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A Proper Solution to Powercreep



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    jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014
    voporak wrote: »
    HSE isn't difficult, it's just broken and the Borg spam 1-shot abilities. It's a matter of luck and RNG. I like more difficult stuff, but not that kind of difficult.

    Oh, I missed where my last 15 HOE runs, where we missed a combined total of two optionals, and did every single one to completion with 2 or less dealths for each player were matters of luck and RNG, not teamwork and proper ship building.

    voporak wrote: »
    I'd talk about people who aren't able to any of these (let alone multiple times), but I don't feeling like bothering to.
    Also, I completely missed where hitting 20k hps, drawing 300k aggro, or doing 2-3k hps (when I can take 500k aggro and break 2k hps or 20k dps at the same time, and have built a ship that does 4k hps) are impossible. You seem to be lacking a logic base in your reasoning. And also, all of those were on an engineer, in a cruiser. It's not like those are ungodly difficult.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

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    jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014
    I just can't picture it. Unless it's a case of talking padded/overhealing, cause the mobs just don't put anywhere near the kind of DPS for that kind of healing.

    Literally every ISE run I have, I'm doing 2k hps, and that's just under the maximum hps of this ship (and no, I don't have any passive heals). Believe it or not, plasma dots, high-yield torps, shield drains, and other incoming damage stacks up to where it will factually require a noticable amount of healing unless you're flying with a group of all 20k plus people, in which case, you don't need the hps to get in.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

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    voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Oh, I missed where my last 15 HOE runs, where we missed a combined total of two optionals, and did every single one to completion with 2 or less dealths for each player were matters of luck and RNG, not teamwork and proper ship building.

    *sigh* Let me restate it.

    Real difficulty: NPCs using abilities wisely, group targeting, etc.
    HSE "difficulty": One-shot powers, health walls, uber damage weapons.

    So yes it's "difficult," but not the way I was talking about.
    Also, I completely missed where hitting 20k hps, drawing 300k aggro, or doing 2-3k hps (when I can take 500k aggro and break 2k hps or 20k dps at the same time, and have built a ship that does 4k hps) are impossible. You seem to be lacking a logic base in your reasoning. And also, all of those were on an engineer, in a cruiser. It's not like those are ungodly difficult.

    *sigh, again*

    Since you obviously don't get it, I will go through the explanation.

    There are those who don't visit the forums, don't have a fleet (or one where people talk to each other), and are just going through the game. What if they aren't able to do these amounts because they haven't heard of aux2bat or a generally good ship build? I'm not saying that there are tons of these people flying around (probably a relatively small number), but they do exist. Sure, we can forget about this point - when you propose a way to educate those unknowns out there.
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    ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    In general, if you want to restrict higher difficulty, it should be done by gear rating. Of course this game doesn't use such a feature, so there is no "gear score." Which means the stuff will have to be unlocked from the start and you just have to set up teams for it instead of pugging.
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    sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited June 2014
    added the following to the OP:

    Clarification Edit:

    powercreep is already in the game, you cannot take it away without seriously hurting the game and possibly even killing it.

    there are a lot of players in the game who can get high DPS, who are godmode healers, who can tank an entire STF all by themselves; but that kind of performance is really meaningless because of how easy the content is.

    one solution would be to nerf everything that gives players an advantage...

    another solution, like what i am suggesting, would be to increase the difficulty of the content to match the current performance curve of powerhouse players.

    the merit gates are there for new players, veteran players will be able to unlock it very quickly because most of them are already at that level. the point of the merit gates would be to stop fresh level 50s from jumping straight into the most difficult content and getting roflstomped.

    the increased difficulty of PvE will now stop even veteran players from breezing through it. This is the main point of my suggested solution. Players will have to step up their game, work in a team, stratergize and use tactics, and gasp! communicate with others in order to complete the content.

    For example i'm talking about an ISE that is at least as difficult as HOE on the low end, but preferable even twice or 3 times as hard.

    yes it will be possible to game the system and bypass the merit gates, but then the system will bitchslap the bypasser back to noobhood.

    As for the reward types, i was just citing examples. because the risk is being increased, the reward for those risks needs to be worthwhile.
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    jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014
    voporak wrote: »
    *sigh* There are those who don't visit the forums, don't have a fleet (or one where people talk to each other), and are just going through the game. What if they aren't able to do these amounts because they haven't heard of aux2bat or a generally good ship build? I'm not saying that there are tons of these people flying around (probably a relatively small number), but they do exist. Sure, we can forget about this point - when you propose a way to educate those unknowns out there.

