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- Official Star Trek Delta Rising Announcement



  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm excited for this expansion and the cap increase. Been waiting a long time for the cap increase. I have been playing since the start and wondered why it has taken this long to add more levels to this game. I own most of the c-store ships and a few lock box ships and I don't care if they become obsolete. I play an MMO because it is a living and evolving game and players should be expected to grow with it. This is what makes an MMO different from a console game. Console games do the same thing but just release a whole new version you have to buy all over again.

    This game has evolved immensely since its release. It's been awhile since I have spent real money on the game as its been pretty stagnant except for the repetitive handful of missions. I have 15 toons (some added after LoR release) and I don't have a problem leveling them all to 60 and with new races I may even add a few more. I am also always happy to see Cryptic make more $$$ as it keeps the game alive for all of us to enjoy. So keep those ships/races coming and I'll keep buying!

    p.s. This MMO is one of the easiest out there to do or buy anything with relative ease without real money. I have played a few others (space genre) and this game levels way faster than any other and I have yet to find one that doesn't cost some type of real $$$ to unlock key features.
    Gold Sub since March 2010
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  • wraithmeisterwraithmeister Member Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Well, if we are to have a guide through the Delta quadrant, I vote for Seven of Nine / Jeri Ryan.

    As for ship changes, I'll be sad to give up all the fleet gear I've accumulated for for 15-20 fully outfitted Fed, Rom and Klingon ships, but I'm sure the advanced/elite fleet gear I haev no will be obsolete by the time I hit 55. The other gear might have value longer since I have so many set items with set bonuses.

    I'll be expecting new starbase / fleet holding tasks to get new tiers of gear, but we all know it will porbably take far longer to hit those new holding levels than it will be to hit lvl 60. I was dissapointed neither 9.0 nor 9.5 had any new holding tasks/gear.

    So which rep system will we have in DR? Kazon or Hirogen? Most other large delta species we have had rep already for (borg, voth, undine).

    Oh, and please dont let any phage species steal my internal organs..thats just unpolite.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Its a good expansion, looking forward to see what is coming and to play it. I'm not sure about the T6 ships, since I got plenty of the ones I have now to play. So better make them good if you want me to get them. Looks like I will need more bank space for the new gear coming.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
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  • starwheelerstarwheeler Member Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    trelane87 wrote: »
    Judging by the tone of the article with regards to tier 6 ships it sounds like they're going to be far superior than current ships in game.. the rage will be epic :cool:
    Ooh! i say and lots of cash for cryptic wanna bet, it wil be fun to have something else to do finaly,
    only ting that wil remain is bug lots of bug but what would be sto without it :)
  • vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Difference being since your ship is your character where people paid money for that specific official IP skin or avatar that changes the rules completely.

    The second reason that arguement doesn't apply is, in 3 years that has not been the way it has been done at any point.

    Gear and abilities yes but level 50 was level 50.

    Additionally, you assume it's going to be tied to 10 new story missions 1 level is 1 mission but ask yourself if 50 to 60 just might be right up crafting's alley.

    300 days with 20 hour projects to get to 60

    So sorry to everyone but the only thing that matters right now is information on ships being obsolete as a game breaking mechanic.

    If I am quitting I'd rather know now and deal with it instead of being held hostage for weeks
  • rjoy79rjoy79 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Since players were able to purchase LOR packs, I wonder if there will be some sort of cash cow for DR? I paid for the LOR pack, so I will prob pay for the DR pack too, if the price and goodies are right.
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    so the "new" crafting system will be obsolete/severely unfinished the regular way when it launches right? lol ...

    (yes i was straight to the point, sorry ... lol)
  • nyx219nyx219 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The petulant attitudes are right on schedule, I see. How about everyone put a sock in it and wait & see how this expansion is before having a rage-aneurysm first? Of all the updates, and new content, the new crafting system & the Voth ground zone are the only things that flat out suck, IMO. Delta Rising certainly could suck also, but it could also be too awesome for words. Dunno yet, we can't play through it just yet. The storyline could be a little more A to B to C rather than lurching from one arc to another, but I'm playing a F2P and not complaining about that. If I had to pay for the content (rather than the perks) like some MMOs, you bet I'd have more to say about it.

