Didn't they say that some future patch might add being able to change or choose the mods on gear? As it stands now I'm not really interested in making anything. If they allow one to choose or change mods that's when I'll want to start making things. So, now I will just continue playing like I have been and add the 20 hour research projects and request R&D assistance to my regular doffing regimen.
Heh, something along those lines. If they actually do something three months to a year from now, I don't want to have to wait another three months to a year to get at it...so just plugging along with Research Projects.
The system is in place - now all they need to do is get their head out of their rectal cavity and make it function.
A - Eliminate NPC vendors. Make everything - from medical supplies to self-sealing stem bolts to Large batteries - craftable. Everything! From the lowest levels (med supplies, for example, should be craftable at level 1 with minimal materials. While large consumables at like 7 to 10.
But not ships.
B - introduce a Market interface that's filterable and searchable (this they don't have, it will take time to build).
C - Enable mod alteration jobs - for any weapon, not just the ones you're trying to craft. Enable the ability to take an existing device with mods you don't want and modify it with the mods you do want - within the constraints of that device (No +plas on a phaser, for example).
D - Eliminate the dil sink from crafting. It's already got a draconian time sink, that's all it needs.
E - Eliminate the gambling. You craft what you input - be it a common warp core or an Ultra Rare one (which would, incidentally, require one each - common, uncommon, rare, very rare - warp core in the buildup process). You choose the procs during creation.
At level 20 allow players to create 'liberated' versions of ships (up to tier 4) - captured, reconditioned ships from opposing factions. So they can craft, for example, a KDF BOP usable by a Fed player! And vice versa. After all, this would require 2 changes - the 'flag' in game that defines what faction the ship goes to in the database, and the paint scheme. The model wouldn't change, nor it's functions.
Make fleets capable of acquiring tier 5 opposing ships the same way.
All of these things will rescue STO from it's current NGE situation, and enable it to grow robustly. Just look at Eve Online - they've done this with their market and craft systems and it has served them splendidly for a decade!
Eliminate the dil sink from crafting. Eliminate the gambling.
These won't happen for the simple fact that there isn't any money in giving things away.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
These won't happen for the simple fact that there isn't any money in giving things away.
Why exactly do they need to make money from crafting? Having a FIXED dilithium cost which is proportional to fleet / rep gear is probably fair. But why do they need to profit from crafting? Aren't they already profiting from ships, lock boxes, lobi and all the other stuff they sell? Is there any content coming which doesn't have a huge grind and/or cost attached?
Is this what makes F2P better? If so I would rather pay the $15 and have a real MMO with an emphasis on content. TYVM!
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
WoW is a pay to play...and a pretty expensive pay to play at that.
You too can craft to your hearts content if you have the mats in this system. Okay, yeah there is a tiny time gate...but so does the WoW crafting. The complaint is about the 20 hour time gate to gain a bumch of exp with almost no resource other then time used...something that WoW doesn't even let you do.
You gain traits as you level up (okay it's two giant leaps instead of a bunch of small bumps...but...meh).
You can't break item down...okay yeah that would have been nice...but seriously the stuff you get back from doing that in WoW is weak sauce and you know it.
You can't craft that fast and you know it. It takes minutes to make something. Then its random where you can't pick what you want stats wise. Not to mention what items you do craft does very little on gaining levels. Where in WoW you can just craft one right after another. Instead of waiting for it to be made. Even in WoW you can gain levels faster than this. With a new character can you keep up in level in crafting to keep the gear going with this? I highly doubt it with the 20 hour cool down.
The gear wasn't weak sauce either. As I used it a good bit to keep my guy geared up. Plus when they added transmorg those items became popular again for sell. So others can create their own looks.
In all WoW still has a better crafting. Even the old STO crafting was better to level up.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I'm actually confused by how strong the negative reaction is to the crafting system is. You can buy the crafted items from players who themselves crafted the items so there's no reason for you to craft if you're crafting for the items. It would certainly take you much less time to save up the ec than to grind crafting. The traits? Some of you expressed how bad the traits are. One guy used a censored swear word that means poo. Now I don't know if you guys really think the traits are as bad as poo, or if you instinctually feel the need to destroy things you hate and you think that somehow calling the traits poo somehow hurts the devs or the crafting system or whatever. If it's the former then again you don't need to craft. If it's the latter then I should tell you before you continue that you're really hurting neither and you should change your tactic to a zen boycot or something.