    Here's the deal - There is no reason to tone down the difficulty scale of the game because a small amount of people, due to incompetence, lack of skill, lack of knowledge, or lack of effort, can't deal with it. The fact is, if the game is set to where a normal player with a good idea of how to play the game can succeed, and there is still some dividing line to where the great players will excel and are rewarded for their success, then it will be a much better game overall. I used to be poorly informed, and performed poorly as a result, and it made me a better player, and I enjoyed that.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

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    hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    Not sure if serious...

    HOE isn't that hard, unless you're pugging it. A moderately decent build and some player skill will get you through it.

    Besides, what's the point of stepping up the difficulty? More than likely, over time, people will find themselves blasting through it just as we are blasting through elites now, and we'll be back at square one.
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    cody0893cody0893 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014

    Time will prove me right on this everytime ne trys to controll something it effects other aspec of game play...... but if u let it stand actually let power flow and yes event to the noobs every one is equals no loss of ne builds no nerfs win win win all around.....I thought about this for months only way to controll it is let it be...... and yes cryptic needs a open star base it self were we can buy the gear we need with out going threww fleet dififcultie's the gear is in the game newer players dont have access to it...... let the new people have access to the gear let power flow to all then cryptc isnt the bad guy and the player isnt either problem solved more u change more jack it gets...
    POWER CREEP V POWER CREEP...........with combo of new builds from secondary deflectors and yes ship with superior boff lay out and yes more op the ship better..... flat out this why we play for the glory and glitz as we take more and more away we just made it worse.....LETS TRY MY WAY LET THE POWER FLOW ......STOP THE CRAZY NERFING PLEASE GOD
    They killed your Alt's now they want your main
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    cody0893cody0893 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Besides, what's the point of stepping up the difficulty? More than likely, over time, people will find themselves blasting through it just as we are blasting through elites now, and we'll be back at square one.

    THATS MY POINT LET IT FLOW....... turn everything up and let it flow lmao problem solved..... no more power creep then every one would be one win win
    They killed your Alt's now they want your main
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    cody0893cody0893 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    i bet my way is more cost effective and would look cooler in space battle and ground
    They killed your Alt's now they want your main
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    sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited June 2014
    to touch on a couple points people have brought up:

    the damage gate does not have to be based on DPS. an alternative would be damage%/time.
    example: in an ISE run i can do 20% of the damage in a sub 2minute run, 40% in a 4min run, 60% In a 6 min run, etc...

    the examples i provided as rewards are just that, examples. instead of a higher tier of gear, perhaps gear specialized for STFs could be dropped.

    examples for UberISE drops: weapons with a (working) [Borg] proc.
    impulse engines that reduce the effectiveness of borg tractor beams
    shields with better resistances to borg weaponry.

    or the drops can be gem like objects that you can slot into existing gear. something a long the lines of how kits now work. you get a weapon [Borg] proc module that you can slot onto one of you existing weapons.
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    admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I was going to go through point be point but decided not to.

    I am a casual player. From what I have seen of these 20K dps builds it takes a ton of time in game to get the monies (EC, FC, Dil, and Zen) to pull that much DPS off I for one only have a couple of hours per day to play if I get that much. So by putting that gate in Your stopping people who have a life from running the new content. Same goes for the other gates as well.

    Then you want to add all this behind the Accolade system? I think that the Accolade system is just as much a part of the power creep problem as the rep system would have become. There are hundreds of accolades (seems like it anyway) and almost every one of them adds a bonus of some type to your character. If you want to try to fix the power creep do to the accolade system what was done to the Rep system. I say this and I am an accolade hunter.

    As for the mk xiii and mk xiv gear, that's just gonna cause a whole lot of issues with a lot of folks.

    Your idea does have Merit. But I think that making the drastic changes you have listed is going to be a bigger problem on the whole, than the problem you are trying to solve.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
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    sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited June 2014
    I was going to go through point be point but decided not to.

    I am a casual player. From what I have seen of these 20K dps builds it takes a ton of time in game to get the monies (EC, FC, Dil, and Zen) to pull that much DPS off I for one only have a couple of hours per day to play if I get that much. So by putting that gate in Your stopping people who have a life from running the new content. Same goes for the other gates as well.

    Then you want to add all this behind the Accolade system? I think that the Accolade system is just as much a part of the power creep problem as the rep system would have become. There are hundreds of accolades (seems like it anyway) and almost every one of them adds a bonus of some type to your character. If you want to try to fix the power creep do to the accolade system what was done to the Rep system. I say this and I am an accolade hunter.

    As for the mk xiii and mk xiv gear, that's just gonna cause a whole lot of issues with a lot of folks.