    Depending on the T6 ships, my Oddy might get shelved. I'm really liking the futuristic look of the quad-nacelle Fed ship that we saw, it's grown on me. Depending on how it looks under the hood, I'm liable to buy that looker & backburner my Oddy baby.
  • siahosiaho Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    i understand why people are upset that their top tier stuff won't be the be-all-end-all any more, but where is the fun if there is no longer any improvements to make? if you can't go higher?

    i am hugely looking forward to new stories, new levels, new skills, new equipment, new ships, and new BOFFs.

    the only way for MMO games to stay worth playing, or relevant in any way, is if they update, and add new content. not just a new lockbox, or one or two episodes, but occasional, rare even, massive updates and changes.

    STO will benefit from this, i have no doubt.

    but, damn it, i must admit: of all the series, i liked voyager the very least. while there may be new things worth discovering in the delta quadrant, i just.... don't care about voyager much, and wish that the new content was from another source.
    There is so much more that can be done with Bajor, the Prophets, DS9, and the gamma quadrant. Bring us back Odo!
    Or, time travel (overused, but still) could feature in the story and we could explore the Romulan/Federation war in the Enterprise era.
    Whole plots could revolve around the Q (pre-voyager, when they were interesting).

    I look forward to the expansion, and eagerly await it regardless, but... ugh, Voyager.
  • angrybobhangrybobh Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Whats the point in all this? With a level cap increase and T6 ships coming, nothing in game right now matters. They should just shut it down until they are ready to release.

    As vestereng said, I'd like to know what we are getting into now rather than later so I don't waste my time. Thing is I have already quit playing because blatant cash grab crafting and doff ui killed my fun. I haven't unistalled the game just yet but I haven't logged in for about a week (~1.5 year daily login player). I suppose there is a small hope left in me that something good will come but better judgement based on recent changes in this game says I will be deleting this game in October.
  • somebobsomebob Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    rjoy79 wrote: »
    Since players were able to purchase LOR packs, I wonder if there will be some sort of cash cow for DR? I paid for the LOR pack, so I will prob pay for the DR pack too, if the price and goodies are right.

    Considering that Neverwinter just launched a new expansion with a $100 (yes, one HUNDRED US dollars) DLC (entirely optional, unless you actually wanted to play the new race, and then that was the only way to get it), every sign points to 'duh, yes'.
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  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Great... And what rank will level 60 take us to? Level cap increases has ruined every game I've played so far for me - I'm really hoping this doesn't happen here...

    On the bright side, it's nice knowing Harry Kim will be in the storyline.

    You know, I just had a thought, I wonder how much time and dilithium it will cost us to get to level 60?
    I also betcha these fantastic new ships will be the carrot at the end of the level 60 stick.

    If it's anything like the crafting system, ............

  • lequtislequtis Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    betayuya wrote: »
    so the "new" crafting system will be obsolete/severely unfinished the regular way when it launches right? lol ...

    (yes i was straight to the point, sorry ... lol)

    Thats exactly what happened to crafting last time they raised the level cap.. which worries me
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    angrybobh wrote: »
    Whats the point in all this? With a level cap increase and T6 ships coming, nothing in game right now matters. They should just shut it down until they are ready to release.

    As vestereng said, I'd like to know what we are getting into now rather than later so I don't waste my time. Thing is I have already quit playing because blatant cash grab crafting and doff ui killed my fun. I haven't unistalled the game just yet but I haven't logged in for about a week (~1.5 year daily login player). I suppose there is a small hope left in me that something good will come but better judgement based on recent changes in this game says I will be deleting this game in October.

    At least check in once a day to cycle your 20hr Research assignments; might as well level that while you aren't playing. I'm playing less than I was for the same reasons you are, but I'm still doing that at least. It's not like the queues are any different, and the gear is a couple months off, so Season 9.5 won't really have made any difference for awhile as far as I'm concerned. I admit that the doffing UI has limited the time I spend doffing, but in the end I simply stopped giving a rat's aft about Season 9.5. Save your dilithium and Zen for when details of X2 come available, enjoy the parts of the game still worth playing about with, and call it good. ;)
    lequtis wrote: »
    betayuya wrote: »
    so the "new" crafting system will be obsolete/severely unfinished the regular way when it launches right? lol ...