Unless you were crafting before, the new crafting grind shouldn't have affected you other than increasing the loot you get from stfs and such. If you were crafting before then the drastic increase in the quality of the craftable items should be associated with a drastic increase in work involved in getting there.
The strongest negative reaction the new crafting system should invoke is maybe annoyance. It certainly shouldn't be rage.
I am sorry but 450 days to lvl 20 does not sound correct when there are already lvl 15 items on the exchange
also there a double exp on rand d coming up so I highly doubt it will take that long
also in this double dil weekend I made over 300k dil ((Granted not refined but across all my characters wont take to long)) so where's this paying people are talking about
and again I just being devils advocate but what I seeing is people complaining just to complain
I'm actually confused by how strong the negative reaction is to the crafting system is. You can buy the crafted items from players who themselves crafted the items so there's no reason for you to craft if you're crafting for the items. It would certainly take you much less time to save up the ec than to grind crafting.
Perhaps if you were to sell crafting mats to the gullible that did not know the manner in which the Exchange will try to trick players...and even if they get past the "All" aspect, they'd better hope they're educated about the difference between Price and Price Per Unit where they can end up paying 2-3x+ times the price of something buying them one at a time.
Cause they killed EC income from drops...with folks making less than a third of what they were previously.
Though, you can always grind Dil to trade for ZEN to buy keys to get some EC from folks that already have EC...cause you don't earn EC anymore...you buy EC.
The traits? Some of you expressed how bad the traits are. One guy used a censored swear word that means poo. Now I don't know if you guys really think the traits are as bad as poo, or if you instinctually feel the need to destroy things you hate and you think that somehow calling the traits poo somehow hurts the devs or the crafting system or whatever. If it's the former then again you don't need to craft. If it's the latter then I should tell you before you continue that you're really hurting neither and you should change your tactic to a zen boycot or something.
At this point, the only reason I am doing the Research Projects is to unlock the traits on some guys that have useless Ground traits. But for folks that have purchased various Box Traits, well - they're likely to look at them and /facepalm. Add in that it was never made clear in any documentation that the traits go into your Personal Trait Pool. So finding out about that as well, could very well tick them off.
Unless you were crafting before, the new crafting grind shouldn't have affected you other than increasing the loot you get from stfs and such. If you were crafting before then the drastic increase in the quality of the craftable items should be associated with a drastic increase in work involved in getting there.
Except most of it is broken and not working...eh? That might be a reason to be upset...eh?
I am sorry but 450 days to lvl 20 does not sound correct when there are already lvl 15 items on the exchange
Even though the 450 days is incorrect, it has little to do with L15 items being on the Exchange already. You can "Finish Now!" your way to L15...just pay out the Dil.
also in this double dil weekend I made over 300k dil ((Granted not refined but across all my characters wont take to long)) so where's this paying people are talking about
Twitter...a discussion that Smirk was involved in.
and again I just being devils advocate but what I seeing is people complaining just to complain
Or maybe...just maybe...some people have a clue what they're talking about? They've actually spent hours upon hours upon hours upon hours over the past several weeks testing things.
At level 20 allow players to create 'liberated' versions of ships (up to tier 4) - captured, reconditioned ships from opposing factions. So they can craft, for example, a KDF BOP usable by a Fed player! And vice versa. After all, this would require 2 changes - the 'flag' in game that defines what faction the ship goes to in the database, and the paint scheme. The model wouldn't change, nor it's functions.
Make fleets capable of acquiring tier 5 opposing ships the same way.
hell no.
feds will stop at nothing to strip every last bit of tech from the kdf possible. BoPs? if you really want flanking that bad you already have the breen ship available.
