lets hope it gets two LT COM stations rather then just 3 LT stations.
then it would just be the guardian basically. it would end up like this, if the intrepid is any indication.
COM eng
LTC eng LT uni LT tac LT sci
ether the tac or sci LT would be intel hybrids, and that new LT uni could be used to replace whichever it is. the damnable 3rd ENS eng is gone, it can use OSS2, or OSS1 and ionic2, it would actually be a damn fine AtB tac cruiser. it would be no eclipse, but BETTER then any tier 5U beam boat tac cruiser.
Comm Tac
Lt Com eng
Lt com sci
Lt eng
ens uni, tac, or sci
4 eng consoles. 4 tac, 3 sci "well this is the fleet version" otherwise 4 eng 3 tac 3 sci
Commander Tac is an escort/raptors layout. Serously, why do we still get "commander tac galaxy" suggestions?
From this point on I think a T6 Galaxy, Defiant and at least Negh'Var and D'Deridex are a necessity.
For the T6 Galaxy I think I'll just link to an older thread of mine here. At that point, I was still thinking about a LTC sci hybrid and a layout that was inspired by the refits, though Cryptic REALLY doesn't want the T4 refits to have any bearign whatsoever on anything, so yeah.
And for the mastery, I like to point to my reflective tanking trait two pages ago
If the Intrepid is any indication, a T6 Galaxy would probably feature Cdr Eng, LTC Eng, Lt Tac, Lt Sci/Intel, Lt Uni.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
A: The Galaxy pack. If the model was going to receive significant attention, it would have been when said pack was released. It didn't. Neither did the Galaxy-X with it's misaligned parts. And when push comes to shove, the Galaxy (i.e the T5 & Fleet versions) didn't actually receive any attention at all.
B: The Powers That Be have proven time and time again that they don't like the Galaxy class
C: They likely view the Guardian as being a T6 Galaxy alternative
And as an aside, I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it's the Sovereign class, over the Galaxy, that is in the running for T6 treatment; it's still a 'hero ship' and it's not disliked by The Powers That Be.
i think you are right, and anyway i don't want them to do a tier 6 galaxy... at least not right now.
because i known how it is going to end.
they release one with just a lt intel, wich would make it better than most t5u.
but who care about tier 5 u now, these ships are borderline obsolete and will be even further with fleet tier6 ship.
so yes a tiers 6 galaxy with just a lt intel will be the least efficient of tier 6 ( a bit like the guardian ).
and in the long term will be completely overshadow by all the new tier6 ship release that will come.
exactly like the intrepid/defiant/galaxy retrofit before.
we are in the tier6 "era" now, so even if the least efficient of the tier6 is better than 95% of the tier5u and thus give you the impression to have a top tier ship, it is going to fade aways very soon.
we are going to post build for this ship in this thread, wich WILL NOT be use by cryptic for this ship, but for whatever other they want to sell, and the history will repeat itself.
A: The Galaxy pack. If the model was going to receive significant attention, it would have been when said pack was released. It didn't. Neither did the Galaxy-X with it's misaligned parts. And when push comes to shove, the Galaxy (i.e the T5 & Fleet versions) didn't actually receive any attention at all.
B: The Powers That Be have proven time and time again that they don't like the Galaxy class
C: They likely view the Guardian as being a T6 Galaxy alternative
And as an aside, I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it's the Sovereign class, over the Galaxy, that is in the running for T6 treatment; it's still a 'hero ship' and it's not disliked by The Powers That Be.
I'm not so sure about that. Cryptic hates the Galaxy, but that didn't stop them from packing it into a new bundle and reselling it to make a quick buck off us Galaxy fans.
That's largely how I expect the T6 Galaxy to be released. Minor changes along the same vein as the Gal-X, some kind of crappy trait, and bam, brand new T6 Galaxy. I don't think they would touch the old skins because they would justify it by having some new ugly Galaxy variant skin that they made. The only reason the Intrepid got touched up is because it was used for Voyager in the episodes. We just happened to get it on our ships after the fact.
I do expect it to be dead last on the list of rereleased ships. Since they really do hate it lol.
i think you are right, and anyway i don't want them to do a tier 6 galaxy... at least not right now.
because i known how it is going to end.
they release one with just a lt intel, wich would make it better than most t5u.
but who care about tier 5 u now, these ships are borderline obsolete and will be even further with fleet tier6 ship.
so yes a tiers 6 galaxy with just a lt intel will be the least efficient of tier 6 ( a bit like the guardian ).
and in the long term will be completely overshadow by all the new tier6 ship release that will come.
exactly like the intrepid/defiant/galaxy retrofit before.
we are in the tier6 "era" now, so even if the least efficient of the tier6 is better than 95% of the tier5u and thus give you the impression to have a top tier ship, it is going to fade aways very soon.
we are going to post build for this ship in this thread, wich WILL NOT be use by cryptic for this ship, but for whatever other they want to sell, and the history will repeat itself.
so be carrefull what you wish for people!
thats all any ship can hope for it looks like, an LT intel slot. the only ships that will ever have a COM intel have been released probably. it wouldn't be a junker though, it should lay down beam fire about as well as a scimitar does.
long term will still be a long time from now, it will be quite some time before a tier 6 galaxy feels at all uncompetitive, and it will never be as bad off as the tier 5 was. a tier 6 sovereign wouldn't be much better, like the guardian, but lacking the LTC sci most likely.
hopefully its intel station is its LT tac, then the universal LT can be used for tac, a build like this should beat out all tier 5 beam boats
AtD instead of another copy of AtB, because the tier 6 escort trait should be keeping the cooldowns of intel and tac skills at as low as possible with the 1 copy. tac skills are generally why you want a second copy more then anything, feds are op.
