These are not the only ships, nor are they the start of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Dyson ships are not part of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Avenger was not part of a new "trend"
We will create a variety of ships, for a variety of tastes. It is absolutely not possible to appease everyone, unless we release quite a large range of ships -- which is what we're going to do!
Generally, that range of ships includes:
Canon - something seen on the TV series or movies.
Refit/Update - Inspired by a canon ship, usually parts are swappable with inspiration, but not always.
New - Identifiable as a faction's ship, but with a strong flavor twist.
Evolution - Inspired by canon ships, but usually a new class of ship.
Sometimes these blend together, sometimes they don't.
Regardless, we have, and will continue to cover those bases to appease the largest number of people.
To put the ships you have seen into perspective, let me categorize the ships we've seen
In other words, hold your horses, you haven't seen everything yet!
so there will be canon T6 ships.
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
These are not the only ships, nor are they the start of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Dyson ships are not part of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Avenger was not part of a new "trend"
We will create a variety of ships, for a variety of tastes. It is absolutely not possible to appease everyone, unless we release quite a large range of ships -- which is what we're going to do!
Generally, that range of ships includes:
Canon - something seen on the TV series or movies.
Refit/Update - Inspired by a canon ship, usually parts are swappable with inspiration, but not always.
New - Identifiable as a faction's ship, but with a strong flavor twist.
Evolution - Inspired by canon ships, but usually a new class of ship.
Sometimes these blend together, sometimes they don't.
Regardless, we have, and will continue to cover those bases to appease the largest number of people.
To put the ships you have seen into perspective, let me categorize the ships we've seen
...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
Um, the only thing he marked as "canon" was the Intrepid. Which isn't necessarily going to be T6.
The Dev came into a thread complaining about T6 ships. He listed all the T6 ships and then the Intrepid. It stands to reason that the Intrepid will be getting a T6 refit.
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Aesthetics are the most subjective thing in the world. I know a lot of people like the looks of the T6 Fed ships they've shown, and a lot of people don't. I happen to fall into the latter category and I hope we get T6 versions of the iconic Fed ship types soon. If not at release, then soon after.
'Cause the thing is, I don't want a half-hearted ship "upgrade" that only unlocks a portion of the T6 features on the ships I use. I want to play with *all* of the new things- the new boff type, the new passive abilities and traits, all of it.
Right now, I can have my cake and eat it too- the ships I like happen to also be some of the best in the game. And I will keep using the ships I like because that's why I'm playing a Star Trek game. If I wanted generic spaceships, there are better games I could be playing. And making the ship I want to use a second-class citizen will make me a dissatisfied customer.
I'm perfectly willing to buy a new T6 ship if it gives me access to the new stuff and the looks I'm playing for. I'm just not going to buy the Fed ships they've shown.
These are not the only ships, nor are they the start of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Dyson ships are not part of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Avenger was not part of a new "trend"
We will create a variety of ships, for a variety of tastes. It is absolutely not possible to appease everyone, unless we release quite a large range of ships -- which is what we're going to do!
Generally, that range of ships includes:
Canon - something seen on the TV series or movies.
Refit/Update - Inspired by a canon ship, usually parts are swappable with inspiration, but not always.
New - Identifiable as a faction's ship, but with a strong flavor twist.
Evolution - Inspired by canon ships, but usually a new class of ship.
Sometimes these blend together, sometimes they don't.
Regardless, we have, and will continue to cover those bases to appease the largest number of people.
To put the ships you have seen into perspective, let me categorize the ships we've seen
as he said...we've only seen 5 of the 7-10 ships that are coming
Your pain runs deep.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
In other words, hold your horses, you haven't seen everything yet!
Yes, we all are sure that sooner or later you ppl are going to sell the canon ships, but the if I have to wait 1 year for the Nebula Tier 6 and I have to buy that ship again after I paid for the C Store one and then the fleet one, you have to understend that the new expancion is not going to be much welcome on some big part of the community.
The Dev came into a thread complaining about T6 ships. He listed all the T6 ships and then the Intrepid. It stands to reason that the Intrepid will be getting a T6 refit.
Guess my new sci ship will be the Intrepid since no word on what happens to lockbox/lobi ships has gotten out.
These are not the only ships, nor are they the start of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Dyson ships are not part of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Avenger was not part of a new "trend"
We will create a variety of ships, for a variety of tastes. It is absolutely not possible to appease everyone, unless we release quite a large range of ships -- which is what we're going to do!
Generally, that range of ships includes:
Canon - something seen on the TV series or movies.
Refit/Update - Inspired by a canon ship, usually parts are swappable with inspiration, but not always.
New - Identifiable as a faction's ship, but with a strong flavor twist.
Evolution - Inspired by canon ships, but usually a new class of ship.
Sometimes these blend together, sometimes they don't.
Regardless, we have, and will continue to cover those bases to appease the largest number of people.
To put the ships you have seen into perspective, let me categorize the ships we've seen
In other words, hold your horses, you haven't seen everything yet!
