PWE stocks have been climbing the last three months, they are little different than they were a year ago. (in fact last year at this time their value was actually just slightly less) They had a heavy peak in value in March of this year, but have been far more stable through the summer than they were through the winter. PWE stock value is presently almost twice of what it was following the LOR launch.
Hahahahaha! Perfect.
And I'll say again, the servers don't pay for themselves. Someone has to spend money for cryptic to pay for it's staff, servers, buildings, power bill (programmers like AC), etc. Where's the money come from?
It comes from the players. I'm sorry for annoying people. But maybe consider that the amount of new content dictates the amount of new money. If there's never anything new added to the store, would you buy anything? If there was only one lockbox, how many would you open? If the game got stale, how long would you play?
Now, how about the people not like me who don't have jobs, or just can't spend a lot of money on a computer game? What if a T6 ship costs 3000 zen, right out of the box? Little Johnny over here might not have enough saved up in his piggy bank to buy it. But he DOES have five bucks to bring his Fleet Galaxy Dreadnought up to T5-U.
What do you say to poor Johnny? You can't play past level 50 kid, you're not rich enough.
I'll admit, I'll be ticked if it's more than 500 zen per ship though... even for account wide upgrade.
I guess my question is: do you really need to upgrade every single ship?
Do you fly all of them on a regular basis?
Or are you a collector who just HAS to have everything?
for me, I have a character who specializes in each of the canon vessels. so while I wouldn't need to upgrade on all of them, but I would probably break down and upgrade them, it would always be in the back of my head that I could be better..
but then again, I will no longer be playing come x2, so I wont have to worry about it. lol..
I don't expect T5 to be in par with T6, just like I didn't expect T4 to be on par with T5 , however the cost to upgrade already purchased C-store ships is a bit of a kick in the face..
Maybe a refit mission to make it more fun would have been a better path with a possible experience and credit cost.. kind of like a rep sink..
It's not every day you see a F2P MMO company willing to toss a large portion of it's online store in the garbage. This is practically unheard of in the industry and it will certainly be interesting to see what the result will be -- and I mean this seriously.
It's a scary gamble on Cryptic's part. If they have too many people like me who will not buy the ugly T6 ships, nor willing to pay for an inferior T5U upgrade this could blow up in their face and anger PWE.
Interesting times ahead.
It will go down as a lesson learned one way or the other for the industry I'm sure. And while it is in some ways similar to the 'fleet' version released a few years ago the environment and details are quite a bit different.
If we look at the RA ships (such as the Intrepid), at 2000 zen, and the VA ships at 2500 zen, then the T6 ships should be say, 3000 zen. The upgrade is half-way between a VA and T6, so an upgrade of around 250 zen would be worthwhile. An upgrade of 500 (on this hypothetical) would be unfairly high.
Overall I'm not concerned about the idea of an upgrade format, and it means we don't have to get that NSEA Protector ship so I'm thrilled.
Im ok witht he setup (actually scratch that) im tolerant of this new setup with one major exception, all Fleet ships should have an auto upgrade (even if its only the currant ones and any who buy a fleet ship in the future will have to pay zen)
I also have to ask since I have the Bort, Oddy and Scimitar 3packs I suppose I would have to buy an upgrade token for each of the three ships in each bundle to a total of 6 lots of 500 zen? or are you gunna be goodguys and only charge me 500 for each 3pack?
I don't expect T5 to be in par with T6, just like I didn't expect T4 to be on par with T5 , however the cost to upgrade already purchased C-store ships is a bit of a kick in the face..
Maybe a refit mission to make it more fun would have been a better path with a possible experience and credit cost.. kind of like a rep sink..
Just my opinion.
That's the same as grinding for dilithium -> zen conversion. Except someone else bought the zen to pay for your upgrade. And apparently, nobody likes grinding :P People are already complaining, and you think it's a good idea to add a reputation style grind just to unlock the ship grinding?
Just saying.
Is this what you call 'taking care of the players'? Are you out of your f*ckin minds?!?!
I think one has to have a sane and rational mind in order to be out of it...but I concur. Seriously cryptic/perfect world...are you out of your ****ing minds? I'll say it...I don't care if you ban me from your pathetic little forum. I'm saying my peace!! I've already put thousands of hours into my 26 level 50 toons, at least 1500 dollars in real world money and have grinded beyond reason to make all of them competitive and my reward is that at least 16 of my Captains now have to pay even more real world money in order to keep them mostly competitive. Seriously Cryptic...**** off!! And to the whiny fan boys defenders who will feel the need to quote me and tell me a thing or two **** you too. I won't waste my time debating you and it won't matter because I'll be banned anyway You may enjoy being bent over without Cryptic/Perfect World handing you any lube but the vast majority of us do not.