it would be slightly behind the guardian, but it probably should be. would still be a great ship, better then we could have ever hoped a galaxy could be in this game, thanks to how awesome OSS is. and you would have the option of doubling up sci LT for a more healer role, it actually would be good at that role now too.
the release of the intrepid seem to be to generate profit out of the work they done on the ship model and interior that was needed for the dela story.
i really hope it is only that and that they are not working on a galaxy and defiant upgrade right now, because now IS the perfect time to get a TRIBBLE up tier 6 galaxy.
delta rising have change the game meta like never before, it an all new game, they was no such change in the 5 years game history.
they have to possibility to release a bad tier 6 galaxy, but since it will have acces to intel power it will look better than many ship out there, so will sell good.
now is the time, because after people will figure out what is needed to make a good tiers 6 ship and will not buy a bad version the eyes closed.
if we want a decent galaxy, and i said decent because i can not picture cryptic making a good version out of it, it will have to wait 1 years MINIMUM.
I would like to see a galaxy cannon set like the belfast set and the constitution i think that and more commander stations those are the only improvements i can think of that the galaxy class needs
it would be slightly behind the guardian, but it probably should be. would still be a great ship, better then we could have ever hoped a galaxy could be in this game, thanks to how awesome OSS is. and you would have the option of doubling up sci LT for a more healer role, it actually would be good at that role now too.
so you are ok with a new tier 6 galaxy that would get out after the guardian but with slightly lower stats?
i am the only one to feel like a " deja vu" here? like with the tier 5 galaxy retrofit that came out after the star cruiser but happened to be less good.
and at that time already people thaught that it was the best they could have hope for because they was no indication that cryptic would release tier 5 version of the 3 iconic ship.
ho, of course it will be able to compete with good tier 5 ship,just like the tier 5 galaxy was able to compete with most tier 4 ship:rolleyes:.
but this tier is dead.
there is more difference between tier 6 ship and tier 5 ship that there is between tier 5 ship and tier 4 ship.
how many people you see using tier 4 ship today? and you can add the one that doing it for fun, challenge or whatever reasons they could come up with, fact is that there is not many.
how many people do you think will fly tier 5 ship in 1 years....2 years.
and how this slighty less good guardian will fare then against the new tier 6 scimitar clone, avenger, xindi carrier alternative and whatever more OP ship they will release then.
we will find ourselve in the exact same position as we are with the galaxy retrofit that stand at the threshold of tier 5 efficiency without totally touching it.
and we will be the only one responsable with the attitude " it is the best that we could hope for ".
as if the galaxy didn't have the right to be an efficient and desirable ship.
but anyway, as someone said, if they still find people to paid for that there is nothing that we could said!
so you are ok with a new tier 6 galaxy that would get out after the guardian but with slightly lower stats?
i am the only one to feel like a " deja vu" here? like with the tier 5 galaxy retrofit that came out after the star cruiser but happened to be less good.
and at that time already people thaught that it was the best they could have hope for because they was no indication that cryptic would release tier 5 version of the 3 iconic ship.
ho, of course it will be able to compete with good tier 5 ship,just like the tier 5 galaxy was able to compete with most tier 4 ship:rolleyes:.
but this tier is dead.
there is more difference between tier 6 ship and tier 5 ship that there is between tier 5 ship and tier 4 ship.
how many people you see using tier 4 ship today? and you can add the one that doing it for fun, challenge or whatever reasons they could come up with, fact is that there is not many.
how many people do you think will fly tier 5 ship in 1 years....2 years.
and how this slighty less good guardian will fare then against the new tier 6 scimitar clone, avenger, xindi carrier alternative and whatever more OP ship they will release then.
we will find ourselve in the exact same position as we are with the galaxy retrofit that stand at the threshold of tier 5 efficiency without totally touching it.
and we will be the only one responsable with the attitude " it is the best that we could hope for ".
as if the galaxy didn't have the right to be an efficient and desirable ship.
but anyway, as someone said, if they still find people to paid for that there is nothing that we could said!
if no future ships have better then an intel LT, they will all basically be in the same boat. it can run OSS2, that will keep it a totally useable ship practically indefinitely at this point.
its only very slightly behind the guardian, they would have the same console setup, but stations a bit different
COM eng
LTC eng LT tac* LT sci LT uni
COM eng LTC tac LTC sci LT eng* ENS uni
thats pretty comparable. the galaxy would be a better tank, AtD and RSP are easy to slot, on the guardian all it really has for eng is its COM station, you need the phantom trait or thats a problem. this is another important factor with tier 6 ship layouts, is there enough room to slot important intel skills without displacing something else as important? there's no opportunity cost to worry about when slotting OSS on what the tier 6 galaxy would have. as long as the intel hybrid is it's tac station, if its it's sci, it would pretty much have to do without ether APB or FAW, or worse, ether ST or HE.
the guardian can effectively slot some offensive sci, but thats not terribly useful on a beam boat,. a LTC tac is always useful, but again a simple beam boat doesn't NEED one like a cannon and or torp included build does. 5 fore weapons, don't mater much on beam array boats, thats a cannon ship advantage. im not too worried about it ending up being the worst tier 6 cruiser or something, its still going to be up on the same performance plateau as the very best, the gap between best and worst will be extremely small, compared to how things were at tier 5.
don't forget, the 3rd ENS is gone, its gonna have 3 built in tac consoles, the things that ruined the ship are no longer present. plus it gains an unprecedented damage booster, so it can FAW like a scimitar wile its active for 20 seconds, every 30 seconds. trust me, this is the good galaxy we have been waiting for.
they would probably release the galaxyX the same way too, judging by the intrepid release, they REALLY love ship packs. unless they did something crazy and gave it a LTC tac, it should probably have that exact same station setup. with its hanger, and its lance. the launch of tier 6 galaxys might be what triggers usability of the saucer sep console on the guardian too.