    (yes i was straight to the point, sorry ... lol)
    Thats exactly what happened to crafting last time they raised the level cap.. which worries me

    This time it really shouldn't be as difficult to update the crafting system. I'm personally not a fan of the actual progression, or the {materials->components->items} methodology, or the timers, but the plus side of its design is that adding Mk XIII and Mk XIV to the dropdowns should be a very simple procedure. Some things about the new crafting systems were not well designed (IMHO), but some aspects of it are actually rather good.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You know, I just had a thought, I wonder how much time and dilithium it will cost us to get to level 60?
    I also betcha these fantastic new ships will be the carrot at the end of the level 60 stick.

    If it's anything like the crafting system, ............

    unfortunately a valid point, but with 60, all 50 tier MUST be pushed down, but untill they made fleet bases, all the 50 stuff was C-Store, i expect no change on 60 stuff (unless they give a lvl 55 ship here and there) we are looking at cash cow, plus the crafting system, have not seen anything about weather it was "doomed" to fail ... lol

    if crafting gets carried into lvl 60, and some 55 ships are in the making, it looks about right. and can't wait to play an ocompan (or how ever it is spelt) :D lol

    Recomendation, +2 ship slots to carry the level up

    and +one toon slot (+one here would also have close to no impact but give another player option)

    Edit: also they set these "eye candy" beams and DHC to one ... bad more for 50 knowing 60 is coming, not the best plan, limiting the "fun factor" pre lvl cap increase, everyone here knows they will be out of date 2 months from now, pleeeeeeeeease pull the devs together and look at some of these comments :(
  • lindalefflindaleff Member Posts: 3,734 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant 30 years ago, and they spent 7 years in the Delta Quadrant. So you Harry Kim has been in Starfleet for nearly 40 years, 40 YEARS! And Harry is ONLY a Lieutenant Junior Grade? This does NOT add up.
    I completed a 2-man CSE, ISE, and KASE, Optionals included. And I soloed Winter Invasion.
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  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,985 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I don't think we will get any concrete data about the ships until pretty much DR launch.

    Why would they inform people that superior ships are coming and stop them from buying ships and keys now?

    It's pretty obvious.

    That said, please give the Escorts rear cannon capability like the latest refit.
  • principessapeachprincipessapeach Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I wonder if they'll add in Neelix somewhere. He was always trying to get Tuvok to smile.
  • jarodroto123jarodroto123 Member Posts: 1,337 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lindaleff wrote: »
    Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant 30 years ago, and they spent 7 years in the Delta Quadrant. So you Harry Kim has been in Starfleet for nearly 40 years, 40 YEARS! And Harry is ONLY a Lieutenant Junior Grade? This does NOT add up.

    try captain, they said he captains the U.S.S. Rhode Island
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lindaleff wrote: »
    Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant 30 years ago, and they spent 7 years in the Delta Quadrant. So you Harry Kim has been in Starfleet for nearly 40 years, 40 YEARS! And Harry is ONLY a Lieutenant Junior Grade? This does NOT add up.

    It does if you're trolling him .
    Remember who "promoted" him at STLV ?

    .... yeah ...
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    nakedcrook wrote: »
    Greedy cryptic is at it again.

    They nerf the rep system, taking away our ability to use all the powers we earned, in the name of "stopping power creep" only to hit the grand slam of all power creep introduction, and increase the level cap to 60, and intro news ships, which will have, at least, 5/5 foreward and aft weapons (at least).

    All you people who defended the season 9 nerf, you know who you are. I am curious how many of those people support this level cap increase? I am guessing all of you are going to defend the level cap increase...because Cryptic is telling you to do so.

    This is weak.

    Sheepole FTW. !!!

    ... some ppl on these forums could not think for themselves even if they stood next to a warp core breach ...
  • dessniperdessniper Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lindaleff wrote: »
    Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant 30 years ago, and they spent 7 years in the Delta Quadrant. So you Harry Kim has been in Starfleet for nearly 40 years, 40 YEARS! And Harry is ONLY a Lieutenant Junior Grade? This does NOT add up.