I think one has to have a sane and rational mind in order to be out of it...but I concur. Seriously cryptic/perfect world...are you out of your ****ing minds? I'll say it...I don't care if you ban me from your pathetic little forum. I'm saying my peace!! I've already put thousands of hours into my 26 level 50 toons, at least 1500 dollars in real world money and have grinded beyond reason to make all of them competitive and my reward is that at least 16 of my Captains now have to pay even more real world money in order to keep them mostly competitive. Seriously Cryptic...**** off!! And to the whiny fan boys defenders who will feel the need to quote me and tell me a thing or two **** you too. I won't waste my time debating you and it won't matter because I'll be banned anyway You may enjoy being bent over without Cryptic/Perfect World handing you any lube but the vast majority of us do not.
The biggest thing to wait for now is to see the REAL difference this extra 6th Boff seat does and what level it is.
Or is this Tier 6 ship have 5 Boff seats and one of them just happens to be the special seating or do they actually have 6 Boff seats?! And at what level is that 6th?!
part of the problem for me, is this new style boff is a huge thing for the game, weather it is one of the 5 slots, or a 6th slot, excluding it from all the other ships basically makes cryptic look like they don't care about people who want a canon experience, or an experience with the ship they love.. they are gateing a major new thing.. personally, id rather have the boff seat over the extra console, as it will add a new dimension to how my space combat works.. a new console will just be another stat that I could probably live without..
cryptic made a new thing, and gated it from all those who are playing a ship because they like the ship. which is not fair in any way shape or form... this is the reason stahl said no to a t6 ship.. he was smart enough to stay away from this hornets nest.. he also understood what it was to be a customer who has and is spending money in the game.. he would have never devalued the t5 ships this way. he also understood the importance of the canon ships that make star trek, star trek..
And I'll say again, the servers don't pay for themselves. Someone has to spend money for cryptic to pay for it's staff, servers, buildings, power bill (programmers like AC), etc. Where's the money come from?
It comes from the players. I'm sorry for annoying people. But maybe consider that the amount of new content dictates the amount of new money. If there's never anything new added to the store, would you buy anything? If there was only one lockbox, how many would you open? If the game got stale, how long would you play?
Now, how about the people not like me who don't have jobs, or just can't spend a lot of money on a computer game? What if a T6 ship costs 3000 zen, right out of the box? Little Johnny over here might not have enough saved up in his piggy bank to buy it. But he DOES have five bucks to bring his Fleet Galaxy Dreadnought up to T5-U.
What do you say to poor Johnny? You can't play past level 50 kid, you're not rich enough.
I'll admit, I'll be ticked if it's more than 500 zen per ship though... even for account wide upgrade.
Correctly, as well as payout dividends to its investors.... which is the primary goal of the company. PWE is going to do that which best and provides stable increase in stock value for its board and investors.... not which gets players new free shinnies. The simple fact those who are declaring "I paid money, I am not paying more for anything else" have pretty much sent up the flag not to be listened to by PWE because those people amount to a poor investment, since there will be no return on giving those types of players anything.
If we look at the RA ships (such as the Intrepid), at 2000 zen, and the VA ships at 2500 zen, then the T6 ships should be say, 3000 zen. The upgrade is half-way between a VA and T6, so an upgrade of around 250 zen would be worthwhile. An upgrade of 500 (on this hypothetical) would be unfairly high.
Overall I'm not concerned about the idea of an upgrade format, and it means we don't have to get that NSEA Protector ship so I'm thrilled.
however, the upgrade is pure TRIBBLE, and not worth any zen.. if the ships were upgraded to a full t6 with the same bells and whistles, maybe sans the 5th mastery level or what not, it would be worth 250-500 zen..
but right now, as it has been layed out before us, it is worth squat...
That's the same as grinding for dilithium -> zen conversion. Except someone else bought the zen to pay for your upgrade. And apparently, nobody likes grinding :P People are already complaining, and you think it's a good idea to add a reputation style grind just to unlock the ship grinding?
Just saying.
I don't think I mentioned dil.
At the end of a refit mission, itle cost you, say, hypothetically, 50k Exp (which I'm sure all of us have an abundance of) and 100k credits..
I would have been ok with paying to upgrade as long as the price was reasonable and the upgrade were equal to tier 6. However, Tier 5U WILL NOT be equal to Tier 6 (1 less Boff power and w/e the intelligence officer does). Thus, I am bothered that I will be paying for an inferior ship no matter how much.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]-32nd Vipers- PvP Team
Nothing is impossible to him who would try.... except getting cryptic to care about pvp.
Correctly, as well as payout dividends to its investors.... which is the primary goal of the company. PWE is going to do that which best and provides stable increase in stock value for its board and investors.... not which gets players new free shinnies. The simple fact those who are declaring "I paid money, I am not paying more for anything else" have pretty much sent up the flag not to be listened to by PWE because those people amount to a poor investment, since there will be no return on giving those types of players anything.