Time to bust out Photoshop and make some new sig banners. :P
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
I would like to see a galaxy cannon set like the belfast set and the constitution i think that and more commander stations those are the only improvements i can think of that the galaxy class needs
Oh, wouldn't we all love this. I've been bugging the devs for it since forever - an Enterprise-D interior with the classic Enterprise TNG bridge. It's sad how in a game that enables ship interiors, the most developed and recored one, complete with manuals, blueprints is still not in the game. Good money to be made from this.
Time to bust out Photoshop and make some new sig banners. :P
Do it! DO IT!
But in all honesty, presonally I'd want to hold out on the T6 Galaxy until we get more new flavours of new Boff profiles, so we can get one that suits the ship and the lore better. This whole intel shtick just rubs me the wrong way.
On the other hand, prepare for war if we want to succeed in something like this. We all know the emotion relationship of the "main man" with TNG and this ship. Cryptic is just lol . They have no idea or plan where they're going, they're just picking pieces up as they go along. If they intended to do this with the Intrepid, they should've made the Defiant and Galaxy skins unlocked for the Phantom and Guardian, respectively.
But in all honesty, presonally I'd want to hold out on the T6 Galaxy until we get more new flavours of new Boff profiles, so we can get one that suits the ship and the lore better. This whole intel shtick just rubs me the wrong way.
On the other hand, prepare for war if we want to succeed in something like this. We all know the emotion relationship of the "main man" with TNG and this ship. Cryptic is just lol . They have no idea or plan where they're going, they're just picking pieces up as they go along. If they intended to do this with the Intrepid, they should've made the Defiant and Galaxy skins unlocked for the Phantom and Guardian, respectively.
I was just thinking about the intel abilities. I mean they are named "intel", but what do they actually have to do with intelligence? "Override Subsystem Safeties" and "Surgical Striking" and all that is not really anything I'd associate with intelligence services...
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
if no future ships have better then an intel LT, they will all basically be in the same boat. it can run OSS2, that will keep it a totally useable ship practically indefinitely at this point.
its only very slightly behind the guardian, they would have the same console setup, but stations a bit different
COM eng
LTC eng LT tac* LT sci LT uni
COM eng LTC tac LTC sci LT eng* ENS uni
thats pretty comparable. the galaxy would be a better tank, AtD and RSP are easy to slot, on the guardian all it really has for eng is its COM station, you need the phantom trait or thats a problem. this is another important factor with tier 6 ship layouts, is there enough room to slot important intel skills without displacing something else as important? there's no opportunity cost to worry about when slotting OSS on what the tier 6 galaxy would have. as long as the intel hybrid is it's tac station, if its it's sci, it would pretty much have to do without ether APB or FAW, or worse, ether ST or HE.
the guardian can effectively slot some offensive sci, but thats not terribly useful on a beam boat,. a LTC tac is always useful, but again a simple beam boat doesn't NEED one like a cannon and or torp included build does. 5 fore weapons, don't mater much on beam array boats, thats a cannon ship advantage. im not too worried about it ending up being the worst tier 6 cruiser or something, its still going to be up on the same performance plateau as the very best, the gap between best and worst will be extremely small, compared to how things were at tier 5.
don't forget, the 3rd ENS is gone, its gonna have 3 built in tac consoles, the things that ruined the ship are no longer present. plus it gains an unprecedented damage booster, so it can FAW like a scimitar wile its active for 20 seconds, every 30 seconds. trust me, this is the good galaxy we have been waiting for.
they would probably release the galaxyX the same way too, judging by the intrepid release, they REALLY love ship packs. unless they did something crazy and gave it a LTC tac, it should probably have that exact same station setup. with its hanger, and its lance. the launch of tier 6 galaxys might be what triggers usability of the saucer sep console on the guardian too.
yeah, OSS is OP, i see what you mean, but having just a lt intel is still a reduction in build possibilitie in my opinion since an intel BO can have both normal and intel skill, so it daesn't hurt to have more, even if you don't use intel power in it in the end.
anyways, i don't have enought experience yet with the sinergie of intel power and classic power ( we also have to take starship trait, specialisation power and specialisation trait into the equation ), so i will not argue on this much more than that.
but there is one thing that remain relatively constant at cryptic, it is that newer ship usually get better than older ship.
and here we are speaking about new tier of ship with a completely new meta game.
it is a fresh new start.
so i really feel it would be wise to not push for a release of a tier6 version yet.
it is not like my opinion will have any impact anyway, i just go around the forum and saw a bunch of thread where people were already pushing for it.
well not just it, for all the other like the constitution ( haha, these guy never give up ), akira, nova and whatever i have forget.
the problem is that cryptic probably DON'T have the intention to release more iconic ship to tier6 level, and all these guy are going to be really disapointed.
i came to realize that cryptic seems to be a masochistic company in the end.
If you're trying to hope for a Galaxy-class to come in with a Commander level Hybrid Station, I don't really think that's going to happen. Matter of fact, my gut feeling is that none of the old hero ships will be Intel style ships like the Qib, Phantom, Scryer.
