C-Store Consoles?
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    I thought it was no C-Store Consoles?

    It is. That's why I say minus whatever special console ability.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    voporak wrote: »
    It is. That's why I say minus whatever special console ability.

    Umm, I messed up, meant no C-Store T5s, not consoles, brain failure...
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    cbrjwrr wrote: »
    Umm, I messed up, meant no C-Store T5s, not consoles, brain failure...

    That's why I'm putting them up discussion, to see if they're any more overpowered than free ships. If they're not any better without the consoles, then it adds variety. But it's still just in consideration.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Wow guys, we did an awesome match before, regardless the score lol :D Was like the old days and without all those BS out there. More more fun than usual and a good feeling about the future of this channel :)
    JOIN UP GUYS, we need you for more matches :)
  • spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Hello, today was my first day in VPVP and there was some good fun matches. Its perfect without uni consoles or lockbox ships.

    PS. I am also against the use of rom boffs.

    Today it was my first day in a pvp arena at all lol.
    Question : No romulan operative, no infiltrator but subterfuge ( e.g. Veril , the boff from the romulan story arc ) is allowed? And is it allowed to cloak? I guess so, right?

  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I have yet to set a toon up to jump in.

    I have to ask though... why not just say Mirror Mirror or Mirror.

    Seems logical to me... there cheap, so cheap that anyone complaining can be gifted a free one. lol

    There is good selection... if my math is right... 6 Fed ships, 5 KDF, 5 Rom.

    I think that is more then enough to build teams around. The KDF are light sure... really teams can include any faction now, If sci ships are really wanted there is 1 rom and 2 fed that fit the bill or even a KDF carrier.

    IMO (again still haven't jumped in plan to though) Mirror ships... no traits no uni consoles, no rep gear.. MK X gear (standard weapon types no lockbox) would be a pretty great mix balance wise.

    The cost of setting a ship up like that would be be silly cheap. Again so cheap that those complaining about the cost could get a EC gift to set one up. MK X is cheapo.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Here is the recording of the first 5v5 match.

    15-1 in our favor, but then we were using TS, so... :rolleyes:

    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    When you say MK XI blue is that consoles? Or weapons, too? I only ask because I crafted
    some MK XI phasers/tets for two of my KDFs like 3 years ago and it would be nice ot use them again. But again MK XI is cheap. Also MK X could potentially be better in weapon form since it will have a 3rd modifier.

    Additionally, for KDF, is the Varanus or Marauder allowed? Not a big deal, just wondering. If nothing else, at least the Varanus since the Vo'quv is a whale :p Although it could be fun to fly a sci Vorcha again.

    My apologies if these have already been asked and answered.

    I assume no fleet warp cores?

    can you add @nixtux and @Zenith_Nader (if he hasn't already been added.)

    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
  • thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2014
    pheo all t5 ships are allowed that you didnt spend c store pts or 200k fleet creds to get.

    not sure if those fall into that category tho.

    we've decided the b'rel is ok. and are discussing the galaxy, defiant, and intrepid c store variants in possible additions.

    in my opinion, becasue they get a small hp and shield mod boost (i think) i say no to these ships.

    if the stats are 100% equal to their t5 counterparts but with an added console....i see no problem using them without the console.

    and yes, all mkX gear is a go. (weapons, consoles, ect...) and mkXI blue. but you are right, i think the mkX purple should be strongly considered given the xtra modifier. and no fleet cores.

    i will get you guys an invite when i log on if the guys havnt already gotten you in.

    have fun kill bad guys
  • xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    pheo all t5 ships are allowed that you didnt spend c store pts or 200k fleet creds to get.

    not sure if those fall into that category tho.

    we've decided the b'rel is ok. and are discussing the galaxy, defiant, and intrepid c store variants in possible additions.

    in my opinion, becasue they get a small hp and shield mod boost (i think) i say no to these ships.

    if the stats are 100% equal to their t5 counterparts but with an added console....i see no problem using them without the console.

    and yes, all mkX gear is a go. (weapons, consoles, ect...) and mkXI blue. but you are right, i think the mkX purple should be strongly considered given the xtra modifier. and no fleet cores.

    i will get you guys an invite when i log on if the guys havnt already gotten you in.

    have fun kill bad guys

    I took some screens for the SC vs Maruader.

    The slight diff in shields is the deflector. +10 to shield system diff between the two posi defs.

    Same number of consoles and hull. Only diff is the hanger bay vs SC.