    Your idea does have Merit. But I think that making the drastic changes you have listed is going to be a bigger problem on the whole, than the problem you are trying to solve.

    you wont be forced to do the new content. the old content is still available.
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    kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Sigh, ok a couple of things.

    First off this literally does the opposite of solving power creeping. You've just now introduced newer, shiner gear...that's how we got here in the first place. Every other content in the game besides these new STFs will now be even more worthless and less challenging moving forward.

    Secondly, making the normal STFs the current Elite STFs would be way to much of a difficult curve for some, especially those who just reached max level and trying to get their reps up. It's probably fine for most of us, but not to everyone, especially if they're new.

    Thirdly, you know just as well as I do (or you should know by now) how Cryptic makes things more difficult in this game. Give NPC more HP and deliver more damage...that's it, besides maybe giving them spam abilities on occasion. It'd probably just be more frustrating than fun to be honest. If Cryptic was able to find a way to make it a challenge to a point where the NPC had an actual or proper AI besides, see player, shoot and use whatever abilities you have at player, I'd might be in more of support for it.
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
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    jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014

    I am a casual player. From what I have seen of these 20K dps builds it takes a ton of time in game to get the monies (EC, FC, Dil, and Zen) to pull that much DPS off I for one only have a couple of hours per day to play if I get that much. So by putting that gate in Your stopping people who have a life from running the new content. Same goes for the other gates as well.

    The 20k dps may be true, it may not be. However, I'm about to go grab a mirror cruiser, remove all my reputation/exchange traits, outfit it in MK XI common gear and free doffs, go pug an ISE, and come back with proof that it's not hard to draw 300k aggro if you have skill. After that, I'll grab a Mirror Star cruiser on an alt, outfit it with MK XI common gear and no doffs/reputation/exchange traits, and break 3k hps in a Pug ISE. The sum total of the cost of these builds will be less than 500k EC only between the two, not counting the ~500k each for the ship, ahd they will each meet a qualification, because I know how to build ships and fly them halfway decently.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

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    admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I would love to see these builds. Please share them.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
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    sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    edited June 2014
    as an earlier poster stated; there are 3 ways to deal with the powercreep issue.

    1. Leave it as it is. This is a slow death for the game. Already people are getting bored and leaving for new games. others are getting extremely frustrated at the power gap between high performance and low performance players.

    2. Nerf/gimp everything. i.e.: bring player performance down to the level of the content difficulty. This would be a very fast death for the game. if you take away or gimp the stuff players are invested in, they will just leave.

    3. Increase difficulty, this is what i'm suggesting and i believe this to be the correct method. raise the difficulty of the content to match player performance.
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Your stopping people who have a life from running the new content. Same goes for the other gates as well.

    No no no no...it isn't that players that can comprehend have no life. It's that your a bad player that can't be bothered to understand the mechanics.

    The game is casual...20k dps can be done in free gear. The only excuse you could have is that you have no arms...yes, you can do 20k dps with one hand thanks to keybinds.
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

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    ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    I dont believe the devs feel that the current environment is broken per-se. If somebody wants to stack all their offensive abilities and optimize timings, then that is just players leveraging the system as designed. Players doing less damage in the same queue is just everybody having fun together. I am paraphrasing a couple of dev comments there. I dont think they see it as broken.

    I dont believe your proposal would do much except crank the power creep further, separate the players even more, etc.

    I believe the power band should be compressed, not stretched out even further. I believe that Diminishing Returns on all skills/damage/resists are the way forward.
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    dahminusdahminus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Everything should be "fused," not interchangeable weapons. No variance in boff abilities. I believe consoles should be the only thing capable of swapping out.

    That would reign in power creep to the point of making all content difficult and engaging once more...perhaps more cannon. Like how the starship battle channel operates.
    Chive on and prosper, eh?

    My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
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    cody0893cody0893 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    like i side the gates is a take away all the ideal's take away why take ne thing away.....Buttom why take away from players that try to give to ones that dont want to explore the game and all aspecs of it.......... Gates and nerfs all the same i played four years and i think ur just takeing away from players to make weaker gamer feel better........... speciall gates makeing a game more complacated then it is..... i do 20k in dps with out binds............ binds are the not the issue the macro auto cycleing the the bind 24/7 is thou..... everyone talks about pwoer creeep power creep honestly we play a game of power but u guys act like u can marginalize it........ let the power flow and let the skill come back if every one is a power creep we wont have this issue ne more...

    Then we can focus on content and not this dang whiped dog
    They killed your Alt's now they want your main
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    kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    as an earlier poster stated; there are 3 ways to deal with the powercreep issue.