If there was one hero ship that was going to lead that charge to be a full-fledged hero Intel ship, the Voyager / Intrepid would have been it. But it isn't, it's normal T6. Even then, Cryptic had already said that not necessarily all future T6 ships would even have that minor Hybrid BOFF seating.
For a Re-Revamped Galaxy to even get that Lt Hybrid station is a big deal. But the fact that at T6 it gets 13 BOFF skill slots than 12 is a chance to right a bit of wrongs from the past.
If you're trying to hope for a Galaxy-class to come in with a Commander level Hybrid Station, I don't really think that's going to happen. Matter of fact, my gut feeling is that none of the old hero ships will be Intel style ships like the Qib, Phantom, Scryer.
If there was one hero ship that was going to lead that charge to be a full-fledged hero Intel ship, the Voyager / Intrepid would have been it. But it isn't, it's normal T6. Even then, Cryptic had already said that not necessarily all future T6 ships would even have that minor Hybrid BOFF seating.
For a Re-Revamped Galaxy to even get that Lt Hybrid station is a big deal. But the fact that at T6 it gets 13 BOFF skill slots than 12 is a chance to right a bit of wrongs from the past.
well, first i am not much convinced that they will make a t6 defiant and galaxy, BUT, in the eventuality that this would happen i just wish it to not be an horrible copy and paste of some sort.
like almost the same bo layout, exactly the same stats, just slap an intel hybrid and here we go.
i would love that they "think" the role of the ship for a change.
a commander intel? yeah, the thaught as cross my mind, but i don't have enought anderstanding of intel power yet to known if that a good idea, but it is not neccesarally a commander, could be a lt commander, or 2 lt intel, they are many possibilities.
the "good" thing with intel power is that you can never have too much, in some way, because if that happened you can replaced it with classic power anytime.
the contrary is not true.
Why should a T6 Galaxy have a commander intel station? It's not an intel ship. Seriously, where do the notions come from that the Galaxy needs a commander universal or commander tac or intel?
We have a T6 Intrepid. The T6 Galaxy would have this exact layout, albeit for it's original cruiser configuration, as in Cmdr Eng, LTC Eng, Lt Tac, Lt Sci/Intel, Lt Uni. 5 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Tac consoles (5/3/3 fleet T6, like the current Fleet T5U). A Mastery, a bit more HP. If we are really lucky we get another gimmick console, like the Calypso support craft (though I'd like to see that on the Nebula T6) or something similiar.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
Why should a T6 Galaxy have a commander intel station? It's not an intel ship. Seriously, where do the notions come from that the Galaxy needs a commander universal or commander tac or intel?
We have a T6 Intrepid. The T6 Galaxy would have this exact layout, albeit for it's original cruiser configuration, as in Cmdr Eng, LTC Eng, Lt Tac, Lt Sci/Intel, Lt Uni. 5 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Tac consoles (5/3/3 fleet T6, like the current Fleet T5U). A Mastery, a bit more HP. If we are really lucky we get another gimmick console, like the Calypso support craft (though I'd like to see that on the Nebula T6) or something similiar.
seriously. the defiant and galaxy tier 6 setup is set in stone, after the intrepid. if i had to guess, for the defiant the hybrid will be its sci station, because it was eng for the intrepid, and for the galaxy the intel hybrid will be its LT tac.
if the galaxy ends up with an intel LT sci, that would actually suck majorly, the LT uni would have to be used for sci to fill in the gaps, if the hybrid was tac, you could run OSS2, FAW1, APB1 and TT1, your basic beam boat required skills. oh and the tier 6 will have 3 tac consoles actually, just like the tier5U upgrade. fleet will provide a 5th eng.
i think the only thing that would delay a tier 6 galaxy and defiant is if they build new them new costumes, id take an intrepid like overhaul to the galaxy skin for sure, another awful looking 'refit' they can keep.
seriously. the defiant and galaxy tier 6 setup is set in stone, after the intrepid. if i had to guess, for the defiant the hybrid will be its sci station, because it was eng for the intrepid, and for the galaxy the intel hybrid will be its LT tac.
I'd suspect it'll be the sci since the Intrepid suggests that the hybrid seat will be it's "secondary" trait. The Intrepid is Aci primary and Eng secondary, Tac only tertiary. So I think a Defiant will have a Eng/Intel hybrid as well and that's why I think a Galaxy will have a Sci/Intel one. I might be wrong, but that's what I read in the T6 Intrepid
if the galaxy ends up with an intel LT sci, that would actually suck majorly, the LT uni would have to be used for sci to fill in the gaps, if the hybrid was tac, you could run OSS2, FAW1, APB1 and TT1, your basic beam boat required skills. oh and the tier 6 will have 3 tac consoles actually, just like the tier5U upgrade. fleet will provide a 5th eng.
Maybe, but Cryptic doesn't cater to current metagame like this. Their decision is based on... who knows. You could be right with the 3rd tac console, though. But the Intrepid T6 is 5 Sci, 3 Eng and 2 Tac, that's why I assume the Gal will be 5 Eng, 3 Sci and 2 Tac and the Defiant respectively 5 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci. If they however go for the 3rd tac the Tac(Intel hybrid would actually be a possiblity
i think the only thing that would delay a tier 6 galaxy and defiant is if they build new them new costumes, id take an intrepid like overhaul to the galaxy skin for sure, another awful looking 'refit' they can keep.