Now we arent, Cryptic is more that willing for a cut to allow you to bypass stages ... the flaw of the 20 hour project was it was meant to level crafting without crafting anything, however it was nerfed TWICE because people decided they really didnt need to craft Mk II-XI items because even a regular player will outlevel the crafting level, considering crafting is locked until Lv 15 a new player cannot even be able to craft items to his level because he will always be farther ahead ... unless he pays.
I am sorry you don't need green blue purple or ultrea rare to level. When leveling my romulan all I used was white gear and I can level a romulan in three days. ((not 72 hours I am still sleeping in this time)) with only a 5 % bonus exp vet buff no doffs nothing to help ect. this to me really has no impact on leveling and what not
still playing devils advocate
I am sorry you don't need green blue purple or ultrea rare to level. When leveling my romulan all I used was white gear and I can level a romulan in three days. ((not 72 hours I am still sleeping in this time)) with only a 5 % bonus exp vet buff no doffs nothing to help ect. this to me really has no impact on leveling and what not
still playing devils advocate
Given the XP rate is hard set atr 600XP per hour max, the new items like the science part gens console or the Aegis set are the easiest way to XP up without spending hours of crafting.
The unique items? Yes of course, crafting is a factory.
The traits? No. Those aren't meant for you, those are the reward for people who waste all the money leveling up crafting schools so that you don't have to.
I thought they come in Trait boxes like the ones from lockboxes... I don't see why someone couldn't get them for EC... some grind the schools to get them, others pay the price in EC.
Why exactly do they need to make money from crafting? Having a FIXED dilithium cost which is proportional to fleet / rep gear is probably fair. But why do they need to profit from crafting? Aren't they already profiting from ships, lock boxes, lobi and all the other stuff they sell? Is there any content coming which doesn't have a huge grind and/or cost attached?
Is this what makes F2P better? If so I would rather pay the $15 and have a real MMO with an emphasis on content. TYVM!
Simple greed. S L O W crafting with fast leveling creates frustration and impatience. That's why they put in the DIL button. Pay money for DIL, finish crafting in a more reasonable amount of time, and actually get end game gear. Yes, they're making more money by other methods, but there's no such thing as "enough" money. And they'll do literally everything short of shutting the game down. It isn't a promising prospect for the game, of for the MMO market as a whole.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
Everything in a F2P game has to generate revenue in some fashion...either directly or indirectly. It's a business...even that restaurant giving away the free coffee or whatever, is hoping you buy something else while you're there. R&D's a major system - it has to generate revenue.
I hate the new crafting system its like they wont me to get bored with it n give up which people will do
People have....lotsa rage in this forum. Just imagine the frustrations of those who aren't registered here.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
Why exactly do they need to make money from crafting? Having a FIXED dilithium cost which is proportional to fleet / rep gear is probably fair. But why do they need to profit from crafting? Aren't they already profiting from ships, lock boxes, lobi and all the other stuff they sell? Is there any content coming which doesn't have a huge grind and/or cost attached?
Turned out ppl could actually craft something useful occassionally. Then a manager got chided for failing to have seen the opportunity for another money grab. That soon got rectified. And they went back to business as usual.
People have....lotsa rage in this forum. Just imagine the frustrations of those who aren't registered here.
Oh and what about the players who like the new crafting much more than the old one?
Maybe I am just the minority because I don't like grinding (I've finished the romulan Rep about two months ago although I play nearly daily since 2010).
The only time I've really "grinded" was during the old times when you were only able to get the Omega/Maco Sets with random drops. I've promised myself not to grind any longer after I've got all 3-set pieces...
Anyway, I personally like the new crafting more than the old one. I cannot say why. But this is more fun and more like "crafting". I am only level 4 at Engineering but I don't feel like to rush. The things I produce I can still use on my romulan alt who I created shortly after Expansion 1.
On the other hand I also play foundry missions which can take about an hour and I don't even care about the Dillithium because I play them "just for fun" or at least have a nice story told.
But as I said before perhaps I am just the minority (considering the fact that most of the farming foundry missions have more playthroughs than the ones I've played recently).
(sorry for the grammer. I am not a native speaker.)
