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Tier 5 Starship Upgrades



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    lionsilverlionsilver Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    corelogik wrote: »
    Far as I'm concerned people should be grateful they're allowed to upgrade anything at all. No other ship tier is allowed to and they could have simply said "you want T6 power? Buy a T6 ship. Period."

    I for one am thankful that I will be able to upgrade my existing beloved ship and continue to use it just as I have done since I got it, for the foreseeable future.

    Thank you Cryptic. Ignore the ragers, they DO NOT represent the majority of us that love playing this game.

    Full or nothing. Doing it half way just pissed ppl off even more.
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    vermatrixvermatrix Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
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    blassreiterusblassreiterus Member Posts: 1,294 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Since when is playing grinding? Grinding is not fun. Grinding is work. I'm not having fun. You ARE NOT the majority!
    Not everyone thinks the same way as you do... people have an amazing ability of thinking of things in different ways... perhaps you should try that. For me, Reputations aren't "grinding." Have you ever considered trying to think of things in a different way? You might be surprised at how easy it is to just let things be as they are, and just do what you want. It's how I do things in STO, and that includes playing the game on all of my characters.

    vermatrix wrote: »
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
    Being rude isn't going to get you any sympathy, unless you want people to look at your posts and summarily dismiss them as nothing but ranting.
    Star Trek Online LTS player.
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    gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Not everyone thinks the same way as you do... people have an amazing ability of thinking of things in different ways... perhaps you should try that. For me, Reputations aren't "grinding." Have you ever considered trying to think of things in a different way? You might be surprised at how easy it is to just let things be as they are, and just do what you want. It's how I do things in STO, and that includes playing the game on all of my characters.

    Being rude isn't going to get you any sympathy, unless you want people to look at your posts and summarily dismiss them as nothing but ranting.

    Well if you are so content, why get on the forums at all? Grinding is NOT fun. That's a fact. After a while anybody would and will get sick of it just as I have.

    FYI, it's only rude if you take offense to it. I find his post amusing and he has my sympathy. You, however, do not.
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    ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Question, for ships like the Odyssey and Vesta which are already Tier 5.5/fleet level with 10 console slots if you upgrade these to T5-U do you get ANOTHER console slot like stated in the blog or does it stay the same at 10?

    Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
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    vermatrixvermatrix Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
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    jetcaravacajetcaravaca Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Would rather have grinded for this one as opposed to having my pockets emptied. I like the game and I support it monetarily already. Hope it is cheaper than it seems. Still enjoy the game and all. Guess I'll wait and see what kinda hit this will be.
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    qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    all im hearing is we have, i have, you have spent lots of money.. over what period of time??
    im guessing by definition a vet is a long time player, like me. thats meant gathering gear
    (and yes, regardless to what people think, our ships ARE an item of gear, an avatar has no
    stats and is just a visual representation, our ships are much more) everyone seems to be
    looking at this as an overall cost to upgrade all your ships at once, did you buy all your current
    ships at once? did you not buy new ships as you levelled, even though youd only be in some
    for a few days? have you not understood that each ship needs to be levelled, independantly
    and that isnt going to be quick done in 2 days based on the xp requirements we are seeing on
    tribble. is the new upgrade system ideal, how the hell can we know? the real details are yet to
    be released, but the fact of the matter is this, they need to pay for this expansion.. its not a
    dirty thing, they arnt out to abuse the player base, but they do need to profit from it. if you
    wanted to stick to your T5 ship and they didnt charge you to upgrade, the game you say you
    love would be receiving no money from you towards this expansion.. progress may well be
    about what we have done and spent, but progression is about what we are doing and are
    going to spend. we cant have it all ways.

    *sorry, bit ranty, little sleep and too much coffee
    TOS style icons used with the kind permission of irvinis.deviantart.com ©2013-2015
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    swamarianswamarian Member Posts: 1,506 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ufpterrell wrote: »
    Question, for ships like the Odyssey and Vesta which are already Tier 5.5/fleet level with 10 console slots if you upgrade these to T5-U do you get ANOTHER console slot like stated in the blog or does it stay the same at 10?