I happen to like the "refit" line-up and would have hoped they'd even standardize the NPCs after this, but in general I'm with you. A proper Galaxy exterior would be a wonderful thing and it would hopefully enable the Nebula to 2wear it as well
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
I'd suspect it'll be the sci since the Intrepid suggests that the hybrid seat will be it's "secondary" trait. The Intrepid is Aci primary and Eng secondary, Tac only tertiary. So I think a Defiant will have a Eng/Intel hybrid as well and that's why I think a Galaxy will have a Sci/Intel one. I might be wrong, but that's what I read in the T6 Intrepid
these 3 ships have no secondarys, thats why its not completely obvious. if anything, its more tac leaning, because its fleet version got a 3rd tac console, instead of a 5th sci way back when. the intrepid got a eng hybrid, and since eng is non primary on both the defiant and intrepid, the defiant will get a sci hybrid, and galaxy will get a tac hybrid, there's no other way there wouldn't be a duplication of hybrid type anywhere, the only way it would be symmetrical.
Maybe, but Cryptic doesn't cater to current metagame like this. Their decision is based on... who knows. You could be right with the 3rd tac console, though. But the Intrepid T6 is 5 Sci, 3 Eng and 2 Tac, that's why I assume the Gal will be 5 Eng, 3 Sci and 2 Tac and the Defiant respectively 5 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci. If they however go for the 3rd tac the Tac(Intel hybrid would actually be a possiblity
these tier 6 should get the same console setup that their tier 5U counterparts got, the intrepid got the non fleet tier 5U extra console, the 3rd tac comes from the fleet version, and when we get tier6 fleet versions, we will get those consoles back so a non fleet tier 5U galaxy will have a 4/3/3 setup.
I happen to like the "refit" line-up and would have hoped they'd even standardize the NPCs after this, but in general I'm with you. A proper Galaxy exterior would be a wonderful thing and it would hopefully enable the Nebula to 2wear it as well
thats a thought, doing a ship pack with the tier 6 galaxy and nebula, and maybe dread too, would be sweet if the galaxy could use that sensor net console too, as part of some set bonus. a tier 6 neb would be interesting, wonder how it would be set up, its got a uni LT already, they will probably just turn the ENS sci into an LT.
these 3 ships have no secondarys, thats why its not completely obvious. if anything, its more tac leaning, because its fleet version got a 3rd tac console, instead of a 5th sci way back when. the intrepid got a eng hybrid, and since eng is non primary on both the defiant and intrepid, the defiant will get a sci hybrid, and galaxy will get a tac hybrid, there's no other way there wouldn't be a duplication of hybrid type anywhere, the only way it would be symmetrical.
You are right, I assumed the Fleet Intrepid got a 5th sci (I don't have a Intrepid) just like the Gal and Defiant got their 5th. This way however you are right, it makes more sense that the T6 Galaxy would start with 4/3/3 and gets the 5th in it's fleet version which in turn would make the tac a hybrid
these tier 6 should get the same console setup that their tier 5U counterparts got, the intrepid got the non fleet tier 5U extra console, the 3rd tac comes from the fleet version, and when we get tier6 fleet versions, we will get those consoles back so a non fleet tier 5U galaxy will have a 4/3/3 setup.
See above, it was a mistake on my end
thats a thought, doing a ship pack with the tier 6 galaxy and nebula, and maybe dread too, would be sweet if the galaxy could use that sensor net console too, as part of some set bonus. a tier 6 neb would be interesting, wonder how it would be set up, its got a uni LT already, they will probably just turn the ENS sci into an LT.
I like it and here is where specualtions could run wild. For the Galaxy I'd speculate what we had so far. For a name, I'd think Challenger Exploration Cruiser would sound nice, as the Challenger was the last on-screen Galaxy class and was commanded by Geordi LaForge (even though it was a AGT-esque timeline). The Nebula T6 could go under the name Phoenix Advanced Research Vessel - there are other candidates, though the Phoenix is probably the most prominent Nebula Class we have (Sutherland and Farragut, however, were also possibilities, the Sutherland being commanded by Data for a short time...). Layout wise, a Cmdr Sci, LTC Eng, Lt Tac/Intel, Lt Uni, Lt Sci would be a neat layout, though I'm wondering wether they would go the extra mile and get her another LTC, like Cmdr Sci, LTC Eng, LTC Sci (or uni), Lt Tac/Intel, Ensign Sci (or uni). As a gimmick I really like the idea of the Calypso support craft, following the Aeroshuttle example.
^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
In the episode 200 priority one podcast at around 1:54:00 geko says they want to make an updated fed interior and a galaxy interior. With the updated intrepid interior we got the t6 intrepid, so....t6 galaxy? Just making the ens station a lt universal like they with the intrepid would make the galaxy incredibly more useful in my opinion.
In the episode 200 priority one podcast at around 1:54:00 geko says they want to make an updated fed interior and a galaxy interior. With the updated intrepid interior we got the t6 intrepid, so....t6 galaxy? Just making the ens station a lt universal like they with the intrepid would make the galaxy incredibly more useful in my opinion.
yes, i listen to the podcast too and thaught the same thing.
if gecko want to make it, you can bet that it will be.
and if they do an interior i also don't see it comming without a tier 6 variant.
but i think it is not his top priority and must be tide to the story for this to happened, so i don't see this comming in the next year, maybe for the 4th expansion...
anyway, that still good new, there still hope that we get a decent galaxy after all.
But with all the nerfs to the game and each patch making the game feel, well for me less fun to play who will still be here to fly it if a tier 6 Galaxy became reality
But with all the nerfs to the game and each patch making the game feel, well for me less fun to play who will still be here to fly it if a tier 6 Galaxy became reality
i think they are trying to ruin the game so we all stop playing, they will never have to make a tier 6 galaxy if all the servers are cold.
