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Loadouts/power tray still broken.



  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    taut0u wrote: »
    Could you plz, reveal your secret?

    There is no secret. I guess people never bother to read anything xD. It can be working PERFECTLY fine in some users, but not in others. Thats the whole problem and mistery of the loadout crappy system bug. And when you think you dont have any problems at all, one day, suddenly your loadout breaks, and you join all the people having problems with it.

    You cant say a system works fine when there is a chance of the opposite. Period. Specially when some people cant even create 1 single extra loadout without crying out loud to the gods. This whole chaos could be avoided if cryptic could test things before they release em. But since they never test anything (we are the beta testers since 4 years ago), this is what you get.

    I was even waiting ages ago before the loadout system came out to prepare more builds to use em in STFs, i had some of my ships 1 month stucked waiting for it. And after that, and all the hype and expectations for this new fancy system, it turned out that, as always, it was bugged as hell and it will be another "randomly malcfuncioning feature that will be never fixed" added to the never going to be fixed things list.
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I hate this bug loadouts is a massive fail but for me evertime there add something new to the game lockboxs c-store ship what ever! My slots change all by them self i load my loadout to find that it only loads half of it up.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    taut0u wrote: »
    Could you plz, reveal your secret?

    I will try to work on a possible video.
    There is no secret. I guess people never bother to read anything xD. It can be working PERFECTLY fine in some users, but not in others. Thats the whole problem and mistery of the loadout crappy system bug. And when you think you dont have any problems at all, one day, suddenly your loadout breaks, and you join all the people having problems with it.

    You cant say a system works fine when there is a chance of the opposite. Period. Specially when some people cant even create 1 single extra loadout without crying out loud to the gods. This whole chaos could be avoided if cryptic could test things before they release em. But since they never test anything (we are the beta testers since 4 years ago), this is what you get.

    I was even waiting ages ago before the loadout system came out to prepare more builds to use em in STFs, i had some of my ships 1 month stucked waiting for it. And after that, and all the hype and expectations for this new fancy system, it turned out that, as always, it was bugged as hell and it will be another "randomly malcfuncioning feature that will be never fixed" added to the never going to be fixed things list.

    Now you sound more reasonable, and I don't completely disagree with your statements, it's just I have 99% success rate with the loadout system, as long as I follow what I listed to a T.

    Yes occasionally it will still mess up, but vs the success rate I have of 99%, it is livable for me, but you are right they do little to no testing before releasing, and yes it does need fixing to work 100% correctly.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Loadouts have now been broken since their release 167 days ago.

    It has been 79 days since crypticfrost reportedly isolated the problem and passed it on to the fix-it-monkeys.

    So the fix-it-monkeys have been on vacation all this time? I hope it wasn't paid.

    Now they are telling us that the crafting update they are releasing is still a work in progress, and will be finished later.

    I find this a little worrying, the loadout feature is not setting a good president. We knew it was broken before release and they promised they would fix it latter.

    The STF accolade bugs introduced in season 7 took 507 days (and an awful lot of thread bumping) to fix.

    So does this mean we have 360 more days to go before loadouts work? And 507 days from tomorrow will crafting be done?

    What about secondary Deflectors? Reportedly we don't have these because they arn't done yet. Why? Nothing else is released in a done state. Dose not done yet actualy mean 'Not begun yet'?
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Loadouts have now been broken since their release 167 days ago.

    It has been 79 days since crypticfrost reportedly isolated the problem and passed it on to the fix-it-monkeys.

    So the fix-it-monkeys have been on vacation all this time? I hope it wasn't paid.

    Now they are telling us that the crafting update they are releasing is still a work in progress, and will be finished later.

    I find this a little worrying, the loadout feature is not setting a good president. We knew it was broken before release and they promised they would fix it latter.

    The STF accolade bugs introduced in season 7 took 507 days (and an awful lot of thread bumping) to fix.

    So does this mean we have 360 more days to go before loadouts work? And 507 days from tomorrow will crafting be done?