    I don't have a varanus loaded and handy. But last I looked at the stats the mod on shields was 1.2 where as Feds get 1.3 @ t5? It has like 2k more hull. I'd rather the +10-15% shields :P

    Hope that helps
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
  • thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2014
    I took some screens for the SC vs Maruader.

    The slight diff in shields is the deflector. +10 to shield system diff between the two posi defs.

    Same number of consoles and hull. Only diff is the hanger bay vs SC.

    I don't have a varanus loaded and handy. But last I looked at the stats the mod on shields was 1.2 where as Feds get 1.3 @ t5? It has like 2k more hull. I'd rather the +10-15% shields :P

    Hope that helps


    lets park this question for now, along with the defiant/galaxy/intrepid question.

    im setting up a ts for the channel so we can get together and hammer some stuff out.

    voporak's ruleset is very close to what i would consider vanilla. but there are boff race questions and a few ships questions we should be able to get hammered out fast.

    have fun kill bad guys
  • xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2014

    lets park this question for now, along with the defiant/galaxy/intrepid question.

    im setting up a ts for the channel so we can get together and hammer some stuff out.

    voporak's ruleset is very close to what i would consider vanilla. but there are boff race questions and a few ships questions we should be able to get hammered out fast.

    have fun kill bad guys

    You're welcome to use mine if you want. TD has been dead as it is. Just ask Truth for Admin if you want.

    P.S. I didn't buy any ship :P I used the 600-day token back in 2011. :)
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
  • thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited September 2014
    You're welcome to use mine if you want. TD has been dead as it is. Just ask Truth for Admin if you want.

    P.S. I didn't buy any ship :P I used the 600-day token back in 2011. :)

    copy good call, saves me some dough.

    will reach out to truth.
  • omgrandalthoromgrandalthor Member Posts: 364 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    you can always go off the ships you can get off the ship guy at the bases that don't cost zen or fleet ship stuff means I can bust out my old school advanced escort again...
  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Up up! :P Join the channel guys, don't be shy! The fun is there, you just have to x up and enjoy the battle ;)
  • xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    edalgo wrote: »
    I say just leave at mirror or "Free" ships T5 for right now.

    Because if you're going to allow some 9 console CSTORE ships then why not all?

    Let's learn to walk before we run.

    I was just asking about the only two KDF ships that "kind of" match up to the base fed ships for sci and healing.

    Let's be perfectly honest, the varanus isn't as good as the RA sci ships. Before they scuffed it's hull, it was on par --- perhaps. Slow but good. I would say considering the Intrepid had the GOD ablative with 900% damage resist.

    That said, bust out a Varanus. They still haven't updated all the graphics so the ship constantly changes size. GG Cryptic.

    Regardless to the ships allowed. VPVP is awesome. I'm not complaining. Just asking questions as I figure out which toons to setup for it.
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
  • p2wsucksp2wsucks Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    When you say MK XI blue is that consoles? Or weapons, too? ... Snip ...

    Initially it was only MX, then in the context of consoles MK XI blue were allowed. I don't know anyone's said anything regarding MK XI blue weapons. There are a couple of creep issues w/some MK XI blue weapons/shields/engines:

    1. Higher Damage base stats than MK X

    2. Some storylines have multiple proc capabilities (eg plasma disrupter, Tet & Shield bypass etc)

    As these general rules get flushed out, for my 2 cents which isn't much b/c I'm not running it, keep the spirit in mind and try not to go overboard if something isn't banned but doesn't feel right after a match or two.

    That said I've been using a Mark X (or blue MKXI I can't remember) Reman shield from the storyline, b/c it's basically a cheap cap shield and it looks cool. There's another one w/a crappier regen, but even higher cap, I for get its name though not sure where that would land.

    Something to keep in mind w/ships iirc there's a boost to hidden stats in addition to those brought up as they go up in Tiers.

    I've been flying the B'rel (badly) and I'm not sure that I won't retire it b/c it seems that much better than the base T5 Raider. I'll need to compare the shields/hps/movement stats (in addition to the EBC).

    OT, is the single Boff rule 1 Human or 1 Nausican, Or 1 Human and/or 1 Nausican? I mention it b/c it's possible for the KDF at least to get both via Diplomacy Boff award.
    [Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
    Random Quote from Kerrat
    "Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
    C&H Fed banter
  • xtremenoob1xtremenoob1 Member Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    p2wsucks wrote: »
    Initially it was only MX, then in the context of consoles MK XI blue were allowed. I don't know anyone's said anything regarding MK XI blue weapons. There are a couple of creep issues w/some MK XI blue weapons/shields/engines:

    1. Higher Damage base stats than MK X

    2. Some storylines have multiple proc capabilities (eg plasma disrupter, Tet & Shield bypass etc)

    As these general rules get flushed out, for my 2 cents which isn't much b/c I'm not running it, keep the spirit in mind and try not to go overboard if something isn't banned but doesn't feel right after a match or two.