To be honest, if they threw on the Galaxy's ship model on the Guardian, I would have been very, very happy.
The Guardian's stats epitomizes the well rounded, tough nature of the Galaxy on TNG. It did a lot of things, and the Gaurdian's stats reflect that.
how about give it a
Comm Tac
Lt Com eng
Lt com sci
Lt eng
ens uni, tac, or sci
4 eng consoles. 4 tac, 3 sci "well this is the fleet version" otherwise 4 eng 3 tac 3 sci
then it would just be the guardian basically. it would end up like this, if the intrepid is any indication.
COM eng
LTC eng
LT uni
LT tac
LT sci
ether the tac or sci LT would be intel hybrids, and that new LT uni could be used to replace whichever it is. the damnable 3rd ENS eng is gone, it can use OSS2, or OSS1 and ionic2, it would actually be a damn fine AtB tac cruiser. it would be no eclipse, but BETTER then any tier 5U beam boat tac cruiser.
Commander Tac is an escort/raptors layout. Serously, why do we still get "commander tac galaxy" suggestions?
From this point on I think a T6 Galaxy, Defiant and at least Negh'Var and D'Deridex are a necessity.
For the T6 Galaxy I think I'll just link to an older thread of mine here. At that point, I was still thinking about a LTC sci hybrid and a layout that was inspired by the refits, though Cryptic REALLY doesn't want the T4 refits to have any bearign whatsoever on anything, so yeah.
And for the mastery, I like to point to my reflective tanking trait two pages ago
If the Intrepid is any indication, a T6 Galaxy would probably feature Cdr Eng, LTC Eng, Lt Tac, Lt Sci/Intel, Lt Uni.
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i think you are right, and anyway i don't want them to do a tier 6 galaxy... at least not right now.
because i known how it is going to end.
they release one with just a lt intel, wich would make it better than most t5u.
but who care about tier 5 u now, these ships are borderline obsolete and will be even further with fleet tier6 ship.
so yes a tiers 6 galaxy with just a lt intel will be the least efficient of tier 6 ( a bit like the guardian ).
and in the long term will be completely overshadow by all the new tier6 ship release that will come.
exactly like the intrepid/defiant/galaxy retrofit before.
we are in the tier6 "era" now, so even if the least efficient of the tier6 is better than 95% of the tier5u and thus give you the impression to have a top tier ship, it is going to fade aways very soon.
we are going to post build for this ship in this thread, wich WILL NOT be use by cryptic for this ship, but for whatever other they want to sell, and the history will repeat itself.
so be carrefull what you wish for people!
I'm not so sure about that. Cryptic hates the Galaxy, but that didn't stop them from packing it into a new bundle and reselling it to make a quick buck off us Galaxy fans.
That's largely how I expect the T6 Galaxy to be released. Minor changes along the same vein as the Gal-X, some kind of crappy trait, and bam, brand new T6 Galaxy. I don't think they would touch the old skins because they would justify it by having some new ugly Galaxy variant skin that they made. The only reason the Intrepid got touched up is because it was used for Voyager in the episodes. We just happened to get it on our ships after the fact.
I do expect it to be dead last on the list of rereleased ships. Since they really do hate it lol.
Mine Trap Supporter
thats all any ship can hope for it looks like, an LT intel slot. the only ships that will ever have a COM intel have been released probably. it wouldn't be a junker though, it should lay down beam fire about as well as a scimitar does.
long term will still be a long time from now, it will be quite some time before a tier 6 galaxy feels at all uncompetitive, and it will never be as bad off as the tier 5 was. a tier 6 sovereign wouldn't be much better, like the guardian, but lacking the LTC sci most likely.
hopefully its intel station is its LT tac, then the universal LT can be used for tac, a build like this should beat out all tier 5 beam boats
EPtS1, AtB1, EPtW3, DEM3
ET1, AtD1, RSP2
HE1, ST2
AtD instead of another copy of AtB, because the tier 6 escort trait should be keeping the cooldowns of intel and tac skills at as low as possible with the 1 copy. tac skills are generally why you want a second copy more then anything, feds are op.
it would be slightly behind the guardian, but it probably should be. would still be a great ship, better then we could have ever hoped a galaxy could be in this game, thanks to how awesome OSS is. and you would have the option of doubling up sci LT for a more healer role, it actually would be good at that role now too.
i really hope it is only that and that they are not working on a galaxy and defiant upgrade right now, because now IS the perfect time to get a TRIBBLE up tier 6 galaxy.
delta rising have change the game meta like never before, it an all new game, they was no such change in the 5 years game history.
they have to possibility to release a bad tier 6 galaxy, but since it will have acces to intel power it will look better than many ship out there, so will sell good.
now is the time, because after people will figure out what is needed to make a good tiers 6 ship and will not buy a bad version the eyes closed.
if we want a decent galaxy, and i said decent because i can not picture cryptic making a good version out of it, it will have to wait 1 years MINIMUM.
my 2 cent on it anyway
so you are ok with a new tier 6 galaxy that would get out after the guardian but with slightly lower stats?
i am the only one to feel like a " deja vu" here? like with the tier 5 galaxy retrofit that came out after the star cruiser but happened to be less good.
and at that time already people thaught that it was the best they could have hope for because they was no indication that cryptic would release tier 5 version of the 3 iconic ship.
ho, of course it will be able to compete with good tier 5 ship,just like the tier 5 galaxy was able to compete with most tier 4 ship:rolleyes:.
but this tier is dead.
there is more difference between tier 6 ship and tier 5 ship that there is between tier 5 ship and tier 4 ship.