    1. Leave it as it is. This is a slow death for the game. Already people are getting bored and leaving for new games. others are getting extremely frustrated at the power gap between high performance and low performance players.

    2. Nerf/gimp everything. i.e.: bring player performance down to the level of the content difficulty. This would be a very fast death for the game. if you take away or gimp the stuff players are invested in, they will just leave.

    3. Increase difficulty, this is what i'm suggesting and i believe this to be the correct method. raise the difficulty of the content to match player performance.

    Ok, but if your doing #3, you can't do it with your method. Difficultly would have to be increased all across the board through the entire game and not just STFs, and, definitely no rewards for higher end gear than what we have now, really wouldn't solve anything and only put further separation to the players and cause frustration and such.

    No matter what, Cryptic has put themselves in a corner. Do they accommodate the hardcore players, or the more casual players, or new players to get growth?

    To be honest, all three options would need to be looked at. Leave some things, nerf/gimp a few things here and there, and increase difficult at least slightly. Personally, I don't think one path will fix powercreeping, all options need to be considered and looked at.
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
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    spacebaronlinespacebaronline Member Posts: 1,103 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Al Rivera already said that they could create a Super hard difficulty for the STFs - BUT - it would just be increasing all the enemies hitpoints and damage output. He already said that significant modifications to make the NPC's more challenging via abilities and AI would be too much work.
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    jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014
    I would love to see these builds. Please share them.

    First test - the tank: Mirror Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
    8 MK XI Tetryon Beam arrays, 3 MK XI neutroniums, 3 MK XI emitter Arrays, 3 MK XI Tetryon Pulse Generators, MK X standard deflector/engine/shield/warp core. Only devices were 2 aux batteries (100ec) and the subspace field modulator. Only doffs used were the B'Tran technicians. Only traits used were captain/species (Betazoid) traits, no reputation traits.

    Cost (excluding ship):114, 698 EC.

    Parse link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3mqekhr0oq2lp8n/dirt%20cheap%20tank.Log

    TL;DR of parse: DPS, 5.8k. HPS, 1407, incoming damage, 900k, total incoming damage to team, 1900k.

    Boff setup:

    TT1, APB1


    EPTS1, A2B1, ET3, RSP3

    EPTW1, A2B1

    HE1, TSS2, ST3

    Acquiring RSP3 may cost an extra up to 100k on the build, and if you don't know a friendly sci captain for ST3, TSS3 may cost a slight bit more. Point being, there's no way this build costs more than 1 mil ec including the ship.

    Obviously, due to this being a pug and not what I'm used to, total damage in was much higher than normal. However, I still had 3 times the next closest person's incoming damage. Actually, the two people who dealt the highest dps had the lowest incoming damage, furthur supporting the effectiveness of this setup at having tanked.

    Finally, using ACT to break down the incoming damage over time, I held aggro the vast majority of the time, except for short periods of time where people took in spike damage. TL;DR tank was effective.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

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    virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Literally every ISE run I have, I'm doing 2k hps, and that's just under the maximum hps of this ship (and no, I don't have any passive heals). Believe it or not, plasma dots, high-yield torps, shield drains, and other incoming damage stacks up to where it will factually require a noticable amount of healing unless you're flying with a group of all 20k plus people, in which case, you don't need the hps to get in.

    Just a case of looking through those 9 runs I still had the parses for...only one was anywhere near 2k combined HPS (that's everybody's healing). The fastest run was ~1.5ks HPS while the slowest was 1.1k HPS.

    Looking at the DPS from the NPCs in those runs (same order as in the previous post):


    This is the combined HPS from all the players in those runs (same order again):

    1531.259 (nobody died)
    1110.543 (1 guy died twice)
    1106.950 (2 folks died once each)
    1245.115 (I died - I remember it too, was brutal).
    1434.708 (nobody died)
    1667.106 (nobody died)
    2052.862 (2 folks died once each)
    1579.935 (2 folks died once each)
    1044.168 (nobody died)

    Looking at the folks that died from up there...

    The guy that died twice...once was to a 32k Plasma Torp from the Gate that hit for 16k and once was to a 53k Plasma Torp from the Tac Cube that hit for 21k.

    The two folks that died once each. One was my guy that got hit by a 49k Plasma Torp from the Tac Cube for 25k and one was a 17k Plasma Torp from a Nanite that hit for 7k. He'd been getting hammered by a series of them.

    My guy dying - was a 23k Plasma Torp from a Nanite that hit for 9.5k 0.6s after the 17k one from another hit for 6.4k 0.5s after one from another...and yeah...they ran a torp train on poor Mysk there. I remember thinking it was a Cube/Gate thing, but it was just a chain of torps from the Nanite Spheres.