    What about secondary Deflectors? Reportedly we don't have these because they arn't done yet. Why? Nothing else is released in a done state. Dose not done yet actualy mean 'Not begun yet'?

    Well I am guessing, that the head honcho(s) are telling them to "Get it out, so it keeps them all grinding.....ermm I mean playing, and we can worry about fixing problems at a later time."

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    This thread sliped to page 3 and this new topic popped up.

    I've been needing something to do since they (mostly) fixed the stf accolades and the old thread dropped off the forums.

    Maybe this should be my new focus.
  • giannicampanellagiannicampanella Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It's somewhat common knowledge that the buggy loadout workaround consists of setting everything up in space (slots, doffs, tray, etc), save the loadout, then immediately log out, then log back in, then change instance or location to test if everything sticks. If it works, you're done. If one or two equipped items end up back in your inventory or something, put them back, resave the loadout again, repeat the logout-login procedure, and check again. Voila. Once it sticks, it sticks for good.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It's somewhat common knowledge that the buggy loadout workaround consists of setting everything up in space (slots, doffs, tray, etc), save the loadout, then immediately log out, then log back in, then change instance or location to test if everything sticks. If it works, you're done. If one or two equipped items end up back in your inventory or something, put them back, resave the loadout again, repeat the logout-login procedure, and check again. Voila. Once it sticks, it sticks for good.

    I myself do not even need do the logout bit, but otherwise you are pretty much right (at least for 2 saved slot, after those I couldn't tell you), but once you go changing ANYTHING, and I do mean ANYTHING around on ship/boffs/doffs/ships in service/ships decommissioning/obtaining new ships/adding new boffs to active roster/etc., will usually (not always) throw that saved data right out the door, and will need re-fixing by the player.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I rarely have a problem with switching my loadouts (boffs, doffs, etc) to any of my other ships. Occasionally one of my co soles will end up in the inventory when going from map to map, but usually only from ground to space. Then again, I have only 3 or 4 ships I actually use on 1 character, and they all use the same boffs/doffs. Some of you have 50 or more loadouts for 12 different ships, and you wonder why its hard to make everything work right. Its expected, with billions or even trillions of individual setups, that there will always be issues. Having 50 different boffs for just you is completely unnecessary, and frankly more than a little pathetic.

    Why do you need any more than 10 boffs and 3 or 4 ships? Based on a persons chosen career for a specific captain and their playstyle, there are only a few ships and setups that will work well for you. But since its a aux2batt fest, there can't be that much to change when going from one ship to another. All of you should be happy that there even is a loadouts save option. If you ask me, players have gotten too needy on things being too fast and too easy in online games. Cryptic gave you a loadouts system and the ability to switch your ship in space from just about anywhere, because you cried and cried for it. You can even switch your ship, without remo ing anything from it, select a loadouts for your new one, and all the items from your other ship jump to your new one. And there were no thank you threads, no good jobs, nothing. Instead, only complaints, and more crying for more, like a bunch of spoiled rich kids on their 16th birthdays.

    Some of you have mentioned 'being in the process of other games', like a single player leaving is a problem for anyone. I invite you to. Please, leave. That will simply be one less player that is doing little more than taking up space on our servers. Because I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't like ungrateful brats flooding the game forums with whine threads about how their 54 boffs don't get set right on their 20 ships, even though they use less than half of what they have. I seriously think some of you do nothing all day but run through the game and look, very hard, for things to complain about. We all know the loadouts system doesn't always work right, and that there are some issues, mostly minor, that needs to be fixed, but none of them make the game unplayable, and seeing as this is a known issue, this thread is totally pointless and should be closed immediately.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ghyudt wrote: »
    Why do you need any more than 10 boffs and 3 or 4 ships? Based on a persons chosen career for a specific captain and their playstyle, there are only a few ships and setups that will work well for you.

    100% wrong. The performance difference between a generalist skill build and a specialist skill build is tiny.

    Now I often get a lot of push back from people who have never actually tested or researched captain skills, so hear are some examples, 100% replicatable and verifiable, go test them yourself if you don't believe me.