how many people you see using tier 4 ship today? and you can add the one that doing it for fun, challenge or whatever reasons they could come up with, fact is that there is not many.
how many people do you think will fly tier 5 ship in 1 years....2 years.
and how this slighty less good guardian will fare then against the new tier 6 scimitar clone, avenger, xindi carrier alternative and whatever more OP ship they will release then.
we will find ourselve in the exact same position as we are with the galaxy retrofit that stand at the threshold of tier 5 efficiency without totally touching it.
and we will be the only one responsable with the attitude " it is the best that we could hope for ".
as if the galaxy didn't have the right to be an efficient and desirable ship.
but anyway, as someone said, if they still find people to paid for that there is nothing that we could said!
if no future ships have better then an intel LT, they will all basically be in the same boat. it can run OSS2, that will keep it a totally useable ship practically indefinitely at this point.
its only very slightly behind the guardian, they would have the same console setup, but stations a bit different
COM eng
LTC eng
LT tac*
LT sci
LT uni
COM eng
LTC tac
LTC sci
LT eng*
ENS uni
thats pretty comparable. the galaxy would be a better tank, AtD and RSP are easy to slot, on the guardian all it really has for eng is its COM station, you need the phantom trait or thats a problem. this is another important factor with tier 6 ship layouts, is there enough room to slot important intel skills without displacing something else as important? there's no opportunity cost to worry about when slotting OSS on what the tier 6 galaxy would have. as long as the intel hybrid is it's tac station, if its it's sci, it would pretty much have to do without ether APB or FAW, or worse, ether ST or HE.
the guardian can effectively slot some offensive sci, but thats not terribly useful on a beam boat,. a LTC tac is always useful, but again a simple beam boat doesn't NEED one like a cannon and or torp included build does. 5 fore weapons, don't mater much on beam array boats, thats a cannon ship advantage. im not too worried about it ending up being the worst tier 6 cruiser or something, its still going to be up on the same performance plateau as the very best, the gap between best and worst will be extremely small, compared to how things were at tier 5.
don't forget, the 3rd ENS is gone, its gonna have 3 built in tac consoles, the things that ruined the ship are no longer present. plus it gains an unprecedented damage booster, so it can FAW like a scimitar wile its active for 20 seconds, every 30 seconds. trust me, this is the good galaxy we have been waiting for.
they would probably release the galaxyX the same way too, judging by the intrepid release, they REALLY love ship packs. unless they did something crazy and gave it a LTC tac, it should probably have that exact same station setup. with its hanger, and its lance. the launch of tier 6 galaxys might be what triggers usability of the saucer sep console on the guardian too.
Time to bust out Photoshop and make some new sig banners. :P
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Oh, wouldn't we all love this. I've been bugging the devs for it since forever - an Enterprise-D interior with the classic Enterprise TNG bridge. It's sad how in a game that enables ship interiors, the most developed and recored one, complete with manuals, blueprints is still not in the game. Good money to be made from this.
Do it! DO IT!
But in all honesty, presonally I'd want to hold out on the T6 Galaxy until we get more new flavours of new Boff profiles, so we can get one that suits the ship and the lore better. This whole intel shtick just rubs me the wrong way.
On the other hand, prepare for war if we want to succeed in something like this. We all know the emotion relationship of the "main man" with TNG and this ship. Cryptic is just lol
I was just thinking about the intel abilities. I mean they are named "intel", but what do they actually have to do with intelligence? "Override Subsystem Safeties" and "Surgical Striking" and all that is not really anything I'd associate with intelligence services...
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yeah, OSS is OP, i see what you mean, but having just a lt intel is still a reduction in build possibilitie in my opinion since an intel BO can have both normal and intel skill, so it daesn't hurt to have more, even if you don't use intel power in it in the end.
anyways, i don't have enought experience yet with the sinergie of intel power and classic power ( we also have to take starship trait, specialisation power and specialisation trait into the equation ), so i will not argue on this much more than that.
but there is one thing that remain relatively constant at cryptic, it is that newer ship usually get better than older ship.
and here we are speaking about new tier of ship with a completely new meta game.
it is a fresh new start.
so i really feel it would be wise to not push for a release of a tier6 version yet.
it is not like my opinion will have any impact anyway, i just go around the forum and saw a bunch of thread where people were already pushing for it.
well not just it, for all the other like the constitution ( haha, these guy never give up ), akira, nova and whatever i have forget.
the problem is that cryptic probably DON'T have the intention to release more iconic ship to tier6 level, and all these guy are going to be really disapointed.
i came to realize that cryptic seems to be a masochistic company in the end.
If there was one hero ship that was going to lead that charge to be a full-fledged hero Intel ship, the Voyager / Intrepid would have been it. But it isn't, it's normal T6. Even then, Cryptic had already said that not necessarily all future T6 ships would even have that minor Hybrid BOFF seating.
For a Re-Revamped Galaxy to even get that Lt Hybrid station is a big deal. But the fact that at T6 it gets 13 BOFF skill slots than 12 is a chance to right a bit of wrongs from the past.
well, first i am not much convinced that they will make a t6 defiant and galaxy, BUT, in the eventuality that this would happen i just wish it to not be an horrible copy and paste of some sort.
like almost the same bo layout, exactly the same stats, just slap an intel hybrid and here we go.
i would love that they "think" the role of the ship for a change.
a commander intel? yeah, the thaught as cross my mind, but i don't have enought anderstanding of intel power yet to known if that a good idea, but it is not neccesarally a commander, could be a lt commander, or 2 lt intel, they are many possibilities.
the "good" thing with intel power is that you can never have too much, in some way, because if that happened you can replaced it with classic power anytime.
the contrary is not true.