That's all well and good, but most of the material we've seen on new Federation ships in Delta Rising is using the Tron designs so what did you guys expect us to think?
The aesthetic of Starfleet ships is pretty well established; every example in the game is unmistakably "Star Trek". The new designs just don't fit. :S
The Dev came into a thread complaining about T6 ships. He listed all the T6 ships and then the Intrepid. It stands to reason that the Intrepid will be getting a T6 refit.
Well, he's a ship artist, and his post was entirely devoted to ship art and aesthetics, with nary a mention of tier. So I'm going to avoid jumping to conclusions at this time.
I could be wrong - my point is, that was far from a definitive statement.
...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
These are not the only ships, nor are they the start of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Dyson ships are not part of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Avenger was not part of a new "trend"
We will create a variety of ships, for a variety of tastes. It is absolutely not possible to appease everyone, unless we release quite a large range of ships -- which is what we're going to do!
Generally, that range of ships includes:
Canon - something seen on the TV series or movies.
Refit/Update - Inspired by a canon ship, usually parts are swappable with inspiration, but not always.
New - Identifiable as a faction's ship, but with a strong flavor twist.
Evolution - Inspired by canon ships, but usually a new class of ship.
Sometimes these blend together, sometimes they don't.
Regardless, we have, and will continue to cover those bases to appease the largest number of people.
To put the ships you have seen into perspective, let me categorize the ships we've seen
In other words, hold your horses, you haven't seen everything yet!
I said this in the past but i do enjoy the work that the Ship art team does , while i dont like EVERY ship that is released , IE Fed Dyson destroyer . but there are alot that i do like. though the concept art for these new fed ships , dont seem to be my style , though the Romulan ship is beautiful
From what ive seen with how T6 ship will work from the information currently released makes it seem that we must fly these ships if we want certain traits to add to our current end game ships .
while im all for new ships, with quirky new abilities, for im not forced to use them to be competitive . till DR . regardless Elite PVE has a certain competitive edge to it . and i feel that if i dont have a Tier 6 or a upgraded tier 5.5 that im hindering my team when qued for these events .
while i have no problem with new gear with hirer marks , i have no problem with new ships . i have a issue with making current end game into junk that will get you shunned if you continue to fly in endgame content .
Okay folks, we got Tier 6 ship discussions EVERYWHERE so they are now going to start being merged into this one thread (which also had a few things merged into it). If you know of any more threads that need merging, send us a PM
I mean't no disrespect, I know they have been working hard on the new expansion. But unless they come out with a purple D'kora or allow me to fly a magical dragon, I'm going to hold onto my current ship. It's my precious! hehe
New Lunar Republic
"Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
I mean't no disrespect, I know they have been working hard on the new expansion. But unless they come out with a purple D'kora or allow me to fly a magical dragon, I'm going to hold onto my current ship. It's my precious! hehe
No disrespect at all! Honestly? I change ships so often that I will probably use a T6 ship sooner or later but always go back to my excelsior. (Always loved the design of that ship hehe)
Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care. Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker. Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
Unless our current ships are updated to match the new mechanics, and are not rendered obsolete then this game revamp and item reset will be what pushes me to leave this game.
Not that that fact matters to the Geko.
Once the game went F2P our opinions became irrelevant. All our words here are wasted. In a couple of months everything we have done for the last 4 years will be wiped clean so that we have to repurchase everything we worked for.
And it is better for them if us older players leave. Since a new player is more likely to repurchase everything they will be trying to sell.
That's all well and good, but most of the material we've seen on new Federation ships in Delta Rising is using the Tron designs so what did you guys expect us to think?
The aesthetic of Starfleet ships is pretty well established; every example in the game is unmistakably "Star Trek". The new designs just don't fit. :S
I don't think the Material is "tron like" I think thats the model details
These are not the only ships, nor are they the start of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Dyson ships are not part of a new "trend"
Similar to how the Avenger was not part of a new "trend"
We will create a variety of ships, for a variety of tastes. It is absolutely not possible to appease everyone, unless we release quite a large range of ships -- which is what we're going to do!
Generally, that range of ships includes:
Canon - something seen on the TV series or movies.
Refit/Update - Inspired by a canon ship, usually parts are swappable with inspiration, but not always.
New - Identifiable as a faction's ship, but with a strong flavor twist.
Evolution - Inspired by canon ships, but usually a new class of ship.
Sometimes these blend together, sometimes they don't.
Regardless, we have, and will continue to cover those bases to appease the largest number of people.
To put the ships you have seen into perspective, let me categorize the ships we've seen
In other words, hold your horses, you haven't seen everything yet!
T6 fleet Vesta [refit/evolution] ? *throwing money for it*
ppl would actually buy c store versions for console plus they will buy fleet T6 version aswell.
...talking to players is like being a mall Santa. Everyone immediately wants to tell you all of the things they want, and you are absolutely powerless to deliver 99% of them.
i know, but i think that their decision is just strange; i can understand for the mirror ships (not from our universe blalbla), but i don't understand why the obelisk carrier and the dyson ship from the missions, can't be upgraded. this is arbitrary.