    The next two were both folks that died to PDoT saturation.

    The final two - was one eating a 53k Plasma Torp from the Tac Cube for 25k and wow, heh, one guy eating a 85k HY2 Plasma Torp from a normal Cube for 76k.

    The two that died to PDoTs is kind of confusing...er...but anyway. As for the rest, it's usually a Tac riding GDF that eats a Torp. Mysk's death was a trip - it was an epic death. Yes, I have a twisted appreciation for getting blown up...heh.

    But I'm seriously curious how you're pulling that much HPS when the Borg barely do more than that in DPS...
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    cody0893cody0893 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    yet again the players are board over the content repeating the same thing over and over....... let the power flow and focus on more content other then wasteing time takieng away from customer's but i have invested thousand in support of cryptic but thats not goood is it....... take away the ability to change weapons is nuts.......
    yes a new class of elite is needed but we need more content not nerfs
    They killed your Alt's now they want your main
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    admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    No no no no...it isn't that players that can comprehend have no life. It's that your a bad player that can't be bothered to understand the mechanics.

    The game is casual...20k dps can be done in free gear. The only excuse you could have is that you have no arms...yes, you can do 20k dps with one hand thanks to keybinds.

    You know this thread just lost any interest for me. I never once insulted anyone, and here I am called a bad player?

    some people (myself included) just arent so computer savy that everything is built around a min/max. way of thinking good luck in this thread.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
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    jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2014
    Just a case of looking through those 9 runs I still had the parses for...only one was anywhere near 2k combined HPS (that's everybody's healing). The fastest run was ~1.5ks HPS while the slowest was 1.1k HPS.

    But I'm seriously curious how you're pulling that much HPS when the Borg barely do more than that in DPS...

    Here's how: First of all, I'm flying in a glorious threat-grabbing machine (not the one I posted above). As a result, the dps is highly concentrated on me, which makes a few things more noticable, including the borg shield drains and plasma dots. Secondly, my preference is not to avoid death, but to keep people at full because things like 30k high yield torps happen, and a ship at 70% may not survive them, but a ship at 100% has a better chance. Thirdly, a lot of that healing is shield healing, which also decreases the available incoming damage to them. Long story short, high healing to an effective tank, keeping people near full, as opposed to alive, and having lots of available heals (ET3 on global with biotech patch and 200 hull repair, A2SIF3 with the same and 100 aux, and ST2 with 150 emitter arrays on global, in addition to being an engineer).
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

    Tacs are overrated.

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    cody0893cody0893 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    to me sorry ne more nerf or gates or more complication would killthe game faster then slow death.... but if every one builds came back slowie and some new builds came out with new content i think that would qail this issue....... like i siad ihaved play sto allways to have very cool abil and to customize my weapons and all aspec of my build.......more complicated the game have less players u have this is the truth...... stop nerfing stop takeing away from long time customer seriously at one point they have to get the doffs they have to get the gear... when they do u guys want to nerf em then why grind for the gear....... see this thread is a example of why u cant stop the power creep if u do u would kill sto........ or they would done did it bye now.............let every one power creep let it flow....... truthfullie when these people cant figure out how to fly a very simple elite. thats sad they are crawling before they can walk and sorry if u maxed ur toon it shoud be a walk in the park lol.... thats point acumulateing the power or why play

    takeing away only leads to more takeing away........everything is connected........power creep v power creep is our hope.......sorry if we focus on the real issues like content and pvp revamp i think number would raise no one is quiting over power creeps they are quiting cuz they are board with content...... they lied over pvp revamp for last 4 seasons.... then they nerfall rep effectivly makeing no point in the game....... no to answer this u talk of more gates and nerfs and more of less of nothing lmao........stop takeing away from player if every one is a power creep then no one is problem solved no exp programmers needed to fix just focus on content
    They killed your Alt's now they want your main
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    cody0893cody0893 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    My ideal for the power creep issue is make every one a power creep.... seriouslyy make delmer easyier to get make all aspec of building easier and flat out a cryptic own fleet that is permenant open were new players with fleet cred can buy the gear they need to survive and fly threw the elites.......... yes totally open spire embassy and mine... Then every one can max out ther dps for there class........
    then if u adress content i.e super elite maps and new fresh content more missions less grind and yes keep there promise and revamp pvp and the older fed ships.......cryptic wants its customers back common sense is needed not loss of power they now what to do. Takeing more away or makeing it more complicated isnt it.
    They killed your Alt's now they want your main
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