We have a T6 Intrepid. The T6 Galaxy would have this exact layout, albeit for it's original cruiser configuration, as in Cmdr Eng, LTC Eng, Lt Tac, Lt Sci/Intel, Lt Uni. 5 Eng, 3 Sci, 2 Tac consoles (5/3/3 fleet T6, like the current Fleet T5U). A Mastery, a bit more HP. If we are really lucky we get another gimmick console, like the Calypso support craft (though I'd like to see that on the Nebula T6) or something similiar.
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seriously. the defiant and galaxy tier 6 setup is set in stone, after the intrepid. if i had to guess, for the defiant the hybrid will be its sci station, because it was eng for the intrepid, and for the galaxy the intel hybrid will be its LT tac.
if the galaxy ends up with an intel LT sci, that would actually suck majorly, the LT uni would have to be used for sci to fill in the gaps, if the hybrid was tac, you could run OSS2, FAW1, APB1 and TT1, your basic beam boat required skills. oh and the tier 6 will have 3 tac consoles actually, just like the tier5U upgrade. fleet will provide a 5th eng.
i think the only thing that would delay a tier 6 galaxy and defiant is if they build new them new costumes, id take an intrepid like overhaul to the galaxy skin for sure, another awful looking 'refit' they can keep.
I'd suspect it'll be the sci since the Intrepid suggests that the hybrid seat will be it's "secondary" trait. The Intrepid is Aci primary and Eng secondary, Tac only tertiary. So I think a Defiant will have a Eng/Intel hybrid as well and that's why I think a Galaxy will have a Sci/Intel one. I might be wrong, but that's what I read in the T6 Intrepid
Maybe, but Cryptic doesn't cater to current metagame like this. Their decision is based on... who knows. You could be right with the 3rd tac console, though. But the Intrepid T6 is 5 Sci, 3 Eng and 2 Tac, that's why I assume the Gal will be 5 Eng, 3 Sci and 2 Tac and the Defiant respectively 5 Tac, 3 Eng, 2 Sci. If they however go for the 3rd tac the Tac(Intel hybrid would actually be a possiblity
I happen to like the "refit" line-up and would have hoped they'd even standardize the NPCs after this, but in general I'm with you. A proper Galaxy exterior would be a wonderful thing and it would hopefully enable the Nebula to 2wear it as well
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these 3 ships have no secondarys, thats why its not completely obvious. if anything, its more tac leaning, because its fleet version got a 3rd tac console, instead of a 5th sci way back when. the intrepid got a eng hybrid, and since eng is non primary on both the defiant and intrepid, the defiant will get a sci hybrid, and galaxy will get a tac hybrid, there's no other way there wouldn't be a duplication of hybrid type anywhere, the only way it would be symmetrical.
these tier 6 should get the same console setup that their tier 5U counterparts got, the intrepid got the non fleet tier 5U extra console, the 3rd tac comes from the fleet version, and when we get tier6 fleet versions, we will get those consoles back so a non fleet tier 5U galaxy will have a 4/3/3 setup.
thats a thought, doing a ship pack with the tier 6 galaxy and nebula, and maybe dread too, would be sweet if the galaxy could use that sensor net console too, as part of some set bonus. a tier 6 neb would be interesting, wonder how it would be set up, its got a uni LT already, they will probably just turn the ENS sci into an LT.
You are right, I assumed the Fleet Intrepid got a 5th sci (I don't have a Intrepid) just like the Gal and Defiant got their 5th. This way however you are right, it makes more sense that the T6 Galaxy would start with 4/3/3 and gets the 5th in it's fleet version which in turn would make the tac a hybrid
See above, it was a mistake on my end
I like it and here is where specualtions could run wild. For the Galaxy I'd speculate what we had so far. For a name, I'd think Challenger Exploration Cruiser would sound nice, as the Challenger was the last on-screen Galaxy class and was commanded by Geordi LaForge (even though it was a AGT-esque timeline). The Nebula T6 could go under the name Phoenix Advanced Research Vessel - there are other candidates, though the Phoenix is probably the most prominent Nebula Class we have (Sutherland and Farragut, however, were also possibilities, the Sutherland being commanded by Data for a short time...). Layout wise, a Cmdr Sci, LTC Eng, Lt Tac/Intel, Lt Uni, Lt Sci would be a neat layout, though I'm wondering wether they would go the extra mile and get her another LTC, like Cmdr Sci, LTC Eng, LTC Sci (or uni), Lt Tac/Intel, Ensign Sci (or uni). As a gimmick I really like the idea of the Calypso support craft, following the Aeroshuttle example.
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Funny that Cryptic can't stand the two most successful ships named Enterprise.
at least there is one on wich they provided us with an official response...
In the episode 200 priority one podcast at around 1:54:00 geko says they want to make an updated fed interior and a galaxy interior. With the updated intrepid interior we got the t6 intrepid, so....t6 galaxy? Just making the ens station a lt universal like they with the intrepid would make the galaxy incredibly more useful in my opinion.
yes, i listen to the podcast too and thaught the same thing.
if gecko want to make it, you can bet that it will be.
and if they do an interior i also don't see it comming without a tier 6 variant.
but i think it is not his top priority and must be tide to the story for this to happened, so i don't see this comming in the next year, maybe for the 4th expansion...
anyway, that still good new, there still hope that we get a decent galaxy after all.
i think they are trying to ruin the game so we all stop playing, they will never have to make a tier 6 galaxy if all the servers are cold.