I don't use the dyson ship, but i like the obelisk carrier, i spent a lot of dil and ec for the gears, and now it will be totally obsolete!!
And i won't buy the lobi obelisk carrier, for one reason, i don't open these stupid boxes.
so there will be canon T6 ships.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Any carriers? :P
I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
I'm looking forward to seeing more.
I also hope we get some lore surrounding the new designs - that's always fun.
Um, the only thing he marked as "canon" was the Intrepid. Which isn't necessarily going to be T6.
I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
So, you immediately go there? Rather than reading a list of ships that are all T6 with it at the bottom and thinking there will be a new T6 Intrepid?
And I thought *I* was a glass half full kinda guy.
The Dev came into a thread complaining about T6 ships. He listed all the T6 ships and then the Intrepid. It stands to reason that the Intrepid will be getting a T6 refit.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
'Cause the thing is, I don't want a half-hearted ship "upgrade" that only unlocks a portion of the T6 features on the ships I use. I want to play with *all* of the new things- the new boff type, the new passive abilities and traits, all of it.
Right now, I can have my cake and eat it too- the ships I like happen to also be some of the best in the game. And I will keep using the ships I like because that's why I'm playing a Star Trek game. If I wanted generic spaceships, there are better games I could be playing. And making the ship I want to use a second-class citizen will make me a dissatisfied customer.
I'm perfectly willing to buy a new T6 ship if it gives me access to the new stuff and the looks I'm playing for. I'm just not going to buy the Fed ships they've shown.
hell...boys...(pun intended lol )... just give us the info everyone is asking for since vegas announcements... plz :eek:
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Yes, we all are sure that sooner or later you ppl are going to sell the canon ships, but the if I have to wait 1 year for the Nebula Tier 6 and I have to buy that ship again after I paid for the C Store one and then the fleet one, you have to understend that the new expancion is not going to be much welcome on some big part of the community.
Division Hispana
Guess my new sci ship will be the Intrepid since no word on what happens to lockbox/lobi ships has gotten out.
They are upgrading the "Bug ship" so one would think that they would also upgrade the Lockbox and Lobi ships.....
On a unrelated note, your avatar made me TRIBBLE myself laughing....
I'm sorry to people who I, in the past, insulted, annoyed, etc.
That's all well and good, but most of the material we've seen on new Federation ships in Delta Rising is using the Tron designs so what did you guys expect us to think?
The aesthetic of Starfleet ships is pretty well established; every example in the game is unmistakably "Star Trek". The new designs just don't fit. :S
Well, he's a ship artist, and his post was entirely devoted to ship art and aesthetics, with nary a mention of tier. So I'm going to avoid jumping to conclusions at this time.
I could be wrong - my point is, that was far from a definitive statement.
I said this in the past but i do enjoy the work that the Ship art team does , while i dont like EVERY ship that is released , IE Fed Dyson destroyer . but there are alot that i do like. though the concept art for these new fed ships , dont seem to be my style , though the Romulan ship is beautiful
From what ive seen with how T6 ship will work from the information currently released makes it seem that we must fly these ships if we want certain traits to add to our current end game ships .
while im all for new ships, with quirky new abilities, for im not forced to use them to be competitive . till DR . regardless Elite PVE has a certain competitive edge to it . and i feel that if i dont have a Tier 6 or a upgraded tier 5.5 that im hindering my team when qued for these events .
while i have no problem with new gear with hirer marks , i have no problem with new ships . i have a issue with making current end game into junk that will get you shunned if you continue to fly in endgame content .
I mean't no disrespect, I know they have been working hard on the new expansion. But unless they come out with a purple D'kora or allow me to fly a magical dragon, I'm going to hold onto my current ship. It's my precious! hehe
"Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
No disrespect at all! Honestly? I change ships so often that I will probably use a T6 ship sooner or later but always go back to my excelsior. (Always loved the design of that ship hehe)
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
Not that that fact matters to the Geko.
Once the game went F2P our opinions became irrelevant. All our words here are wasted. In a couple of months everything we have done for the last 4 years will be wiped clean so that we have to repurchase everything we worked for.
And it is better for them if us older players leave. Since a new player is more likely to repurchase everything they will be trying to sell.
I don't think the Material is "tron like" I think thats the model details
Look at the fed ship to the left here
doesn't look very Tron.
free jkname
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I think they meant its stats :P You can disable effects.
T6 fleet Vesta [refit/evolution] ? *throwing money for it*
ppl would actually buy c store versions for console plus they will buy fleet T6 version aswell.
I know that this is probably asking too much but can you make it have different weapon hard points for dual heavy cannons and dual beam banks?
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
20000 fleet credit - 2 ship modules (1000 zen)
Only the Advanced (Lobi) Obelisk can be upgraded.
I don't use the dyson ship, but i like the obelisk carrier, i spent a lot of dil and ec for the gears, and now it will be totally obsolete!!
And i won't buy the lobi obelisk carrier, for one reason, i don't open these stupid boxes.
well, cryptic/pwe loose a way to earn MORE money