    I believe that the U version goes to 11.
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    gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    qziqza wrote: »
    all im hearing is we have, i have, you have spent lots of money.. over what period of time??
    im guessing by definition a vet is a long time player, like me. thats meant gathering gear
    (and yes, regardless to what people think, our ships ARE an item of gear, an avatar has no
    stats and is just a visual representation, our ships are much more) everyone seems to be
    looking at this as an overall cost to upgrade all your ships at once, did you buy all your current
    ships at once? did you not buy new ships as you levelled, even though youd only be in some
    for a few days? have you not understood that each ship needs to be levelled, independantly
    and that isnt going to be quick done in 2 days based on the xp requirements we are seeing on
    tribble. is the new upgrade system ideal, how the hell can we know? the real details are yet to
    be released, but the fact of the matter is this, they need to pay for this expansion.. its not a
    dirty thing, they arnt out to abuse the player base, but they do need to profit from it. if you
    wanted to stick to your T5 ship and they didnt charge you to upgrade, the game you say you
    love would be receiving no money from you towards this expansion.. progress may well be
    about what we have done and spent, but progression is about what we are doing and are
    going to spend. we cant have it all ways.

    So is cryptic/PWE so unimaginative that they can't come up with any other way to make money aside from grinding and nickel and diming us? There HAS to be a way to make money aside from that. It's Star Trek. Them making money will almost never be an issue if they did the right thing by this game. On another note, why should I support them for this expansion if we, as a community, did not vote/decide on it? The expansion, from a financial point of view, is their problem entirely.

    BTW, caffine + little sleep = agony lol. At least for me :)
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    ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I hope all the proponents of the T5 {Redacted} feel vindicated today.

    For a couple years, Cryptic's answer to us has been "You can fly around in a {Redacted} if you want to. But if you want to actually enjoy your experience, and do meaningful things, you'll need to get with the times and fly something modern.

    Cryptic is now doing it again. The totally HILARIOUS part of all this, is that it now affects everyone else who thought their particular golden cow was sacred, and part of the protected class.

    Guess what TNG/DS9/VOY fans? Your ship is now obsolete. Sure, you CAN fly around in your obsolete ship...but if you want to do anything meaningful, you need to get with the times and leave your silly iconic canon ship behind!

    (Trying really hard not to laugh evilly) :D

    Welcome to the T5 {Redacted} Club brothers and sisters. Drinks are at the bar, and the pie is cooling on the table over there!


    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
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    thumpyechothumpyecho Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You know this is just me personally - if the lockbox ships etc would get full T6; I would probably go ahead and get the other T6 ships anyway for

    A) wanting to give them(Cryptic) money to keep going
    B) For the hell of it to monkey wrench something new

    It's entertainment so hey....

    BUT - we have the grinding, the endgame ships not really being endgame, etc...that after a few years of that kind of behavior has made me, in the last couple of months, take pause....

    If this were a physical product I might be able to swallow this a little better, because; hey it's real and I can sell it again and make *some* money off it - not as much as I paid for it initially but hey....

    But these are virtual products - I'm not saying it costs them nothing to create said virtual product but it is *way* different in my mind - they don't have to stock it, or deal with returns, or broken ones, or this or that.
    They just crank out a ship and !bam! Job well done...count monies.....(Yeah kinda unnecessary)

    I realize some of their cost goes to equipment and infrastructure - but I would be curious to see if I, we - have paid for this stuff(Servers, software, computers, etc) like 4 times over at this point - we had to have paid some of this stuff off by now....And yes before anybody points out the obvious - "Yes I don't know any of the details", but still I wonder....

    I suppose my point is the dynamic is different - and because it is different, I'm going to treat it differently.
    I would like to imagine that changing the LB ships, etc wouldn't be any harder coding/programming than creating this Delta Rising expansion in the first place.
    Hell, one would think it would be a little easier because you are just modifying(to some degree) code, not starting from zero....

    Been said many times - why would I pay for something that is inferior to be slightly less inferior? It's either inferior, equal, or superior, right? (And yes again I understand that equal is debatable; not my point, different topic)

    So I don't know maybe it's me - maybe I'm weird for treating this a little differently than if it were Cryptic 60" LCD TV's.....