    Going from 6 investments to 9 in Attack Patterns gets you 1% more defense and 1% more damage from attack pattern omega 3.

    Going from 6 investments to 9 in Flow Capacitors gets you 1.8 points more power drain (before resistances) from energy syphon 3

    Going from 6 investments to 9 in Shield Emitters gets you 68 points of extra healing from emergency power to shields 1

    Going from 6 investments to 9 in Energy Weapon Specialization gets you 0.3% more chance to criticaly hit.

    Going from 6 investments to 9 in Graviton Generators gets you a Gravity well 3 with a radius 0.22km bigger.

    Going from 6 investments to 9 in Subspace Decompiler gets you a stun 0.2 seconds longer from photonic shockwave 3.

    So the counter question to yours; 'why do we need so many bridge officers and ships' is simply 'Why do we need so many characters'

    Having one main character with multiple ships, boffs and a generalist build allows us to enjoy a lot more of STO with far less grind. Multiple characters is the only way to do everything at 100% efficiency, but its also a lot more work to maintain and invest in. Which frankly isn't worth a 1% performance gain to many of us.

    Now yes, unlocking bridge officer slots and inventory slots to support this sort of playstile is another costly investment. But its a grater resource investment then it is a time investment, which many find preferable. If your not one of them that's fine.

    As for any concerns you might have about loosing your edge, your ping time and player skill is far more important to where you will rank against other players.

    If my generalist science fed (with no weapon specialization at all) routinely tops heavily invested tactical characters on the DPS charts (which he does) then the 1% isn't the tie breaker.

    Now certainly there are a few cookie cutter build techniques that you can copy and paste between most ships and make them competitive enough, so certainly no one needs 50 boffs. But where do you think those builds come from?

    They don't come from the people who just play one ship in one way. You cant find the perfect build if you only ever use the same one. Heck if all you do is theory build your going to miss out on a lot of ways to come out on top.

    For example, on paper emergency power to weapons 1 looks like a better dps boost then emergency power to engines 1, and of course you can have both, but when it comes down to choosing one over the other the theory builder will pick weapons, and the tester will pick engines, because the guy who tests these things knows that getting to the enemy before the other guy means the other guy has nothing to shoot with his emergency power to weapons, and thus does less dps.

    The cookie cutter builds of tomorrow come from those of us with 50 boffs, who spend hours testing the game mechanics and trying new combinations in actual rather then theoretical circumstances. Lord knows there are plenty of builds which look good on the forums until you try them.

    And if you truly want to do everything as efficiently as possible you need different builds, because a specialist build only dose the thing its specialized for that efficiently.
    ghyudt wrote: »
    All of you should be happy that there even is a loadouts save option. If you ask me, players have gotten too needy on things being too fast and too easy in online games. Cryptic gave you a loadouts system and the ability to switch your ship in space from just about anywhere, because you cried and cried for it. You can even switch your ship, without remo ing anything from it, select a loadouts for your new one, and all the items from your other ship jump to your new one. And there were no thank you threads, no good jobs, nothing. Instead, only complaints, and more crying for more, like a bunch of spoiled rich kids on their 16th birthdays.

    You know I gave cryptic a lot of 'Good Jobs' and a lot of thanks when they proposed loadouts, and when they were on tribble, and when they came to holodeck. I also put down a lot of dissenters on the forums who argued, for much the same reasons you are, that we didn't need the loadouts that cryptic were spending time on and that they should invest their resources elsewhere.

    When the loadouts were broken on tribble cryptic promised to fix them before release. When they were broken on holodeck they promised to fix them soon. Then they forgot about them. Well loadout slots are still being sold, and for many people who buy them they are still not working.

    Now Cryptic don't need to fix them at all, they can leave them as they are if they want to. But I don't want them to do that, and neither do many others, and cryptic will, if they think its not important to us.
    ghyudt wrote: »
    and seeing as this is a known issue, this thread is totally pointless and should be closed immediately.