    That said I've been using a Mark X (or blue MKXI I can't remember) Reman shield from the storyline, b/c it's basically a cheap cap shield and it looks cool. There's another one w/a crappier regen, but even higher cap, I for get its name though not sure where that would land.

    Something to keep in mind w/ships iirc there's a boost to hidden stats in addition to those brought up as they go up in Tiers.

    I've been flying the B'rel (badly) and I'm not sure that I won't retire it b/c it seems that much better than the base T5 Raider. I'll need to compare the shields/hps/movement stats (in addition to the EBC).

    OT, is the single Boff rule 1 Human or 1 Nausican, Or 1 Human and/or 1 Nausican? I mention it b/c it's possible for the KDF at least to get both via Diplomacy Boff award.

    My KDF Eng(es)/Tact still have gear from 2010/11. Old capx2 covs and the hypers I used. The Rom shield was basically the capx3 + a little (if I remember correctly.) I never ground the marks or w/e for the capx3. Nor did the mission for the rom shield. I crafted the Aegis set but after BG didn't really use it for PVP on them.

    Anyway, spirit wise, I'm not trying to min/max just asking so I keep within the rules. All I care about is fun PVP. And my eng T'Par has been in the Maurader for 3 years so. But just as happy pushing him to a Neg, Vorcha or Mirror. But since the ship isn't better, rather the same, it seems to make sense. Just say no pets. :)

    And I remember you BTW. I can't remember your name in game but I can recall several fun kvks over a year ago. Once I get some sleep I'll remember. I can see it, but it's not coming to me.


    EDIT: I have the capx3 on my KDF tact but that isn't useable in this so. I think they were Marks of honor or Valor for that. I had the regren too but it sucked back then.
    -X-/Pandas - Pheo
  • giotarizgiotariz Member Posts: 652 Arc User
    edited September 2014

    basic escort, empty fields at your choice. :)
    Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader

    "What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
    we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
    Operation Dingo 1977

  • spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Voporak, what about the deuterium batteries you get in Alhena system? Are they allowed?

  • gregkanegregkane Member Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited September 2014
  • gregkanegregkane Member Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I dnt think deutronium should be allowed tbh
  • spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    gregkane wrote: »
    I dnt think deutronium should be allowed tbh

    Deuterium, gregkane ...
    Not deutronium... what is deutronium? A new OP console from crafting? :P :D
    I think so too but i am asking just to be sure

  • gregkanegregkane Member Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Lol deuterium then lol - wat do you guys think of using the vulcan science ship- a mate asked was it useable for vpvp- stats wise its no better than mirror and has no special ability i believe it has abt 1000 more hull than a mirror same shield mod but imo the boff layout on the mirror i use is alot better
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Stuff I'd like to suggest:

    Rewrite the entire OP .
    Stuff in there needs to be clear (with topics and subtopics) as right now it's a bit of a mess .

    I'm still unclear as to how many Efficient Boffs we're allowed to use. ?

    Also uncertain about the use of the Red matter capacitor . Please mention this item in the OP .

    And I know this might sound crazy but instead of those quotes that are in the OP now, a list of T5 ships that are allowed would serve more those who just want to choose quickly by career / available options .

    Also, I've seen several suggested builds throughout the thread, it might be nice to include those in the OP as well .
    voporak wrote: »
    The flagship is my Tactical Escort Refit U.S.S. VPvP, because my ego and I made the channel. Build: U.S.S. VPvP

    ... and yes, I'm a meany, so I'll mention that this build has no room in the OP as it features Quad's ...

  • nandospcnandospc Member Posts: 1,260 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Here you can see my VPvP healer on mirror star cruiser :)
    http://gateway.startrekonline.com/#char(Il Grande Nandus@NandoPC)/ship-equipment
    http://gateway.startrekonline.com/#char(Il Grande Nandus@NandoPC)/ship-stations
  • giotarizgiotariz Member Posts: 652 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Say hello to your new overlord...ehm the new channel admin, ME!! :D
    I'll take care of invites and matches in the E.U. timezone :)

    Aelfwin, yeah quads are out, also Voporak updated his build ;)
    Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader

    "What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
    we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
    Operation Dingo 1977

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