In light of my frustrations with this update and to build upon what I said earlier, I felt compelled to make this little video.
Makes the STO system look more and more dilliberate...sad.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
In light of my frustrations with this update and to build upon what I said earlier, I felt compelled to make this little video.
Clearly a hoax! I already told you that the good and smart players of STO already know that Cryptic is the apex of the gaming industry, hypl, so your little deception doesn't work around here.
Now sir, take your magic and sorcery with you and begone! We don't need such fabrications here!
Heh, something along those lines. If they actually do something three months to a year from now, I don't want to have to wait another three months to a year to get at it...so just plugging along with Research Projects.
A - Eliminate NPC vendors. Make everything - from medical supplies to self-sealing stem bolts to Large batteries - craftable. Everything! From the lowest levels (med supplies, for example, should be craftable at level 1 with minimal materials. While large consumables at like 7 to 10.
But not ships.
B - introduce a Market interface that's filterable and searchable (this they don't have, it will take time to build).
C - Enable mod alteration jobs - for any weapon, not just the ones you're trying to craft. Enable the ability to take an existing device with mods you don't want and modify it with the mods you do want - within the constraints of that device (No +plas on a phaser, for example).
D - Eliminate the dil sink from crafting. It's already got a draconian time sink, that's all it needs.
E - Eliminate the gambling. You craft what you input - be it a common warp core or an Ultra Rare one (which would, incidentally, require one each - common, uncommon, rare, very rare - warp core in the buildup process). You choose the procs during creation.
At level 20 allow players to create 'liberated' versions of ships (up to tier 4) - captured, reconditioned ships from opposing factions. So they can craft, for example, a KDF BOP usable by a Fed player! And vice versa. After all, this would require 2 changes - the 'flag' in game that defines what faction the ship goes to in the database, and the paint scheme. The model wouldn't change, nor it's functions.
Make fleets capable of acquiring tier 5 opposing ships the same way.
All of these things will rescue STO from it's current NGE situation, and enable it to grow robustly. Just look at Eve Online - they've done this with their market and craft systems and it has served them splendidly for a decade!
These won't happen for the simple fact that there isn't any money in giving things away.
Why exactly do they need to make money from crafting? Having a FIXED dilithium cost which is proportional to fleet / rep gear is probably fair. But why do they need to profit from crafting? Aren't they already profiting from ships, lock boxes, lobi and all the other stuff they sell? Is there any content coming which doesn't have a huge grind and/or cost attached?
Is this what makes F2P better? If so I would rather pay the $15 and have a real MMO with an emphasis on content. TYVM!
- Judge Aaron Satie
You can't craft that fast and you know it. It takes minutes to make something. Then its random where you can't pick what you want stats wise. Not to mention what items you do craft does very little on gaining levels. Where in WoW you can just craft one right after another. Instead of waiting for it to be made. Even in WoW you can gain levels faster than this. With a new character can you keep up in level in crafting to keep the gear going with this? I highly doubt it with the 20 hour cool down.
The gear wasn't weak sauce either. As I used it a good bit to keep my guy geared up. Plus when they added transmorg those items became popular again for sell. So others can create their own looks.
In all WoW still has a better crafting. Even the old STO crafting was better to level up.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Unless you were crafting before, the new crafting grind shouldn't have affected you other than increasing the loot you get from stfs and such. If you were crafting before then the drastic increase in the quality of the craftable items should be associated with a drastic increase in work involved in getting there.
The strongest negative reaction the new crafting system should invoke is maybe annoyance. It certainly shouldn't be rage.
I am sorry but 450 days to lvl 20 does not sound correct when there are already lvl 15 items on the exchange
also there a double exp on rand d coming up so I highly doubt it will take that long
also in this double dil weekend I made over 300k dil ((Granted not refined but across all my characters wont take to long)) so where's this paying people are talking about
and again I just being devils advocate but what I seeing is people complaining just to complain
Perhaps if you were to sell crafting mats to the gullible that did not know the manner in which the Exchange will try to trick players...and even if they get past the "All" aspect, they'd better hope they're educated about the difference between Price and Price Per Unit where they can end up paying 2-3x+ times the price of something buying them one at a time.