    Check the 'known issues' in patch notes and 'Bug Reports: Master Index of Known Issues' that's stickied on this forum. No mention of this being a known issue in either of those places.

    As long as its not listed there people are going to keep making new threads. May as well keep this one alive so that people who don't know that its already known will keep there complaining to this one.
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It's somewhat common knowledge that the buggy loadout workaround consists of setting everything up in space (slots, doffs, tray, etc), save the loadout, then immediately log out, then log back in, then change instance or location to test if everything sticks. If it works, you're done. If one or two equipped items end up back in your inventory or something, put them back, resave the loadout again, repeat the logout-login procedure, and check again. Voila. Once it sticks, it sticks for good.

    Doesn't fix anything for me.
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Loadouts have now been broken since their release 170 days ago.

    It has been 82 days since crypticfrost reportedly isolated the problem and passed it on to those who can fix it.

    Yet the bug still dose not appear in either:

    Bug Reports: Master Index of Known Issues


    Patch Note: Known Issues

    What's the point of having lists of known issues if a major ongoing known issue is not represented in either of them? People will just keep making more threads that will keep getting closed because there are already threads on it.

    This could be avoided if cryptic would list this as either something they have on the fix it list, and need no more help with. Or something they are aware of and still need feedback on in a designated thread.

    Alternatively we could just keep this thread going in the manner of the old STF Accolade bug thread. Cryptic don't provide us any other way to demonstrate which issues are still important to us and need prioritizing.

    But although that was permitted for over a year, all the bumping was a violation of forum rules. And I think poor Borticus took the whole thread rather personally and felt it was aimed at him. Which it wasn't, it was just an outlet for frustration, still some people did misdirect at him.

    I think it realy would be best if cryptic just acknowledged this in the known issues list.
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I have sent a link to Captain_smirk twitter for this thread and asked to return it to the Master Index.
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Wow has it really been 170 days?

    Ugh, the turnaround time on STO bugs is appalling.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    taut0u wrote: »
    I have sent a link to Captain_smirk twitter for this thread and asked to return it to the Master Index.

    I will never understand why everybody wants smirk to take command all the time. Seriously. Is he the boss of cryptic?? can he change the way cryptic is directing this game?? no. Then?? i will never understand xD. People are so naive sometimes... :D
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I will never understand why everybody wants smirk to take command all the time. Seriously. Is he the boss of cryptic?? can he change the way cryptic is directing this game?? no. Then?? i will never understand xD. People are so naive sometimes... :D

    It is better than nothing, he has responded to my message... once...
    There are only 2 community managers. I have no comments about PWE_Failing_Trandy, so Smirk is all who I could message. Not to mention, beside anonymous tech support we can not contact anyone in PWE.
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    That master list is a joke, its about 1% or the known bugs
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I know there have been far more, if you would like to spend some time tracking down the other threads I would like to add them. Just havnt had the time to find them all.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I think he meant the stickied thread at the top of the Bug Reports forum. The number of active bugs is way larger than that, and if they were to include a total list of "Known Issues" at the bottom of every Release Notes thread it would dwarf the contents of the actual release notes, probably even rivaling the release notes for a new season update.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Loadouts have now been broken since their release 172 days ago.

    It has been 84 days since crypticfrost reportedly isolated the problem and passed it on to those who can fix it.

    Yet the bug still dose not appear in either:

    Bug Reports: Master Index of Known Issues


    Patch Note: Known Issues
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Well this post made it to page 2 and another thread popped up.

    Loadouts have now been broken since their release 174 days ago.

    It has been 86 days since crypticfrost reportedly isolated the problem and passed it on to those who can fix it.

    Yet the bug still dose not appear in either:

    Bug Reports: Master Index of Known Issues


    Patch Note: Known Issues
  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Note that none of the important bugs are reported in the known issues section since ages ago, not just this one. Well, not even less important ones.. you should just get used to it and stop writting a status every 2 days... because there is no point at all. The known bugs section of the patch notes is just decorative, just saying.
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Posting just to bump isn't allowed on the forums at all. So stop.