    Harry is just thankful that he is no longer an ensign.
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    lindaleff wrote: »
    Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant 30 years ago, and they spent 7 years in the Delta Quadrant. So you Harry Kim has been in Starfleet for nearly 40 years, 40 YEARS! And Harry is ONLY a Lieutenant Junior Grade? This does NOT add up.

    proof reads volume 21 chapter 3 ... lol
  • adwynythadwynyth Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    nyx219 wrote: »
    The petulant attitudes are right on schedule, I see. How about everyone put a sock in it and wait & see how this expansion is before having a rage-aneurysm first?
    This, totally. It's not like you're going to lose anything by waiting to see whether the expansion sucks or not, or
    whether the T5->T6 thing ends up being a cash grab, or whether any of a bunch of other things does wrong, before deciding whether to quit playing.

    If the apocalypse does happen, quit playing when you see it and know what it looks like.

    Otherwise, stick around.

    We really don't have enough information yet to make an informed decision. It's your right to make an uninformed one if you wish, but all this rage and bile is silly.
  • diax142diax142 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I'm hoping that the T-6 ships might be similar to the T5 ships in power (4 fore weapons, 4 aft), but with more powerful hulls, and perhaps more of a flagship/command ship role. Perhaps giving TEAM buffs, and perhaps having large worker bee hangars.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    adwynyth wrote: »
    We really don't have enough information yet to make an informed decision. It's your right to make an uninformed one if you wish, but all this rage and bile is silly.

    So is your nonstop ******** about other ppl's ******** .

    Know what you and those whom your ******** about have in common ?
    Neither of you are playing ISE for the 10.000th time .
  • angrybobhangrybobh Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    At least check in once a day to cycle your 20hr Research assignments; might as well level that while you aren't playing. I'm playing less than I was for the same reasons you are, but I'm still doing that at least. It's not like the queues are any different, and the gear is a couple months off, so Season 9.5 won't really have made any difference for awhile as far as I'm concerned. I admit that the doffing UI has limited the time I spend doffing, but in the end I simply stopped giving a rat's aft about Season 9.5. Save your dilithium and Zen for when details of X2 come available, enjoy the parts of the game still worth playing about with, and call it good. ;)

    Actually, I quit doffing entirely with the new doff ui. It just doesn't have the same feel. It's really too bad because that was one of my favorite things in this game. The RnD system I opted out of. Too much cash grab mentality bothered me too much to even open the window. Most days I would log on to do doff assignments on 9 characters and check fleet progress. I'd maybe play 2 or 3 missions and be done. With that gone (to me) and all 9 characters with many ships and rep/fleet gear there is not much reason to log on. I might find time to login so my auto-refine will reset but thats about it.
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    ya there isn't enough intel atm, but throwing out some recommendations sooner before they grow their roots with the "this is what we will give you", it might help shape things, for the better, you never know (although they will give us what they want us to see anyway ...) lol

    i am still excited :D
  • aesicaaesica Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    My only problem with level 60 what happens to all of the MK XII rep gear if there will be MK XIV gear do we get to upgraded or did we all just waste tones of time on the rep system gear
    I don't normally use these forums much, but I logged on specifically to ask this very question and several related to it:

    1) Will rep-crafted MK XII rewards be scaled up automatically, be upgradeable for a reduced resource cost, or will they pretty much be rendered obsolete? I really don't like the idea of MK XIV loot completely invalidating so many years of content.

    2) I hope I'm mistaken, but this cap increase leads me to believe that a lot of top-tier cash ships will be rendered obsolete, and this might infuriate a lot of players.

    3) In line with #2, what about the silvers? Since I assume that any 60-tier ships will also be c-store purchases along with the 50-tier ships, is this going to widen the rift between the free/silver players and the whales even further?

    Part of why I absolutely love this game right now is because it's indisputably the fairest free-to-play MMO I've ever seen with regards to free players vs whales. I'm not trying to be all doomsayer about this, because a level cap increase could actually be quite good for the game if done properly and fairly.

    However, it could just as easily be taken as a middle finger to paying players, free players, or even both, so be careful how you guys plan for and move forward with this.
    Rubberband Dance has been unlocked!
  • betayuyabetayuya Member Posts: 1,059 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    in WoW my Shadowmorne hit the bank when Cata Hit

    anything online offering a lvl cap increase must push down the previous levels,(Jem Hadar "that is the order of things"), as to how they will do the ship thing and balances, they better higher some magicians lol, there are TO MANY 50 ships already, they could possibly update some and pick and choose if they saw fit, and the box ships, mirror or reward/lobi will be a chore if they tackle that beast
This discussion has been closed.