    ('Prolly get flame for this :rolleyes: )
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    belanna58belanna58 Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    vermatrix wrote: »
    I forgot, paid parking and a zen sales tax on replicator use.

    lol u r a crackup :)
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    1st EC) See the Peghqu' Heavy Destroyer and Daeinos Heavy Destroyer listed by themselves in the "C-STORE, THE FOLLOWING SHIPS ARE UPGRADED FOR FREE" section? Those two belong up with the Chimera Heavy Destroyer in the "PROMOTION - LOBI STORE - LOCKBOX - EVENTS, THE FOLLOWING SHIPS ARE UPGRADED FOR FREE" section. You can't get the Vet Ships from the C-Store, otherwise I'd have bought them; the Peghqu' is a nice alternative to a BoP if you want a battle cloak as a Klingon, it just isn't available without a LTS or actual Vet Status :P

    2nd EC) See all of those ships listed under headings "THE FOLLOWING SHIPS ARE UPGRADED FOR FREE" below them? How about making players happy and making money at the same time? Rather than merely allowing players to upgrate to T5-U for free, you could further allow an upgrade to full T6 status for a Zen cost comparable of adding the -U to other ships.

    I know a big part of the problem from your perspective is likely coming up with a Trait unlock for all those ships at T6, so how about:

    For "PROMOTION - LOBI STORE - LOCKBOX - EVENTS" ships with special consoles, make the Trait unlock an Active that allows a player to use the active ability granted by that ship's console, with a global cooldown of 2/3 (2 min in most cases, though not all) of the base ability for both the Trait and console active abilities. That would allow players to use their consoles' powers more often if they equip both the Trait and console, without allowing players to chain the power or gain set bonuses.

    For "PROMOTION - LOBI STORE - LOCKBOX - EVENTS" ships with differing "modes", I'd suggest the Trait unlock to grant the active "clicky" ability, as described above. Granting the "mode" itself on other ships would be odd, since only those ships have the ability to alter their physical layout in the manner needed to use that special "mode" change.
    This applies to the Vet Ships and the D'Kora.

    For the "PROMOTION - LOBI STORE - LOCKBOX - EVENTS" ships that don't have shiny console powers, but have other features, I'd suggest:
    Cardassian Galor Class Cruiser - Spiral Wave Armaments - grants all Phaser-type energy weapons a 2.5% chance of applying the Disruptor proc, and all Disruptor-type energy weapons a 2.5% chance of applying the Phaser proc; rather than the additional proc, Spiral Wave Disruptors will instead gain +20% Critical Severity
    Jem'Hadar Attack Ship - Dogfighter - grants your ship +1 Turn Rate, +0.01 Impulse Modifier, and +10 Inertia; unlike other bonuses, these are applied to your ship's base stats before any other modifiers or bonuses are calculated

    Mind you, none of these unlocks would be available without investing Zen in an upgrade from T5-U to full T6, and would only apply when players advance their Mastery to T5 with those specific ships, just as with any other T6 ship. This would allow existing "PROMOTION - LOBI STORE - LOCKBOX - EVENTS" ships to retain their endgame value, and promote continued spending on LTS purchases, Master Keys, and additionally the upgrades themselves...

    Anyway, those are my 2 EC's. ;)

    I support this^^^^^

    It's a good idea. More fun for players, less rage, more $$$ for Cryptic and PWE.
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    dkeith2011dkeith2011 Member Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    T5U ships should get everything but the special BOff seat.

    BOff powers are the single most important aspect of ships, keeping the special seat exclusive to the T6 ships is more than enough to make them desirable.
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    fireseeedfireseeed Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I don't know how anyone can think that buying a ship means it always going to be the best ship in the game or at least a competitive shiop.

    Limiting Cryptic development like that just doesn't make sense.

    This game like most others is constantly involving, you should expect that if you buy a ship that one day it going to become a obsolete piece of junk ready for the scrapheap. If you not prepared for that perhaps you should reconsider spending money on any play to win game at all.
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    vermatrixvermatrix Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    valoreah wrote: »
    So did you. Just sayin.

    Never said I didn't. Fact is if you already got what you wanted, in my case the Odyssey and in their case, the lock box and lobi ships we all got what we wanted. So why should they get a free gift for it while the cash shop ship people get a big ol fat TRIBBLE you and a bill from Cryptic?
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    vinsinarvinsinar Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dkeith2011 wrote: »
    T5U ships should get everything but the special BOff seat.