    As for it not being on the list of known issues in the patch notes that's by far not my call (I COULD edit them but trendy might beat me if i didn't format it right hehe) As for the master bug list, that's also not something I want to edit at this time to be fair and honest.

    I will bring up the fact that some things need to be added to the master bug list and see if we can't work on a way to help get that information updated faster :)
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    ARGH.asfklhdjadsip;hasufasuiaso;fihd *keyboard smash*

    So, um, yeahhh I just switched between two ships that were working perfectly fine before today and now the Boffs and power tray on one of them aren't loading.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I was thinking, if I shall buy more loadout slots, is there a possibility that some of them shall work? Or I still shall have only first working slot?
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
  • policestate76policestate76 Member Posts: 1,424 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    taut0u wrote: »
    I was thinking, if I shall buy more loadout slots, is there a possibility that some of them shall work? Or I still shall have only first working slot?

    What... ? are you crazy enough to buy loadout slots knowing it is a bugged feature?? :eek: .. just saying... lol, now i understand why cryptic keep releasing broken stuff in the cstore lol. :P
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    taut0u wrote: »
    I was thinking, if I shall buy more loadout slots, is there a possibility that some of them shall work? Or I still shall have only first working slot?

    Buying loadout slots wont fix your problems. At least it didn't for me. I bought some so that I could justify my complaints about them.... And just maybe in the hope they might be fixed some day.


    Loadouts have now been broken since their release 181 days ago.

    It has been 93 days since crypticfrost reportedly isolated the problem and passed it on to those who can fix it.

    Yet the bug still dose not appear in either:

    Bug Reports: Master Index of Known Issues


    Patch Note: Known Issues

    It has been 7 days since askray asked for the master bug list to be updated. (Thanks for that askray, we appreciate it.)
  • hipachilleshipachilles Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I finally got around to giving the loadouts a try since I wanted to dabble in one loadout for PVP and one for STFs. Seems like a good idea, right? Torps and control abilities are useful against the borg, as are certain heals, but other skills are handy against players with high defense that use alpha strikes.

    Except I realized after attempting them that the loadouts are horribly broken. I queue up for PVP and switch loadout only to discover my power tray completely borked up and half the equipment didn't load. After a pitiful PVP performance, I fix the problem and save the loadout again. I swap back to PVE and it loads that one fine. When I pull the PVP up, once again the power tray is empty, but this time all the equipment loaded.

    I tried piecing together a workaround to make this feature work for me. So far what I gather is that after making changes and saving I need to wait awhile before swapping loadouts or changing zones to make sure it saved correctly. Also, I can't change traits, skills, BOFFS, or anything else right? Once I get them to work don't change anything, otherwise I will go through the same nightmare again? If I decide my EptS would be better served by engineering team, too bad because doing so will bork my loadouts again? Really!?
  • ujam1ujam1 Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Presently the duty officers are not loaded for me after each change of ship.
    So i have to push loadouts manually right after.
    Thank you!
    FED: Special Circumstances, Raumpatroullie Elysion, Naeramarth
    KDF: Special Circumstances KDF
  • janetza#4790 janetza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    What... ? are you crazy enough to buy loadout slots knowing it is a bugged feature?? :eek: .. just saying... lol, now i understand why cryptic keep releasing broken stuff in the cstore lol. :P
    It does not cost me any money. If at least a few of those 10 slots would work, it would be good enough for me.
    I tried piecing together a workaround to make this feature work for me. So far what I gather is that after making changes and saving I need to wait awhile before swapping loadouts or changing zones to make sure it saved correctly. Also, I can't change traits, skills, BOFFS, or anything else right? Once I get them to work don't change anything, otherwise I will go through the same nightmare again? If I decide my EptS would be better served by engineering team, too bad because doing so will bork my loadouts again? Really!?
    None shall help. This function doesn't work and we can not do anything from our end.
    [Combat (Self)] You lose 6549 (7572) Cold from the torment of the underworld.

    In-game handle @Janetza
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