This is a game too, not just a business. It's mind sets like yours that are gonna drive this game to its grave. Sure, PWE/Cryptic will do fine, but this game and ALL its players WILL NOT. Are they so unimaginative that they cannot do anything else?
I would have been ok with paying to upgrade as long as the price was reasonable and the upgrade were equal to tier 6. However, Tier 5U WILL NOT be equal to Tier 6 (1 less Boff power and w/e the intelligence officer does). Thus, I am bothered that I will be paying for an inferior ship no matter how much.
don't forget one less mastery,and no starship trait ...
This is a game too, not just a business. It's mind sets like yours that are gonna drive this game to its grave. Sure, PWE/Cryptic will do fine, but this game and ALL its players WILL NOT
Yes, it will be sad to see it go.... but it costs money. If the game turns out to not be able to turn investment then it will go. Simple fact of life. It's called real life, that is business. PWE does not exist to finance your personal enjoyment... no company does.
This is a game too, not just a business. It's mind sets like yours that are gonna drive this game to its grave. Sure, PWE/Cryptic will do fine, but this game and ALL its players WILL NOT. Are they so unimaginative that they cannot do anything else?
They are not as wise as Ferengi. Ferengi know that good customers are like latinum, treasure them.
Someone who have payed a lot already is likely to pay more if he/she is kept happy.
Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
I think one has to have a sane and rational mind in order to be out of it...but I concur. Seriously cryptic/perfect world...are you out of your ****ing minds? I'll say it...I don't care if you ban me from your pathetic little forum. I'm saying my peace!! I've already put thousands of hours into my 26 level 50 toons, at least 1500 dollars in real world money and have grinded beyond reason to make all of them competitive and my reward is that at least 16 of my Captains now have to pay even more real world money in order to keep them mostly competitive. Seriously Cryptic...**** off!! And to the whiny fan boys defenders who will feel the need to quote me and tell me a thing or two **** you too. I won't waste my time debating you and it won't matter because I'll be banned anyway You may enjoy being bent over without Cryptic/Perfect World handing you any lube but the vast majority of us do not.
Why the hell do you have 26 toons? Thats a full time job in any other MMO just trying to keep them current.
I don't think I mentioned dil.
At the end of a refit mission, itle cost you, say, hypothetically, 50k Exp (which I'm sure all of us have an abundance of) and 100k credits..
Ok, at least you're trying to come up with a solution, which appears to happen very rarely.
I see only a couple problems. First, the numbers are FAR too low. Consider the sale price in credits for a warp core at a vendor for instance. And the exp, if there's an abundance, you're not really working for it are you?
Second, what does cryptic get? Yes, your time. But with resources paid into writing the new code, and again, server time, that's a net loss for them.
PWE is a profit based organization. Not a charity. Any solution the players come up with NEEDS to benefit them as well.
Note that although only T6 ships will come with a Ship Trait (not T5-U), ships are not the only way to acquire Ship Traits. Ship Traits are not restricted to the ship. Its something you unlock for you captain and you can use on any ship. There will be other ways to unlock Ship Traits. More details on this soon.
The ONLY difference between T6 and T5-U is the 13th boff ability
Then don't buy it at all, as there is no value in it for you. Easy!
don't worry, im not even going to download x2.. im gonna enjoy the game until then, but then will most likely uninstall. I will not be told I cant fly my ship in this game, especially when I have paid so much for them.
Hahahahaha! Perfect.
And I'll say again, the servers don't pay for themselves. Someone has to spend money for cryptic to pay for it's staff, servers, buildings, power bill (programmers like AC), etc. Where's the money come from?
It comes from the players. I'm sorry for annoying people. But maybe consider that the amount of new content dictates the amount of new money. If there's never anything new added to the store, would you buy anything? If there was only one lockbox, how many would you open? If the game got stale, how long would you play?
Now, how about the people not like me who don't have jobs, or just can't spend a lot of money on a computer game? What if a T6 ship costs 3000 zen, right out of the box? Little Johnny over here might not have enough saved up in his piggy bank to buy it. But he DOES have five bucks to bring his Fleet Galaxy Dreadnought up to T5-U.
What do you say to poor Johnny? You can't play past level 50 kid, you're not rich enough.
I'll admit, I'll be ticked if it's more than 500 zen per ship though... even for account wide upgrade.
All we are, are dollar and pound signs, nothing more.
News..paper...? Oh, you mean that thing that people use to light their woodstoves and barbeque grills?
Oh, so you actually have a source instead of just tossing out random figures. Mmmk then, I will accept your figure as relatively legitimate.
for me, I have a character who specializes in each of the canon vessels. so while I wouldn't need to upgrade on all of them, but I would probably break down and upgrade them, it would always be in the back of my head that I could be better..
but then again, I will no longer be playing come x2, so I wont have to worry about it. lol..