    BOff powers are the single most important aspect of ships, keeping the special seat exclusive to the T6 ships is more than enough to make them desirable.

    Nope, I like what they have come up with leave as is
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    qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    So is cryptic/PWE so unimaginative that they can't come up with any other way to make money aside from grinding and nickel and diming us? There HAS to be a way to make money aside from that. It's Star Trek. Them making money will almost never be an issue if they did the right thing by this game. On another note, why should I support them for this expansion if we, as a community, did not vote/decide on it? The expansion, from a financial point of view, is their problem entirely.

    BTW, caffine + little sleep = agony lol. At least for me :)

    hehe, yeah heads thumping a little too :)

    i dont think they can to be honest, the general everyday running costs are accounted for
    in everyday micro transactions and subs. an expansion is an entirely seperate beast, and
    has to be accounted for as such. LoR was pretty much a standard expansion setup, they
    had the packages to sell, and as far as customers were concerned, had a clearly visable
    value attributed to them. only problem there was that the up front cost of that made it
    less appealing to the casual, or new, player. i think that is what they are trying to correct
    this time round, if i can find any real fault so far, its one of poor communication more than
    anything else, but i guess they can only communicate what they know, and from the looks
    of things, there is still alot they have yet to make firm. im just very aware of the lack of
    proper details we so far, and that lots of people are getting very worked up and upset over,
    what is basically at this point, mostly speculation. as for voting, you are joking with me right?
    sorry, i have aspergers and miss sarcasm if it isnt in bold print or highlighted lol. they are
    the developers, thats for them to decide, we can post our views but developement isnt
    a democratic proposition between them and us lol.
    TOS style icons used with the kind permission of irvinis.deviantart.com ©2013-2015
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    gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    For those of you who feel it is justified to pay for upgrades and equipment (etc etc) I want you to think about something. I understand that you feel it is only right to financially support this game since you enjoy it. I also understand that nothing, when it comes to developing or maintaining this game, is cheap. But this new expansion is Cryptic/PWE's financial responsibility. We, as a community of Trek fans and MMO gamers alike, did not vote or decide on this expansion. Cryptic/PWE chose for us. I may not be justified in saying so but, financially, it's not our problem. Yes, we should keep the game going. Yes, we should support the developers. But when enough is enough.... enough is enough. Cryptic/PWE chose to go F2P. Which means that they had enough money to offer us the game for free. So, again, it's not our responsibility to support them financially. F2P, lifetimers, subscribers, and veterans alike, we need not carry them to their goal. Better yet, we should be aiming for our goal. What we want. I realize, like myself, players have invested a LOT of time and money into what we do have and it's a real pain that we have to keep being told to pay more, and more, and more. Just like we are being told to grind more, and more, and more. It simply is not fair and it should be since this game is not life and I'm no Jem'Hadar when it comes to it. We (everyone) are the life of this game. Without us, this game will go under. Most believe it already is going under. I just hope Cryptic/PWE figures that out in enough time.

    P.S. I have Aspergers too @qziqza :)
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    belanna58belanna58 Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    y dont they just give full upgrade option to t6 on all ships as well as the new t6 ships
    seems the most logical thing to do
    then they get money which is all they want an players get what they want an everyone tis happy
    or tis cryptic so tight n full of dem selves they not gunna budge?
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    vermatrixvermatrix Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    valenn1 wrote: »
    Lockbox and Lobi ship values roughly translates to 80$(Lockbox)-180$(Lobi) or even more (Bugship).
    What do you want? a popup where every player with a Lockbox ship is asked
    How did you get this ship?
    () Exchange : insert 1k zen
    () opened up to 100 Lockboxes : insert 500 zen
    () opened more than 100 Lockboxes : it's free
    () other means : sorry' thats 1k Zen

    No, just stating a fact, that people who got lock box ships and lobi ships didn't spend as much on them as they want everyone to believe. I'm sure a lot of those lock box keys were bought via energy credits or zen obtained from selling dilithium earned from other lock box's mine claim items. Your math is counting on someone opening hundreds of lock boxes with each key having been paid for with zen they bought with real money.
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    asrohaasroha Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm not sure if this is the feedback thread for the T5 announcement, and this is not an entitlement rant...