Cause they killed EC income from drops...with folks making less than a third of what they were previously.
Though, you can always grind Dil to trade for ZEN to buy keys to get some EC from folks that already have EC...cause you don't earn EC anymore...you buy EC.
At this point, the only reason I am doing the Research Projects is to unlock the traits on some guys that have useless Ground traits. But for folks that have purchased various Box Traits, well - they're likely to look at them and /facepalm. Add in that it was never made clear in any documentation that the traits go into your Personal Trait Pool. So finding out about that as well, could very well tick them off.
Except most of it is broken and not working...eh? That might be a reason to be upset...eh?
It's a broken mess of garbage...one either rages or falls out of their chair laughing at just how bad it is.
Even though the 450 days is incorrect, it has little to do with L15 items being on the Exchange already. You can "Finish Now!" your way to L15...just pay out the Dil.
Yeah, no idea where the 450 came from...
Twitter...a discussion that Smirk was involved in.
Or maybe...just maybe...some people have a clue what they're talking about? They've actually spent hours upon hours upon hours upon hours over the past several weeks testing things.
That's because people literally bought their way to Level 15 to make those goods. :rolleyes:
hell no.
feds will stop at nothing to strip every last bit of tech from the kdf possible. BoPs? if you really want flanking that bad you already have the breen ship available.
free jkname
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
I am sorry you don't need green blue purple or ultrea rare to level. When leveling my romulan all I used was white gear and I can level a romulan in three days. ((not 72 hours I am still sleeping in this time)) with only a 5 % bonus exp vet buff no doffs nothing to help ect. this to me really has no impact on leveling and what not
still playing devils advocate
Given the XP rate is hard set atr 600XP per hour max, the new items like the science part gens console or the Aegis set are the easiest way to XP up without spending hours of crafting.
I thought they come in Trait boxes like the ones from lockboxes... I don't see why someone couldn't get them for EC... some grind the schools to get them, others pay the price in EC.
Simple greed. S L O W crafting with fast leveling creates frustration and impatience. That's why they put in the DIL button. Pay money for DIL, finish crafting in a more reasonable amount of time, and actually get end game gear. Yes, they're making more money by other methods, but there's no such thing as "enough" money. And they'll do literally everything short of shutting the game down. It isn't a promising prospect for the game, of for the MMO market as a whole.
People have....lotsa rage in this forum. Just imagine the frustrations of those who aren't registered here.
Turned out ppl could actually craft something useful occassionally. Then a manager got chided for failing to have seen the opportunity for another money grab. That soon got rectified. And they went back to business as usual.
The End
Oh and what about the players who like the new crafting much more than the old one?
Maybe I am just the minority because I don't like grinding (I've finished the romulan Rep about two months ago although I play nearly daily since 2010).
The only time I've really "grinded" was during the old times when you were only able to get the Omega/Maco Sets with random drops. I've promised myself not to grind any longer after I've got all 3-set pieces...
Anyway, I personally like the new crafting more than the old one. I cannot say why. But this is more fun and more like "crafting". I am only level 4 at Engineering but I don't feel like to rush. The things I produce I can still use on my romulan alt who I created shortly after Expansion 1.
On the other hand I also play foundry missions which can take about an hour and I don't even care about the Dillithium because I play them "just for fun" or at least have a nice story told.
But as I said before perhaps I am just the minority (considering the fact that most of the farming foundry missions have more playthroughs than the ones I've played recently).
(sorry for the grammer. I am not a native speaker.)
Makes the STO system look more and more dilliberate...sad.
Took 3 hours to craft 1 item! That is really sad. I only did the mark II item to test it, and even then it took 5 minutes.
Goes to show how really horrible this new crafting is. I rather have the old one back. This says it all, I'm in no hurry to craft stuff.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Clearly a hoax! I already told you that the good and smart players of STO already know that Cryptic is the apex of the gaming industry, hypl, so your little deception doesn't work around here.
Now sir, take your magic and sorcery with you and begone! We don't need such fabrications here!
mabe i wont even ever finish it wil see