Maybe a refit mission to make it more fun would have been a better path with a possible experience and credit cost.. kind of like a rep sink..
Just my opinion.
It will go down as a lesson learned one way or the other for the industry I'm sure. And while it is in some ways similar to the 'fleet' version released a few years ago the environment and details are quite a bit different.
Overall I'm not concerned about the idea of an upgrade format, and it means we don't have to get that NSEA Protector ship so I'm thrilled.
I also have to ask since I have the Bort, Oddy and Scimitar 3packs I suppose I would have to buy an upgrade token for each of the three ships in each bundle to a total of 6 lots of 500 zen? or are you gunna be goodguys and only charge me 500 for each 3pack?
That's the same as grinding for dilithium -> zen conversion. Except someone else bought the zen to pay for your upgrade. And apparently, nobody likes grinding :P People are already complaining, and you think it's a good idea to add a reputation style grind just to unlock the ship grinding?
Just saying.
I think one has to have a sane and rational mind in order to be out of it...but I concur. Seriously cryptic/perfect world...are you out of your ****ing minds? I'll say it...I don't care if you ban me from your pathetic little forum. I'm saying my peace!! I've already put thousands of hours into my 26 level 50 toons, at least 1500 dollars in real world money and have grinded beyond reason to make all of them competitive and my reward is that at least 16 of my Captains now have to pay even more real world money in order to keep them mostly competitive. Seriously Cryptic...**** off!! And to the whiny fan boys defenders who will feel the need to quote me and tell me a thing or two **** you too. I won't waste my time debating you and it won't matter because I'll be banned anyway
Here here, nice one
part of the problem for me, is this new style boff is a huge thing for the game, weather it is one of the 5 slots, or a 6th slot, excluding it from all the other ships basically makes cryptic look like they don't care about people who want a canon experience, or an experience with the ship they love.. they are gateing a major new thing.. personally, id rather have the boff seat over the extra console, as it will add a new dimension to how my space combat works.. a new console will just be another stat that I could probably live without..
cryptic made a new thing, and gated it from all those who are playing a ship because they like the ship. which is not fair in any way shape or form... this is the reason stahl said no to a t6 ship.. he was smart enough to stay away from this hornets nest.. he also understood what it was to be a customer who has and is spending money in the game.. he would have never devalued the t5 ships this way. he also understood the importance of the canon ships that make star trek, star trek..
Correctly, as well as payout dividends to its investors.... which is the primary goal of the company. PWE is going to do that which best and provides stable increase in stock value for its board and investors.... not which gets players new free shinnies. The simple fact those who are declaring "I paid money, I am not paying more for anything else" have pretty much sent up the flag not to be listened to by PWE because those people amount to a poor investment, since there will be no return on giving those types of players anything.
however, the upgrade is pure TRIBBLE, and not worth any zen.. if the ships were upgraded to a full t6 with the same bells and whistles, maybe sans the 5th mastery level or what not, it would be worth 250-500 zen..
but right now, as it has been layed out before us, it is worth squat...
I don't think I mentioned dil.
At the end of a refit mission, itle cost you, say, hypothetically, 50k Exp (which I'm sure all of us have an abundance of) and 100k credits..
Nothing is impossible to him who would try.... except getting cryptic to care about pvp.
This is a game too, not just a business. It's mind sets like yours that are gonna drive this game to its grave. Sure, PWE/Cryptic will do fine, but this game and ALL its players WILL NOT. Are they so unimaginative that they cannot do anything else?
don't forget one less mastery,and no starship trait ...
Yes, it will be sad to see it go.... but it costs money. If the game turns out to not be able to turn investment then it will go. Simple fact of life. It's called real life, that is business. PWE does not exist to finance your personal enjoyment... no company does.
They are not as wise as Ferengi. Ferengi know that good customers are like latinum, treasure them.
Someone who have payed a lot already is likely to pay more if he/she is kept happy.
Then don't buy it at all, as there is no value in it for you. Easy!
Why the hell do you have 26 toons? Thats a full time job in any other MMO just trying to keep them current.
Ok, at least you're trying to come up with a solution, which appears to happen very rarely.
I see only a couple problems. First, the numbers are FAR too low. Consider the sale price in credits for a warp core at a vendor for instance. And the exp, if there's an abundance, you're not really working for it are you?
Second, what does cryptic get? Yes, your time. But with resources paid into writing the new code, and again, server time, that's a net loss for them.
PWE is a profit based organization. Not a charity. Any solution the players come up with NEEDS to benefit them as well.
The mastery is how you GET the starship trait, that is a non issue. also:
The ONLY difference between T6 and T5-U is the 13th boff ability
don't worry, im not even going to download x2.. im gonna enjoy the game until then, but then will most likely uninstall. I will not be told I cant fly my ship in this game, especially when I have paid so much for them.