    I've been playing for almost a year now, and I have purchased ALOT of zen during that time to buy/gamble for the ships I wanted out of the lockboxes.

    The current lobi/lockbox ships should be automatically upgraded to T6, none of this "T5U" business without the "bells and whistles". Do all you want to the ships that are received during gameplay, or other free ships that are available via the F2P model, but it's lame to not upgrade existing top-tier ships from a RNG-type of gambling system where it costs REAL money to obtain them.

    I understand that Cryptic won't change their plans... which is fine. They are a business that has to show a financial return for capital spent on development time, but it seems like they are going to drive alot of player away with these changes.

    I will continue to enjoy the game in its current state, but I doubt I will be around for the new expansion, and I certainly won't be purchasing it like I had planned to. I hope everyone enjoys the new changes when they come, and maybe I'll see you around in some other game!

    Keilari D'Stana
    USS Carl Sagan
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    qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    P.S. I have Aspergers too @qziqza :)

    i do believe this game is a haven for us :)
    TOS style icons used with the kind permission of irvinis.deviantart.com ©2013-2015
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    gameversemangameverseman Member Posts: 1,110 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    qziqza wrote: »
    i do believe this game is a haven for us :)

    What game isn't? lol. It's just sad to see our haven start to shake and crumble.
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    glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    vermatrix wrote: »
    No, just stating a fact, that people who got lock box ships and lobi ships didn't spend as much on them as they want everyone to believe. I'm sure a lot of those lock box keys were bought via energy credits or zen obtained from selling dilithium earned from other lock box's mine claim items. Your math is counting on someone opening hundreds of lock boxes with each key having been paid for with zen they bought with real money.

    Keys on the exchange ARE bought with real money, THEN sold for energy credits. Thus: Cryptic made the money from the key sales regardless of who actually uses they and how they obtained it.

    AND (just because I am amazed how many people don't understand this):

    Zen bought with dilithium via the exchange is zen that was bought by a player with real money and then sold by THAT player to others for dilithium.

    In other words: Regardless of how the zen or zen item made its way into the hands of the player, it was still payed for by real money to Cryptic/PWE.

    Finally, linking this reply by Gorngonzolla since it seems that a lot of folks posting on this thread missed it:

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    breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    vermatrix wrote: »
    No, just stating a fact, that people who got lock box ships and lobi ships didn't spend as much on them as they want everyone to believe. I'm sure a lot of those lock box keys were bought via energy credits or zen obtained from selling dilithium earned from other lock box's mine claim items. Your math is counting on someone opening hundreds of lock boxes with each key having been paid for with zen they bought with real money.

    Master Keys ultimately cost money.

    Ones you buy off the exchange were paid for with Zen, by someone, some time.

    Zen you buy off the Dilithium Exchange was paid for with money, by someone, some time.

    Unless the devs are secretly selling Zen on the Dilithium Exchange or Master Keys on the Exchange to try and control rates... but that's another thought that warrants getting my Tinfoil Hat costume unlock they leaked on Twitter.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
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    stonelokistoneloki Member Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    They have gone against the grain, they have violated cannon, they have laughed at all the money people have already spent.

    But, well, its a game, its a money sink, and I get that.

    All those Lobi and C-store ships are free upgrades, thanks

    All those C-store ships I have to spend more to upgrade, well I guess thanks for caring enough.

    All the other TRIBBLE out there oh well, didn't fly them anyway.

    point: Take my money, that's what you all have done for 4 years now, NOTHING has changed.
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    kirschtkirscht Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I just read about how you can upgrade your T5 ship and all that. But when we're talking about tier ships we're talking about ships you have to have a certain tier of star base to buy, right? We're not talking about ships such as the Oddy or Vesta. Am I wrong in that?

    If I'm right, then what does all this mean for those kind of ships? Will they be totally obsolete?
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    kjwashingtonkjwashington Member Posts: 2,529 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    There is a list of ships that are upgrade-able. I'm pretty sure that the Oddy and Vesta are on it. :P
    Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
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